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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teaterledare på 120 timmar? : En studie om skapandet av en teaterledarutbildning

Schönfeldt, Ylva January 2014 (has links)
This paper is a qualitative study of the pedagogical conditions and the knowledge necessary for the creation and development of an education regarding leadership in the field of amateur theatre. The purpose of the study has been for participants to reflect and create knowledge about the creation and implementation of a course for leaders of amateur theatre. Questions raised in the study concern the students’ previous experience of drama, theatre and leadership; their desire to become leaders of theatre; their own view of their need for knowledge for their future leadership; their understanding of the contents of the education and the theoretical perspectives upon which a course in theatre leadership can build. Finally, the participants’ perceptions of difficulties and possibilities of working as theatre leaders were investigated. All 13 participants have answered a questionnaire regarding their previous experience of drama, theatre and leadership and also about why they want to become theatre leaders. The participants have also taken part in four focus conversations regarding what they think they learned, how they value the knowledge they gained and what knowledge they feel will be needed in a future leadership. The data has been analyzed hermeneutically to find patterns in the participants’ perceptions of their learning. The results show that participants consider it being useful to work in groups with exercises related to their future leadership. In doing so, they reinforced prior knowledge and developed new knowledge within all areas of the education. The results also show that several participants fear there will be financial constraints and a lot of solitary work in the future. The opportunities expressed regard the participants’ increased ability to provide opportunities for children and young people to play theatre and thus develop in the art of theatre as well as personally.

Kroppsliggörande, erfarenhet och pedagogiska processer : en undersökning av lärande av kroppstekniker

Andersson, Joacim January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to theoretically explore and empirically analyse practical embodied knowledge in educational settings. In accordance to this aim an approach of body pedagogics is used in combination with classical pragmatism, using foremost William James’ and John Dewey’s concepts of experience, meaning, inquiry and habit. In addition, these concepts are combined with an idea of reflexive body techniques. A main focus lies on investigating the learning of body techniques in dinghy sailing by studying the process and the product of teaching and learning, the role of the instructor for sailors’ learning and the interplay between teaching and learning. The thesis entails three case studies consisting of video recordings of dinghy sailing, all using a combination of theoretical explorations and practical epistemology analysis (PEA). Empirical focus lies on how sailors grow into purposeful body techniques by taking the measure of their ongoing, continuous experience while coordinating their movements with the environment. The analyses show how understandings and bodily skills are simultaneously used in the educational situations where the dinghy sailors have to handle both the environment and various instructions given by the trainer. The result is presented through a descriptive model, comprising theoretical explorations and empirical analysis, through which it is possible to emphasise both the process and the content of the learning of body techniques. The methodological contribution of the thesis thus also consists of developed tools for analysing processes of body pedagogics at a micro level.

Jag ser inte likvärdigheten i mötet vid dörren : En diskursorienterad analys av föräldrasamverkan med föräldrar med begränsade svenskkunskaper / I see no equivalence in everyday meetings

Källebo, Annica, Gard, Carolina January 2015 (has links)
The establishment of functional parental-involvement in preschools has become a larger and more complex area since the Swedish curriculum was revised in 2010. Parental involvement is important, not only as an incentive for the individual child’s development, but also regarding a democratic perspective of parent participation. The diversity of parents makes overall strategic governmental efforts to enable parental-involvement ineffective and each preschool must handle the heterogeneous parental group in their area. Parents who lack the knowledge of Swedish are more likely to be excluded from strategic parental-involvement efforts in preschools, which made us curious to inquire into efforts that aim to include non-Swedish-speaking parents. Through interviews with preschool teachers and managers we aimed to discover discourse orientated patterns in discussions regarding non-Swedish speaking-parents overall and look into which methods and aspects teachers found critical in constructing functional parental-involvement with this specific group. We executed a discourse-orientated analyze on our findings and relate it to methods mentioned by teachers to see how they impact each other. We found that teachers describe the group issued in ways of both similarities with the general group of parents and at the same time as distinctive characters with unique needs and therefor organized their parental-involvement efforts accordingly.

