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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre Cal?ope e Clio: os g?neros discursivos orais em livros did?ticos de portugu?s e de hist?ria do nono ano

Silva, Francisco Leilson da 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-08-26T23:00:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoLeilsonDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 12710659 bytes, checksum: 770d8803c8befd145aba07751b0b6c14 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-30T21:35:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoLeilsonDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 12710659 bytes, checksum: 770d8803c8befd145aba07751b0b6c14 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-30T21:35:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoLeilsonDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 12710659 bytes, checksum: 770d8803c8befd145aba07751b0b6c14 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho analisa a presen?a dos g?neros discursivos orais em quatro livros did?ticos do nono ano do Ensino Fundamental, assim subdivididos: dois livros de L?ngua Portuguesa e dois de Hist?ria. Realiza a investiga??o a partir da an?lise do texto escrito, com o objetivo de identificar como os referidos manuais tratam a oralidade em sua fun??o de indicadora de atividades em sala de aula. Para conduzir a reflex?o sobre o trabalho com esses g?neros discursivos orais e como evidenciam a presen?a da fala como objeto de aprendizagem, fundamentamo-nos nos seguintes autores: Bakhtin (2011), Vieira (2007) e Dolz, Scheneuwly, Pietro, Zahnd, (2011). Com base nesses estudos, constatamos que a presen?a da oralidade no livro did?tico ainda apresenta limita??es. Por?m, j? identificamos avan?os em compara??o a um passado n?o muito distante em que a oralidade estava condenada ao ostracismo ou apenas citada como uma possibilidade de realiza??o do texto por meio da fala. Entendemos que passados mais de quinze anos da publica??o dos Par?metros Curriculares de L?ngua Portuguesa (1998), os livros did?ticos de L?ngua Portuguesa iniciam um trabalho com atividades que estimulam o di?logo e promovem oportunidades de reflex?o sobre o uso de estrat?gias que orientam e potencializam a habilidade oral no ensino dos g?neros (formais e informais), a fim de promover uma intera??o que passe pela escuta e pela fala do outro. De forma latente, os livros de Hist?ria apresentam uma leve transforma??o especificando os g?neros discursivos orais. Em algumas atividades, tenta preparar o aluno e, assim, corrobora para o nosso entendimento de que ensinar a ler, a escrever ea falar ? dever de todas as ?reas, tendo como resultado uma aprendizagem mais efetiva da oralidade por meio de uma rela??o dial?gica do processo de organiza??o e produ??o dos g?neros discursivos orais. / This work analyzes oral genres in four textbooks from ninth level of Elementary school that consists in two books of Portuguese language and two of the History. The research investigates written text, in order to identify how the manuals referred treats orality as an indicator function in the classroom. To reflect about this work with oral genres it has bases on Bakhtin (2011), Rojo (2005) and Dolz, Scheneuwly, Pietro, Zahnd (2011). Based on these studies, it finds out that the presence of orality in the textbook also has limitations. However, it presents major advances compared to a past not too distant when orality is ostracized or it is only mentioned as a possibility for realization of the text through speech. It understands that after more than fifteen years since the publication of the Par?metros Curriculares de L?ngua Portuguesa (1998), Portuguese textbooks start activities that stimulate a dialogue and promote opportunities to reflect about the use of strategies that guide and enhance the oral ability in the teaching of genres (formal and informal), aiming to promote interaction that involves listening and talking to the other. Latently, History books show a slight transformation related to the oral genres. In some activities, they try to prepare the student and thus corroborate the understanding that to teach reading, writing and speaking is the duty of all areas, resulting in a more effective learning of orality through a dialogic relation of the process of organization and production of oral discursive genres.

A intera??o nas dist?ncias: a an?lise de um processo

Meirelles, Cl?udia de Souza Cardoso 30 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:19:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ClaudiaSCM_DISSERT.pdf: 549390 bytes, checksum: 5b1c6aedd0d7aa60b07797ee9cc9eaef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-30 / Universidade Tiradentes / Education and technology have always walked side by side. The Information and Communication Technologies are inserted in education as a profile of people from the new era. This research has the objective of understanding the insertion of the use of the Technologies of Information and Communication within the educational context, from the analysis of the process of interactivity among students and teachers of the Portuguese distance course of the Tiradentes University (Unit). For such, the empiric investigation was based on the analysis of academic documents, such as: the Course Pedagogical Project and Class Planning of regular classes, in regular classrooms, as well as interviews, focal groups, and pictures with people who live the history of the course. Direct observations were also conducted. The methodology applied was bibliographic and qualitative research of the exploratory type, using the information that was collected through the interviews. The results of this research demonstrated that the interaction promoted by the ICT represents a process of social change, and therefore, of development for education. It was concluded that the Distance Education has to overcome some fragilities, aiming at contributing to the educational field and to the promotion of interactions among students / Educa??o e tecnologia sempre caminharam juntas. As tecnologias da informa??o e comunica??o est?o inseridas na educa??o como um reflexo das pessoas da nova era. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender a inser??o do uso das tecnologias de informa??o e comunica??o no contexto educacional, a partir da an?lise do processo de interatividade entre alunos e professores do curso de Letras Portugu?s da Universidade Tiradentes (Unit), na modalidade a dist?ncia. Assim, a investiga??o emp?rica pautou-se na an?lise de documentos acad?micos, como Projeto Pedag?gico do Curso e o planejamento de aulas para os encontros presenciais; das entrevistas, grupos focais, fotos com pessoas que vivem a hist?ria do curso; tamb?m foram feitas observa??es diretas. A metodologia empregada foi a pesquisa bibliogr?fica e qualitativa do tipo explorat?ria com as informa??es coletadas atrav?s da entrevista. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostraram que a intera??o feita pelas TICs representa em sua efetividade um processo de mudan?a social e, consequentemente, de desenvolvimento para a educa??o. Concluiu-se que a EAD precisa superar algumas fragilidades, visando contribuir para a educa??o e na promo??o de intera??es entre os estudantes

