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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingová komunikace v performativním umění / Marketing communication in performing arts

Hájková, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on marketing communications in performing arts. In particular, it concentrates on poster advertising of the Divadlo na Vinohradech. Marketing in art is specific because it must adapt to the artistic goals. Thus, the role of marketing is not to conform to demands of the market but to attract audience to the current offer. The product is firstly made and only then placed on the market. It is possible to base the marketing communication channels on the product itself. In connection with the above mentioned, I tried to reveal what elements - either those which are explicitly shown or the hidden ones - are used on posters for theatre performances. Moreover, I tried to find out whether the posters included traits which are specific for the field of culture and arts. As a tool the semiotic analysis was chosen to examine individual pictures and texts as well as their mutual relationships. Keywords Semiotics, marketing, marketing of culture, communication, verbal and visual communication, picture and text.

Med en enkel tulipan.. : En kvalitativ studie om hur blommor värderas och konsumeras, samt hur det kan tillämpas i visuell kommunikation. / With a simple tulip.. : A qualitative study on how flowers are valued and consumed, as well as how it can be applied in visual communication.

Andersson, Sandra, Nordmark, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Studien ska undersöka unga kvinnors värderingar, samt varför denna grupp konsumerar blommor, för  att bidra med fördjupad kunskap om hur konsumtionsmönster påverkas av sociologiska aspekter, för att belysa den inverkan det kan ha på visuell kommunikation. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie ämnar författarna få insikt i unga kvinnors synsätt kring blomsterkonsumtion, och den empiriska datan ska användas i syfte att exemplifiera hur blomsterbutiker kan tilltala unga kvinnor genom visuell kommunikation. Tidigare forskning om det sociala värdet i blommor, samt inverkan på val av blommor rörs, och för att förstå konsumenten och varumärken präglas studien av teorier och begrepp som anses centrala för förståelsen. Här rörs Consumer Culture Theory, Conspicuous Consumption och Sociala strukturer, då insikt i konsumentena agerande är av stor vikt. Varumärkets visuella identitet, varumärken i sociala medier samt logotyper, illustrationer, färg och typsnitt tillämpas även, i syfte att fördjupa insikten i de visuella element som påverkar konsumenten. Genom en tematisk analys av åtta, transkriberade intervjuer presenteras resultat i form av sex rubriker. Efter genomförd analys kan det konstateras att blommor och blomstergesten laddas med symbolik och en djupare betydelse, kopplat till livsstil och identitet. Kvinnorna konsumerar blommor för att uttrycka uppskattning, samt för att ge bort som gåva. Snittblommor ses som en lyxvara, vilket visar på blommors relation till klasstillhörighet och livsstil. Resultatet visar dessutom ett mönster i svaren kopplat till visuella element, där respondenterna valde mellan olika färger, typsnitt, illustrationer och bildmanér. Med grund i teoretiskt ramverk, tidigare forskning och  empiriskt material har de övergripande frågeställningarna besvarats, samt en ny grafisk profil, logotyp och marknadsföringsmaterial utformats i linje med resultat och slutsatser. Målet är således att bidra med strategiska verktyg till blomsterbutiker, för att de ska kunna kommunicera effektivt och tilltala den eftersträvade målgruppen. / The study will examine young women's values, as well as why this group consumes flowers, to contribute with in-depth knowledge of how consumption patterns are influenced by sociological aspects, to highlight the impact it can have on visual communication. Through a qualitative interview study, the authors intend to gain insight into young women's approach to flower consumption, and the empirical data will be used to exemplify how flower shops can appeal to young women through visual communication. Previous research on the social value in flowers, as well as the influence on the choice of flowers is touched upon, and in order to understand the consumer and brands, the study is characterized by theories and concepts that are considered central to the understanding. Here Consumer Culture Theory, Conspicuous Consumption and Social structures are touched upon, as insight into consumer behavior is of great importance. The brand's visual identity, branding in social media as well as logos, illustrations, color and fonts are also applied, with the aim of deepening the insight into the visual elements that influence the consumer. Through a thematic analysis of eight, transcribed interviews, results are presented in the form of six headings. After the analysis, it can be stated that flowers and the floral gesture are loaded with symbolism and a deeper meaning, linked to lifestyle and identity. The women consume flowers to express appreciation, as well as to give away as gifts. Cut flowers are seen as a luxury item, which shows the relationship of flowers to class affiliation and lifestyle. The result also shows a pattern in the answers linked to visual elements, where the respondents chose between different colors, fonts, illustrations and image styles. Based on theoretical framework, previous research and empirical material, the overall questions have been answered, and a new graphic profile, logo and marketing material designed in line with results and conclusions. The goal is thus to contribute strategic tools to flower shops, so that they can communicate effectively and appeal to the desired target group.

