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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deltagarnas perspektiv av sysselsättningsverksamhet : Människor med olika former av psykisk ohälsa deltar i ett aktivitetshus för det sociala samspelet samt för det psykiska välmåendet / Participants’ Perspective of Daily Occupation : People with various forms of mental illness participate in a daily activity center for social interaction and for their mental well-being

emrulovic olsson, melissa January 2023 (has links)
<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?Emrulovic%20Olsson,%20M.%20Deltagarnas%20perspektiv%20av%20syssels%C3%A4ttningsverksamhet.%20En%20kvalitativ%20studie%20om%20deltagarnas%20perspektiv%20av%20betydelsen%20av%20daglig%20syssels%C3%A4ttning.%20Masteruppsats%20i%20Socialt%20Arbete,%2030%20h%C3%B6gskolepo%C3%A4ng.%20Malm%C3%B6%20universitet:%20Fakulteten%20f%C3%B6r%20h%C3%A4lsa%20och%20samh%C3%A4lle,%20institutionen%20f%C3%B6r%20socialt%20arbete,%202023.%20%0A%0AStudiens%20syfte%20%C3%A4r%20att%20utifr%C3%A5n%20deltagarnas%20perspektiv%20redog%C3%B6ra%20f%C3%B6r%20betydelsen%20av%20aktivitetshuset%20inom%20socialpsykiatrins%20daglig%20syssels%C3%A4ttning%20f%C3%B6r%20deltagarnas%20psykiska%20v%C3%A4lm%C3%A5ende.%20D%C3%A4r%20deltar%20deltagare%20f%C3%A5r%20bes%C3%B6ka%20ett%20aktivitetshus%20fyra%20dagar%20i%20veckan%20med%20personal%20med%20st%C3%B6ttar%20och%20motiverar%20deltagarna%20i%20vardagen.%20Studiens%20fr%C3%A5gest%C3%A4llningarna%20centrerar%20sig%20kring%20deltagarnas%20upplevelse%20av%20betydelsen%20av%20syssels%C3%A4ttningen%20utifr%C3%A5n%20tre%20teman;%20den%20sociala%20milj%C3%B6n,%20k%C3%A4nslor,%20v%C3%A4lm%C3%A5ende.%20Den%20teoretiska%20ramen%20inf%C3%B6r%20studien%20grundar%20sig%20i%20Antonovsky%20teori%20KASAM%20som%20st%C3%A5r%20f%C3%B6r%20k%C3%A4nsla%20av%20sammanhang%20medan%20den%20andra%20teorin%20h%C3%A4rstammar%20utifr%C3%A5n%20arbetsterapin%20d%C3%A4r%20%20Leufstadius%20och%20Argenzell%20beskriver%20sambandet%20mellan%20aktivitet%20och%20relation%20som%20relevant%20rehabilitering%20f%C3%B6r%20m%C3%A5lgruppen%20med%20psykisk%20oh%C3%A4lsa.%20Detta%20genom%20semistrukturerade%20intervjuer%20med%20deltagarna%20med%20st%C3%B6d%20fr%C3%A5n%20den%20kvalitativa%20forskningsmetoden.%20%0A%0AStudiens%20resultat%20visar%20att%20deltagare%20uttryckte%20syssels%C3%A4ttningen%20som%20ett%20%C3%B6ppet%20och%20mottagande%20plats%20f%C3%B6r%20alla%20typer%20av%20m%C3%A4nniskor%20som%20har%20sv%C3%A5righeter%20med%20psykisk%20oh%C3%A4lsa.%20Detta%20berodde%20p%C3%A5%20ett%20fungerande%20samarbete%20mellan%20personal%20och%20deltagare%20med%20en%20stark%20tillit%20och%20f%C3%B6rtroende%20till%20personalen.%20Resultatet%20visade%20p%C3%A5%20att%20deltagarna%20upplevde%20k%C3%A4nslor%20i%20form%20av%20gl%C3%A4dje%20och%20ans%C3%A5g%20att%20syssels%C3%A4ttningen%20f%C3%B6rb%C3%A4ttrade%20deras%20v%C3%A4lm%C3%A5ende.