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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude et développement de biocapteurs électrochimiques pour la détection de polluants en milieu aqueux / Study and development of electrochemical biosensors for the detection of pollutants in aqueous medium

Zehani, Nedjla 16 October 2015 (has links)
Les biocapteurs sont des moyens d'analyse en plein essor à la fois rapides, sélectifs et peu coûteux applicables à des domaines extrêmement variés (environnement, santé, agroalimentaire,…). Dans ce type d'outil, un élément sensible de nature biologique (anticorps, enzyme, microorganisme, ADN…) doté d'un pouvoir de reconnaissance pour un analyte ou un groupe d'analytes est associé à un transducteur pouvant être de type électrochimique, optique ou thermique. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés au développement de différents biocapteurs, en se basant à l'immobilisation d'enzymes sur des microélectrodes en vue de la détection électrochimique d'analytes d'intérêt dans le domaine environnemental. Nous avons montré les potentialités d'application de deux biocapteurs conductimétrique et impédimétrique à base de lipase Candida Rugosa pour la détection directe et rapide des pesticides organophosphorés. Nous avons cherché à mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des biocapteurs et optimisé le procédé d'immobilisation des enzymes ainsi que différents paramètres de mesure afin de maximiser les performances analytiques des outils développés. Nous avons également élaboré un biocapteur impédimètrique pour une détermination très sensible de la phospholipase A2 en utilisant les nanoparticules d'or afin de renforcer la conductivité électrique. Enfin, nous avons développé un biocapteur de tyrosinase pour la détection du Bisphénol A, en se basant sur la modification électrochimique des électrodes de diamant dopé qui possèdent des propriétés électriques remarquables et uniques, avec l'ajout de nanotube de carbone multi-feuillet, ce qui permet d'améliorer des performances analytiques du biocapteur, en particulier sa limite de détection et sa stabilité. Les biocapteurs à base de lipase et de tyrosinase ont été appliqués avec succès à la quantification des composés organophosphorés et du bisphénol A respectivement dans plusieurs échantillons d'eaux réelles / A biosensor is an analytical device, used for the detection of an analyte, that combines a biological component so-called a receptor (e.g. enzyme, antibody, DNA, microorganism) to a physical transducer (e.g. electrochemical, optical or thermal). In last decade, biosensors are quite promising tools since they are rapid, selective and cost effective, with an increasing interest for their application in various fields (e.g environment, food, health). In this work, we developed different biosensors based on immobilized enzymes onto microelectrodes in view of electrochemical detection. First, we demonstrated the potentialities of conductometric and impedimeteric biosensors based on lipase from Candida Rugosa for direct and rapid detection of organophosphate pesticides. In order to enhance the analytical performances of the developed devices, we tried to optimize enzyme immobilization as well as several operational parameters. We also elaborated an impedimetric biosensor for a sensitive determination of phospholipase A2 activity. Finally, a tyrosinase biosensor was developed for ultra-sensitive detection of Bisphenol A, based on the unique proprieties of boron doped diamond electrodes and taking advantage the use of multi walled carbon naotubes to improve the stability and detection limit of biosensor. We also demonstrated the applicability of both biosensors based on lipase and tyrosinase for the detection of organophosphate pesticides and bisphenol A in river water

Funktion und epigenetische Regulation des Phospholipase A2-Rezeptors (PLA2R1) bei Prostatatumorerkrankung und akuter lymphoblastischer Leukämie im Kindesalter

