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Há diferença? Se há diferença, desmancha-se... Representação da sociedade fluminense na série de crônicas Gazeta de Holanda, de Machado de Assis / Is there a difference? If there is a difference, dissolve it... Representation of the fluminense society in the series of chronicles Gazeta de Holanda, by Machado de AssisCorrêa, Gabriel de Oliveira Ribeiro do Valle 26 March 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é a análise e a interpretação da série de crônicas Gazeta de Holanda, escritas por Machado de Assis e publicadas entre 1º de Novembro de 1886 e 24 de fevereiro de 1888, em um dos jornais de maior tiragem do Rio de Janeiro na época, a Gazeta de Notícias. Para a abordagem, consideramos a articulação entre dois elementos bastante visitados pelo tradição crítica brasileira: a produção de crônicas em grande volume e variedade pelo escritor brasileiro mais estimado de seu tempo; e a crônica como um gênero literário relativamente novo, se comparado aos demais já reconhecidos pela tradição, o que faz dele algo generalizadamente menos estimado, mas, certamente, bastante popularizado e praticado pelos principais autores brasileiros. Além disso, priorizamos o campo de comunicação em que esses textos foram elaborados, principalmente, para não descartarmos a priori dados potencialmente significativos para interpretação dos textos. No caso de Machado de Assis, mesmo que em muitas das crônicas analisadas não haja referência direta a fatos e acontecimentos publicados nos jornais da época, podemos afirmar que a estrutura significativa de seus textos está em diálogo direto com a potencialidade do campo comunicacional em que está inserido. Assim, discorreremos nesta pesquisa sobre: o gênero dentro de seu contexto social, fundamentando a ideia generalizada na crítica brasileira que o associa a algo como gênero nacional; e a análise formal da Gazeta de Holanda, sugerindo o rendimento literário dos textos, enquanto unidades autônomas e enquanto conjunto de textos seriados; e, por fim, apontando sua significativa pertinência dentro da produção do cronista. / The objective of this research is the analysis and interpretation of the chronicles Gazeta de Holanda, written by Machado de Assis and published between 1st November 1886 and February 24, 1888, in the newspaper of largest circulation in Rio de Janeiro at the time, Gazeta de Notícias. For this purpose, we have considered the relation between two elements frequently cited by the brazilian literary criticism tradition: the chronicle gender was produced in large quantity and variety by the most esteemed Brazilian writers; besides, the brazilian chronicle was a literary genre relatively new, if compared with others already recognized by the tradition, which has transformed it in something less estimated, but certainly yet very popular and practiced by the major of the brazilian authors. In addition, we prioritized the social context in which these texts were produced, mainly, to do not ignore a priori information potentially significant for the interpretation of the texts. In the case of Machado de Assis, even that in many of the chronicles analyzed there is no direct reference to facts and events published in the newspapers of the time, we must say that the significant structure of their texts is in direct dialogue with the capability of the context in which it is inserted. Thus, we will discuss in this research: the genre within its social context, trying to understand the general idea that the brazilian critics linked the chronicles with something like a \"national genre\"; the formal analysis of the Gazeta de Holanda, suggesting the literary relevance of these texts, as isolated units and as set of texts; and, finally, pointing its significant relevance within the chronicler production.
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Caminho da piedade, caminhos de devoção: as irmandades de pretos no Vale do Paraíba Paulista - século XIX / Path of piety, devotion paths: the brotherhoods of blacks in Vale do Paraíba - São Paulo, nineteenth centuryRibeiro, Fabia Barbosa 23 June 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo empreender um estudo sobre as irmandades de pretos constituídas na região do Vale do Paraíba paulista durante o século XIX. Analisálas no contexto da escravidão em uma região de característica predominantemente rural e com forte presença escrava. Avaliar o seu alcance social no que tange aos irmãos cativos, a sua importância na construção de sociabilidades e estratégias de sobrevivência, propiciando aos pretos espaços de luta, resistência e integração com a sociedade mais ampla. Delinear as suas características próprias, distintas ou não daquelas existentes nas irmandades presentes nas áreas ditas urbanas. / This paper aims to undertake a study of the black brotherhoods formed in the Vale do Paraíba during the nineteenth century. Analyze them in the context of slavery in a region of predominantly rural character and strong presence slave. Assess their social impact in relation to others captives, their importance in the development of sociability and survival strategies, allowing the black spaces of struggle, resistance and integration with the wider society. Outline its own characteristics, different or not present in the kindred of those existing in urban areas said.