”I want to find my faith again” : En kvalitativ studie om tillgänglighet och spiritualitet på vandrings- och pilgrimsleder. / ”I want to find my faith again” : A qualitative study on accessibility and spirituality on hiking and   pilgrimage routes.

Johansson, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Vandrings- och pilgrimsleder är en del av turismnäringen som många människor söker sig till i syfte att nå en spirituell upplevelse eller en närmare kontakt med sig själv och naturen. För att flera människor ska få till sig budskapet att vandra dessa leder, och därmed får ta del av de positiva fördelar som upplevs, krävs det att leden är tillgänglighetsanpassad på flera sätt. Hur kan visuell kommunikation skapas för att öka tillgängligheten på S:t Olavsleden samt hur kan det spirituella uttryckas i syfte att attrahera en större målgrupp, är ett problemområde från en uppdragsbeskrivning av byrån Trampolin Pr. Syftet med projektet är att med utgångspunkt från Luptons (2011) designprocess skapa ny visuell kommunikation med fokus på ökad tillgänglighet samt skapa uttryck för spirituella upplevelser för S:t Olavsleden. Genom ett urval av flera vandrings- och pilgrimsleder, analyseras hur dessa semiotisk framställer tillgänglighet och spiritualitet och den kunskapen förvaltas vidare i designprocessen när den grafiska profilen ska skapas för S:t Olavsleden. Resultatet var att det empiriska materialet semiotiskt framställde tillgänglighet genom ordval, visuell framskjutenhet och olika designprinciper. Det empiriska materialet visade även på en brist på tillgänglighet i flera delar i kommunikationen av alla leder. Spiritualitet uttrycks främst genom bildval och vissa ordval.  Nyckelord: Grafisk design, pilgrimsvandring, visuell kommunikation, tillgänglighet, spiritualitet / Pilgrims and hiking trails are a part of the tourism sector and more and more people have found the positive effects of hiking. People do it for the purpose of seeking a spiritual experience, as well as being in nature to experience the motion, the emotion and the soulsearching that hiking gives. For people to experience the trails, the spiritual expressions and the positive effects, it is important that the communication is accessible in every part. How can visual communication be created to make the S:t Olavs Trail more accessible, and how can spirituality become an expression in the design? This problem area is something a client wanted help to answer and find a solution for. The purpose with this project is to use Luptons (2011) design process to create new design and communication with the theme of accessibility and spirituality. Through a sample of hiking and pilgrims trails, will this be analyzed with a semiotic visual analysis, and with the new knowledge result in new graphic design and communications for St. Olavs trail. The result of the semiotic visual analysis was that accessibility was presented through chosen words, visual prominence and different design aspects. The empirical material also showed a lack of accessibility in several parts of the communication. Spirituality was presented mostly through photos and words and not so much through design aspects.  Keywords: Graphic design, pilgrims hiking, visual communication, accessibility, spirituality

Barn som målgrupp : En studie av synergier i marknadsföring av hälsoprodukter / Targeting children : A study of synergies in marketing of health products

Lutterdal, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Marketing aimed towards children under the age of 12 is prohibited in Sweden. Packaging design has a crucial role from a marketing perspective as it might be the only way to reach this target group. The purpose of this study is to analyze how graphic design and visual communication differs when it is aimed to children and adults. This essay also examines how media characters are used in marketing of health products targeted towards children and adults to create synergies. The use of media characters in packaging design results in two different types of synergies. The first type is the synergy between two brands when the collaboration benefits them by mutually increasing their legitimacy. The other type of synergy occurs when marketing of a product is designed to simultaneously reach two different target groups: children and adults.

The Effectiveness of Interior Design Students' Study Drawings in the Design Process

Prillaman, Susan Carol 10 June 2002 (has links)
Visualization is an important part of the design process. The sketches that are created during the design process are the visible evidence of the visualization that occurs in the brain. The process of designing involves a conversation that occurs between the student and the sketches created during problem finding and problem solving in the design process. This conversation allows the student to progress through the design process manipulating both the drawn image on paper and the visualization that occurs in their mind until a fitting solution to the problem is found. This study sought a better understanding of this communication style and it's effect on designed final products. Two methods of analysis were utilized in this research. Quantitative analysis was used to measure the correlation between quality of sketching process and the quality of the final designed product. Then multiple case studies were examined to describe in detail the design process styles of three students. First the sketches that were created during the designing of a student project were counted and then evaluated for sketch creativity and sketch efficacy. The final design products were evaluated for project creativeness and project function. Significant positive statistical correlations between the variables were observed. In summary, the quality of sketches and visual thinking during the design process had a measurable positive effect on the final designed solution. / Master of Science

