Spelling suggestions: "subject:"planners""
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Probability Based Path Planning of Unmanned Ground Vehicles for Autonomous Surveillance : Through World Decomposition and Modelling of Target DistributionLiljeström, Per January 2022 (has links)
The interest in autonomous surveillance has increased due to advances in autonomous systems and sensor theory. This thesis is a preliminary study of the cooperation between UGVs and stationary sensors when monitoring a dedicated area. The primary focus is the path planning of a UGV for different initial intrusion alarms. Cell decomposition, i.e., spatial partitioning, of the area of surveillance was utilized, and the objective function is based on the probability of a present intruder in each cell. These probabilities were modeled through two different methods: ExpPlanner, utilizing an exponential decay function. Markov planner, utilizing a Markov chain to propagate the probabilities. The performance of both methods improves when a confident alarm system is utilized. By prioritizing the direction of the planned paths, the performances improved further. The Markov planner outperforms the ExpPlanner in finding a randomly walking intruder. The ExpPlanner is suitable for passive surveillance, and the Markov planner is suitable for ”aggressive target hunting”.
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Analys av metoder för lokal rörelseplanering / Analysis of Methods for Local Motion PlanningMohamed, Zozk January 2021 (has links)
Under senare år har vi med hjälp av robotar som använder rörelseplanering kunnat automatisera olika processer och uppgifter. Idag finns det väldigt få strategier för lokal rörelseplanering vid jämförelse med global rörelseplanering. Syftet med det här projektet har varit att analysera tre strategier för lokal rörelseplanering, dessa har varit Dynamic Window Approach (DWA), Elastic Band (Eband) och Timed Elastic Band (TEB).I projektet har styrkor, svagheter, beteenden och förbättringsmöjligheter för respektive strategi studerats närmare genom att utföra olika simulerade tester. I testerna mätes tid för att nå mål, antal kollisioner och antalet gånger som målet nåddes. Under projektet användes en virtuell allriktad robot från ABB för att testa strategierna. Testerna genomfördes på ett så rättvist sätt som möjligt, där alla strategier fick samma antal försök och hade samma information om robotens begränsningar.Resultatet visar att TEB är den snabbaste strategin, följt av DWA och sista Eband som var den långsammaste strategin. TEB var också den strategi som presterade bäst vid dynamiska hinder, däremot var den också den strategi som kolliderade mest i testerna, medan Eband kolliderade minst. / In recent years, we have been able to automate various processes and tasks with the help of robots that use motion planning. Today, there are very few strategies for local motion planning when compared to global motion planning. The purpose of this project has been to analyze three strategies for local motion planning, these have been Dynamic Window Approach (DWA), Elastic Band (Eband) and Timed Elastic Band (TEB).In the project, strengths, weaknesses, behaviours and opportunities for improvement for each strategy have been studied in more detail by performing various simulated tests. The tests measure time to reach the goal, the number of collisions and the number of succeeding attempts. During the project, a virtual omni-directional robot from ABB was used to perform the tests. The tests were performed in as fair a way as possible, where all strategies got the same number of attempts and had the same information about the robot's limitations.The results show that TEB is the fastest strategy, followed by DWA and last Eband that was the slowest strategy. TEB was also the strategy that performed best in dynamic obstacles, however, it was also the strategy that collided most of the tests, while Eband collided the least.
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Propuesta de mejora del proceso de planificación de proyectos en una empresa de construcción con sistema drywallRosario Mabel, Andía Cabrera 10 December 2018 (has links)
La presente tesis es una “Propuesta de mejora del proceso de planificación de proyectos en una empresa de construcción con sistema drywall” desarrollada en una PYME del rubro construcción. La propuesta está basada en herramientas de ingeniería para contrarrestar el problema identificado en la empresa en estudio que es la demora en la entrega de proyectos de construcción. Para ello, en la presente tesis está estructurada en 6 capítulos.
