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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktuální trendy v bezkontaktním placení, přínos Apple a analýza trhu ČR včetně preferencí spotřebitelů / Actual trends in contactless payment, contribution of Apple and analysis of market in the Czech Republic including consumer preferences

Novák, Vladimír January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of this work is to analyze current trends in contactless payments and consequently implement it on the Czech market. On this base this thesis deals with several wearable devices. Furthermore on this base is also working in the application part, where is one of the secondary objectives of the work to determine consumer preferences on the market of the Czech Republic. One of the secondary objectives is create a brief summary of the history of payment cards and within the sociological aspect to find a certain analogy in introducing innovations in the field of payments towards current trends in contactless methods. Within the secondary objectives there are simultaneously defined key assumptions forms of payment for success on the market. The following section focuses on electronic payments. Specifically, it deals with trends in electronic payment services, where for its implementation aren´t required the physical presence of the card or chip. Furthermore there are analyzed alternative paths in the current payment methods, namely peer-to-peer platforms. On these platforms is based shared economy, which also represents an interesting potential for the possible development of payment field. Chapter with alternative methods for cashless is finished by analyzing digital currencies. The hypothesis of this thesis is whether Apple can have an impact on the area of contactless payments and how it can affect the entire sector. Part of the hypothesis is the claim that Apple manages to change the area of contactless payments, such as happenede in the music industry with iTunes and then in the telecommunications industry with a revolutionary iPhone. Potential benefit of Apple is defined by the method of description. Potential contribution of Apple Pay is characterized by logical deduction base on previous relationships. Conclusion is by quantitative research method, namely through the consumer research, assessed consumer preferences in the Czech Repulic and is also evaluated the hypothesis of potential benefits of Apple contactless payments.

A user-centered and autonomic multi-cloud architecture for high performance computing applications / Un utilisateur centré et multi-cloud architecture pour le calcul des applications de haute performance

