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Fritidsvanor hos socialt utsatta barn / Disadvantaged children’s leisure time activitiesKalin, Torbjörn January 2018 (has links)
Strukturerade ledarledda fritidsaktiviteter, SLF, har ett starkt samband med positiva utfall i ett livslopp. Samtidigt är ostrukturerade fritidsaktiviteter starkt relaterade till negativa utfall i ett livslopp. Den här studien undersöker relationen mellan deltagande i olika fritidsaktiviteter och övergrepp och försummelse av barn från föräldrarna, barns beteendeproblem och externaliserande beteende. Data från 1305 barn, 676 flickor och 629 pojkar, medelålder 14,88 år, användes från forskningsprogrammet Longitiduinal Research on Development In Adolescence, LoRDIA. Data samlades in via självskattningsformulär i klassrumsmiljö. Data analyserades genom Chi-2-test, Pearsons R och logistisk regression. Relativ risk, RR, beräknades. De huvudsakliga slutsatserna visar att alla fem typer av övergrepp och försummelse, beteendeproblem och externaliserande beteende, samt övergrepp och/eller försummelse i kombination med externaliserande beteende har ett signifikant samband med lågt deltagande i SLF och ett högt deltagande i ostrukturerade fritidsaktiviteter. Beteendeproblem har en predicerande påverkan på lågt deltagande i SLF, medan en pappa i arbete eller studier har en predicerande påverka på högt deltagande i SLF. Sexuella övergrepp, externaliserande beteende och beteendeproblem har den högsta RR för högt deltagande i ostrukturerade fritidsaktiviteter, medan beteendeproblem, känslomässig försummelse och sexuella övergrepp har den högsta RR för lågt deltagande i SLF. Implikationer för forskningen och praktiken diskuteras. / Organized leisure time activities, OLTA, is proven to be related to positive life outcomes in life. Meanwhile unstructured leisure time activities are related to negative life outcomes. This study examines the relationship between participation in leisure time activities and child abuse and neglect, conduct problems and externalizing behavior. Data from 1305 children, 676 girls and 629 boys, mean age 14,88, was used from the longitudinal multidisciplinary research program LoRDIA (Longitudinal Research on Development In Adolescence). Data was collected via self-report questionnaires in classroom settings. The data was analyzed via Chi-2, Pearson’s R, and logistic regression. Relative risk ratio, RR, was calculated. The main results show that all five types of abuse and neglect, conduct problems and externalizing behavior, and abuse/neglect combined with externalizing behavior is significant related to low participation in OTLA, and high participation in unstructured leisure time activities. Conduct problems is a single predictor of low participation in OTLA, whereas an employed or studying dad is a single predictor of high participation in OTLA. Sexual abuse, externalizing behavior and conduct problems has the highest RR for high participation in unstructured leisure time activities, whereas conduct problems, emotional neglect and sexual abuse has the highest RR for low participation in OTLA.
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Understanding growth and non-growth in entrepreneurial economies:analysis of startup industries and experimental winner generation in Finland, Israel and Silicon ValleySipola, S. (Sakari) 26 May 2015 (has links)
The importance of high-growth firms for job creation is widely acknowledged and the promotion of such firms is a key area of industry policy in developed countries. However, despite the substantial development of firm growth research and the significant public investments, in many geographies the assumed good preconditions for high-growth entrepreneurship are not producing the desired results.
The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the emergence of high-growth startups by taking a systemic view of firm growth. Instead of examining individual firms, a high-growth startup focused systemic economic actor, defined as the startup industry, is taken as the research object. The startup industry is given a certain function in economic development and resource allocation, and its processual activity in particular contexts is examined under the experimental winner generation process. Critical realism is used for systemic reasoning of firm growth.
The empirical study focuses on case startup industries of Finland, Israel and Silicon Valley. The emergence of startup-related actor structures and institutions, and their functioning is analyzed first from a cultural-historical and processual perspective. Second, the organization of the experimental winner generation process and its outcomes for each case are analyzed over a period of several decades, and a cross-case comparison is conducted between the cases.