En el capítulo 1 se presenta el Marco teórico, en el cual se define el sistema constructivo drywall, metodologías y herramientas de mejora aplicables al proceso de planificación de proyectos de construcción y a la reducción y/o eliminación de demora en la entrega al cliente. En el capítulo 2 se presenta el diagnóstico, en el cual se describe la empresa, las condiciones en las que opera, el problema, los procesos involucrados con el problema, causas raíces, impacto económico y las herramientas aplicables a la reducción y/o eliminación del problema. En el capítulo 3 se desarrolla la evaluación de alternativas de solución, en el cual se describe el plan de implementación de las herramientas 5S y Last Planner System. En el capítulo 4 se muestra la validación de la propuesta de mejora compuesta por juicio experto y la validación económica. En el capítulo 5, se muestra el impacto de la mejora en los stakeholders mediante una matriz Leopold. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6 se muestran las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la presente tesis. / This thesis is a "Proposal for improvement of the project planning process in a construction company with gypsum panel system" developed in an SME of the construction sector. The proposal is based on engineering tools to counteract the problem in the company in the study that is the delay in the delivery of construction projects. For this, in this thesis is structured in 6 chapters.
Chapter 1 presents the theoretical framework, which defines the construction system of drywall, methodologies and tools to improve the planning process of construction projects and the reduction and / or elimination of the delay in delivery to the client. In chapter 2 the diagnosis is presented, in which the company is described, the conditions in which it operates, the problem, the processes related to the problem, the root causes, the economic impact and the tools applicable to the reduction and / or the elimination of the problem. Chapter 3 describes the evaluation of solution alternatives, and describes the implementation plan of the 5S and Last Planner System tools. Chapter 4 shows the validation of the improvement proposal composed of expert judgment and economic validation. In Chapter 5, the impact of the improvement on stakeholders is shown through a Leopold matrix. Finally, chapter 6 shows the conclusions and recommendations of this thesis. / Tesis
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A Geometry-Based Motion Planner for Direct Machining and ControlCheatham, Robert M. 13 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Direct Machining And Control (DMAC) is a new method of controlling machine tools directly from process planning software. A motion planning module is developed for the DMAC system that operates directly off path geometry without pre-tessellation. The motion planner is developed with the intent to process Bezier curves. The motion planning module includes a deterministic predictor-corrector-type curve interpolator, a dynamics limiting module, and a two-pass jerk-limited speed profiling algorithm. The methods are verified by machining an automotive surface in a clay medium and evaluating the resultant machine dynamics, feed rate, and chordal error throughout the machining process.
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Kunskapshantering i små, växande företag : Fallstudie av kunskap, teknik och processer samt förslag till ett KM-system inom en produktionsindustri / Learning and Knowledge in Small, Growing CompaniesJönsson, Charley, Wiström, Morgan January 2022 (has links)
I denna fallstudie undersöks hur kunskapshanteringen ser ut hos ett produktionsföretag i storleksordningen litet till mellanstort, med ett egenutvecklat Enterprise Resource Planner-system, vilket vanligen enbart större företag har. Syftet är att utreda behovet av formell struktur kring företagets kunskapshantering, samt att vid behov skapa ett åtgärdsförslag med rutin och metod för att hantera kunskap och lärande inom företaget. För att samla in empiri, genomfördes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta medarbetare på företaget som sedan transkriberades och analyserades med en abduktiv tematisk analys. Det analysresultatet som uppkom från studien, lade sedan grund för den morfologiska matris som nyttjades för att kunna prototypa de koncept som det föreslagna åtgärdsförslaget utgörs av. Vi fann inom fallstudien vikten av ett effektivt nyttjande av det mänskliga kapitalet, dokumentation och ett aktivt arbete med kunskapsbehållning inom företaget. Detta kan i kombination med implicit och explicit kunskap utveckla och förbättra en verksamhets nyttjande av sina affärsystem samt integrationen av dess dolda processer. För att hjälpa företaget att tillgodose sig detta på ett bra sett, har ett åtgärdsförslag utformats som drar nytta av de förfarande som idag redan finns och nyttjas. Vilket är goda kunskaper om företagets processer samt en väldigt god samhörighet inom organisationen som knyter an till att medarbetarnas lärande ofta sker i dialog med andra människor. / This case study examines how knowledge management looks at a small to medium-sized production company, with an in-house developed Enterprise Resource Planner system, which usually only larger companies have. The purpose is to investigate the need for a formal structure around the company’s knowledge management, as well as, if necessary, to create a proposal for action with routines and methods for managing knowledge and learning within the company. In order to gather empirical evidence, qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight employees at the company, which were then transcribed and analyzed with an abductive thematic analysis. The analysis result that arose from the study then laid the foundation for the morphological matrix that was used to be able to prototype the concepts that make up the proposed action proposal. We found in the case study the importance of effective use of human capital, documentation and active work with knowledge retention within the company. This, in combination with implicit and explicit knowledge, can develop and improve a business’s use of its business systems as well as the integration of its hidden processes. To help the company accommodate this in a good way, a proposal for action has been designed that takes advantage of the procedures that already exist and are used today. Which is good knowledge of the company’s processes as well as a very good sense of belonging within the organization, which is connected to the fact that the employees’ learning often takes place in dialogue with other people.
