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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizational Identification and Alumni Giving: The Role of External Student Organizations

Wapner, Stephanie January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


PHILIPE PINHEIRO DE SOUZA SALES 02 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa objetiva explorar como o trabalho remoto afeta a identificação organizacional dos colaboradores e, por conseguinte, pode influenciar no seu desempenho e satisfação. Para fundamentar teoricamente o trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre os impactos positivos e negativos do teletrabalho no cotidiano dos colaboradores e na sua identificação com a organização. Foi feito um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa, entrevistas semiestruturadas com treze colaboradores de uma empresa de logística portuária que, atualmente realizam o trabalho remotamente, seja ele parcial ou integral. A análise se restringiu a colaboradores das unidades de negócio do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Os resultados das entrevistas foram analisados à luz da literatura consultada, objetivando explorar quais as bases das relações de troca entre os entrevistados e as empresas nas quais atuam. Identificamos que, embora grande parte dos profissionais aprecie o teletrabalho e enfatize que esse modelo proporciona uma melhora na qualidade de vida, a presença no escritório ainda é um fator determinante para a identificação organizacional. Como desdobramento dessas percepções, os entrevistados, em sua maioria, sugeriram um modelo híbrido, onde se é possível manter o relacionamento e a identificação com a companhia e garantir a qualidade de vida que o teletrabalho proporciona. / [en] The research aims to explore how remote work affects employees organizational identification and, therefore, can influence their performance and satisfaction. To theoretically substantiate the work, a literature review was carried out on the positive and negative impacts of teleworking on employees daily work, and on their identification with the organization. A case study was carried out, with a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews with thirteen employees of a port logistics company, who currently carry out their work remotely, whether partial or full. The analysis was restricted to employees from the Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo business units. The results of the interviews were analyzed considering the literature consulted, aiming to explore the basis of the exchange relationships between the interviewees and the companies in which they work. We identified that, although most professionals appreciate teleworking, and emphasize that this model provides an improvement in quality of life, presence in the office is still a determining factor for organizational identification. As a result of these perceptions, most interviewees suggested a hybrid model, where it is possible to maintain the relationship and identification with the company and guarantee the quality of life that teleworking provides.

Employee behavior as an image of CSR : analysing through the lens of individualism - collectivism

Yasin, Hina Mahboob 26 November 2014 (has links)
Durant des siècles, la religion a été considérée comme une entité extrêmement influente. Lentement et progressivement, les gouvernements ont pris la relève et gagné en puissance. De nos jours, quelques grandes entreprises prennent le relais (Cohen, 1988). Cependant, la recherche montre que les entreprises qui ne gèrent pas leur pouvoir de manière socialement responsable sont sanctionnées par la société (Davis, 1973). Pour cette raison, les PDG sont amenés à faire un usage intelligent et productif de leurs ressources, par le biais de la responsabilité sociale. La RSE est un phénomène important par le moyen duquel les employés acquièrent, par identification à l'entreprise, une identité sociale. Cette identification génère elle-même des comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle (OCB). Il est nécessaire de procéder à une étude approfondie de ces comportements influencés par la RSE, en tenant compte de l'approche psychologique individualiste ou collectiviste de l'employé. Nous présentons ici un modèle optimal, testé empiriquement. Les résultats de cette recherche suggèrent aux entreprises d'utiliser intelligemment leurs activités opérationnelles pour répondre à un large éventail de besoins. / Ages ago, religion was an entity which was deemed as influentially powerful. Slowly and gradually, governments became the entities even with greater power to influence the circumstances. And now, some big corporations have taken over that power (Cohen, 1988) . Nevertheless, when power comes, along lingers responsibility. Research shows that businesses which do not handle their power in socially responsible manner, the society deprives it of that power (Davis, 1973). For this reason, CEO's now make intelligent use of their resources in order to be productive as well as socially responsible, in short they exhibit Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR is such a powerful phenomenon which enables an employee to derive his/her social identity by identifying with the firm. Employees view their self as a depiction of their firm, when their firm behaves in a socially responsible manner. This resulting identification tends to generate organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). A need resides to conduct an deep study of employee behavior influenced by CSR while considering the individualist or collectivist psychological approach of the employee. This research plays its role in configuring the resulting behavioral patterns generated from the considerate behavior of the firm. We bring forward an optimal model, which is empirically tested. The findings support this research suggesting firms to cleverly utilize its operational activities to meet a broader range of needs.

