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Patienters upplevelse av Multipel skleros och Sjuksköterskans roll En litteraturstudieEssa, Nidal January 2015 (has links)
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological autoimmune disease. The disease affects most young people between 20-40 years of age, mainly women. There are about 2.5 million people worldwide are affected by MS. The most common symptoms that a patient with MS suffers from are the fatigue (tiredness), pain, depression, sleep disturbance, balance disorder, dizziness, palsies (paralysis) and heat intolerance. There are also other physical and mental dysfunctions. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe patients' experiences of MS disease symptoms and the nurse's possible role in disease progression. Method: A literature study based on nine scientific articles. Articles were searched in the databases CINAHL and PubMed in the fall 2015th. Results: This study showed how the experiences of the symptoms for patients with MS affected their health, social life and quality of life in a negative way. The study also showed that nurses have an important informative, supportive and integrated role for the patient and family, during the course of the disease. Conclusions: MS disease affects the sufferer's life in a negative way, both physically and mentally. The disease usually means that the patient is facing uncertain and unpredictable future, and suffers unpleasant symptoms. These experiences involve not only a part of the body but the whole person. The assistance of the care and especially the nurse is of great importance to facilitate the patient's situation and help the patient to preserve their quality of life as good as possible. The nurses’ informative and caring role is a great support to patients with MS. Better understanding of patients' experience can be valuable for a better communication and care.
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Att våga tala om sexualitet : en del av sjuksköterskans roll i kommunikation med patienten / Dare to talk about sexuality : a part of the nurse's role in communication with the patientBladh, Matilda, Norrström, Ida January 2011 (has links)
Då sexualiteten är en integrerad del av varje människas liv hör det till sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde att tala om ämnet med patienten för att kunna bedriva en holistisk vård. Flertalet sjukdomar och behandlingar kan ha en inverkan på patientens sexualitet. Många patienter känner ett behov av att kommunicera kring detta ämne, trots det är sexualitet ett område som ofta undviks av sjuksköterskan. Det är därför av vikt att undersöka varför det är så och vilka faktorer som främjar sjuksköterskans kommunikation kring sexualitet. Därför var syftet att belysa vad som hämmar och främjar sjuksköterskans kommunikation kring sexualitet med patienten. Arbetet utfördes som en litteraturstudie där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades för att finna hämmande och främjande faktorer. Dessa faktorer låg sedan till grund för resultatet. I resultatet framgick att sjuksköterskans utbildning, ålder, kön, yrkeserfarenhet och känslor inför sexualitet var faktorer som både kunde hämma och främja sjuksköterskans kommunikation kring sexualitet med patienten. Arbetsplatsen har också en betydelse för huruvida sjuksköterskan samtalar med patienten om ämnet. Även kulturella skillnader mellan sjuksköterska och patient påverkade samtal om sexualitet. Sexualitetens inverkan på hälsan bör belysas redan i grundutbildningen och sedan genom fortbildning på arbetsplatsen. Tydliga riktlinjer på arbetsplatsen och mer djupgående forskning krävs för att sjuksköterskan i framtiden ska kunna tala mer öppet om sexualitet. / As sexuality is an integrated part of every person’s life and it is the nurse’s responsibility to talk about the subject with the patient in order to conduct a holistic health care. Many diseases and treatments may impact the patient’s sexuality. Most patients feel the need to communicate regarding this subject, but still sexuality is an area that the nurse often avoids. It is therefore important to examine why this is so and what factors promote the nurse's communication regarding sexuality. Therefore, the aim was to highlight what inhibits and promotes the nurse's communication regarding sexuality with the patient. The work was carried out as a literature study where 12 scientific articles were analyzed in order to identify inhibiting and promoting factors. These factors formed the basis for the result. The results showed that the nurse's education, age, gender, work experience and feelings about sexuality were factors that could both inhibit and promote the nurse's communication regarding sexuality with the patient. The workplace also has bearing on whether or not the nurse talks to the patient about the subject. Cultural differences between nurse and patient also affected the conversation about sexuality. Sexuality's impact on health should be elucidated in the nurse education and then through training in the workplace. Clear guidelines and more in-depth research is needed to promote nurses in the future to speak more openly about sexuality.
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Emergency Nurses’ Experiences with Critical Incidents: A DissertationBechtel, Cynthia Francis 01 May 2009 (has links)
This qualitative descriptive research study was undertaken to describe the experiences of emergency nurses with critical incidents and identify strategies used to manage these situations in the emergency department setting. Critical incidents are events, such as death or serious injury, that cause a strong emotional reaction and may overwhelm a nurse‘s usual coping skills. Nineteen nurses who worked in one of two community-based emergency departments in Central Massachusetts were interviewed and asked to describe a critical incident they had experienced in their nursing career. Qualitative content analysis revealed two major themes: (1) critical incident experiences; and (2) aftermath; and five subthemes: (a) connections; (b) workplace culture; (c) responses; (d) lasting effects; and (e) strategies.