Friedemann, Markus 24 September 2021 (has links)
Hintergrund: Der Phospholipase A2 Rezeptor 1 (PLA2R1) ist ein Typ 1 Transmembranrezeptor, welcher der Mannose-Rezeptor-Familie zugeordnet werden kann. Die Bedeutung von PLA2R1 für physiologische und pathologische Vorgänge ist noch weitestgehend unbekannt. Jedoch wird die Regulation wichtiger zellulärer Prozesse, wie Proliferation, Apoptose/ Seneszenz, Adhäsion, Migration/ Invasion und Inflammation im Zusammenhang mit dem Rezeptor diskutiert. Darüber hinaus ist eine Änderung der PLA2R1-Expression bei der Entstehung verschiedenster Krebserkrankung nachweisbar. Hierbei wird der Rezeptor einerseits mit einer pro-onkogenen und pro-migratorischen Wirkung in Verbindung gebracht. Andererseits ist ein tumorsuppressiver Effekt von PLA2R1 und eine Induktion der mitochondrialen Apoptose in Tumorzellen beschrieben. Zudem ist die Expression von PLA2R1 durch epigenetische Mechanismen kontrolliert und eine Promotor-Hypermethylierung ist assoziiert mit einer Repression der Rezeptor-Expression in der Prostatakarzinom (PCa)-Zelllinie LNCaP und der pädiatrischen, akuten lymphoblastischen Leukämie (ALL)-Zelllinie Jurkat. Vorangegangene Arbeiten zeigten eine Hypermethylierung innerhalb eines definierten Bereiches des PLA2R1-Promotors bei adulten Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie und Myelodysplastischem Syndrom (MDS) sowie eine Korrelation der PLA2R1-Promotormethylierung mit dem Krankheitsstadium und der Klassifizierung nach dem Internationalen Prognostischen Scoring System (IPSS). Fragestellung/ Hypothese: Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war einerseits die Untersuchung der Funktion von PLA2R1 in den PCa-Zelllinien LNCaP und PC-3. Während in LNCaP die Rezeptor-Expression durch Promotor-Hypermethylierung unterdrückt ist, kann in PC-3-Zellen eine Hochregulation von PLA2R1 im Vergleich zu normalen Prostataepithelzellen nachgewiesen werden. Durch in vitro Transfektionsexperimente sollte der Effekt einer Re-expression von PLA2R1 in LNCaP-Zellen sowie die Auswirkungen einer Reduktion der PLA2R1-Expression in PC-3-Zellen untersucht werden. Der Einfluss der veränderten PLA2R1-Expressionslevel auf wichtige Zellparameter wurde evaluiert. Die in vitro Daten der PCa-Zelllinien wurden mit den in vivo Ergebnissen des Tumorwachstums von transfizierten LNCaP- und PC-3-Zellen in Xenograft-Mausmodellen verglichen. Andererseits sollte basierend auf den Ergebnissen von adulten Patienten mit AML- und MDS-Diagnose und der dabei festgestellten Hypermethylierung des Rezeptor-Promotors der Methylierungsstatus des Rezeptors bei der pädiatrischen ALL untersucht werden. Überdies sollte die Eignung der PLA2R1-Methylierungsanalyse als sensitiver Biomarker für die Therapiekontrolle, Überwachung der minimalen Resterkrankung (MRD) und Risikostratifizierung der pädiatrischen ALL evaluiert werden. Die Funktion des Rezeptors im Kontext der pädiatrischen ALL wurde durch eine transfektionsbasierte Re-expression von PLA2R1 in der Jurkat-ALL-Zelllinie untersucht. Durch in vitro Experimente wurden die Auswirkungen der verschiedenen PLA2R1-Expressionslevel auf Proliferation und Apoptose/ Nekrose in transfizierten Jurkat-Zellen analysiert. Material und Methoden: Durch Transfektion mit einem PLA2R1-Expressionsvektor konnte eine stabile Überexpression des Rezeptors in LNCaP- (LNCaP-PLA2R1) und Jurkat-Zellen (Jurkat-PLA2R1) erreicht und die Ergebnisse mit Kontrollvektor-transfizierten LNCaP- (LNCaP-Ctrl) und Jurkat-Zellen (Jurkat-Ctrl) verglichen werden. Mittels CRISPR/Cas9-Knockdown konnte eine Verminderung der PLA2R1-Expression in PC-3-Zellen (PC-3-KD) im Vergleich zu Kontrollvektor-transfizierten PC-3-Zellen (PC-3-Ctrl) erreicht werden. Genexpressionsanalysen wurden mittels quantitativer PCR nach reverser Transkription (RT-qPCR) durchgeführt und die Proteinsynthese des Rezeptors durch Western Blot Analyse überprüft. In vitro sollten die Auswirkungen der differenziellen PLA2R1-Expression der transfizierten Zellen auf wichtige proliferative und metastatische Zellparameter untersucht werden. Die Zellviabilität/ Proliferation wurde mittels WST-1 Assay für adhärente Zellen und Zellwachstumskurven-Analyse mit Trypanblau-Färbung bei Suspensionszellen analysiert. Zellmotilität und Proliferation wurden bei transfizierten PCa-Zelllinien mithilfe des Wundheilungsassays beurteilt. Apoptose konnte durch Wasserstoffperoxid stimuliert und mittels Caspase-Glo® 3/7 Assay und RealTime-Glo™ Annexin V Apoptosis and Necrosis Assay für transfizierte PCa-Zelllinien sowie durchflusszytometrische Analysen nach Annexin-V-FLUOS/ Hoechst 33258 Färbung für transfizierte Jurkat-Zellen untersucht werden. Die klonogene Überlebensrate und das Koloniewachstum der transfizierten PCa-Zelllinien sollten mithilfe des klonogenen Assays analysiert werden. In einer in vivo Pilotstudie wurde der Effekt von PLA2R1 auf das Tumorwachstum mittels Xenograft-Mausmodellen (männliche SCID/beige Mäuse) durch subkutane Injektion der transfizierten LNCaP- (n = 5) und PC-3-Zellen (n = 9) überprüft. Die PLA2R1-Promotormethylierung als sensitiver Biomarker für die pädiatrische ALL wurde durch Isolation und Bisulfit-Behandlung der genomischen DNA von Knochenmark (KM)-Aspiraten und Leukozyten des peripheren Blutes (PB) von ALL-diagnostizierten Kindern (n = 44) sowie einer anschließenden Analyse mittels digitaler PCR (dPCR) evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse konnten mit dem Methylierungsstatus einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe (n = 20) verglichen werden. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen: In LNCaP-PLA2R1 und Jurkat-PLA2R1 konnte im Gegensatz zu den dazugehörigen Kontrollzellen eine stabile Überexpression des Rezeptors auf Ebene der Genexpression und Proteinsynthese detektiert werden. Bei PC-3-KD-Zellen war eine Reduktion der PLA2R1-Genexpression und eine Repression der Proteinsynthese unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze des Western Blot Assays zu verzeichnen, während PC-3-Ctrl-Zellen eine Genexpression und Proteinsynthese des Rezeptors zeigten. Die Zellviabilität/ Proliferation und Motilität war signifikant erhöht in LNCaP-PLA2R1 und PC-3-Ctrl im Vergleich zu LNCaP-Ctrl- und PC-3-KD-Zellen. Demgegenüber war eine Verminderung von Apoptose und Koloniewachstum in LNCaP-PLA2R1 und PC-3-Ctrl-Zellen nachweisbar. Durch Genexpressionsanalysen konnte eine Induktion der Expression von Fibronektin 1 (FN1), TWIST Homolog 1 (TWIST1) und Cyclin-abhängige Kinase 6 (CDK6) in LNCaP-PLA2R1-Zellen identifiziert werden. In vivo schien die PLA2R1-abhängige negative Regulation des Koloniewachstums die pro-onkogenen Eigenschaften des Rezeptors zu überwiegen. Dies resultierte in einem verminderten Tumorwachstum von LNCaP-PLA2R1 und einer tumorsuppressiven Rolle des Rezeptors in dieser PCa-Zelllinie. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten PC-3-Ctrl-Zellen ein schnelleres Tumorwachstum im Xenograft-Mausmodell, was für einen pro-onkogenen Effekt der endogenen PLA2R1-Expression in PC-3-Zellen sprechen würde. Der differenzielle Einfluss von PLA2R1 auf die Regulierung des Tumorzellwachstums könnte im Zusammenhang mit der veränderten Expression von FN1, TWIST1 und CDK6 stehen, jedoch sind weiterführende Experimente nötig, um die Beteiligung dieser Gene in der PLA2R1-Signaltransduktion zu untersuchen. Die Analyse der Zellwachstumskurve der transfizierten Jurkat-Zellen zeigte eine Abnahme der Proliferationsrate und eine Zunahme des Anteils an toten Zellen bei Jurkat-PLA2R1 im Vergleich zu Jurkat-Ctrl-Zellen. Durchflusszytometrische Analysen bestätigten eine Abnahme des Anteils gesunder sowie eine vermehrte Repräsentation von apoptotischen und nekrotischen Jurkat-PLA2R1-Zellen im Vergleich zur Kontrolle, was einen tumorsuppressiven Einfluss des Rezeptors bei der pädiatrischen ALL suggeriert. Die Funktion von PLA2R1 als Tumorsuppressor steht im Einklang mit der festgestellten Hypermethylierung des Rezeptor-Promotors in KM-Aspiraten und PB-Proben von pädiatrischen Patienten mit prä-B und common ALL zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose der primären Krebserkrankung und des ALL-Rezidives im Vergleich zu der Kontrollgruppe. Der parallele Abfall der PLA2R1-Promotormethylierung und der relativen Blastenzahl im Verlauf der ALL-Induktionstherapie sowie eine signifikante, positive Korrelation beider Größen in KM- und PB-Proben ließen auf die leukämischen Blasten als Quelle der Hypermethylierung des PLA2R1-Promotors schließen. Überdies wiesen Hochrisikopatienten der pädiatrischen ALL eine signifikant höhere PLA2R1-Promotormethylierung am Tag 15 der ALL-Induktionstherapie auf im Vergleich zu Patienten mit einem geringeren Risiko. Zusammenfassend deuteten die in vitro und in vivo Daten auf eine wichtige Funktion des Rezeptors bei der Regulation von Proliferation und Apoptose bei der pädiatrischen ALL hin. Die Analyse der PLA2R1-Promotormethylierung könnte als sensitiver Biomarker zu einer verbesserten ALL-Therapiekontrolle, MRD-Überwachung und Risikostratifizierung während der ALL-Induktionstherapie beitragen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Zusammenfassung 4 2 Abstract 8 3 Einführung in die Thematik 11 4 Publikation 1: “Diverse Effects of Phospholipase A2 Receptor Expression on LNCaP and PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cell Growth in vitro and in vivo” 24 5 Publikation 2: “Methylation of the Phospholipase A2 Receptor 1 Promoter Region in Childhood B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia” 25 6 Diskussion und Ausblick 26 7 Literaturverzeichnis 32 8 Danksagung 41 9 Anlagen 42 / Background: The phospholipase A2 receptor 1 (PLA2R1) is a type I transmembrane receptor and a member of the mannose receptor family. Physiological and pathophysiological functions of PLA2R1 are still not completely understood. However, PLA2R1 expression is discussed to have an impact on proliferation, apoptosis/ senescence, adhesion, migration/ invasion as well as inflammatory cell responses and divergent PLA2R1 expression is detectable in different types of cancer compared to corresponding normal tissues. In this context, receptor expression is linked to both a pro-oncogenic/ pro-migratory and a tumour-suppressive/ pro-apoptotic impact in different cancer cells. Moreover, PLA2R1 expression is controlled by epigenetic mechanisms and hypermethylation of the PLA2R1 promoter is associated with silenced expression of the receptor in the prostate carcinoma (PCa) cell line LNCaP and the paediatric, acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL) cell line Jurkat. Previous work revealed a defined hypermethylated region of the PLA2R1 promoter in adult patients with acute leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). PLA2R1 promoter methylation correlated with disease stage and International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) classification. Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the function of PLA2R1 in PCa cell lines LNCaP and PC-3. The receptor expression is silenced in LNCaP but upregulated in PC-3 cells compared to normal prostate epithelial cells. A pilot in vivo study addressed the effects of PLA2R1 in mice xenografted with transfected LNCaP and PC-3 cells. Based on previous findings of PLA2R1 promoter hypermethylation in adult ALL and MDS patients, the aim of the present study was to analyse the methylation status of the PLA2R1 promoter in paediatric ALL patients compared to healthy individuals. PLA2R1 methylation analysis was evaluated as sensitive biomarker for ALL treatment response, minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring, and risk stratification. The impact of the receptor in childhood ALL was investigated by transfection-based re-expression of PLA2R1 in the paediatric ALL cell line Jurkat and the effect of different PLA2R1 expression levels on proliferation and apoptosis/ necrosis was analysed in in vitro experiments. Material and Methods: Stable PLA2R1 overexpression was achieved by transfection of LNCaP (LNCaP-PLA2R1) and Jurkat cells (Jurkat-PLA2R1) with a PLA2R1 plasmid vector. Results were compared to control vector transfected LNCaP (LNCaP-Ctrl) and Jurkat cells (Jurkat-Ctrl). Alternatively, PLA2R1 was knocked down using CRISPR/Cas9 in PC-3 cells (PC-3-KD) and compared to the corresponding control-transfected cells (PC-3-Ctrl). Gene expression analysis was conducted by quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR). PLA2R1 protein synthesis was analysed by western blot. The impact of the differential PLA2R1 expression on proliferative and metastatic parameters of transfected cancer cells was investigated in vitro. Cell viability/ proliferation was assessed by means of WST-1 Assay for adherent cells and via cell growth curve analysis after trypan blue staining for suspension cells. Cell motility and proliferation of transfected PCa cell lines were estimated by wound healing assay. Hydrogen peroxide-stimulated apoptosis was analysed by Caspase-Glo® 3/7 Assay and RealTime-Glo™ Annexin V Apoptosis and Necrosis Assay for transfected PCa cell lines and flow cytometric analysis after Annexin-V-FLUOS/ Hoechst 33258 staining for transfected Jurkat cells. Colony formation of transfected PCa cell lines was evaluated by clonogenic assay. A pilot in vivo study addressed the effects of PLA2R1 in mice xenografted with transfected LNCaP (n = 5) and PC-3 cells (n = 9). Evaluating PLA2R1 promoter methylation as sensitive biomarker for paediatric ALL, genomic DNA was isolated from bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) of 44 paediatric ALL patients. After bisulfite treatment of isolated DNA samples, PLA2R1 methylation was analysed using digital PCR and compared to 20 healthy controls. Results and Conclusions: PLA2R1 gene expression and protein synthesis were detectable in LNCaP-PLA2R1, PC-3-Ctrl, and Jurkat-PLA2R1 cells but not in LNCaP-Ctrl and Jurkat-Ctrl cells. In PC-3-KD cells, PLA2R1 gene expression was significantly reduced compared to PC-3-Ctrl and PLA2R1 protein synthesis of PC-3-KD cells was below the limit of detection of western blot analysis. Cell viability/proliferation and motility were significantly increased in LNCaP-PLA2R1 and PC-3-Ctrl compared to LNCaP-Ctrl and PC-3-KD cells, respectively. However, levels of apoptosis and clonogenicity were reduced in LNCaP-PLA2R1 and PC-3-Ctrl cells. Gene expression analysis revealed an up-regulation of fibronectin 1 (FN1), TWIST homolog 1 (TWIST1), and cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6) in LNCaP-PLA2R1 compared to control cells. In LNCaP xenografts, PLA2R1-dependent regulation of clonogenicity appeared to outweigh the receptor’s pro-oncogenic properties, resulting in decreased tumour growth, supporting the tumour-suppressive role of PLA2R1. Alternatively, PC-3-Ctrl xenografts exhibited faster tumour growth compared to PC-3-KD cells, suggesting a pro-oncogenic effect of endogenous PLA2R1 expression. The differential growth-regulatory effects of PLA2R1 may be mediated by FN1, TWIST1, and CDK6 expression, although further investigation is required. Cell growth curve analyses of transfected Jurkat cells revealed a decreased proliferation and increased cell death of Jurkat-PLA2R1 compared to Jurkat-Ctrl cells. Flow cytometry confirmed the reduced fraction of healthy cells and an increase of the apoptotic and necrotic fractions in Jurkat-PLA2R1 cells compared to control cells, suggesting a tumour-suppressive effect of the receptor in paediatric ALL. PLA2R1’s tumour-suppressive function is in accordance with hypermethylation of the receptor promoter in BM aspirates and PB samples of paediatric patients diagnosed with pre-B and common ALL as well as in patients with disease relapse in comparison to healthy controls. PLA2R1 methylation decreased along with leukaemic blast cell reduction during ALL induction treatment and significant positive correlations between PLA2R1 methylation and leukaemic blast cell numbers of BM and PB samples were observable. Therefore, our data suggests that leukaemic blasts are the origin of PLA2R1 hypermethylation in BM and PB samples. Moreover, high risk paediatric ALL patients exhibited increased levels of PLA2R1 promoter methylation compared to non-high risk groups on day 15 of ALL induction treatment. Collected data indicates that PLA2R1 promoter methylation quantitation can be used as biomarker for ALL induction treatment control, risk stratification, and early detection of ALL relapse.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Zusammenfassung 4 2 Abstract 8 3 Einführung in die Thematik 11 4 Publikation 1: “Diverse Effects of Phospholipase A2 Receptor Expression on LNCaP and PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cell Growth in vitro and in vivo” 24 5 Publikation 2: “Methylation of the Phospholipase A2 Receptor 1 Promoter Region in Childhood B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia” 25 6 Diskussion und Ausblick 26 7 Literaturverzeichnis 32 8 Danksagung 41 9 Anlagen 42

