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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the nature of the electronics structure of metal-metal quadruply bonded complexes

D'Acchioli, Jason S. 07 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Estudio, síntesis y caracterización de óxidos de manganeso de tipo criptomelana y aplicaciones catalíticas

Sabaté Fornons, Ferran 31 May 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral se sitúa en el marco de la síntesis de óxidos metálicos con aplicaciones en Catálisis Heterogénea para la obtención de productos de Química Fina de alto interés industrial. En este caso concreto se han estudiado los óxidos de manganeso de tipo criptomelana K-OMS2, los cuales resultan muy útiles para la fabricación de dispositivos electrónicos y como catalizadores, debido a sus propiedades redox, a su inocuidad a nivel medioambiental y a su bajo coste. En la primera parte de este trabajo se ha estudiado la síntesis de g - valerolactona mediante la carboesterificación de estireno y anhídrido acético empleando el óxido de manganeso dopado con cobre como catalizador, CuOx/K-OMS2. Los resultados catalíticos obtenidos en este trabajo mejoran los descritos previamente en la bibliografía con catalizadores homogéneos relacionados; y en definitiva presentan una mejora de las condiciones experimentales de trabajo. Al mismo tiempo, se ha conseguido dilucidar el mecanismo de reacción. Paralelamente se ha logrado demostrar la existencia de un efecto sinérgico - a nivel superficial - entre el Mn de la estructura y las especies de Cu(II) dispersas sobre la superficie de K-OMS2 que tiene su origen en los cambios a nivel electrónico que experimentan los átomos de Mn. A continuación, se presenta la síntesis de un nuevo material basado en la incorporación de centros de Ru(III) en la estructura del óxido de Mn de tipo criptomelana K-OMS2 a través de la sustitución isomórfica de los cationes Mn(III) originales. A partir de distintas técnicas de caracterización se ha logrado demostrar que el nuevo material está constituido exclusivamente por una monofase pura de K-OMS2, en la que el Ru(III) se ha incorporado perfectamente en la estructura de la red dando lugar a [Ru]-K-OMS2. Las consecuencias catalíticas de esta sustitución han sido estudiadas a partir de la reacción modelo de oxidación de alcoholes a aldehídos. Ello ha permitido constatar que la consecuencia principal de la incorporación de Ru(III) en la estructura es el debilitamiento del enlace Mn - O, lo cual facilita en gran medida la reducibilidad del óxido. Esto se traduce en una notable mejoría de los resultados catalíticos respecto del óxido de Mn original K-OMS2 e incluso de otros óxidos de Mn relacionados donde el Ru(III) se sitúa exclusivamente a nivel superficial. En una tercera parte de esta tesis, se describe el estudio teórico mediante técnicas electroquímicas de un efecto catalítico importante como es el spillover. De esta forma, mediante la técnica electroquímica de VIMP se han estudiado los procesos de spillover que tienen lugar en el óxido K-OMS2 cuando éste es depositado sobre un electrodo de Au. El proceso de spillover es clave para entender los procesos catalíticos que transcurren con difusión de oxígeno entre las distintas fases que conforman un catalizador metal/óxido (actuando este último como soporte). Además, el estudio de los fenómenos interfaciales relacionados con el movimiento de los átomos de oxígeno en un medio alcalino confirman el control por difusión del del proceso estudiado. Por último, estudios de resonancia paramagnética electrónica (EPR) del material de manganeso no dopado, K-OMS2; y del mismo óxido dopado con distintos elementos metálicos ([M]-K-OMS2 donde M= Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Fe3+ y Ru3+) han demostrado la elevada concentración magnética de estos materiales fruto de la variedad de estados de oxidación del Mn (+2, +3 y +4) a nivel estructural y de los propios cationes metálicos incorporados en cada caso. Finalmente, la cinética de la reacción de oxidación de alcohol bencílico a benzaldehído en presencia de [Ru(2%)]-K - OMS2 se ha podido estudiar por EPR confirmando la formación de especies paramagnéticas de Mn y Ru en el transcurso de la misma. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral es situa en el marc de la síntesi d'òxids metàl·lics amb aplicacions en Catàlisis Heterogènia per a l'obtenció de productes de Química Fina d'alt interés industrial. En aquest cas concret s'han estudiat els òxids de manganès de tipus criptomelana, K -OMS2. En la primera part d'aquest treball s'ha tractat la síntesis de g - valerolactona a través de la reacció de carboesterificació entre l'estirè i l'anhídrid acètic utilitzant com a catalitzador l'òxid de manganès dopat amb coure, CuOx/K-OMS2. Els resultats catalítics obtinguts en aquest treball milloren els descrits en la bibliografia que utilitzen catalitzadors homogenis de la mateixa índole; y globalment presenten una millora de les condicions experimentals generals de treball. Al mateix temps, s'ha aconseguit dilucidar el mecanisme de reacció, el qual ha permès establir la coexistència de dos rutes de ciclació per a l'obtenció del producte. Paral·lelament s'ha aconseguit demostrar l'existència d'un efecte sinèrgic - a nivell superficial - entre el manganès de l'estructura i les espècies de Cu(II) disperses sobre la superfície de K - OMS2. Aquest efecte té com a origen els canvis que es produeixen a nivell electrònic en els àtoms de Mn i que milloren la reactivitat gràcies a la millor difusió dels àtoms d'oxigen estructural. A continuació, es presenta la síntesi d'un nou material basat en la incorporació de centres de Ru(III) en l'estructura de l'òxid de Mn de tipus criptomelana K - OMS2 a través de la substitució isomòrfica dels cations Mn(III) originals. A partir de diferents tècniques de caracterització s'ha aconseguit demostrar que el nou material està constituït exclusivament per una única fase pura de K - OMS2, on el Ru(III) s'ha incorporat perfectament en l'estructura de la xarxa constituint d'aquesta forma el material [Ru] - K - OMS2. Les conseqüències catalítiques d'aquesta