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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intervenční program pro redukci hmotnosti u dospělých / Intervention Program for Weight Reduction in Adults

Černý, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Topic: Intervention Program for Weight Reduction in Adults Goals: The aim of this thesis is to devise as well as implement an intervention program covering exercise and dietary regimes for individuals that are overweight or obese. The goal also involves verifying the effectiveness by measuring various anthropometric parameters. Methods: The monitoring activities covered the period from 2.2. 2015 until 3.8. 2015. The intervention sample involved 9 individuals aged between 26 and 59. The sample was composed of three women and six men. The intervention program lasted for three weeks and I measured the weight using a normal personal weight and the waist circumference using a measuring tape. Results: The intervention program had a positive impact on the individuals that were involved. This resulted in decreased weight and a reduction in the weight circumference. The average loss of weight was 2.1 kg and the average waist circumference reduction was 2.4 cm. Thanks to the intervention program, the monitored anthropometric values were reduced. However, it also lead to the people achieving a better relationship towards physical activity and increased their awareness of the principles of a healthy diet. Keywords: overweight, obesity, physical activity, nutrition, weight, energy balance

Režimová opatření u dětí předškolního věku pro úpravu hmotnosti / Regime arrangements for weight modification at the preschool children

Nechvílová, Denisa January 2016 (has links)
Title: Regime arrangements for weight modification at the preschool children Objectives: The aim of this master thesis is the plan of optimal regime arrangement for weight modification of preschool children in the environment of kindergarten. Also then composition of week dietary plan for facilities of this type. Methods: For the appraisal of situation and conditions of preschool education in concrete kindergartens I have used the method of comparison, direct observation and in-depth interview with head officers and teachers of particular schools. In the empirical part of this thesis I have realized the two- kind inquiry. First was focused on head and educational operatives of schools, second then on parents of the children. I have also carried out the measuring of basic physical characteristics of the children in selected kindergarten. Results: Results present information about the situation of preschool education in the Czech republic through executed analysis of selected kindergarten. It has been proved, that material ensuring of kindergarten determines leisure activities of the children. The offer of school above-standard motion activities is influenced also by the village size, in which are particular preschool educational facilities situated. The level of education of the pedagogical...

Neighbourhood and household socio-economic influences on diet and anthropometric status in urban South African adolescents

Pradeilles, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
Background and Aims Many low- and middle-income countries are undergoing epidemiological and health transitions. South Africa has one of the highest prevalences of overweight and obesity in Sub-Saharan Africa. This research examined neighbourhood and household socio-economic influences on the risk of overweight and obesity in terms of anthropometric status and dietary intake among urban South African adolescents. A further aim was to conduct a qualitative study on the potential for religious groups such as Churches to be used as community-based organisations for obesity intervention. Methods A secondary analysis of neighbourhood and household socio-economic status (SES), anthropometric and dietary data was carried out on adolescents aged 17-19 years from the Birth to Twenty Plus cohort study in Johannesburg-Soweto. Qualitative data were collected through focus groups discussions and a community readiness survey with church leaders. Results No significant associations were observed between SES (household and neighbourhood) and energy, protein, fat, or carbohydrate intakes in males. Some significant associations were found between SES and dietary intake in females. Females had a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity than males (26.2% vs. 8.2%, p<0.0001). In males, poor household SES was associated with lower odds of overweight, fatness and high waist-to-height ratio (WHTR). For females, household SES was not significantly associated with overweight, fatness and high WHTR. The qualitative research showed that there was a very low level of community readiness among church leaders for obesity prevention programmes. Conclusions The dietary results suggest that the diet of these adolescents is transitioning to that seen in high income countries. It also highlights that even within the same relatively small urban area, nutrition transition does not affect different groups in uniform ways. The qualitative results indicate that programmes should focus around raising awareness of the problem of overweight/obesity in this community.

