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Nádory v dějinném a kulturním kontextu v novověku. / Tumours in historical and social context in the modern periodHrudka, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Přírodovědecká fakulta Studijní program: Filosofie a dějiny přírodních věd MUDr. Jan Hrudka Nádory v dějinném a kulturním kontextu v novověku Tumours in historical and social context in the modern period Disertační práce Školitel / Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Stanislav Komárek, Dr. Praha, 2017 SUMMARY: The PhD thesis called Tumours in historical and social context in the modern period is an attempt to describe a change of medical thinking in modern period; science and medicine turns from antique humoral pathology, explaining all diseases as an imbalance of the four body humours, to pathological anatomy and experimental physiology. In the point of view of pathological anatomy, the viscera of diseased person are no more "screen" or "mirror" of the disease, but it becomes directly the "stage" or "theatre" of the acting disease. This shift in the thought may be labelled as movement from humoralism to localism or ontologism; the disease isn't just abnormal amount of some natural juice any more, but becomes new original entity. This change undergoes the understanding of tumours and cancerous disease as well. Instead of antique understanding tumours as precipitates of black bile, the cell theory occurs in the 19th century. This theory explains tumours as a mass of cells undergoing excessive...
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Nábožensko-politické aspekty kultury mučednictví v Islámské republice Írán / Religous-political Aspects of Culture of Martyrdom in the Islamic Republic of IranČech, Libor January 2012 (has links)
The presented doctoral thesis examines character and significance of the culture of martyrdom (farhang-e shahadat) in contemporary Iranian society with a particular emphasis on delimitation religious-political dimension of this phenomenon and determination of causes and implications of relatively recent reinterpretation which has radically shifted this culture from the religious-spiritual sphere to the political-ideological and even revolutionary. On the one hand, the thesis deals with a complex view of mechanism and manners of the utilization of the Karbala paradigm as the instrument for formulation of politically (and otherwise) motivated aims by different spectres of power structures of the ruling establishment and diverse oppositional social movements and on the other hand it reflects its apolitical standpoint associated with a spiritual experience of believers, which proceeds from the popular religion. These aspects of the political and religious boundary of the culture of martyrdom are examined in detail and given in the context of current socio-political reality. The thesis also strives for presenting of arguments founded on the premise which defines the culture of martyrdom as an essential source for constructing of identities and strengthening of solidarity among Iranian Imami Shi'ites,...
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Neurofunktionelle Alterseffekte in Regionen des mesolimbischen dopaminergen Belohnungsystems unter Verwendung des Desire-Reason-Dilemma-Paradigmas / Neurofunctional effects of ageing on regions of the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system using the desire-reason-dilemma-paradigmKramer, Martin Gerd 10 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Annahof / AnnahofMatoušek, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
Anenský dvůr used to be a farm surrounded by fields just a few dozen meters from the Austrian border. It worked even during the fifties before the creation of the Iron Curtain. Agricultural activity slowly subsided, people disappeared. Nature began quietly but ceaselessly, in small portions, getting on its side after the interval division. Buildings and their surroundings started to change. Nature has changed in fifty years place unrecognizable. Clearly defined boundaries are erased, flash greenery spread to the surrounding area and has created a specific single entity defining the surrounding chaos. Such a situation is the basis for the layout of the new cemetery. Current enhanced peripheral borders are strengthened by planting oaks, while the interior is modified. Most of invasive acacia and other shrubs are removed. The original character of the place, floodplain meadow is reinforced by planting new trees, such as birch or cherry. The new cemetery consists of two main areas - internal groomed lawn under clearly defined square walls, which leads to deposition of ash and vice versa in the outer belt informal grown meadows are individual pavilions cemetery.