substitució han estat estudiades a partir d'una reacció model: l'oxidació d'alcohols a aldehids. Això ha permès constatar que la conseqüència principal de la incorporació de Ru(III) és el debilitament de l'enllaç Mn - O, la qual facilita en gran mesura la reductibilitat de l'òxid. Això es tradueix en una millora substancial dels resultats catalítics respecte l'òxid de manganès original (K - OMS2) i també a altres òxids de manganès dopats superficialment amb Ru(III). En la tercera part d'aquesta tesis, es descriu l'estudi teòric mitjançant tècniques electroquímiques del spillover, un efecte catalític de gran importància i que s'origina en determinats suports metàl·lics. D'aquesta manera, a través de la tècnica electroquímica de (VIMP) s'han estudiat dits processos de spillover que tenen lloc en l'òxid de K - OMS2 quan es troba depositat sobre un elèctrode d'Au. El procés de spillover és clau per a poder entendre els processos catalítics que impliquen la difusió d'àtoms d'oxígens entre les diferents fases que constitueixen un catalitzador tipus metall - òxid, on aquest últim actua com a suport. A més a més, l'estudi dels fenòmens entre fases relacionats amb el moviment dels àtoms d'oxigen en un medi alcalí confirmen el control per difusió del procés d'estudi. Finalment, els estudis de ressonància paramagnètica electrònica (EPR) del material de manganès no dopat, K - OMS2; y del mateix òxid dopat amb diferents elements metàl·lics ([M] - K - OMS2 on M = Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Fe3+ i Ru3+) han demostrat l'elevada concentració magnètica d'aquests materials degut a la gran varietat d'estats d'oxidació que presenta el Mn (+2, +3 i +4) a nivell estructural i dels propis cations metàl·lics incorporats en cadascun dels casos. Per altra banda, l'elevada conductivitat elèctrica que presenten aquests materials dopats isomòrficament. Finalment, s'ha estudiat per mitjà d'aquesta tècnica la reacció d'oxidació de l'alcohol benzílic en presència de [Ru(2%) - K - OMS2. L'est / [EN] The present doctoral thesis is set within the synthesis of metallic oxides which can be used as heterogeneous catalyst for different purposes, as the of fine chemicals in the industry. We have studied the manganese oxides (IV) - type, cryptomelane (K - OMS2) that present numerous applications such as electronic devices, chemical sensors, for chemical separations and catalysts. It is due to the redox properties, benign for the environment and low cost. In the first part of this work, the synthesis of g - valerolactones have been obtained by a carboesterification reaction between styrene and anhydride acetic. Copper doped catalyst, CuOx/K-OMS2, has been used for this reaction. It has been able to improve the results obtained by homogeneous catalysts and the experimental conditions could also be smoothed. By the same token, reaction accounts for two possible reaction mechanisms. Moreover, a clear synergistic effect between copper and manganese - dispersed along the K - OMS2 surface - has been devised for CuOx/K-OMS2. This effect seems to come from electronic changes that are produced in the manganese atoms. Then, a new material was synthesized. It consisted on the insertion of ruthenium(III) species, Ru3+, into the manganese - oxygen framework (K - OMS2). This process was carried on trough an isomorphic substitution of structural manganese(III) cations for Ru3+. By combining X-ray diffraction, Raman, IR, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, differential and gravimetric thermal analysis and H2-temperature programmed¿ it can be said that the new material is a pure monophasic material containing ruthenium species isomorphically incorporated into the lattice. The most important consequence of the isomorphic substitution of Ru is the weakening of the Mn - O bond, a fact that has clear catalytic implications. In order to prove it, the oxidation of alcohols was taken as a model reaction, showing a complete selectivity towards the aldehyde and a clear improvement of the catalytic properties with respect the undoped catalyst (K-OMS2). Results obtained are better than other Ru(III) doped cryptomelane materials in which ruthenium species are deposited exclusively on the surface. The heterogeneity of the process has been confirmed and the catalyst has been recovered and reused without a significant loss of activity and catalytic properties. In another part of this thesis includes the theoretical study, using interface electrochemical techniques, of the spillover phenomena very common in catalytic reactions where metal supported catalysts are used. So, the voltammetry of immobilized particle methodology (VIMP) has been used in order to study spillover in K - OMS2 materials deposited on Au electrodes. The comprehension of this process has a huge importance in order to explain the interfacial oxygen atoms mobility in a metal - oxide type catalyst, where the oxide acts as a support. Also, the study of interfacial phenomena in alkaline media shows that are controlled by diffusion. Finally, electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies for the undoped (K - OMS2) and for doped materials [M] - K - OMS2 (where M = Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Fe3+ and Ru3+) showed a high magnetic concentration due to several manganese species, i.e. Mn2+, Mn3+ and Mn4+, as well as, the metallic species incorporated. For the case of doped materials [M] - K - OMS2 (M = Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+), we have not been able to elucidate the individual contribution of the cation respect to the Mn - O framework signal. But, despite this, we could detect that different ruthenium content into the K - OMS2 structure could induce the creation of different magnetic domains along the lattice. Lastly, EPR ex situ studies on the oxidation reaction of alcohol to benzaldehyde using [Ru(2%)]-K-OMS2 could confirm that Mn and Ru paramagnetic species are involved in the reaction mechanism. / Sabaté Fornons, F. (2021). Estudio, síntesis y caracterización de óxidos de manganeso de tipo criptomelana y aplicaciones catalíticas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167054

