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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Borges, le poète, ou le miroir universel du monde / Borges, the poet, or the universal mirror of the world

Spychiger, Delphine Aimée 06 June 2014 (has links)
L’étude que nous avons consacrée à la Antología poética 1923-1977 permet de mettre en lumière l’art poétique de Jorge Luis Borges ainsi que d’observer attentivement la dimension spéculaire et la portée universelle de sa poésie. Elle condense, reflète, et nous fait appréhender l’essence du monde dans toute la gamme de ses infinies richesses ainsi que de ses insondables mystères qui hantent la réflexion métaphysique de l’humanité depuis des temps immémoriaux. Nous dégageons, tout particulièrement, nombre de convergences des plus frappantes entre les principaux thèmes borgésiens et les thèses majeures du philosophe Arthur Schopenhauer. Borges emploie, à l’évidence, tout son génie, tout son art de la perplexité et de l’ironie, à façonner subtilement un miroir poétique de la pensée de ce grand maître qu’il vénère tant. Nous constatons, en effet, que la poésie borgésienne, non seulement nous fait prendre conscience de notre perpétuelle et irrémédiable condamnation aux illusions et aux représentations, mais encore tente de relever le défi du dépassement des illusions, d’un accès à un au-delà de la représentation. Sous de multiples aspects kaléidoscopiques de l’Autre (un sablier, un jardin, une bibliothèque, un château, un rêve, la pensée humaine, l’individu, l’écriture, le temps…), c’est en réalité toujours le mythe de l’Eternel Retour du Labyrinthe qui revient sous sa plume. Comment ce mythe ― à la fois personnel et impersonnel ― que Borges a patiemment forgé, tout au long de sa vie, a-t-il pu connaître une remarquable diffusion planétaire et le conduire à être couronné par la gloire de son vivant ? Telle est l’ultime question à laquelle nous tâchons de répondre au terme de notre réflexion. / The study that we dedicated to the Antología Poética 1923-1977 allows to bring out the poetical art of Jorge Luis Borges as well as to observe in a careful way the speculiar dimension and the universal scope of his poetry. It condenses, reflects and enables us to apprehend the essence of the world in the whole range of infinite riches, as well as the unfathomable mysteries which have haunted the metaphysical reflexion of humanity from time immemorial. We bring out, in particular, a fair number of the most striking convergences between the main themes of Borges the poet and the major thesis of Arthur Schopenhauer the philosopher. It is obvious that Borges uses all his genius, all his art of perplexity and irony to shape, in a subtle way, a poetical mirror of the thinking of this great master that he venerates so much. Not only do we notice that the poetry of Borges enables us to be aware of our perpetual and irreparable condemnation to illusions and representations, but it also tries to take up the challenge of surpassing the illusions, of an access to the beyond of representation. Under numerous kaleidoscopic aspects of the Other (a sandglass, a garden, a library, a castle, a dream, the human thought, the individual, writing, time…), in fact it is always the myth of the Eternal Return of the Labyrinth which comes back under his pen. How can this myth – both personal and impersonal – (patiently forged by Borges all along his life) have met such a remarkable worldwide diffusion and have led him to be crowned by glory in his lifetime? This is the final question we will try to carry through.

Les Technologies de L’Information et des Communications (TIC), le capital humain, les changements organisationnels et la performance des PME manufacturières / The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), human capital, organizational change and performance of manufacturing SMEs

