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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klasės auklėtojo vadybinė kompetencija ugdymo procese / Management competence of classroom tutor in education process

Šedienė, Daiva 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama klasės auklėtojo vadybinė kompetencija ugdymo procese. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas- ištirti klasės auklėtojų vadybinės kompetencijos naudojimo ugdymo procese lygį. Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama medžiaga apie kompetenciją, pedagogo kompetencijas, vadybą, pedagogo vadybinę kompetenciją bei klasės auklėtoją, apimant jo atliekamas funkcijas ir pareigas bei jas siejant su vadybine kompetencija. Praktinėje darbo dalyje pateikiami klasės auklėtojų ir mokinių apklausos rezultatai: teorinės klasės auklėtojų žinios apie vadybinę kompetenciją, vadybinės kompetencijos naudojimo ugdymo procese dažnumą bei kokybę bei vadovavimo klasei stilius. / The article provides management competence of classroom tutor and management competence using level and using rate in education process. This work concists of two parts: theoretical part in wich are introducing educator competences, educator management competence and classroom tutor and practical part in wich it is given four research work results evaluations: classroom tutor distribution af academic management competence knowledges; respondents (classroom tutor, pupil) assesment of management competence level; respondents (classroom tutor, pupil) assesment of management competence using rate and respondents assesment of mostly usable management style, wich is using in the classs.

Specialiojo pedagogo funkcijos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Functions of special pedagogue in basic school

Trinkūnienė, Jūratė 15 June 2005 (has links)
The last 15 years have brought a lot of changes to the upbringing of children with the special disorders. Children with insignificant intellectual disorders, also children having specific learning disorders are started to be taught at secondary schools. Until 1991 the biggest part of these children has been taught at special schools for children with intellectual disorders. At present, children who have not been taught at all came to special schools. Children who have been taught at secondary schools now form majority at secondary schools. In this connection, there was a need to have specialized pedagogues at secondary schools. Their functions and duties have been always discussed at media and in scientific conferences. However, the content of work of specialized pedagogues is not very clear. Object of work - preparedness of specialized pedagogues to work at secondary school. Problem of work - functions of specialized pedagogues at secondary school. Aim of work - to find out how the schedule of specialized pedagogues duties meets the expectations of pedagogues of secondary schools and the expectations of the specialized pedagogues. Goals of work: 1. to study pedagogical and special literature about the content of work and aims of specialized pedagogue at secondary school. 2. to analyze the content and methods of specialized pedagogue who works at secondary school. 3. to find out the priorities of work spheres of specialized pedagogue, how it is perceived by specialized... [to full text]

Pedagogo specialiųjų kompetencijų ypatumai, ugdant specialiųjų poreikių turinčius vaikus / Peculiarities of the educator's special competence while educating children with special needs

Paukštienė, Genutė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Pastarųjų metų pasikeitimai visos Lietuvos valstybės gyvenime diktuoja naujus ir ganėtinai aukštus reikalavimus pedagogo kompetencijai. Perėmus europinę patirtį ugdyti neįgaliuosius kartu su normalios raidos bendraamžiais, pedagogams iškyla poreikis įgyti papildomos kompetencijos, ugdyti ypatingus, išskirtinius, t.y. (SP)specialiųjų poreikių turinčius vaikus. / The recent changes of in Lithuanija diktate neww and rather high requirements for the edukator's competence.Having absorbed the European experience of educating disabled children together with normally developed children of the same age, educators feel the need to gain additional competence how to edukate special, extraordinary children,i.e. children with special needs (SN children).

Mokyklos bendruomenės narių (mokytojų ir socialinių pedagogų) požiūris į socialinio pedagogo funkcijas / The members of school community (teachers and social pedagogues) attitude to the functions of the social pedagogue

