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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Décodage des intentions et des exécutions motrices : étude du rôle des oscillations cérébrales via l’apprentissage machine et développement d’outils open-source / Decoding motor intentions and movement execution : investigating the role of cerebral oscillations using machine learning and development of open-source tools

Combrisson, Etienne 13 December 2017 (has links)
L'exécution d'un simple mouvement est associée à des modulations complexes de l'activité oscillatoire du cerveau. Toutefois, notre compréhension du rôle spécifique des composantes de phase, d'amplitude ou de couplage phase-amplitude (PAC) durant la préparation et l'exécution motrice est encore partielle. La première partie de cette thèse traite de cette question en analysant des données d'EEG intracrânien obtenues chez des sujets épileptiques effectuant une tâche center out différée. Les outils d'apprentissage machine ont permis d'identifier des marqueurs neuronaux propres aux états moteur ou aux directions de mouvement. En plus du rôle déjà bien connu de la puissance spectrale, cette approche dictée par les données (data-driven) a identifié une implication importante de la composante de phase basse fréquence ainsi que du PAC dans les processus neuronaux de la préparation et de l'exécution motrice. En plus de cet apport empirique, une importante partie de ce travail de thèse a consisté à implémenter des outils d'analyse et de visualisation de données électrophysiologiques. Plusieurs utilitaires ont été conçus spécifiquement : une toolbox dédiée à l'extraction et à la classification de marqueurs neuronaux (Brainpipe), des outils de calcul de PAC modulaire basé sur des tenseurs (Tensorpac) ainsi qu'un ensemble d'interfaces graphiques dédiées à la visualisation de données cérébrales (Visbrain). Ces recherches auront permis de mieux comprendre le rôle des oscillations neuronales lors de comportements dirigés et met également à disposition un ensemble d'outils efficaces et libres permettant à la communauté scientifique de répliquer et d'étendre ces recherches / The execution of a motor task is associated with complex patterns of oscillatory modulations in the brain. However, the specific role of oscillatory phase, amplitude and phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) across the planning and execution stages of goal-directed motor behavior is still not yet fully understood. The aim of the first part of this PhD thesis was to address this question by analyzing intracranial EEG data recorded in epilepsy patients during the performance of a delayed center-out task. Using machine learning, we identified functionally relevant oscillatory features via their accuracy in predicting motor states and movement directions. In addition to the established role of oscillatory power, our data-driven approach revealed the prominent role of low-frequency phase as well as significant involvement of PAC in the neuronal underpinnings of motor planning and execution. In parallel to this empirical research, an important portion of this PhD work was dedicated to the development of efficient tools to analyze and visualize electrophysiological brain data. These packages include a feature extraction and classification toolbox (Brainpipe), modular and tensor-based PAC computation tools (Tensorpac) and a versatile brain data visualization GUI (Visbrain). Taken together, this body of research advances our understanding of the role of brain oscillations in goal-directed behavior, and provides efficient open-source packages for the scientific community to replicate and extend this research

English in Swedish product packages : An exploratory study of how English is used in product packages sold in the dairy section in Swedish retail

Bohm Fiederling, Inga-Lena January 2014 (has links)
This study explores the use of English in the texts of product packages sold in Swedish retail. This includes looking at the proportion of English of the packages of four brands God Morgon, Froosh, Oatly and Wellness, as well as exploring what moves are most likely to be in English and furthermore, what cultural values are conveyed by the texts. The most significant findings are that the proportion of English varies among both between and within the brands, depending on the specific niche the products have. Furthermore, in line with previous studies, English is mainly found in the attention-grabbing moves such as headlines and leads, whereas Swedish is more frequent in the copy which serves a more explanatory and detailing function. This is true except for the texts of the brand Oatly, with the main copy also in English. The cultural values conveyed by the texts, finally, both support previous findings, but it may be suggested that some of the values, such as nature and morality, have just recently begun to be associated to English.