A constru??o medial no portugu?s do Brasil: usos no padr?o reclama??o digital

Melo, N?dia Maria Silveira Costa de 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-04-08T22:32:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NadiaMariaSilveiraCostaDeMelo_TESE.pdf: 1542179 bytes, checksum: be052cfe0b06ab470accca1b8275b1ce (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-11T20:02:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 NadiaMariaSilveiraCostaDeMelo_TESE.pdf: 1542179 bytes, checksum: be052cfe0b06ab470accca1b8275b1ce (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-11T20:02:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NadiaMariaSilveiraCostaDeMelo_TESE.pdf: 1542179 bytes, checksum: be052cfe0b06ab470accca1b8275b1ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Esta tese examina a constru??o medial do portugu?s do Brasil (PB). Trata-se de uma constru??o que descreve um evento causativo, em que um participante sujeito n?o-humano ? afetado por uma a??o que n?o emana dele. Interessa-nos investigar essa constru??o a partir de suas fun??es sem?ntico-cognitivas e discursivopragm?ticas, suas caracter?sticas espec?ficas, motiva??es e contexto discursivo em que seu uso ? recorrente. Para tanto, buscamos responder ?s seguintes quest?es: qual a configura??o estrutural protot?pica da constru??o medial (CM) no Portugu?s do Brasil? Quais s?o suas fun??es discursivas espec?ficas? Qual ? o grau de transitividade da CM com base nas propriedades propostas por Hopper e Thompson (1980)? Partimos do pressuposto de que a constru??o medial possui estrutura pr?pria que particulariza sua dimens?o significativa, garantindo um certo distanciamento entre o respons?vel pelo evento e a entidade afetada. A fundamenta??o te?rica prov?m da Lingu?stica Funcional Centrada no Uso (FURTADO DA CUNHA; BISPO; SILVA, 2013). ? uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativo-interpretativista que tem como prioridade a an?lise de ocorr?ncias oriundas de textos produzidos por usu?rios da l?ngua portuguesa do Brasil em situa??o efetiva de comunica??o. Os dados emp?ricos analisados prov?m de textos eletr?nicos dispon?veis no s?tio www.reclameaqui.com.br. Os resultados revelaram a exist?ncia de diferentes configura??es em portugu?s para a constru??o medial, sendo a protot?pica a formada por SN+V. Do ponto de vista morfossint?tico e sem?ntico, a constru??o expressa um sujeito afetado por uma a??o que n?o parte dele. Quanto ao aspecto pragm?tico, a constru??o expressa um evento que parece ter como prop?sito enfatizar o argumento afetado e ignorar, intencionalmente ou n?o, o agente ou o causativo, por ser irrelevante para o falante/ouvinte na situa??o de comunica??o. / This thesis examines the medial construction of the Portuguese of Brazil (PB). It is a construction which describes a causative event in which a non-human subject participant is affected by an action that does not originate from itself. Thus, we are interested in investigating this type of construction, its specific characteristics, motivations and discursive context from its semantic- cognitive and discoursive - pragmatic functions. The research questions are: what is the prototypical structural configuration of the medial construction (MC) in the Portuguese of Brazil? What are its specific discoursive functions? What is the degree of MC transitivity based on the properties proposed by Hopper and Thompson (1980)? We assume that the medial construction has its own structure which particularizes its significant dimension, thus ensuring a certain distance between the one in charge of the event and the affected entity. The theoretical and methodological assumptions is founded on Usage-based Functional Linguistics (FURTADO DA CUNHA; BISPO; SILVA, 2013). It is a research of qualitative- interpretative nature that has prioritized the analysis of occurrences arising from texts produced by users of the Brazilian Portuguese language in effective communicative situation. The database for this study is electronic texts available on the website www.reclameaqui.com.br. The results revealed the existence of different configurations of the medial construction in the Brazilian Portuguese, having as prototypical the one formed by SN + V. From the morphosyntactic and semantic point of view, the construction expresses a subject affected by an action that does not part from itself. As for the pragmatic aspect, the construction expresses an event that seems to have the purpose to emphasize the affected argument and to ignore, intentionally or not, the agent or the causative, since it is irrelevant to the speaker/ listener in the contextual situation.

