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Hybridation d'une pile à combustible par des supercondensateurs : vers une solution passive et directe / Hybridization of a fuel cell with ultracapacitors : towards a passive and direct solutionMorin, Benoît 13 February 2013 (has links)
La faisabilité des applications à piles à combustible (PAC) a été largement démontrée à travers le monde. Les efforts de recherche portent actuellement sur l'amélioration de la durée de vie des PAC et la diminution de leur coût. A ce jour, une PAC ne tolère pas les variations rapides de charges qui entraînent très souvent son vieillissement prématuré. Pour pallier cette faiblesse, une hybridation avec un composant électrochimique de stockage (typiquement des supercondensateurs) est généralement proposée via un ou deux convertisseurs statiques, nécessitant l'implantation d'une gestion énergétique. Une partie de ces travaux se situe dans le contexte aéronautique et fait suite au projet européen CELINA piloté par AIRBUS. Le projet européen CELINA (2005-2008) a posé la problématique du remplacement de l'éolienne (RAT) actuelle par une pile à combustible pour le réseau électrique de dernier secours sollicité en cas de perte totale des moteurs ou de la génération électrique. Il alimente les charges essentielles : auxiliaires de puissances presque constantes (calculateurs de bord, …) et les actionneurs de vol (EHA, EMA) qui constituent les principaux consommateurs à caractères très intermittents. Cette étude a permis une classification de trois architectures, dont la validation expérimentale se situant dans le cadre du projet français ISS ayant débuté en 2010 sera exposée. L'hybridation directe entre une PAC et des supercondensateurs présente les avantages de ne pas mettre en jeu de convertisseur statique et d'une autogestion énergétique naturelle. Partant du constat que toutes les applications embarquées utilisant des PAC sont hybridées et qu'un développement d'architecture et de stratégies est effectué pour chaque cas (mise au point de convertisseurs, lois de commande, etc.). Ceci représente un travail considérable et systématique, ce qui freine l'implantation des systèmes PAC dans les applications embarquées. L'objectif est alors d'étudier la faisabilité d'un composant hybride unique jouant le rôle de source de puissance et d'énergie dont la gestion énergétique est transparente pour l'utilisateur et ne nécessitant pas l'ajout d'une hybridation supplémentaire pour ces applications. Cette thématique fait l'objet de ces travaux de thèse en collaboration avec la société française HELION Hydrogen Power. Après une présentation de l'introduction des systèmes PAC en aéronautique centrée autour de l'hybridation directe, la suite des travaux regroupe deux grandes thématiques : la première concerne l'étude des interactions entre PAC et supercondensateurs lors d'une association directe selon trois approches : théorique, expérimentale et par simulation. La seconde concerne la validation expérimentale de trois architectures d'hybridation d'un système PAC retenues pour un contexte aéronautique lors d'études précédentes au laboratoire : une architecture indirecte pour laquelle le stockage possède son convertisseur, une architecture indirecte avec stockage sur le bus DC et une architecture directe. L'objectif de ces travaux étant d'augmenter le niveau de maturité technologique de ces concepts, ainsi que de comparer les différents moyens retenus pour parvenir à l'hybridation d'un système PAC suivant des critères précis. / The feasibility of fuel cell (FC) applications has been demonstrated throughout the world. Research efforts are currently focused on improving the lifetime of the FC and reducing their cost. Until today, a FC does not tolerate rapid variations of load that cause in most cases lifetime reducing. To reduce this defect, hybridization with electrochemical storage component (typically ultracapacitors) is generally suggested via one or two static converters, requiring the implementation of an energy management. Aeronautic applications constitute the framework of these studies. They are the prolongation of studies initiated within the European project CELINA piloted by AIRBUS. The CELINA project (2005-2008) dealt with the replacement of the Ram Air Turbine (RAT) which is currently used for the last emergency electrical network in the case of total losses of engines or electrical generation. This emergency network has to supply the essential loads: the piloting auxiliaries (calculators…) consume a quasi-constant power, and the flight actuators (EHA, EMA) which are the main loads whose consumption is very intermittent. This study resulted in a classification of three architectures for which experimental validation in the framework of the French ISS project started since 2010 will be exposed. The direct hybridization between a FC and ultracapacitors has the advantages of not involving static converter and provide a natural energy management. The statement of facts is that all embedded