Kossaï, Mohamed 26 February 2013 (has links)
Les TIC sont un facteur clé de performance dans les pays développés. Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’adoption des TIC et leur impact sur la performance des PME manufacturières d’un pays en développement. A la suite d’une première partie qui présente le cadre théorique et conceptuel, le reste de la thèse est organisé en trois études empiriques. La première étude propose une modélisation Probit afin d’identifier les déterminants d’adoption des TIC. Le capital humain est la variable explicative la plus significative. Se basant sur la régression linéaire à variables muettes, la causalité de Granger, le test de Kruskal-Wallis et le test de l’ANOVA de Welch, suivis des tests post-hoc correspondants, la deuxième étude met en évidence l’existence d’un fort lien statistique significatif entre le niveau d’adoption des TIC et la rentabilité. Dans une troisième étude, plusieurs modélisations Probit (simple, ordonné et multivarié) ont été testées sur différentes mesures de performance. Nous montrons, premièrement, que les TIC ont un impact positif sur la productivité, la rentabilité et la compétitivité. Deuxièmement, les TIC, le capital humain et la formation sont les déterminants de la performance globale. Enfin, la contribution des TIC à la performance globale est forte lorsqu’elles sont combinées au capital humain qualifié. En définitive, nos résultats empiriques ont montré un effet positif des TIC, du capital humain et du changement organisationnel sur la performance des PME. / ICT is a key performance factor in developed countries. This PhD thesis focuses on the adoption of ICTs and their impact on the performance of manufacturing SMEs in a developing country. Following a first part covering the theoretical and conceptual framework, the rest of the thesis is organized in three empirical studies. The first study uses a Probit model in order to identify the determinants of ICT adoption. Human capital seems to be the most significant explanatory variable. Based on linear regression of dummy variables, Granger causality, Kruskal-Wallis test, ANOVA test of Welch, followed by corresponding post-hoc tests, the second study highlights the existence of a strong statistically significant relationship between the level of ICT adoption and profitability. In a third study, many Probit models (simple, ordered and multivariate) were tested on different measures of performance. Firstly, we show that ICT have a positive impact on productivity, profitability and competitiveness of SMEs. Secondly, ICT, human capital and training are determinants of firm overall performance. Thirdly, when combined together, ICT and highly skilled human resources have an important contribution to the global performance. In conclusion, our empirical results demonstrate a positive impact of ICT, human capital and organizational change on firm performance.

Le député prisonnier de sa circonscription : étude de la réactivité des parlementaires au prisme des contraintes institutionnelles et territoriales / The MPs as hostages of their district : An analysis of parliamentary responsiveness through the prism of institutional and territorial constraints

Poyet, Corentin 17 October 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche traite de la réactivité des parlementaires français vis-à-vis de leur circonscription.Ce faisant, notre thèse investit l’aspect dyadique de la représentation politique qui a été largementignoré par la littérature française et offre ainsi un nouveau regard sur la variété des activités desdéputés français tant à Paris qu’en circonscription. En s’inspirant des écrits du néoinstitutionnalismedes choix rationnels, notre thèse vise à mettre en lumière les déterminantsinstitutionnels de la réactivité vis-à-vis de la circonscription ainsi que les logiques qui sous-tendentles pratiques de représentation. En surmontant le descriptivisme de beaucoup d’études à ce sujetet à l’aide de solides matériaux empiriques, nous montrons que le territoire d’élection affectegrandement le comportement des députés tant dans le contenu que sur la forme des activités. Lacirconscription et les attentes différenciées des citoyens agissent de manière systématique sur lamanière dont les députés mènent leur mandat. / This research deals with French MPs responsiveness. This dissertation studies the dyadicrepresentation in the French Assemblée nationale which was largely neglected by scholars. It givesthus a new insight on the diversity of French MPs activities both in Paris and in their district.Following the arguments of the rational choice new institutionalism, our dissertation aims tohighlight the institutional determinants of MPs responsiveness toward their district and the logicsthat underlie their practices of representations. By overcoming the descriptiveness of many studiesand thanks to original and solid empirical data, we show that the characteristics of the districtstrongly affect both the kind and the content of MPs activities. The district and the various citizens’expectations systematically affect the way French MPs conceive their mandate.

Premonoidal *-Categories and Algebraic Quantum Field Theory

Comeau, Marc A January 2012 (has links)
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT) is a mathematically rigorous framework that was developed to model the interaction of quantum mechanics and relativity. In AQFT, quantum mechanics is modelled by C*-algebras of observables and relativity is usually modelled in Minkowski space. In this thesis we will consider a generalization of AQFT which was inspired by the work of Abramsky and Coecke on abstract quantum mechanics [1, 2]. In their work, Abramsky and Coecke develop a categorical framework that captures many of the essential features of finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. In our setting we develop a categorified version of AQFT, which we call premonoidal C*-quantum field theory, and in the process we establish many analogues of classical results from AQFT. Along the way we also exhibit a number of new concepts, such as a von Neumann category, and prove several properties they possess. We also establish some results that could lead to proving a premonoidal version of the classical Doplicher-Roberts theorem, and conjecture a possible solution to constructing a fibre-functor. Lastly we look at two variations on AQFT in which a causal order on double cones in Minkowski space is considered.