Värdegrund som styrmekanism : En fallstudie om en kommunförvaltnings värdegrundsarbete

Andersson, Daniel, Österman, Martin January 2019 (has links)
En tillitsbaserad styrprincip efterfrågar värderingsdrivna organisationer som kan nyttja organisatoriska värdegrunder som styrmekanismer. Frågeställningar behandlade förhållandet mellan organisatorisk värdegrund i relation till organisationsidentifikation, professionell värdegrund och praktiserad värdegrund. En fallstudie tematiserades utifrån 11 intervjuer med enhetschefer och medarbetare från en kommunförvaltning. Utifrån frågeställningarna genererades tillhörande teman. Samstämmigheten med professionell värdegrund relaterade till temana gemensam grundsyn och tydlighet. Med praktiserad värdegrund till temana styrmekanism, konkretisering, samverkan och förut­sättningar. Förhållandet till organisationsidentifikation gav temana närhet, öppenhet, värdekongruens, tydlighet och rykte. Resultatet visade på upplevd samstämmighet mellan den organisatoriska värdegrunden och den professionella samt praktiserade värdegrunden med några avvikelser.  Den organisatoriska värdegrunden hade en del i identifikationsprocessen. Studien kan utveckla förståelsen om värde­grundens roll i identifikationsprocessen samt bidra till att organisationer som ämnar att bedriva värderingsstyrning ges en inblick i ett värdegrundsarbete och påverkande faktorer. Värdegrund kan användas som verktyg vid rekrytering och marknadsföring för att locka individer med önskvärda professionella värderingar.

Predicerar delaktighet, arbetstrivsel och organisationsidentitet hur väl den anställde talar om organisationen? / Can participation, job satisfaction and organizational identity predict how well employees speak about their organization?

Winkler, Petra, Östman, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det går att predicera hur väl den anställde talar om organisationen (mätt genom Employee Brand Equity Scale) utifrån prediktorerna arbetstrivsel (mätt genom The Generic Job Satisfaction Scale), organisationsidentitet (mätt genom Identification With a Psychological Group Scale) samt delaktighet (mätt genom Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire). En kvantitativ studie utfördes på en organisation inom stålindustrin. En enkät skickades ut och besvarades av 279 medarbetare. En multipel linjär regressionsanalys påvisade att ju högre delaktighet, arbetstrivsel och organisationsidentitet desto mer ökning gällande hur väl den anställde talar om organisationen. Prediktorerna förklarade tillsammans 61 % av responsvariabeln (hur väl den anställde talar om organisationen). Hur väl den anställde talar om organisationen kunde starkast förklaras genom prediktorn arbetstrivsel följt av prediktorerna organisationsidentitet och delaktighet. / The purpose of the study was to investigate whether it is possible to predict how well the employee speaks about the organization (measured by Employee Brand Equity Scale) based on the predictors of job satisfaction (measured by The Generic Job Satisfaction Scale), organizational identity (measured by Identification With a Psychological Group Scale) and participation (measured by Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire). A quantitative study was conducted on an organization in the steel industry. A survey was sent out and answered by 279 employees. A multiple linear regression analysis showed that the higher the participation, job satisfaction and organizational identity, the more increase regarding how well the employee speaks about the organization. The predictors together explained 61% of the response variable (how well the employee talks about the organization). How well the employee speaks about the organization could be explained most strongly by the predictor of job satisfaction followed by the predictors of organizational identity and participation.

An Examination of Online Volunteers' Organizational and Work-Group Identification and Intent to Leave: A Case Study of OCEF

Huang, Wei 01 August 2013 (has links)
This study examined the relationships among organizational identification,work-group identification and intent to leave of online volunteers in a nonprofit organization—OCEF. A total of 245 participants completed the online questionnaire. Consonant with previous research findings, organizational identification and work-group identification has positive relationships; however, the hypothesis that both organizational identification and work-group identification negatively predict intent to leave of online volunteers was not supported in the present study. Furthermore, the level of organizational identification and work-group identification of online volunteers were high, but did not have difference in this study.

Revisorsassistentens socialiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om socialisering och identifiering inom en revisionsbyrå i Örebro

Crona, Victor, Myllylä, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: This paper aims to describe the socialization process that audit associates experience within an auditing firm that is included in the Big 4-sphere. Our purpose is also to describe which attributes that characterize the organizational identity, and how these attributes are reflected in the self-image of the associates. Furthermore, we seek to explain how the socialization process has influenced the organizational identification. This subject is of interest since the business of auditing is facing higher demands from regulators and politicians, due to the bankruptcy of HQ-bank among others during the financial crisis in the beginning of the 21st century. Earlier research claims that the socialization process of recruits, especially in the initial state of the employment, has a major impact on their future values and attitudes in their job performance. Thus, the socialization process should also be a vital means to achieve organizational identification, which consequently will help the organization to assure a uniform outcome among its employees.       Methodology/approach: The collection of primary data was done by five interviews with audit associates, working within an auditing firm that belongs to the Big 4-sphere.  Findings: The socialization process within the auditing firm is foremost characterized by an informal socialization strategy, where learning by doing and interaction with more experienced colleagues are fundamental parts within the process. Hence, the serial strategy is integrated in the informal socialization process. Moreover, the individual socialization strategy is present in terms of the individual learning that takes place in the daily work context. Considering the explicit and mandatory steps within the personal development plan, the sequential strategy is distinct. Thus, with the emphasis on the educations, influences of the fixed strategy can also be identified. However, the personal development varies among the associates with differentiated goals, which is in accordance to a variable strategy. Finally, due to the complexity of the profession of auditing concerning specific skills, the socialization process has influences from both retaining and processing strategy.  The length of the employment enhances the degree of the organizational identification, and therefore also by how far the associate has made it in the socialization process. Attributes that characterize the organizational identity and that are reflected in the associates’ self-image are for example analytical skills, urge, quality, ambitious and stress-hardy. The socialization process can in various ways explain why these attributes are apparent.

