Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonvisual communication"" "subject:"andvisual communication""
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Before We Brand The Neighborhood: Making Visual Communication Design That Enhances The Quality of Life of a CommunityTrischler, Donald 25 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Det räcker med ett hej. : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om betydelsen av hälsningar. / A hello is enough. : A quantitative and qualitative study about the importance of greetings.Andrésen, Samuel, Karlsson Dahlgren, Robin January 2021 (has links)
I vår samtid är det lätt att ibland känna sig ensam. Pandemin har försvårat möten mellan människor och påverkar väldigt många psykiskt. Men pandemin kommer att passera, och då får vi inte låta återhållsamhet bli det nya normala. Vi behöver bekräfta, se och hälsa på varandra. Människor behöver känna tillhörighet. Den här studien syftar därför till att undersöka människors attityder till hälsningar och vidare använda den kunskapen för att skapa en effektiv visuell kampanj för att främja mer hälsningar i samhället. Genom en enkätundersökning har vi kunnat samla in data som med stöd av tidigare forskning och teoretiskt ramverk hjälpt oss påvisa att hälsningar kan göra en stor positiv skillnad i vardagen för människor. Enkätundersökningen fungerade även som en målgruppsanalys som visade att unga människor, som bor/vistas ofta i stadsmiljö och som nyttjar sociala medier är de som hälsar i lägst utsträckning. Med kunskap om målgruppen och dess attityder kunde vi genom två fokusgruppsdiskussioner och teoretiskt ramverk skapa en annonskampanj som på ett visuellt tilltalande och effektivt sätt uppmanar målgruppen till mer hälsningar. / Nowadays it is easy to feel lonely. The pandemic has made meetings between people more difficult which affects many people mentally. But the pandemic will pass, and then we do not want the restrained attitude to become the new normal. We need to confirm, see, and welcome each other. People need to feel a sense of belonging. This study therefore aims to examine people's attitudes towards greetings and further use that knowledge to create an effective visual campaign to promote more greetings in society. Through a survey, we have been able to collect data that, with the support of previous research and theoretical framework, has helped us show that greetings can make a big positive difference in everyday life for people. The survey also served as a target group analysis, and showed that young people, who often live / stay in an urban environment and who use social media, are the ones who greet to the least extent. With knowledge of the target group and its attitudes, we were able to create an advertising campaign through two focus group discussions and a theoretical framework that in a visually appealing and effective way encourages the target group to open up to greet each other more.
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Affecting the consumer by reflecting the consumer? : A qualitative study about how diversity and inclusion in sports commercials affect the consumer´s self-concept.Jacobsson, Ida, Friberg, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
Background: Inclusion and diversity have been a frequently discussed subject within marketing for many years. In particular, marketing communication has to a large extent been criticized to not reflect the reality of society. Commercials present images that reflect and shape cultural norms as well as the individual’s attitudes regarding their own identity and their treatment of other people in society. Despite the great interest in diversity and inclusion in marketing communication, there is a lack of studies that connect deficiency of diversity in visual communication, consumers' self-concept, and socially conscious marketing in a Swedish context. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to get a deeper understanding of how sports brands include diversity in their visual communication through socially conscious marketing. Furthermore, the study aimed to contribute with deeper insights regarding marketing communication of visual character from the consumer perspective and how it influences the individual and its self-concept in the matter of diversity and inclusion. Method: This qualitative research applied an interpretive and inductive approach to achieve the purpose. The empirical data was collected through semiotic analysis as well as semistructured consumer interviews within generation Z. Moreover, two sports commercials were analyzed to gather information to answer the research questions. Conclusion: It was stated that sports brands work with the inclusion of diversity in various ways, by including one diverse element such as different people or by including it with a holistic approach including several diverse elements such as different people, objects, environments, and feelings. This means that one commercial does not have a unilateral effect 3on the consumer´s self-concept but that one image can induce multiple feelings. Therefore, the same commercial can make the consumer feel, insufficient, insecure, included, energized, and inspired all at the same time. The result of this study also shows that the consumers feel more included when their values and thoughts are reflected in a commercial than when their physical attributes are reflected.