Positionering bland pedagoger och barn : En fallstudie om makt och relationer på fritidshemmet / Positioning among educators and children : A case study of interaction and power relations at an after school programme in Sweden

Engström, Malin, Larsson, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att belysa och analysera interaktion mellan pedagoger och barn på en fritidshemsavdelning med fokus på maktförhållanden. Som empirisk grund för arbetet ligger de observationer vi har gjort på ett fritidshem. För att analysera våra observationer har vi använt oss av positioneringsteori och intersektionell teori.En av studiens slutsatser är att olika pedagoger positionerar sig själv och barnen på olika sätt. Vi lyfter fram exempel på fyra olika pedagogpositioner. Dessa kallar vi en auktoritär, en kommunikativ, en närhetsskapande och en fostrande pedagogposition. Studien visar vidare att pedagogerna återkommande utmanar överordnade, underordnade och likvärdiga positioneringar bland barnen. Vi kallar detta för pedagogiska repositioneringar, och vi tolkar det som ett sätt att försöka utjämna ojämlika förhållanden i barngruppen. Olika kategoriseringar som kön, ålder och etnicitet verkar spela roll för vilka positioner som finns tillgängliga både för barn och pedagoger. Ytterligare ett resultat av studien är att kulturella berättelser, så kallade storylines, ofta verkar utgöra ramar för vilka handlingar och tolkningar som är tillgängliga för de inblandade. Dessa kan verka begränsande och befästande av positioner. / The purpose of this study to analyze interaction between educators and children at an after- school programme, focusing on power relations. To create the empirical data for this Bachelor's thesis we have performed observations at one after- school programme. The theoretical framework we used for the analysis is a combination of positioning theory and intersectional theory.Among our results we find that different educators position themselves and the children in different ways. We present and discuss four main pedagogical positions for educators that we identified in our field work. These are: an authoritarian educator position, a communicative educator position, an intimacy creating educator position and a fostering educator position. The study showed that the educators recurringly challenge superior, equal and subordinate positions among the children. We choose to call this phenomena pedagogic repositioning. It is understandable as an intent to remediate unequal relationships between children. In the study patterns emerge of how categories such as gender, age and ethnicity has importance for a person's available positions and repertoire of actions. Another result is that cultural stories called storylines often limits the actions and interpretations of the studies’ participants.

Äldre, hemtjänst och genus : En studie i skillnader mellan äldre kvinnor och mäns upplevelser och erfarenheter i samband med hjälp från kommunal hemtjänst.

Björn, Camilla, Olsson, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>The intention of our study was to examine differences in experiences between elderly women and men from the home–help service. It’s a qualitative study based on interviews and data collection.</p><p>Five categories are presented in the result of the study. The categories are based on interviews with three elderly women and three elderly men who all have home–help service. In our study focus have been put into gender in aspect of man as normality in society, the contract between gender and aspects of power between genders at home. The result of the study indicate that the contract between gender is strongly socialized among the respondents and constitute a big part of their identity.</p><p>The study show that women experience of home–help service are significantly different from men. They feel a larger dependence in connection of home – help service, but at the same time they also feel relief to be released from some of the work at home. In connection with home – help service women change their social position as a affect of the help, women go from caregivers to caretakers. Men have always been care takers, possibly now the care giver have changed shape.</p> / <p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka skillnader i äldre kvinnors och mäns upplevelser och erfarenheter i samband med kommunal hemtjänst. Undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie och som datainsamlingsinstrument har intervjuer använts.</p><p>I resultatet redovisas fem teman som framkom genom intervjuer med sex äldre personer, fördelat på tre kvinnor och tre män, som alla har hemtjänst. Dessa teman har analyserats utifrån ett genusperspektiv med fokus på teorier om mannen som norm, genuskontraktet och maktaspekter av genus i hemmet. Resultatet visar att genuskontraktets uppdelning av kvinnogöra och mansgöra är starkt socialiserat hos respondenterna och utgör en stor och avgörande del av deras identitet.</p><p>I studien tycker vi oss se att kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av hemtjänsten är betydligt mer omvälvande än männens. Till skillnad från männen upplever kvinnorna ett större beroende av hemtjänsten i kombination med en lättnad att befrias från vissa hushållssysslor. I och med hjälpen från hemtjänsten förändras kvinnans sociala position från omsorgsgivare till omsorgstagare vilket hon upplever som både en påfrestning och en befrielse. Detta till skillnad från mannens vars sociala position inte förändras som en effekt av hjälpen. Han är fortsatt omsorgstagare – möjligen har omsorgsgivaren bytt skepnad.</p>

