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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Paradoxes of Socio-Emotional Programmes in School : Young people’s perspectives and public health discourses / Paradoxer i skolbaserade socio-emotionella program : Barns perspektiv och folkhälsodiskurser

Kvist Lindholm, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
Over the past decades socio-emotional programmes have been implemented in schools worldwide. Depression in Swedish Adolescents (DISA) and Social and Emotional Training (SET) are two socio-emotional programmes being practised in Swedish schools. The aim of the present dissertation is to explore students’ perspectives on DISA and SET, as well as the programmes’ intentions and strategies. The empirical material consists of interviews with students taking part in DISA and SET, participant observations conducted in an elementary school practising SET, participant observations of DISA and SET instructor courses, and a broad range of textual material concerning the programmes. Article I reports on an inherent contradiction in DISA, where techniques designed as treatment are practised as universal prevention for girls as a group. The girls’ accounts of DISA demonstrate why this contradiction is problematic – it was not up to the girls as course participants to define what problems they were having, but the problems were instead defined for them by the course. Taking part in DISA and SET involves exercises in which the students are expected to selfdisclose in front of their classmates. Article II reports on how this task of self-disclosure had a potential for strengthening students’ peer relations, while it at the same time entailed a risk of triggering already on-going destructive interactions, such as bullying and harassment. Article III demonstrates that the potential of self-disclosure is not equally distributed across the students, but depends on their social status within their peer group. Article III also shows that the norm conveyed by the SET programme – that showing anger is an inappropriate behaviour –functioned locally as a way to justify exclusion and negative positioning of peers who showed anger in response to ill treatment. Article IV provides an in-depth analysis of exchanges in a SET lesson concerning how students should deal with exposure to the negative actions of peers. It demonstrates how the types of questions a teacher is instructed to pose to maintain a neutral attitude in practice involve using more implicit forms of authority to construct ideals concerning desirable behaviours. These ideals were formed by discussing fictive examples, which meant stripping students’ actions of meaning and detaching them from the social and cultural context to which they belong. The present dissertation concludes by giving recommendations for policy practice. / Sedan millenniumskiftet har socio-emotionella program kommit att bli allt vanligare i skolor runtom i världen. Depression in Swedish Adolescents (DISA) och Social och Emotionell Träning (SET) utgör två socio-emotionella program som används i svenska skolan. Syftet med denna avhandling är att studera elevers perspektiv på DISA och SET, samt att studera programmens målsättning och design. Analysmaterialet består av intervjuer, deltagande observationer, programmanualer och dokument som beskriver och förklarar programmens utgångspunkter. Avhandlingen innefattar fyra artiklar. Artikel I belyser en konflikt i DISA programmet. DISA programmet lär ut tekniker som har utformats för att behandla depression. Programmet riktas dock till flickor generellt med syftet att förebygga att de utvecklar depression. Flickornas beskrivningar av DISA visar varför denna konflikt i programmet är problematisk. De fick inte själva definiera vilka problem de upplevde, istället var de tvungna att jobba med de problem som programmets övningar tillskrev dem. Övningarna som ingår i DISA och SET innebär moment där eleverna förväntas öppna sig inför varandra. Artikel II och III belyser hur detta fenomen hade potential att stärka elevernas sociala relationer, samtidigt som det också riskerade att leda till mobbning. I SET programmet tränas elever på att kontrollera sin ilska. Artikel III belyser hur normen – att visa ilska är ett olämpligt beteende – användes av eleverna för att rättfärdiga uteslutning av elever som visade ilska. Artikel IV består av en djupanalys av lektionen ’Vad kan du göra’ som handlar om hur elever bör agera om de utsätts för negativa handlingar från kamrater. Artikeln tar utgångspunkt i det dilemma som lärare ställs inför i SET programmet: att å ena sidan träna barnen i att anta socialt accepterade beteenden, och å andra  sidan följa programmets krav på neutralitet. Analysen visar att de frågor som SET lärare använder för att åstadkomma en neutral hållning i praktiken medför mer implicita former av styrning där programmets ideal om önskvärda beteenden reproduceras.  Önskvärda beteenden konstrueras genom att diskutera fiktiva fall utan att relatera dem till den sociala och kulturella kontext där barnen agerar och hanterar aktuella problem. Avhandlingen avslutas med en diskussion om hur ’barns psykiska hälsa’ och ’barns behov’ förstås och bemöts genom dessa program och vilka slutsatser som kan dras för utformandet av framtida insatser i skolan.