%20Sammantaget%20visar%20resultatet%20att%20syssels%C3%A4ttning%20%C3%A4r%20betydelsefullt%20i%20den%20mening%20att%20deltagarna%20k%C3%A4nner%20sig%20delaktiga%20i%20ett%20socialt%20och%20meningsfullt%20sammanhang%20vilket%20f%C3%B6r%20dem%20%C3%A4r%20en%20friskfaktor%20f%C3%B6r%20psykisk%20h%C3%A4lsa.%0A" data-classname="equation" data-title="" /> / <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?Emrulovic%20Olsson,%20M.%20The%20participants'%20perspective%20of%20daily%20occupation.%20A%20qualitative%20study%20on%20participants'%20perspectives%20of%20the%20importance%20of%20daily%20participation.%20Masters%20degree%20in%20Social%20Work,%2030%20h%C3%B6gskolepo%C3%A4ng.%20Malm%C3%B6%20University:%20Faculty%20of%20Health%20and%20Society,%20Department%20of%20Social%20Work,%202023.%0A%0AThe%20aim%20of%20the%20study%20is%20to%20describe%20participants'%20perspective%20on%20the%20importance%20of%20daily%20occupation%20within%20social%20psychiatry's%20daily%20work%20for%20the%20participants'%20psychological%20well-being.%20There,%20participants%20can%20visit%20the%20daily%20occupation%20four%20days%20a%20week%20with%20staff%20who%20support%20and%20motivate%20the%20participants%20in%20their%20everyday%20life.%20The%20study's%20questions%20focus%20on%20the%20participants'%20experience%20of%20the%20importance%20of%20daily%20occupation%20based%20on%20three%20themes;%20the%20social%20environment,%20emotions,%20and%20well-being.%20The%20theoretical%20framework%20for%20the%20study%20is%20based%20on%20Antonovsky's%20theory%20KASAM,%20which%20stands%20for%20sense%20of%20coherence%20while%20the%20other%20theory%20originates%20from%20work%20therapy%20where%20Leufstadius%20and%20Argenzell%20describe%20the%20connection%20between%20activity%20and%20relationship%20as%20relevant%20rehabilitation%20for%20the%20target%20group%20with%20mental%20illness.%20This%20is%20through%20semi-structured%20interviews%20with%20the%20participants%20with%20support%20from%20the%20qualitative%20research%20method.%20%0A%0AThe%20results%20of%20the%20study%20show%20that%20participants%20expressed%20the%20daily%20occupation%20as%20an%20open%20and%20welcoming%20place%20for%20all%20types%20of%20people%20who%20have%20difficulties%20with%20mental%20illness.%20This%20was%20due%20to%20a%20functioning%20collaboration%20between%20staff%20and%20participants%20with%20a%20strong%20trust%20and%20confidence%20in%20the%20staff.%20The%20results%20showed%20that%20the%20participants%20experienced%20emotions%20in%20the%20form%20of%20joy%20that%20the%20occupation%20improved%20their%20well-being.%20Overall,%20the%20results%20show%20that%20employment%20is%20significant%20in%20the%20sense%20that%20the%20participants%20feel%20involved%20in%20a%20social%20and%20meaningful%20context,%20which%20for%20them%20is%20a%20healthy%20factor%20for%20mental%20health.%20%0A" data-classname="equation" data-title="" />