Formas de P2 na posi??o de complemento verbal em cartas pessoais norte-rio-grandenses do s?culo XX

Moura, K?ssia Kamilla de 08 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-11T19:30:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KassiaKamillaDeMoura_TESE.pdf: 1623086 bytes, checksum: f4d1faf92dfeb22e2290910f059c67be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-12T20:59:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 KassiaKamillaDeMoura_TESE.pdf: 1623086 bytes, checksum: f4d1faf92dfeb22e2290910f059c67be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-12T20:59:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KassiaKamillaDeMoura_TESE.pdf: 1623086 bytes, checksum: f4d1faf92dfeb22e2290910f059c67be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Considerando os pressupostos te?rico-metodol?gicos da Sociolingu?stica Variacionalista (WEINREICH, LABOV, HERZOG, [1968] 2006) e Sociolingu?stica Hist?rica (CONDE SILVESTRE, 2007), descrevemos e analisamos o processo de varia??o / mudan?a envolvendo formas pronominais de segunda pessoa do singular (P2), na posi??o de complemento verbal, nas fun??es acusativas, dativas e obl?quas, em sete conjuntos de cartas pessoais escritas por norte-rio-grandenses ao longo do s?culo XX. Apresentamos uma an?lise quantitativa / qualitativa com o objetivo de identificar quais fatores lingu?sticos e / ou extralingu?sticos influenciam o processo de mudan?a observado no paradigma pronominal no Portugu?s Brasileiro (PB). Tomamos por base estudos anteriores sobre o sistema pronominal no PB, que registram a produtividade das formas pronominais, te, o, a, contigo, prep. + Ti, prep. + Voc?, ?, na posi??o de complemento verbal. Esses estudos atestam o seguinte cen?rio: uma descri??o dos ambientes morfossint?ticos favor?veis ao uso das formas associadas ao voc?, sendo mais recorrentes em contextos com formas verbais imperativas, sujeitos expl?citos e pronomes preposicionais. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese confirmam, em parte, as declara??es defendidas pelos estudos anteriores: i) produtividade significativa das formas pronominais 'te / lhe', a primeira associada ao tu e a segunda ao voc?; ii) uso expressivo das formas associadas ao pronome inovador, voc?, especialmente nas constru??es do tipo: Suj + V + OD + OI, Suj + V + OI, nas constru??es com complementos preposicionais; iii) incid?ncias de uso das formas de complemento associadas ao voc? em contextos com menos grau de formalidade; iv) prefer?ncia significativa para constru??es com um objeto lexicamente expl?cito; v) ratifica??o do progn?stico j? apresentado por Moura (2013) quanto ?s formas de prefer?ncia associadas ao voc?, nas cartas pessoais do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), desde as primeiras d?cadas do s?culo XX (1916). Os resultados desta tese mostram que as formas de complemento associadas ao voc?, bem como as constru??es com o objeto expl?cito, t?m prefer?ncia quase majorit?ria nas cartas do RN. / Considering the theoretical methodological presuppositions of Variationist Sociolinguistics (WEINREICH, LABOV, HERZOG, [1968] 2006) and Historical Sociolinguistics (CONDE SILVESTRE, 2007), we describe and analyze the process of variation/change involving pronominal forms of second person of the singular (P2), in the position of verbal complement, in the accusative, dative and oblique functions, in seven sets of personal letters written by people from Rio Grande do Norte(RN) along thethe 20th century. We present a quantitative / qualitative analysis with the objective of identifying which linguistic and / or extralinguistic factors influence the process of change observed in the pronominal paradigma in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). We are based on previous studies about the pronominal system in BP, wich register the productivity of pronominal forms te, lhe, voc?, o/a, contigo, prep.+ ti, prep.+ voc?, ?, in the position of verbal complemente. These studies attesd the following situationa lso showed a delineation of the morphosyntactic environments favorable to the use of the forms associated to voc?, these being more recurrent in contexts with imperative verbal forms, the explicit subjects and prepositional complements pronouns. The results got in this thesis confirm, partially, the statements defended by the previous studies: i) significant productivity of the pronominal forms 'te / lhe' the first being associated with the tu and the second with voc?; ii) expressive use of the forms associated with the innovative pronoun voc?, especially in constructions of the type: Suj + V + OD + OI, Suj + V + OI, in the constructions with prepositional complements; iii) incidences of use of the forms of complement associated to voc? in contexts with less degree of formality; iv) significant preference for constructions with a explicit lexically object; v) ratification of the prognosis already presented by Moura (2013) regarding the preference forms associated with voc?, in the personal letters of RN, since the first decades of the 20th century (1916). The results of this thesis show that the forms of complement associated with you, as well as the constructions with the object explicit have almost majority preference in the letters of RN.