Srėbalienė, Dovilė 03 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas - analizuoti mokytojų ir socialinių pedagogų požiūrį į socialinio pedagogo funkcijas ir atlikti šių požiūrių lyginamąją analizę. Tyrime dalyvavo 198 respondentai: 59 socialiniai pedagogai ir 139 mokytojai. Tyrimas buvo atliktas Telšių apskrityje. Anketinės apklausos metodu (anketa sudaryta Andriuškevičienės (2005)) tirta mokytojų ir socialinių pedagogų požiūris į socialinio pedagogo funkcijas. Tyrimo hipotezė: tikėtina, jog mokytojai socialinio pedagogo funkcijas vertina mažiau palankiai nei patys socialiniai pedagogai. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, jog mokytojai socialinio pedagogo funkcijas vertina teigiamai, tačiau 40,83 proc. socialinio pedagogo funkcijų vertinamos kaip nelabai svarbios ar nesvarbios. Pastebėta, jog socialiniai pedagogai savo atliekamas funkcijas vertina teigiamai, tačiau nemažą dalį sudaro neutralus ir neigiamas vertinimai. Išanalizavus duomenis pagal pasirinktą kintamąjį – darbas ugdymo klasėse – nustatyta, jog mokytojai teigiamai vertina socialinio pedagogo funkciją – individualų darbą su mokiniu, o bendradarbiavimą su institucijomis bei darbą su pedagogais, mokyklos administracija vertina nepalankiai. Nustatyta, jog nepriklausomai nuo darbo stažo, tiek mokytojai, tiek socialiniai pedagogai neigiamai vertina darbo su pedagogais, mokyklos administracija bei bendradarbiavimo su institucijomis funkcijas. Taip pat atskleista, jog mokytojai darbo su pedagogais ir mokyklos administracija funkciją laiko svarbesne (10 proc. daugiau), nei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim – to analyze the approach to the functions of teachers and social pedagogues and to carry out the comparative analysis. The study included 198 respondents: 59 social pedagogues and 139 teachers. The study was carried out in Telsiai district. The approach of teachers and social pedagogues to the functions of social pedagogue was investigated by questionnaires (questionnaires made by Andriuskeviciene (2005)). Hypothesis: it is likely that teachers are less favourable of the social pedagogues functions than social pedagogues themselves. The study found that teachers assess the functions of social pedagogue positively, however, 40,83 percent of social pedagogue‘s functions were assessed as not very essential or insignificant. It was noted that social pedagogues assess their own functions positively, but there was a fair part of neutral and negative evaluations. After the analysis of selected variable – work in training classes – it was found that teachers are positive with the function of social pedagogue – individual work with a student, and the collaboration with institutions and work with teachers, school administration evaluate adversely. It was found that, regardless of seniority, teachers and social pedagogues assess working functions with teachers, school administration and co-operation with institutions. It also revealed that teachers work with teachers and school administration is more important (10 percent more) that the co-operation with the authorities... [to full text]

Grafinio dizaino mokymas kaip dailinio ugdymo proceso dalis popamokinėje veikloje / Graphic design training as a part of art education process in after-school activities