Charakterisierung und Kristallisation der Elektronen-einspeisenden Module der F<sub>420</sub>H<sub>2</sub>-Dehydrogenase / Characterisation and crystallisation of the electron input modules of the F<sub>420</sub>H<sub>2</sub>-dehydrogenase

Hofmann, Kai 06 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

A site-directed spin labelling study of the human alpha-lactalbumin molten globule

Young, Matthew Alexander January 2013 (has links)
The human &alpha;-lactalbumin (&alpha;-LA) molten globule formed at low pH is a model for the study of protein folding intermediates. The molten globule lacks native-like side-chain interactions, resulting in a fluctuating ensemble of tertiary structures, characterisation of which has been precluded by severe line-broadening in NMR spectra and a lack of long-range NOEs. Paramagnetic relaxation enhancements (PREs) have been measured in a variant of &alpha;-LA in which all native cysteines have been mutated to alanine (all-Ala &alpha;-LA). Cysteine residues have been mutated into regions of interest and spin labelled with MTSL. These measurements have confirmed that all-Ala &alpha;-LA forms a compact molten globule. Transient, long-range interactions that are stabilising the compact fold have also been identified using PREs measured in urea-denatured states. This has identified several interactions formed by hydrophobic residues from both the &alpha;- and &beta;-domain, which could be important for initiating and driving folding. The molten globule’s 3D topology has been probed by measuring long-range distances between MTSL pairs using Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER). Broad distance distributions have been identified between elements of secondary structure, indicative of a fluctuating but compact fold. By contrast, a narrower distance distribution has been measured within one of the major helices, indicative of native-like secondary structure. The surface accessibility of all-Ala &alpha;-LA and that of two other variants ([28-111] &alpha;-LA and 4SS &alpha;-LA) has been probed using solvent PREs obtained using TEMPOL, a paramagnetic co-solute. This has revealed differences in the solvent-exposure of hydrophobic residues due to the removal of disulphide bonds. This method has also identified buried hydrophobic residues that contribute to forming the molten globule’s stable, native-like core.

Substratbindung und -freigabe während des Katalysezyklus eines biotinspezifischen ECF-Transporters

Finkenwirth, Friedrich 10 April 2017 (has links)
ECF (Energy-Coupling Factor)-Transporter sind prokaryotische Aufnahmesysteme für Mikronährstoffe, die eine spezielle Gruppe von Transportern mit ATP-Bindekassette (ABC) darstellen. Sie beinhalten zwei asymmetrische Membranproteine, von denen eins (S) für die spezifische Bindung und Translokation des Substrates und das andere (T) für die Kopplung mit den ATPasen (A1,A2) zuständig ist. Bei ECF-Transportern der Subklasse I bilden diese Komponenten eine Einheit, während bei Vertretern der Subklasse II ein AAT-Modul mit wechselnden S-Einheiten interagiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Transportmechanismus, der eine Drehung der kompletten S-Einheit in der Membran beinhaltet, anhand des Biotintransporters BioMNY erstmals experimentell validiert. Durch Rekonstitution in Lipid-Nanodiscs, chemische Quervernetzung, fluoreszenz- und ESR-spektroskopische Techniken sowie einen Bindungstest mit radioaktivem Biotin wurde gezeigt, dass (i) die ATP-Bindung an die ATPasen zu einer Aufrichtung der S-Einheit (BioY) führt, (ii) diese Bewegung die Substratbeladung ermöglicht und (iii) BioY dabei ununterbrochen mit der T-Einheit (BioN) interagiert. Dies stellt einen Gegensatz zu Systemen der Subklasse II dar, für die ein ATP-abhängiger Austausch von S-Einheiten im Transportzyklus gezeigt worden war. Darüber hinaus wurde ein Escherichia coli-Stamm konstruiert, der durch Blockierung seines hochaffinen Biotintransporters und des -synthesewegs auf Spuren von Biotin nicht wachsen kann. Dieser Stamm ermöglichte einen eindeutigen Nachweis der Transportaktivität einiger solitärer BioY-Proteine. Aufgrund der einheitlichen Topologie von S-Einheiten ist ein Kippen auch für solitäre BioY-Varianten wahrscheinlich. Auch die metallspezifischen S-Einheiten CbiM und NikM besitzen ohne AAT-Modul eine basale Co2+- bzw. Ni2+-Transportaktivität. Ein ESR-spektroskopischer Kobaltnachweises zeigte, dass die aus nur zwei Membranhelices bestehende CbiN-Einheit für die Metallbeladung von CbiM essentiell ist. / ECF (Energy-Coupling Factor) transporters are a subgroup of ABC transporters that mediate uptake of micronutrients into prokaryotic cells. In contrast to canonical ABC importers, ECF transporters comprise two unrelated membrane proteins, one of which is responsible for specific and high affinity substrate binding (S) and the other one constitutes the coupling component (T) between S and the cytosolic ABC-ATPases (A1,A2). Subclass I transporters consist of four dedicated components whereas in subclass II transporters, a central AAT-module may interact with various S units. The biotin specific subclass I ECF transporter BioMNY was used to experimentally verify the hitherto hypothetic transport mechanism, which involves a rotation of the S unit within the membrane. With a series of experiments including reconstitution of BioMNY into lipid nanodiscs, site-specific cross-linking, a substrate binding assay with radioactive biotin and both fluorescence and EPR spectroscopic techniques, the ATP-dependent rotation of BioY (S) as a prerequisite for substrate binding and release was shown for the first time for an ECF transporter. Unlike subclass II transporters, for which an ATP-dependent release of the S unit was proposed, BioY interacts continuously with BioN (T) during the transport cycle. In a second focus of the work, an Escherichia coli reporter strain for biotin transporters was constructed. Due to inactivation of both biotin synthesis and the intrinsic high affinity biotin transporter, this strain was not capable of growing on trace amounts of biotin. With the use of this strain, transport activity of recombinantly produced solitary BioY proteins that naturally lack other ECF components was evidenced. Transport activity in the absence of AAT modules is also a feature of the Co2+ and Ni2+ specific S components CbiM and NikM. An EPR spectroscopic Co2+ detection assay helped underscoring the essential role of the small membrane protein CbiN for Co2+ loading of CbiM.