Por outras espacialidades: uma cartografia da pedagogização no Parque Ibirapuera, SP / For other spatialities: a cartography of pedagogization at Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo

Chaves, Ana Paula Nunes 23 September 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como propósito principal perspectivar analiticamente como os processos de pedagogização forjam e governam determinados espaços e espacialidades. Para tanto, partimos do pressuposto de que as práticas sociais são moduladas por jogos de força que as criam e recriam espacialmente, sobretudo por meio de mecanismos pedagogizantes que ultrapassam o âmbito educacional formal, alastrando-se cada vez mais no cenário urbano contemporâneo. Assim, propomo-nos a analisar a relação entre educação e produção de espaços/espacialidades nas práticas instituídas no Parque Ibirapuera-SP. A investigação tem como marco teórico o pensamento de Michel Foucault, além de mobilizar os trabalhos de Doreen Massey, Edward Soja, Henri Lefebvre, David Harvey e Rodrigo Valverde. A cartografia realizada pleiteia-se, portanto, uma derivação da perspectiva arqueogenealógica foucaultiana. De acordo com tal referencial, assinalaram-se práticas que permitiram dimensionar as transformações pedagógicas e espaciais do Parque desde sua criação, apontando para os modos como atualmente se perfaz o governamento das espacialidades e, em igual medida, as contracondutas aí tornadas possíveis. Além do levantamento bibliográfico, operamos segundo duas frentes de trabalho complementares: em primeiro lugar, a análise de documentos oficiais acerca do Parque, dos Processos da Comissão do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo e de discursos jornalísticos veiculados a seu respeito pelo jornal O Estado de S. Paulo em diferentes décadas; em segundo, a observação e o registro de práticas contemporâneas ali em curso. Os resultados evidenciam uma racionalidade vincada em práticas de pedagogização, e estas, aliadas a tecnologias específicas de governamento dos espaços. Um cenário que apresenta lógicas de governo heterogêneas, que coexistem através do tempo, ajustando-se, desajustando-se ou alterando-se. Não obstante, um campo vivo de forças, de sujeitos e práticas de subjetivação. A história arqueogenealógica do Parque, assim como dos diferentes mecanismos pedagogizantes ali em voga, possibilitou deslindar o trânsito dos espaços e o governo das espacialidades pela população que dele faz uso, além das diferentes contestações dos arranjos até então configurados, demarcando traços fugidios de uma heterotopia urbana. / This work main purpose is to create an analytical perspective for how the pedagogical processes forge and govern certain spaces and spatiality. For this, we assume that social practices are modulated by power games that create and recreate them spatially, especially through pedagogical mechanisms that go beyond the formal educational context, increasingly spreading in the contemporary urban scenario. Thus, we propose to analyze the relationship between education and the production of space/spatiality in the practices established on Ibirapuera Park-SP. The investigation has as theoretical framework the thought of Michel Foucault, and mobilizes the works of Doreen Massey, Edward Soja, Henri Lefebvre, David Harvey and Rodrigo Valverde. The mapping performed pleads, therefore, a derivation of the Foucauldian archaeogenealogycal perspective. According to this framework, some practices that enabled to size the pedagogical spatial transformations of the Park since its creation where singed, pointing to the ways in which currently the spatiality govern is made, in equal measure, the contraconducts then made possible. In addition to the literature, we operate according to two complementary work fronts: first, the analysis of official documents about the park, the Processes Commission of the fourth centenary of the city of São Paulo and journalistic discourses about the park conveyed by the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo in different decades; Second, the observation and recording of contemporary practices there in progress. The results show a rationality founded in pedagogical practices, and these, together with specific technologies of government of the spaces. A scenario that presents logics of heterogeneous government, which coexist over time, adjusting, maladjustment or alternating. Nevertheless, a living field of powers, of subjects and subjectivity practices. The archaeogenealogycal history of the Park, as well as the different pedagogical mechanisms there in vogue, allowed to unravel the transit of spaces and the government of the spatialitys by the population that makes use of it, in addition to the different challenges of the previously configured arrangements, marking fleeting traces of an urban heterotopia.