Petravičius, Mindaugas 11 August 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas — teorinių prielaidų pagrindu sukurti grafinio dizaino mokymo kaip dailinio ugdymo proceso dalies modelį popamokinėje veikloje. Darbą sudaro įvadas, kuriame suformuluotas jo tikslas, apibūdinti uždaviniai, pagrįstas temos aktualumas, trys teorinės darbo dalys, susijusios su temos tikslu bei empirinio tyrimo dalis, kurioje pateikta praktinio grafinio dizaino mokymo modelio raiškos duomenų analizė. Darbas pabaigtas keturiomis teorinę ir empirinę jo dalį apibendrinančiomis išvadomis, literatūros sąrašu, santrauka anglų kalba (summary) ir priedais. Siekiant darbo tikslo, suformuluoti keturi tyrimo uždaviniai, kurių kiekvienas aptariamas atskiroje darbo dalyje. Pirmasis uždavinys: apibūdinti meninio ugdymo ypatumus popamokinėje veikloje. Siekiant šio ir antrojo uždavinio — atskleisti vizualinės ir semantinės grafinio dizaino kalbos ugdomąjį potencialą — išanalizuoti švietimo įstatymų dokumentai, mokslinė, pedagoginė literatūra. Kitam uždaviniui, teorinio grafinio dizaino mokymo modelio sudarymui, panaudotos mokslininkų rekomendacijos meninio ugdymo veiklą paremti ne santykiu su jau esamu meno kūriniu, o pedagoginiu poveikiu kūrybinio proceso metu. Taip pat rekomenduojama grafinio dizaino modelio praktinei raiškai naudoti aktyvaus mokymosi metodus: mokymąsi per patirtį, reflektyvų ugdymą, o taip pat skirti nuolatinį dėmesį pedagogo kompetencijų ugdymui. Siekiant ketvirto uždavinio — ištirti grafinio dizaino mokymo modelio, sudarytą teorinio tyrimo pagrindu, raišką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this thesis was to create a research based theoretical model for the graphic design training as a part of the art education process in the after-school activities. The thesis consists of introduction where the purpose of the thesis is formulated, the methods of the research are determined, the relevance of the subject is reasoned, three theoretical parts directly connected with the purpose of the thesis ant the part of empiric research consisting of the analysis of the practical data of graphic design training model implementation. The thesis is concluded with the four findings that summarises the theoretical and empirical parts, the list of literature resources and the annexes. In order to achieve the above mentioned purpose, four goals were formulated and each of them separately discussed. The first goal was to describe the art training distinctive features in the after-school activities. This goal as well as the second ¬– to reveal visual and semantic potential of the graphic design – was achieved through analysis of the legislation and scientific literature resources. The subsequent goal was to create a theoretical graphic design training model and it was achieved using scientific recommendations to base art training not on the relation to the already existing art work but on the pedagogical influence during the creation process. For the realization of the model active training methods, reflective practise are recommended to be applied and pedagogical... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo ypatumų gimnazijoje analizė:pedagogų ir tėvų požiūrio aspektas / The analysis of communication peculiarities of a social pedagogue at gymnasium focusing on the aspect of the attitude of pedagogues and parents has been carried out in the thesis

Musvicienė, Žydra 04 August 2011 (has links)
Darbe atlikta socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo ypatumų gimnazijoje analizė: pedagogų ir tėvų požiūrio aspektu. Literatūros apžvalgoje nagrinėjama socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo samprata, ypatumai, problemos bei socialinio pedagogo kompetencijos sprendžiant socioedukacines problemas. Tyrime dalyvavo 176 pedagogai ir 15 mokinių tėvų. Anketinės apklausos metodu ir pusiau struktūruoto interviu metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - atskleisti socialinio pedagogo ir gimnazijos bendruomenės bendradarbiavimo ypatumus sprendžiant mokinių socioedukacines problemas. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti tėvų, pedagogų bei socialinių pedagogų požiūrį į bendradarbiavimą bei jo galimybes gimnazijoje, nustatyti bendradarbiavimo plėtotę skatinančius bei trukdančius veiksnius, atskleisti tinkamiausias bendradarbiavimo formas sprendžiant mokinių socioedukacines problemas, sukurti bendradarbiavimo modelį socioedukacinių problemų sprendimui. Darbe keliama hipotezė: tikėtina, kad socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimas su ugdymo institucijos bendruomene yra viena iš svarbių jo veiklos krypčių, pasitvirtino. Atlikta kokybinė ir statistinė duomenų analizė. Keletas pagrindinių išvadų: 1.Bendradarbiavimas būtinas ir reikšmingas sprendžiant patyčių, motyvacijos, mokyklos nelankymo, elgesio, mokytojų ir mokinių tarpusavio bendravimo problemas, remiantis tėvų nuomone. 2.Sėkmingą bendradarbiavimą skatinantys veiksniai išreiškiami kaip savalaikė ir reikalinga informacija, individualios asmeninės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The literature review deals with communication conception of a social pedagogue, peculiarities, problems and competences of a social pedagogue solving socio-educational questions. 176 pedagogues and 15 parents have taken part in the research. The research has been conducted using a questionaire and semi-structured interview method. The aim of this research is to reveal communication peculiarities between a social pedagogue and a school community solving pupils‘ socio-educational problems. Objectives: to make analysis of the attitude of parents, pedagogues and social pedagogues towards the communication and its possibilities at gymnasium, to define factors which stimulate or hinder the development of communication, to identify the most appropriate forms of communication in solving pupils‘ socio-educational problems, to establish a communication pattern for achieving a solution to socio-educational problems. In the sudy the hypothesis: it is likely, that communication of a social pedagogue with a community of an educational institution is one of the most important aspects of his work, has been confirmed. The research methodology has been based on the qualitative and statistical analysis. There are several key findings: 1.According to the parents‘ opinion communication is both essential and significant in solving such problems as bullying, lack of motivation, poor school attendance, bad behaviour, communication problems between teachers and pupils, 2.Factors, which... [to full text]