Atividade antioxidante de extratos vegetais da flora brasileira: estudo com ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) e teoria do funcional da densidade (TFD) / Antioxidant Activity of Plant Extracts from Brazilian Flora: Study of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Density Functional Theory (DFT).

Santos, Adevailton Bernardo dos 03 July 2006 (has links)
Há, no Brasil, uma enorme diversidade de espécies vegetais, e um conhecimento popular de várias propriedades medicinais das mesmas. Dentre os estudos realizados com extratos de plantas, há um interesse especial na atividade antioxidante. Este trabalho, focado em atividade antioxidante, é dividido em duas partes: a primeira, utiliza a técnica de RPE para estudar a ação dos antioxidantes neutralizando os radicais livres, enquanto que a segunda utiliza a TFD para, em simulação computacional, ajudar a entender os resultados obtidos na primeira parte. Foram analisados 10 extratos vegetais: Swartzia langsdorffii, Machaerium villosum, Pterogyne nitens, Maytenus ilicifolia (casca de raiz), Pera glabrata, Aegiphyla sellowiana, Copaifera langsdorffii, Chrysophyllum inornatum, Iryanthera juruensis (folhas e sementes), Didymopanax vinosum. O estudo da atividade antioxidante com RPE utiliza dois métodos diferentes: o primeiro método mede a atividade antioxidante por meio do controle da quantidade de radicais livres, TEMPOL e DPPH, em contato com o extrato vegetal, enquanto que o segundo método utiliza o spin trap DMPO em conjunto com a reação de Fenton (Fe2+ + H2O2 => Fe3+ + HO- + HO) para analisar a ação dos extratos vegetais contra o radical hidroxila (OH?). A simulação computacional dos compostos TEMPOL, DPPH e DMPO é realizada em um método de primeiros princípios na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade, com uso de pseudopotenciais. O código utilizado é o SIESTA. As conclusões indicam que o extrato de Iryanthera juruensis, tanto de folhas quanto de sementes, exibe atividades antioxidantes bastante acentuadas, em todos os métodos utilizados. A simulação computacional aponta o TEMPOL menos reativo que o DPPH, devido a menor energia liberada em sua reação de redução. Sabendo que algumas destas espécies já são usadas popularmente por propriedades medicinais, estudos futuros para a correta identificação do agente antioxidante e seu possível uso, tanto na indústria alimentícia quanto na farmacêutica, deverão ser realizados. / There is, in Brazil, a great diversity of vegetable species, and a popular knowledge of several medicinal properties of the some of them. In studies carried out with plants? extracts, there is special interest in antioxidant activities. This work, focused in antioxidant activity, is divided in two parts: the first uses EPR technique to study the antioxidant activities neutralizing free radicals, while the second one uses DFT, in computational simulation, to understand the results obtained from the first part. Ten vegetable extracts were analyzed: Swartzia langsdorffii, Machaerium villosum, Pterogyne nitens, Maytenus ilicifolia (bark root extracts), Pera glabrata, Aegiphyla sellowiana, Copaifera langsdorffii, Chrysophyllum inornatum, Iryanthera juruensis (leaves and seeds), Didymopanax vinosum. The study with EPR uses two different methods: the first method measures the antioxidant activity by monitoring the amount of free radicals, DPPH and TEMPOL, that are in contact with the plant extract, the second method uses spin trap DMPO with Fenton reaction (Fe2+ + H2O2 => Fe3+ + HO- + HO) for the study of the plant extract antioxidant activity against the hydroxyl radical (OH?). The computational simulation of TEMPOL, DPPH and DMPO is carried out using a method of first principles within the Density Functional Theory and pseudopotentials. The code is SIESTA. The conclusions indicate that the Iryanthera juruensis extract, as of leaves as of seeds, exhibits accentuated antioxidants activities, in all of the used methods. The computational simulation indicated that the TEMPOL is less reactive than the DPPH, because the lower energy in its reduction reaction. As some of these species are already used popularly by medicinal properties, future studies for correct identification of the antioxidant compounds and its possible use, as in the food industry as in the pharmaceutical industry, should be realized.

Etude du mécanisme d’activation de l’oxygène par les NO-Synthases / Study of oxygen activation mechanism by nitric-oxide synthases