A framework for cryptography algorithms on mobile devices

Lo, Johnny Li-Chang 19 October 2007 (has links)
Mobile communication devices have become a popular tool for gathering and disseminating information and data. With the evidence of the growth of wireless technology and a need for more flexible, customizable and better-optimised security schemes, it is evident that connection-based security such as HTTPS may not be sufficient. In order to provide sufficient security at the application layer, developers need access to a cryptography package. Such packages are available as third party mobile cryptographic toolkits or are supported natively on the mobile device. Typically mobile cryptographic packages have reduced their number of API methods to keep the package lightweight in size, but consequently making it quite complex to use. As a result developers could easily misuse a method which can weaken the entire security of a system without knowing it. Aside from the complexities in the API, mobile cryptography packages often do not apply sound cryptography within the implementation of the algorithms thus causing vulnerabilities in its utilization and initialization. Although FIPS 140-2 and CAPI suggest guidelines on how cryptographic algorithms should be implemented, they do not define the guidelines for implementing and using cryptography in a mobile environment. In our study, we do not define new cryptographic algorithms, instead, we investigate how sound cryptography can be applied practically in a mobile application environment and developed a framework called Linca (which stands for Logical Integration of Cryptographic Architectures) that can be used as a mobile cryptographic package to demonstrate our findings. The benefit that Linca has is that it hides the complexity of making incorrect cryptographic algorithm decisions, cryptographic algorithm initialization and utilization and key management, while maintaining a small size. Linca also applies sound cryptographic fundamentals internally within the framework, which radiates these benefits outwards at the API. Because Linca is a framework, certain architecture and design patterns are applied internally so that the cryptographic mechanisms and algorithms can be easily maintained. Linca showed better results when evaluated against two mobile cryptography API packages namely Bouncy Castle API and Secure and Trust Service API in terms of security and design. We demonstrate the applicability of Linca on using two realistic examples that cover securing network channels and on-device data. / Dissertation (MSc (Computer Science))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Computer Science / MSc / unrestricted

AppRecommender: um recomendador de aplicativos GNU/Linux / AppRecommender: a recommender system for GNU/Linux applications

Tássia Camões Araujo 30 September 2011 (has links)
A crescente oferta de programas de código aberto na rede mundial de computadores expõe potenciais usuários a muitas possibilidades de escolha. Em face da pluralidade de interesses desses indivíduos, mecanismos eficientes que os aproximem daquilo que buscam trazem benefícios para eles próprios, assim como para os desenvolvedores dos programas. Este trabalho apresenta o AppRecommender, um recomendador de aplicativos GNU/Linux que realiza uma filtragem no conjunto de programas disponíveis e oferece sugestões individualizadas para os usuários. Tal feito é alcançado por meio da análise de perfis e descoberta de padrões de comportamento na população estudada, de sorte que apenas os aplicativos considerados mais suscetíveis a aceitação sejam oferecidos aos usuários. / The increasing availability of open source software on the World Wide Web exposes potential users to a wide range of choices. Given the individuals plurality of interests, mechanisms that get them close to what they are looking for would benefit users and software developers. This work presents AppRecommender, a recommender system for GNU/Linux applications which performs a filtering on the set of available software and individually offers suggestions to users. This is achieved by analyzing profiles and discovering patterns of behavior of the studied population, in a way that only those applications considered most prone to acceptance are presented to users.

Návrh změn marketingového mixu vybraného hotelu / Proposal for Marketing Mix Changes of Selected Hotel

Šimíčková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the analysis of the current situation of the selected hotel and it determines proposals for marketing mix changes based on analysis. When processing an overall analysis of the company on the basis of theoretical knowledge. The basis for drawing up its own proposals for changes in the marketing mix is the knowledge gained from the underlying analyses.

Marketingový mix hotelu Panon / Marketing Mix of the Hotel Panon

Burdová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses mainly on the analysis of marketing mix of hotel PANON, which offers accomodation in South Moravia in the town Hodonín in *** category in single, double and triple rooms as well as in apartments of different categories, catering services and a large number of additional services. The aim of this thesis is to make marketing mix of given hotel more efficient and thus ensure not only growth of existing number of guests, but also get new domestic and foreign guests, which will lead to growth of profit of the hotel PANON and strenghtening of its position in the tourism market.