Ferreira Leite, Alessandro 02 December 2014 (has links)
Le cloud computing a été considéré comme une option pour exécuter des applications de calcul haute performance. Bien que les plateformes traditionnelles de calcul haute performance telles que les grilles et les supercalculateurs offrent un environnement stable du point de vue des défaillances, des performances, et de la taille des ressources, le cloud computing offre des ressources à la demande, généralement avec des performances imprévisibles mais à des coûts financiers abordables. Pour surmonter les limites d’un cloud individuel, plusieurs clouds peuvent être combinés pour former une fédération de clouds, souvent avec des coûts supplémentaires légers pour les utilisateurs. Une fédération de clouds peut aider autant les fournisseurs que les utilisateurs à atteindre leurs objectifs tels la réduction du temps d’exécution, la minimisation des coûts, l’augmentation de la disponibilité, la réduction de la consommation d’énergie, pour ne citer que ceux-Là. Ainsi, la fédération de clouds peut être une solution élégante pour éviter le sur-Approvisionnement, réduisant ainsi les coûts d’exploitation en situation de charge moyenne, et en supprimant des ressources qui, autrement, resteraient inutilisées et gaspilleraient ainsi de énergie. Cependant, la fédération de clouds élargit la gamme des ressources disponibles. En conséquence, pour les utilisateurs, des compétences en cloud computing ou en administration système sont nécessaires, ainsi qu’un temps d’apprentissage considérable pour maîtrises les options disponibles. Dans ce contexte, certaines questions se posent: (a) Quelle ressource du cloud est appropriée pour une application donnée? (b) Comment les utilisateurs peuvent-Ils exécuter leurs applications HPC avec un rendement acceptable et des coûts financiers abordables, sans avoir à reconfigurer les applications pour répondre aux normes et contraintes du cloud ? (c) Comment les non-Spécialistes du cloud peuvent-Ils maximiser l’usage des caractéristiques du cloud, sans être liés au fournisseur du cloud ? et (d) Comment les fournisseurs de cloud peuvent-Ils exploiter la fédération pour réduire la consommation électrique, tout en étant en mesure de fournir un service garantissant les normes de qualité préétablies ? À partir de ces questions, la présente thèse propose une solution de consolidation d’applications pour la fédération de clouds qui garantit le respect des normes de qualité de service. On utilise un système multi-Agents pour négocier la migration des machines virtuelles entre les clouds. En nous basant sur la fédération de clouds, nous avons développé et évalué une approche pour exécuter une énorme application de bioinformatique à coût zéro. En outre, nous avons pu réduire le temps d’exécution de 22,55% par rapport à la meilleure exécution dans un cloud individuel. Cette thèse présente aussi une architecture de cloud baptisée « Excalibur » qui permet l’adaptation automatique des applications standards pour le cloud. Dans l’exécution d’une chaîne de traitements de la génomique, Excalibur a pu parfaitement mettre à l’échelle les applications sur jusqu’à 11 machines virtuelles, ce qui a réduit le temps d’exécution de 63% et le coût de 84% par rapport à la configuration de l’utilisateur. Enfin, cette thèse présente un processus d’ingénierie des lignes de produits (PLE) pour gérer la variabilité de l’infrastructure à la demande du cloud, et une architecture multi-Cloud autonome qui utilise ce processus pour configurer et faire face aux défaillances de manière indépendante. Le processus PLE utilise le modèle étendu de fonction avec des attributs pour décrire les ressources et les sélectionner en fonction des objectifs de l’utilisateur. Les expériences réalisées avec deux fournisseurs de cloud différents montrent qu’en utilisant le modèle proposé, les utilisateurs peuvent exécuter leurs applications dans un environnement de clouds fédérés, sans avoir besoin de connaître les variabilités et contraintes du cloud. / Cloud computing has been seen as an option to execute high performance computing (HPC) applications. While traditional HPC platforms such as grid and supercomputers offer a stable environment in terms of failures, performance, and number of resources, cloud computing offers on-Demand resources generally with unpredictable performance at low financial cost. Furthermore, in cloud environment, failures are part of its normal operation. To overcome the limits of a single cloud, clouds can be combined, forming a cloud federation often with minimal additional costs for the users. A cloud federation can help both cloud providers and cloud users to achieve their goals such as to reduce the execution time, to achieve minimum cost, to increase availability, to reduce power consumption, among others. Hence, cloud federation can be an elegant solution to avoid over provisioning, thus reducing the operational costs in an average load situation, and removing resources that would otherwise remain idle and wasting power consumption, for instance. However, cloud federation increases the range of resources available for the users. As a result, cloud or system administration skills may be demanded from the users, as well as a considerable time to learn about the available options. In this context, some questions arise such as: (a) which cloud resource is appropriate for a given application? (b) how can the users execute their HPC applications with acceptable performance and financial costs, without needing to re-Engineer the applications to fit clouds' constraints? (c) how can non-Cloud specialists maximize the features of the clouds, without being tied to a cloud provider? and (d) how can the cloud providers use the federation to reduce power consumption of the clouds, while still being able to give service-Level agreement (SLA) guarantees to the users? Motivated by these questions, this thesis presents a SLA-Aware application consolidation solution for cloud federation. Using a multi-Agent system (MAS) to negotiate virtual machine (VM) migrations between the clouds, simulation results show that our approach could reduce up to 46% of the power consumption, while trying to meet performance requirements. Using the federation, we developed and evaluated an approach to execute a huge bioinformatics application at zero-Cost. Moreover, we could decrease the execution time in 22.55% over the best single cloud execution. In addition, this thesis presents a cloud architecture called Excalibur to auto-Scale cloud-Unaware application. Executing a genomics workflow, Excalibur could seamlessly scale the applications up to 11 virtual machines, reducing the execution time by 63% and the cost by 84% when compared to a user's configuration. Finally, this thesis presents a product line engineering (PLE) process to handle the variabilities of infrastructure-As-A-Service (IaaS) clouds, and an autonomic multi-Cloud architecture that uses this process to configure and to deal with failures autonomously. The PLE process uses extended feature model (EFM) with attributes to describe the resources and to select them based on users' objectives. Experiments realized with two different cloud providers show that using the proposed model, the users could execute their application in a cloud federation environment, without needing to know the variabilities and constraints of the clouds.