Brunel, Albane 30 November 2012 (has links)
Le monoxyde d'azote est exclusivement synthétisé chez les mammifères par une famille d’hémoprotéines, les NO-Synthases. Le cœur de l’activité des NO-Synthases est l’activation de l’oxygène c'est-à-dire l’activation de l’intermédiaire réactionnel FeIIO2. Cette étape est contrôlée par la réactivité intrinsèque du fer, par les transferts de proton et les transferts d’électron. Elle doit être parfaitement maîtrisée car elle contrôle le chemin catalytique emprunté et la nature du produit final. Comprendre l’étape d’activation de l’oxygène est essentiel à la compréhension du rôle biologique et/ou pathologique de la NO-Synthase de mammifère. Cette question s'étend aux NO-Synthases bactériennes pour lesquelles on ne connait ni le mécanisme moléculaire ni la fonction biologique. Ce manuscrit propose une analyse approfondie de l’étape d’activation de l’oxygène de la NO-Synthase. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié l’influence de l’environnement proximal sur la réactivité intrinsèque du fer et l’activation de l’oxygène. Nous avons généré des protéines mutées qui modifient les propriétés électroniques de la liaison proximale de l’hème. Ces protéines mutées ont été caractérisées par différentes spectroscopies (résonance paramagnétique électronique, Raman de résonance). Dans un second temps nous avons directement étudié le complexe FeIIO2, en présence d’analogues de substrat, grâce à des analyses de cinétique rapide en flux continu et en flux arrêté (stopped-flow). Dans un troisième temps, le rôle du cofacteur tetrahydrobioptérine dans le transfert de proton et d’électron a été étudié par une méthode de piégeage à des temps très courts : le freeze-quench. L'ensemble de nos résultats montrent que l’activation de l’oxygène est régulée par les propriétés électro-donneuses du ligand proximal et par le réseau de liaisons H distal. Nous mettons en évidence des différences dans le rôle redox du cofacteur tetrahydrobioptérine entre la NO-Synthase de mammifère et la NO-Synthase bactérienne. La difficulté majeure pour comprendre l’étape d’activation de l’oxygène de la NO-Synthase réside dans la complexité et la rapidité de la réaction catalytique. Dans ce contexte, nous avons cherché à adapter une méthodologie qui a prouvé son efficacité dans le cas des cytochromes P450 : la cryo-réduction couplée à des sauts en température. / Nitric oxide is exclusively synthesized by NO-Synthases in mammals. The heart of the NO-synthase activity is oxygen activation, which corresponds to the activation of the FeIIO2 intermediate. This step depends on the heme electronic properties and on the electron and proton transfers. Oxygen activation has to be well mastered to control exactly the nature of the end-product. Understanding the oxygen activation step is necessary to better understand the biological/pathological role of the mammalian NO-Synthases. Furthermore, bacterial NO-Synthases function and oxygen activation mechanism are unknown. This PhD work proposes a deep analysis of the oxygen activation step in NO-Synthases. First, proximal environment has been studied with mutated proteins. These mutations impact the electronic properties of the heme proximal bond. Spectroscopic analyses of these mutants have been done by electron paramagnetic resonance and resonance Raman. Then, we have studied the FeIIO2 intermediate with substrate analogs which has necessitated continuous flow and stopped-flow analyses. Finally, the role of the tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor in the electron and proton transfer has been studied and clarified thanks to a very fast trapping method : the freeze-quench. Our results show that the oxygen activation step is elaborately controlled by the proximal bond electron donation and the distal H bond network. At the same time we show some differences between mammalian and bacterial NO-Synthases concerning the redox role of the tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor. The major obstacle to understand the oxygen activation step resides in the complexity of the active site chemistry and the rate of catalytic reactions. For this reason, we propose to adapt an already successful protocol to trap some intermediates in the cytochromes P450 mechanism : cryo-reduction coupled with temperature jumps.

Dinâmica de proteínas: efeitos da hidratação em estrato córneo e de detergentes em albumina / Protein dynamics: effects of hydration in stratum corneum and detergents in albumin