Towards the Regulation and Physiological Role of the Mitochondrial Calcium- Independent Phospholipase A<sub>2</sub>

Rauckhorst, Adam J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Les Patatines de Pseudomonas Aeruginosa : secrétées ou non secrétées ? Telle est la question ... / Patatins of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa : secreted or not secreted ? That is the question ...

Salacha, Richard 11 June 2010 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa est une bactérie à Gram négatif ubiquitaire, pathogène opportuniste. Elle est la 3ème cause d’infections nosocomiales, notamment chez les immunodéprimés et les grands brûlés. Elle est aussi responsable de la mort de nombreux patients atteints de la mucoviscidose. Sa virulence est largement due à son aptitude à sécréter de nombreuses enzymes dégradatives et toxines, parmi lesquelles la protéine ExoU, sécrétée par le Système de Sécrétion de Type III. ExoU est une phospholipase, de la famille des « patatin-like proteins », dont l’activité est portée par une dyade catalytique Ser-Asp.Mon travail de thèse a permis d’identifier 4 homologues d’ExoU (PlpA, PlpB, PlpC et PlpD) dans le protéome de la souche PAO1 de P. aeruginosa (qui est dépourvu de cette protéine). En étudiant le mode de sécrétion de PlpD, nous avons découvert une nouvelle branche du Système de Sécrétion de Type V (SST5), le SST5d. La protéine représentant ce nouveau système possède un domaine C-terminal transporteur de type TpsB (SST5b), fusionné à un domaine N-terminal patatine sécrété dans le milieu extracellulaire (à l’image d’un autotransporteur, ou SST5a). Ce mode de sécrétion serait un mode dédié à la sécrétion de « patatin-like proteins », comme le suggèrent nos analyses phylogénétiques, à Nous avons en outre démontré que PlpD possède une activité lipase.L’autre protéine étudiée, PlpA, est également sécrétée, bien que nous n’ayons pu établir avec certitude sa voie de transport. Nous avons évalué le rôle de cette protéine lors de l’interaction de P. aeruginosa avec des cellules hôtes de type macrophages et cellules épithéliales. Nous avons observé que cette protéine confère une protection temporaire aux cellules infectées par P. aeruginosa. Ce retard semble être directement imputable à l’activité de la protéine, puisqu’il est dépendant de l’intégrité de la dyade catalytique putative de PlpA / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an ubiquitous Gram negative bacteria, and efficient opportunistic pathogen. It is the third most common cause of nosocomial infections, most particularly within immunocompromized or burn patients. This pathogen is responsible for the death of numerous cystic fibrosis patients. Its virulence is due mainly to its capacity to secrete numerous degradative enzymes and toxins, among them, ExoU which is secreted via the Type III Secretion System. ExoU is a phospholipase of the patatin-like protein family, and its activity is based on a Ser-Asp catalytic dyad.During my thesis, we identify 4 ExoU homologs (PlpA, PlpB, PlpC, and PlpD) in the proteome of the P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain (this strain does not possess ExoU). Results obtained studying PlpD secretion led us to discover a new branch of the Type V Secretion System (T5SS), the T5dSS. PlpD is composed of a C-terminal TpsB-like transporter domain (like T5bSS), fused to a N-terminal patatin domain which is secreted into the extracellular medium (like autotransporters, or T5aSS). Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that this secretion pathway may be dedicated to the secretion of PLPs, like T5cSS, which secretes only adhesins. Moreover, we demonstrated that PlpD is a lipase.The other studied protein, PlpA, is also a secreted protein, but we still do not know which secretion system is involved in its secretion. We tested the role of PlpA during interaction of P. aeruginosa with host cells by carrying out infections of murin macrophages and epithelial cells. We observed a transitory protection of cells infected with P. aeruginosa. This protection seems to require an active PlpA protein as it is dependent on a intact catalytic dyad in this protein

The Influence of Adenoviral Infection and the Group VIA Calcium-Independent Phospholipase A2 on Hepatic Lipid Metabolism

Wilkins, William Palmer, III 01 January 2007 (has links)
Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBP) are transcription factors that regulate genes involved in lipid metabolism especially in the liver. Therefore, hepatic SREBP is significant regulator of systemic lipid metabolism. Evidence demonstrates that insulin and dietary unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) regulate SREBP1 expression and subsequent SREBP1-mediated gene transcription, events that in many instances result in modulation of systemic fatty acid and triglyceride (TG) homeostasis. A series of investigations was designed to uncover novel regulators of SREBP1. Dietary and exogenous addition of UFA has been shown to regulate SREBP function yet, an endogenous source of UFA capable of modulating SREBP remains elusive. Group VIA calcium-independent phospholipase A2 (iPLA2) releases UFA from the sn-2 position of glycerophospholipids. We hypothesized that iPLA2 provides UFA to suppress SREBP. iPLA2 overexpression and inhibition studies were implemented. iPLA2 inhibition increased SREBP1 expression, SREBP-mediated transcription and the expression of SREBP1 gene targets in vitro. In vivo overexpression of iPLA2 resulted in decreased expression of SREBP1 protein and plasma triglyceride. In contrast, iPLA2 overexpression attenuated SREBP1 expression, SREBP-mediated transcription and expression of SREBP1 targets genes. These data support the hypothesis that iPLA2 generates endogenous UFA that limit SREBP function. Use of a replication-deficient adenovirus 5 (Ad-5) expression vector in the iPLA2 study led to the unexpected observation of hepatic SREBP1 activation following Ad-5 infection. Because of this observation, we tested the hypothesis that replication-deficient Ad-5 might augment lipid synthesis in liver. We demonstrate that first generation Ad-5, a ubiquitous transgene expression vector, induces expression of SREBP1 and its target genes and leads to increases in fatty acid synthesis in vivo and in vitro. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, PX-866, suppressed Ad-5-induced SRBEP1 expression and hypertriglyceridemia implicating the PI3K/Akt pathway in Ad-5 activation of SREBP1. Use of PX-866 led to the discovery of a third mechanism of SREBP1 regulation. In vivo studies demonstrate that PX-866 modulates basal lipid metabolism in part through decreasing plasma TG, an increased trend toward decreased SREBP1 expression and a significant increase in plasma cholesterol. These studies characterize three distinct novel regulatory mechanisms of SREBP1.

Busca In Silico de Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 de Apis mellifera com validação In Vitro e In Vivo / In Silico search of Phospholipase A2 Inhibitors of Apis mellifera with In Vitro and In Vivo Validation

