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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The [sub]Urban Campus: A Typological Oxymoron

Abboud, Assad 09 July 2018 (has links)
A cluster of buildings does not a campus make. Places of learning have long sought-out cohesive spaces that foster a sense of community and encourage an immersive life of academia. The suburban campus model, with a centric configuration, has been a successful model that has withstood the test of time. Urban campuses knitted into the urban fabric have also had success in fostering the same sense of community, but more so as part of the larger city, and using the urban context as a lab for teaching. But what makes the campuses we love successful? And how can we apply those principles to set up younger campuses for future success? This thesis tackles these questions, and attempts to understand what differentiates a mere collection of buildings from a true campus. Applied to the Washington Alexandria Architecture Center, these borrowed ideas can start to inform the design of a new campus that bridges the gap between traditional suburban campuses and organic urban campuses. Rather than providing a series of definitive answers, the thesis establishes a series of principles on how to create a cohesive design that doesn't compromise the true nature of an urban campus. The proposed design is but one of many possible solutions. As humans, we seem to have a desire to classify the world into categories. Oftentimes, however, the most beautiful things come from the tension of the unclassified. They come from the gray areas between typologies. The process of this thesis became inherently contradictory at times. It was developed in a way in which the particular conditions of the existing buildings on the site, and their character in the urban setting, were allowed to contaminate the clarity of the suburban campus typology, and as such, become in many ways an oxymoron. / Master of Architecture / This thesis examines urban campuses, and explores the design principles that make them successful. By comparing the layouts and designs of suburban campus models with those of school in urban conditions, one can begin to learn what ideas from either typology can be used to create a successful campus within an urban or semi-urban condition, like Old Town Alexandria. By using the Washington Alexandria Architecture Center as an example, the project develops a design proposal that would grow the current campus from a couple of buildings to a real successful urban campus, that has the potential to grow beyond its confined singular city block.

Veřejná prostranství: Případová studie Staroměstského náměstí v Praze / Public space: Case study Old Town Square in Prague

Mlčochová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to examine how local citizens and the expert community perceive the current status of the Old Town Square in Prague. At present, the attention is very often turned to the possible completion of the Old Town Hall and the overall physical arrangement of the area. Thesis will be based both on the study of historical and present documents. Initially, the focus will be on determining the current situation and use of the square, later on we will discuss the completion of the Old Town Hall and comprehensively the use of area as such. Based on interviews with residents I will evaluate the satisfaction of local citizens with the current purpose of this place, what is their use of the square and what local people think about the completion of the Old Town Hall and other objects situated on the square.

Mediateka Vilniuje / Mediatheque in Vilnius

Kunevičius, Mindaugas 01 July 2010 (has links)
Magistro studijų baigiamajame darbe projektuojama mediateka Vilniaus senamiestyje, tarp Odminių, L. Stuokos-Gucevičiaus, Šventaragio gatvių ir Gedimino prospekto. Darbe surinkta ir išanalizuota medžiaga, susijusi su mediatekų projektavimo ypatumais, jų koncepcijomis ir įgyvendinimo rezultatais, atlikta vietos sąlygų analizė, sukurti konceptualiai skirtingi eskiziniai projekto variantai, parengtas mediatekos projektas. Pastato architekrtūrinėje išraiškoje integruojama viešoji miesto erdvė, informacija, perduodama naujosiomis medijomis ir istorinis teritorijos kontekstas. Kuriama atvira visuomenei, skirtingiems individų ir grupių interesams pritaikyta viešoji informacijos erdvė. Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro: įvadas, analitinė dalis, projektinė dalis, bendrosios išvados. Taip pat pateikiami du maketai ir grafinė medžiaga planšetuose. / The final project of master studies is the design of mediatheque buiding in Vilnius Old Town between Odminių, L. Stuokos-Gucevičiaus, Šventaragio streets and Gedimino avenue. The specific features and concepts of mediatheques design and their realizations is being analysed. After the site analysis conceptually different variations are created and the final mediatheque project is designed. The public city space, new media and historical context is integrated in the architectural expression of the building. Open for society and different individual interests public space of information is created. The final work consist of preface, analitic part, project part, conclusion. Also two models of the building and the graphic material.