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Formação do pensamento econômico brasileiro no século XIX / Configuration of the Brazilian Economic Thought in the nineteenth centuryCosentino, Daniel do Val 23 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a formação do Pensamento Econômico Brasileiro no século XIX. Um de seus objetivos é argumentar a favor da possibilidade da existência de pensamentos econômicos nacionais em detrimento da visão que entende a teoria econômica como universal. Além disso, sustentamos a ideia de que é possível, no caso do Brasil, abordar a questão a partir do século XIX, ao contrário de grande parte dos estudos sobre Pensamento Econômico Brasileiro, que concentram suas abordagens no século XX e na problemática da superação do subdesenvolvimento. Assim, discutimos a formação das ideias, do Brasil e suas interpretações, relacionando-as ao Pensamento Econômico Brasileiro e suas possibilidades de abordagem. Procuramos discutir teórica e metodologicamente a questão da universalidade e da nacionalidade na teoria econômica, negando a primeira e afirmando a segunda, propondo que faz sentido, além de ser fundamental, considerar a teoria econômica e seu pensamento a partir das especificidades de cada nação. Disso deriva o Pensamento Econômico Brasileiro, resultado de análises e, muitas vezes, de adaptações e da difusão de teorias produzidas em outros contextos, a partir de nossas particularidades e condição periférica, o que lhe confere originalidade e importância. A partir disso, argumentamos que ser factível abordar o tema tendo como referência o século XIX. O que nos leva a organizar, articular e sistematizar o que chamamos de Pensamento Econômico Brasileiro no século XIX, tendo como referências as análises e discussões do pensamento de José da Silva Lisboa, o Visconde de Cairu, o Ensino de Economia Política no Brasil durante o século XIX e o debate monetário entre papelistas e metalistas, enfatizando as ideias de Rodrigues Torres, Souza Franco e Mauá. / This work analizes the configuration of the Brazilian Economic Thought in the nineteenth century. One of its aims is to argue that the existence of national economic thoughts is possible, instead of the point of view that comprehends Economic Theory as universal. Besides, we sustain the idea that the Brazilian Economic Thought can be approached considering its history in the nineteenth century, unlike a great amount of published material on the matter. Such material has as focus the approach on the twentieth century and the overwhelming underdevelopment issue. Thus, we discuss the conception of ideas originated in Brazil and their interpretations, linking them to the Brazilian Economic Thought and its possibilities of approach. It is intended, here, to discuss the universality and nationality of the Economic Theory, in a theoretical and methodological way. The aim is to deny the first and affirm the second one, proposing as reasonable and essential to consider Economic Theory and its thought regarding the specifities of every nation. The Brazilian Economic Thought flows from such idea and it is the result of analysis and, for many times, the adjustments and diffusion of theories produced in other contexts, concerning our particularities and peripheral conditions, are the elements that give originality and importance to it. Taking this into consideration, we argue that the approach whose focus is the nineteenth century is achievable. This concept leads us to the organization, articulation and sistematization of what we call Brazilian Economic Though during the nineteenth century, based on references such as exerpts of thoughts and discussions from José da Silva Lisboa, the Viscount of Cairu, Political Economy teachings in Brazil, during the nineteenth century and the currency debate between papelistas and metalistas, emphasizing the ideas by Rodrigues Torres, Souza franco and Mauá.
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Memória e história no teatro de D. João da Câmara \" O beijo do infante\" e \"Triste viuvinha / Memory and history in the theater of D. João da Câmara \"O beijo do infante\" and \"Triste Viuvinha\"Bedeschi, Aurea Luiza 25 April 2011 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, serão levantados na peça histórica O beijo do Infante alguns fatos relacionados às Grandes Navegações, a partir da memória de um velho marinheiro que enaltece os feitos de D. Henrique. O luto das famílias que ficaram em terra, as opiniões contrárias aos empreendimentos marítimos são analisados nas falas dos outros personagens e aproximados da crítica anti-expansionista, presente no episódio do Velho do Restelo. Na segunda peça, Triste viuvinha, serão levantadas as diversas leituras acerca da sociedade portuguesa, no final do século XIX. Essas considerações tomaram sentido a partir da análise das peças em conjunto com o suporte da história de Portugal, com os estudos da memória, da saudade e do saudosismo. Dessa forma, tem-se como objetivo interpretar as atribuições que o dramaturgo pretendeu enviar à comunidade quando leram ou assistiram as encenações / This dissertation studies some facts related to the Great Navigations, from the memory of an old sailor who praises the accomplishments of D. Henry, in the historic part of O beijo do Infante. The mourning of the families which stay ashore, opinions contrary to maritime enterprises are seen in the lines of the others characters.The second part deals with Triste viuvinha and studies various readings of the Portuguese society in the late nineteenth century. These considerations have taken place from the analysis of the pieces, along with the support of Portugal\'s history, of the studies of memory, longing and nostalgia. The objective has been to interpret the tasks which the playwright intended to convey to the community, when they read or watched the performances of these plays.
