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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pradinių klasių mokytojų profesinės saviugdos ypatumai / Peculiarities of the primary school teachers' self-learning

Kuzminskienė, Kristina 22 June 2005 (has links)
Recently in pedagogical literature more and more attention to adult education and whole life studies is given. After beginning of the Movement, searches was started for new ways how to wake up a teacher for refusing authoritarianism, dictatorship working methods, changing attitude to work, knowing children psychology, evolution singularities, improving relations with colleagues and pupils, to feel self value, dignity, national self-respect, being self-sufficient educator. Ph. D. M.Lukšienė about 1991 education reform was writing: “the most important member of changeover – teacher […]. We will not get to feet without growing and educating person. […]. Education and all school system with all nurture meaning institutions appear with very important role”. Educator perfection is not distinguishable from school perfection, it means youth generation future depends on that too. Big part of the professional perfection takes pedagogical and personal self-help, which is not all the time stimulated by internal motivation and positive emotions. Usually educator is improving himself only as much as it is a needed for qualification enhance. There are cases, when certificates are bought and methodical meetings are only formality. Plus, not every time organized region events satisfy educators’ needs. I am primary school teacher, so I will examine my colleagues – primary school teachers’ pedagogical self-help singularity and specificity. In my work there will be pedagogical self-help... [to full text]

Pedagogų karjeros pokyčiai nuolatinio mokymosi kontekste: pedagogų požiūris / Educators career's changes on lifelong learning basis: educators viewpoint

Janulytė, Simona 27 February 2014 (has links)
Globalizacija, kintančios ekonominės, socialinės ir politinės sąlygos, informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų plėtra, didėjantis visuomenės poreikis, reikalavimai švietimui ir besikeičiantis mokytojo vaidmuo reformuotoje mokykloje – veiksniai, kurie pedagogo profesiją šiame postmodernizmo amžiuje veikia labiausiai. Mokytojo darbas darosi vis sudėtingesnis, jis privalo reaguoti į įvairialypius pokyčius, mokinių poreikius, į sparčią technikos pažangą ir tenkinti visuomenės keliamus tobulumo reikalavimus. Todėl visiškai natūralu, jog šiame kontekste vis labiau akcentuojamas mokymosi visą gyvenimą principo įgyvendinimas, kuris yra pagrindinis sėkmingo perėjimo į žiniomis grįstą visuomenę garantas. / Globalization, the changing economic, social and political conditions, information and communication technology development, constantly increasing public demand, the requirements for education and the changing role of the teacher in the reformed school - factors affecting the teachers profession in the postmodern age the most. Teacher's work becomes more advanced, it must respond to the diverse changes to students' needs, the rapid technological progress and meet the public's need for perfection requirements. So it is absolutely natural that in the context of the growing emphasis on lifelong learning implementation, which is central to the successful transition to a knowledge-based society guarantee.

VEIKSNIAI, ĮTAKOJANTYS MOKYTOJŲ NUOLATINĮ MOKYMĄSI ŠVIETIMO KAITOS KONTEKSTE / Factors that influence teachers’ life long learning in the context of educational change