Šliažas, Sigitas 05 August 2013 (has links)
Baigiamuoju magistro darbu „Kūrybinių industrijų galimybės didinant Kauno senamiesčio patrauklumą“ siekiama nustatyti, kokią įtaką kūrybinės industrijos daro Kauno senamiesčio patrauklumui. Kūrybinės industrijos – tai verslo ir kūrybos sąveika, paremta individo kūrybiškumu, šis reiškinys daro ypač didelę įtaką šalių ekonomikai, teigiama veikia miestų kūrimo ir atgaivinimo procesus, kuria pridėtinę vertę, stiprina bendruomeniškumą, padeda populiarinti miestus ar miestų dalis, į juos pritraukti turistų. Lietuvoje kūrybinės industrijos populiarėja pamažu, šis reiškinys dar palyginti mažai analizuotas mokslininkų. Kaune kūrybinių industrijų veiklos ypač ryškios pastaraisiais metais atgaivintoje istorinėje miesto dalyje – senamiestyje. Atsižvelgiant į minėtą darbo tikslą, svarbu, kad jam pasiekti iškelti keturi svarbiausi uždaviniai, kurie įgyvendinti darbo eigoje. Siekiant įvertinti kūrybinių industrijų įtaką, būtina teoriškai apibrėžti šios sąvokos samprata ir kilmę, todėl pirmasis uždavinys – atlikti teorinės literatūros analizę. Aptarus teorines įžvalgas, Kauno miesto gyventojams pateikti anketinę apklausą, darbui taip pat svarbūs ir kiti uždaviniai – nustatyti, kaip kūrybinės industrijos veikia Kauno senamiesčio patrauklumą, gautus rezultatus palyginti su teorinėmis žiniomis. Siekiant išsikeltų uždavinių, buvo pasitelktas metaanalizės metodas, anketinė apklausa, empirinis tyrimas. Anketinę apklausą „Kūrybinių industrijų įtakos Kauno miesto senamiesčio patrauklumui... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master thesis “Creative industries impact to the attractiveness of the Kaunas old town” aims to determine the impact that creative industries makes to the attractiveness of the Kaunas old town. Creative industries is an interaction between business and creation, based on the creativity of the human, also creative industries has a strong impact to the economy, makes an influence to the urban development and regeneration processes, and gives a surplus value, makes a community stronger, helps to promote cities or part of them, attracts tourists. In Lithuania creative industry is slowly gaining in popularity, this phenomenon is still relatively little analyzed by scientists. In Kaunas creative industries are obvious in the old town, that was recreated in late years. When the aim of the master thesis is given, it is important that there are four main tasks, that are realized in the master thesis. To assess the impact of creative industries, it is necessary to define the theory concept and origin, so the first task - to carry out the theoretical analysis of the literature. After discussing the theoretical insights, the questionnaire survey was given to the residents of Kaunas city. Other important tasks - to determine how the creative industry influences the Kaunas old town, the results were compared with theoretical knowledge. Meta-analysis method, questionnaire survey, an empirical study were used in research. Questionnaire survey was filled by 202 residents of Kaunas, 7... [to full text]

Biržų miesto centrinės dalies urbanistinės struktūros regeneracija / Regeneration of the central part of Biržai urban structure

Gaudiešiūtė, Gintarė 08 July 2009 (has links)
Biržai - tai vienas iš unikalesnių Lietuvos miestelių su XVa. menančia pilimi. Biržų senamiestis - respublikinės reikšmės urbanistikos paminklas neturi konkretaus statuso, aiškių struktūrinių ribų - jos keičiamos nemotyvuojant jokiais tyrimais ir neaišku, kokiais kriterijais vadovaujamasi projektuojant šioje miesto dalyje. Pervertinama Biržų miesto istoriškai susiklosčiusi struktūra - centrinė miesto dalis bei jame esantis senamiestis. Nustatomos urbanistinių vertybių teritorijų aiškios struktūrinės ribos (senamiestis, miesto centras, buferinės zonos)bei saugomų teritorijų ribos(urbanistikos paveldas, archeologijos paveldas, urbanistinis draustinis) remiantis istoriniais šaltiniais, teritorijos užstatymo rodikliais, atskirų morfologinių elementų sluoksnių tyrimais. Sudaromi kiekvienai teritorijai atitinkami planavimo veiklos reglamentai ir pasiūlomi nauji miesto erdvių, jų struktūros ir kompozicijos tobulinimo principai. / Biržai - is one of the unique towns of Lithuania with a castle of XV century. Biržai old town is an urban monument of national importance which does not have the exact status and clear structural limits. They are replaced without any researches and it is unclear what the criteria are for the design of this part of the city. Towns historical developed structure is overestimated - the central part of the town and the Old Town. On the basis of historical sources, the indicators of the site built, research of morphological individual layers elements, clear structural limits of the values of urban areas (Old Town, the city center, the buffer zone), and protected areas (urban heritage, archaeological heritage, the urban reserve) are determined.. The relevant planning and activity regulations are offered for each area and the new urban spaces as well as improvement principles for their structure and composition.