Formas verbais do futuro do subjuntivo em portugu?s e em espanhol: uma an?lise comparativa

Santos, Fabiana Silva 19 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-02T21:56:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FabianaSilvaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 1946390 bytes, checksum: ab2efcbc4ac973ecd29b1e159ca662f4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-05T22:14:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FabianaSilvaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 1946390 bytes, checksum: ab2efcbc4ac973ecd29b1e159ca662f4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-05T22:14:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FabianaSilvaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 1946390 bytes, checksum: ab2efcbc4ac973ecd29b1e159ca662f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-19 / Considerando que o portugu?s e o espanhol s?o l?nguas oriundas do latim falado e que em portugu?s o futuro do subjuntivo (FS) ? empregado na linguagem moderna padr?o (CUNHA e CINTRA, 2003; BECHARA, 2015, MATEUS et al., 2013), enquanto em espanhol foi substitu?do na estrutura condicional pelo presente do indicativo (PI) e na temporal pelo presente do subjuntivo (PS) na maioria dos contextos atuais de uso (NGLE, 2009; TORREGO, 2002; 2009; SALDANYA, 1999; GUTI?RREZ, 1999; MONTOL?O,1999), esta disserta??o pretende descrever e analisar de forma comparativa as formas verbais que codificam o FS empregadas em ora??es adverbiais condicionais introduzidas por se/si e em temporais introduzidas por quando/cuando na escrita de editoriais dos jornais online o Estad?o de S?o Paulo em portugu?s do Brasil (PB) e El Pa?s em espanhol da Espanha (EE). O objetivo desse estudo ? indicar as semelhan?as e os contrastes inerentes ao uso das formas verbais que codificam o FS em contexto de futuro, considerando fatores como: tipo de ora??o, posi??o da pr?tase em rela??o ? ap?dose, formas verbais que codificam o FS e tipo de modalidade (epist?mica ou de?ntica). Em rela??o ? fundamenta??o te?rica, para a defini??o e emprego do FS, foram revisitadas as abordagens normativa (CUNHA E CINTRA, 2003; BECHARA, 2015; TORREGO, 2002), descritiva (PERINI, 2000; MATEUS et al., 2013; NGLE, 2009; BOSQUE Y DEMONTE, 1999) e funcional (NEVES, 2011). A defini??o de modalidade est? fundamentada no funcionalismo de vertente norte-americana, mais precisamente de Giv?n (1993, 1995; 2001; 2002), para a qual as concep??es de modo e modalidade s?o compreendidas em uma vis?o al?m da categoria morfol?gica do verbo, levando em considera??o a intera??o do contexto na situa??o comunicativa. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma an?lise sincr?nica de l?ngua de car?ter qualitativo a fim de verificar as hip?teses levantadas, assim como de elaborar algumas generaliza??es relacionadas ?s formas verbais que codificam o FS; e tamb?m quantitativa visando, por meio dos resultados obtidos, comparar os aspectos espec?ficos das ocorr?ncias concernentes aos fatores elencados contrapondo-os a outras pesquisas que abordam o FS. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo ratificam o emprego do FS em condicionais e em temporais em PB, bem como do uso do PS nas temporais, do PI nas condicionais e do n?o uso dos FS em EE. Em s?ntese, esta pesquisa mostra que o PB e o EE codificam o FS em contexto de futuro de maneira particular, apresentando singularidades quanto ao emprego do modo (PB usa o subjuntivo nos dois tipos de ora??es, enquanto o espanhol emprega o subjuntivo nas temporais e o indicativo nas condicionais) e de tempo (em portugu?s ? empregado o futuro e em espanhol o presente). Al?m disso, constatou-se que os fatores discursivo-pragm?ticos bem como os sint?ticos n?o apresentam diferen?as significativas que possam explicar o emprego de formas verbais distintas entre as l?nguas em an?lise. Dessa maneira, depreende-se que a explica??o para a diferen?a na codifica??o do FS entre PB e EE possa ser encontrada em uma an?lise diacr?nica do fen?meno lingu?stico ora apresentado. / Regard that Portuguese and Spanish are languages arising from spoken Latin and regard that in Portuguese the future subjunctive (FS) is used in the standard modern language (CUNHA e CINTRA, 2003; BECHARA, 2015, MATEUS et al., 2013), whereas in Spanish it was replaced in the conditional structure by simple present (SP) and in the temporal structure by present subjunctive (PS) in the most current contexts of use (NGLE, 2009; TORREGO, 2002; 2009; SALDANYA, 1999; GUTI?RREZ, 1999; MONTOL?O,1999), this dissertation intends at to describe and analyse in a comparative manner the verbal forms that encode the FS used in conditional adverbial sentences introduced by se/si and temporal sentences introduced by quando/cuando on writing editorials of online newspapers: Estad?o de S?o Paulo in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and El Pais in Spanish from Spain (SS). The purpose of this study is to indicate the inherent similarities and contrasts to the use of verbal forms that encode FS in future context, regard factors such as: sentence type, protasis position in relation to apodosis, verbal forms that encode FS and modality type (epistemic and deontic). In relation to the theoretical foundations, for the definition and use of FS, it were revisited the normative approaches (CUNHA E CINTRA, 2003; BECHARA, 2015; TORREGO, 2002), descriptive approaches (PERINI, 2000; MATEUS et al., 2013; NGLE, 2009; BOSQUE Y DEMONTE, 1999) and functional approaches (NEVES, 2011). The definition of modality is based on the north-american linguistic functionalism, more precisely it is based on Giv?n (1993, 1995; 2001; 2002), which the categories of mode and modality are comprehended in a perspective beyond the verb morphological category, it take into account the interaction of the context in the communicative situation. This research presents a synchronic analysis, in a qualitative perspective, in order to verify the raised hypotheses, as well as to elaborate some generalizations related to verbal forms that encode FS; and also in a quantitative perspective in order to, whereby achieved results, compare the specific features of the occurrences, concerning the list of factors, to other research about FS. The obtained results in this research confirm the use of FS in conditionals and temporals in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), as well as the use of PS in temporals, SP in conditionals and the non-use of FS in Spanish from Spain (SS). In summary, this research presents that both BP and SS encode the FS in future context in particular way, it presenting singularities regarding the use of the mode (BP uses the subjunctive in both types of sentences, while EE uses the subjunctive in temporal sentences and indicative in conditional sentences) and time (BP uses future and EE uses present).In addition, it was found that the discourse-pragmatics features as well as syntactic features do not present significant differences that could explain the use of distinct verbal forms among the languages under analysis. Therefore, it can be deduced that the explanation for the difference in FS encoding between BP and SS can be found in a diachronic analysis of the linguistic phenomenon presented here.