Latin Travel

Alvaro Llancari, Elizabeth Paola, Chung Gonzales, Shiu Yen, Palomino Paquiyauri, Jaymi, Pichilingue Segura, Vanessa Cecilia, Temoche Chiroque, Daniel Cesar 30 November 2020 (has links)
Muchas mujeres que quieren viajar por América del Sur desconocen de los sitios turísticos, comidas, hospedaje, restaurantes y más, incluso tienen pocas oportunidades para viajar porque no encuentran opciones y una oferta variada en precios, además de productos y servicios necesarios para tener nuevas experiencias agradables. Por ese motivo, nació APP Latin Travel, un aplicativo móvil dirigido a las singles o viajeras para ofrecerles diversos beneficios e información para viajar sin preocupaciones y con la finalidad de hacer más agradable su viaje, pudiendo encontrar diferentes precios que se acomoden a su presupuesto, obteniendo como resultado experiencias positivas para viajar por Latinoamérica ofreciendo beneficios como es, tener la oportunidad de un intercambio cultural con otras mujeres. El precio de los tours es un factor importante durante su viaje, por la cual brindaremos una variedad de tours a precios competitivos en el mercado, así las singles podrán escoger con libertad la opción más conveniente para ellas de acuerdo al tiempo que estarán en dicho país. Asimismo, Latin Travel ganará un porcentaje de 10% sobre el precio de venta de los servicios turísticos y sobre la venta de la línea de productos, además obtendremos ingresos por suscripción mensual. Al final, se analizaron los flujos de caja y sus indicadores, demostrando la viabilidad y rentabilidad del negocio, lo que significa que el negocio dejará ganancias para todos sus inversionistas. / Many women who want to travel through South America are unaware of tourist sites, meals, accommodation, restaurants and more, they even have few opportunities to travel because they do not find options and a varied offer in prices, as well as products and services necessary to have new experiences nice. For this reason, APP Latin Travel was born, a mobile application aimed at singles or travelers to offer them various benefits and information to travel without worries and in order to make their trip more pleasant, being able to find different prices that suit their budget, obtaining as a result positive experiences to travel through Latin America offering benefits such as having the opportunity of a cultural exchange with other women. The price of the tours is an important factor during your trip, for which we will offer a variety of tours at competitive prices in the market, so singles can freely choose the most convenient option for them according to the time they will be in that country. Likewise, Latin Travel will earn a 10% percentage on the sale price of tourist services and on the sale of the product line, we will also obtain monthly subscription income. In the end, the cash flows and their indicators were analyzed, demonstrating the viability and profitability of the business, which means that the business will leave profits for all its investors. / Trabajo de investigación

One ticket

McKenzie Castillo, Katherine Luciana, Ramón Zavala, Cristina Mariana, Sánchez Armas, Jesús, Sulca Monterroso, Alvaro, Zavala Roque, Cynthia Patricia 28 November 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, las empresas del sector turístico han tenido que adaptarse a los nuevos cambios producidos por la pandemia, por lo que se han vuelto más digitales, todo esto con el propósito de sobrevivir a la crisis económica. El uso de redes sociales y plataformas virtuales han permitido un contacto mucho más cercano con los usuarios, con información más detallada y personalizar más los viajes para hacer sentir seguros a los turistas. Los paquetes turísticos se pueden llegar a adecuar a cada cliente, dependiendo de sus necesidades, fechas, gustos, etc. Es así como, One Ticket, tiene como objetivo principal hacer el proceso de planear un viaje mucho más rápido y fácil en un solo lugar, contando con una plataforma que brinde diferentes paquetes turísticos, soporte virtual, servicios diversos (pasajes de avión, reserva de hoteles, agencias turísticas, etc.) y a la vez cuenta con un diseño atractivo y amigable con el usuario, con información sobre los diferentes destinos de turismo que se ofrece. Por otro lado, las fuentes de ingresos de One Ticket se darán por comisiones por cada adquisición que se haga a través de la aplicación. Para que la plataforma esté en operación se deberá contar con varios recursos, como servicios de ingeniería de software. Además, constantemente se están ofreciendo promociones o descuentos en las primeras compras de los clientes. De esta manera, One Ticket planea ser una plataforma que ayude con la reactivación del turismo en el Perú, así como hacer conocer muchos otros lugares turísticos no tan concurridos y promocionarlos. La aplicación permitirá a los usuarios elegir el paquete que más se adapte a su estilo de vida, gustos, tiempos, presupuestos, etc. También se cuenta con un análisis financiero que muestra la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de One Ticket en el mercado, así como se muestra las intenciones de compra que se tiene por la publicidad ofrecida en redes sociales como Instagram y Facebook, mostrando la acogida y disponibilidad de la gente de descargar la aplicación. / Currently, companies in the tourism sector have had to adapt to the new changes produced by the pandemic, which is why they have become more digital, all with the purpose of surviving the economic crisis. The use of social networks and virtual platforms have allowed a much closer contact with users, with more detailed information and more personalization of trips to make tourists feel safe. The tourist packages can be adapted to each client, depending on their needs, dates, tastes, etc. Thus, One Ticket 's main objective is to make the process of planning a trip much faster and easier in one place, with a platform that provides different tour packages, virtual support, various services (airline tickets, reservation of hotels, tourist agencies, etc.) and at the same time it has an attractive and user-friendly design, with information on the different tourism destinations offered. On the other hand, the sources of income of One Ticket will be given by commissions for each acquisition made through the application. For the platform to be in operation, several resources must be available, such as software engineering services. In addition, promotions or discounts are constantly being offered on customers' first purchases. In this way, One Ticket plans to be a platform that helps with the reactivation of tourism in Peru, as well as making known and promoting many other tourist places that are not so crowded. The application will allow users to choose the package that best suits their lifestyle, tastes, times, budgets, etc. There is also a financial analysis that shows the long-term sustainability of One Ticket in the market, as well as showing the purchase intentions of the advertising offered on social networks such as Instagram and Facebook, showing the reception and availability of people downloading the app. / Trabajo de investigación