Residencia Intergeneracional / Intergenerational Residence

Monzante Cuneo, Adriana Irene 06 November 2020 (has links)
El proyecto nace de la problemática del adulto mayor olvidado y su necesidad de vivienda permanente, funcional y segura con espacios complementarios y adaptados a su movilidad. Este usuario, adulto mayor, es el enfoque del quehacer cotidiano dentro de la Residencia; sin embargo, el éxito de esta tipología recae en la convivencia de dos generaciones. Es por ello que el segundo usuario permanente es aquel joven independiente que busca residencia temporal. La Residencia Intergeneracional busca materializar un ambiente autónomo, pero a la vez especializado que funcione exitosamente con el usuario de apoyo, en relación al usuario dependiente. Enfermeros y jóvenes estudiantes pueden prestar su servicio para el cuidado del adulto mayor y este se convierta en un hogar temporal que los acoge mientras se encuentran estudiando o buscando un trabajo en la capital. La columna vertebral del proyecto es el puente en niveles múltiples integrados por dobles alturas y plataformas de ingreso a cada uno de los departamentos en esta residencia. Este eje articulador permite el recorrido de los usuarios, desde el bloque de bienvenida sobre la avenida Melgarejo y atraviesa la residencia en los niveles superiores hasta el segundo acceso en la calle 5. El adulto mayor como eje de diseño, requiere un programa completo y especializado dividido en salud, ocio y vivienda. La correcta organización de estos paquetes y los ejes de circulación directos permiten la convivencia libre de los peligros de la ciudad en un espacio en armonía. / The project stems from the problem of the forgotten older adult and their need for permanent, functional and safe housing with complementary spaces and adapted to their mobility. This user, older adult, is the focus of daily work within the Residence; However, the success of this typology lies in the coexistence of two generations. That is why the second permanent user is that young independent person seeking temporary residence. The Intergenerational Residence seeks to realize an autonomous environment, but at the same time specialized that works successfully with the support user, in relation to the dependent user. Nurses and young students can provide their service for the care of the elderly and this becomes a temporary home that welcomes them while they are studying or looking for a job in the capital. The backbone of the project is the multi-level bridge integrated by double heights and entrance platforms to each of the departments in this residence. This articulating axis allows users to travel, from the welcome block on Melgarejo Avenue and crosses the residence on the upper levels to the second access on 5th Street. The older adult as a design axis, requires a complete and specialized program divided into health, leisure and housing. The correct organization of these packages and the direct circulation axes allow the coexistence free of the dangers of the city in a space in harmony. / Tesis

RAISING A NEW COLLECTIVE VOICE THROUGH GREENFIELD UNION ORGANISING : The mobilisation and unionisation of workers and the establishment of a collective agreement at Foodora in Sweden

