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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Paradox of Parisian luxury : Heritage or Relevance? / The Paradox of Parisian luxury : Heritage or Relevance?

Hammersberg, Molly, Loikkanen, Oona Karoliina January 2024 (has links)
Att integrera samtida teman med kulturarv är ett sätt för lyxvarumärken att hålla sig relevanta. Denna undersökning kommer att belysa skillnader mellan vad varumärkena säger och de olika strategiska tillvägagångssätt som varumärkena använder. De viktigaste resultaten tyder på att användningen av dessa teman i de visuella kampanjerna för dessa lyxvarumärken verkar ha specifika parametrar. Syftet med denna undersökning är att utforska hur lyxvarumärken med parisiskt kulturarv integrerar samtida kulturella teman i sina digitala kampanjer för att upprätthålla sitt arv och visa sin nuvarande relevans. Forskningen använder sig av kvalitativ innehållsanalys av digitala kampanjbilder. / Integrating contemporary themes with heritage is a way for luxury brands to stay relevant. However, this research will highlight discrepancies between what brands state as well as the different strategic approaches the brands employ. The main findings suggest that the use of these themes within the visual campaigns of these luxury brands, seem to have specific parameters. The purpose of this research is to explore how Parisian heritage luxury brands integrate contemporary cultural themes into their digital campaigns to maintain their heritage and demonstrate their current relevance. The research uses qualitative content analysis of digital campaign images.

Art as an expression of the relationship between humanity and nature : process and layering as visual metaphors

Bester, Stephanie Francis 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to establish the notion that art can serve to create and communicate an awareness of the interconnectedness between people and nature. This study debates the theoretical similarities and differences in attitudes toward the planet as interpreted in the artworks of pre-history shamans and traditional societies, 20th century land and urban artists and contemporary environmentally concerned artists. The comparative findings suggest that attitudes of anthropocentricism, greed and power and a denial of Pantheism associated with agriculture, industrial and technological developments, have changed the human-nature symbiosis found in early societies. The creative component of this study has employed the processes of etching and embossing, digital image manipulations and the juxtaposition and layering of images to establish visual metaphors that communicate interconnectedness. Sculptures, billboards, prints and photographs as artworks of the conscience intend to shift socially and personally constructed perceptions from human-centeredness toward a symbiotic worldview. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Att vara ekologisk : En kvalitativ studie om hur konsumenter ser på ekologiska förpackningar

Wikström, Emmie, Sara, Westerlund January 2014 (has links)
Titel: Att vara ekologisk - En kvalitativ studie om hur konsumenter ser på ekologiska förpackningar. Författare: Sara Vesterlund och Emmie Wikström Kurs, termin och år: Kandidatuppsats 15 hp, HT 2014 Handledare: Kent Lövgren Antal ord i uppsatsen: 21 297 Problemformulering och syfte: Det är sedan tidigare konstaterat att förpackningens visuella utformning är ett viktigt marknadsförings- och positioneringsverktyg och används för att kommunicera varumärken. Den visuella utformningen är särskilt viktig på förpackningar till lågengagemangsprodukter då tidigare forskning visat att konsumenter ofta väljer förpackningar baserat på deras utseende. För den växande marknaden är det intressant att se hur förpackningen används för att positionera ekologi och ekologiska produkter och hur konsumenter uppfattar ekologiska förpackningars kommunikation. Vårt syfte är att studera hur förpackningarna till ekologiska produkter används för att visuellt kommunicera ekologi, samt undersöka hur konsumenter uppfattar produktförpackningarnas kommunikation av ekologi. Metod och material: De metoder som användes var kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka de ekologiska förpackningarna samt fokusgrupper för att undersöka konsumenters uppfattning av ekologiska förpackningar. Huvudresultat: Samtliga förpackningar använder olika visuella element för att framhäva ekologi på förpackningen. De förpackningar som bäst stämde överens med konsumenternas associationer av hur en ekologisk förpackning ser ut var de förpackningar som konsumenterna ansåg kommunicera ekologi tydligast. De element som konsumenterna ansåg kommunicera ekologi bäst var naturfärgade material och gröna och bruna färger, samt typografi i handstil. / Problem definition and purpose: It is well known that the visual design of packages is an important marketing and positioning tool used to communicate brand identity. The visual design is particularly important on the packages of low-involement products and previous research have found that consumers often choose packages based on their apperance. It is interesting for the ever growing market of organic products to see how packages is used in positioning organic products and discover how consumers view the communication on organic packages. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the packages of organic products is used to visually communicate ecology, and investigate how consumers view the communication on the packages of organic products. Method and material: The methods used in this study were qualitative content analysis, which was used to analyze the packages and focus groups, which were used to analyze consumers perception of organic packages. Result: All of the analyzed packages used different visual elements to highlight their organic attributes on the package. The packages that best matched the consumers’ inplanted associations of organic products was the packages that was conveyed to best communicate an organic product. The consumers’ idea of a good visual design for an organic product included handwritten typography, natural-colored material and elements in green and brown colors.