applications using FC are hybridized, architecture and strategies development is performed for each case (development of converters, control laws, etc.). This represents a significant and systematic work, which limits the implementation of FC in embedded applications. In this work, the objective is to study the feasibility of a single hybrid component acting as a power and energy source for which energy management is transparent to the user and does not require the addition of another hybridization. This work is part of collaboration with the French company HELION Hydrogen Power. After a presentation of the insertion of FC in aeronautics centered on the direct hybridization, two major themes are approached: The first concerns the study of interactions between FC and ultracapacitors in a direct association according to three approaches: theoretical, experimental and simulation. The second concerns the experimental validation of three hybridization architectures for FC considered in previous studies in the laboratory: an architecture for which the indirect storage has its converter, an architecture with indirect storage on the DC bus and a direct hybridization architecture. The objective of this work is to increase the level of technological Readiness level of these concepts, and to compare the different ways considered to achieve the hybridization of a fuel cell system according to specific standards.
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Power-sharing, only for majorities? : A discourse analysis about the inclusion of minorities in power-sharing arrangements.Pervan, Melissa January 2020 (has links)
Power-sharing is introduced in ethnic-divided and ethnic-polarised countries with the aim to prevent and/or end conflicts. The purpose is to include different groups in power-sharing positions. This paper has focused on two of most used power-sharing theories, Centripetalism and Consociationalism, and conducted two case studies in Bosnia and Hercegovina and Nigeria who both have implemented one of these power-sharing arrangements. While previous research has focused on whether power-sharing institutions are effective when wanting to meddle peace, we found that there was absence of research and understanding in who is allowed in the power-sharing and which groups are excluded from power-sharing. From the previous research we found that there is an underlying idea that the people included in power-sharing are the majorities within the context, which we found problematic. We used data from the first and the latest election of each country, as well as political manifestos from the most popular political parties, and public documents to understand if there is a correlation between power-sharing arrangements and the inclusion or exclusion of minorities. The method used to analyse the empirics was the Critical Discourse Analysis which is used when wanting to analyse social power in terms of control. The result showed that there has been a positive change over the past years where the discourse of including minorities in power-sharing is more common today than during the first election. Although there were some positive results, we also found that this discussion is more theoretical than practical and if this was to become reality, there could be a backlash on the peace. Although these power-sharing arrangements have been used for over two decades in both of the countries, both of the studied countries have discriminatory constitutions, where some groups are favoured in the society.
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A study of democratic transition in south Africa : democratic through compromise and institutional choiceSeo, Sang-Hyun 11 1900 (has links)
The focus of this study is on South Africa's transition to democracy. It is argued in this
thesis, that an analysis of the transition to democracy in South Africa and the transformation
of the con
ict that prevailed in this divided society could generate new avenues for theorising
about transitions to democracy in divided societies amidst con
ict. The aim with this thesis
is to contribute towards a more comprehensive understanding of the complex nature of
the process of transition to democracy, and the relevant theory involved, particularly with
regard to transitions in divided societies. One consequence of the deep divisions within
South African society has been the increase in violence, which followed liberalisation. The
transition to democracy in South Africa, as a result, was characterised by continuing and
escalating violence. In South Africa, the authoritarian regime deteriorated mainly because
of internal factors, but external factors also played an important role.
The analysis of the transition has been guided by the hypothesis that the democratisation
of South Africa was accomplished through a compromise that was negotiated between the
major political actors and which re
ected the intra-, as well as the inter-dynamics in the
domains of, state - political society - civil society.