Banasiak, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
Following an actor-centred approach to institutional change, the aim of the study was to explore the process of ‘greenfield organising’ through which unions and collective bargaining structures are established in workplaces where there are none initially. A qualitative theory-oriented single case study, using some principles of the grounded theory, analysed the organising process and negotiations at Foodora in Sweden that resulted in a collective agreement. Besides, a phenomenographic approach was employed to understand participants’ conceptions of an organising success. Riders and union officials of the Transport union were interviewed for both parts of the study. The empirical material of the case study also included a survey conducted by the union, the Transport and Foodora collective agreements, media reports and articles, organisational webpages, social media, and legal acts. The results showed that workforce fragmentation and isolation were obstacles to the riders’ mobilisation but social interactions, through which pre-existing networks were mobilised and new relations were built, were central to the organising process. These bonds facilitated the transformative agency exerted by the riders and the union, which was based on intense involvement, learning and strategy. Thereby, they were able to influence influential factors and to build new social structure through increased union membership and a new collective agreement. These outcomes might be considered emerging components of an organising success, which the participants conceive mainly in terms of high level of union membership, workers’ solidaristic engagement and knowledge of their rights, reaching a collective agreement, working conditions improvement. The main conclusions of the study are, firstly, that a relational approach to social reality is required to understand the mobilisation of actors and the significance of institutional contradictions for them. Secondly, resources mobilisation and strategic capabilities were key dimensions of the agency exerted by actors. Finally, this agency, albeit embedded in constraining structural conditions, was able to some extent to achieve institutional change. / Syftet med studien var att via ett aktörsinriktat tillvägagångssätt utforska så kallad "greenfield-organisering"- det vill säga institutionella förändringar inom vilka fackföreningar och förhandlingsstrukturer etableras på arbetsplatser där det till en början saknas sådana. Inspirerad av grundad teori genomfördes en kvalitativ teoriorienterad single case-studie för att analysera organiseringsprocessen och de fackliga förhandlingarna med Foodora i Sverige och som sedan resulterade i ett kollektivavtal. Därtill användes även fenomenografisk metod för att förstå deltagarnas uppfattningar om en framgångsrik organisering. Cykelbud och Transports fackliga tjänstemän intervjuades för båda delarna av studien. Ytterligare empiriskt material som utforskades i case-studien, var en facklig undersökning, Transports och Foodoras kollektivavtal, mediarapporter och artiklar, organisatoriska webbsidor, sociala medier, samt lagstiftning. Resultaten visade att fragmentering och isolering av arbetsstyrkan var ett hinder för cykelbudens mobilisering, men att sociala interaktioner, genom vilka redan existerande nätverk mobiliserades och nya relationer byggdes, var centrala i organiseringsprocessen. Dessa band underlättade transformativ handling – "agency" – för cykelbuden och facket, som baserades på intensivt engagemang, lärande och strategiskt handlande. Därigenom kunde de påverka viktiga faktorer och bygga upp en ny social struktur genom ökat fackligt medlemskap och ett nytt kollektivavtal. Resultatet kan betraktas som komponenter av en framgångsrik organisering på en arbetsplats, som deltagarna främst tänker på i form av hög facklig anslutning, solidariskt engagemang från arbetare och kunskap om sina rättigheter, vikten av att ha ett kollektivavtal och förbättrade arbetsvillkor. Studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är, för det första, att det krävs ett relationellt förhållningssätt till den sociala verkligheten för att förstå aktörernas mobilisering och institutionella motsättningar. Den andra slutsatsen är att resursmobilisering och strategiska förmågor var viktiga dimensioner av aktörers handlingar - "agency." Trots att det var inbäddade i begränsande strukturella förhållanden kunde dessa handlingar slutligen i viss utsträckning uppnå institutionell förändring. / Suivant une approche du changement institutionnel centrée sur l'acteur, l'objectif de cette étude était d'explorer le processus d’implantation syndicale à travers lequel des syndicats et structures de négociation collective sont mis en place sur des lieux de travail qui en sont initialement dépourvus. Une étude de cas, qualitative et à finalité théorique, reprenant certains principes de la “grounded theory” - “théorie ancrée”, a eu pour objet d’analyser le processus d'organisation et de négociations à Foodora en Suède ayant abouti à un accord collectif. En outre, une étude phénoménographique a été menée afin de comprendre les conceptions qu’avaient les participant/e/s d'une implantation syndicale réussie. Des entretiens ont été conduits avec des livreurs/se de Foodora et des responsables du syndicat Transport pour les deux volets de l'étude. Le matériau empirique comprend également, pour l'étude de cas, les résultats d’une étude menée par le syndicat, les accords collectifs sectoriel et conclu avec Foodora, des articles et reportages dans les médias, les sites Internet et réseaux sociaux des organisations, ainsi que des textes législatifs. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que la fragmentation du collectif de travail et l’isolement des livreurs/ses ont été des obstacles à leur mobilisation; a contrario, les interactions sociales, à travers lesquelles des réseaux préexistants ont été mobilisés et de nouvelles relations ont été construites, ont été au cœur du processus d'organisation. Ces liens ont facilité l’action transformatrice des livreurs/ses et du syndicat, basée sur un engagement intense, l’apprentissage et une approche stratégique. Ils ont pu ainsi, d’une part, influencer des facteurs influents dans leur contexte, et d’autre part, mettre en place de nouvelles structures sociales à travers l’élargissement de la base syndicale et la négociation d'un nouvel accord collectif. Ces résultats peuvent être considérés comme des composantes émergentes d'une implantation syndicale réussie, que les participant/e/s conçoivent principalement en termes de niveau élevé de syndicalisation, d’engagement solidaire des travailleurs/ses, de connaissance par celles/ceux-ci de leurs droits, de mise en place d’un accord collectif, et d'amélioration des conditions de travail. L'étude conclut principalement, d'une part, qu'une approche relationnelle de la réalité sociale est nécessaire pour comprendre la mobilisation des acteurs/rices et la signification pour elles/eux des contradictions institutionnelles. D’autre part, la mobilisation des ressources et les capacités stratégiques ont été des dimensions clés de leur agence. Enfin, cette agence bien qu’insérée dans des conditions structurelles contraignantes a pu, dans une certaine mesure, réaliser un changement institutionnel.