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Effects of individual and dyadic decision-making and normative reference on delay discounting decisionsSchwenke, Diana, Wehner, Peggy, Scherbaum, Stefan 04 June 2024 (has links)
The tendency to devaluate delayed rewards, a phenomenon referred to as ‘discounting behaviour’, has been studied by wide-ranging research examining individuals choosing between sooner but smaller or later but larger rewards. Despite the fact that many real-life choices are embedded in a social context, the question of whether or not social collaboration can have an impact on such choices has not been addressed empirically. With this research, we aimed to fill this gap experimentally by implementing a novel choice selection procedure in order to study the interactive dynamics between two participants. This selection procedure allowed us to dissect the sequence of decision-making into its elements, starting from the very first individual preference to the solution of possible conflicting preferences in the dyad. In Experiment 1, we studied group decision-making on classical intertemporal choices to reveal the possible benefit of social collaboration on discounting and identified that the knowledge of the social situation in collective decision-making causes a reduction in discounting. In a pre-registered Experiment 2, we compared classical intertemporal choices with choices in a gamified version of a discounting paradigm in which the participants had a real-time experience trial by trial and for which a normative reference was present. We found that collective decision-making had a substantial impact on intertemporal decision-making, but was shaped by different types of choices. Classical intertemporal choices were rather susceptible to the contextual factors of decision-making, whereas in the gamified version that included a normative reference the decisions were reliably influenced by social collaboration and resulted in a lower discounting. The results in this paradigm replicate our original findings from former research.
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Kognitiewe aspekte van lesersreaksies op 30 Nagte in Amsterdam van Etienne van Heerden en Swartskaap van Odette Schoeman / Lea Margaretha MaraisMarais, Lea Margaretha January 2012 (has links)
Every reader will respond to and think in a different way about a book. They will have different interpretations of the book. It is not possible to say with scientific certainty in what way a reader will interpret a book. To address this issue, this study focuses on the reader response theory as explained by Iser and Jauss. However, the reader response theory is at present supported by research from the cognitive theory to narratology. This study attempts to understand how a reader reasons with regards to a certain text. A further aim is to understand why a specific reader will think about and interpret the text in the way he or she does. In this study the books 30 Nagte in Amsterdam (30 Nights in Amsterdam) by Etienne van Heerden and Swartskaap (Black Sheep) by Odette Schoeman is used to test the hypothesis. Qualitative research methods were used and the data was processed in different stages as is displayed in the addendum DVD.
Cognitive theory wants to explain how the reader will respond to the book as a whole, characters, events and the places and spaces represented in the novel. In this study, it was found that a reader's response will always be influenced by his/her background. Readers use their background either to make sense of the book and the story it tells or to make sense of what has happened in their own lives in order to accept and understand it.
On account of the results reached in the study it can be argued that readers should be taken into account when books are reviewed and discussed, because they are the ones that have to do the actual reading. Because of this finding, this study puts forward the suggestion that a review model is developed so that readers can make informed decisions as to which book will be best suited to them. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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Nové lexikální jevy v politické publicistice / New lexical units in political publicismDěngeová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Resumé Diplomová práce nese název Nové lexikální jevy v politické publicistice a klade si za cíl poukázat na novotvary, které se vyskytují v textech psané publicistiky. Hlavním tématem práce je slovotvorná a sémantická analýza neologismů a uplatňování slovotvorných prostředků, které se podílejí na vzniku nových slov v českém jazyce. Záměrem mé diplomové práce je prezentovat shromážděný lexikální materiál a dokladovat tak dynamiku lexika a kreativitu české slovotvorby. Pomocí představeného materiálu se v práci poukazuje na lexikální slovotvorná paradigmata jako celky, které mohou spoluutvářet mediální obraz konkrétních politiků. Upozorňuje se také na zvýšené užívání některých nových slovotvorných prostředků v oblasti kompozitního novotvoření a na jejich postupné zakotvování v české slovotvorbě. V neposlední řadě práce představuje šíři propriálních motivantů a možnosti jejich spojitelnosti s různými slovotvornými prostředky. Lexikální materiál pro analýzu nových jazykových jevů byl čerpán především ze současné psané publicistiky, neboť její jazyk a styl je velice proměnlivý a dynamický, v porovnání s jinými funkčními styly je mnohem více svázán se společenskými změnami a bezprostředně na ně reaguje. Pro současnou publicistiku je typická rychlá potřeba nových pojmenování, nejčastěji se jako neologismy...
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Análisis criminológico del delito de microtráfico de marihuana bajo un paradigma multivectorial integrativoSantidrian Salas, Daniela January 2018 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / La ley N° 20.000 regula el microtráfico de estupefacientes por primera vez en nuestra historia legislativa, marcando uno de los hitos más importantes en lo que a este tipo de delitos respecta, por cuanto introduce un elemento especializante que permite aplicar una pena menor a quien trafica con pequeñas cantidades de droga.
