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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The "New" Charrette: Stakeholder Perceptions Of An Alternate Approach

Avery, Odie Joe 17 August 2013 (has links)
Landscape architects, many of whom practice the design principles of the New Urbanism, have become increasingly involved with the participatory planning process. A key principle of New Urbanism, the participatory planning process is incorporated in an attempt to ensure that any new development - or alteration of an existing development - meets the needs of the community for which the design is created. This study examines data gathered from a web-based survey addressing the alternate, stakeholderess charrette approach. It was distributed to participants of charrettes facilitated by the Mississippi Main Street Association and is an attempt to understand the perceptions of those actively involved in the process. The purpose of this study was to examine this alternate approach to charrette facilitation and identify trends associated within. The analysis of stakeholder perceptions may prove beneficial in identifying trends that threaten charrette efficiency while highlighting trends worthy of replication in future charrettes.

Community Participation And Travel Choice: An Analysis Of Central Florida New Urban And Conventional Suburban Residents

Mikovsky, Laura P 01 January 2012 (has links)
Previous research has demonstrated a relationship between the built environment and social and transportation outcomes when comparing traditional and conventional suburban neighborhoods, but much remains to be learned about whether New Urbanism can produce similar results. Among studies where new urban neighborhoods have been assessed, most have centered on regions with highly-utilized public transit systems and with climates that are amenable to utilitarian physical activity. This research sought to build on the existing research base through direct comparison of new urban and conventional suburban neighborhoods in central Florida, a region with an under-developed transit system and a climate that renders utilitarian physical activity impractical. Further, this research sought to lend greater insights into neighborhood selection factors across neighborhood types. A mixed-methods, single-case design was utilized to evaluate one new urban and one conventional suburban neighborhood in the central Florida region. Regional new urban neighborhoods were subjectively rated for adherence to tenets of the Charter of the New Urbanism, with the neighborhood (Celebration, in Osceola County, FL) found to most closely adhere to these tenets selected as the experimental group for the study. A socio-demographically comparable conventional suburban neighborhood (Sweetwater, in Seminole County, FL) was selected as the control group. Quantitative methods consisted of a household survey issued to 250 randomly- and convenience-sampled addresses in each neighborhood, followed by regression analysis to evaluate study hypotheses. Qualitative methods employed analysis of open-ended survey responses, detailed case studies of selected neighborhoods, and resident interviews. The household survey yielded net response rates of 15.79 percent and 25.50 percent iv for experimental and control neighborhoods, respectively, and a mean cross-neighborhood response rate of 20.64 percent. Twenty resident interviews (10 per neighborhood) were conducted. Quantitative and qualitative findings were compared to collectively address research questions. Regression results indicated no statistically significant difference between neighborhoods in attitudinal and behavioral components of community participation, in vehicle miles driven per week, or utilitarian physical activity frequency. However, results indicated that new urban residents had more positive attitudes toward utilitarian physical activity than conventional suburban residents and that attitudes toward community participation and utilitarian physical activity were positively correlated with associated behaviors. Qualitative findings provided substantial individual- and environmental-level insights to factors impacting evaluated attitudes and behaviors, and supported some quantitative findings while not aligning with others. Neighborhood selection factors were found to be quite different across neighborhoods: Celebration residents identified neighborhood social atmosphere and connection to the Walt Disney Company brand as top contributors to their selection decision, while Sweetwater residents expressed that access to quality schools was the most important factor in their selection decision. Qualitative findings indicated that car culture and climate within the central Florida region diminished both attitudinal and behavioral components of utilitarian physical activity across neighborhood types. This research expanded the understanding of the social and transportation outcomes of New Urbanism, particularly with respect to the central Florida region. While case and quantitative limitations may have impeded the ability of this study to draw decisive conclusions v about research questions, distinctive themes regarding social and transportation outcomes were identified. Findings of this research supported those of some prior studies while contradicting others, indicating that further exploration is needed to establish a firm understanding of the capabilities of new urban development to achieve desired outcomes, and of regional characteristics that may influence these outcomes.