Creep Fatigue Interaction in Solder Joint Alloys of Electronic Packages / Interaction fatigue-fluage dans les alliages de joint brasé de boitiers électroniques

Zanella, Stéphane 13 December 2018 (has links)
L’analyse de la durée de vie des joints brasés est un challenge pour les industries du spatiale, de l’aéronautique et de la défense qui ont besoin d’équipements très fiables pour des environnements sévères et de longues durées de vie. L’évolution des technologies de boitier électronique, principalement conduite par les marchés civils, introduit de nouvelles architectures et de nouveaux matériaux dont la fiabilité doit être étudiée pour les exigences de ces marchés critiques. Un des éléments critiques d’une carte électronique est l’interconnexion effectué par le joint brasé. Dans ce contexte, les connaissances des propriétés de fatigue des matériaux utilisés pour le joint brasé sont nécessaires pour développer des cartes électroniques, définir les essais accélérés de qualification ou pour réaliser des simulations de durée de vie.Les lois utilisées communément dans l’industrie sont généralement des critères simplifiés comme les lois de Coffin-Manson, basée sur la déformation inélastique, ou Morrow, basée sur l’énergie dissipée. Les déformations plastique et visqueuse sont dans ces lois indissociées et appelées déformation inélastique, supposant que les contributions au dommage des déformations plastique et visqueuse sont similaires. Cependant, la pertinence de ces lois dans le cas du matériau joint brasé et les profils de mission des marchés critiques doit être étudiée. En effet, le joint brasé possède une température de fusion faible qui entraine un comportement visqueux même à température ambiante. Celle-ci est nécessaire à l’étape d’assemblage des boitiers. Ainsi, d’importantes déformations visqueuses sont développées notamment pour les environnements sévères et les longues phases de maintien de ces marchés critiques. Dans ce contexte, il est important de prendre en compte l’interaction fatigue-fluage dans les matériaux joint brasé pour atteindre les exigences de ces applications.Les limitations de la littérature sont le manque de données expérimentales précises dissociant les déformations plastique et visqueuse en essai de fatigue. La représentativité des éprouvettes massiques par rapport à l’application finales est en effet discutable au vue de la microstructure très spécifique du joint brasé. De plus, il n’existe pas de consensus réel sur les modèles matériaux à utiliser. Dans ce contexte, un banc de mesure a été développé dans le but de réaliser des essais de fatigue en cisaillement sur des boitiers électroniques assemblés.Le temps de maintien, la température et la force appliquée ont un impact sur le nombre de cycles à défaillance. La combinaison d’une augmentation de la température avec l’ajout du temps de maintien réduit jusqu’à un facteur dix le nombre de cycles à rupture. Les courbes d’hystérésis du boitier ont été converties en contrainte et déformations plastique et visqueuse dans le joint brasé dans le but de calibrer un modèle matériau et une loi de fatigue. Les résultats montrent que l’intérêt des lois de fatigue utilisées communément est limité. Des résultats utilisant différents dispositifs expérimentaux de la littérature ont été ajoutés pour compléter ceux trouvés. Une loi de fatigue modifiée en fréquence a été testée et montre de meilleures prédictions dans le cas d’essais réalisés à différentes fréquences car elle permet de prendre des effets liés au temps comme la viscosité. Cependant, des limites avec cette loi ont été trouvées dans le cas de sollicitation avec temps de maintien. Une loi de fatigue prenant en compte l’interaction fatigue fluage a ensuite été proposée avec de bonnes prédictions notamment pour des températures plus élevées. L’évolution de la microstructure a montré que le dommage détruit la structure dendritique du joint et la remplace par des joints de tailles plus petites dans la zone proche de la fissure. La coalescence d’éléments a également été observée. Cependant, plus d’investigations sont nécessaires pour définir les marqueurs spécifiques des dommages plastique et visqueux. / Solder joints reliability analysis represents a challenge for the aerospace and defense industries, which are in need of trustworthy equipment with a long lifetime in harsh environments. The evolution of electronic packages, driven by consumer civil applications, introduces new architectures and materials for which reliability needs to be qualified for the constraints of the aerospace and defense applications. One of the most critical elements of an electronic assembly is the solder joint interconnection. In this context, the knowledge of fatigue properties of solder material is required to design the assemblies, to define accelerated tests or to perform lifetime simulations.Fatigue laws used commonly in the industry are generally simplified criteria such as Coffin-Manson relation, based on inelastic deformation, or Morrow relation, based on dissipated energy per cycle. Cyclic creep and plastic strains are mingled and formulated as a unique inelastic strain in these relationships. The underlying assumption is that damage contributions of creep and plasticity phenomena are equivalent. The relevance of these laws in the case of solder joint and the mission profiles of aerospace and defense industries can be discussed. In fact, solder joint materials have low melting temperatures which are required by the assembly manufacturing process, inducing viscous strains even at room temperature. In this context, important viscous strains are developed due to the harsh environment with high temperatures and the long maintain phases of space, defense and avionics industries. Creep-fatigue interaction must be taken into account for solder joint material in order to address these applications requirements.Limitations of the literature are the lack of clear experimental data separating plastic and creep strains during fatigue tests. Representativeness of experimental tests based on bulk samples can be discussed because of the complex microstructure of solder joints. No consensus exists on the mechanical model and the parameters. In this context, an innovative test bench has been developed to perform shear fatigue tests with assembled electronic packages in order to study creep-fatigue interaction in solder joints.Dwell time, temperature and force have an impact on the number of cycles to failure. Combined increase of temperature and dwell time reduces the number of cycles to failure until a factor of 10. The hysteresis response of the package is converted in stress and plastic and viscous strains in order to calibrate a viscoplastic model and a fatigue law. Results show limitations of classic Coffin-Manson fatigue law. Experimental results from the literature have been used to complete our test plan. A frequency modified fatigue model shows increased prediction accuracy for fatigue tests performed at different frequencies. In fact, time-dependent viscous damage is included in the law by the frequency factor. However, limitations of this law have been found in particular for long dwell time configuration. A creep-fatigue model is proposed to dissociate damages from plastic and viscous strains. This fatigue law increases prediction accuracy in the case of high temperature and long dwell time configuration. Microstructure evolutions indicate the destruction of the dendritic structure and replaced by small grains recrystallization in the area close to the fracture. Coalescence of different precipitates is also observed in the damaged area. More investigations on this topic are required in order to evaluate the specific markers of plastic and viscous damages.