Jorge, Daniel Macedo de Melo 09 May 2013 (has links)
A Apis mellifera é um inseto pertencente à ordem Himenóptera, família Apidae, possui ocorrência cosmopolita e grande importância ecológica, econômica e médica. As subespécies hibridas que ocorrem no Brasil possuem características predominantemente africanas e passaram a ser conhecidas como abelhas africanizadas. As principais características das abelhas africanizadas são o comportamento agressivo, boa resistência a doenças, alta produção de mel e o aumento da frequência de enxameamentos, que tem causado preocupação por estar acompanhado, de aumento no número de acidentes. A agressividade e o aumento da frequência do exameamento fazem com que elas estejam repetidamente envolvidas em ataques massivos a humanos e animais, tornando esse tipo de envenenamento um problema de saúde pública. A busca de tratamento para o envenenamento tem sido alvo de diversas pesquisas. De uma forma geral, os tratamentos atuam sobre os efeitos causados pelo veneno (medicamentos) ou sobre os componentes do veneno (soros e inibidores). Os principais componentes do veneno são a fosfolipase A2 (PLA2) e a melitina. A PLA2 é uma das principais proteínas do veneno, que degrada a membrana plasmática das células e tem o seu efeito potencializado pela presença da melitina. A PLA2 da Apis mellifera possui a estrutura protéica determinada e sítio ativo identificado. Essas características qualificam a PLA2 como potencial alvo de estudos de planejamento de fármacos. A estratégia de planejamento de fármacos tem como objetivo acelerar o processo de identificação de ligantes, contribuindo para o processo da descoberta de fármacos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar in silico potenciais inibidores contra a PLA2 de Apis mellifera, avaliar in vitro e in vivo a potencial atividade inibitória dos compostos selecionados e identificar a citotoxicidade in vitro dos compostos. A estrutura da PLA2 foi obtida da base de dados (PDB) e a busca de compostos feita das bibliotecas Maybridge e Chembridge. A triagem virtual foi realizada com o auxilio do programa GOLD. Os compostos identificados (22 da Maybridge e 68 da Chembridge) pelos programas GOLD foram filtrados com o uso das ferramentas computacionais para seleção dos compostos com melhores interações no sítio ativo. Os parâmetros utilizados como filtros foram as análises das ligações químicas e os campos de interação molecular. Os compostos selecionados (20 da Maybridge e 29 da Chembridge) foram submetidos a um grupo de programas computacionais para predição de características físico-químicas (drug-like), toxicidade e atividade biológica dos ligantes. Os resultados das predições sugeriram que os compostos da Chembridge fossem utilizados nas análises experimentais. Os compostos da biblioteca Chembridge foram adquiridos (29 do total de 49 compostos). Os compostos tiveram as suas potenciais atividades inibitórias avaliadas in vitro e in vivo. A atividade fosfolipásica foi avaliada para os 29 compostos e 11 apresentaram atividade inibitória contra PLA2. Os 11 compostos foram avaliados in vivo com o experimento de indução de edema e 5 compostos conseguiram reduzir o edema. Os compostos foram avaliados em relação a citoxicidade que poderiam causar. A citotoxicidade in vitro foi calculada para 3 compostos dos 5 inibidores obtidos. O resultado do experimento identificou 2 compostos como citotóxicos e 1 com menor citotoxicidade. Apesar da citotoxicidade identificada, mais estudos devem ser realizados para determinar a concentração inibitória não tóxica. Portanto, o trabalho identificou 5 potenciais inibidores específicos contra a PLA2 de Apis mellifera. / Apis mellifera is an insect belonging to the order Hymenoptera , Apidae family , has cosmopolitan occurrence and major ecological , economic, and medical . The hybrid subspecies that occur in Brazil have predominantly African features and came to be known as Africanized bees . The main characteristics of Africanized bees are aggressive behavior , good disease resistance, high honey production and increased frequency of enxameamentos , which has caused concern to be monitored , the increase in the number of accidents . The aggressiveness and increased frequency of exameamento cause they are repeatedly involved in massive human and animal attacks , making this kind of poisoning a problem of public health. The search for treatments for poisoning has been the subject of several studies . In general , treatments act on the effects caused by poison ( drug ), or the components of poison ( sera and inhibitors) . The main components of the venom are A2 ( PLA2 ) and phospholipase melittin . PLA2 is a major venom proteins , which degrades the plasma membrane of the cells and its effect is potentiated by the presence of melittin . The Apis mellifera PLA2 has determined the protein structure and active site identified . These characteristics qualify PLA2 as a potential target for drug design studies . The strategy for drug design aims to accelerate the identification of ligands , contributing to the process of drug discovery . This study aimed to identify in silico potential inhibitors of PLA2 Apis mellifera , in vitro and in vivo the potential inhibitory activity of selected compounds and identify the in vitro cytotoxicity of the compounds . The structure of PLA2 was obtained from the database (PDB ) and the search for compounds made from Maybridge Chembridge and libraries. The virtual screening was done with the aid of the GOLD program. The identified compounds ( 22 and 68 of the Maybridge Chembridge ) by GOLD programs were filtered with the use of computational tools for the selection of compounds with better interactions in the active site . The parameters used were as filters analyzes of chemical bonds and the fields of molecular interaction. The selected compounds ( 20 and 29 of the Maybridge Chembridge ) were submitted to a group of computer programs for the prediction of physico- chemical characteristics ( drug -like) , toxicity and biological activity of the ligands . The results of the predictions suggest that the compounds of Chembridge were used in experimental analysis . The compounds were obtained from Chembridge library (29 of 49 compounds). The compounds had their potential inhibitory activity evaluated in vitro and in vivo . The phospholipase activity was assessed for compounds 29 and 11 showed inhibitory activity against PLA2 . The 11 compounds were evaluated in vivo experiment with the induction of edema and 5 compounds were able to reduce edema . The compounds were evaluated for cytotoxicity that could cause . The in vitro cytotoxicity was calculated for three of the compounds obtained 5 inhibitors . The result of the experiment identified as cytotoxic compounds 2 and 1 with lower cytotoxicity . Despite the cytotoxicity identified , further studies should be conducted to determine the non-toxic inhibitory concentration . Therefore, the study identified 5 potential specific inhibitors of PLA2 Apis mellifera.

Purificação e caracterização do primeiro inibidor de fosfolipase A2 do tipo gama presente no soro da serpente  Bothrops jararaca. / Purification and characterization of the first gamma-type phospholipase A2 inhibitor present in Bothrops jararaca snake serum.