Nové brněnské hlavní nádraží a jeho veřejná prostranství / Brno New Train Station and its Public Spaces

Velfl, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The topic discussed in Brno for several decades is certainly the building of the new main railway station and its location. Countless architectural and urban studies have been done especially in 2018, which examined three possible locations of the station. After considering the possibilities, it was decided to place a new railway station near by the Svratka river. The advantage of the chosen location is the possibility of constructing a high-speed track, which is not possible in the current position of the station. Furthermore, this area allows the construction of a station on a green field, without limiting train traffic during the works. The capacity of the new designed train station represents an increase of 30-40 thousand passengers per day. Total capacity is approximately 100,000 passengers per day. However, construction activity in the area is limited by the flood risk factor. It is an effort to eliminate this risk with elements inspired by nature. These solutions include for example widening profle of the river , determining floodplains in such a way as to maintain access to the river. The diploma thesis offers a possible view of the architectural solution of the new railway station and its public spaces. The entrance hall of the station is located at one end of the visual axis, which is represented by the considered boulevard. The dominant building on the opposite side is the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. The requirements and location of the new main station mean an assumption for the creation of a new city icon. The iconic vaulted structure, which runs across the railway bridge, refers to the former glory and fame of the city. The curve of catenary arch used in the profile of vault is a symbol for the new station. The new station represents a significant impulse not only for the development of Brno, but especially for the development of new South district. The construction of the trade fairs complex a hundred years ago had a similer effect.

Návrh modernizace žst. Brandýs nad Orlicí / Design of modernization of Brandýs nad Orlicí railway station

Štrumfa, David January 2013 (has links)
Design for modernization of the railway station Brandys nad Orlici. The reconstruction of both the gridiron. The main rails increase the speed to the maximum, in passing tracks increase the speed to 60 km / h The station will eliminate level crossings on the platform. Width arrangement of the platforms will be designed to accommodate persons with reduced mobility options.

Návrh optimálního průběhu montáže strojů "Multinip" ve vybraném podniku / Proposal for Optimizations the Process Machine Bulding Conditions in Company

Valouch, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
Making of an analysis of the assembly process. Presentation of safe and efficient assembly with the help of platforms or scaffolding for all types of machines according to the working width. Choosing the most suitable alternative of machine assembly. Suggestion about the assembly workstation's placement in a hall. Storage and logistics. Advantages of the chosen solution. Summary of the conclusions.

Corporate Social Networks within the Financial Sector : A tool to enhance unity and knowledge sharing / Företagsbaserade Sociala Nätverk inom Finansbranchen : Ett verktyg för att förbättra samhörigheten och kunskapsspridningen

Janghede, Simon, Bradka, David January 2013 (has links)
This study has been conducted with Sirius International as a case company. The investigation has revolved around the weaknesses Sirius, along with the authors, have identified concerning the international collaboration and communication. It was later shown that these problems were based on a low sense of unity in the organization as a result of the lack of knowledge sharing, knowledge management, and spread of organization related information. It was decided to evaluate whether a corporate social network (CSN) could assist in these problems and if so, decide what system would be the most appropriate in regards to the internal needs and requirements at Sirius. The major challenges brought on with an implementation of a CSN, and how to face these, were investigated as a part of the evaluation whether a CSN would be appropriate for Sirius or not. The study showed that a CSN was an appropriate choice for Sirius in order to improve the international communication, collaboration, and unity. The most suitable choice was determined to be Yammer, as it best suited the internal requirements and needs. Along with these results, the largest challenge with an implementation and future use of the system was user acceptance and overall usage of the system. If the CSN is not used, none of the visions, goals, or purposes will be fulfilled. / Denna studie har gjorts med Sirius International som case-företag. Undersökningen har kretsat kring svagheterna som Sirius, tillsammans med författarna har identifierat kring det internationella samarbetet och kommunikationen. Det visade sig senare att dessa problem var grundade i en låg känsla av samhörighet i organisationen och att detta var ett resultat av den låga nivån av kunskapsspridning, kunskapshantering och spridning av organisationsrelaterad information. Beslutet togs att undersöka huruvida ett företags-baserat socialt nätverk kunde hjälpa vid dessa problem och, om fallet var sådant, komma fram till vilket socialt nätverk som skulle vara mest lämpat vid avseende på de interna behoven och kraven från Sirius. Vid undersökningen om huruvida ett socialt nätverk var lämpligt för Sirius gjordes också en undersökning för att identifiera de största utmaningarna med en implementation av ett socialt nätverk och hur dessa skall bemötas och övervinnas. Studien visade att ett företagsbaserat socialt nätverk var ett lämpligt val för att överkomma problemen i Sirius och förbättra den internationella kommunikationen, samarbetet och samhörigheten. Det lämpligaste sociala nätverket för Sirius blev Yammer som bäst täckte de interna behoven och kraven hos Sirius. Tillsammans med dessa resultat visade undersökningen att den största utmaningen med en implementation och framtida nyttjande av systemet var användaracceptans och generell användning av systemet. Om ett socialt nätverk inte används så kan inga av visionerna, målen eller syftena med systemet infrias.