A preposi??o ?ni? no continuum rural-urbano de Comunidades Baianas

Souza, Emerson Santos de 13 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-09-06T20:52:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - texto completo PDF.pdf: 1916654 bytes, checksum: 5da1850898130e05e3a0797ecfea5037 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-06T20:52:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - texto completo PDF.pdf: 1916654 bytes, checksum: 5da1850898130e05e3a0797ecfea5037 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-13 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This study has the main objective to investigate the replacement of the preposition in by ni, fairly frequent phenomenon in speech and sometimes in writing. From comparisons between varieties of Portuguese (Brazil and Africa), it is conjectured that this morphological change has to do with influences from some African languages which had contact with the Portuguese in the period of colonization / exploration of these places. In addition, note that the use of ni is performed by speakers from rural and urban, there is the hypothesis that possibly there is a continuum that explain its dissemination in Brazilian Portuguese. Thus, from the quantitative methodology Labovian inspiration, we analyze speech from the Portuguese rural, popular and cult of Feira de Santana to evaluate the hypothesis of a rural-urban continuum, taking into account the use of this morphological trait . The results of the rounds indicate that the rural Portuguese and worship favor the use of ni with the relative weighting of .65 and .52, respectively. The relative weight of .33 of popular Portuguese factor, in turn, indicates that this variety does not favor implementation of this variant. The fact that there are so discrepant values among them is explained from the historical and social characteristics of each language community. But what draws the most attention in this research is the analysis of the results of the linguistic variables corroborate the idea of a relationship between the Portuguese of Brazil and some African languages with regard to the use of ni. / O presente estudo tem o principal objetivo de investigar a substitui??o da preposi??o em por ni, fen?meno bastante recorrente na fala e, algumas vezes, na escrita. A partir de compara??es feitas entre variedades do portugu?s (do Brasil e da ?frica), conjectura-se que essa troca morfol?gica tenha a ver com influ?ncias de algumas l?nguas africanas que mantiveram contato com o portugu?s no per?odo da coloniza??o/explora??o desses lugares. Al?m disso, por notar que o uso do ni ? realizado por falantes da zona rural e da urbana, h? a hip?tese de que, possivelmente, exista um continuum que explique a sua difus?o no portugu?s brasileiro. Dessa forma, a partir da metodologia quantitativa de inspira??o laboviana, analisam-se falas do portugu?s rural, popular e culto de Feira de Santana a fim de avaliar a hip?tese da exist?ncia de um continuum rural-urbano, levando em considera??o o emprego desse tra?o morfol?gico. Os resultados das rodadas apontam que o portugu?s rural e culto favorecem o uso do ni com os pesos relativos de .65 e .52, respectivamente. O peso relativo de .33 do fator portugu?s popular, por sua vez, indica que essa variedade n?o favorece aplica??o dessa variante. O fato de haver valores t?o discrepantes entre elas ? explicado a partir das caracter?sticas hist?rico-sociais de cada comunidade lingu?stica. Todavia o que chama mais aten??o nesta pesquisa ? que os resultados da an?lise das vari?veis lingu?sticas corroboram a ideia de haver uma rela??o entre o portugu?s do Brasil e algumas l?nguas africanas no que diz respeito ao uso do ni.