Intarpų Lietuvos senamiesčiuose architektūros raiška XX a. II-oje pusėje / The artistic expression of the architectural infills in the old towns of Lithuania since the II-nd half of XX-th century

Sakalauskas, Artūras 21 July 2011 (has links)
Magistranto baigiamajame darbe apibrėžiama intarpo samprata bei apžvelgiama jo raida Lietuvos didžiuosiuose senamiesčiuose nuo antros XX a. pusės iki XXI a. pradžios – 2004 m. Atstatinėjant ir regeneruojant miestų senamiesčius įvairiais naujais architektūros kūrimo principais, seno ir naujo santykio tema yra ypač aktuali, todėl magistriniame darbe gilinamasi į XX a. antros pusės - XXI a. pradžios (1945-2004) laikotarpį, kartu bandoma apibrėžti intarpo raidą Europoje nuo viduramžių iki tyrime nustatytos Lietuvos periodizacijos, nustatant galimus intarpo harmonizavimo ir įterpimo būdus miesto istorinėje aplinkoje, imant dėmesin ne tik jo vietą istorinės aplinkos struktūroje, bet ir stilistines vieno ar kito laikotarpio architektūros kryptis. Išgryninti intarpo morfotipų kiekybiniai ir urbanistiniai rodikliai Vilniaus, Kauno, Kėdainių ir Klaipėdos istoriniuose senamiesčiuose gretinami su jų architektūrine raiška. Identifikuojami charakteringiausi analizuojamų senamiesčių intarpų objektai ir tiriama jų architektūros raiška per sąryšį su gretimais istoriniais pastatais pagal nusistatytus intarpų atrankos ir jų architektūros vertinimo kriterijus. Aiškinantis skirtingų senamiesčių periodizacijos sistemų intarpų architektūrinės kompozicijos harmonizavimo į istorinę aplinką priemones, įvardijamos ryškiausios iš jų bei labiausiai pasireiškusios atitinkamu laikmečiu. / Master's thesis defines the concept of the infill and overviews it’s development in Lithuanian old towns from the second half of twentieth century till the beginning of twenty-first century – 2004. Using a variety of new architectural design principles the Old Towns of the cities are being rebuilt and regenerated. This refers to a particularly relevant subject of relation between old and new. The focus of the master thesis is the period between the second half of twentieth-century and beginning of the twenty-first century (1945-2004) period, with an attempt to define the evolution of infill in Europe since the Middle Ages until the determined Lithuanian periodization, and potential means of harmonization of infill and it’s insertion in the atmosphere of historic site, taking the attention not only to its location in the historical structure of the environment, but also to a stylistic architectural trends of the periods. Purified quantitative and urban indicators of infills’ morphotypes in Vilnius, Kaunas, Kedainiai and Klaipėda historical old towns are set against its architectural expression. The most characteristic objects of infills in old towns and sites are identified and investigated in terms of architectural expression through its relationship with adjacent historic buildings. The criteria is set according to the infills’ selection and its’ architectural evaluation. Explaining the different periodization systems in old towns infills’ harmonization of architectural... [to full text]

Šiaulių senamiesčio įtakos zonos, prie Talkšos ežero, architektūrinė - urbanistinė koncepcija / Architectural urban conception of Šiauliai old town influence zone near Talkša lake