The results of the study propose that each startup industry develops in time a particular target for its activities. This target, defined as the perceived winner, is the key for alignment and functioning of the startup industry as a whole. Examination of this concept enables us to understand the logics of the firm growth at the wider system level and on that basis to suggest some key determinants of the performance of startup industries in the long run. The discussion of policy maker implications concludes the study. / Tiivistelmä
Kasvuyritykset ovat tärkeitä uusien työpaikkojen synnyttäjiä, ja teollistuneissa maissa niiden tukeminen on teollisuuspolitiikan keskiössä. Huolimatta laajasta yritysten kasvun tutkimustiedosta, merkittävistä julkisista investoinneista ja oletetuista hyvistä lähtökohdista kasvuyrittäjyydelle ei monella maantieteellisellä alueella kuitenkaan synny panostukseen verrattuna tarpeeksi kasvuyrityksiä.
Tämä väitöskirja tutkii nopeasti kasvavien startup-yritysten syntymistä systeemisestä näkökulmasta. Yksittäisten yritysten sijaan tutkimuksessa määritellään tutkimuskohteeksi startup-teollisuus, kasvuhakuisiin startup-yrityksiin keskittyvä systeeminen talouden toimija, jolle annetaan tietty tehtävä talouden kehityksessä ja resurssiallokaatiossa. Startup-teollisuuden toimintaa eri konteksteissa tarkastellaan kokeellisen voittajayritysten rakentamisen prosessin avulla. Yritysten kasvua lähestytään lisäksi kriittisen realismin mukaisen kausaliteetin pohjalta.
Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus on toteutettu tapaustutkimuksena, jossa analysoidaan Suomen, Israelin ja Piilaakson startup-teollisuutta. Tutkimuskohteiden startup-yrityksiin liittyvien toimijarakenteiden ja instituutioiden kehitystä ja toimintaa analysoidaan kulttuuri-historiallisesta ja prosessuaalisesta näkökulmasta. Lisäksi kokeellisen voittajayritysten rakentamisen prosessin organisointia ja lopputuloksia analysoidaan usean vuosikymmenen ajalta sekä tapauskohtaisesti että niiden välillä.
Tutkimustulokset esittävät kunkin startup-teollisuuden kehittävän ajan myötä tietyn kohteen omalle toiminnalleen. Tämä kohde, näkemys voittavasta startup-yrityksestä, linjaa koko startup-teollisuuden toimintaa. Tutkimalla tätä näkemystä voimme ymmärtää yritysten kasvun logiikoita systeemisellä tasolla, mikä mahdollistaa startup-teollisuuksien välisten rakenteellisten- ja suorituskykyerojen ymmärtämisen pitkällä aikavälillä. Tutkimuksen lopussa esitetään johtopäätöksiä poliittisen päätöksenteon kannalta.
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The economics of organized crime: evidence on FDI attraction in Latin America and Caribbean / Ekonomika organizovaného zločinu: Přímé zahraniční investice v Latinské Americe a KaribikuTošovský, Štěpán January 2016 (has links)
This paper attempts to investigate the degree to which organized crime affects FDI in 15 Latin America and Caribbean countries during 2006-2014 period. We employed four crime proxies: homicide rate, organized crime index, business cost of terrorism index and business cost of crime index and analyzed their impact on overall, sectoral and industrial FDI inflows. We find evidence of a deterrent effect of organized crime on FDI inflows; in particular on FDI in secondary and tertiary sectors. On the contrary FDI inflows in more extractive industries - primary sector - are less affected by the presence of organized crime
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L'émergence de l'économie sociale et solidaire : une histoire de la société civile organisée en France et en Europe de 1968 à nos jours : groupements, discours et institutionnalisations / The Emergence of the Social and Solidarity Economy : a History of Organized Civil Society in France and Europe from 1968 to Nowadays : associations, speeches, and institutionalizationsDuverger, Timothée 16 June 2015 (has links)
« L’économie sociale et solidaire n’existe pas ». La sentence du sociologue Matthieu Hély dénonce une forme de privatisation qui consiste à transférer la solidarité de l’État social vers les initiatives socio-économiques, compatible avec le nouvel esprit du capitalisme. Mais la formule prête à confusion. En pointant un possible oxymore, il laisse penser que l’économie sociale et solidaire n’a pas d’existence ontologique. Or, c’est une réalité sociale, dont les racines plongent dans le XIXe siècle. Si elle connaît une éclipse à partir des années 1930, elle réapparaît en 1968 à la faveur d’une réarticulation des rapports entre l’État, le marché et la société civile. Elle se scinde en deux branches : l’économie sociale historique et l’économie sociale émergente, qui prend successivement la forme de l’économie alternative, de l’économie solidaire et de l’entrepreneuriat social. À l’approche statutaire de la première, fait pendant l’approche axiologique de la seconde. L’économie sociale et solidaire est une émergence. Ce n’est pas la simple addition des formes d’entreprises qui la composent (coopératives, mutuelles et associations, puis sociétés commerciales à finalité sociale). Au contraire, « le tout est plus que la somme des parties ». Une alchimie particulière a lieu : l’acte