Vedertagna metoder som främjar viktnedgång hosvuxna med fetma och övervikt : - En litteraturöversikt / Established methods that promote weight loss in adults withobesity and overweight -A literature review

Backhans, Sandra, Jansson, Madelene January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma är ett ökande problem i världen. Det finns idag flertalet faktorer som bidrar till att befolkningen blir överviktig, som bland annat en ökad tillgång till onyttig mat med hög fetthalt och en stillasittande livsstil. Övervikt och fetma är även en riskfaktor till flertalet sjukdomar som bland annat hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Syfte: Att belysa vedertagna metoder som kan främja viktnedgång bland vuxna individer med fetma och överviktsproblematik. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt där 15 artiklar har använts för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställning. Sökningarna gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Resultat: Viktnedgång handlar till stor del om att ändra på levnadsvanor som kost och motion.Andra metoder som tycks främja viktnedgång är stresshantering och olika tekniska hjälpmedel som främjar individens egna förmåga. Även självövervakning i form av att skriva ner kaloriintaget varje dag och fysisk aktivitet i minuter hjälper individer till att gå ner i vikt. Motivation och utbildning om kost och motion är faktorer som främjar individernas egen förmåga till att gå ner i vikt. Slutsats: Det finns flertalet olika metoder som kan hjälpa individer att gå ner i vikt, att ändra kost och motionsvanor är en viktig grund. Trots att övervikt och fetma är ett växande problem världen över finns det lite forskning om vad sjuksköterskan kan göra för att hjälpa dessa individer och därför behövs mer forskning kring detta. / Background: Overweight and obesity is an increasing problem in the world. In today's society several factors contribute to the increase of overweight in the population, for instance an increase of fast food chains and a sedentary lifestyle. Overweight and obesity is a risk factor for several diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. Aim: To examine established methods that promote weight loss in overweight and obese adults. Method: The study was conducted as a literature review where 15 different articles were used to answer the purpose and research question of the study. The searches were made in the databases Cinahl and PubMed. Result: Weight loss is about changing lifestyle habits such as diet and physical activity. Other methods found to promote weight loss are stress management and technical tools which helped the individual to self-efficacy. Self-monitoring as writing down calorie intake and minutes of physical activity every day helped individuals to lose weight. Motivation and education about nutrition and exercise were factors which promoted individuals self-efficacy to lose weight. Conclusion: There are several methods that can help the individual to lose weight, to change lifestyle habits is an important basis. Even though overweight and obesity is a growing problem worldwide there is still little research about what the nurse can do to help those people and therefore more research is needed.

Assessing physical activity, fruit and vegetable intake and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption patterns of college students

Opoku-Acheampong, Audrey Anima January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Human Nutrition / Tandalayo Kidd / Objective: The aims of this study were to test the effectiveness of a 15-month intervention in reducing sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption among college students and to assess fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity habits and their relationship to SSB consumption in order to improve health outcomes. Design: Randomized, controlled study. Participants: One hundred and fifty-six college students (18-24 y) from a Midwestern university, primarily female (72%), white (89%) and freshmen (51%). Intervention: Participants were randomized to control and intervention groups. Participants in the control group received no information on healthful behaviors. The intervention occurred in two stages: 1) Participants received three stage-tailored messages on healthful behaviors weekly for 10 weeks; 2) After the 3-month physical assessment, participants received 3 stage-tailored messages monthly and one email encouraging them to visit the portal page. Main Outcome Measure(s): Stages of Change for physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake; self-reported physical activity scores, self-reported fruit and vegetable intake and SSB consumption habits. Analysis: Changes in SSB consumption patterns were determined using generalized linear mixed models and linear regression models tested associations between fruit and vegetable intake, physical activity and SSB consumption. Linear mixed models were used to explore relationship between stage of change and fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity. Results: The 15-month intervention did not significantly reduce SSB consumption in the intervention group (p > 0.05). Participants recorded low fruit and vegetable intake and moderate physical activity scores. Conclusions and Implications: The high SSB consumption and low fruit and vegetable intake observed could increase students’ risk for weight gain and obesity-related conditions. Thus, college campuses can help student maintain physical activity behavior while helping them to improve their eating habits.

