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越南胡志明市高級中學校長分布式領導、教師知覺組織支持與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / The Relationships among Distributed Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at High Schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.胡士雄, Ho, Sy Hung Unknown Date (has links)
基於上述之研究結果,本研究提出一些建議,作為主管教育行政機關、學校校長、教師及未來研究之參考。 / The study aims to investigate the relationships among distributed leadership, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior. The study population is all in-service teachers at public high schools in Ho Chi Minh city. The questionnaires are used to collect data. In the pretest stage, data collected from a sample of 275 teachers at 20 public high schools, and was used to test the validity and reliability of the research instruments by using the exploratory factor analysis. In the formal survey, data collected from a sample of 908 teachers at 64 public high schools. Then the descriptive analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and SEM approach’s path analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that:
1. The teachers’ perception of distributed leadership, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior is good.
2. Six demographic variables, including teachers’ age, year of experience, level of education, school location, school size, and years as principal at current school, showed significant differences in distributed leadership.
3. Three demographic variables, including teachers’ age, school location, school size, showed significant differences in perceived organizational support.
4. Three demographic variables, including school location, school size, and years as principal at current school, showed significant differences in organizational citizenship behavior.
5. There is a significant positive correlation between the variables of distributed leadership, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior.
6. Both distributed leadership and perceived organizational support showed a positive direct effect on organizational citizenship behavior.
7. Perceived organizational support partially mediated the effect of distributed leadership on organizational citizenship behavior.
8. The SEM constructed for the distributed leadership, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior showed a goodness of fit.
Based on these results, there are many applications proposed to education authority, school principals, and teachers and some recommendations provided for further research.
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新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationships among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City陳彥成 Unknown Date (has links)
參、新北市國民中學教師知覺學校效能為中高程度 ,其中「教師教學效果」表現最佳,「社區家長支持」則有加強空間。
最後,根據本研究結果,提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員與未來研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study are to learn the relationships among the Operational Effectiveness of Teachers' Associations, Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and School Effectiveness of Junior High Schools in New Taipei City. Comparing and analyzing the differences, relationships, and stepwise regression among Operational Effectiveness of Teachers' Associations, Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and School Effectiveness of Junior High Schools, the researcher tries to build and verify a model for these three elements.
Through the use of questionnaires survey method, data are collected from 34 junior high schools, 738 questionnaires in total. Valid questionnaires of 558
are collected, with a usable rate of 75.6%. All data are analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, multiple regressions and structural equation modeling.
The conclusions are as follows:
1. The level of the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations is medium, the performance in "strengthen organization operation" is outstanding, and "enhance teacher professional" can be further strengthened.
2. The level of the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior is medium, the performance in "altruistic behavior" is outstanding, and "work input and dedication" can be improved.
3. The level of the school effectiveness is medium, the performance in "teacher teaching effect" is outstanding, and "community parent support" can be further strengthened.
4 .The junior high school teachers as "teachers' cadres" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations .
5. The junior high school teachers as "mentors", "teachers' cadres" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior.
6. The junior high school teachers as "the ones who are concurrently in administrative work" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the school effectiveness.
7. There are positive correlations among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City.
8. The operational effectiveness of teachers' associations and the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior can apparently predict the school effectiveness.
9.The proper fit of structural equation model among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City is assessed as positive and can explain the relationships among main variables. Teachers' organizational citizenship behavior fully mediates the relationship between the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations and school effectiveness.