d’institution, qui revient à poser la question du politique. Le problème est celui de la création qui survient dans le passage d’une économie sociale et solidaire en soi à une économie sociale et solidaire pour soi. Il convient donc d’explorer ses trajectoires, en considérant que l’économie sociale et solidaire n’a pas seulement une histoire, mais qu’elle est une histoire, c’est-à-dire le produit de dynamiques de groupements, de discours et d’institutionnalisations. À partir de l’étude de ces trois axes, cette thèse invite à s’intéresser aux métamorphoses de la société civile organisée de l’économie sociale et solidaire, dans une perspective multiscalaire, à la fois française et européenne, scandées par trois évènements structurants : l’irruption sociale de Mai 68, la fin de la guerre froide de 1989 et la crise du capitalisme de 2008. / “There is no such thing as the Social and Solidarity Economy”. The sentence rendered by sociologist Matthieu Hély is targeted at a form of privatization, which consists in transferring the social solidarity of the State to socio-economic initiatives, which are more compatible with the new spirit of capitalism. And yet his words are misleading. By pointing at a possible contradiction in terms, he leads us to believe that the social and solidarity economy has no ontological existence, despite the fact it is a social reality that has its roots in the XIXth century. Although it was somehow eclipsed in the 1930s, it came back to the fore in 1968 with the reshuffling of the relationship between the State, the market, and civil society. It then split into to branches: the historical social economy, and the emerging social economy, which found an expression in the alternative economy, the solidarity economy, and finally in social entrepreneurship. The statutory approach of the first found a match in the axiological approach of the second. The social economy is a form of emergence. It is not simply the sum of the forms of initiatives it is composed of (cooperatives, mutual fund organizations, and trading companies with a social aim). Much to the contrary, in fact, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. A particular chemistry takes place through the act ofinstitution, which consists in questioning its political dimension. The issue lies in the creation process that occurs in the transitional phase from a social economy in itself to a social economy for itself. This requires us to explore the different paths it took based on the assumption that the social and solidarity economy does not only have a history, but also is a history in the sense that it spawned from group dynamics, speeches, and institutionalizations. Based on the study of these three key processes, this thesis seeks to offer a new insight into the metamorphosis of the organized civil society of the social and solidarity economy on both French and European levels, articulated around three main events: the social irruption of May 1968, the end of the Cold War, and the 2008 crisis of capitalism.
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Impact of drug trafficking in young adults from Tamaulipas, Mexico: drugs and insecurity / Impacto del narcotráfico en jóvenes de Tamaulipas, México: drogas e inseguridad / Impacto do narcotráfico em jovens de Tamaulipas, México: drogas e insegurançaGómez San Luis, Anel Hortensia, Almanza Avendaño, Ariagor Manuel 25 September 2017 (has links)
This study aimed to understand the experience of young men and women with drug trafficking and the impact on drug use, involvement in criminal groups and insecurity. A case study design was utilized, with a focus group of 10 male and female participants. Results show that violence and insecurity generated by drug trafficking has encouraged the young people to avoid consumption of illegal drugs, or opt for easily accessible drugs to cope with the constant attempts by members of organized crime to recruit them. / El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la experiencia de hombres y mujeres jóvenes con respecto al narcotráfico y su impacto en el consumo de drogas, la participación en grupos delictivos y la inseguridad. El diseño fue un estudio de caso, en el que se realizó un grupo focal con 10 participantes. Los resultados indican que la violencia e inseguridad generada por el narcotráfico ha motivado a las y los jóvenes a alejarse del consumo de drogas ilegales, u optar por drogas de fácil acceso, como estrategia de afrontamiento frente a los constantes intentos realizados por integrantes del crimen organizado para reclutar a los jóvenes. / O objetivo desta pesquisa é entender a experiência de homens e mulheres jovens com relação ao narcotráfico e seu impacto sobre o uso de drogas, a participação em grupos criminosos e a insegurança. O desenho da pesquisa foi um estudo de caso em que se realizou um grupo focal com 10 participantes. Os resultados indicam que a violência e insegurança produzidas pelo narcotráfico têm incentivado os jovens para se afastar do consumo de drogas ilegais, ou optar por drogas de fácil acesso, como estratégia para lidar com as constantes tentativas dos membros do crime organizado para recrutar jovens.