Trajet?rias constru?das em caminhos (n?o) planejados: os sentidos formativos da escrita no est?gio supervisionado obrigat?rio do curso de Pedagogia da UFMA

Paix?o, Maria do Socorro Estrela 16 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-08-25T20:29:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaDoSocorroEstrelaPaixao_TESE.pdf: 1415118 bytes, checksum: f46ca314976de95219ab4739380727bd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-25T23:23:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaDoSocorroEstrelaPaixao_TESE.pdf: 1415118 bytes, checksum: f46ca314976de95219ab4739380727bd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T23:23:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaDoSocorroEstrelaPaixao_TESE.pdf: 1415118 bytes, checksum: f46ca314976de95219ab4739380727bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a a??o mediadora docente e a sua implica??ocom a orienta??o dos relat?rios no Est?gio Supervisionado Obrigat?rio (ESO), no processode gest?o do curr?culo de forma??o do pedagogo. Partimos do pressuposto de que ossentidos atribu?dos ? gest?o do curr?culo pelos docentes formadores relacionam-se maiscom a forma como cada um entende sua a??o mediadora no processo de orienta??o deatividades did?tico-pedag?gicas e menos com a ades?o a um projeto comum, qual seja: oProjeto Pedag?gico do Curso (PPC). Rssim, o nosso objetivo central corresponde acompreender os sentidos atribu?dos pelos 'docentes formadores ao processo de gest?o docurr?culo, tendo como foco a sua a??o no ESO do curso de Pedagogia da UFMA.Buscamos, de um lado, indicativos das rela??es estabeleci das por eles, entre a suaexperi?ncia profissional e as pr?ticas de orienta??o dos relat?rios em processo no curso.Por outro lado, mobiliza-nos, nesta pesquisa, a preocupa??o tamb?m com os sentidosformat?vos atribu?dos ? escrita do relat?rio pelos docentes do curso de Pedagogia daUFMA. Para tanto, como refer?ncia principal, utilizamos as entrevistas realizadas einterpretadas por meio da metodologia da Entrevista Compreensiva. A partir dos discursosorais, compreendemos que, embora as a??es mediadoras docentes da produ??o escrita noESO devam ser aperfei?oadas, seu processo no curso de Pedagogia configura-se como umarealidade associada a sentidos e pr?ticas diversos. Nesse sentido, defendemos que asorienta??es docentes na perspectiva da reflex?o critica, em que a escrita temfuncionalidade social, precisam ultrapassar a dimens?o individual, devendo ser debatidas eressignificadas como pr?ticas coletivas institucionalmente. Com esta pesquisa, esperamoscontribuir para as pesquisas sobre a a??o mediadora docente e a sua implica??o naorienta??o da escrita dos relat?rios de ESQ e no processo de gest?o do curr?culo deforma??o do pedagogo. / This research is taking as study aim the mediatory teaching action, its involvement with educational guidance reports of Supervised Obligatory Student Teaching in curriculum managing by formal teachers is more related to the form as each one understands the mediatory action of the pedagogy teaching activities than to the adherence of a common project, that is: the Course Pedagogy Project (CPP). Thus, our aim is meant to understand the attribution from the formal teachers to curriculum managing process, having as forms its action in the supervised obligatory student teaching at UFMA Pedagogy Course. On one side, we look for traces about established relation by them between their professional experience and their report guidance in current course. On the other hand, a research concern comes up to us on the forming meaning of the report writing by UFMA Pedagogy Teachers Course. In order to do that, we used interviews interpreted by means of methodology understanding interview. Starting from oral speeches, we understand that the managing formation in this course is linked to postures not identical and adjustable to conditions the teachers have access. We identify a curriculum subject group and a group that by their conformation adapted is considered as object group of curriculum practices. As for the mediatory action in writing formation process, we noticed that they contribute to teacher information at UFMA in the reflexive critic perspective and or in the bureaucratic reproduction perspective. The report writing at the end of the Supervised Obligatory internship is characteristic of quality quantity assessment display, as bureaucratic process and as reflexive display and didactic pedagogy activity intervention. We defend that the teachers? guidance under critical reflections, where the writing has a social role, must overcome individual dimension, they must be debated as collective and organized practices. We hope to contribute with such a research on teacher mediatory actions and their implementing with help of reporting writing guidance in the Supervised Obligatory Student Teaching in the Curriculum Teacher managing process.