Thus, the main theme of this thesis is, that in the analysis of the dynamics of the tran-
sition to democracy in South Africa, a basic framework in which the domains of, state -
political society - civil society, are the domains where structural variables (such as culture,
economic development, class structures, increased education and the international environ-
ment) and behavioural variables (such as major political actors, elite factions, organisations
from civil society) interact. Thus, in the diachronic analysis of South Africa's transition, an
interactive approach, that seeks to relate structural constraints to the shaping of contingent
choice, is followed. At the same time, the institutional substitution of a new democratic
political dispensation is examined.
In conclusion, democracies are complex phenomena, and they are caused by many di er-
ent forces and synthesizing the relevant theoretical approaches to political change provides
a more cogent and comprehensive explanation of democratic transition in South Africa. / (D. Litt. et Phil. (International Politics))
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The politicization and depoliticization of ethnicity : a constructivist approach to power-sharingRaffoul, Alexandre 01 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, le partage du pouvoir est l’option favorisée pour la consolidation de la paix dans les sociétés multi-ethniques. Or, une importante littérature a remis en cause sa capacité à consolider la paix sur le long terme. Ce mémoire questionne l’approche de l’ethnicité, des institutions et des relations peuple-élites dans la théorie du partage du pouvoir. Il propose de la réapprocher en se basant sur la théorie constructiviste de l’ethnicité, qui reconnaît la multiplicité et la relative fluidité des identités ethniques, sur une approche néo-institutionnaliste, qui étudie les interactions des institutions avec leur environnement, et en accordant une attention particulière au lien entre peuple et élites. Ce mémoire développe trois arguments principaux. 1–La politisation du clivage ethnique nuit au bon fonctionnement d’un système démocratique, menace la durabilité de la paix et transforme la nature de la violence. Le « succès » du partage du pouvoir peut donc être défini comme la dépolitisation de ce clivage. 2–La politisation du clivage ethnique n’est pas naturelle, mais résulte d’un processus dans lequel les institutions formelles et informelles ainsi que la violence jouent des rôles clés. 3–La dépolitisation du clivage ethnique est possible si des garanties pour représentation politique et la sécurité des catégories ethniques sont mises en place, et si des incitatifs pour la mobilisation d’identités non-ethniques sont apportés. Ces principes
peuvent guider l’élaboration d’accords de partage du pouvoir. Ce mémoire théorique est complémenté par une étude de plausibilité qui se focalise sur le cas crucial du Burundi. / Since the 1990s, power-sharing has become the favoured option for peacebuilding in multi-ethnic societies. An important literature has however shed light on the limits of this approach and put into question its capacity to establish sustainable peace. This thesis questions three elements of powersharing theory: its approach of ethnicity, institutions and its elite-bias. It proposes to approach power-sharing theory through the lenses of a constructivist theory of ethnicity, which acknowledges the multiplicity and limited fluidity of ethnic identities; a neo-institutionalist approach of institutions, which pays attention to the interaction of institutions with their environment; and in paying attention to citizen-elite linkages. Three main arguments are developed: 1-The politicization of the ethnic cleavage is problematic since it hinders the good functioning of a democratic system, threaten the sustainability of peace, and transform the nature of violence. “Success” of power-sharing is thus defined as the depoliticization of ethnicity. 2-The politicization of ethnicity is not natural but results from a process in which formal and informal institutions as well as violence pay a key-role. 3-The depoliticization of the ethnic cleavage is, at least theoretically, possible if sufficient guarantees for the political representation and the security of the groups are established, and incentives are provided for the mobilization of non-ethnic identities. These principles may guide the design of power-sharing systems. This “theory proposing” thesis is complemented by a plausibility probe which focuses on the crucial case of Burundi.
