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Den andra litteraturen : En studie om den utomeuropeiska skönlitteraturens roll i svenskundervisningen på gymnasiet / The Other Literature : A Study About the Role of Foreign Literature in the Swedish Subject in Upper-Secondary SchoolIvarsson, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Den här studien avser att undersöka lärares skönlitterära urval i svenskundervisningen. Syftet är att få insikt i den utomeuropeiska litteraturens roll i svenskundervisningen. Forskningsfrågorna som studien utgår från är: Vilka faktorer uppger lärare ligger till grund för deras urval av skönlitteratur? I vilken omfattning säger lärare att de använder utomeuropeisk skönlitteratur i undervisningen, jämfört med den europeiska? och Vad ser lärare för kulturellt värde i att använda utomeuropeisk litteratur? Teorierna som ligger till grund för studien är Stephen Balls modell för ämneskonstruktion och postkolonial teori. Den metod som används är en enkätstudie av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär. Enkäten gjordes och skickades ut genom Googles enkätprogram. Genom enkätsvaren kan tre teman identifieras, som handlar om vilka faktorer som påverkar urvalet, hur den utomeuropeiska litteraturen används och vilken litteratur som är mest central för ämnet. Deltagarna är verksamma lärare på gymnasienivå. Utifrån lärarnas enkätsvar framgår det hur de konstruerar undervisningen. Lärarna arbetar oftast elevfokuserat utifrån bestämda temaområden, där skönlitteraturen väljs utifrån det formulerade området. Generellt ser lärare stora möjligheter med att använda utomeuropeisk litteratur i sin undervisning, trots att de i stor utsträckning väljer främst europeisk litteratur. Lärare ser ändå potential i att lyfta frågor om allmänmänsklighet och tolerans, som inte kan belysas lika tydligt annars. Dock resonerar fortfarande flera lärare att stora delar av den europeiska kanonen är viktiga att lyfta i undervisningen. Slutsatsen är därför att lärare har som vana att använda ett eurocentrerat urval trots att de ser stor potential i att använda utomeuropeisk litteratur. / This study wants to investigate teachers’ choice of literature in the Swedish subject. The aim is to gain insight in the foreign literatures’ role in the Swedish teaching. The research questions that the study is based upon are: What factors are, according to the teachers, affecting their choice of literature? To what extent are teachers using foreign literature? and What cultural value do teachers see in using foreign literature? The theoretic basis consists of a model by Stephen Ball about how subjects are constructed and postcolonial theory. The method that the study uses is a survey, measuring both quality and quantity. The survey was made and sent out through Google Survey. The participants are teachers in the Swedish subject who are active in the profession. Three themes are evident through the answers, the factors that affects the choice of literature, how teachers use the foreign literature and what literature that is considered most important. The teachers work mainly towards the students’ needs, with specific literary themes, where literature is chosen to fit the theme of the teaching. Generally, teachers see potential in using the foreign literature as teaching material, although they mainly use European literature. The teachers consider using foreign literature as a potential of raising topics about universal humanity and tolerance, that would not have been included otherwise. However, they still perceive the European-centered canon as important to include. The conclusion is that teachers tend to use a European based selection of literature, despite seeing a large potential in using foreign literature to develop democratic and humanitarian views on the world.
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Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting v postkoloniálním a genderovém kontextu / Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in postcolonial and gender contextKrálová Ježková, Olga January 2014 (has links)
This thesis concerns subject of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), ritual commonly - but inaccurately - named female circumcision. In the thesis I analyze two autobiographical texts written by women who got through the FGM/C - Mutilated written by Senegal author Khady and Desert Flower by Somali author Waris Dirie. Aim of this thesis is to analyze view point of two women who have direct experience with FGM/C, to add more information to research of this ritual and to strengthen effort to understand structural reasons for its existence and continuance. I attach myself to the side of opponents to FGM/C and by this thesis I'd wish to help to banish this ritual. My effort is connected with my feminist conviction but also with human rights discourse. ABSTRAKT Tato diplomová práce zkoumá problematiku Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), rituálu u nás běžně - avšak nepřesně - nazývaného ženská obřízka. V diplomové práci analyzuji dva autobiografické příběhy žen, které prožily FGM/C. Jedná se o knihy Zmrzačená od senegalské autorky Khady a Květ pouště od somálské autorky Waris Dirie. Cílem tohoto výzkumu je analyzovat pohled dvou žen na rituál FGM/C, připojit další informace ke zkoumané problematice FGM/C, a tak rozšířit nejen znalosti týkající se rituálu samotného, ale zejména podpořit snahu...