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The Psychological Contract: The Development and Validation of a Managerial MeasureCable, Donald Alfred James January 2008 (has links)
The research objective was to develop, through two phases involving development and validation, a measure of the psychological work contract for managerial level employees. The psychological contract is the unwritten implicit contract that forms in the minds of employees and contains the obligations and expectations that they believe exists between themselves and the organization. In the first and qualitative phase of the study, a structured interview procedure resulted in the collection of 651 responses from a convenience sample of 35 managers from seven New Zealand organizations. Responses related to what these managers believed they were obligated to provide the organization (perceived organizational expectations), and what they believed the organization was obligated to provide them (their expectations). Content analysis of these 651 statements resulted in the development of two initial measures of the psychological contract (employee obligations, organization obligations). The employee obligations measure (perceived organizational expectations of the employee) contained 16 items, and the organization obligations measure (employee expectations of the organization) contained 23 items. In the second and quantitative phase of the study, and using the same criteria for participation as for phase one, a convenience sample of 124 managers from 13 New Zealand organizations completed questionnaires. The questionnaires included the measures of psychological contract content developed in phase one of the study, and 8 organizational psychology variables to be included in a nomological network. The nomological network included intention to quit, perceived organizational support, work and job involvement, job satisfaction, career plateau, organizational commitment, person-organization fit, and 2 performance measures. A separate questionnaire covering job performance and organizational citizenship behaviour was completed by 94 of the participants' managers. Of the 54 relationships predicted in the nomological network, 41 were significant. Of the 13 non-significant relationships, 10 involved relationships with the two performance measures. The measures of the psychological contract were subjected to a construct validation process involving two steps. The first step involved item and factor analysis. Factor analysis of the two measures of the psychological contract revealed two factors in each. One factor, termed relational obligations and reflecting a collective interest between the employee and the organization, included the items that were believed to influence more directly the relationship between managers and the organization. This factor included items such as be committed to the job (an employee obligation) and provide a physically and socially safe environment (an organizational obligation). The other factor, termed transactional obligations and reflecting a self/other interest on the part of the employee, included the items that were believed to be of a more direct employment transactions nature. This factor included items such as stay true to your own values and beliefs (an employee obligation) and provide professional and personal support (an organizational obligation). In the second step of the validation process, the measures of the psychological contract were embedded into the nomological network and their relationships with the ten variables in that network were tested. Of the ten hypothesised relationships, only one emerged as significant, that being the relationship between the organization obligations component of the psychological contract and person-organization fit. Minimal support for construct validity of the measures of the psychological contract was provided confirming that further effort will be required before complete construct validity may be claimed for the measured. Although the contribution the research makes to the field of knowledge may be limited, it does provide some validation of existing measures of the psychological contract, developed in other studies using different samples. The present findings increase our knowledge of the content of the psychological contract for managers. Additionally, a methodological framework has been established for continuing research into the content of psychological contracts, including an exploration of the relationship between content and fulfilment, along with a structure for comparing the psychological contract of disparate occupational groups. The most likely explanation for the hypotheses not being fully supported is that it is fulfilment (or conversely breach or violation) of the psychological contract, rather than the content of the contract per se, that is related to the variables in the nomological network. Whilst the hypotheses were based on research that considered fulfilment of the contract, this study focussed on the content of psychological contracts. The reasons for basing the hypotheses on research that considered fulfilment, the influence of this decision on hypothesis testing, and other possible explanations for the hypotheses not finding greater support, are explored. The limitations of the study, and possible directions for future research, are discussed.
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國民中學教師覺知校長服務領導、學校組織氣氛與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among teachers’ perception of principals’ servant leadership, school organizational climate, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high school呂詩琦, Lu, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
九、「校長服務領導」與「學校組織氣氛」對「教師組織公民行為」具有聯合預測力,以「教師承諾行為」、「覺察」、「教師同儕行為」等三個層面對整體教師組織公民行為具有預測力。總解釋變異量為35.2%。 / The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship among principals’ servant ‘leadership, school organizational climate, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior which teachers perceive, and to propose suggestions based on the results, for the reference of educational administration authorities, junior high school principals, , junior high school teachers and relevant future studies.
In this study, faculty of junior high schools in Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county and Miaoli county is picked as subjects and questionnaire survey is adopted. The researcher formulates “junior high school organizational behavior questionnaire,” and randomly selects 55 junior high schools, 520 teachers as samples. In a rate of 87%, 453 replies are returned and then analyzed in methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions are obtained:
1. The present situation of principals’ servant leadership is above the average. Among all the aspects, “professional community” ranks to the top, while “conceptualization” ranks otherwise.
2. Teachers bearing different duties perceive principals’ servant leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, service seniority and school size show no significant difference.