Physical activity and curriculum development of an after-school gardening program for youth health

Domenghini, Cynthia M. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources / Candice A. Shoemaker / Public health research shows that targeting behavior directly when promoting healthy behaviors is not as effective for sustainability. Instead the recommendation is to integrate a theoretical framework that identifies factors which affect the targeted behavior and develop the intervention aimed at those factors. The objectives of this dissertation were to measure the healthful benefits of gardening for youth. Strategies were developed for creating an after-school garden club curriculum to target healthy eating, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and gardening. Accelerometers were used to determine physical activity intensity during a garden club session following a curriculum developed to promote physical activity through gardening. In a separate experiment, a portable gas analyzer was used to measure energy expenditure of youth while gardening. The constructs of Social Cognitive Theory were used to provide a guide with strategies for developing a curriculum with a theoretical basis for an after-school garden club targeting overweight prevention. Strategies presented include activities for targeting the theoretical constructs as well as for implementing evaluations. Fourth and fifth grade students at four randomly selected elementary schools in Manhattan, Kansas were invited to join the garden club. Students with parental permission attended the club for ten weeks in the fall and twelve weeks in the spring. During the second year of implementation students with parental permission participated in the accelerometer study. For six days students wore an accelerometer and completed a daily activity log detailing their activities during that time. Students in the fourth and fifth grades from eight Manhattan, Kansas elementary schools were invited to participate in the energy expenditure study during the summer of 2010. Students who participated in this study (n=20) wore a portable gas analyzer and heart rate monitor while performing four gardening tasks. Data were used to calculate energy expenditure of youth while gardening. A theoretically-based after-school garden club curriculum was developed to target increasing youth healthy behaviors. Results from the accelerometer study showed that students were significantly more physically active at the moderate and vigorous intensity level and significantly less sedentary at garden club compared to not at garden club. For students who participated in the energy expenditure study, the gardening tasks (transplanting, weeding, cultivating, and raking) were moderate physical activity (3-5.99 METs). Gardening can be a valuable tool for promoting and increasing physical activity in youth.

Avaliação da acurácia de medidas antropométricas em relação ao diagnóstico de Síndrome Metabólica de Xavante do Mato Grosso, Brasil / Evaluation of the accuracy of anthropometric measurements in relation to the diagnosis of the Xavante Metabolic Syndrome from Mato Grosso, Brazil