Xavier, Wanda Borges 17 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:54:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WANDA BORGES XAVIER.pdf: 1624540 bytes, checksum: 6a104fe514248dc2753831c06b5fbc96 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-17 / The dissertation A Linguagem na Formação do Pedagogo: Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Pedagogia da UCG is a search that discusses the formation of the teacher, whose identity is now based on the exercise of teaching. The course of pedagogy at the Universidade Católica de Goiás - UCG is for the training of teachers for Education and Child series initials of elementary school, with the area of concentration in teaching, involves enabled them to act in different age groups, education formal, non-formal, school and non-school, provided it is a job teaching. The language because it is an element of utmost importance in forming cultural, scientific and aesthetic of a trader, leads us to ask: How the course of pedagogy at the U C G believes the language in the training of teacher? To answer that question takes as the unit of analysis: the Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Pedagogia/Departamento de Educação (2004-2006)the matrix subsidiou curriculum that the development of such Project and the plans to ofertadas course of the subjects in this matrix. As theoretical reference for the analysis opt for a framework that presents a socio-historical conception of language and education, designed by Vygotsky and by Bakhtin. Considering the existence of many specificities between these once the first round is for the investigation of the social formation of the mind and the second is specific dialogue as collective phenomenon, the place given to the language in such reflections enables us to bring them, without But erasing its natural elaborations. To think the redefinitions for which the course of pedagogy has been determined through history, we use the following documents: a) No LDB 9.394/96 b) Pareceres: CNE / CP n. 5/2005 (define National Curriculum Guidelines for the Graduate Course in education, degree), n. 3 2006) Resolution CNE / CP n. 01, from May 15, 2006, establishing the guidelines mentioned, and to change the course of pedagogy / EDU / UCG looked up the Projeto Pedagógico PP / EDU / UCG - March 2005. It was concluded that the language as trainer of consciences should be the basis for all academic discussion, especially in training courses for teachers, such as the course of pedagogy, which prepares professionals to work with children. / A dissertação A Linguagem na Formação do Pedagogo: Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Pedagogia da UCG é uma pesquisa que problematiza a formação do pedagogo, cuja identidade tem hoje como base o exercício da docência. O Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Católica de Goiás - UCG destina-se à formação de professores para a Educação Infantil e séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, com a área de concentração na docência, implica habilitá-los para atuarem em diferentes faixas etárias, ensino formal, não-formal, escolar e não-escolar, desde que seja um trabalho pedagógico. A linguagem, por ser um elemento de extrema importância na formação cultural, científica e estética desse profissional, induz-nos a perguntar: Como o Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Católica de Goiás considera a linguagem na formação do pedagogo? Para responder a essa questão toma como unidade de análise: o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Pedagogia/Departamento de Educação (2004-2006), a matriz curricular que subsidiou a elaboração de tal Projeto e os planos de curso das disciplinas ofertadas nessa matriz. Como referencial teórico de análise optamos por um arcabouço que apresenta uma concepção sócio-histórica de linguagem e de educação,concebida por Vygotsky e por Bakhtin. Mesmo considerando a existência de inúmeras especificidades entre esses, uma vez que o primeiro se volta para a investigação da formação social da mente e o segundo trata especificamente do diálogo como fenômeno coletivo, o lugar concedido à linguagem em tais reflexões nos possibilita aproximá-los, sem no entanto apagar suas singulares elaborações. Para pensar as redefinições pelas quais o Curso de Pedagogia tem sido determinado ao longo da história, recorremos aos seguintes documentos: a) LDB n. 9.394/96; b) Pareceres: CNE/CP n. 5/2005 (define Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Curso de Graduação em Pedagogia, licenciatura), n. 3/2006; c) Resolução CNE/CP n. 01, de 15 de maio de 2006, que institui as diretrizes citadas; e para situar o Curso de Pedagogia/EDU/UCG analisou-se o Projeto Pedagógico PP/EDU/UCG março de 2005. Concluiu-se que a linguagem, por ser formadora de consciências, deve ser a base de toda discussão acadêmica, principalmente nos cursos de formação de professores, como é o caso do Curso de Pedagogia, que prepara profissionais para trabalhar com crianças.