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The Célestin Prophecy: Ha Jin's "After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town," Lawrence Chua's Gold by the Inch, and the Limits of ExoticismOveraa, Roderick B. 01 June 2013 (has links)
Increasingly, postcolonial scholars are recognising that the discipline must move beyond the mere critique of European imperialism, and that the future lies, in part, in seeking solutions to the conflicts and injustices that remain the persistent legacy of the colonial era. A concurrent trend in literature departments has been the push to incorporate and encourage comparative methodologies. This essay brings into conversation two works of Asian American fiction that address the problematics of transnational encounter in the age of globalisation. In both Ha Jin's "After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town" and Lawrence Chua's Gold by the Inch the authors explore familiar postcolonial themes: Western economic and cultural hegemony, cultural imperialism, the legacy of the Euro-American colonial era - yet they do so from a very particular (and increasingly common) perspective that as yet has not been sufficiently addressed by postcolonial scholars. Reading these texts through the lens of Roger Célestin's theorisation of the limits of traditional literary exoticism in From Cannibals to Radicals, this essay calls for a re-evaluation, not merely of our understanding of literary exoticism, nor merely of our understanding of the transpacific as a political imaginary, but also of our long-held conceptions of national literature and comparative scholarship.
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The Célestin Prophecy: Ha Jin's "After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town," Lawrence Chua's Gold by the Inch, and the Limits of ExoticismOveraa, Roderick B. 01 June 2013 (has links)
Increasingly, postcolonial scholars are recognising that the discipline must move beyond the mere critique of European imperialism, and that the future lies, in part, in seeking solutions to the conflicts and injustices that remain the persistent legacy of the colonial era. A concurrent trend in literature departments has been the push to incorporate and encourage comparative methodologies. This essay brings into conversation two works of Asian American fiction that address the problematics of transnational encounter in the age of globalisation. In both Ha Jin's "After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town" and Lawrence Chua's Gold by the Inch the authors explore familiar postcolonial themes: Western economic and cultural hegemony, cultural imperialism, the legacy of the Euro-American colonial era - yet they do so from a very particular (and increasingly common) perspective that as yet has not been sufficiently addressed by postcolonial scholars. Reading these texts through the lens of Roger Célestin's theorisation of the limits of traditional literary exoticism in From Cannibals to Radicals, this essay calls for a re-evaluation, not merely of our understanding of literary exoticism, nor merely of our understanding of the transpacific as a political imaginary, but also of our long-held conceptions of national literature and comparative scholarship.
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The socioethical concerns associated with Indigenous Oceanic cultural heritage materialsTheodoropoulou, Athanasia January 2020 (has links)
The rise of postcolonial theories in the 1970s did not yield much influence in the then practice of humanities computing, but following the mass-scale digitisations of cultural heritage materials over the past thirty years questions of Indigenous agency and the colonial roots of the digital cultural record have become more urgent than ever. This thesis operates within the area of postcolonial digital humanities and seeks to explore three questions. The first regards the socioethical concerns associated with the digitisation of Indigenous cultural heritage materials originating in Oceania, a geographic region which is peripheral on digital humanities maps but at the same time paradigmatic for exploration due to its cultural, political and linguistic diversity and multiple histories of colonial plundering. The second question investigates the extent to which global cultural heritage institutions digitise collections originating in Oceania in a culturally responsive manner, whereas the third focuses on the actions that digitising institutions can take in order to improve their websites from a decolonising perspective. The analysis that has been conducted on relevant literature and digitisation websites has resulted in an outline of theoretical concerns that should be taken into consideration prior to digitisation, as well as an assessment of existing digitisation activities and recommendations for improvement.
