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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Bible traduite en français contemporain : forme, signification et sens

Bladh, Elisabeth January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation analyses seven modern Bible translations in French with respect to their renderings of Koine Greek participles. The sample consists of the Passion Story from the four Gospels (Matt 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24 and John 18-21), and is comprised of 603 Hellenistic participles in all. The participle forms are studied in six categories according to their syntactic function. The comparison focuses on differences in translation strategy, i.e. formal equivalence, omission and different kinds of transpositions, with special attention given to the choice of verb form. There is a discussion of the adequacy of contemporary, explicative theories of systemic differences between the passé simple/passé composé and the imparfait. A large number of examples are analysed in detail. The results of the survey show that the most prominent differences in translation strategies concern the predicative participle. Furthermore, this was the category that occurred most frequently in the sample. The Catholic scientific and literary translation La Bible de Jérusalem (1998) is the most literal of the seven versions. A high level of formal equivalence is also registered in the other scientific translation, La Traduction Œcuménique de la Bible (1988), even though application of this strategy outweighs the use of finite verbs, that is to say, the most common transposition. La Bible en français courant (1996) is the least literal: generally, it transposes the participle of the source text with a finite verb. This transposition is also very frequent in the literary La Bible de la Pléiade (1971). Most of the omissions are recorded in the recent literary La Bible, Nouvelle traduction (2001), which is shown to be the most divergent translation. Omissions are also frequent in the pastoral La Bible des moines de Maredsous (1968) and the liturgical La Traduction liturgique de la Bible (1977). When translated in conjunction with an element comprising a verb in one of the non-indicative moods (infinitive, imperative, participle and subjunctive), both the present and the aorist predicative participles are, to a large extent, rendered by a simple form, expressing non-accomplishment. However, the Bible de Jérusalem stands out with its greater use of compound present participles than any other version. When the predicative participle of the source text is transposed with a verb in the indicative mood, the passé simple is generally used to render the aorist; for the present participle, the imparfait is more frequent than the passé simple. Nevertheless, here too the passé simple accounts for a significant portion of the equivalents, especially in the two translations where transpositions formed by finite verbs are particularly important. There exist a few cases where some translators chose to use the passé simple/passé compose, while others chose the imparfait. The various details, tables and linguistic analyses in this dissertation provide a solid basis for accurately characterizing the various modern attempts made at reproduce this ancient text – a text so often translated, paraphrased, interpreted and deeply integrated in our cultural heritage.

Estudios sobre la lengua de los hechos apócrifos de Pedro y Pablo

Artés Hernández, José Antonio 21 October 1994 (has links)
Nuestro propósito es analizar los Acta Pauli et Petri apocrypha en lengua griega desde los puntos de vista gramatical y léxico. Dividimos nuestro estudio en dos partes principales: la primera está dedicada a la fonética, la morfología, la sintaxis, el orden de palabras y el estilo y la segunda al léxico. También realizamos una comparación de los escritos mencionados con otros no literarios (papiros, inscripciones, ...) o literarios, así como con algunos más correspondientes a niveles de lengua distintos, relativamente contemporáneos o que se pueden incluir en una tradición común (Nuevo Testamento, novelas griegas, etc.). / Our aim is to analyse the Greek Acta Pauli et Petri apocrypha from a grammatical and lexical point of view. We divide our study in two main parts: the first one devoted to phonetics, morphology, syntax, word order and stylistics, the second one dealing with lexical uses. We also compare the texts mentioned above to non-literary (papyri, inscriptions, ...) or literary works, as well as to different stages of language, relatively contemporary or included in a common tradition (New Testament, Greek novels, etc.).

Preaching Paul after Auschwitz a Christian liberation theology of the Jewish people /

Hall, Sidney G., January 1988 (has links)
Project (D. Min.)--Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, 1988. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [265]-275).

