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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verbittömät tapahtumanilmaukset:suunnannäyttäjinä LÄHDE- ja KOHDE-konstruktio

Västi, K. (Katja) 28 November 2012 (has links)
Abstract My thesis discusses the semantic and syntactic properties of Finnish verbless expressions of events in the light of two examples, the SOURCE construction (e.g. Oikeusasiamieheltä huomautus lit. ‘From the ombudsman a complaint’) and the GOAL construction (e.g. Pakistanille rangaistus lit. ‘For Pakistan a punishment’). I show that they express dynamic events in a way comparable to finite constructions. However, they are not elliptic structures but genuinely verbless constructions. The study is founded on Cognitive Construction Grammar and frame semantics, and the analysis is based on two types of data and two methods. First, I collected three sets of 500 newspaper headlines mostly from the Finnish Language Bank (the SOURCE construction, the GOAL construction, and several different verbless constructions), and analyzed them intuitively. Second, I collected paraphrases of 15 instances of the SOURCE construction and 20 instances of the GOAL construction in order to obtain information on how other native speakers of Finnish construe the data which I analyzed intuitively by myself. As a result of this experimental semantic test, I had 169–215 paraphrases per instance of the SOURCE construction and 133–165 paraphrases per instance of the GOAL construction. I then analyzed these paraphrases both semantically and syntactically. The thesis comprises four articles. In the article A case in search of an independent life: The semantics of the initial allative in a Finnish verbless construction, I show that the GOAL construction is polysemous and define eight senses for it. With the help of the established senses, I also justify analyzing the construction as an independent argument structure construction and not as an elliptic structure. The article Elävä LÄHDE: Alkuasemaisen ablatiivin merkitystyypit verbittömässä konstruktiossa is a similar treatment of the SOURCE construction for which I define four senses. In the article Mihin verbittömien konstruktioiden merkitystyypit perustuvat? Skemaattiset ja polyseemiset tapahtumanilmaukset, I connect the previous results explicitly with my theoretical framework. I provide an explanation for these constructions’ polysemy and mechanisms of expressing events. Usually, both of these properties of argument structure constructions are associated with verbs. In the joint article Semantic roles and verbless constructions: A Finnish challenge for verb-centered approaches written with Seppo Kittilä, the discussion is extended to cover also other Finnish verbless constructions. The article provides a more theoretical perspective on the topic: we link the dynamic meanings of the constructions to the concept of semantic roles and argue for the view that the concept should be divided into the concepts of argument roles and participant roles. / Tiivistelmä Käsittelen tutkimuksessani suomen kielen verbittömien tapahtumanilmausten semanttisia ja syntaktisia ominaisuuksia kahden esimerkkitapauksen avulla: LÄHDE-konstruktion (esim. Oikeusasiamieheltä huomautus) ja KOHDE-konstruktion (esim. Pakistanille rangaistus). Osoitan, että ne ilmaisevat dynaamisia tapahtumia siinä missä verbilliset konstruktiotkin mutta eivät kuitenkaan ole elliptisiä rakenteita vaan aidosti verbittömiä. Tutkimukseni rakentuu kognitiivisen konstruktiokieliopin ja kehyssemantiikan sekä kahdenlaisen aineiston ja menetelmän varaan. Ensinnäkin koostin pääasiassa Kielipankin osakokoelmista mutta osin myös muista lähteistä kolme 500 otsikon kokoista toteutuma-aineistoa (LÄHDE-konstruktio, KOHDE-konstruktio ja useat erilaiset verbittömät konstruktiot). Niiden analyysi perustuu intuitiiviseen semanttiseen luokitteluun. LÄHDE- ja KOHDE-konstruktiosta käytössäni olivat lisäksi kokeellisen semantiikan tuottamat parafraasiaineistot: selvitin, miten koehenkilöt tulkitsevat 15 LÄHDE-konstruktion ja 20 KOHDE-konstruktion intuitiivisesti analysoimaani toteutumaa. LÄHDE-konstruktion testi tuotti 169–215 parafraasia otsikkoa kohden, KOHDE-konstruktion 133–165. Analysoin ne sekä semanttisesti että syntaktisesti. Tutkimukseni koostuu neljästä artikkelista. Artikkelissa A case in search of an independent life. The semantics of the initial allative in a Finnish verbless construction esitän, että KOHDE-konstruktio on polyseeminen. Määrittelen sille kahdeksan merkitystyyppiä, joiden avulla myös perustelen, miksi kyseessä on itsenäinen argumenttirakennekonstruktio eikä elliptinen rakenne. Artikkelissa Elävä LÄHDE. Alkuasemaisen ablatiivin merkitystyypit verbittömässä konstruktiossa käsittelen vastaavasti LÄHDE-konstruktiota, jolle määrittelen neljä merkitystyyppiä. Artikkelissa Mihin verbittömien konstruktioiden merkitystyypit perustuvat? Skemaattiset ja polyseemiset tapahtumanilmaukset kytken tulokset selvemmin teoreettiseen viitekehykseeni. Selitän, miksi tarkastelemani konstruktiot ilmaisevat tapahtumia ja ovat polyseemisia, vaikka niissä ei ole verbiä, johon sekä tapahtuman ilmaiseminen että argumenttirakennekonstruktion polyseemisyys yleensä yhdistetään. Seppo Kittilän kanssa kirjoittamassani yhteisartikkelissa Semantic roles and verbless constructions. A Finnish challenge for verb-centered approaches laajennamme suomen verbittömien konstruktioiden tarkastelun LÄHDE- ja KOHDE-konstruktion ulkopuolelle ja yhä teoreettisemmalle tasolle. Liitämme verbittömien konstruktioiden tapahtumamerkitykset semanttisen roolin käsitteeseen sekä perustelemme, miksi se pitäisi jakaa argumentti- ja osallistujaroolin käsitteiksi.