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Skolans arbete med att motverka utanförskap inom rastverksamheten : En kvalitativ studie om hur man inom fritidshemmet jobbar för att motverka social exkludering och utanförskap bland elever / The school's work in combating exclusion in the break operations : A qualitative study on how to work within School Age Educare to counter social exclusion and exclusion among studentsGharagozli, Minoo January 2020 (has links)
The break is an important element in educational activities. Previous research shows that the free form of the break gives much more leeway for students to act independently but that it is sometimes at the expense of some students. The purpose of this study is to further investigate how one works within the recreational home to counter social exclusion and exclusion among students at the break. The study has an emphasis on data collected from interviews. These have been conducted with professionals working in the leisure home. Results are reported in four themes identified in the processing of collected empirical data. The study concludes that staff attach great importance to norms. Regarding the work towards creating exclusion, much of their work during the break refers to being an active part of the students' play. This is to be able to communicate inclusive norms and create a common sense among the students. / Rasten är ett viktigt element inom pedagogiska verksamheter. Tidigare forskning har betonat att rastens natur och den frihet som medföljer utgör en plattform för elever att ta till större handlingsutrymme som ibland kan resultera i att vissa elever blir socialt exkluderade. Det blir således ibland blir på bekostnad av de elever som hamnar utanför och socialt exkluderas från gemenskapen. Denna studie har som syfte att närmare undersöka hur man inom fritidshemmet jobbar för att motverka social exkludering och utanförskap bland elever på rasten. Studien bygger på insamlade data från genomförda intervjuer med verksamma inom fritidshemmet. Resultat redovisas i fyra teman som identifierats vid bearbetning av insamlade empiri. Studien konkluderar att personalen fäster stor vikt vid normer. Beträffande arbetet mot att utanförskap skapas avser stor del av deras arbete under rasten till att vara en aktiv del i elevernas lek. Detta för att kunna förmedla inkluderande normer och skapa en samsyn bland eleverna.
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L’organisation du dépistage des cancers en France : éthique et droits des patients / The organization of cancer screening in France : ethics and patients’ rightsPapin-Lefebvre, Frédérique 27 November 2013 (has links)
Selon l’OMS, le dépistage organisé s’appuie sur la participation volontaire des sujets qui sont recrutés dans la population, dans le cadre de campagnes de dépistage. En France, deux dépistages sont organisés par les pouvoirs publics : le dépistage du cancer du sein et le dépistage colorectal. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier sous l’angle éthique et médicolégal, les programmes français de dépistage organisé des cancers.Les valeurs éthiques applicables aux programmes nationaux de dépistage font l’objet de recommandations européennes et sont déclinées en France, dans des cahiers des charges annexés aux textes juridiques mettant en œuvre les programmes de dépistage. D’autres textes de portée plus générale encadrent cette pratique en France.Détaillé dans un rapport publié par l’INCa, l’analyse éthique du programme de dépistage organisé du cancer du sein pointe la nécessité d’optimiser l’information des patientes et de renforcer la place et le rôle d’un professionnel de santé référent, de l’entrée dans le dépistage jusqu’à la sortie éventuelle vers la filière de soins.L’étude des préférences des médecins généralistes dans l’organisation du dépistage du cancer colorectal montre que les questions relatives à l’information du patient et aux modalités de recueil de son consentement, ainsi qu’au suivi des patients, jouent une véritable influence sur leur adhésion au programme, au regard du risque médicolégal. / According to WHO, organized screening is based on the voluntary participation of subjects who are recruited into the population through screening campaigns. In France, two are organized by the government: breast cancer screening and colorectal cancer screening. The aim of this thesis was to study by an ethical and forensic approach, the French organized programs for cancer screening.Ethical values of national screening programs are subject to European recommendations. In France, they are available in documents attached to the legal texts implementing screening programs. Some others texts more general, frame this practice in France.Detailed in a report published by INCa, the ethical analysis of organized screening program for breast cancer points the need to optimize patients’ information and to strengthen the position and role of the referring health professional, from the entry in the screening to the eventual output to the care.The study of GPs’ preferences in the organization of screening for colorectal cancer shows that issues related to patient information and procedures for collecting of consent, as well as patient monitoring, play a real impact on their adherence to the program, in terms of forensic risk.