Jesus förkunnelse om Guds rike enligt Lukasevangeliet : En analys av Luk 11:1-4, 11:14-23, 17:20-21, 22:28-30

Hedin, Gunilla January 2015 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur Jesus förkunnelse om Guds rike kan förstås utifrån Lukasevangeliet. Att närstudera ett enda evangelium, och dessutom inte hela evangeliet utan bara fyra perikoper i det, innebär en mycket tydlig avgränsning. Värdet i att försöka förstå vad Jesus säger utifrån denna enskilda sammanhängande källa är att den kan ha ett större djup än en bild som sätts ihop av ett godtyckligt antal fragment från olika källor. I Lukasevangeliet nämner Jesus ordet rike med syftning på Guds rike över 20 gånger fördelat på 18 episoder. Med metoden diskursanalys har jag delat in dessa ställen i tre kategorier som jag kallar diskurs A, B och C. Diskurs A handlar om att Guds rike har högsta prioritet, men beskriver inte riket. Diskurs B beskriver på olika sätt hur Guds rike är. Diskurs C omtalar Guds rike som ett löfte. De fyra perikoper jag analyserar i detalj representerar på olika sätt de diskurser jag identifierat i evangeliet som helhet. Luk 11:1-4 hör till diskurs A, Luk 11:14-23 och Luk 17:20-21 till diskurs B, och Luk 22:24-30 till diskurs C. Traditionen att författaren till dubbelverket Lukasevangeliet och Apostlagärningarna är just Lukas går tillbaka till mitten av 100-talet. Verket utmärks av universalism och en viss syn på rikedom och fattigdom som antagligen kom från författarens församling i Antiochia. Där predikades evangeliet för icke-judar, och där fanns engagemanget i de fattiga och behövande. Det var viktigt att inte fastna i det världsliga livet och lockas att samla rikedomar. Lärjungaskapet skulle vara helhjärtat. När Jesus talar om Guds rike i Lukasevangeliet kan det låta som om det handlar om ett territorium. Men begreppet Guds rike, i grundtexten ἡ βασιλείατοῦΘεοῦ, betyder snarare Guds herravälde. Det är inte ett område eller en plats, utan ett tillstånd som är bestämt av att Gud regerar. Samtidigt är det omöjligt att härska i ingenstans, så det finns ändå ett underförstått territorium i begreppet. Det fanns en dubbelhet i uppfattningen om Guds rike på Jesus tid som innebar att det både var en aktuell tillämplig föreställning på världens aktuella situation och en eskatologisk föreställning. Genom en detaljexegetisk analys av grundtexten för varje perikop har jag nått fram till slutsatser om texternas teologiska budskap om Guds rike. Analysen av Luk 11:1-4 visar att Herrens bön innehåller en indirekt beskrivning av Guds rike som ett idealtillstånd. Gud förutsätts ha makten att få riket till stånd, men människornas vilja och aktivitet spelar också roll. Perikopen Luk 11:14-20 visar att Guds rike är där Gud verkar. Det kan vara här och nu. Gud verkar i Jesus när han befriar en man från en stum demon. Men han verkar inte bara i Jesus utan i alla som gör gott. I perikopen Luk 17:20-21 ställs frågan när Guds rike ska komma, och Jesus svarar på ett sätt som får det att verka inom räckhåll redan i nuet. I Jesus löfte till lärjungarna om jämlik gemenskap med honom själv i sitt eget rike i Luk 22:28-30 jämställer han sig själv med Gud. Han lovar en framtid i härlighet för dem som är honom trogna. Ett försök till syntes av de teologiska budskap som analysen av varje perikop lett fram till är att Guds rike enligt Lukasevangeliet verkar syfta på det alltigenom godas seger över det onda. Begreppet mister dock inte sin mångtydighet och gåtfullhet för det. Det analyserna främst bidrar till är att belysa grundtextens möjliga betydelser, som med nödvändighet begränsas i varje översättning. / In this thesis I have examined how Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom of God can be understood from the Gospel of Luke. A close examination of a single gospel, and moreover not the whole gospel but only four pericopes in it, narrows the scope considerably. The value in trying to understand what Jesus is saying based on this single coherent source is that it can have a greater depth than the picture put together by any number of fragments from different sources. In Luke's Gospel Jesus mentions the word kingdom as referring to the Kingdom of God over 20 times, in a total of 18 episodes. With the method of discourse analysis, I have divided these occurrences into three categories which I call the discourse of A, B and C. Discourse A is about the kingdom of God having the highest priority, but there is no description of the kingdom. Discourse B describes the kingdom of God in some way. Discourse C mentions the kingdom of God as a promise. The four pericopes I analyze in detail, in different ways represent the discourses I have identified in the gospel as a whole. Lk 11:1-4 belong to discourse A, Lk 11:14-23 and Lk 17:20-21 to discourse B, and Lk 22:24-30 to discourse C. The tradition that the author of the double work of Luke-Acts is precisely Luke, goes back to the mid 100's. The work is characterized by universalism and a certain vision of wealth and poverty that probably came from the author's congregation in Antioch. There the gospel to non-Jews was preached, and there was commitment in the poor and needy. It was important not to get caught up in the worldly life and be tempted to accumulate wealth. Discipleship should be wholehearted. When Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God in the Gospel of Luke, it may sound as if it is about a territory. But the concept of the kingdom of God, in the original text ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ Θεοῦ means rather God's dominion. It is not an area or a place, but a state that is determined by God's reign. At the same time, it is impossible to rule ”nowhere”, so there is still a territory implicit in the concept. There was a duality in the perception of the kingdom of God in Jesus' time, which meant that it was both a way of conceiving the world's current situation and an eschatological concept. Through a detailed exegetical analysis of the basic text for each pericope I have reached conclusions on the theological message of the kingdom of God in the texts. The analysis of Lk 11:1-4 shows that the Lord's Prayer contains an indirect description of God's kingdom as an ideal state. God is assumed to have the power to bring the kingdom into being, but the human will and activity also plays a role. Pericope Lk 11:14-20 shows that God's kingdom is where God is at work. It can be here and now. God works through Jesus when he frees a man from a dumb demon. But he doesn't only work through Jesus but through all who do good. In pericope Lk 17:20-21 the question of when the kingdom of God will come is asked, and Jesus responds in a way that makes the kingdom seem within reach already in the present. In Jesus' promise to the disciples of equal fellowship with him in his own kingdom in Lk 22:28-30, he equates himself with God. He promises a future of glory for those who are faithful to him. An attempt at a synthesis of the theological messages that the analyses of the four pericopes led to, is that the kingdom of God according to the Gospel of Luke seems to refer to the victory of the perfect good over evil. The concept of the kingdom remains ambiguous and mysterious. What the analyses contribute to is mainly highlighting the possible meanings of the received text, which are inevitably limited in each translation.