O trabalho do pedagogo na instituição não escolar

Fireman, Maria Derise 26 June 2006 (has links)
This work presents the historic trajectory of the pedagogy course, the changes of approach suffered by it through the legislations and the proposals of the educators movement in search of the construction of its objective, the profile and identity as a course, locus of formation of professionals in education. Our objective doing this passage is to reflect about the pedagogue formation, its performance outside the school and to show that, by means of the social, political and economic changes that the current society is suffering, there are many performances fields for pedagogues outside the school. Was realized for this a bibliographic study though the authors as Libâneo, Pimenta, Silva, Brzezinski, Chagas, Drucker and others, legal documents and proposals directed to CNE for the definition of the Pedagogy course. It was realized a field research whose objective was to search the pedagogue in others spheres of activities outside the school, the job developed by them and we perceived that its formation doesn t guarantee knowledge and security to develop the activities that are demanded in this professional segment. That s why it is necessary a coherent formation with the necessities of the performance of this professional, a delineation of this process of forming educators and performance field that gives to them conditions to locate themselves on the work market. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Nesse trabalho é apresentada a trajetória histórica do curso de Pedagogia, as mudanças de enfoque sofridas por ele através das legislações e as propostas do movimento dos educadores em busca da construção do seu objetivo, perfil e identidade como um curso, locus de formação dos profissionais da educação. O nosso objetivo ao fazer esse percurso, é refletir sobre a formação do pedagogo, sua atuação fora da instituição escolar e mostrar que, mediante a mudança sociopolítica e econômica que vem sofrendo a sociedade atual, existem vários campos de atuação do pedagogo fora da instituição escolar. Para isso foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico através de autores como Libâneo, Pimenta, Silva, Brzezinski, Chagas, Drucker entre outros, documentos legais como Pareceres e Resoluções e propostas encaminhadas ao CNE para definição do curso de Pedagogia. Realizamos uma pesquisa de campo com o objetivo de buscar o pedagogo nos seus vários campos de atuação fora da escola, o trabalho desenvolvido por eles e percebemos que a sua formação não lhes fornece conhecimento e segurança para desenvolver as atividades que lhes são exigidas nesse segmento profissional. Daí ser necessária uma formação mais coerente com as necessidades de atuação desse profissional, um delineamento nessa formação e campo de atuação para além da educação formal que lhes dê condições de se posicionar no mercado de trabalho.

A formação matemática do pedagogo: reflexões sobre o ensino de geometria / The mathematical formation of the pedagogue: Reflections on the teaching of geometry