O uso de tu/voc? em cartas baianas pessoais do s?culo XX em rela??es de simetria

Batista, Priscila Starline Estrela Tuy 15 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-01-31T22:41:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Depois da defesa.pdf: 7121004 bytes, checksum: 2d0c977d69df64f09c7ef5139af54d9c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-31T22:41:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Depois da defesa.pdf: 7121004 bytes, checksum: 2d0c977d69df64f09c7ef5139af54d9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This paper analyzes the use of the forms tu and voc? in the position of full subject, in personal letters written by poorly and moderately schooled Bahians between the 1930s and 1980s, in more intimate and less intimate contexts (family, close friends, and boyfriends). It was sought to raise the communicative situations in which tu and voc? were produced, in order to identify the factors that possibly influenced the use of such forms. Also, the senders were distributed by the subsystems proposed by Lopes and Cavalcante (2011) to control the behavior of each sender and to identify the most productive subsystem in the sample of missives analyzed. We also present a contrastive study with the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. The material analyzed refers to 70 letters, unpublished, that are part of the collection of the Estrela Tuy Family (1930-1980). Regarding the data, after the manual collection, the data search tool E-Corp was used to ensure the accuracy of the data collected. Afterwards, the data was analyzed according to the principles of Quantitative Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 1994), with the support of the Goldvarb X software, also considering Brown and Levinson's Theory of Polity (1987) to identify the types of relationships established between senders and recipients, in order to take into account the preservation of the face between the interactants. Regarding the results, they indicate the majority use of voc? in the epistolary documentation in question, in contexts of greater and lesser intimacy, and the use of tu, only in the letters of greater intimacy. In this way, it is understood that in the sample of analyzed letters, the use of voc? is quite generalized, whereas the tu was not very productive. / Este trabalho analisa o uso das formas de tratamento tu e voc? na posi??o de sujeito pleno, em cartas pessoais escritas por baianos pouco e mediamente escolarizados, entre as d?cadas de 1930 e 1980, em contextos mais e menos ?ntimos (familiares, amigos ?ntimos e noivos). Buscou-se levantar as situa??es comunicativas em que foram produzidos o tu e o voc?, a fim de identificar os fatores que possivelmente influenciaram o uso de tais formas. Os remetentes foram distribu?dos pelos subsistemas propostos por Lopes e Cavalcante (2011) para controlar o comportamento de cada remetente e identificar o subsistema mais produtivo na amostra de missivas analisadas. Apresenta-se tamb?m um estudo contrastivo com os estados brasileiros do Rio de Janeiro e de Minas Gerais. O material analisado refere-se a 70 cartas, in?ditas, que fazem parte do Acervo da Fam?lia Estrela Tuy (1930-1980). No que concerne aos dados, ap?s a coleta manual, foi utiliza a ferramenta de busca de dados E-Corp, para garantir a precis?o dos dados levantados. Depois, foram analisados, de acordo com os princ?pios da Sociolingu?stica Quantitativa (LABOV, 1994), com apoio do software Goldvarb X, considerando tamb?m a Teoria da Polidez de Brown e Levinson (1987) para identificar os tipos de rela??es que se estabeleciam entre os remetentes e destinat?rios, no intuito de se levar em conta a preserva??o da face entre os interactantes. No que tange aos resultados, esses apontam o uso majorit?rio de voc? na documenta??o epistolar em quest?o, em contextos de maior e de menor intimidade, e o emprego de tu, apenas nas cartas de maior intimidade. Dessa forma, compreende-se que na amostra de cartas analisadas, o uso de voc? se encontra bastante generalizado, enquanto o tu se mostrou pouco produtivo.

Pronomes de tratamento no portugu?s brasileiro no limiar do s?culo XX: uma an?lise sociopragm?tica

Valentim, Marinalda Freitas 10 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2018-02-01T21:17:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Marinalda Freitas.pdf: 4018101 bytes, checksum: 8842a9b36b52d65ad726e1b619859f2c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-01T21:17:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Marinalda Freitas.pdf: 4018101 bytes, checksum: 8842a9b36b52d65ad726e1b619859f2c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-10 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPEB / This research intends to describe the chart of treatment pronouns in the Letters to Severino Vieira ? Governor of Bahia (1901-1902), as well as, from a sociopragmatic perspective, to carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data with the intention of presenting a general picture of the use of the treatment forms. In this context, it is sought to observe the distribution of treatment strategies according to the communicative situation established between sender and recipient, according to the theory of Power and Solidarity (BROWN; GILMAN, 1960) and Theory of Politeness (BROWN; LEVINSON, 1989). Data analysis also takes into account the theoretical assumptions of Laovian sociolinguistics (WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 1968) in order to identify the factors that condition the alternate use of treatment pronouns in the sample under analysis. In order to do so, both the value that the form of treatment carries, in view of the characteristics of the speaker (age, sex, education, social group, etc.) in relation to the recipient is taken into account, observing linguistic and extralinguistic conditioning, such as Justification for what form of treatment has been employed and the effect that such choice may have on the recipient in the interaction. The corpus used is the Letters collection for Severino Vieira, whose content is composed of 102 texts, extracted from Carneiro (2005), sent to Severino Vieira by 60 senders (57 men and 03 women), most of them literate and mainly residents in cities. The letters that compose the collection are written mostly by Brazilians. In relation to the results, these show a preference of the letter writers for a more ceremonial treatment. Thus, a nature of the relationship established between the senders and Governor Severino Vieira was classified as ascending asymmetry, which explains a high occurrence of the nominal form of Your Excellency. This result confirms the idea that there is a close relationship between forms of treatment and social roles. / Essa pesquisa tenciona descrever o quadro de pronomes de tratamentos nas Cartas para Severino Vieira ? Governador da Bahia (1901-1902), bem como, a partir de uma perspectiva sociopragm?tica, realizar an?lise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados com a inten??o de apresentar um panorama geral do emprego das formas tratamentais. Neste sentido, busca-se observar a distribui??o das estrat?gias de tratamento conforme a situa??o comunicativa que se estabelece entre remetente e destinat?rio, de acordo com a teoria do Poder e Solidariedade (BROWN; GILMAN, 1960) e a Teoria da Polidez (BROWN; LEVINSON, 1989). A an?lise dos dados tamb?m leva em conta os pressupostos te?ricos da sociolingu?stica laboviana (WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 1968), no sentido de identificar os fatores que condicionam o uso alternado dos pronomes de tratamento na amostra em an?lise. Para tanto, s?o considerados tanto o valor que a forma de tratamento carrega, tendo em vista as caracter?sticas do falante (idade, sexo, escolaridade, grupo social etc.) na sua rela??o com o destinat?rio, observando os condicionamentos lingu?sticos e extralingu?sticos, como a justificativa para que dada forma de tratamento tenha sido empregada e o efeito que essa escolha pode ter para o destinat?rio na intera??o. O corpus utilizado ? o acervo Cartas para Severino Vieira, cujo conte?do ? composto por 102 textos, extra?dos de Carneiro (2005), enviadas a Severino Vieira, por 60 remetentes (57 homens e 03 mulheres), a maioria letrada e, sobretudo, citadina. Em rela??o aos resultados, esses demonstram a prefer?ncia dos missivistas por um tratamento mais cerimonioso. A natureza da rela??o estabelecida entre os remetentes e o Governador Severino Vieira foi classificada como assim?trica ascendente, o que explica a alta ocorr?ncia da forma nominal Vossa Excel?ncia. Esse resultado confirma a ideia de que h? uma estreita rela??o entre formas de tratamento e pap?is sociais.