Aplikace správního řízení v mateřských a základních školách veřejných a neveřejných zřizovatelů / Application of administrative proceedings in private and public nursery and primary schools

Lukešová, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of administrative law in reflection of the new Education Act and court judgments in recent years, according to which the administrative procedure should apply in all schools and beyond complete list of cases referred to in the Education Act. The topic concerns the implementation of rights of children and students in public and private schools. Diploma thesis brings brief analysis of the development of public administration in education from 1990 to present with a focus on specific role of the school principal in the state administration. The thesis describes problematic areas in headmaster's decision about rights and duties of children and pupils especially in the application of Law no. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil code and the Law no. 258/2000 coll., on protection of public health and amending some related laws as subsequently amended. Diploma thesis provides a summary of the basic principles in the director's decision in state administration and headmaster's insight on the issue of administrative proceedings in nursery and primary schools.

"Man behöver ju prata med varandra" : Medarbetares förståelse av organisation genom kommunikation

Peterson, Mia January 2016 (has links)
Studiens bygger på deltagande observationer och ett antal intervjuer på ett nystartat bolag under peroden 25 januari till 18 mars under sammanlagt 28 dagar. Det huvudsakliga resultat är att visa på ett antal narrativ som förekommer i bolaget. Dessa produceras och reproduceras huvudsakligen muntligt. Med tonvikten på det muntliga blir lokalen en materiell faktor av betydelse, liksom bolaget C-media som finns i samma lokal och därmed fungerar som en referenspunkt. Dessa narrativ och materiella faktorer av betydelse gäller i just detta fall och kan inte ses som något generaliserbart. Resultatet analyseras med utgångspunkt i de teorier inom fältet communicative constitution of communication, med fokus på materialitet och narrativ. Den övergripande slutsatsen är det finns materiella faktorer som kan vara av betydelse för en organisations kommunikation och därmed för organisationens kommunikationsfunktion. / The study is based on participatory observation and a number of interviews at a newly founded company during January 25th through March 18th, during a total of 28 days. The main result is a number of narratives present at the the company. These are produced and reproduced mainly orally. With an oral bias the office building itself becomes a material factor, as is the other company residing in the same office. These narratives and material factors are at play in this case, but cannot be generalised to other organisations. The results are analysed using theories in the field of communicative constitution of communication, focusing on materiality and narratives. The overall conclusion is that there are material factors that can be of importance for the communication in an organisation, and as such for the communications function.

Estimation du bénéfice de survie à partir de méta-analyse sur données individuelles et évaluation économique. / Estimation of the survival benefit from individual participant data meta-analysis and economic evaluation.