Sin embargo, la figura ha sido objeto de muchas críticas por parte de la doctrina y la jurisprudencia debido a que, el legislador, en un afán por no limitar el tipo penal a cierto gramaje, dejó a discrecionalidad de los jueces la determinación de qué debe entenderse por “pequeña cantidad”, lo que se ha traducido en interpretaciones dispares a lo largo y ancho del país. De manera introductoria, a las dificultades de delimitación del tipo penal y el estudio acucioso -pero no acabado- del microtráfico, se dedicó buena parte de la presente investigación.
No obstante, la principal motivación fue estudiar la droga que, en el contexto de este delito, ha generado mayor número de consumidores infractores: la marihuana. Al ser la droga más consumida y vendida en Chile -luego del alcohol y el tabaco-, se estimó necesario analizar los factores asociados a su consumo y venta, con miras a lograr una comprensión de dichos fenómenos, develar las falencias de las políticas criminales que se han erigido en torno a ellos, e intentar esbozar un nuevo modelo normativo para abordarlos.
Para el cumplimiento de dichos objetivos se utilizó como eje el Paradigma Multivectorial Integrativo propuesto por el profesor Marco González Berendique y, a través del estudio de los vectores Delincuente, Víctima, Situación, Factores Micro y Macrosociales y Reacción Social Formal e Informal, se desarrolló un análisis criminológico que permitió comprender el fenómeno delictivo y entender la urgencia de implementar medidas de reducción de daños en las políticas de drogas del país. / Autor no autoriza el acceso a texto completo de su documento hasta el 12/07/2019
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Sustentabilidade: a perda do caráter de mudança estrutural do conceito / Sustainability concept: structural change characteristic lossSasahara, Camila 09 October 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar o sentido epistemológico do conceito de sustentabilidade ambiental que compreende a revisão teórica dos paradigmas, cartesiano e econômico, orientadores do desenvolvimento da sociedade moderna, que causam as degradações nos âmbitos ambiental e social; e do histórico ambiental, que expressa as diferentes significações atribuídas ao conceito sustentabilidade, ao longo do tempo, sendo hoje a idéia de desenvolvimento sustentável uma idéia amplamente usada. A partir da percepção dessas distintas concepções, analisam-se as bases teóricas definidas pelas correntes da teoria de Kuznets, a de Solow, as leis de mercado, o ecodesenvolvimento e o ecossocialismo, agrupadas nas duas grandes vertentes: da ecologia radical, de ruptura com esse modelo de desenvolvimento, e da ecologia moderada que propõe mudanças sem afetar a estrutura da sociedade. Estas concepções divergem quanto à configuração da relação estabelecida entre as temáticas que compõe a discussão ambiental: a social e a econômica, que se utilizam idéias como a educação, a interdisciplinaridade, a técnica e o desenvolvimento sustentável, de forma díspar. Tais análises são transpostas à pesquisa científica, importante espaço de discussão da questão ambiental pela característica de questionamento própria da ciência, tendo como estudo de caso os Projetos Temáticos da FAPESP. Apesar de tal possibilidade os projetos seguem a concepção de sustentabilidade ambiental adotada pelo sistema econômico, da ecologia moderada, que baseia suas propostas nas técnicas, condizente com o os paradigmas vigentes. / This work aims to study the epistemological concept of environmental sustainability through Cartesian and economic theoretical paradigms. This analysis guides the modern society development, which causes deterioration on social and environmental fields. It also includes the environmental history study, which expresses, over time, different sustainability concept meanings, so, nowadays, sustainable development is a widespread idea. These different conceptions are analyze on theories like; Kuznets´s, Solow´s, market laws, ecodevelopment and ecossocialism, grouped in two main ideas: the radical ecology, concept focused on changes in the current development model; and moderated ecology, suggesting soft changes, without affecting the society structure. These conceptions differ about the configuration of the environmental debate structures relationships: the social and economic fields, which use ideas such as, education, interdisciplinary, technology and sustainable development in several ways. These analyses are translated to scientific research, an important environmental discussion forum issue by questioning the character of science, taking FAPESP Thematic Projects as data for a case study. Despite this possibility, these projects follow the concept of environmental sustainability adopted by the economic system, the moderate ecology, which based its solutions on technique, coherent to the prevailing paradigms.