Rychlost vstupu do EMU z pohledu národohospodářských nákladů / Macro-economic costs analysis and time determination of joining European Monetary Union

Zámečník, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to discover a suitable instant of time for the Czech Republic to join European Monetary Union. I am analyzing dependence between monetary policies of the Czech National Bank (CNB) and the European Central Bank (ECB) themselves as well as in relation to essential Czech macroeconomic indicators. My observation is focused on interest rate policies represented by operative interest rates, on monetary policies represented by indices of nominal effective exchange rates and on convergence monitoring. The analytical instruments I used in the thesis are correlation analyses, linear trends, the Granger causality test and the Impulse-Reaction test. Besides, my thesis examines fulfillment of the Convergence (Maastricht) criteria in the Czech Republic and other central European countries. This thesis also examines impact of the European monetary policy on some Eurozone member countries.

Spacetime as a Hamiltonian Orbit and Geroch's Theorem on the Existence of Fermions

Bergstedt, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Over a century since its inception, general relativity continues to lie at the heart of some of the most researched topics in theoretical physics. It seems likely that the coveted solutions to problems like quantum gravity are to be found in an extension of general relativity, one which may only be visible in an alternate formulation of the theory.  In this thesis we consider the possibility of casting general relativity in the form of an initial value problem where spacetime is seen as the evolution of space. This evolution is shown to be constrained and of Hamiltonian type.  Not all spacetimes are physically acceptable. To be compatible with particle physics, one would like spacetime to accommodate fermions. Here we can take comfort in Geroch’s theorem, which implies that any spacetime that admits a Hamiltonian formulation automatically supports the existence of fermions. We review the elements that go into the proof of this theorem. / Allmän relativitetsteori har i över hundra år legat i teoretiska fysikens framkant. Det är möjligt att lösningarna på öppna problem som kvantiseringen av gravitation går att finna i en utvidgning av allmän relativitetsteori – och kanske uppenbarar sig denna utvidgning bara ur en alternativ formulering av teorin. I den här uppsatsen formuleras allmän relativitetsteori och dess Einsteinekvationer som ett begynnelsevärdesproblem, genom vilket rumtiden kan betraktas som rummets historia. Vi visar att rummets rörelseekvationer är Hamiltons ekvationer med tvångsvillkor.  Enligt partikelfysiken bör fermioner kunna finnas till i rumtiden. Härom kan vi åberopa Gerochs sats, enligt vilken rumtider som har en Hamiltonsk formulering också medger fermioner. Vi redogör för huvuddragen i beviset av Gerochs sats.

Prediction horizon requirement  in control and extreme load analyses for survivability : Advancements to improve the performance of wave energy technologies

Shahroozi, Zahra January 2021 (has links)
The main objective of wave energy converters (WECs) is to ensure reliable electricity production at a competitive cost. Two challenges to achieving this are ensuring an efficient energy conversion and offshore survivability.         This thesis work is structured in three different sections: Control and maximum power optimization, forces and dynamics analysis in extreme wave conditions, and statistical modeling of extreme loads in reliability analysis.        The need for prediction and future knowledge of waves and wave forces is essential due to the non-causality of the optimal velocity relation for wave energy converters. Using generic concepts and modes of motion, the sensitivity of the prediction horizon to various parameters encountered in a real system is elaborated. The results show that through a realistic assumption of the dissipative losses, only a few seconds to about half a wave cycle is sufficient to predict the required future knowledge for the aim of maximizing the power absorption.          The results of a 1:30 scaled wave tank experiment are used to assess the line force and dynamic behaviour of a WEC during extreme wave events. Within the comparison of different wave type representations, i.e. irregular, regular and focused waves, of the same sea state, the results show that not all the wave types deliver the same maximum line forces. As a strategy of mitigating the line forces during extreme wave events, changing the power take-off (PTO) damping may be employed. With consideration of the whole PTO range, the results indicate an optimum damping value for each sea state in which the smallest maximum line force is obtained. Although wave breaking slamming and end-stop spring compression lead to high peak line forces, it is possible that they level out due to the overtopping effect. Waves with a long wavelength result in large surge motion and consequently higher and more damaging forces.         On the investigation of reliability assessment of the wave energy converter systems, computing the return period of the extreme forces is crucial. Using force measurement force data gathered at the west coast of Sweden, the extreme forces are statistically modelled with the peak-over-threshold method. Then, the return level of the extreme forces over 20 years for the calm season of the year is computed.