Matematikhistoria i matematikundervisningen : Strategier och utfall från klassrummet / History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education : Strategies and results from the classroom

Hall, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet undersöker vilka effekter en undervisning med matematikhistorisk prägel har på eleverna, samt vilka faktorer i en sådan undervisning som kan påverka utfallet. När matematikhistoria betraktas som ett verktyg i matematikundervisningen förväntas elever påverkas affektivt och/eller kognitivt. Med synen på matematikhistoria som ett verktyg är två strategier för undervisning lämpliga – historisk upplysning och historiska paket. Med historisk upplysning inkluderas matematikhistoria i matematikundervisningen genom kortare anekdotiska inslag eller problem. Historiska paket är små moduler i undervisningen, som behandlar ett avgränsat ämne inom matematiken, och har en nära koppling tillläroplanen. Analysen genomfördes utifrån en litteraturstudie, och visar att båda strategiernakan påverka eleverna affektivt och kognitivt. Faktorer som kan påverka utfallet är elevernas ålder och förkunskaper, lärarens kompetens, graden av interaktivitet i undervisningen ochdet material som används. / This thesis investigates potential effects on students from including history of mathematics inmathematics education, and what circumstances within such education can influence the outcome. When the history of mathematics is considered a tool in teaching, pupils are expected to be influenced in a cognitive and/or affective way. From this perspective, two strategies are considered appropriate – the illumination approach or historical packages. The illumination approach includes short historical anecdotes or problems, whereas the historical packages are designed to teach an isolated subject within mathematics and are closely connected to the curriculum. The analysis was based on a literature study and shows that both strategies can influence pupils in a cognitive and affective way. Circumstances that influence the outcome are the age and previous knowledge of the pupils, teacher competence, the level of interactivity amongst the pupils and the material used in the teaching.

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