Critical incidents were limited to events with children, patient deaths, and interactions with family; this differed from prior research in that no incidents were identified involving multiple casualties, violence, or mutilating injuries. Connections occurred when the patient was known to the nurse or reminded the nurse of self or family. Responses were the reactions of the participants to the critical incident and were physical, psychological, and spiritual in nature. The majority of study participants cried in response to a critical incident. Workplace culture, a subtheme not found in other studies, involved their perceptions of expected behavior in the emergency department and emphasized the influence of workplace culture on newer or inexperienced nurses.
The theme of aftermath described the time period following critical incident. Lasting effects occurred in the form of vivid memories that were triggered by different stimuli. The subtheme, strategies, revealed that nurses desired, but lacked formal strategies to manage their reactions following a critical incident. Thus, they described the use of informal strategies such as talking to co-workers and family members.
Implications of this study support the need for educational preparation and support of emergency nurses who deal with critical incidents in the workplace. Intervening during the critical incident experience and having follow-up strategies in place to prevent distress and enhance coping in the aftermath are important for well-being, practice, and patient care in the emergency setting.
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Fathers' engagement in childcare to prevent stunted growth in children : a qualitative study at the primary healthcare level in Rwanda.Bergström, Eleonor, Söderström Högling, Olivia January 2017 (has links)
Background Rwanda has made great progress since the genocide in 1994, but is still facing the challenge of reducing the high prevalence of stunted children. Childhood stunting is an indicator for multiple pathological disorders and gives an elevated risk of chronic disease in adulthood. Engaging fathers and a shared responsibility between two partners in childcare could improve children’s health and help decrease stunting among children in rural areas of Rwanda. Aim The aim was to describe at the primary healthcare level in Rwanda, registered nurses' perceptions and experiences of fathers’ engagement in childcare to prevent stunted growth in children. Method A qualitative field study at three community health centers in Huye district with a semi-structured interview form. A qualitative content analysis was made. Findings The perception among nurses was that it was important to engage fathers to prevent stunted growth in children. Fathers' low level of knowledge in childcare, and traditional gender roles were acting as the main barriers of fathers' engagement, communication campaigns and community training were presented as opportunities to improve the level of engagement of the fathers. Conclusion Fathers participate in childcare. Though, the process of changing traditional gender roles is slow. In order to make further progress the nurses has to emphasize communication between spouses and a shared responsibility for the childcare. More attention needs to be paid to sensitization of families as well as healthcare personnel regarding damaging stereotypes in a traditional Rwandan household.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede inom allmän palliativ vård : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses’ experiences of caring for patients in the final stages of life in general palliative care : Literature reviewKäll, Matilda, Ekman, Kristin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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SJUKSKÖTERSKORS ERFARENHET AV VÅRDRELATIONER MED PATIENTER : En allmän litteraturöversikt ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektivAlbannaa, Ann, Rådberg, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdrelationen kräver en ömsesidighet där både sjuksköterskan och patienten är delaktiga i relationen. Sjuksköterskan behöver både ha insikt samt förståelse för vad som krävs för att kunna skapa en god vårdrelation för att därmed kunna vårda patienten på bästa möjliga sätt. Problem: Relationen mellan patienten och sjuksköterskan kan påverka patientens upplevelse av hälsa, mående och återhämtning. Ett problemen som kan uppstå är när vårdrelationen mellan dessa parter inte anses vara god på grund av bristande kommunikation mellan parterna. Syfte:Att beskriva erfarenheter av vårdrelationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv. Metod:Allmän litteraturöversikt bestående av tolv artiklar som är kvalitativa. Resultat: Sjuksköterskorna beskriver att det finns olika faktorer som antingen kan hindra vårdrelationen eller som kan bidra till vårdrelationen. De hindrande faktorerna är brist på tid, stress samt bristande kunskap. De faktorer som kan bidra till en god vårdrelation är personcentrerad vård, sjuksköterskornas närvaro samt olika strategier. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna har de kunskaper som krävs för att kunna skapa en god vårdrelation. Dock finns det flera olika faktorer som hindrar sjuksköterskorna från att skapa denna relation, bland annat tidsbrist och stress. / Background: The caring relationship requires mutuality where both the nurse and the patient are involved in the relationship. The nurse needs to be insightsful and have understanding of what it requires to create a good carerelationship in order to care for the patient in the best possible way. Problem: The relationship betweeen the patient and nurse can influence the patient's experience of health, well-being and recovery. There’s a problem that can arise when the care relationship between both parties is not concidered good due to, for example, lack of communication between the parties. Aim: To describe experiences of the care relationship between nurse and patient from the nurse’s perspective. Method: A litterature review consisting of twelve articles, all of which are qualitative. Results: The nurses described that there are various factors that can either hinder the care relationship or that can contribute to the care relationship. The hindering factors are lack of time, stress and lack of knowledge. The factors that can contribute to a good care relationship are personcentered care, the nurse’s presence and various strategies that the nurses have. Conclusion: The nurses have the knowledge that requires to be able to establish a good care relationship. However, there are several different factors that prevent nurses from establish this relationship, for instance lack of time and stress.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta och vårda patienter med olika kulturella bakgrunderChamoun, Jessica, Shabani, Mimoza January 2015 (has links)
Sverige har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats till ett mångkulturellt samhälle. Som sjuksköterska möter vi dagligen situationer där människor, på grund av olika kulturer, har olika syn på hälsa, ohälsa, sjukdom och behandling. Syftet är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta och vårda patienter med olika kulturella bakgrunder för att belysa vikten av kulturell kompetens. Studien är en litteraturstudie med en kvalitativ ansats. Totalt valdes sju artiklar som kvalitetsgranskades och användes i resultatet. Resultatet presenteras i fem huvudkategorier och nio underkategorier. Ett genomgående tema i resultatet var att identifiera vilka hinder sjuksköterskor upplevde försvårade vårdrelationen med patienterna som i sin tur påverkade kvalitén på den vård som gavs. I mötet med människor från andra kulturella bakgrunder uppmärksammas behovet av kulturell kompetens. Genom att förstå hur andra människor tänker kan sjuksköterskor tillmötesgå patienten och utforma vården utifrån den enskilda patientens önskningar.