Mockutė, Renata 22 June 2011 (has links)
Ilgą laiką Šiaulių miestas neturėjo aiškiai išskirtų vertingiausių saugomų struktūrinių zonų. Ši problema paliko neigiamus pėdsakus miesto morfologijai. Istorinėje miesto dalyje - prieigose atsiradę per dideli sklypai lėmė struktūrinių anomalijų atsiradimą. Ypač didelė problema tapo apleistas pramoninis kompleksas gamtinio karkaso ruože, prie Talkšos ežero, - nenuoseklios miesto plėtros pasekmė. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas- pervertinus Šiaulių senamiesčio ir jo prieigų struktūrą, numatyti struktūrines ribas, sudaryti planavimo veiklos reglamentą, planavimo principus. Jais remiantis pasiūlyti reikšmingos senamiesčio įtakos zonos, prie Talkšos ežero, architektūrinę - urbanistinę koncepciją. Atlikus išsamius tyrimus mieste, numatytos struktūrinės miesto ribos, planavimo reglamentas. Istorinė, urbanistinė analizė padiktavo teritorijos prie Talkšos ežero koncepciją, apimančią kompleksiško kultūros paveldo vertybių, jų vizualinės apsaugos respektavimo, gatvių tinklo pertvarkymo, reljefo suformavimo, viešųjų erdvių tinklo plėtros galimybes. Darbo rezultatas - Ch. Frenkelio istorinio pramoninio komplekso konversija į kultūros ir mokslo fabriką, remiantis sudarytu užstatymo planavimo reglamentu (Šiaulių senamiesčio įtakos zonoje, prie Talkšos ežero). Darbą sudaro grafinė medžiaga ir tekstinė dalis, įvadas, analitinė -metodinė dalis, tiriamoji - eksperimentinė, išvados, siūlymai, priedai -iliustracijos, lentelės, papildomos grafinės medžiagos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Šiauliai city did not clearly distinguish the most valuable structural protected areas for a long time. This left negative traces of urban morphology. Large quarters occured in the historical part of town and influenced structural anomalies. Particularly big problem was enormous and abandoned industrial complex in delicate natural area neat Talkša lake - inconsistent result of urban development. The main objectives of master thesis are to reappraise Šiauliai old town and infuance zones structure, provide the structural limits, planning regulations, principles. On this basis suggest a significant impact on the old town area, near lake Talkšos, architectural - urbanistic concept. According to studies offer architectural urban conception of Šiauliai old town influence zone near Talkša lake. City investigations presented structural zones and urban planning regulations. Conception of the zone near Talkša lake was dectated by urban and historical analysis. The conception includes an integrated cultural heritage, their visual respectation protection, street network transformation, the formation of relief, public spaces, network development opportunities. The result - Ch. Frenkel historical industrial complex conversion to culture and science factory, according to urban planning regulations ( Šiauliai old town influence zone near Talkša lake) Work consists of graphic and textual material part of the introduction, analytical and... [to full text]

Maximum Sustainability : Organic Urban Renewal of Gudaoxiang Historical District in Changsha

Bai, Kunyu January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Experiencing Inebriation In Place

Reynolds, Andrew Scott 27 July 2010 (has links)
Sitting in a pub in Dublin, I tried to understand the architectural qualities of my so-called watering hole. The stylish wood and spatial divisions were pleasant but were not the full reasons behind why I loved being apart of the place. I started to think why architecture is not valued through our sensibilities? Or a better question, how can architecture be valued through our sensibilities? Our emotions are developed through our experiences. The movement through the pub, my actions within the space, and the senses being formed from my surroundings helped my understanding of why I enjoyed the pub. There was a function, a process, and an interpretation of senses. Our senses are developed from our immediate environments. We know ourselves in relation to other things. We know how certain things make us feel. Things have histories and we evaluate these things in relation to our own timeline. When these relationships and feelings meet we understand our surroundings through placement. Here is where we dwell in a place. Place is the building, within the building, and around the building. Place and dwelling are more cognitive than physically inhabiting within a location. Our understanding of how we love a building starts with place. How do you design a place? How do things and people belong to these places? Can a bar and brewery become one of these things on the banks of the Potomac in Old Town Alexandria? And, will it make a new and better place? Will it be loved? / Master of Architecture

Une réflexion sur le concept de "développement" à travers le cas de la vieille ville de Lijang (RPC) / Reflection of the concept of ‘development’ : one study based of Lijiang Old Town