An inclusive design perspective on communication barriers in healthcare for ethnic minority consumers

Taylor, Shena Parthab January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contributes original knowledge through an inclusive design approach to lowering language and communication barriers in healthcare and suggests shifting the discussion from culture to context to lower intra-cultural hindrances towards learning English amongst some ethnic minorities. It offers an adaptable, scalable concept for gathering data on ethnic minorities (considering both different generations and religions) and employs a framework based analysis in design. Over the course of three studies grounded on theoretical insights from literature, primary research lead to the development and testing of innovative aids for communication, including educative and motivational elements. This research began by seeking to understand ethnic minority consumers (EMCs) perceptions of any barriers hindering their take-up of products or services in the UK, and their preferences. This is particularly significant as the UK s EMC population is predicted to double by 2051 and to diversify further, presenting challenges for social cohesion and planning future community goals. EMCs also represent a significant market for service and product providers. The research focussed on EMCs from the Indian Subcontinent based on religions and generations. It highlighted that first generation females lacking English and/or literacy (across religions and age groups) faced problems with services and issues around empowerment . The importance of improved access to healthcare was a strong theme. On investigating NHS staffs perceptions, five barriers were identified (Language barriers; Low-literacy; a Lack of understanding; Attitudes, gender and health beliefs; and Information retention) and that a female subgroup was particularly affected. This study sets out staffs perceptions of the aids currently employed and suggestions of what would help. It identified a (currently) low use of visual communication aids in adult-patient care and that pharmacist-patient communication in pharmacies was low. Ideally, staff would like patients to learn English and to use more low-cost visual communication aids. These findings lead to the development of innovative visual communication aids through inclusive and user-centred approaches and participatory design and brainstorming methods. This enabled the development of aids by considering the needs of NHS staff, EMCs lacking English and/or literacy and indigenous elderly people to promote better patient-staff communication including a take-away educational element for learning English at home.

Visualizing Cultural Impermanence Through Entropic Design

Khalili, Clifford Meena 11 May 2010 (has links)
Entropy is a process of gradual decline as a system loses the strength to maintain itself. It begins with disorder and results in complete transformation. As a multi-cultural American, it has been my experience that the maintenance of my Iranian heritage parallels this concept. A method of visual communication that incorporates entropy is able to express notions of impermanence, disorder and transformation. This project is focused on employing entropy in the process of design and image making by using the transformation of my cultural identity as primary content.

Využití typografie pro management podniku. / Utilisation of typography in enterprise management.

Bedřichová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is analysing some problems of visual communication and interpretation of visual information. It's focus on psychological, typographycal and colour aspects of document design. This thesis also includes some facts about an interpretation of information by the spectator. Introduction of this thesis points to the problems of corporate identity (and its components) and its conections with psychology and design. Then chapters with a bacic knowledge of typography, psychology, composititon design and color therory are defined. These chapters bring theoretical principles, applicable in corporate design. The last chapter defines the redesign of the corporate visual style and through some examples of the practice shows its conections with the theoretical knowledge described in this thesis.

Corporate identity, vizuální komunikace a jejich vliv na management firmy / Visual communication, corporate identity and their influence on management of companies

Kyncl, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I'm dealing with questions of visual communication and corporate identity in connection with company's management. At first I briefly characterize termins connected with this topic such as communication, visual communication, corporate identity. In the second part of my thesis I made a set of advices and recommendations for management of small companies, which should help them to orient in the problematics of corporate identity and visual style. These recommendations are supported by practical example of graphical manual I made for that.

Problematika vizuálních obsahů na sociálních sítích: Analýza užití uživatelských filtrů v aplikaci Instagram / The Problems of Visual Content on Social Networks: An Analysis of User Filters Implemented on Instagram

Huněk, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Bibliographical Reference Hunek, F. (2019). The problems of visual content on social networks: An analysis of user filters implemented on Instagram. Prague, 2019. p. 123. Dissertation thesis (Ph.D.) Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism. Lecturer: Doc. Mgr. et MgA. Filip Lab, Ph.D. Abstract In this dissertation, I am mainly focusing on photographic social network Instagram. It is the photograph that plays a crucial role in shaping the awareness of one's own identity and belonging to a community. Through photographs, on the one hand, we perceive the world and store our individual (Van Dijck, 2005) as well as our collective memory (Pink, 2011). On the other hand, photographs serve as a means of self-expression (Tinkler, 2008). Moreover, today's time is greatly fragmented, discontinuous, and episodic, which, on the other hand, leads human individuals to constantly legitimize themselves as unique and authentic individuals (Bauman, 2002). Furthermore, this constant communication via photographs requires a continual adaptation to the media messages, which puts an increased emphasis on visual communication as a field of social sciences, tightly connected to media studies. In short, the main goal of this dissertation is to introduce an analysis...

An Intelligent Method For Violence Detection in Live Video Feeds

Unknown Date (has links)
In the past few years, violence detection has become an increasingly rele- vant topic in computer vision with many proposed solutions by researchers. This thesis proposes a solution called Criminal Aggression Recognition Engine (CARE), an OpenCV based Java implementation of a violence detection system that can be trained with video datasets to classify action in a live feed as non-violent or violent. The algorithm extends existing work on fast ght detection by implementing violence detection of live video, in addition to prerecorded video. The results for violence detection in prerecorded videos are comparable to other popular detection systems and the results for live video are also very encouraging, making the work proposed in this thesis a solid foundation for improved live violence detection systems. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

THE DAY I MET THAT CAT : The comic about colorism, one-sided standard and visual communication power in Thailand

Hansaward, Natcharee January 2019 (has links)
This report explores the methodology themes and meanings embeded in the society that I am portraying in my comic 'THE DAY I MET THAT CAT'. This includes concept such as identity, colorism, races and cultures, human interaction with animals and the power of the visual.

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