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Den osynliga modern - En kritisk diskursanalys av föräldrars språkbruk kring surrogatmödrar och surrogatmödraskap i media och dess effekterZethraeus, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study discourse in media by parents of children thatwere born through transnational commercial surrogacy arrangements, andintended parents who plan on going through this process in the future. I haveanalyzed media where this parental narrative is portrayed, using criticaldiscourse analysis combined with Carole Bacchis policy analysis WPRapproach.With the help of these I have identified primary issues that are beingportrayed in the media. I have further analyzed how these issues contribute inconsolidating existing norms surrounding the third world woman andcontribute to the justification of the commodification of the surrogate mother.This is done within a postcolonial feminist framework. The findings of thisstudy shows the glaring invisibility of the surrogate in media discourse,meaning her voice is never heard directly. Instead, interviewers and parentsalike offer a retelling of her narrative.
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Developing forced displacement within the World Bank - A critical discourse analysis of the forcibly displaced, host communities and the role of the World BankAdebjörk, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
The forced displacement situations have, for a considerable time, emerged as an important development challenge on the international cooperation agenda. While the policies and practices of international organizations have gained much scrutiny, what they are saying and what discourses they are producing is less visible in academia. With the World Bank in focus, as an actor with a new role within the international refugee protection regime, this study seeks to explore this production and shaping of discourse. Further, the aim also seeks to examine the influence of power and hegemony in relation to discourse on this international level. Through a postcolonial perspective this study employs a Critical Discourse Analysis that presents a mainly conventional discourse of forced displacement in the context of development. The strong influence of Eurocentrism found in the analysis suggest a continued power imbalance, questioning the real benefit for the people and places of concern.
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A study of the extent to which Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) work cooperatively with religious institutions to promote social and economic development in postcolonial countriesMontgomery, Grace January 2020 (has links)
This thesis discusses the extent to which non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operating in postcolonial countries work with religious institutions to promote social and economic development. Through postcolonial theory, and by using a qualitative approach combined with a critical methodology, this thesis will examine the relationship between particular NGOs and religion in the countries in which they operate. More precisely, this thesis will consider whether it is helpful, or a hindrance to development if NGOs work cooperatively with religious leaders and institutions.
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Perpetrators, victims, burdens or resources? : - An ambivalent media picture of children and youths categorised as unaccompaniedPetersson Berge, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
This study scrutinises, from a critical perspective, how Swedish mainstream news media depict children and youths categorised as unaccompanied after the identified discursive shift in the late autumn of 2015, where a more hostile and negative reporting on refugees became even more prominent. In addition, it explores what different power structures that are made visible in the news reporting. This is made possible by scrutinising 40 articles from the major national newspapers in Sweden that have daily releases, the so called mainstream media. The critical discourse analysis is used as a method and theory in order to find a focus that is critical and questioning towards existing power structures. Additionally, it contains a focus on how borders and differences are created between certain groups of people by using theoretical perspectives on otherness and postcolonial theory. The study shows an ambivalent media picture and clearly makes unequal and hierarchical power structures visible through the use of different assumptions, accepted truths and journalistic techniques.
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Bildung beyond the borders: racial ambiguity and subjectivity in three post-apartheid bildungsromaneGamedze, Londiwe Hannah 20 February 2020 (has links)
This dissertation examines the subject formation of racially ambiguous protagonists in K Sello Duiker’s Thirteen Cents, (2001), Yewande Omotoso’s Bom Boy (2011) and Zoe Wicomb’s Playing in the Light (2006), three Bildungsromane set in post-apartheid Cape Town—the mother city—whose violent, racist histories of colonial encounters, slavery and apartheid have led to a strong social sense of racial group belonging and racial exclusion. It is between and among these strictly policed racial groups that these novels’ protagonists seek belonging and a place in society from which to act and speak. Although different aspects of racial ambiguity are foregrounded in these novels—namely phenotypical, cultural and political—these protagonists are all socially marginalised and they must form their identities and subjectivities at the intersections of social trauma and personal trauma brought about and catalyzed by the racist history and current socio-cultural formations in South Africa. Across the two socioscapes of society and family, this trauma is manifest as a gap in language—there is no affirming or cogent racial subject position for these figures from which to speak—and at the level of the body, where circulations of feeling produce the racially ambiguous body as abject or non-existent. As a sub-genre, the post-colonial Bildungsroman has been widely appraised as reconfiguring the thematic, structural and narrative traditions of its classical European counterpart, and my dissertation argues that these novels support this understanding. I also claim that they trace their racially ambiguous protagonists’ subject formation not from an initial subject position of self-centered, willful childhood innocence and ignorance but from a state of non-subjectivity into existence itself—proposing that the trajectories of the novels trace an ontological rather than ideological shift.
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