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Behavior Based Artificial Intelligence in a Village EnvironmentLindstam, Tim, Svensson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Abstract. Autonomous agents, also known as AI agents, are staples in modern video games. They take a lot of roles, everything from being quest-givers in roleplaying games, to opposing forces in action- and shooter games. Crafting an AI that is not only easy to create, but also retains humanlike and believable behavior, has always represented a challenge to the development industry, and has in several cases ended up with open world games using AI systems that limit the AI agents to simple moving patterns. In this thesis, a form of AI systems more commonly used in simulation games such as The Sims video game series, are taken and implemented in an environment that could possibly be seen in an open world game. After the implementation, a set of tests were performed on a group of testers which resulted in the insight that a majority of the testers, when asked to compare their experience to other games, found this implementation to feel more lifelike and realistic.
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Politiques migratoires optimales, doubles frontières et bien-être social dans les modèles à générations imbriquées / Optimal migration policies, two-sided borders and social welfare in overlapping generations modelsChaabane Bouzid, Inaam 14 December 2015 (has links)
Après une introduction générale et un survol de littérature, l’apport de cette thèse est que chaque gouvernement choisit pour son pays le flux de migrants qui maximise le bien-être social. Il s’ensuit naturellement l’introduction du concept de double frontière optimale. Dans un modèle OLG simple à la Galor (1986) avec 2 périodes, 2 pays et offre de travail exogène, le chapitre 2 étudie le rôle des différences d’épargne entre les pays sur l’équilibre stationnaire. Le planificateur social choisit le taux de migration qui conduit l’économie à la Règle d’Or (que les frontières soient coûteuses ou non). Si un pays laisse entrer alors l’autre laisse sortir, mais les taux de migration diffèrent à l’optimum social. Un planificateur mondial choisirait comme les individus. Le chapitre 3 développe un modèle OLG à 3 périodes et 2 pays. En 1ere période les jeunes s’éduquent avec des taux de rendement différent selon le pays, en seconde et troisième période ils offrent du travail endogène. Le taux de migration conduit chaque pays à l’optimum social et est tel qu’un des deux pays souhaite fermer ses frontières avant l’autre. Ces asymétries génèrent des incitations à la migration illégale, et par conséquent les salaires et taux d’intérêt ne s’égalisent pas à l’équilibre post-migratoire.Le chapitre 4 étend le précédent au cas où seuls les adultes sont autorisés à migrer et ajoute un système de retraite. Les pays receveurs souhaiteraient accueillir plus de migrants que les pays d’envois ne souhaiteraient en laisser partir. Le choix individuel de migration repose davantage sur un choix d’éducation des enfants que sur le choix de bénéficier d’une retraite. Ce résultat contredit la littérature sur ce point. / After a general introduction and a literature review, in a 2-country OLG model, this thesis considers a non yet studied case where each government chooses for his country theflow of migrants that maximizes the post-migration social welfare. Since decision flows are unilateral, it naturally follows the introduction of the concept of optimal two-sided-borders. In a simple OLG model à la Galor (1986) with 2 periods, 2 countries and an exogenous labor supply, Chapter 2 examines the differences in optimal migration flows when countrydiffers in time preferences. With or without costly borders, optimal flows that lead the economy to the Golden Rule differ, so that one country closes its borders before the otherone. A world social planner would make an opposite migration policy compared with the country-specific social planner. Chapter 3 develops an OLG model where young train and get the return to education next period, adult and old endogenously work. The optimal migration rates leading to the social optimum of each country differ. These asymmetries generate incentives for illegal migration, hence wages and interest rates do not equalize in the post-migration equilibrium. Chapter 4 extends the previous by introducing a pension system. If by the law, only adults are allowed to migrate, then the receiving country want to attract more migrants than the departure country would let go. The individual choice of migration depends more on the children education than on the retirement benefit choice. This result is not in line with the existing literature. The Welfare State is not the first reason for which migrants leave their country.