鍾京佑, Chung, Ching-yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討近數十年來非政府組織「為何」(why)在國際社會積極參與國際組織的各項議題,其興起的因素與相關的基礎理論。然而,由於世界衛生組織是一個以主權國家為會員組成的政府間組織,台灣至今還未能成為它的會員國;非政府組織「如何」(how)參與此一國際組織,本文從三個面向來進行分析,第一,非政府組織參與WHO的角色定位;第二,非政府組織對於國際政策諸如醫療、人道救援等的參與策略;第三,討論非政府組織在國際參與過程中與政府的關係;此外,並探討台灣非政府組織國際參與的機會與可能的挑戰。 就理論意義而言,學者將非政府組織與全球化的發展趨勢聯繫起來,關注於非政府組織如何在國際參與各項全球議題(Held & Mcgrew, 2002;Peck, 1998;Scholte, 2000)。就現有的非政府組織研究來看,學界少有將全球議題和國家、非政府組織相連結者(Weiss, 1999;Brown. et.al., 2000;CIVICUS, 1998;MS, 2000),此一研究缺口主要與它在國際政策層面的重要性未獲得密切注意有關。目前有若干學術著作把國家與非國家行動者合併在一起探討,Weiss & Gordenker (1996)在「非政府組織、聯合國及全球治理」(NGOs, The UN, & Global Governance)一書中,從UN與NGO的連結試圖解釋全球治理的問題;Fisher(1998)的「非政府組織與第三世界的政治發展」(NGOs and the Political Development of the Third World)一書探討的NGO與第三世界國家政治發展的關係。本文主要為了突顯NGO的參與對國家主導全球議題等鉅觀社會變遷的影響之外,並以中介角色來理解它與政府和政府間組織如聯合國、世界衛生組織的關連。 在資料蒐集與分析方面,台灣非政府組織在國際上從事醫療及人道救援有其長遠的歷史,然關於這方面的學術研究、討論,卻是近幾年才開始興起。本文採用質性研究的文獻檢閱、深度訪談和參與觀察等研究方法。對此一議題的思考、研究,透過搜集、閱讀以世界衛生組織為研究主題或相關的國內外期刊文章,釐清目前世界衛生組織研究領域的內容,以進一步確定計畫研究範圍、研究主軸與訪談對象。針對非政府組織部分的訪談對象,作者選擇了:台灣國際醫學聯盟等共18個民間團體以及2個政府機構做為研究訪談對象。 研究發現茲分為理論層面和實務層面兩方面對照說明: (一)關於非政府組織在國際參與的角色定位,指涉非政府組織在國際社會所扮演的是一種中介角色;還是第二軌道外交功能、或對政府間國際關係的輔助作用。究實而論,台灣非政府組織參與世界衛生組織之行動,其理論意涵意味著上述三種的角色功能,但本文研究發現政府偏好以動員方式鼓勵非政府組織去參與,而此種「動員式外交」活動究竟能夠收到多大的效果,不無爭議,容易造成台灣NGO在國際發展角色的曖昧不明,引發非政府組織角色定位的疑問。 (二)非政府組織在國際組織系統中並不具有政府的合法性,亦不具有治理上的權威,故而它對於國際事務的影響力,所憑藉的僅為一種策略途徑的運用。從台灣參與的個案,本文發現非政府組織除了運用協商談判的途徑,或與政府協商、或國際組織協商之外,國內非政府組織所運用的途徑,主要為倡議導向的途徑、策略聯盟的途徑以及訴諸直接服務的途徑。 (三)台灣非政府組織積極參與政府間國際組織,理論上可以與外交議題進行連結,因此政府與非政府組織在某些政策層面維持良好的互動。本研究發現台灣非政府組織與政府的互動情形,存在下列的問題:1、第二軌道外交價值觀認知之不同,政府急於加入WHO這種國際政府間組織,但大多NGO卻認為政府不應將外交當作唯一考量,希望能夠加強非政府組織實際參與的實質內涵;2、非政府組織與政府參與國際的方式缺乏共識,非政府組織不認同政府對外之參與模式,反而認為政府應該做好整合資源的工作,協助國內NGO從事國際活動,盡量讓NGO可以發揮各自領域之所長,而不只是經費補助而已;3、台灣NGO與政府的關係可區分為:收編、合作、互補和對抗等類型,其中若干非政府組織與政府傾向於一種合作型的「官民策略」(Government-NGO Participant Strategy),就加入世界衛生組織的目標而言,兩者維持相互依賴的關係。 / The paper attempts to explore related issue that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Taiwan participating in the activities of ‘World Health Organization’ (WHO). In terms of literature review and theory approach, this paper examines why NGOs involved in global issue, and explores NGOs appearance cause and related basic theory. However, WHO is an inter-governmental organization composed of a number of member state, so far Taiwan couldn’t still be allowed to be a member of WHO. Based on qualitative research it also examines NGOs how to participate in such an intergovernmental organization, there are three main analyzing aspects. First, this paper intends to discuss the role and position of a civil organization concerning how to participate in WHO meeting and activities. Second, some of the NGOs discussed here directly provide strategies to attend international policy in WHO areas such as health, and human aid. Third, the diverse relations between NGOs and government institution may be formed with participating different processes of international action. Furthermore, we discuss the opportunities and limitations on participating actions of NGOs in Taiwan.