Fakta eller förvirring : en granskning av ett par omdiskuterade avsnitt i 1 Korintierbrevet och kommentarer till dessa

Ödman, Bengt January 2010 (has links)
I 1 Korintierbrevet finns två ofta diskuterade avsnitt som med speciellt fokus på kvinnorna talar om ordningen vid kristna sammankomster: 11:2-16 och 14:34-36. Denna uppsats gör en analys av dessa texter och deras behandling i den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Hur ska man förhålla sig till att kompetenta forskare kommer till rakt motsatta slutsatser? Är det fel i argumentationen, i premisserna, eller saknar vi helt enkelt tillräcklig kunskap? Går det att skilja på vad som är omstritt av exegetiska respektive teologiska skäl? Slutsatsen är att bland tre typer av argumentation som förekommer i litteraturen, som jag kallar den värderande, den datainsamlande respektive den konstruktiva, har forskningen en olycklig slagsida mot den första typen. Alltför mycket har skrivits utan att tillföra något av varken fakta eller ideer - man refererar bara till tidigare forskning och väger olika uppfattningar mot varandra. Om man refererar till andra författares tidigare arbeten utan att gå in på argumenten blir forskningen svår att bedöma efter att nya data tillkommit. Alltför ofta är kriteriet dessutom hur väl en teori stämmer med på förhand given teologi, snarare än en värdering av argumentens stöd i fakta. / In 1 Corinthians we find two much discussed passages which, focusing especially on the women, speak of order at the Christian gatherings: 11:2-16 and 14:34-36. This paper analyses these passages and their treatment in the scholarly literature. How should one relate to the fact that competent scholars reach diametrically opposed conclusions? Is there error in the argumentation, the premises, or do we simply lack sufficient knowledge? Is it possible to distinguish between what is contested for exegetical and for theological reasons? The conclusion is that among three types of argumentation in the literature, which I call value judgments, information gathering, and construction, there is an unfortunate imbalance towards the first type. Too much has been written that adds neither facts nor ideas - there is only references to earlier research and weighing of points of view against each other. If there is only references to other scholars' works and no engagement with the arguments, it is difficult for others to reassess the results after new data has appeared. Too often, also, the conclusions are based on a pre-conceived theology, rather than a weighing of the factual support of the arguments.