3. The present situation of school organizational climate is above the average. Among all the aspects, “teachers’ disengagement” ranks to the top, while “principal command” ranks otherwise.
4. School climate type which Teacher perception of the highest rate are Open climate and close climate, they account for 34% each, the second is disengagement climate , accounted for 18, involvement climate is the least, accounted for 14%.
5. Teachers of different demographic variables such as gender, duties ,age, service seniority and school size perceive school organizational climate show no significant difference.
6. The present situation of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is above the average. Among all the aspects, “respecting school system” ranks to the top, while “self-request” ranks otherwise.
7. Teachers bearing different duties, age, service seniority and school size perceive teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior significantly differently; while teachers bearing different gender, show no significant difference.
8. Principals’ servant leadership is positively related to school organizational climate; Principals’ servant leadership is positively related to teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior ; school organizational climate is positively related to teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior
9. When combining principals’ servant leadership and school organizational climate, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is predictable for three aspects, including “teachers’commitment,” “Awareness,”and “teachers’ disengagement”, accounting for 35.2% of total variance.
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校長轉型領導及交易領導與教師組織公民行為關係之後設分析 / Meta-analysis of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Effects on Teacher’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior王芝翔 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,依據研究結論針對實務及後續研究提出相關建議以供參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the overall relationships of both transformational and transactional leadership with teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior by using meta-analysis methods. Data were collected from 27 independent studies which include master & doctoral dissertation, theses in seminar and journal papers at home and aboard during 2000-2012. There were 27 research studies with a combined sample of 13,525 participants. The study discussed the relationship between the variables and the effects of the moderators. Testing of homogeneity, there were five major findings of this study as follows:(1)It found a positive relationship between principal’s transformational leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(2)The research areas, the school level, the sample ratio of men, the type of study published and the response rate were found as the significant moderators between principal’s transformational leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(3)It found a positive relationship between principal’s transactional leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior. (4)The school level, the year of research and the sample ratio of men were found as the significant moderators between principal’s transactional leadership and teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.(5)Compared to transactional leadership, the transformational leadership of principals were found to have stronger positive correlations with teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior.
According to the results, some suggestions were proposed for practical applications and future researches.
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臺北市公有停車場管理員工作滿意、工作壓力與組織公民行為關聯性之研究 / The study of relationship of satisfaction, job stress and organizational citizenship behavior for the public parking administrator in Taipei.王淳美, Wang, Chun May Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:公有停車場管理員、工作壓力、工作滿意、組織公民行為 / This research takes the public parking administrator in Taipei as the object to discuss their personalities contributes the job satisfaction, job stress and the difference of the organizational citizenship behaviors, and it also discuss the influence about the job satisfaction, job stress to the organizational citizenship behaviors.
The research is implemented by questionnaire that issued for 642 on March 6, 2014 and collected on March 14. The valid questionnaire is five hundreds and eight-five (585) and in 91.1% response rate. The data is analyzed by the descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Correlation Aanalysis,Independent t Test, One Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Aanalysis and the conclusion are as follows:
1. The personal "age", "seniority" and "job properties" have significant differences in all variables and structure.
2.Job satisfaction and organizational citizen behavior showed a significant positive correlation between two of them.
3.There is a significant negative correlation between job stress and organizational citizen behavior. The "human relationships" and "organizational ambience" and the various structures of organizational citizen behavior showed a fairly significant negative correlation.
4.The analysis results in joint predictive power, the predictive job satisfaction is higher than the job stress, and “job content” in job satisfaction has the most positive impact on organizational citizen behavior. The "interpersonal" in the job stress has the most negative predictive power to organizational citizen behavior.
Based on above findings, some recommendations are proposed and expected it helps the management level to improve the organization’s effectiveness.
Keywords: The public parking administrator , Job stress, Job satisfaction, Organizational citizenship behavior.