Por outras espacialidades: uma cartografia da pedagogização no Parque Ibirapuera, SP / For other spatialities: a cartography of pedagogization at Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo

Ana Paula Nunes Chaves 23 September 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como propósito principal perspectivar analiticamente como os processos de pedagogização forjam e governam determinados espaços e espacialidades. Para tanto, partimos do pressuposto de que as práticas sociais são moduladas por jogos de força que as criam e recriam espacialmente, sobretudo por meio de mecanismos pedagogizantes que ultrapassam o âmbito educacional formal, alastrando-se cada vez mais no cenário urbano contemporâneo. Assim, propomo-nos a analisar a relação entre educação e produção de espaços/espacialidades nas práticas instituídas no Parque Ibirapuera-SP. A investigação tem como marco teórico o pensamento de Michel Foucault, além de mobilizar os trabalhos de Doreen Massey, Edward Soja, Henri Lefebvre, David Harvey e Rodrigo Valverde. A cartografia realizada pleiteia-se, portanto, uma derivação da perspectiva arqueogenealógica foucaultiana. De acordo com tal referencial, assinalaram-se práticas que permitiram dimensionar as transformações pedagógicas e espaciais do Parque desde sua criação, apontando para os modos como atualmente se perfaz o governamento das espacialidades e, em igual medida, as contracondutas aí tornadas possíveis. Além do levantamento bibliográfico, operamos segundo duas frentes de trabalho complementares: em primeiro lugar, a análise de documentos oficiais acerca do Parque, dos Processos da Comissão do IV Centenário da Cidade de São Paulo e de discursos jornalísticos veiculados a seu respeito pelo jornal O Estado de S. Paulo em diferentes décadas; em segundo, a observação e o registro de práticas contemporâneas ali em curso. Os resultados evidenciam uma racionalidade vincada em práticas de pedagogização, e estas, aliadas a tecnologias específicas de governamento dos espaços. Um cenário que apresenta lógicas de governo heterogêneas, que coexistem através do tempo, ajustando-se, desajustando-se ou alterando-se. Não obstante, um campo vivo de forças, de sujeitos e práticas de subjetivação. A história arqueogenealógica do Parque, assim como dos diferentes mecanismos pedagogizantes ali em voga, possibilitou deslindar o trânsito dos espaços e o governo das espacialidades pela população que dele faz uso, além das diferentes contestações dos arranjos até então configurados, demarcando traços fugidios de uma heterotopia urbana. / This work main purpose is to create an analytical perspective for how the pedagogical processes forge and govern certain spaces and spatiality. For this, we assume that social practices are modulated by power games that create and recreate them spatially, especially through pedagogical mechanisms that go beyond the formal educational context, increasingly spreading in the contemporary urban scenario. Thus, we propose to analyze the relationship between education and the production of space/spatiality in the practices established on Ibirapuera Park-SP. The investigation has as theoretical framework the thought of Michel Foucault, and mobilizes the works of Doreen Massey, Edward Soja, Henri Lefebvre, David Harvey and Rodrigo Valverde. The mapping performed pleads, therefore, a derivation of the Foucauldian archaeogenealogycal perspective. According to this framework, some practices that enabled to size the pedagogical spatial transformations of the Park since its creation where singed, pointing to the ways in which currently the spatiality govern is made, in equal measure, the contraconducts then made possible. In addition to the literature, we operate according to two complementary work fronts: first, the analysis of official documents about the park, the Processes Commission of the fourth centenary of the city of São Paulo and journalistic discourses about the park conveyed by the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo in different decades; Second, the observation and recording of contemporary practices there in progress. The results show a rationality founded in pedagogical practices, and these, together with specific technologies of government of the spaces. A scenario that presents logics of heterogeneous government, which coexist over time, adjusting, maladjustment or alternating. Nevertheless, a living field of powers, of subjects and subjectivity practices. The archaeogenealogycal history of the Park, as well as the different pedagogical mechanisms there in vogue, allowed to unravel the transit of spaces and the government of the spatialitys by the population that makes use of it, in addition to the different challenges of the previously configured arrangements, marking fleeting traces of an urban heterotopia.