Couto, Nayara Ragi Baldoni 23 November 2018 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia de medidas antropométricas que melhor identificam a Síndrome Metabólica (SM), bem como, conhecer a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade na população indígena adulta no Brasil. Método: Este trabalho foi dividido em duas partes: i) para identificar a melhor medida antropométrica que identifica a SM, analisou-se os seguintes componentes da SM: pressão artéria sistêmica, circunferência da cintura, relação cintura-quadril, glicemia de jejum e índices séricos de HDL-colesterol e triglicerídeos. Para classificação da SM, levaram-se em consideração os pontos de corte estabelecidos pelo National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III, International Diabetes Federation e pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Para avaliar o desempenho das medidas antropométricas utilizou-se a curva Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). Para as análises estatísticas utilizaram-se os Softwares SAS 9.2 e MedCalc v12; ii) realizou-se revisão sistemática para estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade na população indígena adulta no Brasil. A revisão foi realizada baseada nos critérios e recomendações do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guideline - PRISMA. Para avaliação de qualidade dos estudos incluídos utilizou-se o score proposto por Downs e Black. Para a metanálise foi utilizado o Software RStudio®. Resultado: Dentre as três medidas antropométricas analisadas (índice de massa corporal, circunferência da cintura e relação cintura/altura) a relação cintura/altura apresentou o melhor desempenho para prever SM. As análises dos estudos sobre prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade evidenciaram que o sobrepeso é mais prevalente nas etnias Parkatêjê (68%) e Aruák (52%). Enquanto que a prevalência de obesidade foi maior nas etnias Guarani, Kaiowá e Terena (31%). Considerando o efeito combinado global a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade foi de 45%. Conclusão: Dentre os indicadores antropométricos utilizados, a relação cintura/altura apresenta um melhor desempenho para prever SM. Aproximadamente metade (45%) dos indígenas adultos brasileiros possui excesso de peso. / Aim: To evaluate the accuracy of anthropometric measures that better identify the Metabolic Syndrome (MS), and to know the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the adult indigenous population in Brazil. Method: This work was divided into two parts: i) in order to identify the best anthropometric measure that identifies MS, the following components of MS were analyzed: systemic arterial pressure, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, fasting glycemia and serum HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides levels. For classifying the MS, we have considered the cutoff established by the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III, International Diabetes Federation and World Health Organization. In order to evaluate the performance of the anthropometric measurements, The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the performance of the anthropometric measures. The statistical analyzes were performed using both the SAS 9.2 and MedCalc v12 software packages; ii) a systematic review was performed to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the adult indigenous population in Brazil. Such review followed the criteria and recommendations from the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes guideline - PRISMA. We have used the score proposed by Downs and Black for evaluating the quality of the included studies. For the meta-analysis, RStudio® Software package was used. Results: Amidst the three anthropometric measures analyzed (body mass index, waist circumference and waist / height ratio), the waist / height ratio presented the best performance to predict SM. The analyzes of the studies on the prevalence of overweight and obesity showed that overweight is more prevalent in the Parkatêjê (68%) and Aruák (52%) ethnic groups. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity was higher in the Guarani, Kaiowá and Terena ethnic groups (31%). Considering the overall combined effect the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 45%. Conclusion: The waist / height ratio shows a better performance to predict MS. Approximately half (45%) of indigenous Brazilian adults are overweight.

Cárie dentária e qualidade de vida em gestantes, com e sem excesso de peso pré-gestacional: coorte prospectivo / Dental decay and quality of life in pregnant women, with and without excess pregestational weight: prospective cohort