Vieira, Norma Sueli Oliveira 18 August 2017 (has links)
VIEIRA, Norma Sueli Oliveira. A formação matemática do pedagogo: reflexões sobre o ensino de geometria. 2017. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática) – Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2017. / Submitted by Encima encima (encima@ufc.br) on 2017-08-18T19:45:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dis_2017_NSOVIEIRA.pdf: 856708 bytes, checksum: a299029026948f22bc71e25dfdff32a9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rocilda Sales (rocilda@ufc.br) on 2017-08-21T12:54:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dis_2017_NSOVIEIRA.pdf: 856708 bytes, checksum: a299029026948f22bc71e25dfdff32a9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-21T12:54:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dis_2017_NSOVIEIRA.pdf: 856708 bytes, checksum: a299029026948f22bc71e25dfdff32a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-18 / The present study, linked to the research line Pedagogical Methods in Teaching Science and Mathematics of Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching (ENCIMA) of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), a qualitative research that intends to investigate how Geometry is present in the course of Pedagogy, as well as in the life of the pedagogues, students of the Faculty of Education (FACED / UFC). Our work aims to analyze the importance of pedagogical mathematical formation in the approach of contents of Geometry, within the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). We investigate through the observation of classes / meetings, questionnaires and interview or conversation, as effectively the field of Mathematics is present in the process of teacher training, in relation to the teaching of Geometry. We observed how the development of the geometric thinking of the future teachers was presented. This fact was supported by a practical class on flat and spatial geometrical figures, and we concluded that they were within the categories of Van Hiele Theory between Levels 1 (at the beginning), 2 and 3 after the presentation of the methodological proposal of teaching and planning of SF. After identifying the advances, contributions and understandings of Geometry during the observations of the didactic sessions carried out by a group of researchers and students of the SF methodology, we organized a digital book with the elaborated SD and thus we constructed our educational product that will be presented in the form of digital media, e-book, about the basic knowledge of Mathematics / Geometry of Pedagogy students, which will be available to the school community at https://www.flipsnack.com/page-flip-software/edit-links?flip=Fd1ignpze#add. Finally, we verified through the results what we were already very visible, the gap in the teaching and learning process of Mathematical concepts / Geometry, pointing to the fragility in the abstraction of these concepts, fruits of an educational process a lot of losses and without a foundation that prioritizes the student's knowledge. There were indications of low hours in the curriculum for the formation of mathematics education of these students, which led us to identify that the mathematical contents for the initial years are not worked in the initial formation. The formation of the pedagogue in relation to Mathematics in the perception of the teachers studied seems to be summarized in methodologies and techniques of teaching in a broad and specific way leaving to the pedagogue the search for other ways of informing oneself, the observed case, the SF that showed his contribution to assist in the assimilation of the contents of Geometry. / O presente estudo, vinculado à linha de pesquisa Métodos Pedagógicos no Ensino de Ciêcias e Matemática do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (ENCIMA) da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), pesquisa qualitativa que pretende investigar como a Geometria se faz presente no curso de Pedagogia, ou seja, na vida dos pedagogos, alunos da Faculdade de Educação (FACED/UFC). Nosso trabalho se objetivo em analisar a importância da formação matemática do pedagogo na abordagem dos conteúdos de geometria, no seio da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Investigamos através da observação de aulas/encontros, questionários e de entrevista ou conversa informal, como efetivamente o campo da matemática se faz presente no processo de formação dos professores, em relação ao ensino de Geometria. Observamos como se apresentava o desenvolvimento do pensamento geométrico dos futuros professores, fato que ocorreu a apoiado em uma aula prática sobre as figuras geométricas plana e espaciais e da qual concluímos que os mesmo se encontravam, dentro das categorias de estudos da Teoria de Van Hiele entre os níveis 1 (no início), 2 e 3 após a apresentação da proposta metodológica de ensino e de planejamento da SF. Após identificarmos os avanços, contribuições e compreensões da Geometria durante as observações das sessões didáticas efetuadas por um grupo de pesquisadores e estudantes da metodologia SF, organizamos um livro digital com as SD elaboradas e assim construímos, nosso produto educacional que será apresentado na forma de mídia digital, do tipo e-book, sobre os conhecimentos básicos de Matemática/ Geometria dos alunos de Pedagogia, que estará disponível à comunidade escolar na página https://www.flipsnack.com/page-flip-software/edit-links?flip=fd1ignpze#add. Por fim, comprovamos através dos resultados o que já nos era bem visível, a lacuna nos processo de ensino e aprendizagem de conceitos matemáticos/geometria, apontando a fragilidade existentes na abstração desses conceitos, frutos de um processo educacional cheios de vícios e sem uma fundamentação que priorize o saber do aluno. Houve indicativos de pouca carga horária no currículo para a formação do ensino de Matemática desses estudantes, o que nos levou a identificar que os conteúdos matemáticos para os anos iniciais não são trabalhados na formação inicial. A formação do pedagogo, em relação à Matemática na percepção dos professores pesquisados parece resumir-se em metodologias e técnicas de ensino de modo amplo e especifico deixando por conta do pedagogo a busca por outras maneiras de se informar, o caso observado, a SF que mostrou sua contribuição para auxiliar, na assimilação dos conteúdos de Geometria.

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