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A study on democratic transition in south Africa : democratic through compromise and institutional choiceSeo, Sang-Hyun 11 1900 (has links)
The focus of this study is on South Africa's transition to democracy. It is argued in this
thesis, that an analysis of the transition to democracy in South Africa and the transformation
of the con
ict that prevailed in this divided society could generate new avenues for theorising
about transitions to democracy in divided societies amidst con
ict. The aim with this thesis
is to contribute towards a more comprehensive understanding of the complex nature of
the process of transition to democracy, and the relevant theory involved, particularly with
regard to transitions in divided societies. One consequence of the deep divisions within
South African society has been the increase in violence, which followed liberalisation. The
transition to democracy in South Africa, as a result, was characterised by continuing and
escalating violence. In South Africa, the authoritarian regime deteriorated mainly because
of internal factors, but external factors also played an important role.
The analysis of the transition has been guided by the hypothesis that the democratisation
of South Africa was accomplished through a compromise that was negotiated between the
major political actors and which re
ected the intra-, as well as the inter-dynamics in the
domains of, state - political society - civil society.
Thus, the main theme of this thesis is, that in the analysis of the dynamics of the tran-
sition to democracy in South Africa, a basic framework in which the domains of, state -
political society - civil society, are the domains where structural variables (such as culture,
economic development, class structures, increased education and the international environ-
ment) and behavioural variables (such as major political actors, elite factions, organisations
from civil society) interact. Thus, in the diachronic analysis of South Africa's transition, an
interactive approach, that seeks to relate structural constraints to the shaping of contingent
choice, is followed. At the same time, the institutional substitution of a new democratic
political dispensation is examined.
In conclusion, democracies are complex phenomena, and they are caused by many di er-
ent forces and synthesizing the relevant theoretical approaches to political change provides
a more cogent and comprehensive explanation of democratic transition in South Africa. / (D. Litt. et Phil. (International Politics))
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當前台灣民主困境的出路之探索:權力分享式民主與審議式民主的取徑 / Approaches to the resolution of democratic predicament of current Taiwan via power-sharing democracy and deliberative democracy袁碩成, Yuan, Shuo Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
面對當前台灣民主困境,本文最後提出了一個結合協合式民主與審議式民主(即修正型的協合式民主)的現階段策略的建議。 / This thesis explores the feasibility of mitigating ethnic conflict of current Taiwan employing the methods of power-sharing democracy and deliberative democracy.
First of all, the causes and the key difficult problems of democratic predicament, and the dispute in national identity between the pan-blue and pan-green camps, as those currently exist in Taiwan, are discussed in greater detail. The key difficult problems appear to be conflict in identities and political distrust.
Next, based on the existing literature of power-sharing democracy, this thesis identifies the normative ideas and empirical evidences that are relevant to the settlement of democratic predicament of current Taiwan. After an in depth analysis, it concludes that the use of consociational approach to manage democratic predicament of current Taiwan should be the direction worth trying. The so-called modified consociational democracy, which is formed to meet the deliberative requirements of publicity and reciprocity, by replacing consociational decision making with deliberation, may provide more possibility for longer-term goal of ethnic conflict resolution.
Likewise, based on the existing literature of deliberative democracy, this thesis identifies the normative ideas and empirical evidences that are relevant to the settlement of democratic predicament of current Taiwan. After an in depth analysis, it concludes that, theoretically, the use of ideal deliberation approach appears capable of dealing with the democratic predicament of current Taiwan. Although it is not possible to create Habermas’s ideal speech situation on a precise level, it is possible to achieve ISS approximately. However, there did not exist any empirical evidence in the literature to demonstrate that the application of deliberative democracy alone may provide conflict resolution of the national identity problem in deeply divided societies. In order to let both sides of the conflicting groups be willing to participate freely in the dialogue, be willing to respect one another, and be willing to communicate rationally, it is necessarily to provide both sides with power-sharing incentives tailored to make both sides feel absolutely secure. In addition, in order to evaluate how close the dialogue or deliberative approaches the conditions of ideal speech situation, it is necessarily to have a quantitative measuring instrument at our disposal and the discourse quality index (DQI) is such an instrument. Therefore, power-sharing and DQI tend to form two effective tools for strengthening the deliberative democracy.