A sea of contested evidence: Disputes over coastal pollution in Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa

Beukes, Amy 23 June 2022 (has links)
The City of Cape Town's (CoCT) wastewater management system discharges effluent from households, industries and other sources into the Atlantic Ocean through deep-water marine outfalls in Green Point, Camps Bay and Hout Bay. At total capacity, these three outfalls discharge 55.3 megalitres (Ml) into marine receiving environments daily. With minimal pre-treatment that amounts to screening and sieving, this results in microbial and chemical pollution of the sea (including chemicals of emerging concern), marine organisms, recreational beaches, and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This research focuses on contestations over evidence of that pollution in Hout Bay. The study documents the work of independent scientists seeking to provide evidence of coastal pollution obtained via microbial and chemical analyses of water (coastal and inland) and marine organisms (Mytilus galloprovincialis) samples. It also presents accounts of pollution obtained via ethnographic research with local residents, fishers, frequent water users and river activists who have observed and experienced poor coastal water quality. However, the form of evidence that is considered and informs decision-making processes by the CoCT has consistently sought to invalidate these forms of evidence, from both independent scientists and the public. Debates around knowledge of water and contests over evidence that highlight the entanglements of science, politics, and ways of knowing make visible a consistent pattern in coastal water-quality governance by the City, which results in inaction regarding the ever-growing issue of coastal pollution in Cape Town.