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Liderando com humildade: um estudo sobre o impacto da humildade do líder no desempenho e na cidadania dos lideradosPereira, Giovanna Souza 06 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by GIOVANNA SOUZA PEREIRA (giovanna_adm@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-10T11:26:51Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-06 / There are several approaches and theoretical perspectives that attempt to explain the impact of the relationship between leaders and followers in individual and organizational results. However, there are few studies that aim to determine important characteristics of a leader that can affect the quality of this relationship and, consequently, the results. This study contributes to research in this area, analyzing the impact of the leader humility on performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of employees, mediated by quality of the leadermember relationship. The research hypotheses proposed exploit the leader-member exchange (LMX) as a means through which the leader humility influences the results of subordinates. In addition, it is proposed that managerial efficacy moderates the relationship between leader humility and LMX. To test the empirical validity of the proposed model, a field study was conducted in an oil, natural gas and energy Brazilian company. The proposed relations were examined in a sample of 196 employees from the operational area of two oil refineries, with application of a structured closed questionnaire and use of the quantitative data analysis method. In general, results provide support for the proposed hypothesis, suggesting that the higher humility leader, the better their relationship with members and, hence, the better the results of performance and organizational citizenship behavior of employees. Contributions, theoretical and practical implications, limitations and directions for future research are offered. / Diversas são as abordagens e perspectivas teóricas que buscam explicar o impacto da relação entre líderes e liderados nos resultados individuais e organizacionais. No entanto, ainda são poucas as pesquisas que têm como objetivo determinar características importantes do líder que podem afetar a qualidade dessa relação e, consequentemente, os resultados. O presente estudo contribui para a pesquisa nessa área ao analisar o impacto da humildade do líder no desempenho e no comportamento de cidadania organizacional (OCB) dos empregados, mediado pela qualidade da relação entre líderes e liderados. As hipóteses de pesquisa propostas exploram a qualidade da relação líder-liderado (LMX) como meio através do qual a humildade do líder influencia os resultados dos subordinados. Além disso, propõe-se uma relação de moderação da eficácia gerencial na relação entre humildade do líder e LMX. Para testar a validade empírica do modelo proposto, foi realizado um estudo de campo em uma empresa brasileira da indústria de óleo, gás natural e energia. As relações propostas foram examinadas em uma amostra de 196 empregados da área operacional de duas refinarias de petróleo, com aplicação de um questionário fechado estruturado e utilização do método quantitativo de análise de dados. De maneira geral, os resultados fornecem suporte para as hipóteses propostas, sugerindo que, quanto maior a humildade do líder, melhor sua relação com os liderados e, consequentemente, melhores os resultados de desempenho e de comportamento de cidadania organizacional dos empregados. Contribuições, implicações teóricas e práticas, limitações e direções para futuras pesquisas são oferecidas.
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Cidadania organizacional e outras variáveis comportamentais atuantes em um ambiente de fusãoRui, Charles 20 September 2011 (has links)
As organizações mudam suas práticas de gestão, muitas vezes realizando fusão, em razão de fatores externos como mudanças ou problemas sociais, políticos, ambientais e econômicos. Também variáveis internas como saúde financeira, estilos de gestão, diferenças culturais, níveis diferentes de conhecimento, envolvimento e comprometimento reduzido, medo, entre outros, podem influenciar o comportamento nas organizações. A empresa foco desta pesquisa, denominada Alfa, com objetivos estratégicos de expandir seus negócios, e ser mais competitiva no mercado, em dezembro de 2008 vendeu parte de sua composição acionária (49%) para uma empresa caracterizada como Beta. Dentro desse contexto, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com funcionários da empresa Alfa, localizada na cidade de Caxias do Sul. O objetivo deste trabalho foi medir aspectos de comportamento organizacional em um ambiente de fusão de empresas. A pesquisa foi classificada como exploratória (estudo de caso), do tipo quantitativo, cujos dados foram processados utilizando-se técnicas tais como: análise fatorial, Anova e regressão linear múltipla. Foram utilizadas escalas pré-validadas para o bloco de comportamento organizacional e foi desenvolvida uma escala para medir e identificar as variáveis qualificadoras