« Et ils prophétiseront » : la prophétie de Jl 3,1-5 reprise en Ac 2, 17-21 : clé d'interprétation du phénomène pentecostal

Martin, David 01 1900 (has links)
Cette présente recherche vise à défendre le point de vue selon lequel le don de l’Esprit dans le récit de la Pentecôte (Ac 2, 1-13) s’interprète principalement comme l’investissement d’une puissance habilitant au témoignage. À cette fin, nous posons l’hypothèse que le contenu d’Ac 2, 17-21 est un axe fondamental de la théologie pneumatique de l’œuvre lucanienne, lequel interprète la manifestation pentecostale dans une perspective prophétique. La démonstration se fait par le biais d’une analyse rédactionnelle d’Ac 2, 17-21, une citation de Jl 3,1-5 insérée dans un discours explicatif de Pierre du phénomène pentecostal. Nous examinons d’abord le lieu d’inscription de ce passage dans l’œuvre lucanienne afin d’évaluer la valeur stratégique de son emplacement (chapitre 1). Nous étudions ensuite l’interprétation que fait Luc de cette prophétie pour en venir à la conclusion qu’il envisage l’intervention de l’Esprit essentiellement dans une perspective d’habilitation à la prophétie (chapitre 2). Nous vérifions cette première conclusion dans l’Évangile de Luc (chapitre 3); puis ensuite dans les Actes des Apôtres (chapitre 4). Nous en arrivons ainsi à établir un parallélisme entre les étapes initiatiques du ministère de Jésus dans le troisième évangile et celui des disciples dans les Actes, pour y découvrir que, dans les deux cas, l’effusion de l’Esprit habilite à l’activité prophétique. Le ministère des disciples s’inscrit de la sorte dans le prolongement de celui du Maître. Nous soutenons, en fait, que tout le discours pneumatique de l’Évangile de Luc converge vers l’effusion initiale de l’Esprit sur les disciples dans le récit pentecostal, d’une part, et que cette effusion jette un éclairage sur l’ensemble de l’œuvre missionnaire des Actes, d’autre part. Bref, le passage explicatif du phénomène pentecostal, en l’occurrence Ac 2, 17-21, met en lumière un axe central des perspectives de Luc sur l’Esprit : Il s’agit de l’Esprit de prophétie. Dans cette optique, l’effusion de l’Esprit à la Pentecôte s’interpréterait essentiellement comme l’investissement du croyant d’une puissance en vue du témoignage. / This present research argues that the gift of the Spirit in the Pentecost account (Ac 2.1-13) is to be understood as a source of empowerment for the task of witnessing. The thesis that I defend is that the passage of Ac 2.17-21 is in fact a fundamental axis of the pneumatic theology of Luke’s work, which in turn interprets the pentecostal gift as a prophetic endowment. I will demonstrate this affirmation by performing a redactional analysis of Ac 2.17-21, which is, in fact, a citation from Jl 3.1-5 quoted in Peter’s pentecostal speech whose purpose is to interpret the pneumatic phenomenon of Ac 2.1-13. I start by examining the specific position of Ac 2.17-21 in order to assess the strategic value of its location (chapter 1). I will then carefully look at how Luke interprets this prophecy, only to conclude that he understands the work of the Spirit mainly as a source of empowerment for a prophetic task (chapter 2). I will verify this conclusion throughout the Gospel of Luke (chapter 3), and then in the Acts of the Apostles (chapter 4). This exercise will bring to light an important parallel between the circumstances surrounding the inauguration of Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel of Luke and that of the disciples in Acts, which shows that, in both cases, the Spirit is given as a source of power for a prophetic ministry. The disciples’ ministry is therefore to be understood to lie in the continuity of the one of the Master. Consequently, we will see that all of the pneumatic discourse of Luke’s Gospel converges towards the initial outpouring of the Spirit on the disciples in the Pentecost account, and that this same passage subsequently sheds light on the missionary work in Acts. In short, the interpretative passage of the pentecostal phenomenon, Ac 2.17-21, brings to light a fundamental axis of Luke’s perspectives on the Sprit; It is the prophetic Spirit. The gift of Spirit at Pentecost is then in turn to be understood primarily as a prophetic endowment enabling the disciples to witness.