Social inclusion in Vietnam : - an ethnographic study of the everyday life of people withdisability in Da Nang

Westby, Klara January 2023 (has links)
This essay is subject to explore the everyday life of people with disabilities [PWD] in DaNang, Vietnam. Previous research suggests that PWD are facing difficulties in most aspectsof their life, however, few studies provide the perspective of the PWD of their situation. Bydoing participant observation this essay explores the everyday life of PWD in Da Nang byliving in the same context as the respondents and meeting with key informants. The theory ofsocial model, stigma, and socioecological theory has been used to analyze the results. Theanalysis shows that the situation for PWD in Da Nang has improved, but they are still facing difficulties in everyday life that are, to some extent, created by societal conditions and attitudes. This study hopes to contribute to the perspective of PWD on their own situation, inaddition to a wider understanding of how social inclusion or exclusion in Da Nang can beexplained. With a greater understanding of the current situation, one can understand whetherthere is a need for new social policies or changes in social work practices. / Den här uppsatsen utforskar vardagen för personer med funktionsnedsättning [PWD] i DaNang, Vietnam. Tidigare forskning visar att PWD möter svårigheter i de flesta delarna av sitt liv, men få studier återger PWDs situation ur deras perspektiv. Genom att genomföra endeltagande observation utforskar denna uppsats vardagen för PWD i Da Nang genom att levai samma sammanhang som respondenterna och träffa nyckelinformanter. Teorin om densociala modellen, stigma och den socialekologiska teorin har använts för att analysera resultaten. Analysen visar att situationen för PWD i Da Nang har förbättras, men att de fortfarande möter svårigheter i vardagen som till viss del är skapade av samhälleliga förhållanden och attityder. Denna studie ämnar att bidra med PWDs egna perspektiv på deras situation, samt att skapa en djupare förståelse av hur social inkludering eller exkludering i DaNang kan förklaras. Med en bredare förståelse för den nuvarande situationen kan det förståsom det finns ett behov av nya riktlinjer, policies eller förändringar i det dagliga sociala arbetet.


Mahdee, Jodayree 06 1900 (has links)
Federated learning has gained attention recently for its ability to protect data privacy and distribute computing loads [1]. It overcomes the limitations of traditional machine learning algorithms by allowing computers to train on remote data inputs and build models while keeping participant privacy intact. Traditional machine learning offered a solution by enabling computers to learn patterns and make decisions from data without explicit programming. It opened up new possibilities for automating tasks, recognizing patterns, and making predictions. With the exponential growth of data and advances in computational power, machine learning has become a powerful tool in various domains, driving innovations in fields such as image recognition, natural language processing, autonomous vehicles, and personalized recommendations. traditional machine learning, data is usually transferred to a central server, raising concerns about privacy and security. Centralizing data exposes sensitive information, making it vulnerable to breaches or unauthorized access. Centralized machine learning assumes that all data is available at a central location, which is only sometimes practical or feasible. Some data may be distributed across different locations, owned by different entities, or subject to legal or privacy restrictions. Training a global model in traditional machine learning involves frequent communication between the central server and participating devices. This communication overhead can be substantial, particularly when dealing with large-scale datasets or resource-constrained devices. / Recent studies have uncovered security issues with most of the federated learning models. One common false assumption in the federated learning model is that participants are the attacker and would not use polluted data. This vulnerability enables attackers to train their models using polluted data and then send the polluted updates to the training server for aggregation, potentially poisoning the overall model. In such a setting, it is challenging for an edge server to thoroughly inspect the data used for model training and supervise any edge device. This study evaluates the vulnerabilities present in federated learning and explores various types of attacks that can occur. This paper presents a robust prevention scheme to address these vulnerabilities. The proposed prevention scheme enables federated learning servers to monitor participants actively in real-time and identify infected individuals by introducing an encrypted verification scheme. The paper outlines the protocol design of this prevention scheme and presents experimental results that demonstrate its effectiveness. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / federated learning models face significant security challenges and can be vulnerable to attacks. For instance, federated learning models assume participants are not attackers and will not manipulate the data. However, in reality, attackers can compromise the data of remote participants by inserting fake or altering existing data, which can result in polluted training results being sent to the server. For instance, if the sample data is an animal image, attackers can modify it to contaminate the training data. This paper introduces a robust preventive approach to counter data pollution attacks in real-time. It incorporates an encrypted verification scheme into the federated learning model, preventing poisoning attacks without the need for specific attack detection programming. The main contribution of this paper is a mechanism for detection and prevention that allows the training server to supervise real-time training and stop data modifications in each client's storage before and between training rounds. The training server can identify real-time modifications and remove infected remote participants with this scheme.