A varia??o da concord?ncia nominal de n?mero em cartas de in?beis do sert?o baiano: (1906-2000)

Santos, Lorena En?as Rosa 15 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2018-02-01T22:24:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Lory 22.05 NOVO (2).pdf: 9859593 bytes, checksum: 3d3161f2a0d5a78e1ed82c9d18b4dfb9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-01T22:24:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Lory 22.05 NOVO (2).pdf: 9859593 bytes, checksum: 3d3161f2a0d5a78e1ed82c9d18b4dfb9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This dissertation undertakes an analysis of variation in number agreement in the noun phrase in 91 personal letters, edited by Santiago (2012), written between 1906 and 2000 by semi-literate Bahian inlanders, defined as "unskilled" (MARQUILHAS, 2000). It is a very rare type of documentation, offering indications of the popular variant of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). The research takes as the theoretical scope the Historical Linguistics stricto senso, in the terms defined by Mattos and Silva (2008) and the Labovian Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 1972), for whom the change must be explained not only by internal arguments to the system, but also by the external. From the analysis of the data, the linguistic and social factors that most conditioned the variation were identified, from two perspectives: the syntagmatic and the atomistic. In addition, we verified if the linguistic behavior of the writers of the letters that integrate the corpus in question present similarities and/or divergences with the results of previous works about this subject in the popular BP, in oral and written corpus, and in the acquisition of agreement. The results showed that the strategies most used by unskilled scribes regarding to the realization of the plurality marks in the NP are close to both the popular BP variants and to the constructs found in acquisition studies. The linguistic study carried out here may contribute to the characterization of the spoken language in the semi-arid region of Bahia, collaborating in general for the study of popular Portuguese in Brazil and, more specifically, in the rural Portuguese of Bahia. / Esta disserta??o faz uma an?lise da varia??o da concord?ncia de n?mero no sintagma nominalem 91 cartas pessoais, editadas por Santiago (2012), escritas entre 1906 e 2000 por sertanejos baianossemialfabetizados, definidos como ?in?beis? (MARQUILHAS, 2000). Trata-se de um tipo de documenta??o bastante rara, oferecendo ind?cios da variante popular do portugu?s brasileiro (PB). A pesquisa toma como escopo te?rico a Lingu?stica Hist?rica stricto senso, nos termos definidos por Mattos e Silva (2008) e a Sociolingu?stica Laboviana (LABOV, 1972), para quem a mudan?a deve ser explicada n?o somente por argumentos internos ao sistema, mas tamb?m pelos externos. A partir da an?lise dos dados, foram identificados os fatores lingu?sticos e sociais que mais condicionam a sua varia??o, sob duas perspectivas: a sintagm?tica e a atom?stica. Al?m disso, verificamos se o comportamento lingu?stico dos redatores das cartas que comp?em o corpus em quest?o apresenta semelhan?as e/ou diverg?ncias com resultados de trabalhos antecedentes em torno dessa tem?tica no PB popular, em corpus oral e escrito, e na aquisi??o de concord?ncia. Os resultados demonstraram que as estrat?gias mais usadas pelos escreventes in?beis, no que diz respeito ? realiza??o das marcas de pluralidade no SN, est?o pr?ximas tanto ?s variantes populares do PB,como ?s constru??es encontradas em estudos sobre aquisi??o. O estudo lingu?stico aqui realizado poder? contribuir, portanto, para a caracteriza??o da l?ngua falada na regi?o semi?rida da Bahia, colaborando, de um modo geral, para o estudo do portugu?s popular do Brasil e, mais especificamente, do portugu?s rural baiano.