Synthèse d'une librairie d'analogues monomériques et dimériques du sLe X

Calosso, Mickael 09 1900 (has links)
Dans cet ouvrage sera décrite la synthèse de nouveaux analogues du sialyl Lewis X (sLex). A cet effet, nous avons préparé une librairie d’analogues synthétisée à partir d’une approche mettant en jeu un «espaceur» acyclique permettant d’avoir un biais conformationnel que nous avons défini comme la stratégie ATC-B. Nous avions déjà démontré que certains analogues portant un groupe benzoate en C-2 et en C-4 du galactose présentent une activité 50 fois supérieure à celle du sLex. Nous avions par ailleurs démontré qu’en l’absence du benzoate en C-2, l’activité devient alors trois fois plus faible. A présent, il paraissait interessant de synthétiser des analogues ayant seulement un groupe benzoate en C-4 pour evaluer l’impact de ce groupement sur la puissance de nos analogues. Par le passé, nous avions également mis en évidence le rôle des esters sur l’activité des analogues portant un «espaceur» acyclique dans le cadre de la stratégie ATC-B. Nous effectuerons donc des variations à ce niveau pour en évaluer l’impact. Enfin, nous avons préparé une nouvelle famille d’analogues de type dimère. Ceux-ci seront constitués de 2 unités des composés monomériques synthétisés précédemment. La synthèse de ces dimères fera l’emploi de la «Click Chemistry». Cette étude nous mènera a vous présenter la synthèse de ces composés et la méthodologie employée. / This work describes the synthesis of novel sialyl Lewis X (sLex) analogues. To this end, we have prepared a library of analogues by implementing a strategy that makes use of an Acyclic Tether which allows for defined Conformational Bias (ATCB strategy). We have previously shown that analogues bearing a benzoate group at both positions C-2 and C-4 of the galactose exert an activity 50-fold greater than that of sLex. Indeed, removing the benzoate at position C-4 while keeping the one at C-2 led to a three fold decrease in potency. We are currently preparing the corresponding analogues that have the benzoate only at position C-4 in order to fully evaluate its impact on the potency of the analogue. We have also previously elucidated the role of esters on the activity of analogues that have acyclic tether as part of the ATC-B strategy. Variations have been made at the level of the ester and their impact has been evaluated. Lastly, we have prepared a novel family of analogues consisting of two identical monomeric subunits linked together. Synthesis of these dimers was performed via «Click Chemistry». This study describes the synthesis of the compounds and the methodology employed.