Fondements pour l’évaluation de la fidélité de l’implantation du volet primaire du curriculum Montessori : composantes essentielles et facteurs contextuels influant sur sa mise en œuvre

Gaudreau, Joëlle 04 1900 (has links)
L’engouement contemporain pour l’approche éducative instaurée par Maria Montessori est indéniable, tant dans les réseaux professionnels qu’au sein de la communauté scientifique, et ce, à travers le monde. La longévité de cette approche, sa large diffusion internationale et le fait qu’elle concerne désormais tant les soins aux bambin·es que le maintien de l’autonomie des personnes âgées en font un phénomène digne d’intérêt, comme en témoignent les nombreux ouvrages et articles scientifiques qui lui ont été dédiés au cours des dernières décennies. Une revue systématique du corpus scientifique relatif aux effets de l’approche Montessori sur les apprenant·es de différents ordres d’enseignement démontre que les études menées à ce jour obtiennent presque exclusivement des résultats favorables au groupe expérimental montessorien ou équivalents entre les groupes comparés, et ce, pour de nombreuses compétences. Cela dit, dans ce corpus prometteur, mais encore exploratoire, des limites méthodologiques importantes minent la validité et la fiabilité des résultats des études, comme le manque d’évaluation de la fidélité de l’implantation de l’approche Montessori dans les milieux scolaires desquels sont tirés les échantillons. En effet, le nom « Montessori » n’étant pas légalement protégé, toute école peut l’adopter, peu importe ses pratiques pédagogiques. La présente étude vise à dépasser ce problème de recherche. Ses objectifs sont les suivants : 1) déterminer les composantes essentielles du volet primaire (6 à 12 ans) du curriculum Montessori (VPCM), en portant une attention particulière à la façon dont les thèmes de l’éducation pour la paix et de la justice sociale y sont intégrés; 2) déterminer les facteurs contextuels influant sur la mise en œuvre du VPCM en milieu scolaire; 3) élaborer un modèle logique détaillé exposant les composantes essentielles du VPCM ainsi que les facteurs contextuels influant sur sa mise en œuvre. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, une étude de cas descriptive qui s’inscrit dans le courant de l’évaluation basée sur la théorie, associé à l’épistémologie du réalisme critique, a été réalisée. La collecte de données a consisté, d’une part, en l’observation participante d’une formation initiale des enseignant·es au VPCM accréditée par l’Association Montessori Internationale. D’autre part, des entretiens semi-dirigés portant sur les thèmes de l’éducation pour la paix et de la justice sociale ont été menés auprès de neuf formateur·rices et enseignant·es montessorien·nes. Enfin, un questionnaire en ligne relatif aux facteurs contextuels influant sur la mise en œuvre du VPCM a été rempli par 74 formateur·rices et enseignant·es certifié·es par l’AMI. Les résultats de recherche prennent la forme d’un texte descriptif exposant les composantes essentielles du VPCM en détail, suivi d’une synthèse des résultats relatifs aux composantes essentielles et aux facteurs contextuels influents, ainsi que d’une proposition de modèle logique du VPCM, qui constitue la représentation schématique et l’opérationnalisation des résultats de cette étude. Le tout pourra constituer les fondements de l’élaboration d’instruments pour l’évaluation de la fidélité de l’implantation du VPCM en milieu scolaire. Ainsi, cette étude contribue à dépasser la limite méthodologique majeure du corpus d’études menées sur les effets du curriculum Montessori que représente le manque d’évaluation de la fidélité de son implantation. / The contemporary enthusiasm for the educational approach introduced by Maria Montessori is undeniable, both in professional networks and within the scientific community, throughout the world. The longevity of this approach, its wide international diffusion, and the fact that it now concerns the care of toddlers as much as the maintenance of the autonomy of the elderly make it a phenomenon worthy of interest, as evidenced by the numerous scientific books and articles which have been dedicated to it over the past few decades. A systematic review of the scientific corpus relating to the effects of the Montessori approach on learners at different levels of education shows that the studies carried out to date almost exclusively obtain favourable results for the Montessori experimental group or equivalent results between the groups compared, and this, for many skills. That being said, in this promising but still exploratory corpus, significant methodological limitations undermine the validity and reliability of the results of the studies, such as the lack of evaluation of the fidelity of implementation of the Montessori approach in the schools where samples are drawn. Indeed, the name “Montessori” not being legally protected, any school can adopt it, regardless of its pedagogical practices. This study aims to overcome this research problem. Its objectives are as follows: 1) to determine the essential components of the elementary section (6 to 12 years) of the Montessori curriculum (ESMC), paying particular attention to the way the themes of education for peace and social justice are integrated into it; 2) to determine the contextual factors influencing the implementation of ESMC in schools; 3) to develop a detailed logic model outlining the essential components of the ESMC as well as the contextual factors influencing its implementation. To meet these objectives, a descriptive case study in line with the current of theory-based evaluation, associated with the epistemology of critical realism, was conducted. The data collection consisted, on the one hand, of participant observation of an initial teacher training in the ESMC accredited by the Association Montessori Internationale. On the other hand, semi-directed interviews related to education for peace and social justice were conducted with nine Montessori trainers and teachers. Finally, an online questionnaire on contextual factors influencing the implementation of ESMC was completed by 74 AMI-certified trainers and teachers. The results take the form of a descriptive text exposing the essential components of the ESMC in detail, followed by a summary of the results relating to the essential components and the influential contextual factors, and a proposition of a logic model of the ESMC, which constitutes the schematic representation and the operationalization of the results of this study. All of this could constitute the foundations for the development of evaluation instruments of the ESMC’s fidelity of implementation in schools. This study thus contributes to overcoming the major methodological limit of the corpus of studies carried out on the effects of the Montessori curriculum, which is the lack of evaluation of its fidelity of implementation.