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A conectividade radical como princípio e prática da educação em Paulo Freire. / The radical connectivity as a principle and pratice education in Paulo Freire.Mafra, Jason Ferreira 11 May 2007 (has links)
Esta tese focaliza e problematiza a categoria conectividade subjacente à antropologia do pedagogo e filósofo da Educação Paulo Freire. Conectividade, princípio incidente em todas as coisas, é tomada aqui como uma condição que, no gênero humano, ganha centralidade em razão de sua natureza intencional, quer dizer, da consciência individual e histórica. Traduz-se, neste caso, por um conjunto de disposições epistemológicas, axiológicas e praxiológicas, dimensões componentes da totalidade existencial. Entre os objetivos centrais deste estudo, destacamos três: contribuir para o pensamento a respeito do sentido da conectividade no campo das ciências sociais, em especial o da Educação; explicitar as características dessa categoria na vida e na obra de Paulo Freire; apontar indicações e pistas possíveis à aplicabilidade prática e teórica desse descritor categorial. Embora tenha se estruturado a partir de subsídios de informações e elementos empíricos, esta pesquisa possui caráter predominantemente teórico. Para tanto, as reflexões aqui expostas se fundam nos exames e análises de vasta bibliografia e de outras fontes de natureza variada, como teses, dissertações, trabalhos de conclusão de curso, entrevistas, jornais, revistas, vídeos, áudios e documentos eletrônicos. À idéia de conectividade associa-se a noção de infância. O hibridismo dessas categorias deu origem à construção de uma metáfora que se materializou no arquétipo menino conectivo, auto-imagem do educador, tomada por nós como instrumento de interpretação neste trabalho. Além do referencial paulofreiriano, nossas análises se nutrem das categorias de autores que desenvolvem reflexões no campo do pensamento dialético, seja de origem marxista, seja da perspectiva da pós-modernidade crítica. O presente estudo revelou que a conectividade é uma categoria-mestra que, em Paulo Freire, aglutina e amarra um conjunto de outras categorias fundantes na forma de construir conhecimento, valores e práticas sociais. Este trabalho se consolidou também como um esforço para pensar o sentido dessa categoria como tema epocal e suas possíveis implicações na organização da vida, em favor da construção da cultura da planetaridade e da vida sustentável, em oposição à lógica desumanizadora do sistema-mundo fundado no paradigma da globalização predatória e, por sua natureza, opressora. / This thesis focuses on and poses questions about the category of connectivity underlying the anthropology of the pedagogue and educational philosopher Paulo Freire. Connectivity, a principle occurring in all things, is taken here as a condition that gains centrality with the human genus because of its intentional nature in relation to individual and historical consciousness. It is translated, in this case, by a group of epistemological, axiological and praxeological dispositions, component dimensions of the existential totality. Among the central objectives of this study, we highlight three: to contribute to the thinking about the meaning of connectivity in the social sciences, especially in Education; to make explicit the characteristics of this category in the life and work of Paulo Freire; to indicate possible paths to practical and theoretical applications of this categorical descriptor. Although its structure is based on empirical elements and information, this study has a predominantly theoretical character. Moreover, the reflections exposed here are founded on examinations and analyses of a vast bibliography and from other sources of a varied nature, such as theses, dissertations, term papers, interviews, newspapers, magazines, audio and videotapes, and electronic documents. The idea of connectivity is associated with the notion of infancy. The hybridism of these categories is the origin of the construction of a metaphor that materialized in the connective boy archetype, the educator?s selfimage, which serves us as an interpretive instrument in this work. Besides the references to Paulo Freire, our analyses are nourished by authors whose ideas develop in the field of dialectical thinking, either from a Marxist perspective or from the perspective of critical post-modernism. The present study reveals that connectivity is a master-category that Paulo Freire uses to agglutinate and tie together a group of other founding categories as a way of constructing social knowledge, values and practices. This work is also consolidated by its attempt to consider the meaning of this category as an epochal theme and its possible implications in organizing life in favor of the construction of planetary culture and of sustainable existence, in opposition to the dehumanizing logic of a world-system founded on the paradigm of predatory globalization that is, by its very nature, oppressive.
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