Impact de la proximité identitaire « publics-musée d'art » sur la fréquentation des lieux culturels : le cas des musées d’art / Identity proximity and art museum

De Miguel de Blas, Marta 15 June 2017 (has links)
La valeur qu’attachent les individus à l’égard d’un objet culturel peut être expliquée, entre autres, par leur projet identitaire d’appartenance à un groupe. Cette thèse propose de nouvelles orientations stratégiques muséales permettant d’augmenter la fréquentation muséale, de changer le rapport du musée d’art aux publics et d’attirer ainsi d’autres individus.Cette recherche a permis la conceptualisation de la proximité identitaire « publics-musée d’art », la confirmation de ses dimensions et antécédents, et enfin, l’analyse de la relation entre la proximité identitaire « publics-musée d’art » et la fréquentation. Par ailleurs, le développement d’une échelle de mesure de la proximité identitaire « publics-musée d’art » a élargi le cadre théorique des phénomènes d’identification et de leurs conséquences.  Finalement la thèse propose des leviers d’action pour faciliter l’accès à l’art. Les musées ont intérêt à développer globalement une stratégie de proximité identitaire « publics-musée d’art » fondée sur le partage de caractéristiques communes et sur des dimensions affectives orientées vers toutes les catégories de publics. Plus particulièrement, les publics habitués seraient sensibles à des stratégies de rapprochement fondées sur le lien social et sur le partage de caractéristiques identitaires avec l’offre muséale ; les visiteurs occasionnels se rapprochent d’un musée d’art en étant le plus souvent accompagnés, et ressentent des émotions positives dans ces lieux ; et enfin une stratégie orientée vers le non public devrait permettre la valorisation de l’individu par rapport aux autres personnes de leur entourage. / The value that individuals attach to a cultural object can be explained, among other things, by their identity project of belonging to a group. This thesis proposes new strategic orientations for museums that increase museum attendance, change the relationship of the art museum with the public and attract other individuals.This research allowed the conceptualization of the proximity of the "public-art museum" identity, the confirmation of its dimensions and antecedents, and finally the analysis of the relationship between the "public-art museum" identity proximity and the art museum attendance. Moreover, the development of a "public-art museum" identity proximity scale, offers to broaden the theoretical framework of the identification phenomena and its consequences.Finally, the thesis proposes levers of action to facilitate access to art. It is in the interest of museums to develop a strategy of "public-art museum" identity proximity based on the sharing of common characteristics and affective dimensions oriented towards all categories of public. In particular, the regular audiences would be sensitive to strategies of rapprochement based on the social bond and the sharing of identity characteristics with the museum offer. The occasional visitors feel closer to an art museum when being most often accompanied, and feel positive emotions in these places. And finally, a non-public-oriented strategy should enable the individual to be highly considered by other people in their environment.

Um olhar sobre a identificação organizacional dos trainees: aspectos objetivos e subjetivos