Lueza, Béranger 30 September 2016 (has links)
Le bénéfice de survie restreint à un horizon temporel donné a été proposé comme mesure alternative aux mesures relatives de l’effet d’un traitement notamment dans le cas de non proportionnalité des risques de décès. Le bénéfice de survie restreint correspond à la différence des survies moyennes entre deux bras de traitement et s’exprime en nombre d’années de vie gagnées. Dans la littérature, cette mesure est présentée comme plus intuitive que le hazard ratio et plusieurs auteurs ont proposé son utilisation pour le design et l’analyse d’un essai clinique. Toutefois, ce n’est pas actuellement la mesure qui est utilisée de manière courante dans les essais randomisés. Cette mesure s’applique quelle que soit la distribution des temps de survie et est adaptée si l’hypothèse des risques proportionnels n’est pas respectée. De plus, le bénéfice de survie restreint peut être utilisé en évaluation médico-économique où la mesure d’un effet absolu est nécessaire (nombre d’années de vie gagnées pondérées ou non par la qualité de vie). Si l’on souhaite estimer le bénéfice de survie restreint à partir d’une méta-analyse sur données individuelles, se pose alors la question de prendre en compte l’effet essai dû à la structure hiérarchique des données. L’objectif de cette thèse était de comparer des méthodes statistiques d’estimation du bénéfice de survie restreint à partir de données individuelles d’une méta-analyse d’essais cliniques randomisés. Le point de départ a été une étude de cas (étude coût-efficacité) réalisée à partir des données de la Meta-Analysis of Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer. Cette étude a montré que les cinq méthodes d’estimation étudiées conduisaient à des estimations différentes du bénéfice de survie et de son intervalle de confiance. Le choix de la méthode d’estimation avait également un impact sur les résultats de l’analyse coût-efficacité. Un second travail a consisté à mener une étude de simulation pour mieux comprendre les propriétés des méthodes d’estimation considérées en termes de biais moyen et d’erreur-type. Enfin, la dernière partie de la thèse a mis en application les enseignements de cette étude de simulation au travers de trois méta-analyses sur données individuelles dans le cancer du nasopharynx et dans le cancer du poumon à petites cellules. / The survival benefit restricted up to a certain time horizon has been suggested as an alternative measure to the common relative measures used to estimate the treatment effect, especially in case of non-proportional hazards of death. The restricted survival benefit corresponds to the difference of the two restricted mean survival times estimated for each treatment arm, and is expressed in terms of life years gained. In the literature, this measure is considered as more intuitive than the hazard ratio and many authors have suggested its use for the design and the analysis of clinical trials. However, it is not currently the most used measure in randomized trials. This measure is valid under any distribution of the survival times and is adapted if the proportional hazards assumption does not hold. In addition, the restricted survival benefit can be used in medico-economic evaluation where an absolute measure of the treatment effect is needed (number of [quality adjusted] life years gained). If one wants to estimate the restricted survival benefit from an individual participant data meta-analysis, there is a need to take into account the trial effect due to the hierarchical structure of the data. The aim of this thesis was to compare statistical methods to estimate the restricted survival benefit from an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized trials. The starting point was a case study (cost-effectiveness analysis) using data from the Meta-Analysis of Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer. This study showed that the five investigated methods yielded different estimates for the restricted survival benefit and its confidence interval. The choice of a method to estimate the survival benefit also impacted on cost-effectiveness results. Our second project consisted in a simulation study to have a better understanding of the properties of the investigated methods in terms of bias and standard error. Finally, the last part of the thesis illustrated the lessons learned from the simulation study through three examples of individual participant data meta-analysis in nasopharynx cancer and in small cell lung cancer.

Student discourse in a natural science classroom : a case study of high school teaching in Swaziland

Sitsebe, Vusi Friday 07 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate classroom discourse among high school natural science students in Swaziland. The research problem was: Can student interactions tell us something about the negotiation of understanding during natural science teaching? A qualitative approach was used, specifically, the observational case study style. The population comprised three Form 4 students and their natural science teacher, purposely selected. Data was collected using the non-participant observation and the standardised open-ended interview methods. The collected data was analysed using the discourse analysis approach. The analysed data indicated that prevailing discourse patterns were teacher and student talk, as well as written work. A conclusion was that student classroom discourse in the natural sciences should be encouraged among all students for improved understanding and meaning making. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

Návrh na zlepšení úrovně cestovního ruchu města Ivančice / Improvement suggestion of turist trade in town Ivančice

Hrdličková, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
This diploma work analyse problem connected with turist trade of town Ivančice. It includes improvement suggestion of turist trade of town Ivančice, analyse strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats by means of SWOT analyse. Interpration is connected with questionnaire inguire with evaluation and suggestions of innovation today’s standard.