Pinto, Ana Carolina da Silva 12 February 2019 (has links)
Este estudo de coorte prospectivo avaliou cárie dentária e qualidade de vida em gestantes com e sem excesso de peso pré-gestacional. As gestantes foram avaliadas depois do 1º trimestre de gestação (T1) e após o parto (T2), sendo divididas em dois grupos: gestantes com excesso de peso pré-gestacional (GPE=53) e com peso normal (GPN=40). As pacientes foram avaliadas quanto a: cárie dentária (ICDAS), qualidade de vida (OHIP-14), dados antropométricos, socioeconômicos e hábitos comportamentais de higiene bucal. Os testes Qui-Quadrado, Mann-Whitney, McNemar e Wilcoxon foram adotados (p<0,05). Na avaliação dentro de cada grupo se comparando os tempos (T1 e T2) houve aumento de manchas brancas em GPN e GPE e neste, houve também aumento de lesões em dentina (p<0,05). Já quanto à análise do tratamento, GPN e GPE tiveram aumento de dentes restaurados e com restaurações deficientes (p<0,05). Dentro dos grupos GPN e GPE, houve diferenças significativas para lesões em esmalte e número de dentes perdidos. Na qualidade de vida, em GPN e GPE, houve diferenças quanto à limitação funcional, dor física e OHIP-14 total. Entretanto, em GPN houve diferença significativa para incapacidade psicológica e em GPE para incapacidade social (p<0,05). Na comparação entre os grupos GPN e GPE na qualidade de vida ocorreu diferença na dimensão invalidez (p<0,05). GPN e GPE mostraram redução no número de escovações diárias, frequência e uso de fio dental, após o parto. Conclui-se que tanto as gestantes com excesso de peso quanto as com peso normal apresentaram maior incidência de lesões em esmalte. Entretanto, aquelas com excesso de peso e obesidade tiveram, também, aumento das lesões em dentina e maior número de dentes perdidos. Após o parto, a qualidade de vida parece melhorar e os hábitos comportamentais de higiene bucal piorar. / This prospective cohort study evaluated dental decay and quality of life in pregnant women with and without excess pre-gestational weight. The pregnant women were evaluated after the first trimester (T1) of pregnancy and after childbirth (T2), been divided in two groups: pregnant women with excess pre-gestational weight (GPE=53) and normal weight (GPN=40). The patients were evaluated for: dental decay (ICDAS), quality of life (OHIP-14), anthropometric data, socioeconomic and behavioral habits of oral hygiene. The testes Chisquare, Mann-Whitney, McNemar and Wilcoxon were adopted (p<0,05). In the intra groups evaluation comparing (T1 and T2) there was an increase of white spots in GPN and GPE and in this, there was also an increase on dentin lesions (p<0,05). Within the GPN and GPE groups, there was significant differences for lesions on enamel and the number of missing teeth. In the quality of life, in the groups GPN and GPE, there was a difference in the limitation of physical pain and OHIP-14 total. However, in GPN there was significant difference for psychological incapacity and in GPE for social incapacity (p<0,05). In the comparison between the GPN and GPE groups in the quality of life, there was difference in the disability dimension (p<0,05). The GPN and GPE groups presented decrease in the number of tooth brushing, frequency and the use of dental floss, after childbirth. It is concluded that the number of pregnant women with or without excess weight presented incidence of enamel lesions. However, the pregnant women with excess weight and obesity also had a higher increase in the dentin lesions and a higher number of missing teeth. After childbirth, the quality of life seems to improve, and the behavioral habits of oral hygiene worsen.

Estudo comparativo de doses de propofol para a indução da anestesia no cão obeso / Comparative study of propofol doses in the anesthesia induction of the obese dog