Vieira, Anderson Alex de Assis 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Anderson Alex De Assis Vieira (anderson.assisvieira@gmail.com) on 2018-03-24T00:54:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Anderson_Vieira.pdf: 1196919 bytes, checksum: 9899b496a4232f0d1fee002d8747cdd6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Nunes Ferreira (debora.nunes@fgv.br) on 2018-03-27T19:30:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Anderson_Vieira.pdf: 1196919 bytes, checksum: 9899b496a4232f0d1fee002d8747cdd6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-03-28T14:21:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Anderson_Vieira.pdf: 1196919 bytes, checksum: 9899b496a4232f0d1fee002d8747cdd6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-28T14:21:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Anderson_Vieira.pdf: 1196919 bytes, checksum: 9899b496a4232f0d1fee002d8747cdd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo entender o processo de identificação organizacional dos trainees com as suas empresas por meio da entrevista etnográfica. Utilizando este método de Spradley (1979) através do qual é possível conhecer mais profundamente a identificação destes jovens profissionais com a empresa na qual trabalham, a partir da visão deles. Este método abrange desde o processo de coleta de dados à sua análise. Foram entrevistados 17 trainees de diferentes empresas para alcançar o objetivo proposto. A definição de identificação organizacional utilizada como base é a de Pratt (1988) que a define como o processo pelo qual o indivíduo se autodefine tendo em vista as crenças, objetivos e valores da empresa. Neste trabalho é mostrado todo o processo da identificação trainee-organização, e dele foi possível destacar alguns pontos importantes. Primeiro ponto, as atividades de recrutamento e seleção e a integração do trainee na empresa propiciam uma maior aproximação entre ambos antes dele entrar e no início da sua carreira na companhia, respectivamente. Outro destaque é algo que não é do processo, mas sim uma consequência de o indivíduo estar identificado que é o sentimento de dono, que diz respeito à situação na qual o profissional tende a agir como se ele fosse dono da organização, assumindo mais responsabilidades e fazendo o máximo possível para gerar resultados e para proteger a organização na qual trabalha. Todos estes pontos têm em comum a questão do status do trainee, quando a empresa o torna um profissional diferenciado dos demais, nesse caso ele se sente no dever de justificar este tratamento especial, bem como se sente importante e pode retribuir a organização com atitudes que a beneficiem. Conclui-se que o status do trainee é um fator relevante tanto para o processo de identificação organizacional como para os impactos da identificação organizacional. / This work aims to understand the process of organizational identification of trainees with their companies through ethnographic interview. Using this method by Spradley (1979) through which it is possible to know more deeply the identification of these young professionals with the company in which they work, from the vision of them. This method ranges from the process of data collection to its analysis. We interviewed 17 trainees from different companies to achieve the proposed goal. The definition of organizational identification used as a basis is by Pratt (1988) who defines it as the process by which the individual defines himself in view of the company's beliefs, goals and values. In this work is shown the whole process of trainee-organization identification, and it was possible to highlight some important points. Firstly, the recruitment and selection activities and the integration of them into the company allows a closer approximation between both before it enters and at the beginning of its career in the company, respectively. Another highlight is something that is not of the process, but rather a consequence of the individual being identified is the ownership, which refers to the situation in which the professional tends to act as if he owns the organization, taking on more responsibilities and doing as much as possible to generate results and to protect the organization in which you work. All these points have in common the question of trainee status, when the company makes it a professional differentiated from the others, in this case he feels the duty to justify this special treatment, as well as feels important and can reciprocate the organization with attitudes that the benefit. We conclude that trainee status is a relevant factor both for the organizational identification process and for the impacts of organizational identification.


TARSILA SANTOS RIBEIRO 11 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a influência das relações entre líderes e liderados sobre a percepção de Justiça Interacional e esta sobre o Julgamento de Retaliação Organizacional, bem como o papel da Identificação Organizacional, da Desidentificação e da Identificação Ambivalente como mecanismos moderadores desta dimensão perceptiva e de julgamentos sobre comportamentos retaliativos. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza quantitativa, que buscou explorar os modelos e analisar as hipóteses propostas. Foram realizadas regressões múltiplas utilizando-se as diferentes variáveis dependentes, objetos do estudo. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas organizações pertencentes aos setores comercial e de saúde, contando com um quadro amostral significativo. Os resultados indicaram que, em ambas as organizações, confirmou-se a associação entre a Relação Líder-Seguidor e Justiça Interacional. Não foi possível confirmar a associação entre a Relação Líder-Seguidor e o Julgamento de Retaliação Organizacional. Além disso, como um achado desta pesquisa, a Identificação Organizacional foi mais significante na predição do Julgamento de Retaliação Organizacional como uma variável independente do que como um dos moderadores da associação entre a Justiça Interacional e o Julgamento de Retaliação Organizacional. / [en] This research aimed to investigate the influence of the Leader-Follower Relationship on Interactional Justice and, through the possibilities of Organizational Identification, Disidentification and Ambivalent Identification, the influence of this perception of justice on the Judgment of Organizational Retaliation. It is a quantitative study, which sought to explore the models and analyze the proposed hypotheses. Multiple regressions were performed considering different dependent variables, objects of the study. The research was carried out in two organizations belonging to the commercial and health sectors, with a significant sampling frame. The results indicated that, in both organizations, the association between the Leader-Follower Relationship and Interactional Justice was confirmed; but it was not possible to confirm the association between the Leader-Follower Relationship and the Organizational Retaliation Judgment. As a finding of this research, the Organizational Identification was more significant in the prediction of the Organizational Retaliation Judgment as an independent variable than as one of the moderators of the association between Interactional Justice and the Organizational Retaliation Judgment.

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