Vilken funktion fyller den sociala dokumentationen i hemvården och hur påverkas arbetssituationen av IT som dess arbetsredskap?

Talman, Lena, Lundh, Lena January 2007 (has links)
<p>Idag talas det mycket om den sociala dokumentationens och IT:s betydelse inom omsorgen. Kontentan av denna debatt är dels att den sociala dokumentationen är nödvändig och dels att IT är ett bra hjälpmedel. I den tidigare forskning som belyser detta område är personalen positivt inställd till både dokumentationen och användandet av IT. När det gäller den sociala dokumentationen så är den lagstadgad, tillsynsmyndigheten är i detta fall Länsstyrelsen. Länsstyrelsen har ofta kommit med kritik över hur denna dokumentation sköts. Detta väckte vårt intresse för hur personalen upplever den sociala dokumentationen och IT som arbetsredskap. Syftet med vår undersökning är därför att belysa personalens upplevelse av den sociala dokumentationens funktion i det dagliga arbetet och vilken roll IT-arbetsredskapet har i sammanhanget. För att belysa detta syfte har vi valt en kvalitativ metod som utgår ifrån intervjuer. Den vetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkten har varit grundad teori. Resultatet visar på en rad olika faktorer som har betydelse för personalens upplevelse av vikten att genomföra den sociala dokumentationen och att använda sig av IT-arbetsredskapet. För att ytterligare utröna faktorernas betydelse har dessa även kopplats till en motivationsteori och en motivationsmodell.</p>

Chefers inställningar och attityder till delat ledarskap

Linder, Annika, Cedergren, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna studie belyser vad ett delat ledarskap kan innebära för vård och omsorgsverksamheten i Nyköpings kommun. Tanken med uppsatsen är att få fram mer kunskap om begreppet delat ledarskap och om Nyköpings kommuns chefer är positivt eller negativt inställda till att dela ledarskap.</p><p>Frågeställningarna är:</p><p>Vilken syn har divisionschef/områdeschefer och enhetschefer på delat ledarskap?</p><p>Vad lägger divisionschef/områdeschefer och enhetschefer in i begreppet delat ledarskap?</p><p>Vad anser divisionschef/områdeschefer att enhetschefer ska kunna dela på och vad anser enhetscheferna själva?</p><p>Undersökningen bygger på en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metod med en hermeneutisk ansats. I undersökningen ingår en enkät- och intervjuundersökning för att få ett bredare och djupare resultat.</p>

Det bästa är att det inte är någon som säger vad man ska göra, utan man kan göra saker själv : Om ungdomar i särskolan och deras tankar om framtiden

Källstedt, Gunnel, Kindahl, Annika January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med vår studie är att öka förståelsen för de framtidsplaner och funderingar som ungdomar i gymnasiesärskolan har vad det gäller fritid, boende och arbete. Empowermentperspektivet har utgjort en teoretisk utgångspunkt för studien och hermeneutiken har inspirerat oss i analysen. Kvalitativ metod har använts i undersökningen och intervjuer genomfördes med ungdomar med lindrig/måttlig utvecklingsstörning. Resultatet visar att undersökningsgruppen i stor utsträckning har likartade tankar som ungdomar i allmänhet. Resultatet delades i fyra områden: Fritid, boende, arbete och självbestämmande. Särskoleungdomarnas tankar om självbestämmande visar på ett stort intresse för möjligheten att kunna påverka sin nuvarande och framtida livssituation. De fritidsaktiviteter som intervjupersonerna har i dag är många och av varierande slag, men oftast anpassade för denna målgrupp. Ett eget boende i framtiden är något som våra intervjupersoner ser fram emot, men önskan av boendealternativ verkar i stor utsträckning vara påverkad av föräldrarnas åsikter. Vad det gäller önskan om kommande arbete och sysselsättning är drömmarna mycket varierande. Yrkesvalet är ofta inspirerat av det arbete som ungdomarna provat på under sin praktik i gymnasiesärskolan, eller av föräldrarnas yrke.</p>

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