Form-based codes och design codes i en svensk planeringskontext : En komparativ studie mellan länder / Form-based codes and design codes in a Swedish planning context : A cross-national comparative study

Mårtensson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
System för planering och bebyggelsekontroll måste hantera många utmaningar. Svårigheterna och den påverkan dessa system har på den fysiska miljön gör ämnet ständigt aktuellt att undersöka och försöka utveckla. Examensarbetet gör detta genom att jämföra systemet i Sverige med det i andra länder. Mer specifikt studeras form-based codes som förespråkas av Nyurbanismen i USA och design codes i England. I en svensk kontext kan dessa codes jämföras med detaljplanens planbestämmelser och riktlinjer i kvalitets- och gestaltningsprogram. I och med propositionen ”Politik för gestaltad Livsmiljö” som antogs i maj 2018 uppmuntras kommuner ta fram en arkitekturpolitik på lokal nivå. Dessa dokument utgör också ett intressant verktyg i sammanhanget. Examensarbetets frågeställning lyder därför: Hur kan koncept och verktyg från form-based codes i USA och design codes i England utveckla svenska kommuners arkitekturpolicyer, kvalitetsprogram och detaljplaner? I en mindre utsträckning har förutom systemen i USA och England även Frankrike och det typo-morfologiska förhållningsättet till zonering inkluderats. Examensarbetet startade med en litteraturstudie och åtföljdes av ett antal fallstudier som innefattade innehållsanalyser av arkitekturpolicyer, kvalitetsprogram och detaljplaner. De policyer som valdes ut för analys bedömdes ha mest gemensamt med arbetssätt inom form-based codes och design codes. Dessa var Örebros och Linköpings policyer samt Avesta, Fagerstas och Norbergs gemensamma policy. Från de två förstnämnda kommunerna analyserades även detaljplaner. Utöver detta inkluderades detaljplanerna och kvalitetsprogrammen för Henriksdalshamnen och Kolkajen i Stockholm. Innehållsanalysen av planer och program utgick från ett antal kategorier. Resultatet från fallstudierna jämfördes sedan med litteraturstudien. Parallellt genomfördes även en intervju med en praktiserande planarkitekt som innan intervjun fick läsa en begränsad mängd material om form-based codes. Resultat och analys från jämförelsen och intervjun låg sedan till grund för utformningen av ett antal rekommendationer. Litteraturstudien behandlade användningen av codes genom historien, utvecklingen och definitioner av form-based codes och design codes, samt hur dessa är organiserade. Vidare innefattade litteraturstudien kritik som riktats mot dessa och kopplingen till urbanmorfologi i relation till det franska typo-morfologiska förhållningsättet till zonering. Slutligen behandlades även utformnings och gestaltningsfrågor kopplat till bebyggelsereglering i den svenska planprocessen. Jämförelsen mellan innehållsanalysen av de utvalda fallen och litteraturstudien visade på skillnader och likheter mellan vad som behandlas och hur detta görs inom form-based codes och design codes respektive planer och program i Sverige. Resultatet från analysen av arkitekturpolicyerna visade på likheter med form-based codes och design codes som kunde förstärkas. I detta avseende utmärkte sig framför allt Örebros arkitekturstrategi som i likhet med praktiken inom form-based codes och design codes delade in staden i olika områdestyper. De två kvalitetsprogram som analyserades skiljde sig åt i karaktären vilket kopplades samman med processen för framtagandet av dessa. I jämförelse visade sig programmet för Kolkajen ha mer gemensamt med form-based codes och design codes än det för Henriksdalshamnen. Intervjun belyste perspektiv på innehållet i planer och program, kontexten som planer och program tas fram i och verkar, samt synpunkter på form-based codes.De rekommendationer som togs fram utgjordes av 19 aspekter som på ett övergripande plan kan behandlas för olika områdestyper i en arkitekturpolicy i likhet med Örebros arkitekturstrategi. Därutöver utvecklades en tabell med rekommendationer för vad som kan behandlas i detaljplaner och kvalitetsprogram beroende på planområdets läge i staden. Tanken är att dessa ska ha en direkt anknytning till områdestyperna i policyn då kopplingen mellan områdestyper och regleringar eller riktlinjer är direkt inom form-based codes och design codes. Genom att dessa preciseras i detaljplanerna skulle kopplingen vara mer flexibel än den är inom form-based codes. Detta skulle kunna innebära ett sätt för kommuner att agera proaktivt i stället för reaktivt till enskilda exploateringsförslag. Slutligen visade även litteraturstudien fördelar med att tillämpa enkla, principiella illustrationer vilket kan göras i en större utsträckning i såväl policyer, program och detaljplaner. / Planning and development control systems must deal with many challenges. The