Le travail du care : entre engagement et distanciation. La relation entre professionnels et résidents au sein des unités Alzheimer / The ethics of care between commitment and detachment. The relation between professionals and residents in Alzheimer's Special Care Units

Farhat, Mounir 04 December 2017 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000 se développe une littérature enjoignant les professionnels au contact des malades d'Alzheimer à "personnaliser" leur prise en charge. Derrière ce terme se cache en réalité une véritable injonction à l'humanisation dans le cadre d'une relation où cette dimension semble faire défaut. Ce qui est demandé au personnel médical et paramédical, c'est un engagement véritable et authentique auprès de cette population. Ce qui est visé, c'est un contrôle des émotions et de leur manifestation.Cette thèse interroge la mise en pratique de la "personnalisation" au sein des unités Alzheimer en EHPAD. S'appuyant sur une démarche qui s'inspire des enquêtes interactionnistes, cette recherche montre non seulement la banalité de l'"engagement" dans ce type d'univers, mais également la complexité de sa mise en oeuvre.Dans la perspective des études sur le care, un travail souterrain, qui reste le souvent invisible, consiste à faire en sorte que la vie de l'étage soit possible pour l'ensemble des individus en présence. C'est cette intelligence de la situation qui conduit, d'un côté, à éloigner le risque de la réification et, de l'autre, à prévenir l'épuisement professionnel.Bien loin de la rhétorique de la "bonne distance professionnelle", l'enquête montre que l'activité des soignants s'articule autour d'un subtil dosage entre engagement et distanciation, pour reprendre la proposition d'Elias (1956). Les émotions sont tout à la fois une nécessité dans le cadre de la réalisation des tâches qui incombent aux professionnels, et une source de danger qu'il faut parfois savoir mettre à distance.L'univers des unités Alzheimer est marqué par un poids relativement important de la régulation autonome par rapport à la régulation de contrôle, pour reprendre la terminologie de Reynaud (2004). Les velléités de formalisation achoppent face au caractère fondamentalement insaisissable et local du care. / In France, since early 2000s spreads a literature inviting professionals in contact with people suffering from Alzheimer disease to "personalize" the way they take care of them. This term refers to a humanization that seems to fade away in this particular context. What is asked to medical and paramedical staff, is a true and authentic commitment toward these patients. What is aimed, is a control of emotions and the way they are expressed.This Ph.D explores the way in which "personalization" is practically accomplished in the context of Alzheimer’s Special Care Units. Based on interviews and observations, it shows the banality of "commitment", and also the complexity of it’s execution. From the ethics of care perspective, an invisible work makes life possible for every protagonist living in that kind of environment. This cleverness of the situation drives away the danger of reification, and prevents burnout.Far from the chimerical "professional distance", this field work shows an articulation between commitment and detachment (Elias, 1956). Emotions appears to be a necessity in order to carry out the tasks, but also a danger that requires to be put away. Thus, Alzheimer’s units are characterized by the relative importance of autonomous regulation, in comparison with control regulation (Reynaud, 2004) : formalization process struggle due to the elusive and local nature of the ethics of care.

Digital Contention: Collective Action Dynamics in Social Movements for Internet Freedom

Jared M Wright (9164600) 24 July 2020 (has links)
<p>How does collective action operate in digital space, particularly for those social movements at the cutting edge of technologically innovative contentious politics? This dissertation analyzes activist (and hacktivist) groups engaged in what I call <i>digital contention</i> with state and corporate institutions over the future of Internet policy and governance, or what they see as “the freedom of the Internet.” Based on case studies of the Digital Rights movement and the Anonymous hacktivist collective, I use a combination of computational and qualitative analyses of online texts, along with participant-observation at meetings and protest events, to explore how certain collective action dynamics are changing in digital space. Specifically, these include how movements internally perceive political opportunities and threats, as well as how they construct frames to communicate to external audiences. I find that: 1) Political opportunity is less important than threat for activists in digital contention, which is likely due to the lower costs of collective action; and 2) The digital divide and technological knowledge gap create a barrier to frame resonance which digital activists address either through “strategic inclusiveness” or “communities of anonymity,” both of which encourage diversity among participants while also reifying other inequalities in different ways. These findings have significance for the study of social movements, communication and technology studies, and Internet policy. I argue that they portend changing dynamics that may ultimately affect all forms of collective action, and indeed the balance of power in whole societies, in the future as digital technology continues to spread into every facet of our lives.</p>

Ordning på lagret : En kvalitativ studie om vilka faktorer som är viktiga för användarna av ett digitalt lagerhanteringssystem / Structure in the warehouse : A qualitative study on what factors are important for the users of a digital inventory management system