num ambiente de fusão. Como resultados foram identificados, entre os respondentes, graus moderados de comportamento organizacional com variabilidade significativa em diferentes subgrupos da população. As variáveis comportamentais significativas, extraídas do instrumento de pesquisa foram: comprometimento organizacional, cidadania organizacional (iniciativa, lealdade e fidelidade) e satisfação no trabalho. Em relação às variáveis qualificadoras da fusão apareceram significativas: trabalho e tarefa, motivação e comunicação. Percebeu-se que o conjunto de variáveis comportamentais identificadas podem ser responsáveis pela definição da cultura organizacional, a qual representa a forma de agir, de liderar, de resolver conflitos, de solucionar os problemas, de obter resultados, isto é, a maneira de administrar a empresa. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-05T16:07:10Z
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Dissertacao Charles Rui.pdf: 2448400 bytes, checksum: cdd07738126dd6361aeb34d131e344ba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-05T16:07:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Charles Rui.pdf: 2448400 bytes, checksum: cdd07738126dd6361aeb34d131e344ba (MD5) / Organizations change their management practices, sometimes after a process of merging, due to external factors such as changes or social, politics, environmental, and economic problems. It also happens due to internal variables such as financial health, management styles, cultural differences, different levels of knowledge, reduced commitment, fear, and others that may influence behavior of the organizations. The company, focus of this research, named Alpha, with the strategic purpose of expanding their businesses and to be more competitive in the market, sold part of it s shareholding (49%) to a company described as Beta in December, 2008. Within this context, this research was carried out with Alfa employees, in Caxias do Sul. The purpose of this study was to measure aspects of organizational behavior in a company merger environment. The research was classified as quantitative, exploratory (a case study), in which the data were processed using statistical techniques like factor analysis, Anova and multiple regression analysis. Pre-tested scales were used for the organizational behavior set and a new scale was developed to measure and identify the qualifying variables in a merger environment. The results identified moderate degrees of organizational behavior among the respondents, with significant variability in different sample subgroups. The significant behavioral variables extracted from the research instrument were: organizational commitment, organizational citizenship (initiative, loyalty and fidelity), and job satisfaction. The merger qualifying variables extracted were: work and task, motivation, and communication. It was noticed that the set of behavioral variables identified may be responsible for defining organizational culture, which represents the way of acting, leading, resolving conflicts, solving problems, achieving results, i.e., the way of managing the company.
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Cidadania organizacional e outras variáveis comportamentais atuantes em um ambiente de fusãoRui, Charles 20 September 2011 (has links)
As organizações mudam suas práticas de gestão, muitas vezes realizando fusão, em razão de fatores externos como mudanças ou problemas sociais, políticos, ambientais e econômicos. Também variáveis internas como saúde financeira, estilos de gestão, diferenças culturais, níveis diferentes de conhecimento, envolvimento e comprometimento reduzido, medo, entre outros, podem influenciar o comportamento nas organizações. A empresa foco desta pesquisa, denominada Alfa, com objetivos estratégicos de expandir seus negócios, e ser mais competitiva no mercado, em dezembro de 2008 vendeu parte de sua composição acionária (49%) para uma empresa caracterizada como Beta. Dentro desse contexto, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com funcionários da empresa Alfa, localizada na cidade de Caxias do Sul. O objetivo deste trabalho foi medir aspectos de comportamento organizacional em um ambiente de fusão de empresas. A pesquisa foi classificada como exploratória (estudo de caso), do tipo quantitativo, cujos dados foram processados utilizando-se técnicas tais como: análise fatorial, Anova e regressão linear múltipla. Foram utilizadas escalas pré-validadas para o bloco de comportamento organizacional e foi desenvolvida uma escala para medir e identificar as variáveis qualificadoras num ambiente de fusão. Como resultados foram identificados, entre os respondentes, graus moderados de comportamento organizacional com variabilidade significativa em diferentes subgrupos da população. As variáveis comportamentais significativas, extraídas do instrumento de pesquisa foram: comprometimento organizacional, cidadania organizacional (iniciativa, lealdade e fidelidade) e satisfação no trabalho. Em relação às variáveis qualificadoras da fusão apareceram significativas: trabalho e tarefa, motivação e