Désensibilisation morale et légitimation de l'intimidation entre pairs au secondaire

Levasseur, Caroline 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse doctorale, qui prend la forme de quatre articles, est une étude corrélationnelle mettant en relation le raisonnement moral et la légitimation des dynamiques d’intimidation par les pairs chez des adolescents de 3ème secondaire. L’objectif principal poursuivi était d’examiner la contribution de la désensibilisation morale aux conduites adoptées par les adolescents lors d’incidents d’intimidation à l’école. L’objectif secondaire était d’examiner l’importance accordée respectivement à des standards de conduite issus des domaines moral, conventionnel et personnel chez les adolescents impliqués dans des incidents d’intimidation. Le premier article expose la problématique de la légitimation des dynamiques d’intimidation par les jeunes en faisant état des croyances normatives et des caractéristiques des environnements scolaires qui y sont associées. L’article discute de l’écart qui s’observe entre l’opposition affirmée de la majorité des adolescents face aux conduites d’intimidation et leur récurrence dans les milieux scolaires et vient compléter une première section décrivant les conséquences de l’intimidation pour les communautés scolaires. Le deuxième article s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de cette thèse et fait état des connaissances sur le raisonnement moral des élèves impliqués dans des dynamiques d’intimidation. Il présente une explication des conduites d’intimidation dans la perspective de la théorie des domaines de la connaissance sociale et dans celle de la théorie de l’agentivité morale. Ces approches ont été retenues pour opérationnaliser le concept de désensibilisation morale afin de rencontrer les objectifs de recherche poursuivis. Le troisième article rapporte la démarche utilisée pour vérifier l’hypothèse d’une relation positive entre les conduites d’intimidation et l’acceptabilité d’incidents d’intimidation hypothétiques, de même que l’hypothèse d’une relation positive entre les conduites d’intimidation et le désengagement moral chez les adolescents impliqués. Le quatrième article rapporte la démarche utilisée pour examiner les justifications sociomorales émises par différents profils d’adolescents impliqués dans des incidents d’intimidation de façon à associer leur conduite avec les domaines de connaissances normatives auxquels se rattachent leurs justifications. Les résultats obtenus sont ensuite discutés au chapitre suivant afin de mettre en évidence la contribution de chacune des approches morales retenues à l’explication des conduites en contexte d’intimidation et les caractéristiques du raisonnement moral associées aux rôles adoptés et des pistes d’intervention sont offertes. Finalement, cette thèse doctorale conclue que seul le niveau moyen de désengagement moral, un indice global de l’adhésion à des croyances normatives antisociales, contribue statistiquement à l’explication des conduites adoptées lors d’incident d’intimidation au-delà du sexe des participants. Quant au raisonnement sociomoral, il informe davantage sur la façon dont les circonstances d’incidents d’intimidation sont reliées à la désensibilisation morale des jeunes impliqués. Les adolescents qui prennent activement la défense de pairs intimidés étaient caractérisés par un raisonnement moral plus uniforme, tandis que le raisonnement des élèves qui intimident et de ceux qui demeurent passifs était caractérisé par la subordination de principes moraux, respectivement en faveur d’impératifs à caractère conventionnel et d’impératifs à caractère personnel. / This doctoral thesis, presented as four scientific articles, is a correlational study about moral reasoning and the legitimization of school bullying in third-year high school students. The primary objective was to investigate the contribution of moral disinhibition to the bullying incident roles adopted by teenagers. The secondary objective was to investigate the relative importance given to moral, conventional, and personal standards of conduct in students involved in bullying incidents. The first article acknowledges the problem that is the legitimization of bullying conducts by school communities and exposes related normative beliefs and school environment characteristics. It mainly discusses the gap between the vocal opposition to bullying conducts shown by most students and the occurrence of bullying incidents in schools. This completes a section exposing the consequences associated with bullying. The second article reviews recent literature about moral reasoning and its link to bulling incident roles. It also gives an explanation of bullying conducts from the viewpoints of the social domains theory and of the sociocognitive theory of moral agentivity. These theoretical paradigms were used in operationalizing the concept of moral disinhibition in order to meet study goals. The third article reports on the methodology used in order to verify the hypothesis of a positive relation between bullying conducts and acceptability of hypothetical bullying incidents, as well as the hypothesis of a positive relation between bullying conducts and moral disengagement in involved adolescents. The forth article reports on the methodology used in the investigation of sociomoral justifications from adolescents adopting different bullying incident roles in order to ascertain the relation between their conduct and the social domains from which stem their justifications. Results are discussed as to show the contribution of each approach to the explanation of bullying incident roles and the moral reasoning characteristics related to each role. Intervention guidelines are proposed as well. This doctoral thesis concludes that only moral disengagement mean scores, which work as a global indication of antisocial normative beliefs, explain bullying incident roles beyond participants’ gender. Sociomoral reasoning is better suited to understanding how bullying incidents’ characteristics promote moral disinhibition. Actively defending bullied peers wad linked to more uniform moral reasoning. On the other hand, bullying and pro-bullying conducts were linked to moral subordination in favor of conventional standards of conduct, and passive bystanding was linked to moral subordination in favor of personal standards of conducts.

