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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role veřejného žalobce v řízení před soudem / The Role of the Public Prosecutor in the Court Proceedings

Řehák, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The Role of the Public Prosecutor in the Court Proceedings Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to comprehensively analyze issue of the public prosecutor and its role, especially in the court proceedings. The reason for my research is my personal interest regarding criminal law and problematics of the public prosecutors in general, as well as, in my opinion, the great importance of such topic, especially in the context of a long-term expert discussion on the considered conceptual changes of the relevant Czech legislation - the Criminal Procedure and the Public Prosecution Act. The thesis is composed of four major chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of role of the public prosecutors. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis and further the historical development and transformation of bodies of public action in two different legal systems - common law and civil law. Chapter Two provides an outline of Czech, French, English and Welsh, U.S. and international bodies of the public action, their placement in the system of national legal systems, organization and scope of activities. Also describes the issues regarding proposals to the new Czech Public Prosecution Act. Chapter Three examines relevant Czech legislation regarding public prosecutor and its role...

Interrogatório por vídeoconferência / Videoconference hearing

Galvão, Danyelle da Silva 18 April 2012 (has links)
O interrogatório judicial do acusado sempre foi previsto na legislação processual brasileira desde o Código de Processo Penal do Império até os dias atuais. O advento da Constituição Federal de 1988 mudou o panorama quanto às garantias processuais dos acusados e teve reflexo na prática forense. No entanto, o Código de Processo Penal, datado de 1941, continha disposições contrárias ao estabelecido no texto constitucional, o que ensejou discussão na jurisprudência por vários anos. Este panorama ensejou discussões no Congresso Nacional sobre a legislação processual penal e culminou na aprovação da Lei nº 10.792/2003. Apesar de naquela oportunidade a lei não prever o uso da videoconferência, trouxe significativas mudanças para o interrogatório judicial. A matéria foi regulada apenas em 2009, através da Lei nº 11.900/2009. Suas disposições ainda geram discussões na doutrina e na jurisprudência, mas embasam o uso daquele recurso tecnológico em casos envolvendo acusados presos. / The defendants judicial hearing has always been under the Brazilian procedural legislation from the Criminal Procedure Code of the 19th century to the presente day. The advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988 changed the landscape of the defendants procedural guarantees, which reflected in the forensics practice. However, the Criminal Procedure Code of 1941 states contrary provisions to what is set out in the Constitution, which resulted in discussions in Courts for several years. This scenario encouraged debates in the National Congress about the criminal procedural legislation and led to the approval of the Law 10.792/2003. At that time, although the Law had not set out the videoconference use, the judicial interrogation had significant changes. The issue was regulated only in 2009 with the passage of the Law 11.900/2009. Its provisions still raises discussions in the doctrine and jurisprudence, but also support the use of that technology resouce in cases involving arrested defendants.

The First International Conference on development finance & economic transformation Conference Proceedings [electronic resource] / editors : P Msweli ...[et.al.] / Development ,Finance,Transformation & Economic Growth in Developing Countries for the 21st century.

January 2013 (has links)
Conference proceedings / Refer to document

Les rapports entre la justice étatique et la justice arbitrale : Etude comparative France-OHADA / Relationship between state justice and arbitral justice : Comparative study France-OHADA