Silva, Junaine Vasques da 19 December 2002 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2017-07-25T13:32:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Junaine Vasques da Silva - 2002.pdf: 3727327 bytes, checksum: 4cb8c1db4d3fb95798779f39aae78673 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-07-26T12:05:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Junaine Vasques da Silva - 2002.pdf: 3727327 bytes, checksum: 4cb8c1db4d3fb95798779f39aae78673 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-26T12:05:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Junaine Vasques da Silva - 2002.pdf: 3727327 bytes, checksum: 4cb8c1db4d3fb95798779f39aae78673 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-12-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The main function of the most superficial layer of the epidermis, the Stratum Corneum (SC), is to provide a physical barrier that controls the transepidermal water loss as well as the permeation of another substances in both directions across the skin. The SC is formed by anabolically dead cells, the terminally differentiated corneocyte, and its function is essentially accomplished by forming a highly insoluble protein structure on the surface of the corneocytes, termed the cornified cell envelope, and by impeding water diffusion across the SC by mortaring the corneocytes together by layers of skin-specific lipids, essentially ceramide, cholesterol and fatty acid. In this work the cell envelope of the SC was spin labeled with a sulfhydryl-specific nitroxide reagent to investigate the water content effects upon the protein dynamics directly in the intact tissue. A two-state model for the nitroxide side chain described the coexistence of two spectral components in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra. The so-called strongly immobilized component, S, is associated with the EPR signal of a motionally restricted nitroxide fraction having its N-O group hydrogen bonded to protein (rigid structure) while the weakly immobilized component, W, corresponds to the signal provided by the spin labels with higher mobility (~10 times greater) exposed to the aqueous environment. The relative populations between these two mobility states, S and W, are in thermodynamic equilibrium. The standard Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy changes for transferring the nitroxide side chain from the state contacting the solvent, W, to the one contacting protein, S, indicated that the reduction of the SC water content to below ~h 0.69, g H2O per g dry SC, stabilizes the protein interacting state, S. Upon decreasing the SC hydration level below ~h 0.69 the segmental motion of the polypeptide chains and the rotational motion of the spin-labeled side chain were also constrained. To test our methodology in a pure and very well known protein, we also studied the effects of two types of detergents on the bovine serum albumin (BSA). Both detergents, the anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the zwitterionic N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonium-1-propanesulfonate (HPS) increase the mobility of the protein backbone and of the nitroxide side chain. The thermodynamic parameters indicated that these detergents destabilize the protein favoring less compact conformations. This work can also be useful to improve the spectral analysis of site-directed spin labeling, especially for a more quantitative description in terms of thermodynamic parameters. / A camada mais superficial da epiderme, o Estrato Córneo (EC), tem como função principal a formação de uma barreira física que controla a perda de água do corpo bem como a permeação de outras substâncias em ambas as direções da pele. O EC é formado por células anabolicamente mortas, os corneócitos, os quais sofreram diferenciação celular terminal, e sua função é realizada formando uma estrutura de proteínas altamente insolúveis na superfície do corneócito, chamada de envelope celular, e também uma matriz lipídica, essencialmente ceramídios, colesterol e ácidos graxos, que dificultam a difusão da água. Neste trabalho, o EC foi marcado com marcadores de spin específicos para reagir com os grupos sulfidrilas das proteínas, para investigar os efeitos do conteúdo de água na dinâmica de proteínas diretamente no tecido intacto. Um modelo de dois estados para a cadeia lateral do nitróxido descreveu a coexistência de duas componentes espectrais de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE). A componente denominada fortemente imobilizada (S), surge de uma fração de marcadores com o átomo de oxigênio do nitróxido ligado à proteína (estrutura rígida) enquanto a componente fracamente imobilizada é gerada pelos marcadores com mobilidade mais alta (~10 vezes maior) e expostos ao ambiente aquoso. As populações relativas entre estes dois estados de mobilidade, S e W, estão em equilíbrio termodinâmico. Os parâmetros da termodinâmica: energia livre padrão de Gibbs, entalpia e entropia, envolvidos na transferência da cadeia lateral do nitróxido do estado W, contatando ao solvente, para o estado S, contatando a proteína, indicaram que a redução do conteúdo de água para abaixo de ~0.69g de H2O por g de EC seco, estabiliza o estado S (cadeia lateral do nitróxido dobrada sobre a cadeia principal da proteína). Ao diminuir o nível de hidratação para abaixo de ~ h 0.69 (g H2o/g EC seco) o movimento local da cadeia polipeptídica e o movimento rotacional da cadeia lateral do marcador de spin foram ambos reduzidos. Para testar nossa metodologia em uma proteína pura e bem conhecida, estudamos os efeitos de dois tipos de detergentes sobre a albumina do soro bovino (BSA). Ambos os detergentes, o aniônico dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) e o ziteriônico N-hexadecil-N,N-dimetil-3-amônio-1-propanosulfonato (HPS) aumentaram a mobilidade da cadeia principal da proteína e da cadeia lateral do nitróxido. Os parâmetros termodinâmicos indicaram que estes detergentes desestabilizam a proteína favorecendo conformações menos compactas. Os resultados do presente trabalho também podem contribuir para aprimorar a

Estudo espectroscópico da interação entre as proteínas séricas humanas Albumina e transferrina com o potencial agente quimioterapêutico cloreto de cis-tetraminodiclorutênio (III) / Spectroscopic study of the interaction between human serum proteins albumin and transferrin with the potential chemotherapeutic agent cis-tetraminodiclororutênio chloride (III)

Guedes, Adriana Pereira Mundim 13 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-10-13T21:33:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adriana Pereira Mundim Guedes - 2013.pdf: 2999561 bytes, checksum: 755cb864a8446e6ff5c334be00ea5367 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-10-16T18:47:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adriana Pereira Mundim Guedes - 2013.pdf: 2999561 bytes, checksum: 755cb864a8446e6ff5c334be00ea5367 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-16T18:47:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adriana Pereira Mundim Guedes - 2013.pdf: 2999561 bytes, checksum: 755cb864a8446e6ff5c334be00ea5367 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Motivated by the perspective of ruthenium complexes to be used in cancer treatment, our research group has tested the hipotesis that some complexes of Ru (III) are able to interact with serum proteins, particularly albumin and transferrin. The Complex cis- [RuCl2(NH3)4]Cl (CTRu(III)) have been tested against different kind of tumor cells, obtaining good results. Starting from promising results obtained with this compound, subsequent studies are required to understanding the mechanism by which it exerts specificity for tumor cells. In this article, we report the first application of absorption UV-Vis, Fluorescence and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, to study the complex CTRu(III) interaction with human serum albumin (hsA) and bovine serum albumin (bsA). Fluorescence measurements revealed strong proteinsbound complex with Ksv of 1.32 x 105 and 3.71 x 105 for hsA and bsA, respectively. EPR spectra from mono-nuclear Ru(III) complexes in buffer, showed a significant decrease in the overall signal intensity following the first aquation step, is consistent with the formation of oxo-bridged Ru(III) dimers. EPR spectra revealed that the BSA very rapid binding to the protein via covalent binding through ligand-exchange with protein side chains, likely with histidine imidazoles. On the other hand, the complex binds non-covalently in hsA, probably as a product of the oligomerization of the complex in hemin-biding pocket. Furthermore, two species are slowly formed by covalent binding of the complex with the histidine residues, producing a species of axial symmetry and the other rhombic symmetry. These bonds seem to arise from the interaction of the complex with the histidine residue located in the binding Sudlow’s site II. / Motivado pela perspectiva de complexos de rutênio podem ser utilizados no tratamento do câncer, o nosso grupo de pesquisa testou a Hipótese que alguns complexos de Ru (III) são capazes de interagir com as proteínas do soro, particularmente albumina e transferrina. O complexo de cis-[RuCl2(NH3)4]Cl (CTRu(III)) foi testado contra diferentes tipos de células tumorais, obtendo bons resultados. A partir de resultados promissores obtidos com este composto, estudos subsequentes são necessários para a compreensão do mecanismo pelo qual ele exerce sua especificidade para células de tumor. Neste artigo, apresentamos a aplicação de espectroscopia de absorção UV-vis, fluorescência e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE), para estudar a interação do complexo CTRu(III) com albumina sérica humano (hsA) e a albumina sérica bovina (bsA). Medidas de fluorescência revelaram uma forte ligação do complexo com as proteínas com Ksv de 1,32 x 105 e 3,71 x 105 para hsA e bsA, respectivamente. Espectros de RPE de complexos de Ru (III) mono-nucleares em tampão mostraram um decréscimo significativo na intensidade do sinal global após a primeira passo de aquação, que é consistente com a formação de dímeros de oxo complexos de Ru (III). Os espectros de RPE revelaram que a ligação à bsA é muito rápida, a ligação covalente à proteína ocorre através de troca dos ligantes com cadeias laterais de proteínas, provavelmente com o imidazol da histidina. Por outro lado, o complexo se liga não covalentemente na hsA, provalente como produto da oligomerização do complexo no bolso de ligação hemin. Além disso, duas espécies são formadas lentamente por ligação covalente do complexo com os resíduos histidina, produzindo uma espécie de simetria axial e a outra de simetria rômbica. Essas ligações parecem surgir pela interação do complexo com o resíduo histidina localizado no sítio de ligação Sudlow II.