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A musa de espartilho: o erotismo na poesia parnasiana brasileira / The muse wearing a corset: the eroticism in Brazilian Parnassian poetryEmmanuel Santiago 10 August 2016 (has links)
As últimas décadas do século XIX foram marcadas por grandes transformações na sociedade brasileira. Além do fim da escravidão e da instauração do regime republicano, assistiu-se a um significativo crescimento das cidades, o que impactou o estilo de vida das classes instruídas e os valores herdados do sistema patriarcal. Em A musa de espartilho, o erotismo na poesia parnasiana brasileira é investigado em suas possíveis relações com seu contexto histórico-social, levando-se em conta as continuidades e descontinuidades com a sensibilidade romântica. Quatro poetas são estudados: Raimundo Correia, Alberto de Oliveira, Francisca Júlia e Luiz Delfino. / The last decades of the nineteenth century were marked by major changes in Brazilian society. In addition to the end of slavery and the establishment of the Republican regime, there has been a significant growth of cities, which impacted the lifestyle of the educated classes and the inherited values from the patriarchal system. In A musa de espartilho (The muse wearing a corset), the eroticism in Brazilian Parnassian poetry is investigated in its possible relations to its historical and social contexts, taking into account the continuities and discontinuities with the romantic sensitivity. Four poets are studied: Raimundo Correia, Alberto de Oliveira, Francisca Julia and Luiz Delfino.
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Memória e história no teatro de D. João da Câmara \" O beijo do infante\" e \"Triste viuvinha / Memory and history in the theater of D. João da Câmara \"O beijo do infante\" and \"Triste Viuvinha\"Aurea Luiza Bedeschi 25 April 2011 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, serão levantados na peça histórica O beijo do Infante alguns fatos relacionados às Grandes Navegações, a partir da memória de um velho marinheiro que enaltece os feitos de D. Henrique. O luto das famílias que ficaram em terra, as opiniões contrárias aos empreendimentos marítimos são analisados nas falas dos outros personagens e aproximados da crítica anti-expansionista, presente no episódio do Velho do Restelo. Na segunda peça, Triste viuvinha, serão levantadas as diversas leituras acerca da sociedade portuguesa, no final do século XIX. Essas considerações tomaram sentido a partir da análise das peças em conjunto com o suporte da história de Portugal, com os estudos da memória, da saudade e do saudosismo. Dessa forma, tem-se como objetivo interpretar as atribuições que o dramaturgo pretendeu enviar à comunidade quando leram ou assistiram as encenações / This dissertation studies some facts related to the Great Navigations, from the memory of an old sailor who praises the accomplishments of D. Henry, in the historic part of O beijo do Infante. The mourning of the families which stay ashore, opinions contrary to maritime enterprises are seen in the lines of the others characters.The second part deals with Triste viuvinha and studies various readings of the Portuguese society in the late nineteenth century. These considerations have taken place from the analysis of the pieces, along with the support of Portugal\'s history, of the studies of memory, longing and nostalgia. The objective has been to interpret the tasks which the playwright intended to convey to the community, when they read or watched the performances of these plays.