Hugh Broughton (1549-1612) : scholarship, controversy and the English Bible

Macfarlane, Kirsten January 2017 (has links)
This thesis provides a revisionist account of the relationship between Latin biblical criticism, vernacular religious culture and Reformed doctrines of scriptural authority in the early modern period. It achieves this by studying episodes from the career of the English Hebraist Hugh Broughton (1549-1612). Current orthodoxy holds that Broughton's devotion to the tenets of Reformed scripturalism distinguished him from contemporary biblical humanists, whose more flexible attitudes to the Bible enabled them to produce cutting-edge scholarship. In challenging this consensus, this thesis focusses on three areas. The first is chronology. Recent work has presented chronology as divided between technical, philological practitioners, who drew from astronomy and humanism alike in their efforts to date the past, and scripturalists, who relied on the Bible alone. Using the chronological controversy between Broughton and the Oxonian John Rainolds, this thesis complicates this picture by arguing that both approaches to the discipline were equally derived from humanistic traditions, and that confessional, rather than intellectual or methodological, factors informed the most important decisions chronologers made. The second area is biblical criticism. There is still a broad assumption that Reformed beliefs about scripture were incompatible with the most advanced biblical scholarship. This thesis questions such assumptions by reconstructing Broughton's research into the Hebraic contexts of the New Testament. By demonstrating that it was possible to produce innovative and influential work without challenging and indeed, while endorsing the principles of Reformed scripturalism, this thesis disputes current teleological presumptions about the development of modern, historical biblical criticism. The third is the history of lay reading. Both chronology and biblical criticism have often been viewed as specialised pursuits, studied only by a Latin-reading elite and irrelevant to lay people. For Broughton and his followers, however, biblical scholarship and lay piety were inseparable. The thesis demonstrates this by piecing together Broughton's radical plans for a new English Bible, including his work with John Speed on biblical genealogy, and his revisions of the Geneva New Testament. Using numerous neglected manuscript sources, it gives an account of the sixteenth-century biblical translation that foregrounds the unexpected ways in which groundbreaking neo-Latin, continental biblical scholarship expanded scholars' concepts of what vernacular translation could achieve.

Kvinnan som tvättar Jesus fötter : En feministisk närläsning av Luk 7:36-50

Blomgren, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Bibeln är skrivet med ett androcentriskt synsätt. Den är skriven av män, om män och för män. Detta leder till att kvinnorna i biblen är beskrivna utifrån ett manligt perspektiv. I denna uppsats undersöks hur kvinnorna i Lukasevangeliet porträtteras samt hur kvinnobilden som framträder gestaltas i kvinnan som tvättar Jesus fötter i Luk 7:36-50. Detta görs utifrån ett feministiskt synsätt och med en kritiskt granskning av hur detta har uttryckts i tolkningen av perikopen i och med att kvinnan tolkas som prostituerad, trots att detta inte nämns i texten. uppsatsen undersöker frågorna "Hur ser kvinnobilden ut i Lukasevangeliet och hur gestaltas detta i Luk 7:36-50?" samt "Varför har kvinnan i Luk 7:36-50 tolkats som prostituerad?"