Jankauskienė, Olga 03 September 2010 (has links)
Pokyčiai ekonomikoje ir darbo rinkoje sąlygojo politines ir mokslines diskusijas apie mokymąsi visą gyvenimą bei besimokančios visuomenės poreikius: rinkos ekonomika reikalauja nuolat atnaujinti turimus, bei įgyti naujus įgūdžius, žinias ir gebėjimus. Augantis tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas ir konkurencija įtakojo naują požiūrį į mokymąsi visą gyvenimą, apimantį tiek naujų kompetencijų įgijimą, tiek anksčiau įgytų tobulinimą. Švietimo reformų pasekoje, plėtojant žinių visuomenę, atsiranda vis daugiau galimybių bei iniciatyvos mokytis ir dalyvauti kaitos procesuose. Švietimo politikai akcentuoja būtinybę kelti mokymo kokybę, kuriai didžiulę įtaką turi pedagogų kvalifikacija, reikalaujanti nuolatinio tobulinimo ir atnaujinimo. Ilgainiui mokytojų vaidmuo pakito: jų pedagoginė veikla tapo labiau kompleksinė, reikalaujanti priimti savarankiškus sprendimus, todėl mokytojai skatinami nuolat tobulintis ir aktyviai dalyvauti mokyklos tobulinimo procese. Svarbu pabrėžti, kad žinios, įgūdžiai ir gebėjimai nėra įgyjami visam laikui, - jie turi būti nuolat atnaujinami visos mokytojo karjeros laikotarpiu. Dalyvavimą mokymosi visą gyvenimą procesuose sąlygoja tam tikri veiksniai, į kuriuos, kaip į mokymosi kontekstą, svarbu atsižvelgti, apibūdinant mokytojų nuolatinio mokymosi pasiekimų vertinimo bei pripažinimo specifiką. Daugelis mokymosi motyvus analizavusių autorių (V. Šernas 2003; A. Gaižutis 2003; V. Kučinskas 2001; K. Pukelis 2003; L. Stoll ir D. Fink 1998; V. Kavaliauskienė 2001; B... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Economical and social changes of society raise new requirements for particular individuals, thus the idea of constant studying starts to gain ground progressively. People aim at improvement of their professional qualification, acquiring more knowledge and experience. This favourably capacitates change and rising social status of the individuals. Hence, it is very important to emphasize the role of constant studying in the dynamic contemporary society. Occupation and activity are the important process of personal self-realisation. Professional education and training have significant effect upon occupation and social integration. Thus, it is necessary to draw attention to the factors and motives influencing upon the process of constant studying. Profession of a teacher is specific as it does not limit itself entirely to the capabilities of the teacher. The overall psychological structure: activeness, single-mindedness of activity, sources of abilities and way of activity – is also important there. Constant studying of the teachers, their qualification refreshment, which are related with improvement of own personality, self-knowledge, perception and assessment of own relation to the profession, and also reflect inner aspirations and stimulate cultural renewal. Motivation of teachers’ constant studying and professional development is related with the interest in own profession, eagerness to become a specialist with high qualification, giving sense to the teacher’s profession and... [to full text]

Tėvų švietimo tobulinimas klausos sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ugdymo įstaigoje / The Improvement of Parents' Education in the School for the Hearing-Impaired Children

Jankevičienė, Rasa 12 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the study – to justify theoretically and to investigate empirically the improvement of the education of parents (as adults) in the educational institution for the children with hearing impairment through the case-analysis. Base of study and participants. The subjects were the parents of pupils from one Lithuanian educational institution for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing. The answers were received from 134 parents (mothers, fathers, foster-parents) whose children attend preliminary- the 10th grades. Results and conclusions. The study showed that parents are interested and know quite well about the activity of their child in school, about the activities of school in general, and about persons with hearing disorders. Parents are the most concern about the information, which is directly associated with their child. It was found out that the parents prefer informal learning to formal one. The one fifth of the parents have expressed their wish to be educated during the seminars, and only 2 percents of respondents have named their willingness to study in the formal educational institution. The evaluations of parents’ opinions about the dissemination of their experience let us conclude that majority of respondents has positive attitude toward educational activity: they tend to participate in the mobile groups of self-assistance, to share their knowledge and experience during mass events (meetings, seminars). Almost all departments of the educational institution for the... [to full text]

Muzikos mokytojų profesinio tobulinimosi poreikiai ir galimybės: muzikos mokytojų nuostatų raiška / Demands and Possibilities for Professional Self-Improvement of Music Teachers: Expression of Attitudes of Music Teachers

Damaševičienė, Jolita 17 October 2006 (has links)
In the present-time society, where constant and intensive changes of life take place, where the idea of lifelong learning is being focused on, educational systems as well as the situation of school’s and pedagogues’ activities are undergoing changes. The significance of teachers’ constant up-dating increases; not the finite knowledge but the ability to constantly learn, improve one’s personality and professional skills become the main feature of professional mastery. Exactly this is the point towards which the system which is being formed at the moment for improvement of pedagogues is oriented in order to provide conditions for every teacher to constantly improve one’s own competency; it also reduces the gap between institutions training pedagogues and schools which undergo changes. Training of music teachers who are able to effectively strive for aims of musical education always has been among the most topical and problematic issues; that is why a special role falls on lifelong professional improvement of music teachers themselves. In order to ensure successfulness of this process, researches which disclose peculiarities of self-improvement of music teachers and factors which predetermine it are a must. The present study explores the demands and conditions for self-improvement of music teachers in the context of lifelong learning. It is aimed to disclose the factors which stimulate and limit professional self-improvement as well as to assess existing educational conditions... [to full text]

Tęstinio neformalaus ugdymo institucijos parengtis vykdyti mokytojų nuolatinį mokymąsi / Continued informal training of institute preparedness for lifelong teachers permanent studies