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Espaços negros na cidade pós-abolição: São Carlos, estudo de caso / Black spaces on the post abolition city: São Carlos, case studyNatalia Alexandre Costa 15 May 2015 (has links)
Trata do processo de configuração dos núcleos de fixação urbana de ex-escravos, tendo como estudo de caso a cidade de São Carlos, do interior paulista, a partir de três bairros surgidos contemporaneamente à Abolição, com grande presença negra: Vila Isabel, Vila Nery e Vila Pureza. A historiografia sobre os escravos no período pós-abolição do Brasil vem se tornando cada vez menos rara, no entanto ainda é nebulosa a influência exercida pela herança cultural dos ex-escravos no ambiente da cidade por eles ocupado, considerando aspectos materiais e imateriais. O presente trabalho trata da relação entre os bairros e o espaço em que eles se inseriram, bem como as relações espaciais entre as habitações e outros equipamentos dentro dos próprios núcleos. Analisa, ainda, as moradias, notando a ocupação do lote, a distribuição interna dos ambientes, o uso e representação de cada espaço e as transformações ocorridas ao longo do tempo. Por fim, visa contribuir para ampliar a historiografia do negro em nosso país, a partir de uma perspectiva que o considera ativo e atuante no processo de construção das cidades após abolição. / This configuration process of urban fixing neighborhoods of former slaves, taking as a case study the city of São Carlos, in São Paulo State, from three districts emerged contemporaneously with the abolition of slavery, with large black presence: Vila Isabel, Vila Nery and Vila Pureza. The historiography of the slaves in the post-abolition period in Brazil is becoming less and less rare, however it is still cloudy the influence of the cultural heritage of the former slaves in the city environment they occupy, considering material and immaterial aspects. This paper deals with the relationship between the neighborhoods and the space in which they were inserted, and the spatial relationships between housing and other equipment inside the neighborhoods themselves. It also analyzes the Vilas, noting the lot occupation, the internal distribution of environments, the use and representation of each space and the changes occurring over time. Finally, it aims to contribute to enlarge the historiography of black people in our country, from a perspective that considers them active in the construction process of the cities after abolition (1888).
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Edição de documentos oitocentistas e estudo da variedade lingüística em Santana do Parnaíba / Edition of oitocentistas documents and study about linguistic variety in Santana de ParnaíbaMota, Camila 18 December 2007 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo - dando ênfase aos aspectos históricos e culturais do município de Santana de Parnaíba e considerando o fenômeno do alçamento vocálico - colocar em discussão a formação e a expansão da variedade lingüística chamada \"dialeto caipira\" em São Paulo. Para tanto, este estudo compreende as edições fac - similar e semidiplomática justalinear de documentos manuscritos, acompanhadas de uma sucinta análise codicológica e paleográfica, e gravações realizadas com falantes naturais da região. / The present research aims - giving some emphasis to the historical and social aspects of the town Santana de Parnaíba and considering the vocalic elevation phenomenon - to put in discussion the linguistic variety formation and expansion called \"peasant dialect\" in São Paulo. In order to do that, this research comprises the fac - similar and semidiplomatic juxtaposed editions of handwritten documents, accompanied by concise paleontologic and codecologic comments, and interviews with natural speakers of the region.
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Tecnologia siderúrgica no Brasil do século XIX: conhecimento e técnica na aurora de um país (o caso da Fábrica de Ferro de São João do Ipanema) / Metallurgical technology in the nineteenth century Brazil: knowledge and technique in the dawn of a country (the case of Fábrica de Ferro de São João do Ipanema)Faciaben, Marcos Eduardo 22 June 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por pretensão estudar e analisar a transferência e a constituição de tecnologia no Brasil nas duas primeiras décadas do século XIX, para isso foi escolhido o caso da siderurgia e sua implementação no, então, território Luso-americano. Para tal fim a escolha foi a da Fábrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema, aonde foi introduzida em maior escala de investimentos de tempo e capital. Para o sucesso da empreitada tida como muitos impossível de se concretizar no cenário tropical do Brasil foram mobilizados cientistas, técnicos, nacionais e estrangeiros, os quais contribuíram com a criação, manutenção e desenvolvimento de uma fábrica capaz de suprir ao império de Portugal com armas e equipamentos diversos de ferro, necessários ao desenvolvimento econômico. A hipótese a ser testada é que Ipanema fazia parte de um projeto maior do Império Português de modernização, por meio do conhecimento científico e da aplicação tecnológica de ponta, advindas do Iluminismo e das formas de governança ilustradas e ao estilo de desenvolvimento inglês que demonstrava os sucessos da industrialização. Porém este se fazia com uma série de elementos complicadores, advindos da própria estrutura social, econômica e política de Portugal e do Brasil, sua colônia em rápido processo de transformação. / This work has the intention to study and analyze the creation and transfer of technology in Brazil in the first two decades of the nineteenth century, it was chosen for the case of iron work and its implementation in the Luso-American\'s territory. The choice of this work are the Fábrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema, where was introduced on a larger scale investment of time and capital. For the success of these efforts many regarded as impossible to achieve in the tropical setting of Brazil, were mobilized scientists, technicians, domestic and foreign, which contributed to the creation, maintenance and development of a plant capable of supplying the empire with guns and miscellaneous equipment of iron, necessary for economic development of Portugal. The hypothesis to be tested is that Ipanema was part of a larger project of modernization of the Portuguese Empire, through the application of scientific knowledge and technology, stemming from the Enlightenment and forms of governance and illustration, and in the english style that showed the development successes of industrialization. But this was done with a number of complicating elements, resulting from the social structure, economic and policy of Portugal and Brazil, its colony in a process of rapid transformation.