The Practices of Everyday Life and the Syrian Body: Art, Life, and Political Activism of the Syrian Crisis, 2011–2022

Masri Zada, Basil 16 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

A Study on Controllability for Automatic Terrain Generators

Arnoldsson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Procedural Content Generators (PCG) typically excel at generating a large amount of content in a short period of time. Whilst this is making PCG very applicable for the game industry, simplistic implementations of PCG lack in Usability whereas complex implementations of PCG lack in Controllability. The purpose of this study is therefore to deepen our understanding on the correlation between Controllability and Usability in algorithmic generators that utilizes a generic and constructive approach to generate terrain in games.Furthermore the findings in this study can be used in the field of procedural terrain generators to study deterministic generators that utilize Automatic generation, from a Usability or Controllability perspective.

La mise en oeuvre de la responsabilité civile dans le dispositif juridique régissant les recherches biomédicales : Une étude comparative entre le droit français et le droit irakien / Civil liability implementation in the legal system regulating biomedical research : Comparative study between French and Iraqi law / النظام القانوني لتنفيذ البحث الطبي الحيوي على الكائن البشري والمسؤولية المدنية الناجمة عنه دراسة تحليلية لنظام المسؤولية المدنية الخاص في القانون الفرنسي

Al iftaihat, Yassir 20 December 2011 (has links)
Les recherches biomédicales se sont imposées comme une nécessité sociale et leur place n’a pas cessé de prendre de l’importance dans le domaine médical. Leur encadrement juridique commence en 1988 avec la loi « Huriet », qui vient de mettre en place un régime de responsabilité civile régissant cette activité.Ce régime renforce la protection des victimes (et de leurs ayants droit) de recherches biomédicales en simplifiant la procédure d’indemnisation. Seul le tribunal de grande instance est compétent pour connaître des litiges en la matière et ce même s’il s’agit d’un promoteur du secteur public qui relève normalement du juge administratif. Le délai de prescription est de dix ans car les dommages ne peuvent pas apparaître immédiatement après la fin de la recherche. La victime et ses ayants droit peuvent demander l’indemnisation des dommages matériels et moraux subis à l’occasion de la réalisation de la recherche. Dans les cas où la responsabilité du promoteur n’est pas engagée, la victime peut toujours demander une indemnisation à l’ONIAM, en déposant une demande auprès de la CRCI. La loi « Huriet » devrait concilier l’intérêt de la société avec ses valeurs fondamentales, et trouver le juste équilibre permettant d’assurer une protection parfaite aux individus se prêtant à ces recherches, sans entraver leur développement. / Biomedical research has emerged as a social necessity. Its importance has continued to grow in the medical field. Its legal framework began in 1988 with the law "Huriet", which established a civil liability governing this activity.Today’s legal system increases the protection of victims (and their dependents) of biomedical research by simplifying the procedures for plaintiffs to receive compensation. Only the High Court has the jurisdiction to hear disputes in this area and even if he is a proponent of the public sector is normally the administrative judge. The limitation period is ten years since the damage may not appear immediately at the end of the research. The victim and his/her dependents are entitled to compensation for material and moral damages incurred in connection with the conduct of research. In cases where the liability of the promoter is not involved, the victim can still claim compensation from the ONIAM by filing an application with the CRCI.The law "Huriet" should reconcile the interests of the society with its core values, and find the right balance to ensure a perfect protection to individuals suitable for this research, without hindering their development. / لقد فرضت الابحاث الطبية الحيوية كضرورة اجتماعية واتخذت أهمية لا يمكن الاستغناء عنها في المجال الطبي. وحيث ان تنفيذها على الكائن البشري أصبح مطردا، فان إحاطتها بقانون متكامل أصبح امرا لا مفر منه، وقد بدأ ذلك الأمر بتشريع قانون عام 1988 والذي اتى بالجديد عندما أحاط تنفيذ الابحاث الطبية على الكائن البشري بنظام مسؤولية مدنية. هذا النظام هدفه تدعيم حماية المشاركين بالبحث من خلال تعويض المتضرر منهم او خلفه العام من خلال تبسيط اجراءات التعويض. فحدد هذا القانون الاختصاص حصريا بالمحكمة البدائية في النظر بالخصومات المتعلقة بتنفيذ الابحاث الطبية على الكائن البشري، حتى لو كان القائم على تنفيذ البحث شخص من القانون العام. والذي من المفترض ان يكون الاختصاص حينها للقاضي الاداري. هذا وقد حدد قانون عام 1988 مدة التقادم بعشرة سنوات من وقت انتهاء تنفيذ البحث، لان الاضرار قد لا تظهر إلا بعد مدة من تنفيذ البحث. فالمتضرر أو خلفه العام يستطيعون المطالبة بالتعويض على الاضرار المادية والادبية التي نجمت عن تنفيذ البحث الطبي. لكن في حالة اثبات عدم وجود خطا من القائم بالبحث الطبي أي انه غير مسؤول عن الاضرار، فان المتضرر يحق له حينها بموجب هذا القانون اللجوء إلى المطالبة بالتعويض من خلال الهيئة الوطنية للتعويض عن الحوادث الطبية. خلاصة القول، إن قانون عام 1988 سعى لايجاد موازنة ما بين الفائدة التي تعود على المجتمع من تنفيذ البحث وبين ضمان حماية المشارك بالبحث بالشكل الذي يكفل حرمة الجسد البشري دون ان يؤدي ذلك إلى وضع العقبات أمام تنفيذ الابحاث الهامة للمجتمع

The significance of Auditor-General in the control of public funds in local government with specific reference to Mopani District Municipality

Maake, Mapula Reginah 09 1900 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies / The aim of the study investigates the significance of Auditor General in the control of public funds in local government with specific reference to Mopani District Municipality in order to make recommendations that can assist in improving the control of public funds. The research identifies and assesses weaknesses in how Mopani District Municipality has been controlling its public funds by analyzing the Auditor General reports for the past three financial years and its implications to service delivery. The research further assesses the role played by Auditor General in influencing the internal financial control of the municipality and in auditing the performance of the municipality since in other municipalities money is paid to contractors for services not rendered. The study provides academic input into public administration, specifically in the area of improving service delivery performance, control and financial performance management in municipalities. The study could contribute to the establishment of effective ways of monitoring the control of public funds by municipalities. / NRF

Transformation of a service organisation through participatory action research

Harrison, Elaine Sonet 11 1900 (has links)
The research aimed to pro-activeiy embark in an internal transformation process, in order to improve efficiency of the Social Work Department of Gauteng Medical Command of the South African Military Health Service. Participatory action research as a qualitative research design was- used. The intervention identification process was implemented as a problem-solving technique to direct the process of transformation-change. The research was conducted by a research group often social workers from the South African National Defence Force. The results of the research were the implementation of interventions on identified systems, namely the service delivery system and the performance management system of the Social Work Department of Gauteng Medical Command. The use of particpatorv action research as a process to address problems in an organisation was confirmed. The contribution of the participatory action process to process outcomes, such as empowerment and learning, was also indicated in the findings. / Social Work / MA(SS) (Mental Health)

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