Magnetization, Magnetotransport And Electron Magnetic Resonance Studies Of Doped Praseodymium And Bismuth Based Charge Ordered Manganites

Anuradha, K N 05 1900 (has links)
Studies on perovskite rare earth manganites of general formula R1-xAxMnO3 (where R is a trivalent rare earth ion such as La3+, Pr3+ etc. and A is a divalent alkaline earth ion such as Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, have been a very active research area in the last few years in condensed matter physics. Manganites have a distorted perovskite crystal structure with R and A ions situated at the cube corners, oxygen ions at the edge centers of the cube and Mn ions at the centres of the oxygen octahedra. In these manganites the Mn ions are found to be in mixed valence state i.e., in Mn3+ and Mn4+ states. In the octahedral crystal field of oxygen ions the single ion energy levels are split into t2g and eg levels. Mn3+ being a Jahn-Teller ion, the eg level is further split due to the Jahn-Teller effect. A strong Hund’s coupling between the spins in the t2g and eg levels renders the Mn3+ ions to be in the high spin state. The interplay of competing super exchange between Mn ions which determines the antiferromagnetism, orbital ordering and insulating behavior and double exchange between Mn ions which leads to ferromagnetism and metallicity gives rise to very complex phase diagrams of manganites as a function of composition, temperature and magnetic field. The strength of these interactions is determined by various factors such as the A-site cation radius and the Jahn-Teller distortion due to the presence of Mn3+ ions. The strongly coupled charge, spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom in manganites gives rise to complex phenomena such as colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), charge order (CO) and orbital order (OO) and phase separation (PS) etc. The properties of these materials are sensitive functions of external stimuli such as the doping, temperature and pressure [1-5] and have been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically in single crystal, bulk polycrystalline and thin film forms of the samples [6-9]. Charge ordering is one of the fascinating properties exhibited by manganites. Charge ordering has historically been viewed as a precursor to the complex ordering of the Mn 3d orbitals, which in turn determine the magnetic interactions and these magnetic interactions are the driving force for charge localization and orbital order. This ordering of Mn3+ / Mn4+ charges can be destabilized by many methods. An external magnetic field can destabilize the charge ordered phase and drive the phase transition to the ferromagnetic metallic state [10-11]. Other than magnetic field, charge ordering can also be ‘melted’ by a variety of perturbations like electric field [12, 13], hydrostatic and chemical pressure [14-16], irradiation by X-rays [17], substitution at the Mn -site [18 -21] and A-site [22]. Of these, A-site substitution with bigger cations like barium is particularly of great interest since it does not interrupt the conduction path in the “MnO3” frame work Recently attention has been drawn towards the properties of nanoscale manganites. The nanoscale materials are expected to behave quite differently from extended solids due to quantum confinement effects and high surface/volume ratio. Nanoscale CMR manganites have been fabricated using diverse methods in the form of particles, wires, tubes and various other forms by different groups. It has been shown that the properties of CMR manganites can be tuned by reducing the particle size down to nanometer range and by changing the morphology [23-27]. As mentioned above, charge order is an interesting phase of manganites and these CO mangnites in the form of nanowires and nanoparticles show drastic changes in their properties compared to bulk. In contrast to the studies on the CMR compounds, there are very few reports on charge ordering nano manganites except on nanowires of Pr0.5Ca0..5MnO3 [28] and nanoparticles of Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 [29] and Pr0.5Sr0..5MnO3 [30]. This thesis is an effort in understanding certain aspects of charge order destabilization by two different methods, namely, doping bigger size cation (barium) in A-site (external perturbation) and by reducing the particle size to nano scale ( intrinsic). For this purpose we have selected the charge ordering system Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (PCMO) with composition x = 0.43. The reason behind choosing this composition is the observation [31] that CO is particularly weak for this value of x. We have prepared bulk, nanoparticles and nanowires of Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3 manganite and have carried out microstructure, magnetic, magneto transport and EMR measurements to understand the nature of CO destabilization and also to understand other aspects such as magneto transport and magnetic anisotropy . Apart from destabilization of the charge order in PCMO we have also studied the bismuth based manganite Bi0.5Ca0.5MnO3. The reason behind choosing this system is the robust charge order of Bi0.5Ca0.5MnO3 compared to rare earth based manganites. So far no attempt has been made in comparing the electron paramagnetic resonance properties of bismuth based manganites with those of the rare earth based manganites. We have studied the magnetic, transport and electron paramagnetic resonance properties of Bi0.5Ca0.5MnO3 prepared by solid state reaction method and compared the results with those of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 . In the following we present a chapter wise summary of the thesis. Chapter 1 of the thesis contains a brief introduction to the general features of manganites describing various interesting phenomena exhibited by them and the underlying interactions . Chapter 2 contains a detailed review of EPR studies on manganites describing the current level of understanding in the area. In this chapter we have also described the different experimental methodology adopted in this thesis. Chapter 3 reports the effect of a small amount (2%) of barium doped in the charge ordered antiferromagnetic insulating manganite Pr0.57Ca0.43MnO3. The samples were prepared by solid state