They came to him from every corner : a new testament model for rural church planting with reference to Jesus' ministry

Sako, Mosima Moses 30 November 2005 (has links)
The study explores the hypothesis that the New Testament contains a model of church planting that could assist in rural church planting. After reflecting on the ministry of Jesus as portrayed by Mark, the study continues to unpack the Base Christian Community model that emanates from the Brazilian context, before it proceeds to outline the socio-economic background of first-century Palestine. In the main chapter the text, namely Mark 1:35-45, is reflected on against the socio-economic background and through the grid of the Ecclesial Base Community (CEB) model. Having done the above the study concludes that people gravitate towards an individual (as seen in the case of Jesus) who promises an alternative to their experienced reality. This begins a community, which, for the purposes of this study, is the church. Thus, the pattern of developments that led to the emergence of the church after the Crucifixion provides us with a church-planting model. / New Testament / Thesis (M.Th.)

O batismo do coração no vaso do conhecimento; uma análise do Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a

David Pessoa de Lira 21 March 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A presente pesquisa do Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a trata de um objeto da História do Mundo Contemporâneo do Novo Testamento, da História das Antigas Religiões Mediterrâneas e da História da Filosofia. Sendo assim, objetiva-se analisar a concepção de βαπτίζω [baptizō] em Ὁ Κρατήρ (Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a), levando em consideração sua intertextualidade e sua correlação histórico-religiosa. Especificamente, analisa-se a concepção de βαπτίζω neste texto, com o intuito de examinar sua correlação com o hino da Aparição Onírica de Háthor (Estela Wien 8390) e sua intertextualidade, por meio da Alegoria da Cratera, com Timaeus 41D, De somniis II. 183, 190, 249, e Provérbios 9.1-6 (LXX). Em particular, esta pesquisa demonstra que o Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a descreve um banquete ou um simpósio (symposium). Ademais, ao cotejar frases em que ocorrem os verbos ϰεράννυμι e μίγνυμι em relação ao ϰρατήρ, percebe-se que a acepção do verbo βαπτίζω, na frase βάπτισον σεαυτὴν ἡ δυναμένη εἰς τοῦτον τὸν ϰρατῆρα (do Corpus Hermeticum IV.4a), significa misturar. Por último, a presente pesquisa afirma que o verbo βαπτίζω, nessa frase, com sentido de misturar, tem influência egípcia e correspondência com a palavra jʻj e a palavras tḫ e suas derivações. / The current inquiry into the Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a deals with an object of the History of the Contemporary World of the New Testament, the History of the Ancient Mediterranean Religions and the History of Philosophy. As such, it aims to analyze the conception of βαπτίζω [baptizo] in Ὁ Κρατήρ (Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a), taking into account its intertextuality and its religious-historical correlation. Specifically, the conception of βαπτίζω is analyzed in this text, with the intention of examining its correlation with the hymn of the Dreamlike Apparition of Hathor (Stela Wien 8390) and its intertextuality, through the Allegory of the Crater, with Timaeus 41D, De Somniis II. 183, 190, 249, and Proverbs 9.1-6 (LXX). In particular, this inquiry demonstrates that the Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a describes a banquet or symposium. Moreover, comparing sentences in which the verbs ϰεράννυμι and μίγνυμι take place in connection with ϰρατήρ, one perceives that the sense of the verb βαπτίζω, in the sentence βάπτισον σεαυτὴν ἡ δυναμένη εἰς τοῦτον τὸν ϰρατῆρα (of the Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a), means to mix. Finally, the present inquiry asserts that the verb βαπτίζω, in this sentence, with the sense of mixing, has Egyptian influence and correspondence with the word jʻj and the word tḫ and its derivations.

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