Silva, Caroline Serino 08 February 2017 (has links)
As Fosfolipases A2 (PLA2) são enzimas que atuam desconstruindo membranas celulares, resultando em ácidos graxos e lisofosfolipidios, causando inflamação tecidual. Evidências indicam que serpentes possuem uma resistência natural devido a propriedades presentes no sangue, que inibem ações de proteínas presentes no veneno. Portanto, no presente trabalho foi isolado e caracterizado bioquimicamente e biologicamente o primeiro inibidor de PLA2 do tipo gama (&#947;PLI) do soro da serpente B. jararaca, denominado PLI_BJ. O inibidor de PLA2 foi isolado utilizando dois passos cromatográficos. O PLI_BJ mostrou, por SDS-PAGE, uma massa molecular aparente de 25 000 e 20 000 em condições redutoras e não redutoras, respectivamente. A sequência de aminoácidos parcial de PLI_BJ foi determinada por espectrometria de massa e corresponde a 72% e 68% de cobertura da sequência de aminoácidos de duas proteínas já descritas como PLI. O PLI_BJ mostrou também atividade inibitória satisfatória nos três testes realizados sugerindo um papel deste inibidor nos efeitos de envenenamento da serpente. / Phospholipases A2 (PLA2) are enzymes that act on cell membrane phospholipids resulting in fatty acids and lysophospholipids, deconstructing the cell wall causing tissue inflammation. Evidence indicates that snakes have natural resistance due to protective properties of blood that inhibits the action of proteins present in the venom. This study aimed to purify and characterize PLA2 inhibitors (PLI) from serum of the Bothrops jararaca snakes. PLA2 inhibitor was isolated using two chromatographic steps, and was named PLI_BJ. The purity of the PLI_BJ was confirmed by HPLC and SEC. The PLI_BJ showed, by SDS-PAGE, an molecular mass of 25,000 and 20,000 under reducing and non-reducing conditions, respectively. The partial amino acid sequence of PLI_BJ was determined by mass spectrometry and it corresponds to 72% and 68% of coverage of the amino acid sequence of two proteins already described as PLI. The PLI_BJ also showed satisfactory inhibitory activity in the three tests performed suggesting a role of this inhibitor in snake envenomation effects.

Análise de processos celulares em linhagens de GBM tratadas com complexos de Rutênio associados a AINEs e seu impacto na via de eicosanoides. / Analysis of cellular processes in GBM lines treated with Ruthenium complexes and AINEs and their impact in pathway of eicosanoids 2017.

Freitas, Tatiana Emy de 24 August 2017 (has links)
Glioblastoma (GBM) é caracterizado por sua agressividade e invasão infiltrativa do tecido cerebral. Mecanismos inflamatórios demonstram associação direta com processos carcinogênicos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à produção de eicosanoides através da ativação da fosfolipase A2 (PLA2). Compostos metálicos como o rutênio associado a drogas anti-inflamatórias não esteroides (AINEs) surgem como tratamentos antitumorais promissores. O objetivo foi avaliar in vitro a ação desses complexos de rutênio em linhagens celulares de GBM. Pudemos observar que todos os complexos de Rutênio utilizados apresentaram diminuição na contagem celular, aumento de apoptose e diminuição da mitose, destaque para a linhagem U87MG para o tratamento RuIBpOTf com diminuição de 65,4% e na linhagem A172 para aumento de apoptose em todos os tratamentos, especialmente RuIBpCl com 106,8% . Em ambas as linhagens celulares verificamos que houve a captação dos complexos, inclusive em suas frações celulares como o núcleo. Alterações nas enzimas PLA2 e COX 1 e 2 também foram detectadas nos ensaios realizados ELISA e RT-PCR. Através destes resultados, concluímos que os complexos de rutênio foram eficazes na diminuição do número de células de GBM em concentrações e tempos pré-determinados, aumento da apoptose e diminuição das mitoses, características que são fortemente recomendadas para novos fármacos. / Glioblastoma (GBM) is characterized by its aggressiveness and infiltrative invasion of brain tissue. Inflammatory mechanisms demonstrate direct association with carcinogenic processes, especially those related to the production of eicosanoids through the activation of phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Metal compounds such as ruthenium associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) appear as promising antitumor treatments. The objective was to evaluate in vitro the action of these ruthenium complexes in GBM cell lines. It was observed that all the Ruthenium complexes showed decrease in the cell count, increase of apoptosis and decrease of mitosis, highlight to the U87MG cell line for the treatment RuIBpOTf with reduction of 65.4% and in cell line A172 to increase apoptosis in all the treatments, especially RuIBpCl with 106.8%. In both cell lines we verified that there was the uptake of the complexes, including in their cellular fractions as the nucleus. Changes in PLA2 and COX 1 and 2 enzymes were also detected in ELISA and RT-PCR assays. Through these results, we conclude that ruthenium complexes were effective in decreasing the number of GBM cells at predetermined concentrations and times, increased apoptosis and decreased mitoses, characteristics that are strongly recommended for new drugs.

Purificação da fosfolipase A2 e análise bioquímica do plasma seminal de ovinos e caprinos / Purification of phospholipase A2 and biochemical analyis of seminal plasma from bucks rams