Účastníci civilního řízení / Participants in civil proceedings

Rešovská, Radka January 2011 (has links)
REŠOVSKÁ Radka: Participants of the civil proceedings. [Graduation theses] / Radka Rešovská - Charles University in Prague. Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Law. - Head of the Graduation theses: doc. JUDr. Alena Macková, Ph.D, Prague: PrF UK, 2011. The graduation theses deal with contemporary legal regulations of the civil proceeding participants. A big attention was dedicated to particular definitions of the participants within contentious and non-contentious proceedings. The presumptions are being analysed of which a certain person can become the participant in proceedings and the presumptions of which the participant in proceedings is legitimated to act on his/her own behalf in the trial. Object of theses are also different kinds of representation of the participants, i.e. representation at law, representation at judicial decision or representation under the power of attorney. A relevant part of theses is characteristics of the principle of equality which is reflected in status of participants of the civil proceedings and is a part of the right of due process. A body of the fundamental procedural rights and duties of participants is being presented which constitute the content of procedural relations realized by this way. Attention is concentrated on joinder of participants which are being...

La coopération entre les enseignants et les éducateurs spécialisés : une culture en commun pour la scolarisation des enfants en situation de handicap / Cooperation between teachers and special needs workers : a common culture for the schooling of children in a situation of disability