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An evaluation of electronic surveillance as a covert technique in the investigation of organised crimeChetty, Jessie Soobramoney January 2019 (has links)
This research was initiated as a result of the ever-evolving sophistication of criminal syndicates in their perseverance of organised crime and their use of electronic covert methodologies. Based on the researcher’s extensive managerial and operational experience, and on his unofficial observation of prosecutors, investigators and intelligence operatives, it became clear to him that there is a lack of evidence in court regarding serious and organised crime prosecutions.
This can be attributed to the lack of use of investigative techniques, or investigative techniques being incorrectly used and/or a lack of knowledge regarding the use of investigative techniques. One such example of an investigative technique is surveillance or electronic surveillance.
In this research study, the use and legality of electronic surveillance as a technique in the fight against organised crime, is discussed. Both national and international literature have been perused on the topic in question. Interviews were conducted with experienced former SAPS officers who were exposed to the use of electronic surveillance in the investigation of organised crime, as well as interviews with prosecutors, outlining the positive attributes of, as well as the shortcomings in, the use of electronic surveillance as an investigative tool in the investigation of organised crime.
Surveillance or electronic surveillance has been in existence for a long period of time, but its usage or “know how” has been limited to only a few. The main purpose of the research is to highlight the importance of electronic surveillance as a covert technique in the investigation of organised crime. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Criminal Justice)
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Pohybová aktivita žen pravidelně sportujících. / Physical activity of women with regular participation in sport activities.Schubertová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The issue: The issue of lack of physical activity refers to as the population of children and youth, as well as the adult population. Properly chosen and regularly performed sports games in terms of health may make recommendations of physical activity sufficient. This thesis deals with the physical activity of the adult population of women with regular physical activity. Objectives: The aim is to determine the amount of physical activity in the adult population of women with regular organized physical activity, and the results of comparison with older school-age girls without regular organized physical activity. At the same time to relate the observed results to health physical activity recommendations. Tasks and Methodology: Physical activity is detected using accelerometers ActiGraph GT3X supplemented the written record and physical activity. Results: The result of the study confirmed our hypothesis. The women with regular organised physical activity reported significantly higher energy expenditure peer week, work days and weekend days in comparison with without organised physical activity. Women with regular organised physical activity met the health physical activity recommendations in six days from all seven days of measuring. Older school-aged girls met the health physical activity...
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Kriminální sítě: aktéři, mechanismy a struktury / Criminal networks: actors, mechanisms, and structuresDiviák, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
Social network analysis is a fruitful approach to the study of relations and interaction between actors involved in organized crime. This dissertation utilizes network perspective to study several cases of organized criminal groups. It is divided into eight chapters. The first introductory chapter is followed by a chapter reviewing the most important network concepts, measures, and models, and their application in the study of organized crime. The four subsequent chapters are empirical studies. The third chapter is a case study of a political corruption network, known as the Rath affair. The study shows that the network consists of different, sometimes overlapping, relations (multiplexity), namely collaboration, resource transfer, and pre-existing ties. The network shows a clear core-periphery structure with politicians forming a dense core and businesspeople occupying periphery. The following chapter studies a case of counterfeit alcohol distribution network, known as the methanol affair. The network structure is composed of two subgroups bridged by one tie, permitting relatively efficient distribution of the beverages. Furthermore, statistical models point out the importance of triadic closure and pre-existing ties for the formation of ties in the network. The fifth chapter tests an influential theory in...
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