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As percepções de risco sobre investimentos na ótica de leigos e especialistas - uma comparação das percepções de risco de médicos e CFPs sobre investimentos no BrasilSanchez Palma, Eduardo 09 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Eduardo Sanchez Palma (edsanpa7@hotmail.com) on 2017-01-17T17:31:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-01-09 / A maioria dos investidores se vê esmagada por uma vasta quantidade de informações, muitas vezes de natureza abstrata. Além disso, o formato padrão utilizado para comunicar os riscos é, geralmente de difícil compreensão e de pouca ajuda na tomada da decisão de investimento, pois a mencionada padronização, raramente leva em consideração os diferentes níveis de conhecimento dos investidores sobre finanças (Sachse, Jungermann, & Belting, 2012, v. 33, p. 438, tradução nossa). Alinhada a isso, a presente pesquisa utiliza questionário baseado na Teoria do Paradigma Psicométrico, para investigar as percepções de risco entre especialistas e investidores leigos sobre seis produtos financeiros. Baseado no elevado conhecimento sobre investimentos que possuem, os Certified Financial Planners foram escolhidos como grupo de controle para comparar as percepções de risco da categoria profissional melhor remunerada no Brasil, qual seja a dos médicos da Grande São Paulo (IBRE, 2009). Testes t para diferença de médias foram feitos para avaliar as percepções entre gêneros e os cinco construtos de risco, respectivamente, relacionados à volatilidade, ao desconhecimento, a desconfiança, a adversidade e as falhas regulatórias; os testes mostraram que são distintas as percepções de risco entre CFPs e médicos, com resultados muitas vezes contrários aos indicados pela literatura, assim como a maior percepção de risco entre as mulheres somente para os construtos relacionados às falhas regulatórias e desconfiança nos consultores de investimento, instituições financeiras e órgãos reguladores. O estudo mostra, ainda, que estão negativamente correlacionadas as percepções do benefício/retorno com os construtos desconfiança e falhas regulatórias somente entre os médicos, e que há diferenças de percepção importantes para o Tesouro Direto e PGBL/VGBL entre as duas categorias profissionais. Dentre os resultados encontrados destacam-se as diferentes percepções de risco sobre os construtos falhas da regulamentação e desconfiança, sugerindo que iniciativas de educação voltadas ao investidor podem não surtir o efeito esperado em razão de serem patrocinadas exatamente por instituições vistas com suspeição pelos investidores. O estudo conclui atribuindo à comunicação o papel determinante do sucesso na relação com o investidor e a necessidade que ela seja construída a partir das percepções de risco e níveis de familiaridade com investimentos dos consumidores. / Most individual investors may be overwhelmed by this vast amount of information and by its abstract nature. Furthermore, this way of informing about risk might be hardly helpful when making a particular investment decision, because this kind of standardized information neglects different levels of experience and financial literacy of the clients (Sachse, Jungermann, & Belting, 2012, v. 33, p. 438). Aware of this, this research paper will use a questionnaire in Psychometric Paradigm Theory to investigate risk perceptions among specialists and lay investors of six financial products. Certified Financial Planners were selected as the control group to assess how risk perceptions of