Devito, Fernanda Corrêa 18 December 2015 (has links)
A indução da anestesia no cão obeso é de grande desafio para o anestesista veterinário, pois estes pacientes apresentam alterações respiratórias e cardiovasculares. Além disso, há carência de protocolos anestésicos na literatura. Desta forma, objetivou-se comparar a indução da anestesia em cães obesos (escore corporal igual ou superior a 8) com propofol empregando-se a dose baseada no peso de massa magra ou baseada no peso total. Trinta e cinco cães foram distribuídos em três grupos: 13 cães de peso normal no grupo controle (GC); 15 cães obesos no grupo peso total (GPT) e sete cães obesos no grupo peso de massa magra (GPMM). Todos os cães foram avaliados com auxílio de escala escore de condição corporal (ECC) de 9 pontos e também tiveram a composição de condição corporal determinada por meio do método de diluição de isótopos de deutério. A anestesia foi induzida com 150 mg/kg/h com auxílio de bomba de infusão de propofol até os animais perderem a consciência. Os animais do GPT receberam a infusão de propofol baseado no peso total; os animais do GPMM receberam infusão de propofol baseado no peso de massa magra; e os cães do GC receberam propofol baseado no peso total. Os parâmetros fisiológicos como frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistêmica, saturação de oxi-hemoglobina e presença de apneia foram registrados antes e após a indução. A dose empregada de propofol foi 10,7 ± 2,8mg/kg, 14,1 ± 4,7mg/kg e 7,6 ± 1,5mg/kg nos grupos GC, GPMM e GPT, respectivamente, sendo a diferença significante (p<0,001). Na comparação entre os diferentes momentos dentro de cada grupos, observou-se diferença significativa no GC em relação à PAS, onde os valores obtidos após a indução da anestesia (150,8 ± 32,2mmHg) foram menores do que o basal (180,0 ± 34,8mmHg) (p=0,048). No grupo GPMM observou-se diferença na PAD, sendo que os valores basais (103,6 ± 29,1mmHg) foram mais elevados do que após a indução anestésica (79,3 ± 22,8) (p=0,018). Em relação a oxi-hemoglobina periférica houve diferença significativa entre os valores basais e os obtidos após indução da anestesia em todos os grupos sendo. p=0,027, p=0,006 e p=<0,001, respectivamente nos grupos GC, GPMM e GPT. O presente estudo demonstrou que cães obesos requerem dose menor de propofol (7,6 ± 1,5mg/kg) na indução da anestesia em relação aos cães com peso normal (10,7 ± 2,8mg/kg) ao serem anestesiados com a dose baseada no peso total. Não foi possível demostrar que cães obesos que tiveram a dose calculada baseada apenas no peso de massa magra (14,1 ± 4,7mg/kg) necessitem de doses similares a de cães com peso normal com o calculo baseado no peso total (10,7 ± 2,8mg/kg) / The anesthesia induction of the obese dog poses a great challenge to the veterinary anesthesiologist since these patients present respiratory and cardiovasvular alterations. Besides that, there is little information on anesthetic protocols in the literature. Therefore, the objective was to compare the anesthesia induction in obese dogs (body score condicional equal to or greater than 8) using propofol in dosages based on lean body weight or total body weight. Thirty-five dogs were distributed in three groups: 13 dogs with average weight in the control group (CG); 15 obese dogs in total body weight group (TBWG) and seven obese dogs in lean body weight group (LBWG). All dogs were evaluated according to a body condition score chart (BCS) of 9 points and also had their body composition determined using the deuterium dilution method. Anesthesia was inducted with 150 mg/kg/h through a propofol infusion pump until animals lost consciousness. Animals in TBWG received propofol infusion based on total body weight; the animals in LBWG received propofol infusion based on lean body mass, and the dogs in CG received propofol infusion based on total body weight. Physiological parameters such as heart rate, systemic arterial pressure, oxyhemoglobin saturation and the presence of apnea were recorded previous to and post induction. Propofol dose used was 10.7 ± 2.8mg/kg, 14.1 ± 4.7mg/kg and 7.6 ± 1.5mg/kg in groups CG, LBWG and TBWG, respectively, with a significant difference (p<0.001). Comparing different moments within each group, there was a significant difference in GC related to SAP, where values obtained post induction (150.8 ± 32.2) were smaller than basal (180 ± 34.8) (p=0.048). In LBWG there was a difference in DAP, where basal values (103.6 ± 29.1) were higher than post induction (79.3 ± 22.8) (p=0.018). There were significant differences in peripheral oxyhemoglobin saturation between basal values and post anesthesia induction values in all groups with p=0.027, p=0.006 and p<0.001 in CG, LBWG and TBWG, respectively. The current study shows that obese dogs require smaller propofol doses (7.6 ± 1.5mg/kg) than average weight dogs (10.7 ± 2.8mg/kg) when induction anesthesia based on total body weight dosage. It was not possible to demonstrate that obese dogs with doses based on lean body mass (14.1 ± 4.7mg/kg) have propofol dosage needs similar to average weight dogs with dosage based on total body weight (10.7 ± 2.8mg/kg)

O estado nutricional de adolescentes da rede de ensino público da cidade de Piracicaba (SP) e seus determinantes / Nutritional status determinants in adolescents from public schools of Piracicaba (SP-Brazil)