Competitive Strategies of Digital Platforms in New Markets : An analysis of the strategies and firm financial performanceof digital platforms entering competitive markets in theNordics

Fouhy, David, Pais, Alfredo January 2022 (has links)
Over the recent decade the world has seen an increase in businesses launching new, or changing theirbusiness model to, digital platforms. New and established businesses are flocking to digital platformsin order to evolve their business model and keep up with advancements in technology, such as cloudcomputing, which enables commerce and communication on a much faster and more streamlinedlevel. Digital platforms with two-sided markets often face fierce competition from market incumbentswhich benefit from traditional supply-side economies of scale, as well as from other digital platforms.Therefore, the competitive strategy adopted at market launch and under operations will have a greatimpact on the platform performance in terms of firm financial performance.This study is divided into two parts and is performed with the objective to gain insight into thecompetitive strategies adopted by digital platform businesses with two-sided markets, and how suchstrategic decisions may be informed in favor of profitability. The first part investigates the influence ofinternal factors, such as debt ratio, quick ratio, sales growth, and capital turnover ratio, on the firmfinancial performance (measured by return on assets) of digital platforms with two-sided markets inthe Nordics. The second part investigates the relationship between the firm financial performance(measured by return on assets) of digital platform businesses with two-sided markets after launch andthe type of strategy adopted. Subsequently, two hypotheses are presented. Subsequently, twohypotheses are presented. A panel data regression model is developed to evaluate these relationships,allowing the authors to test the null hypotheses. The data set used in the panel data regression modelcomprise an unbalanced sample of 27 companies who have launched their platforms in Norway,Sweden, and Denmark. Financial data was gathered in the form of return on assets (dependentvariable), capital turnover ratio, quick ratio, debt ratio, and sales growth (explanatory variables).These companies were grouped depending on which strategy was adopted on market launch and underearly operations. These strategies are subsidy, seeding and marquee users, micro market launch andpiggybacking (categorical ‘dummy’ variables).Studying the firm financial performance of businesses which adopt digital platforms will help us tobetter understand the efficacy of strategies adopted and how these strategies impact financialperformance. Both null hypotheses tested may be partially rejected. The authors conclude that theinternal factors debt ratio, quick ratio, and sales growth have a significant influence on theprofitability (measured by return on assets) of digital platforms with two-sided markets in the Nordics.The influence of the internal factor capital turnover ratio on profitability is statistically insignificant.Quick ratio has a positive significant influence on profitability, whereas debt ratio and sales growthhave a negative influence. The authors also conclude that companies which have business modelsallowing them to adopt a subsidy strategy yields stronger profitability than those which adopt otherstrategies. Companies which entice seed & marquee users to their platform as a strategy yields thesecond strongest profitability. Companies which choose a micro market launch strategy yield theweakest profitability. The authors of this study will not draw conclusions on the efficacy of theadoption of a piggybacking strategy on profitability due to the limited number of observationsattributed to the piggybacking dataset.Future studies may expand upon this research with the inclusion of a wider catchment of businesses,as well as the inclusion of a wider data set to include other geographical locations and improvestatistical significance of the data set. An improvement to the study may also be to analyze thecorrelation between the strength of competitors upon market entry and the efficacy of the strategiesadopted.

Navigating Anonymity in Online Communities: A Multilevel Perspective : Examining user experiences and perceptions of online anonymity in the Fishbrain enthusiast community

Rahman, Md. Shadman January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the intricate dynamics of online anonymity in the context of Fishbrain, a platform for fishing enthusiasts. By conducting semi-structured interviews with ten Fishbrain users, I scrutinized the experiences and understanding of online anonymity through a deductive thematic analysis approach. This research was further underpinned by a comprehensive platform analysis. Using Eklund et al.'s framework [15], I studied six themes that encompass both macro and micro-regulating structures that govern online anonymity. The research findings highlight the pivotal role of these structures, revealing that users frequently balance the advantages of disclosing personal information against potential risks. This study accentuates the need to consider a spectrum of factors—commercial, legal, and technological structures, alongside the factual, social group, and physical facets of anonymity—when investigating online anonymity. This research expands the existing body of knowledge on online anonymity and provides valuable insights for platforms like Fishbrain to better address their users' concerns and customize their features and policies effectively.

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