Finally, this thesis proposes the modified consociational democracy as the present stage strategy for the resolution of democratic predicament of current Taiwan.
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Exploring effective decision-making of principals in secondary schools in the Free State provinceMokoena, Sello P. 30 November 2003 (has links)
In a democratic South Africa, a variety of factors are necessary to ensure effective school governance and management. One of these factors is shared decision-making (SDM). SDM is a process of making decisions in a collaborative manner at the school level. Those responsible for implementing a decision must be actively and legitimately involved in making the decision. In South African schools today, SDM is no longer an option. The new framework of SDM is embedded in the South African Schools Act (Act 84 of 1996). According to the Act, parents, learners and teachers should be given the opportunity of participating in decisions on educational matters.
In this study, the researcher set out to investigate and explore effective decision-making of secondary school principals in the Thabo Mofutsanayana Education District (THMOED) of the Free State Province. In an endeavour to realize that end, an open-ended questionnaire, individual and focus group interviews were used to collect data. The main aim was to find out how teachers, learners, parents and principals experienced decision-making in their schools.
The main findings of this research were that, decisions-making practices in the secondary schools in the THMOED still adhered to pre-democratic formal lines of authority. In other words, the locus of control and decision-making powers resided mainly with the principals, with minimum participation of other stakeholders. Consequently, there were dissatisfactions and concerns raised by the participants. The concerns were directed at the management and included lack of communication, lack of transparency, unacceptable disciplinary procedures, autocratic leadership styles and centralized decision-making.
According to the findings, it would appear that democratic models of governance were insufficiently used or overlooked by the principals. Concerns raised by the respondents were a clear indication that much needed to be done to change the mind-set of the principals. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Education Management)
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賦能策略應用於機關組織之研究 / The Research of Empowerment Strategy Applied in Organization林秀聰, Lin, Hsiou-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………… 1
第二節 研究方法與限制…………………………………… 5
第三節 研究範圍與章節安排及研究架構……………… 6
第二章 賦能策略之文獻探討……………………………… 10
第一節 賦能之涵義………………………………………… 10
壹 有關賦能的研究文獻…………………………… 10
貳 賦能的意義………………………………………… 17
第二節 賦能之作用……………………………………… 23
第三節 賦能與授權之區別……………………………… 28
第四節 賦能概念之發展…………………………………… 32
壹 管理思潮及管理方式之轉變…………………….. 32
貳 組織採行多樣化管理之趨勢…………………… 40
參 全面品質管理(TQM)對賦能觀念之啟發………… 44
肆 多樣化管理與全面品質管理之關係……………… 51
第五節 賦能模式之探討…………………………………… 54
第三章 賦能策略的實際作法之探討……………………… 71
第一節 從組織文化的層面而言………………………… 71
第二節 從工作團隊的層面而言………………………… 78
第三節 從組織結構的層面而言………………………… 98
第四節 從組織目標建立的層面而言…………………… 100
第五節 組織施行賦能策略的問題與解決之道………… 109
第四章 賦能策略在組織中應用之探討…………………… 120
第一節 組織施行賦能策略之理由………………………. 120
第二節 應用組織發展中之干預技術施行賦能………….. 135
第三節 組織施行賦能策略之程序………………………. 140
第四節 賦能策略與領導…………………………………… 147