Peres, Stela Verzinhasse 06 September 2007 (has links)
Introdução - O sobrepeso e a obesidade são doenças de características endêmicas, tanto em países desenvolvidos como em países em desenvolvimento e podem coexistir com a desnutrição, principalmente, nas camadas sociais de baixa renda. Objetivo - Estimar as prevalências de desnutrição, sobrepeso e obesidade, segundo sexo e idade, bem como os fatores associados à sua ocorrência em adolescentes de 10 a 14,9 anos de idade, matriculados na rede de ensino público da cidade de Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil. Material e Métodos - Este foi um estudo transversal. A amostra foi composta por 269 adolescentes de ambos os sexos (118 meninos e 151 meninas). Foram aplicados questionários para obtenção do consumo alimentar, maturação sexual, nível de atividade física e características demográficas e feita a mensuração de peso e altura. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se o teste de associação pelo qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão multinomial univariados e múltiplos para verificar a relação entre o estado nutricional e as variáveis independentes. Resultados - As prevalências de desnutrição para meninos e meninas foram, respectivamente, 5,1% e 4,0%. As prevalências de sobrepeso foram de 15,3% entre os meninos e de 13,2% entre as meninas. A obesidade apresentou prevalências de 18,6% em meninos e 11,9% em meninas. O fator que apresentou associação com a presença de desnutrição nos meninos foi a idade, verificando-se que a faixa etária de 13,0 a 14,9 anos apresentou maior proporção de desnutridos em relação a faixa etária de 10,0 a 12,9 anos (respectivamente 14,3% x 0,0%; p= 0,028). Os fatores que mostraram associação com a desnutrição para as meninas foram o estágio puberal (OR= 10,20; p=0,005) e horas diante da televisão por dia (OR= 6,13; p= 0,019). Para o sobrepeso e obesidade, a ingestão de energia mostrou associação com a obesidade, ajustada pela idade e tempo em minutos por dia de prática de atividade física (ORajustada=6,74; p= 0,013) no grupo masculino. Nas adolescentes a obesidade foi associada ao números de horas diante de televisão por dia, ajustada pela idade ingestão de energia e tempo em minutos por dia de prática de atividade física (ORajustada=5,39; p= 0,006). Conclusões - Os achados do presente estudo evidenciaram que as prevalências de desnutrição são baixas, enquanto que, as prevalências de sobrepeso e obesidade são preocupantes, demonstrando o processo de transição nutricional no qual a cidade de Piracicaba se encontra. Dentre os fatores associados à estes agravos, destacam-se aqueles passíveis de modificação, ao se adotar hábitos de vida saudáveis como evitar o consumo excessivo de alimentos com alto valor calórico, bem como a redução do número de horas assistindo televisão. / Background - The overweight and obesity are occurring in developed as in developing countries. It can coexist with the undernutrition, mainly, in the lower social class. Objective – To estimate the prevalences of undernutrition, overweight and obesity, according to sex and age, and to determine demographics, of lifestyle characteristics and dietary intake associated to nutritional status in adolescents aged 10 to 14,9 years who were attending a public school in Piracicaba (SP - Brazil). Material and Methods - This was a cross-sectional study. The sample was composed by 269 adolescents of both sex (118 boys and 151 girls). Demographic and anthropometric data, dietary habits, sexual maturation, physical activity, physical inactivity were collected using questionnaires. The statistical analyses were done using chi-square test and univariate and multiple multinomial regression models. Results - The prevalences of undernutrition on boys was 5,1% and on girls was 4.0%. Prevalence of overweight in boys and girls were 15.3% and 13.2%, respectively. The prevalence of obesity was 18.6% in boys and 11,9% in girls. The undernutrition was associated with age on boys (respectively, 14,3% x 0,0%; p= 0,028). The undernutrition was associated with pubertal status (OR= 10,20; p=0,005) and hours of television watching (OR= 6,13; p= 0,019) among girls. The factors associated with obesity was energy intake in boys (ORadjusted=6,74; p= 0,013) and hours of television watching in girls (ORadjusted=5,39; p= 0,006). Conclusions - The prevalence of undernutrition are low and the prevalences of overweight and obesity were high in adolescents; demonstrating the process of nutrition transition in Piracicaba. The results showed that undernutrition determinants are age, on boys and pubertal status and hours of television watching, on girls. The obesity determinants were energy intake among boys and hours of television watching among girls. These findings indicate that the preventive intervention programmes should emphasize the healthy practices.

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