Die erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen induktiven Schließens: Induktion, Falsifikation, Signifikanztests, kausales Schließen, Abduktion, HD-Bestätigung, Bayesianismus

Bartelborth, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
Das vorliegende Buch stellt eine überarbeitete und deutlich erweiterte zweite Ausgabe meines gleichnamigen Buches von 2012 dar. Es wendet sich in Form eines Lehrbuchs sowohl an Anfänger wie Fortgeschrittene der Wissenschaftstheorie sowie an Wissenschaftler, die sich dafür interessieren, wann Daten eine bestimmte Theorie begründen und wie stark die Bestätigung der Theorie durch die Daten ist. Im Vordergrund steht dabei immer die erkenntnistheoretische Frage, ob bestimmte Begründungsverfahren die Ziele der Wissenschaften in überzeugender Weise verfolgen oder ob es dagegen substantielle Einwände gibt. Leider wird sich herausstellen, dass kein Verfahren ohne Fehl und Tadel ist, und wir sollten die Schwächen unserer Begründungsverfahren genau kennen, um sie korrekt einsetzen zu können.

Public debt, public debt service and economic growth nexus: empirical evidence from three Southern African countries

Saungweme, Talknice 01 1900 (has links)
This study examines the public debt, public debt service and economic growth nexus in Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa using time-series data from 1970 to 2017. This research provides empirical evidence to contribute, firstly, to the ongoing public policy debate regarding the dynamic relationship between public debt, public debt service and economic growth, and their causal relationship; and secondly, to the relative impact of domestic and foreign public debt on economic growth in the selected study countries. For this purpose, four empirical models were utilised and estimated using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds to cointegration and the error correction ARDL-based causality test. Model 1 explored the impact of aggregate public debt on economic growth, while Model 2 investigated the relative impact of domestic and foreign public debt on economic growth. Model 3 examined the impact of public debt service on economic growth, whereas the causality between aggregate public debt and economic growth, and between public debt service and economic growth is tested in Model 4a and Model 4b, respectively. Results show that in Model 1, aggregate public debt has a positive impact on economic growth in Zambia but is negative in Zimbabwe and South Africa. In Model 2, domestic public debt negatively impacts economic growth in Zambia and Zimbabwe and positive impact in South Africa. In addition, foreign public debt has a positive impact on economic growth in Zambia and negative impact in Zimbabwe and South Africa. The results from Model 3 largely support a negative relationship between public debt service and economic growth in Zambia and Zimbabwe, and an insignificant relationship in South Africa. The causality results for Model 4a indicate that it is economic growth that drives public debt in all the study countries. Finally, no causal relationship between public debt service and economic growth was confirmed in all the study countries (Model 4b). / Economics / D. Phil. (Economics)

Die erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen induktiven Schließens

Bartelborth, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
Im Buch werden verschiedene Ansätze zum induktiven Schließen vorgestellt und daraufhin analysiert, welche Erfolgsaussichten sie jeweils bieten, die erkenntnistheoretischen Ziele der Wissenschaften zu erreichen. Dabei werden u.a. die konsverativen Induktionsschlüsse, Falsifikationsverfahren und die eliminative Induktion, der Schluss auf die beste Erklärung und vor allem der Bayesianismus besprochen. Außerdem geht es um die Verfahren der klassischen Statistik sowie moderne Verfahren des kausalen Schließens. Dazu wird ein erkenntnistheoretischer Rahmen angegeben, in dem die verschiedenen Begründungsverfahren untereinander verglichen werden.

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