difficulties and the impact these systems have on the physical environment make the subject constantly relevant to study and try to develop. The thesis does this by comparing the system in Sweden with that in other countries, more specifically form-based codes advocated by New Urbanism in the US and design codes in England. In a Swedish context, these codes can be compared with the building control regulations in detailed plans and guidelines in quality and design programs. With the adoption of the Government bill "Politik för gestaltad livsmiljö" in May 2018, municipalities are encouraged to develop an architectural policy at the local level. These documents are also an interesting tool in this context. The thesis’ question therefore reads: How can concepts and tools from form-based codes in the US and design codes in England develop Swedish municipalities’ architecture policies, quality programs and detailed plans? To a lesser extent, in addition to the systems in the US and England, France and the typo-morphological approach to zoning have also been included. The degree project started with a literature study and was accompanied by a few case studies that included content analysis of architectural policies, quality programs and detailed plans. The policies selected for analysis were judged to have the most in common with approaches to regulations within form-based codes and design codes. These were Örebro's and Linköping's policies and Avesta, Fagersta and Norberg’s joint policy. Detailed plans were also analysed from the first two municipalities. In addition to this, the detailed plans and quality programs for Henriksdalshamnen and Kolkajen in Stockholm were included. The content analysis of plans and programs was based on a few categories. The results from the case studies were then compared with the literature study. In parallel, an interview was also conducted with a practicing planning architect who before the interview read a limited amount of material about form-based codes. Results and analysis from the comparison and the interview then formed the basis for the formulation of recommendations.The literature study dealt with the use of codes throughout the history, the development and definitions of form-based codes and design codes, as well as how these are organized. Furthermore, the literature study included criticism of these and the connection to urban morphology in relation to the French typo-morphological approach to zoning. Finally, design issues linked to building regulation were also dealt with in the Swedish planning process. The comparison between the content analysis of the selected cases and the literature study showed differences and similarities between what is treated and how this is done within form-based and design codes and plans and programs in Sweden. The results from the analysis of the architecture policies showed similarities with form-based codes and design codes that could be strengthened. In this respect, Örebro’s architectural strategy especially distinguished, which, like the practice in form-based codes and design codes, divided the city into different area types. The two quality programs that were analysed differed in nature, which was linked to the process in which they were designed. In comparison, the program for Kolkajen turned out to have more in common with form-based codes and design codes than the program for Henriksdalshamnen. The interview shed light on perspectives on the content of plans and programs, the context in which plans, and programs are produced and operate as well as views on form-based codes. The recommendations developed consisted of 19 aspects. These can be dealt with at an overall level for different area types in an architecture policy like Örebro’s architecture strategy. In addition, a table was developed with recommendations for what can be dealt with in detailed plans and quality programs depending on the location of the area in the city. The idea is that these should have a direct connection to the area types in the policy like form-based codes and design codes, but a more flexible one as the area type should be more precisely defined in the detail plan. This could offer a way for municipalities to act proactively instead of reactively to individual development proposals. Finally, the literature study also showed the advantages of applying simple, principled illustrations, which can be done to a greater extent in policies, programs, and detailed plans in Sweden.


MITCHELL, KENDRA NICOLE 02 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

How Plan Implementation Fails: Examining the role of Experience, Expectations, and Externalities

Kenitzer, Zachary Edward 03 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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