Ribas, Sandrine, Martin-noureux, Philippe 16 June 2014 (has links)
Depuis le décret 2009-378 visant à favoriser la coopération entre l’Education nationale et le secteur médico-social, l’Ecole ne peut plus être pensée comme un territoire qui s’arrêterait là où commence celui de la filière spécialisée, représentée en France par le secteur médicosocial.Derrière cette volonté, l’enjeu significatif est celui d’un rapprochement entre deux cultures, celle de l’enseignant d’une part, celle de l’éducateur spécialisé d’autre part. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit notre thèse, coproduite par une éducatrice spécialisée et un enseignant.Les acteurs éducatifs étant amenés à coopérer pour répondre au droit à la scolarisation édicté par la loi du 11 février 2005 et aux décrets qui lui font suite, nous cherchons à identifier les fondements de ces cultures et ce qui façonne les pratiques actuelles. Ce travail se situe alors dans une perspective compréhensive et non dans une logique expérimentale guidée par une volonté d’administration de la preuve.Par une démarche ethnographique, combinant l’observation participante et les entretiens semi-dirigés, nous nous approchons au plus près des pratiques. Par l’analyse des données recueillies, nous qualifions chacune de ces cultures et tentons de mettre en lumière les éléments entravant ou facilitant leur coopération.In fine, nous envisageons une nouvelle forme de dialogue entre les enseignants et les professionnels du secteur médico-social. Désormais, ces acteurs doivent s’engager dans une logique d’actions où prévaut le projet de l’enfant, un projet sur lequel les capacités d’expertise des uns et des autres se combinent pour travailler dans la continuité. Nous interrogeons ainsi l’emprunt d’une nouvelle voie, celle qui mène à une culture en commun. / Since the 2009-378 decree which aimed at encouraging cooperation between the French National Educational system and the medico social sector, School hasn’t been considered as a territory that stops where special education starts. The real goal of this decree is to bring two different cultures together that of the teacher and that of special needs worker. This is why this thesis was written jointly by a special needs worker and a teacher.Educational practitioners are to cooperate to respond to the right to schooling determined by the February 11 2005 law, and the decrees that were issued onwards. Thus we aim to identify the basis of these cultures and what shapes school current practices.We did not follow an experimental method guided by the will to produce evidence but a comprehensive in-depth view. Using an ethnographic research approach combining participant observation and a semi-guided interviews enables us to get as close as possible to these practices. Thanks to the data gathered, we identify each of these cultures and attempt to highlight the elements hindering or facilitating the cooperation between teachers and special needs workers. Finally, we are considering a new form of dialogue between teachers and special needs workers.From now on, educational practitioners should adopt working methods in which the child’s project prevails, a project in which teachers and special needs workers’ expertise are combined so as to work together and ensure continuity in the progress of the project.We are thus looking at the possibility of a new approach borrowing elements and practices from the culture of both teachers and special needs workers.

Talkshow als Subjekt-Diskurs

Seifried, Bettina 11 February 2004 (has links)
Nach einem Überblick über die theoretischen Erklärungsmodelle der diskursiven Subjektkonstitution von Émile Benveniste über Louis Althusser und Michel Foucault zu linguistischen Ansätzen in der Gesprächsanalyse und social semiotics angelsächsischer Provenienz, werden zwei erfolgreiche US-amerikanische "Ratgeber"-Talkshowreihen der neunziger Jahre ("Oprah Winfrey" und "Rolonda") einer umfassenden pragma-linguistisch orientierten Gesprächsanalyse unterzogen. Dazu war es nötig, je drei Sendungen dieser Shows zuerst vollständig zu transkribieren, sie dann in Phasen einzuteilen und Vergleichskriterien zu bestimmen. Die Ausgangshypothese ist, dass trotz großer Ähnlichkeiten im Format, beide Shows erhebliche Unterschiede in der öffentlichen Darstellungsform bzw. Repräsentanz ihrer Teilnehmerrollen (Talkmaster, Gäste und Publikum) und deren Verhältnis zueinander aufweisen, und dass diese erheblichen Abweichungen dem Mikrobereich der lexiko-grammatisch systematisch erfaß- und beschreibbaren Redeweisen und Gesprächsstrukturen implizit eingeschrieben ist. Kernstück der Arbeit ist die Herausarbeitung von Ebenen, auf denen sich diskursiv show-spezifische Teilnehmer-Identitäten konstituieren: Dialogsequenzierung und -organisation, Gebrauch von Personalpronomen und Anredeformen, Fragetypen, narrative Strategien, lexikalische (Selbst-) Kategorisierungen, sämtliche Bereiche der Modalität. Auf dieser Ebene der interpersonellen Funktion von Sprache werden innerhalb der Show-Sendungen und zwischen den beiden Show-Reihen sehr unterschiedliche Gesprächsstrategien deutlich, die sich erstaunlich plausibel mit Foucaults diskursiven Subjektivierungs- vs. Objektivierungsstrategien korrelieren ließen, und also als unterschiedliche Machttechnologien zur Hervorbringung und Reproduktion spezifischer "öffentlicher Subjekte" darstellen, wie sie in medialen Formaten als Abbilder des "Durchschnittsmenschen" in Erscheinung treten. Sie signifizieren Varianten eines "Alltags"-Subjekts (repräsentiert durch die in der Show zu Alltagsproblemen befragten Gäste in ihrem Verhältnis zu Talkmaster und Studiopublikum), das einmal - neoliberal-protestantisch - als rational-einsichtsfähig sich selbst disziplinierend im Diskursfeld des Neoliberalismus-Protestantismus konstituiert und gezeichnet wird, im anderen Falle als irrational-verantwortungslos fremden Regulierungsinstanzen und außengelenkten sprachlichen Disziplinierungs- und Abbitteritualen unterworfen wird und somit eine Teilnehmerrolle innerhalb autoritär-feudalistischen Diskurse charakterisiert.