Kronologi i visuellt berättande : Surrealistiskt narrativ inom grafisk illustration

Lindau, Otto, Lundström, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Att skapa en berättelse inom illustration, som till exempel i serier, går oftast ut på att en bild följs av en annan för att berättelsen ska vara förståelig och tydlig. Blandar man ihop bilderna blir serien utan en röd tråd och berättelsen tappar sitt narrativ men storytelling är mer än att endast para ihop bilder i en följd så som det ska vara. I denna undersökning utforskar vi hur man kan skapa en serie illustrationer som skapar ett narrativ oavsett hur de sätts ihop. Vi har utforskat surrealistiska konstmetoder som automatism, cut-up, association, och bildgenerering då våra illustrationer har inslag av surrealism. Därefter har vi använt oss av användartester för att få en uppfattning om hur effektiva våra illustrationer är i att skapa flera narrativ genom illustrationernas ordning. Vi har dragit kopplingar till film, comics, och illustrationer samt går vi in på djupet gällande hur saker som färg, form, komposition, miljö och hur dessa faktorer påverkar ett narrativ. Våra illustrationer fokuserar på visuell kommunikation utan hjälpmedel som text, ljud, eller rörelse (animation). Resultatet pekade på att det mesta beror på individen, ens egna erfarenheter och bakgrund, för att hitta ett narrativ i en mängd illustrationer som är öppna för tolkning. / Creating a story with illustrations such as comics is usually made through a set sequense of pictures in an order that makes the story comprehensive. If you move the pictures around the story loses its narrative however storytelling is more than putting pictures in a sequence. This paper is made with the purpose of exploring how we can create a series of illustrations with a comprehensive narrative no matter what order you put them in. Since our illustrations are inspired by the artform of surrealism we have explored surrealistic methods such as automatism, cut-up, association, and generating of pictures. We later used user testing to test the effectivness of our illustrations and their capability to create multiple narratives based on the order of the illustrations. We have made connections to things such as movies, comics, and illustration and take a deep dive into factors like colour, shape, composition, background and how they affect the narrative. Our illustrations focus on visual communication and will therefore not include text, sound, or movement (animation). The result showed that it depends on the individual, a person's own experiences and background, to find a narrative in a set of illustrations that are open for interpretation.

Klimatkrisen i tre illustrerade barnböcker : En studie i hur tre illustrerade barnböcker kommunicerar med barn om klimatet / The climate crisisi in illustrated children's books : A study of how three illustrated children's books communicate with children about climate crisis

Ahnlide, Alma January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate strategies for discussing and communicating the climate crisis to children using illustrations and other visual elements in children's books. Children worry about the climate, are consumers themselves, have opportunities to influence and children are future decision makers. Illustrated children's books are important for informing and engaging children in the climate issue. A total of nine illustrations in three children's books available in Swedish bookstores have been analyzed through semiotic analysis. They differ both in terms of how healthy and diseased nature is portrayed, who bears the responsibility for change, what needs to be done. Commitment to the climate issue is achieved through understanding that there are things that are important to preserve and that there is an opportunity to influence. Further studies are needed to analyze how best to communicate the climate issue with children.

Strategies for Graphic Design aimed at the Multiple Sclerosis Community: The Development of the Inclusion Framework to Assist in Design Thinking and Visual Communication Artifacts.

Fogle, Andrew Brian 08 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Графический дизайн как средство популяризации спорта на примере спорткомплекса «Юность» : магистерская диссертация / Graphic design as a means of promoting sports on the example of the sports complex «Youth»

Печенкина, Е. А., Pechenkina, E. A. January 2022 (has links)
Диссертационная работа посвящена проблеме привлечения детей и подростков к занятиям спортом в школе олимпийского резерва, а также привлечению людей всех возрастов к активному образу жизни. Исследование включает анализ методов творческого мышления для их дальнейшего использования в проектной части работы. В диссертации рассмотрены различные существующие дизайнерские решения в сфере спорта и проведен анализ эффективности их воздействия на целевую аудиторию. Были подведены итоги и сделаны выводы о проделанном исследовании. / The dissertation work is dedicated to the problem of attracting children and adolescents to go in for sports at the School of the Olympic reserve as well as attracting people of all ages to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The study includes an analysis of creative thinking methods for their further use in the practical design part of the work. Various existing design solutions in the field of sports are reviewed, the effectiveness of their impact on the target audience is analyzed. The results of the study were summed up and conclusions were drawn.

The Influence of Charitable Food Organization Branding on College Students’ Behavioral Intent

Stollar, Marlee E. 09 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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