synthesis and charecterized by various techniques like XRD, EDXA. The results of magnetization, magnetotransport and EPR/EMR experiments on both Pr0.57Ca0.43MnO3 and Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3 are compared. The magnetization studies show that barium doping induces ferromagnetic phase in place of the CO-antiferromagnetic phase of the pristine sample at low temperatures as reported earlier by Zhu et al.,[31]. The transport studies show insulator to metal transition. The EPR parameters viz line width, intensity and ‘g’ value of Pr0.57Ca0.43MnO3 and Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3 are compared. The magnetization and EPR studies reveal that the CO transition temperature TCO has shifted to a slightly lower value accompanied by a small decrease in the strength of the charge order. Thus a small amount of barium affects the CO phase of Pr0.57Ca0.43MnO3 and it also induces a ferromagnetic metallic phase at low temperature. Another most important and unexpected result of EMR experiment is the observation of high field signals, i.e. two EMR signals are observed at low temperatures in the ferromagnetic phase of Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3. The appearance of the high field signals are understood in terms of the effects of magneto crystalline anisotropy. Chapter 4, reports the microstructure, magnetization and EMR studies of Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3 nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method. We have mainly focused on the effect of size on the charge ordered phase. The samples were characterized by different techniques like XRD, EDXA and TEM. The obtained particle size of the samples are 30, 60 and 100 nm respectively. We have compared the magnetic, magneto transport and EMR results of these nano samples with the bulk properties. The 30 nm particles do not show the CO phase whereas the 60 and 100 nm particles show CO signatures in DC- magnetization measurements. The EPR intensity also shows a similar trend. These results confirm that charge ordering can also be destabilized by reducing the particle size to nano scale. But the EPR linewidth which reflects the spin dynamics shows a change in the slope near the CO temperature and there by indicates the presence of premonitory charge ordering fluctuations in smaller particles. We also observed that the EMR linewidth increases with the decrease of particle size. Another striking result is the disappearance of high field signals in all the nanosamples. This is understood in terms of a decrease in the magnetic anisotropy in nanoparticles. Part of the result of this chapter is published [32]. Chapter 5, reports the morphological, magnetic and electron paramagnetic resonance studies of Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3 nanowires. Recently our group has studied the nanowires of Pr0.5Ca0..5MnO3 [28]. In the nanowire sample of Pr0.5Ca0..5MnO3 only a partial suppression of CO is observed. This raises the question about the incomplete suppression of the CO in the nanowires: is this a consequence of the material being microscopic in one dimension and is it necessary to have a 3-dimensional nano material to have full suppression of the charge order ? In the present work we attempt to provide an answer to this question. PCBM nanowires of diameter 80-90 nm and length of ∼ 3.5 μm were synthesized by a low reaction temperature hydrothermal method. We have confirmed the single phase nature of the sample by XRD experiments. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and trasmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to characterize the morphology and microstructures of the nanowires. The surface of nanowires was composed of particles of different grain size and interestingly some particles were hexagonal in shape. The bulk PCBM manganite exhibits charge order at 230 K along with a ferromagnetic transition at 110 K. However, SQUID measurements on PCBM nano-wires show a complete melting of the charge ordering and a ferromagnetic transition at 115 K. The magnetization observed in the nanowires was less compared to that in the bulk. EPR intensity measurements also support this result. Characteristic differences were observed in linewidth and ‘g’ factor behaviors of nanowires when compared with those of the bulk. EPR linewidth which reflects the spin dynamics shows a slope change near the CO temperature (like in nanoparticles) possibly due to charge order fluctuations in nanowires. The high field signals were absent in nanowires as well. Part of the result of this chapter is published [33]. Chapter 6 deals with the magnetic and electron paramagnetic resonance studies on Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Bi0.5Ca0.5MnO3. These manganites are prepared by solid state reaction method and characterized by different techniques like XRD and EDXA. Further, we have compared the results of magnetization and electron paramagnetic resonance properties of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 with those of Bi0.5Ca0.5MnO3 manganite in the temperature range of 10- 300 K. The two charge ordered manganites show significant differences in their behavior. The temperature dependence of the EPR parameters i.e. line width, central field and intensity of Bi0.5Ca0.5MnO3 are quite different from the rare earth based manganite i.e. Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3. Linewidth of BCMO is large compared to PCMO manganite and interestingly the temperature dependence of the central fields (CF) of PCMO and BCMO show opposite behavior. The CF of PCMO decreases with decrease in temperature as found in a large number of other CO systems, whereas CF of BCMO increases with decrease in temperature. This unusual behavior of resonance field is attributed to the different magnetic structure of BCMO system at low temperatures. Chapter 7 sums up the results reported in the thesis. The insight gained from the present work in understanding the destabilization of charge order by chemical doping and size reduction is discussed as well as the differences in the properties of bismuth and rare earth manganites. Further, we have indicated possible future directions of research in this area.

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