the best-paid category in Brazil, compounded by physicians in São Paulo Metropolis (IBRE, 2009). T Tests about average differences were taken to assess gender perceptions and the five risk constructors associated with volatility, lack of knowledge, mistrust, adversity and regulatory failures; tests showed that risk perceptions are different between CFPs and physicians, with some results contradicting literature, as well as a greater perception of risks among women only to risk constructs related to regulatory failures and mistrust in investment advisors, financial institutions and regulatory bodies. The study also shows that correlations between benefit/return and constructs distrust and regulatory failures are negative only among physicians, and that there are significant perceptual differences about Tesouro Direto and PGBL/VGBL among the two professional categories. Different risk perceptions about the lack of regulation, as well as distrust, suggest that investor education initiatives may not have the expected effect, since they are sponsored by the same institutions of which investors are suspicious. Finally, the study says consumer perceptions of risk and their level of familiarity with investments are crucial, and attributes to communication the role for determining success in the relationship with investors.
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L'attractivité territoriale : rôle des incitations et des institutions et conditions de l'innovation. / The territorial attractiveness : the role of incentives and institutions and conditions for innovationJublot, Guillaume 06 December 2012 (has links)
Face à une succession de crises et une concurrence mondiale, les Etats cherchent des solutions pour s'en sortir. En cette longue période de disette financière à tous les étages territoriaux de la fusée France, il est opportun de regrouper tout ce qui participe à l'attractivité d'un pays, d'une région, d'une métropole. Le manque de communication, observé jusqu'à présent entre des secteurs complémentaires sur un même territoire qui participent pourtant à l'attractivité de celui-ci, rend l'exercice très compliqué. Or, ces ensembles autonomes les uns des autres sur un même territoire, auraient tout intérêt à faire converger leurs efforts en matière d'attractivité économique. Les réformes jusqu'à présent appliquées n'ont pas donné les résultats escomptés. La nécessité et le besoin de réforme structurante n'a jamais été aussi fort et inévitable pour le bon fonctionnement de nos économies. Face à cette crise, la France n'est pas à l'abri au regard des variables macro-économiques : chômages, déficit public, dette... / Faced with a succession of crisis and global competition, States seek solutions to get out. In this long period of financial scarcity at all stages of the rocket territorial France, it is appropriate to consolidate all that contributes to the attractiveness of a country, a region, a city. The lack of communication, abserved so far between complementary sectors in the same territory involved yet the attrativeness of it, makes the excercise very complicated. However, these independent sets of each other on the same territory, would be well advised to focus their efforts in terms of economic attrativeness. The reforms implemented so far didn't yield the desired results. The need and need strutural reform has never been stronger and unavoidable for the proper functioning of our economies. Faced with this crisis, France is not safe in terms of macro-economic variables: lockouts, deficit, debt,...