Zhao, Wei 29 June 2012 (has links)
Comment est-ce que les villes anciennes parviennent à se réinséser dans des ensembles urbains?Quels roles les diverses populations en présence jouent-elles dans les phénomènes de recomposition de ces espaces locaux?Est-ce qu’il n’y a que une route de development au monde qui s’appelle mondialisation?C’est à questions sensibles que s’efforce de répondre ce thèse en proposant une analyse minutieuse des multiples processus qui est fonçonné, au cour des dernières vingtaine ans en Chine, la transformation de culture et tradition du Lijiang, situé dans la province de Yunnan, à la marge en Chine. En retraçant ainsi au fil du temps la vie de ce lieu et ses habitants, ce thèse veut entraine dans l’histoire récente en Chine, en meme temps métider la route de development local et le concept de ‘développement’.À la fin, c’est mon analysis sur la base de cette recherche comparative. La réforme et l’ouverture sur le monde extérieur sont exéculté depuis 1978 en Chine, le gouverment s’efforce de developer l’économie. La façon de protéger héritage culture est devenu de plus en plus la manière de developer l’économie. En autre mot, c’est la technique de development dans les lieux locaux et une partie de modernisation (ou mondialisation). Après la guerre mondiale secondaire, modernisation est une trendence principal au monde, par ce thèse, je veux réfléchir sur cette processus de modernisation à nouveau, et analyse la route divisitaire de dévelopment sur la base de les environnements differents. Aujourd’hui, si nous voulons etre inscrits au patrimoine mondial, en un sens, ce n’est pas pour bien le protèger, mais pour profiter de cet honneur et d’un outil pour développer l’économie. Apres etre inscrit au patrimoine mondial, le gouvernement locale a des raisons de demander le support financier au gouvernement central et il a aussi des chances d’attirer les capitaux étrangers pour améliorer les constructions principales. / Lijiang old Town is located in the northwest of Yunnan Province, one of the Naxi settlements. Historically, the ancestors of the Naxi and Tibetan, Han, Yi, Bai and other ethnic have lived together in peace, forming its own unique ecological view, and nourishing their own national character, which makes the town own its unspeakable intangible charm in the long history. In 1997, Lijiang Old Town was in the World Heritage List and enters the fast development track. As the result of economic development, the local Naxi culture gradually changes, for example, the ancient city’s commercial atmosphere increasing strong, the outside population coming, the Naxi language usage among the younger generations becoming less and less, the essence of the Dongba culture to be overlooked etc. Based on the above facts, the author tries to explore the Lijiang Old Town as a case from the perspective of the “anthropology of development”. Through collecting data on the basis of the field, compared with the Old City of Lyon, France, the author criticizes the modernist view of development and the excessive use of tools of cultural heritage, highlights our "development" view and cultural heritage awareness bias. The author believes that "development" should be multiple semantics, not just economic growth, including local knowledge. Fading out the cultural heritage as a tool to develop local economy and we should protect the heritage authenticity and integrity, respect different cultures and traditions, and then achieve scientific development and build a harmonious society. Based on the above understanding, the author from the perspective of subjective and objective explores the main viewpoints. Besides the introduction and conclusion, the paper consists of three major parts: In the first part, the author places the town of Lijiang in the scope of a long period of time and space, tracing its history through several important development stages: Tea Horse Road period, the anti-Japanese period in the Second World War and after the inscription. In contrast to the development of the past and today, the author shows some differences from the original Ancient Town’s life to today’s commercial city. In the process, the ancient city has changes from community to modern society, the traditional Naxi culture gradually lost. The second part explores different thoughts on the changes of this Old Town of Lijiang from the ethnographic perspective. Mainly through the interview to a family history of the Naxi and three generations’ oral storytelling who have lived in the ancient city, as well as city managers, Naxi scholars, community workers in Lijiang Old Town, young Naxi generation, ordinary residents, outsiders, and the author own field experiences and feelings, the author tries to show different understandings of the whole changes from the outside to the inside of Lijiang old Town. On this basis, the author reinterpreted the stereotype of the ancient Naxi people. In the third part, the author presents the deviation of understanding of the cultural heritage’s protection and development by comparing Lyon Old Town in France. From the “ anthropology of development”, the paper reflects the tool behavior and misunderstanding in the progress of developing and protecting our country’s old city, that is to say, development means not only developing local economy but also protecting tradition culture and customs, etc.

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