Žvinienė, Romualda 17 June 2005 (has links)
The work aims at exposing the importance of constant learning of teachers under conditions of changing education, teachers' needs and how the informal lifelong in-service educational institution, called Educational Centre, meets them. The characteristics of Educational Centre and its readiness to fulfil teachers' lifelong teaching are analyzed. The conceptualism of constant learning is analyzed in this work: the concept of qualification and competence, the importance of general skills, possibility to improve them and to get them while learning constantly. Pedagogical, psychological and social presumptions of lifelong learning are discussed. In the unit on methodology of lifelong learning it is said that constant learning of the teachers is an important condition of changing education, it is cleared up what the aims of adult teaching and psychological parameters of adult education are. The teachers' constant (lifelong) learning is investigated in details. The qualitative analysis of activity of Molėtai Educational Centre and its readiness to meet the needs of teachers' constant learning are presented. At the end of the work the conclusions about teachers' lifelong learning and readiness of the Educational Centre to do it are presented. Key words: constant learning, lifelong learning, informal in-service adult education, teachers' educational centre, qualification, qualification improvement, competence, andragogics, adult teacher.

Suaugusiųjų švietimo organizavimas savivaldybėje refleksyvaus mokymosi požiūriu / Organization of adult education in the municipality from the viewpoint of reflexive learning Master's work author: Vilda Skrebytė Master's work mentor: doctor Loreta Statauskienė

Skrebytė, Vilda 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje ryškėja sparti mokymosi paslaugų suaugusiems pasiūla, todėl svarbu nustatyti teritorinės ugdymo erdvės ypatumus, (Bitinas, 2006, p. 51) lemiančius savivaldybėje vykdomą suaugusiųjų švietimo organizavimą. Šio tyrimo problema – suaugusiųjų švietimo organizavimo atskleidimas savivaldybėje. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti Panevėžio rajono savivaldybėje organizuojamo suaugusiųjų švietimo būklę. Siekiant realizuoti darbe užsibrėžtą tikslą ir uždavinius, taikyti šie metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė. 2. Struktūrizuotas interviu. 3. Anketin�� apklausa. 4. Duomenų apdorojimas taikant SPSS 12.0 for Windows programinę įrangą. Suaugusiųjų mokymasis yra aktyvus procesas, vykstantis tam tikroje aplinkoje; planuojamas ir reguliuojamas, kurio metu vyksta refleksija, siekiant įgyti naujų žinių, sąmoningai eksperimentuojama su savo aplinka, kurio rezultatas yra naujos žinios ir sukauptų žinių pritaikymas. / The rapidly growing supply of adult learning services evidences in the modern society, therefore it is important to identify the characteristics of the territorial education space (Bitinas, 2006, p. 51), which determine the organization of adult education executed in the municipality. The problem of this research is disclosure of adult education organization in the municipality. The objective of the research is to perform evaluation on the state of adult education organized in Panevėžys District Municipality. In order to realize the objective and tasks set in the work, the following methods were applied: 1. Analysis of scientific literature and documents. 2. Structurized interview. 3. Questionnaire survey. 4. Processing of data while using SPSS 12.0 for Windows software. Learning of adults is an active process, occurring in a certain type of environment, which is planned and regulated and involves reflection; while seeking to acquire new knowledge, the environment is consciously subjected to experiments and the result of this process encompasses new knowledge and application of the acquired knowledge.

Jaunų sutuoktinių savišvietos ypatumai / Young couples self-education

Masalskaitė, Jolanta 20 June 2005 (has links)
Young wedded requirements are important in modern society. It is interesting to see how they realize their requirements in computer skills, spending their own leisure time, driving a car, etc. The adults’ education in Finland, Denmark was presented in theoretic part of this diploma work. The recommendations about adults’ balanced requirements and possibilities are also offered in this diploma work. The real self – education is a process which happens from the personality’s requirements to supply spiritual interests. Individuals establish self education’s purposes and their own knowledge. To establish young wedded self – education requirements and the realization of those requirements was the research of this diploma work. The research goals are: 1. To get an information about wedded requirements and to make a list about it. 2. To show wedded requirements about profession, leisure time, daily living and sport. 3. To find a realization of wedded requirements. 4. To make analysis and conclusions of all research of this diploma work. The research methods are: 1. Theoretical: the analysis of philosophic, pedagogical, psychological literature. 2. The respondents’ questionnaire and analysis. 3. Mathematical statistic methods. The finding of this diploma work: Ų The analysis of scientific literature proved the social problem of wedded requirements and the possibilities to supply those requirements. Ų Independent process is the problem of wedded self – education. Ų Wedded... [to full text]

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