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Folklore and the Construction of National Identity in Nineteenth Century Russian LiteratureAguilar, Jessika January 2015 (has links)
In 1834, Belinsky melodramatically proclaimed, “We have no literature”. He was far from alone; similar sentiments are echoed in numerous critical essays and articles of the 1820s and 30s. These dire assessments of the state of Russian literature reflect the urgent concern the question of national identity had become to intellectuals of the period in the first few decades of the nineteenth century. In the wake of its victory in the Napoleonic War, Russia had won considerable military and political power in Europe. Culturally, however, there was a palpable sense of insecurity vis-a-vis Western Europe. Critics and writers bemoaned the derivative nature of Russian literature, calling for the creation of a national literature that would reflect the unique essence of the Russian national character. The means by which a sense of Russianness or “narodnost’” could be created in literature would become a central concern and topic of debate for writers and critics of the first four decades of the nineteenth century.
Folklore was thought to be one way of producing the desired narodnost’. Based on German Romantic theories of nationalism, particularly those of Herder, it was argued that the “folk poetry” of the simple people retained a pure form of the national spirit untainted by foreign influence. It was to this folk poetry that many writers turned in their attempts to create a national literature. There were attempts to create works that imitated folk ballads, songs, and fairy tales as well as incorporating folkloric elements in larger literary works. This period also saw the early efforts to collect authentic examples of folklore from among the people - Pushkin ranks among these early collectors as well as Kireevsky.
The practice of introducing elements of folklore into high literature was more complicated, however, than the theory would have one believe. Rather than being the unadulterated voice of the Russian nation taken directly from the people, the “folklore” that appeared in literary texts during this period was more often than not an amalgamation of many influences from both high and low literature and both foreign and native sources. Indeed, it would probably be more productive to think of the folkloric elements of literary texts in this period as being more representations of folklore than as “authentic” folklore.
In this dissertation I will examine how writers, through the figure of their various narrators, interact with the folk material of their narratives. My analysis will focus on Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol and Vladimir Dal. My emphasis will be on analyzing how narrators situate themselves in relation to the folk elements of the text and how their attitudes dramatize the various issues and problems that arise from the gentry writer’s encounter with the cultural other represented by the folk. In my exploration of folklore in Pushkin’s works, I trace the development of his relationship with folklore from one of the earliest of his works, Ruslan and Liudmila, through the middle years of his career, represented by Eugene Onegin, where he makes his most explicit statement about Russian national identity. I conclude with a consideration of his fairytales, which were written towards the end of his artistic career. Through these works, I trace the shift of Pushkin’s narrator’s stance from a position of relative distance from the folkloric elements of his narrative toward a greater sense of identification with his folkloric material. The chapter on Gogol is devoted to the first volume of his Evenings on a Farm Near Dikan’ka. My focus will be on how the figure of the author is splintered and diluted as editor Rudy Panko presents the reader with stories he heard from storytellers in his village, who in turn, heard their stories from still other storytellers, leading to series of nested storytellers. I will also examine how these various storytellers display an array of attitudes toward their folk narratives and how these relationships are enacted in the text. My final chapter is devoted to Vladimir Dahl and his First Five collection of folk tales. I will consider the significance of Dahl’s ideas about the centrality of the language of the common Russian people for the construction of a national identity and how these ideas found expression in his folk tales. As with the other chapters, my focus will be on the figure of the narrator and how his attitudes toward the folkloric elements of his tales form an image of Russian national identity. I hope to show through these explorations how the writer’s engagement with folklore contributed to the image of the Russia and the construction of Russian national identity in nineteenth century literature.
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