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Is This a Line? Visual Literacy, Visual Inquiry, and Visual Communication in the Elementary School YearsBroadbent, Connie J. 14 April 2022 (has links)
As a mother and public elementary school art teacher, I recognize the impact images have in the lives of children. Our culture is image rich and often image saturated. I believe I can do more to prepare my students to become discerning consumers and creators of images. Art teachers are uniquely qualified to teach visual literacy and visual inquiry. If grade school children can be taught to think more deeply and critically about their visual world, they will be better prepared for responding to it in a healthy, empowering way. This research describes an elementary school curriculum based on teaching some of the elements of design that provides a framework for children to investigate important issues using their own visual language. This thesis also describes a research project that explored images and ideas that are important to children in their artmaking decisions. Both of these research projects offer a combined unique perspective on visual literacy, visual inquiry, and visual communication in the elementary school years.
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Reklambildens berättelse om personer med funktionsnedsättningNelson, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att öka kunskapen om hur personer med funktionsnedsättning framställs i reklambilden. Uppsatsen presenterar en kritisk, kvalitativ studie av tre reklambilder där personer med funktionsnedsättning har inkluderats. I en trestegsanalys har bildernas visuella retorik analyserats utifrån bildens natur, bildens funktion och värderingen av bilden. De klassiska retoriska begreppen, logos, etos och patos spelar en central roll för analysen liksom de fyra huvutroperna inom retoriken, metonymi, metafor, synekdoke och ironi. För att förstå ämnets komplexitet har jag relaterat mina resultat till tidigare forskning inom visuell retorik, inom stereotyp reklam och inom bilden av personer med funktionsnedsättning. Resultatet visar att retoriken i de tre reklambilderna domineras av patosargument och av metaforer för att förmedla sina budskap. Värderingen av bilderna kopplat till personerna med funktionsnedsättning visar att endast en av de tre reklambilderna framställer personen med funktionsnedsättning som i första hand en självständig individ - inte en funktionsnedsatt person. Det är samtidigt samma reklambild som använt flest metaforer i sin retorik. I slutdiskussionen förs ett resonemang om betydelsen av att vara kritisk och kunnig som visuell kommunikatör för att undvika att utnyttja eller förstärka stereotypa uppfattningar om olika sociala kategorier. / This essay aims at increasing knowledge about how people with disabilities are put forward in advertising images. The essay presents a critical, qualitative study of three advertising images images where people with disabilities have been included. In a three-step analysis, the visual rhetoric of the images has been analyzed based on the nature of the image, the function of the image and the evaluation of the image. The classical rhetorical concepts, logos, ethos and pathos, play a central role in the analysis as well as the four main tropes in rhetoric; metonymy, metaphors, syncdok and irony. In order to understand the complexity of the subject, I have related my findings to previous research in visual rhetoric, in stereotype advertising and in the image of people with disabilities. The result shows that rhetoric in the three commercials is dominated by pathos arguments and metaphors to convey their messages. The evaluation of the pictures linked to the disabled people shows that only one of the three advertising images presents the person with disabilities, primarily as an independent individual - not a disabled person. At the same time, it is the same advertising image that used most metaphors in its rhetoric. In the final discussion, a reasoning about the importance of being critical and knowledgeable as a visual communicator is conducted to avoid utilizing or reinforcing stereotypical perceptions of different social categories.