Gyllander, Eric, Colliander, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Ett nytt informationssystem är ofta ett kostsamt projekt. Utformning och kravspecifikation av ett nytt system kan vara svårt ur flera aspekter och ledning samt personal kan ibland motsätta sig sådana förändringar. Dåligt definierade krav och dålig kommunikation mellan användare, utvecklare och andra intressenter kan bidra till att lansering av mjukvaror misslyckas. Genom att förstå användarnas behov, kunskaper och insikter om verksamheten kan man nå framgång med implementering och utveckling av ett nytt informationssystem. Intervjuer och deltagande observation har i den här studien använts för att dels undersöka hur användarna upplever det nuvarande systemet och dels vilka önskemål och behov som finns. Empirin är insamlad från ett medelstort företag där en fallstudie genomfördes med inriktning på deras lagerhanteringssystem och dess användare. Intervjuer och deltagande undersökningar gjordes på plats i Göteborg och Stockholm. Den teoretiska referensramen är hämtad från Information System Success Modell (ISSM) som visar på vilka kvalitéer som är viktiga för att nå framgång med ett informationssystem och vilka faktorer som finns för dessa. ISSM har kompletterats med Parasuraman, Zeithaml och Berrys faktorer för god servicekvalité och Wang, Reddy och Kons faktorer för god informationskvalité. Genom en fallstudie identifierades kriterier för dessa faktorer. Kriterierna har i tillägg setts ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv för att fördjupa förståelsen för användarnas behov. Den kvalitativa datainsamlingen har analyserats genom ett affinitetsdiagram och har kategoriserats efter de faktorer som teorin föreslår. Fokus i studien ligger på system- och informationskvalitéerna men det gick inte att utesluta servicekvalité helt. De kriterier som identifierades hade till största delen med hur information hittades och hur komplett denna var. Stabiliteten i systemet i dag var god då informationen var säkrad på flera olika sätt, däremot var inte informationen alltid rätt eller komplett. Användarvänligheten i systemet har stor förbättringspotential om systemet blir mer flexibelt. En begränsning i systemet idag är att det är textbaserat och vilket gör informationen svårtillgänglig och mindre överskådlig för användarna. Bristfälliga hjälpfunktioner och tydliga felmeddelanden framkom också som ett problem enligt användarna. Idag behöver användarna använda andra system för kommunikation och egna anteckningar vilket användarna hade velat undvika för ett sömlöst användande. Det framkom också att den hierarkiska databasstruktur som används idag gör att informationssystemet låser sig för andra användare. / A new information system is not seldom a costly project. Designing and specifying requirements for a new system can be difficult from several aspects and management and staff can sometimes resist such changes. Poorly defined requirements and poor communication between users, developers and other stakeholders can contribute to software launch failure. By understanding the users' needs, knowledge and insights about the business, one can achieve success with the implementation and development of a new information system. Interviews and observations of participants have been used in this study to investigate how users perceive the current system and what needs and wishes the users have. The empirical data is collected from a medium-sized company where a case study was conducted focusing on their inventory management system and its users. Interviews and participatory surveys were conducted on site in Gothenburg and Stockholm, Sweden. The theoretical frame of reference is taken from the Information System Success Model (ISSM) which shows which qualities are important for the success of an information system and what factors exists for them. ISSM has been supplemented with Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry's factors for good quality of service and Wang, Reddy and Kon's factors for good information quality. Through a case study, criteria for these factors were identified. In addition, the criteria have been viewed from a usability perspective in order to deepen the understanding of the users' needs. The qualitative data collection has been analyzed through an affinity chart and categorized according to the factors proposed by the theory. The focus of the study is on the system and information qualities, but it was not possible to exclude service quality completely. The criteria that were identified largely had to do with how information was found and how complete it was. The stability of the system today was sufficient as the information was secured in several different ways, however the information was not always correct or complete. The user-friendliness of the system has great potential for improvement if the system becomes more flexible. One limitation in the system today is that it is text-based and which makes the information difficult to access and less clear to users. Inadequate help features and clear error messages also emerged as a problem according to the users. Today, the users need to use other systems for communication and personal notes, which users would have liked to avoid for seamless use. It also emerged that the hierarchical database structure used today makes the information system lock down for other users.

Financování a řízení investičního záměru / FINANCING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE INVESTMENT PLAN

Borč, Ondřej January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the financing and management of the investor's investment plan from his point of view. It deals with possible ways of financing an investment project. It analyzes the financial situation of a particular investor. The aim of the work is to evaluate the management of a specific investment project, its financing and analysis of other possible ways.

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