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Diabetessjuksköterskans upplevelse av omvårdnaden för personer med typ 2-diabetes : inom svensk primärvård / Diabetes nurse’s experience of nursing care for people with type 2- diabetes : in Swedish primary careStyrud, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Background: Type 2-diabetes is a growing public health problem that cause suffering for people living with the disease and it is expensive for the Swedish healthcare system. The diabetes specialist nurse is often the person who stands for the continuity in the diabetes care and therefore has a big inpact on the outcome. The aim of this study was to describe the diabetes nurse’s experience of nursing care for adults with type 2-diabetes in primary care. The used method is qualitative. Eight diabetes nurses were interviewed with semi structured interviews and the content was analysed with qualitative content analysis. The result showed obstacles, dilemmas and possibilities experienced in diabetes care. Conclusion: There is a winning in knowing about obstacles, dilemmas and possibilities that can be experienced by diabetes specialist nurses in order to maintain a good diabetes care. The experienced obstacles and dilemmas needs to be continuously studied in order to keep evolving the diabetes care.
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Culture du bloc opératoire, rétention infirmière et intention de quitter : une ethnographie focaliséeLaflamme, Karine 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Högstadieelevers kontaktorsaker och kontaktsätt med skolsköterska : - En enkätstudieNyström, Fabian, Öqvist, Pia-Maria January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hur och varför högstadieelever kontaktar skolsköterskan. Vidare var syftet att undersöka om det förelåg någon skillnad mellan könen samt årskurser i relation till antal kontakter med skolsköterskan samt antal gånger de sökt för fysiska respektive psykiska orsaker. Metod: Kvantitativ deskriptiv studiedesign via enkäter. 151 elever i årskurs 7-9 tillfrågades om att besvara en enkät, 74 % (n=112) av populationen deltog. Resultat: Majoriteten av eleverna kontaktade skolsköterskan via den öppna mottagningen. 67,9 % hade kontaktat för fysiska orsaker där ”längd och vikt”, ”gjort mig illa” och ”huvudvärk” var vanligast. För psykisk ohälsa var siffran 10,7 % och ”stress” vanligast förekommande. Ingen skillnad mellan könen kunde påvisas i antalet kontakter samt kontakter för fysiska respektive psykiska orsaker. Mellan årskurserna finns det en skillnad gällande i antalet besök (p = 0,02) och antalet besök för fysiska orsaker (p = 0,005), där årskurs 7 är mest frekvent att söka. Majoriteten (64,2%) av deltagarna ville helst kontakta skolsköterskan direkt via den öppna mottagningen. Slutsats: Det är främst via den öppna mottagningen som elever tar och vill kunna komma i kontakt med skolsköterskan. Det finns en skillnad mellan årskurser i antalet besök hos skolsköterskan samt antalet besök för fysiska orsaker. / Aim: The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine how and why high school students contacted their school nurse. Furthermore the aim was to examine if there was a difference between genders and grades pertaining to number of contacts with the school nurse and number of contacts because of physical respectively mental reasons. Method: Quantitative descriptive study design using questionnaires. 151 students in grades 7-9 were asked to answer a questionnaire, 74% (n = 112) of the population participated. Results: The majority of the students contacted the school nurse through the nurse’s office. 67.9% had contacted concerning physical health issues which "height and weight", "hurt me" and "headache" was the most common. For mental issues the same number was 10.7 % and “stress” most common. There was no significant difference between genders in relation to number of contacts with the school nurse or physical or mental reasons for contact. However there was a significant difference (p = 0.02) between grades pertaining to relation to number of contacts and to physical reasons for contact (p = 0.005), which grade 7 is most frequently. Most (64.2 %) pupils would like to contact the school nurse through the nurse’s office. Conclusion: The students prefer to have direct contact with the school nurse at the nurse´s office. There is a difference between grades in the number of visits to the school nurse and the number of visits for physical reasons.
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