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Visual and Verbal Communication on Sustainable Packaging As a Vehicle for Public Education and AwarenessNam, Hyena 30 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Golf, it's not just your father's game anymoreKaczor, Andrew R. 05 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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<p>Accessibility often isn’t recognized to the abled-bodied. The objects, systems and tools of access aren’t even noticed until those without disabilities need it or become disabled themselves. Building on my initial academic and scholarly research, I conducted a case study at The Wabash Center; a facility that serves people with disabilities in the local West Lafayette and surrounding communities. I spent three months observing, journaling, and identifying key patterns that revealed the tensions in food access issues at the facility. These patterns included community, agency, dependency and assistance, and accountability. The issues I identified at The Wabash Center all fall under the overarching issue of power and control. Power and control describes the notion that is often exercised by abled-bodies in the presence of people with disabilities. In this context, food and food access is used as a form of power and control. It is commonly found that the issue of power and control is embedded in design and the way that designers conduct their processes. To better understand the systemic relationships and issues of food access, it was imperative to analyze the internal interactions of how disabled people negotiate in an institutionalized setting. This thesis discusses the reflection process of my efforts to look critically at my own assumptions about disability, food access, and its relationship to design.</p>
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Känslor, identitet och branding : En analys av vinproducenters Instagramkommunikation / Emotions, identity and branding : An analysis of wine producers Instragram communicationAbrahamsson, Frida January 2022 (has links)
This paper examines how wine brands use emotional branding and narrative identities to connect with customers on Instagram. The research questions were as follows: How do winemakers use emotional branding in their communication on Instagram? How does the narrative that the company tells about itself relate to the customer's identity? To answer this, a semiotic analysis was made where three different wine producers were examined. For each wine producer, a profile overview and three posts were analyzed. The findings show that all three wine producers created content that corresponds to emotional branding for instance by trying to emphasize a connection to sentimental memories, socialization, lifestyles and ideals. By trying to create a narrative around the brand, they intend to attract consumers whose narrative identity corresponds to the identity of the brand. This is relevant knowledge for designers and marketing people in order to connect with consumers. Since the wine business has a great economic relevance, this knowledge can also be considered to be of general interest.
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[pt] A Inteligência Artificial (IA) está evoluindo rápido e se infiltrando na cultura e na sociedade, muitas vezes sem sequer ser percebida. De aplicações simples, como a função de autocompletar de um smartphone, a funções mais complexas, como a criação automática de filmes emocionantes a partir de fotos e vídeos pessoais, a tecnologia está começando a ganhar vida própria. O presente estudo teve por objetivo compreender como os Sistemas Algorítmicos Inteligentes podem impactar o campo do Design, mais especificamente a área de Comunicação Visual. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise de softwares que utilizam o aprendizado da máquina, o estudo chegou às implicações imediatas do uso de sistemas algorítmicos inteligentes no campo do Design. O primeiro desdobramento foi a Automação, que simplifica o trabalho técnico e, dessa forma, libera o profissional do trabalho operacional para a análise crítica do resultado. Em paralelo, os recentes avanços tecnológicos possibilitam o que o estudo caracteriza como
Experimentação – acesso a uma multiplicidade de informações e o contato com novas estéticas para comunicar visualmente ideias. Juntas, a Automação e a Experimentação abrem para o campo do Design possibilidades antes impensáveis e, apenas isso, já teria força para trazer uma mudança relevante para a prática da profissão. No entanto, o estudo concluiu que as implicações vão ainda mais longe: as
novas tecnologias de Inteligência Artificial têm o potencial de trabalhar como uma extensão da criatividade humana, ampliando a contribuição técnica, crítica e analítica dos profissionais de Design para a sociedade e fazendo com que o impacto do trabalho criativo alcance resultados nunca antes esperados. / [en] Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving and changing culture and society, many times without being noticed. From simple applications such as the autocomplete function on smartphones to most complex ones, such as features that automatically create moving films using personal videos and photos, technology is becoming alive. The current study aims to understand how Intelligent Algorithms may impact
Design fields, specially on Visual Communication. Through bibliographic research and analysis of several machine intelligence softwares, the study has demonstrated the most immediate consequences of using
intelligent algorithms systems in the Design field. The first one is Automation, which simplifies the operational work, and in that way unleashes the professional to focus on the critical analysis of the results. At the same time, the recent technology advances make possible what the research calls Experimentation – access to multiple information and to other aesthetics to visually communicate ideas. Together, both
Automation and Experimentation open unimaginable possibilities to the Design field, and this alone could have the power to bring major changes to professional practice. However, the study has concluded that the implications go further: the new Artificial Intelligence technologies have the potential to work as an enhancement of human creativity, increasing the technical, critical and analytical contribution of
Design professionals to the society, enabling the creative work to reach previously unthinkable results.
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