comunicação. Percebeu-se que o conjunto de variáveis comportamentais identificadas podem ser responsáveis pela definição da cultura organizacional, a qual representa a forma de agir, de liderar, de resolver conflitos, de solucionar os problemas, de obter resultados, isto é, a maneira de administrar a empresa. / Organizations change their management practices, sometimes after a process of merging, due to external factors such as changes or social, politics, environmental, and economic problems. It also happens due to internal variables such as financial health, management styles, cultural differences, different levels of knowledge, reduced commitment, fear, and others that may influence behavior of the organizations. The company, focus of this research, named Alpha, with the strategic purpose of expanding their businesses and to be more competitive in the market, sold part of it s shareholding (49%) to a company described as Beta in December, 2008. Within this context, this research was carried out with Alfa employees, in Caxias do Sul. The purpose of this study was to measure aspects of organizational behavior in a company merger environment. The research was classified as quantitative, exploratory (a case study), in which the data were processed using statistical techniques like factor analysis, Anova and multiple regression analysis. Pre-tested scales were used for the organizational behavior set and a new scale was developed to measure and identify the qualifying variables in a merger environment. The results identified moderate degrees of organizational behavior among the respondents, with significant variability in different sample subgroups. The significant behavioral variables extracted from the research instrument were: organizational commitment, organizational citizenship (initiative, loyalty and fidelity), and job satisfaction. The merger qualifying variables extracted were: work and task, motivation, and communication. It was noticed that the set of behavioral variables identified may be responsible for defining organizational culture, which represents the way of acting, leading, resolving conflicts, solving problems, achieving results, i.e., the way of managing the company.
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Role ambiguity, work satisfaction and organizational citizenship in the public sector: A multi-level mediation study / Ambigüedad de rol, satisfacción laboral y ciudadanía organizacional en el sector público: un estudio de mediación multinivel / Ambiguidade do papel, satisfação no trabalho e cidadania organizacional no setor público: um estudo de mediação multinívelDíaz-Fúnez, Pedro-Antonio, Pecino, Vicente, Mañas, Miguel-Ángel 25 September 2017 (has links)
This study aimed to examine the mediating effect of job satisfaction in the relationship between role ambiguity and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) according to the “HEalthy and Resilient Organization” model in two local corporations.. A multilevel analysis of mediation was employed to examine the relationship between these variables, controlling for the effect of employee division. The sample consisted of a total of 340 employees. The results indicate that job satisfaction exhibits a total mediation in the relationship between role ambiguity and OCB of public employees. These results indicate the importance of employees’ well-being to decrease negative effects of role ambiguity in publicemployees’ performance. / El objetivo del estudio era examinar el efecto mediador de la satisfacción laboral en la relación entre la ambigüedad de rol y la conducta de ciudadanía organizacional (CCO) en dos corporaciones locales basándonos en el modelo “HEalthy & Resilient Organization” (HERO; Salanova, Llorens, Cifre & Martínez, 2012). Se propuso un modelo de mediación multinivel entre estas variables, controlando el efecto de la pertenencia de los empleados a sus unidades. 340 empleados públicos participaron en la muestra. Los resultados confirman un efecto mediador total de la satisfacción laboral entre la ambigüedad de rol y la CCO. Este resultado tiene importantes implicaciones en el bienestar de los empleados, al reducir los efectos negativos de la ambigüedad de rol en el desempeño de los empleados públicos. / O objetivo do estudo foi examinar o efeito mediador da satisfação no trabalho na relação entre a ambiguidade do papel é o comportamento de cidadania organizacional (CCO) em duas empresas públicas locais, a proposta do estudo esteve baseada no modelo Healthy & Resilient Organization (HERO; Salanova, Llorens, Cifre & Martínez, 2012). Um modelo de mediação multinível entre essas variáveis foi proposto, controlando o efeito de pertencimento dos funcionários nas suas empresas. A amostra foi composta de 340 funcionários públicos. Os resultados confirmam um efeito mediador da satisfação no trabalho entre a ambiguidade de papel e o CCO. Este resultado tem importantes implicações para o bem-estar dos empregados, reduzindo os efeitos negativos da ambiguidade do papel no desempenho dos funcionários públicos.
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