„[…] if it would be me producing the song…“

Huschner, Roland 26 September 2016 (has links)
Mit der Arbeit wird angestrebt, die komplexen Prozesse der Herstellung von an Tonträger gebundenen Klangkonfigurationen innerhalb des Tonstudios, die im Zuge feldspezifischer Prozesse als Popmusik funktionieren können, unter bestimmten Rahmenbedingungen durch Beobachtungen, Beschreibungen und Analysen bzw. Interpretationen zu erfassen. Die Funktion bzw. Funktionsweise dieser Institution des Feldes der populären Musikproduktion soll unter Verweis auf wahrgenommene Mechanismen und Strukturen jenes Feldes nachvollziehbar gemacht werden. Zur Auswertung der in Feldstudien erhobenen Daten werden Theorien von Pierre Bourdieu und Michel Foucault genutzt, da die Komplexität der untersuchten Prozesse mit Hilfe nur eines Ansatzes nicht hinreichend hätte interpretiert werden können. Im Gegensatz zur Intention Bourdieus wird jedoch auf einen allgemeinen, übergreifenden Gültigkeitsanspruch der Erkenntnisse auf gesellschaftliche Prozesse oder vermeintlich verwandte Felder verzichtet; die Arbeit orientiert sich vielmehr an der Herangehensweise einer auf den Untersuchungsgegenstand bezogenen Theorie der Grounded Theory. Die verwendeten Daten sind der Arbeit in transkribierter Form als Anhang beigefügt. / This dissertation attempts to adequately represent and explain the complex field-specific processes which take place in the recording studios of popular music production during the creation of configurations of sound. Using participant observation in Berlin-based recording studios for data collection, this data was analyzed by utilizing and modifying the works of Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault. In contrast to Bourdieu’s claims that fields have an identical structure, the field of popular music production is quite unique in its workings and cannot be explained in such a manner. Based on these findings, a partially different model and terminology is being developed. Most of the used data is available as (German) transcription in the appendix.