壹 領導的意義………………………………………… 147
貳 領導效能…………………………………………… 149
參 領導的研究途徑…………………………………… 150
肆 賦能與權變領導的關係…………………………… 162
伍 領導者的賦能行為之六項條件…………………… 165
陸 有效領導的賦能策略…………………………… 171
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………… 178
第一節 論文回顧與發現…………………………………… 178
第二節 實務應用與後續研究建議……………………… 193
參考書目………………………………………………………… 198
圖1-1 本文研究架構…………………………………………… 8
圖2-1 賦予活力型的管理模式……………………………… 44
圖2-2 賦能過程的五個階段………………………………… 58
圖2-3 賦能的階段及其重要作法…………………………… 61
圖2-4 領導者在四個階段中所扮演的角色………………… 63
圖2-5 賦能之層級水準………………………………………… 65
圖2-6 賦能的過程模式………………………………………… 67
圖3-1 賦能的程度……………………………………………… 80
圖3-2 目標層級………………………………………………… 108
圖4-1 新任務的成果與結果………………………………… 124
圖4-2 組織性無力感的模式………………………………… 125
圖4-3 領導效能研究的四種途徑…………………………… 151
圖4-4 費德勒的權變領導理論………………………………… 155
圖4-5 費氏權變論中的因果關係圖…………………………… 156
圖4-6 郝賽與布蘭查的情境領導論關係圖………………… 157
圖4-7 領導的途徑-目標論中之因果關係………………… 158
圖4-8 途徑目標理論的詳細模型圖………………………… 159
圖4-9 賦能的六項條件………………………………………… 167
表2-1 組織的類型……………………………………………… 26
表2-2 高績效組織特性之研究成果彙整表………………… 28
表2-3 賦能與授權之區別……………………………………… 31
表2-4 管理方法的改變………………………………………… 33
表2-5 組織中之涉入與賦能之關係………………………… 38
表2-6 傳統組織與被賦能組織的重要不同點……………… 40
表3-1 透過四個階段整合組織文化的過程………………… 77
表3-2 文化整合的每一個階段中個體的行為及思考的差異性………………………………………………………. 77
表4-1 賦能表過程中的領導策略與成員行為反應………… 172 / Empowerment is generally defined as enabling employees in the organizations to have more capability,vitality,and creativity,rather than given them necessary authority.It is also a process of transforming individuals(that is,employees in organization) full of sense of powerlessness into persons who have much more power of self-control and sense of task ownship.This ownship derives from employees' being able to take more responsibility for doing planning and making decisions after they are properly directed and motivated (that is,empowered) .Beside,empowerment is also a key to success in the process of reinventing government.The reason is that the nations' competiveness,in large part,hinges on government employees' potential,vitality,and creativity.This three important abilities,in turn,can be enhanced by effecting the empowerment strategy.
There are many distinctions between empowerment and delegation.The most significant ones follows are:1.in the case of empowerment authority comes from employee's self;increase in authority are through learning;the power relationship in organizations are non-zero-sum;empowerment adds to employee's abilities and creativity;empowerment is intrinsic which means releasing power originally belonging to individuals which is undeprivable and can not be offered added onto from outside;empowerment enables employees to take on new tasks,expand knowledge and responsibility.2.in the case of delegation authority is vested in positions;increase in authority are through scalar chain;thus the power relationship is zero-sum;delegation add to employee's span of controll;delegation is extrinsic,which means power is rendered from outside.
According the author some principles or guidelines should be followed when empowerment strategies are to be implemented in organizations they are:1.Power through responsibility.2.Power through authority.3.Power through standards of excellence.4.Power through trainning and development.5.Power through knowledge and information.6.Power through feedback.7.Power through recognition.8.Power through Trust.9.Power through permission to fail.10.Power through respect.