Franco, Hélio José Antunes 22 April 2010 (has links)
A quantificação dos componentes bioquímicos como frutose, ácido cítrico e proteína total existentes no plasma seminal de caprinos e ovinos localizados na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil é uma forma de avaliar a atividade fisiológica e bioquímica espermáticas. Estes dados servem como indicadores de prováveis problemas com os testículos e glândulas acessórias desses animais e de sua respectiva fertilidade. A frutose e o ácido cítrico são importantes para o sêmen como fonte de energia metabólica e como componente de sistema tampão, respectivamente. A frutose é um marcador da função secretora das vesículas seminais, e é um componente importante para a sobrevivência dos espermatozóides em condições anaeróbicas e está estreitamente relacionada com a motilidade inicial das células espermáticas. Sendo assim, os objetivos do presente projeto foram analisar quantitativamente esses componentes do plasma seminal de bodes e carneiros sob latitude 20&deg;31\'S em quatro épocas do ano e purificar, através de técnicas cromatográficas, a enzima fosfolipase A2, importante proteína presente no plasma seminal. As análises bioquímicas foram feitas usando-se um espectrofotômetro UV/Vis para obtenção da curva padrão e para a determinação das concentraçõoes mensais e da concentração anual média dos constituintes analisados. A purificação da PLA2 foi feita por cromatografia líquida preparativa usando-se como fase estacionária a coluna Superdex 75-16/60 (GE HealthCare) de exclusão por tamanho e membranas semipermeáveis de 10 e 30 kDa. Como resultado das análises bioquímicas, obteve-se a concentração anual média de proteínas totais de 3,27 &plusmn; 0,60 g/dL para ovinos e de 5,02 &plusmn; 0,43 para caprinos, ácido cítrico de 1015,33 &plusmn; 66,50 µg/mL para ovinos e de 1584,35 &plusmn; 143,90 µg/mL para caprinos e frutose de 23,40 &plusmn; 4,80 mg/dL para ovinos e 72,73 &plusmn; 18,50 mg/dL para caprinos. Os resultados mostraram que a PLA2 extraída do plasma seminal de ovinos tem massa molecular próxima de 13,8 kDa e a PLA2 do plasma seminal de caprinos tem massa molecular próxima a 12,8 kDa. / Quantification of biochemical components in seminal plasma including fructose, citric acid and total protein of goat and sheep of the Midwest region of Brazil is one way of evaluating the biochemical and physiological activity of the sperm. These data serve as indicators of potential problems with the testicles and accessory glands of these animals and their relative fertility. The fructose and citric acid are important for the semen as a source of metabolic energy and as a component of a buffer, respectively. Fructose is a marker of secretory function of seminal vesicles, important for the survival of spermatozoa under anaerobic conditions, and is closely related to the initial motility of sperm cells. Therefore, the objectives of this project were to quantitatively analyze these components in the seminal plasma of goats and sheep in latitude 20&deg;31\'S 3 1\'S in four seasons and purify by chromatographic techniques the enzyme phospholipase A2, an important protein in the seminal plasma. Biochemical analysis were done using a spectrophotometer UV / Vis to obtaining the standard curve and to determine the monthly and annual average concentration of the constituents analyzed. The purification of PLA2 was performed by preparative liquid chromatography using the column as stationary phase Superdex 75-16/60 (GE HealthCare) by size exclusion and semipermeable membranes 10 and 30 kDa. As a result of biochemical analysis, we obtained the annual average concentration of total protein of 3,27 &plusmn; 0,60 g / dL for sheep and 5,02 &plusmn; 0,43 g/dL for goats, citric acid of 1015,33 &plusmn; 66, 50 g / mL for sheep and 1584,35 &plusmn; 143,90 g / mL for goats and fructose 23,40 &plusmn; 4,80 mg / dL for sheep and 72,73 &plusmn; 18,50 mg / dL for goats. The results showed that the PLA2 extracted from seminal plasma of sheep has a molecular mass of 13,8 kDa and the next PLA2 from goat seminal plasma has a molecular mass close to 12,8 kDa.

Efeito nociceptivo induzido por fosfolipases A2 (FLA2 variantes Lys49 e Asp49) isoladas do veneno de serpentes Bothrops asper: caracterização dos mecanismos centrais e determinantes moleculares / Nociceptive effect induced by phospholipase A2 (PLA2-Lys49 and PLA2-Asp49) isolated from Bothrops asper venom: characterization of central mechanisms and molecular determinants.

Chacur, Marucia 22 November 2004 (has links)
Fosfolipases A2 miotóxicas (Lys49, enzimaticamente inativa, e Asp49, com atividade) isoladas do veneno de Bothrops asper, induzem hipernocicepção. Assim, avaliamos os mecanismos estruturais, moleculares e mediadores centrais envolvidos neste efeito. A injeção intraplantar das FLA2s acarretou hiperalgesia, enquanto que apenas a FLA2-Asp49 induziu alodinia. A região C-terminal é a responsável pelo efeito da FLA2-Lys49, enquanto que a atividade catalítica da FLA2-Asp49 parece ser responsável pela indução de hipernocicepção. Canais de Ca2+ e Na+ participam deste efeito. Na medula espinhal, receptores NK1 e para CGRP, receptores ionotrópicos para glutamato, NO, IL-1, prostanóides e adenosina participam da hiperalgesia induzida pelas FLA2s. Adicionalmente, receptores metabotrópicos para glutamato e o TNF?, estão envolvidos na hiperalgesia induzida pela FLA2-Asp49. Receptores NK1 e NK2 e para CGRP, receptores para glutamato, TNF? e prostanóides medeiam a alodinia. A ativação de astrócitos e microglia, na medula espinhal, contribui para a gênese do efeito hipernociceptivo. / Phospholipase A2 (Lys49, catalytically-inactive and Asp49, catalytically active), isolated from Bothrops asper snake venom, induce pain. The present studies examined the molecular, structural and central mechanisms involved in hypernociception induced by both PLA2s. These PLA2s induced mechanical hyperalgesia, whereas only PLA2-Lys49 evoked allodynia. The C-terminal region of the PLA2-Lys49 seems to be responsible for hyperalgesia, whereas the enzymatic activity of PLA2-Asp49 contributes to such an effect. Calcium and sodium channels are involved in PLA2s-induced hyperalgesia. In the spinal cord, NK1 and CGRP receptors, glutamate ionotropic receptors, NO, IL-1, prostanoids and adenosine contribute to hyperalgesia caused by PLA2s. Additionally, metabotropic glutamate receptors and TNF are involved in hyperalgesia induced by PLA2-Asp49. NK1, NK2 and CGRP receptors, glutamate receptors, TNF and prostanoids mediate allodynia. Activation of spinal astrocytes and microglia contribute to the generation of hyperalgesia and allodynia induced by both toxins.

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