Hračka jako forma vizuality / Toy as a visual form

Vojteková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT A toy is a method in encultury. The deals with a toy in context of contemporary visual culture like a product of culture industries. It solves how the specific toys could manipulate children's perception. It examines types and basic principles of children's games in relation to toys. In case study it examines a proces of children's game for two children in a home environment in relation to specific toys. It documents and characterizes the toys which are available for children and a way how a children plays with them. It observes, records, analyzes and reflects children's game and tracks constants and a transformations of ideas, concepts and skills which are entering gaming proces. Following a research probe, it suggest a set of art activities. KEYWORDS Child, formation, game, toy, observe, advertisement, visual, visual culture

A visão dos diretores escolares sobre a gestão estratégica na escola pública: esboço teórico do balanced scorecard e mapa estratégico no setor público / The principals\' view on strategic management in the public school: theoretical outline of the balanced scorecard and strategic map in the public sector

Oliveira, Pedro Henrique de 23 February 2017 (has links)
As escolas públicas valorizam o planejamento escolar como uma das preocupações administrativas e pedagógicas a fim de que sejam criadas condições para a efetiva realização do que foi estabelecido. Entretanto, as escolas públicas municipais não contam com planos administrativos elaborados. A presente pesquisa tem o objetivo de identificar a visão do diretor escolar sobre a gestão estratégica com balanced scorecard (BSC) e mapa estratégico no setor público. Para atingir o objetivo visado, a pesquisa teve como primeiro passo, o repasse de dados e informações do GREFIC da FEARP-USP para seleção das escolas públicas no município de Ribeirão Preto/SP e, a partir disso, uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso como procedimento técnico nas escolas públicas levantadas. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como aplicada e descritiva. As técnicas de coleta de dados foram a observação, o questionário, a entrevista, o diário de campo e o grupo focal. Foram entrevistadas oito diretoras escolares. O grupo focal foi aplicado em três diretoras escolares concomitantemente a uma capacitação sobre o tema \"gestão estratégica com BSC no setor público\". Foi feita a observação não participante em duas escolas. Na análise de dados, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo. Como resultado, constatou-se que a visão da gestão estratégica, para o diretor escolar, foi de pensar em metas e objetivos para melhoria da vida escolar do aluno. Já a perspectiva do diretor escolar sobre a aplicação da gestão estratégica com BSC e mapa estratégico no setor público foi a de que as ferramentas aparecem como viáveis dentro do setor público e das escolas públicas, porém, ambos precisam ser adaptados para melhor utilização. Foi elaborado um esboço do BSC e mapa estratégico no setor público, especificamente da escola pública. Conclui-se que as escolas necessitam de um plano administrativo específico para uma gestão mais eficiente e participativa. O BSC e o mapa estratégico são viáveis para o setor público e para as escolas públicas municipais, desde que sejam adaptados. Este projeto contribuiu para a pesquisa do BSC no setor público, bem como para a melhoria da educação pública brasileira. / Public schools value school planning as one of the administrative and pedagogical concerns to create conditions for the effective realization of what has been established. We argue, however, municipal public schools do not have elaborate administrative plans. The aim of this research is to identify the principals vision of strategic management with balanced scorecard (BSC) and strategic map in the public sector. To reach the proposed objective, the research had as a first step the transfer of data and information from the GREFIC of FEARP-USP for the selection of public schools in Ribeirão Preto/SP city and from there a qualitative approach, with the use of the case study as technical procedure in public schools raised. The research was characterized as applied and descriptive. The data collection techniques were observation, the questionnaire, the interview, the field diary and the focus group. Eight school principals were interviewed. The focus group was applied to three principals\' concomitant with a training about strategic management with BSC in the public sector. Non-participant observation was done in two schools. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. The results indicate that the vision of strategic management for the principal was to think about goals and objectives to improve the student\'s school life. The principal\'s view on the application of strategic management with BSC and strategic map in the public sector was that tools appear as viable within the public sector and public schools, but both need to be adapted for better use. An outline of the BSC and strategic map was made in the public sector, specifically the public school. We conclude that schools need a specific administrative plan for a more efficient and participatory management. The BSC and the strategic map are feasible for the public sector and municipal public schools, provided they are adapted. This project contributed to the BSC\'s research in the public sector, as well as the improvement of Brazilian public education.

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