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STATO E TRIBU' NEL MEDIO ORIENTE CONTEMPORANEO: DINAMICHE DI POTERE NELL'IRAQ DI OGGI / Tribes and State in contemporary Middle East. Dynamics of power in today's IraqPARIGI, GIOVANNI 16 April 2013 (has links)
Il tribalismo costituisce una caratteristica intrinseca delle società mediorientali, concorrendo insieme a cultura araba e religione islamica a comporne l’identità. In Iraq, da sempre, il tribalismo ha costituito sia una struttura organizzativa ed una modalità di relazione sociale, che una dinamica di potere. Durante il Mandato britannico e la monarchia, la manipolazione politica di cultura e strutture tribali ha rafforzato la legittimazione del governo; nella fase repubblicana, con l’emergere delle forze armate quale principale attore politico e l’impatto con la modernità, il tribalismo si è trasformato pur rimanendo radicato nella società. Nella fase iniziale del regime ba’thista, la cultura tribale è stata combattuta essendo considerata un retaggio arcaico. Senonchè, con le difficoltà legate alla guerra con l’Iran, l’invasione del Kuwait e il successivo embargo, il regime di Saddam Hussein sfruttò proprio il tribalismo sia come dinamica di presa e controllo del potere che come collante propagandistico e sociale. Nel vuoto politico seguito al crollo del regime, le tribù riemersero come “campo di battaglia” tra insurgency e forze della Coalizione. Con il Surge americano e la nascita della Sahwa quale reazione allo stragismo jihadista, le tribù hanno impresso una svolta che ha salvato il paese dalla guerra settaria. Anche al Maliki ha saputo abilmente avvantaggiarsi del fenomeno tribale. Oggi le tribù continuano a rappresentare sia una constituency imprescindibile per ogni partito politico, che una diversificata e trasversale forza politica attiva. / Tribalism is an intrinsic character of Middle Eastern’s societies, as it contributes, together with Arab culture and Islamic religion, to shape their identity. In Iraq, since ever, tribalism constituted an organizational structure and a pattern of social relations, as well as dynamic of power’s exercise. Under the British Mandate and the Monarchy, politic manipulation of tribal’s culture and structures strengthened government’s legitimation; during the Republican period, as the Army emerged as main political driver and the influence of Modernity, tribalism transformed itself even if its presence into the society was still very strong. In the initial phase of Ba’thist’s regime, tribal culture was opposed, since it was considered as an obsolete heritage. But, facing the difficulties stemming from the war with Iran, the invasion of Kuwait and the embargo, the regime of Saddam Hussein exploited tribalism as a dynamic of power’s control, as well as propaganda and social bond. In the political void ensuing to the collapse of the regime, the tribes surfaced as “battlefield” between insurgency and Coalition’s Forces. American Surge and the tribes’ intervention in the Sahwa, as a reaction to jihadist’s bloodbath, avoided a sectarian civil war. Also al Maliki was able to exploit the tribal system. Nowadays, tribes are still an invaluable constituency for every political party, as well as diversified and a cross-parties political force.
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Exploring effective decision-making of principals in secondary schools in the Free State provinceMokoena, Sello P. 30 November 2003 (has links)
In a democratic South Africa, a variety of factors are necessary to ensure effective school governance and management. One of these factors is shared decision-making (SDM). SDM is a process of making decisions in a collaborative manner at the school level. Those responsible for implementing a decision must be actively and legitimately involved in making the decision. In South African schools today, SDM is no longer an option. The new framework of SDM is embedded in the South African Schools Act (Act 84 of 1996). According to the Act, parents, learners and teachers should be given the opportunity of participating in decisions on educational matters.
In this study, the researcher set out to investigate and explore effective decision-making of secondary school principals in the Thabo Mofutsanayana Education District (THMOED) of the Free State Province. In an endeavour to realize that end, an open-ended questionnaire, individual and focus group interviews were used to collect data. The main aim was to find out how teachers, learners, parents and principals experienced decision-making in their schools.
The main findings of this research were that, decisions-making practices in the secondary schools in the THMOED still adhered to pre-democratic formal lines of authority. In other words, the locus of control and decision-making powers resided mainly with the principals, with minimum participation of other stakeholders. Consequently, there were dissatisfactions and concerns raised by the participants. The concerns were directed at the management and included lack of communication, lack of transparency, unacceptable disciplinary procedures, autocratic leadership styles and centralized decision-making.
According to the findings, it would appear that democratic models of governance were insufficiently used or overlooked by the principals. Concerns raised by the respondents were a clear indication that much needed to be done to change the mind-set of the principals. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Education Management)
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