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A assist?ncia t?cnica nos habitats do MST e o papel do arquiteto e urbanista / A assist?ncia t?cnica nos habitats do MST e o papel do arquiteto e urbanistaCerqueira, Maria C?ndida Teixeira de 16 November 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-11-16 / This dissertation is about Architect and town planner inserts in the technical support of the Rural establishment and of the possibilities of changes in their habitat. It also looks for its participation through the production of those spaces with or without its performance through two references cases,
in Rio Grande do Norte , one called settlement Eldorado de Caraj?s and another one called Maria da Paz. At first the process represents the model that was adopted systematically by Incra until the middle of the year 2000 with the sub-contracting of their construction work through small companies. These standardized projects which are executed without registration in the system CONFEA/CREA without
demand of professional authorship and of technical responsibility of the work. But the process taken place at Maria da Paz s area was configured as one of the first initiatives that stopped with those practices. Consolidated through a partnership among UFRN MST and INCRA/RN, the Architect s technical support and town planner brought new technician-scientific organization and execution of the soil parcels and its habitat. The participation of UFRN was done through a group of studies in land reform and Habitat (GERAH) being this author and coordinator of the methodological proposal, based on the regressive-progressive method and in the inclusion of the conflict as responsible of the ruptures
and transductions both done by Henry L?f?bvre and in the research action approached by Carlos Brand?o. Therefore it included the process of social learning and collective production of new knowledge and attitudes in relation to the environment in the process called as attended self
management in spite of the transformations happened with this new agent s participation. The people re-located to the new areas that got involved in the process and finished their constructions reelaborating the daily practice of the collective effort passed to the self management without technical
support. Years later the implantation of those two experiences our research verified that there is a positive image concerning the Architect and town planner, related, most of all to the conception of the activities, orientation and execution of constructions projects and of acceptance of those professionals to the processes of implementation of the Habitats of the Rural establishments. This dissertation
analyses this form of performance, from and beyond these images trying to find the professional, specificities or methodological in such a way to demonstrate the importance of its insertion in the formulation and attendance of the more of 100.000 habitats of Rural establishments of the land
reform of the country that correspond to most of the housing social interest in the country side / Esta disserta??o trata da inser??o do arquiteto e urbanista na assist?ncia t?cnica dos assentamentos rurais e das possibilidades de mudan?as em seus habitats. Busca tamb?m, perceber sua participa??o e imagem, atrav?s da produ??o desses espa?os com e sem a sua atua??o, atrav?s de duas refer?ncias no Rio Grande do Norte Assentamentos Eldorado dos Caraj?s e Maria da Paz. No primeiro, o processo
representa o modelo que foi adotado, sistematicamente, pelo INCRA at? meados de 2000, com a terceiriza??o de suas constru??es atrav?s de pequenas empresas. Estas executavam projetos padronizados, sem registro no sistema CONFEA/CREA, sem exig?ncia de autoria profissional e de
responsabilidade t?cnica da obra. J? o processo do Maria da Paz se configurou como uma das primeiras iniciativas que romperam com essas pr?ticas. Consolidada atrav?s de uma parceria entre a UFRN, MST e INCRA/RN, a assist?ncia t?cnica do arquiteto e urbanista trouxe novos par?metros t?cnico-cient?ficos ao planejamento, organiza??o e execu??o do parcelamento do solo e do seu habitat. A participa??o da UFRN se deu atrav?s do Grupo de Estudos em Reforma Agr?ria e Habitat (GERAH), sendo este o idealizador e coordenador da proposta metodol?gica, baseada no m?todo regressivo-progressivo e na inclus?o do conflito como desencadeador de rupturas e transdu??o, ambos elaborados por Henry L?f?bvre, e na pesquisa-a??o abordada por Carlos Brand?o. Incluiu, portanto, o processo de aprendizagem social e produ??o coletiva de novos conhecimentos e atitudes em rela??o ao
meio ambiente no processo chamado de autogest?o assistida. Apesar das transforma??es ocorridas com a participa??o deste novo agente, os assentados se apropriaram do processo e terminaram suas constru??es re-elaborando a pr?tica cotidiana do mutir?o, passando ? autogest?o sem assist?ncia t?cnica. Anos ap?s a implanta??o dessas duas experi?ncias, a pesquisa por n?s realizada constatou que
h? uma imagem positiva do arquiteto e urbanista, relacionada, sobretudo, ?s atividades de concep??o, orienta??o e execu??o de projetos de edifica??es e da assist?ncia desses profissionais aos processos de implanta??o dos habitats dos assentamentos rurais. O trabalho analisa esta forma de atua??o, a partir e al?m dessas imagens, buscando encontrar as especificidades profissionais ou metodol?gicas, de modo
a demonstrar a import?ncia da sua inser??o na formula??o e acompanhamento dos mais de 100.000 habitats de assentamentos rurais de reforma agr?ria do Pa?s, que correspondem ? maior parte da habita??o de interesse social no campo
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