Um olhar Bakhtiniano sobre ensino de l?ngua portuguesa para surdos

Teichmann, Andreza Mariane Batista 26 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-04-19T17:28:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ANDREZA_MARIANE_BATISTA_TEICHMANN_COMPLETO.pdf: 982650 bytes, checksum: 3f082cb6c2fcc248bc5047b05f57339d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-19T17:28:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ANDREZA_MARIANE_BATISTA_TEICHMANN_COMPLETO.pdf: 982650 bytes, checksum: 3f082cb6c2fcc248bc5047b05f57339d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-26 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This research analyzes the two volumes of books offered by the Ministry of Education as the guiding material from Portuguese-speaking school for deaf students in Brazil. It uses the discursive dialogical point of view established by Bakhtin's theory. The overall objective of the study was to determine, based on sentences obtained from the books, how the deaf students understand the Portuguese language teacher work. With this objective, the constructions of sentences were observed and the possible identification of the subject-interlocutor, namely the auditorium designed by these discourses. As for the dialogical construction of the senses, we tried to observe what effects intended by the enunciation projects and readings performed by the alleged interlocutors reached such understanding. As for the specific objectives we intend to (a) identify the language concepts underlying the books that guide the Portuguese education for deaf students in Brazil aiming to establish a relation to Bakhtin?s discursive theory that contribute to teaching; (b) detect, also through the sentences, a possible understanding of other subjects involved in this discourse, i. e., how the Portuguese language teacher is understood by the deaf students and the students themselves; and (c) identify a way that the Bakhtinian postulates can add new contributions to the Portuguese-speaking school for deaf students in Brazil. With this objective, some of the sentences contained in the books were portrayed during the analysis. The developed research was based on the understanding of language/ language currently in use, such as the Bakhtin Circle understands it, using the discursive gender concepts, statements, active responsiveness, sense and dialogism. The constant interactions with the ideas set by the Circle enabled the reflections about the different meanings that the sentences made in the instructional materials for the Portuguese language teaching to deaf students. Deepening into the Circle?s studies also provided a better understanding of how the meaning given to each element can build different senses, leaving only the constituent components of linguistic discourse. Considering this, identifying the voices that are engendered in discourse and contrast them with the authors? enunciation project, with the proposal established by the books, favored the understanding of Bakhtin's proposal for a responsive attitude of the reader considering the displayed discourse. Such understanding allowed the conclusion about the ideological confrontation that was established, since the distinct valuation, awarded by each party to the discourse, is the reason that generates this confrontation. / A presente pesquisa analisa sob o vi?s discursivo-dial?gico estabelecido pela Teoria de Bakhtin os dois volumes dos livros ofertados pelo Minist?rio da Educa??o como material norteador do ensino de l?ngua portuguesa como L2 para estudantes surdos no Brasil. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi verificar, a partir dos discursos constitu?dos no material, de que forma ? compreendido o trabalho do professor de l?ngua portuguesa para alunos surdos. Dessa maneira, foram observadas as constru??es dos discursos e a poss?vel identifica??o do sujeito-interlocutor, ou seja, do audit?rio projetado por esses discursos. Quanto ? constru??o dial?gica dos sentidos, procuramos observar quais os efeitos pretendidos pelos projetos enunciativos e se as leituras realizadas pelos supostos interlocutores alcan?avam essa compreens?o. Como objetivos espec?ficos, buscamos (a) identificar as concep??es de linguagem subjacentes aos livros que orientam o ensino de portugu?s para alunos surdos no Brasil, a fim de estabelecer rela??es com a teoria discursiva de Bakhtin no intuito de ofertar uma nova concep??o para esse ensino; (b) detectar, tamb?m atrav?s dos discursos, uma poss?vel compreens?o dos demais sujeitos envolvidos nesse discurso; ou seja, como s?o compreendidos o professor de l?ngua portuguesa para estudantes surdos e o pr?prio aluno; e (c) identificar que de maneira os postulados bakhtinianos podem acrescer novos aportes ao ensino de l?ngua portuguesa para alunos surdos no Brasil. Para tanto, alguns dos discursos que constituem os materiais foram retratados no momento da an?lise. A investiga??o desenvolvida embasou-se principalmente na compreens?o de l?ngua/linguagem em uso, como a entende o C?rculo de Bakhtin, e tamb?m nos conceitos de g?neros discursivos, enunciado, responsividade ativa, sentido e dialogismo. As constantes intera??es com as ideias estabelecidas pelo C?rculo possibilitaram as reflex?es acerca das distintas significa??es que os discursos realizados nos materiais instrucionais para o ensino de l?ngua portuguesa a estudantes surdos trazem. O aprofundamento nos estudos do C?rculo proporcionou tamb?m uma maior compreens?o de como a significa??o dada a cada elemento pode construir diferentes sentidos, partindo apenas dos componentes lingu?sticos constitutivos do discurso. Nesse sentido, identificar as vozes que se engendravam no discurso e contrast?-las com o projeto enunciativo das autoras, ou seja, com a proposta estabelecida pelo material, favoreceu a compreens?o da proposta bakhtiniana de uma atitude responsiva do leitor frente ao discurso que lhe ? apresentado. Tal compreens?o permitiu a conclus?o acerca do confronto ideol?gico que se estabeleceu, uma vez que ? a distinta valora??o, atribu?da por cada interlocutor ao discurso, o fator que gera esse confronto.

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