Kouchanou, Balbine 16 May 2019 (has links)
L’arbitrage est un moyen de gestion de litige apprécié et privilégié par les acteurs du commerce international. Son bon fonctionnement dépend de la justice étatique. Ces deux appareils doivent entretenir un rapport tantôt fusionnel et tantôt concurrentiel. Le déroulement de cette relation peut réciproquement susciter des complications et de la méfiance. En France comme dans plusieurs autres États de l’Afrique subsaharienne, le juge étatique est le collaborateur de l’arbitre malgré l’envergure de leurs rapports. Ces États reconnaissent à la justice étatique son pouvoir explicite et implicite durant l’arbitrage. La présente recherche et étude aborde la mise en œuvre des compétences respectives attribuées à l’arbitre et au juge durant l’arbitrage. Afin d’accentuer et de pérenniser le bon déroulement de l’arbitrage en France et en Afrique francophone, cette étude s’est attardée sur la question de l’arbitrabilité et du développement économique. Après avoir énuméré des réalités freinant la floraison durable de l’arbitrage en Afrique, quelques solutions sont proposées pour le préserver de tout dysfonctionnement. / Arbitration has been used to resolving cases appreciated by international trade actors. However, well-functioning depends upon state justice. Both devices should have maintain a fusional and competitive relationship. The unfolding of this relationship can reciprocally bring complications and mistrust. State judge is referee’s collaborator despite the spacing of reports in France and several other states in sub-Saharan Africa. These states recognize the explicit and implicit power of state justice during arbitration. This study approaches courts assigned to the arbitrator and judge during their challenge. In order to accentuate and sustain the smooth running of arbitration in France and Francophone Africa, this research has been focused on the issue of economic development. After listing realities hindering the flowering of arbitration in this part of Africa, some solutions have been proposed to preserve this method of dispute resolution of dysfunction.

Conduct of counsel causing or contributing to a miscarriage of justice

O'Driscoll, Stephen James, n/a January 2009 (has links)
The Crimes Act 1961 and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 provide that a person accused of a criminal offence in New Zealand has the right to be represented at trial by counsel. The purpose of representation by counsel is to protect the accused�s interests; ensure that the accused is able to present their defence to the Court; ensure that the accused receives a fair trial; and ensure that the accused is not the subject of a miscarriage of justice. It is implicit that criminal defence counsel must be competent if they are to be effective advocates on behalf of their clients. If counsel is not competent, there is a risk that counsel�s acts or omissions may cause or contribute to a miscarriage of justice. The Crimes Act 1961 allows an accused to appeal against their conviction on the basis that they have been the subject of a miscarriage of justice through the conduct of their counsel. The thesis analyses the Supreme Court decision of R v Sungsuwan that sets out the test that an appellate court must consider when deciding to allow an appeal based on the conduct of counsel. The thesis examines 239 Court of Appeal decisions between 1996 and 2007 that have considered appeals from jury trials where at least one of the grounds of appeal was that defence counsel caused or contributed to a miscarriage of justice. The thesis notes the increasing trend to use "conduct of counsel" as a ground of appeal. In 1996 there were 4 appeals; in 2006 there were 43 such appeals and in 2007 there were 29 appeals. During the period under review the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and specifically held that counsel�s conduct, either alone or in combination with other grounds, caused or contributed to a miscarriage of justice in 41 cases. The thesis analyses the common complaints made by an accused against trial counsel and the common areas where the Court of Appeal upheld complaints against counsel. The thesis takes into account the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 and the Lawyers and Conveyancers (Lawyer: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 that came into existence on 1 August 2008. The new legislation places particular emphasis on the obligations of counsel to uphold the rule of law and to facilitate the administration of justice in New Zealand. Counsel also has an obligation to protect the interests of their clients. The thesis concludes that the plethora of cases coming before the Court of Appeal, and the number of appeals allowed by the Court, demonstrate defence counsel do not always protect the interests of their clients and can cause or contribute to a miscarriage of justice. The thesis makes a number of recommendations that may reduce the risk of both an accused appealing on the basis on the conduct of counsel and an appeal being allowed on the basis of the conduct of counsel. In particular, it is suggested that there should be greater degree of co-operation between the New Zealand Law Society and the Legal Services Agency to ensure the maintenance of high standards among criminal defence lawyers.

Judicial transparency communication, democracy and the United States federal judiciary /

Hoch, Katrina. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2009. / Title from first page of PDF file (viewed October 13, 2009). Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 375-400).

(Deutsches) Internationales Insolvenzrecht im Umbruch: / Grundfragen grenzüberschreitender Insolvenzen, unter Berücksichtigung der UNCITRAL-Modellbestimmungen über grenzüberschreitende Insolvenzverfahren / Changes in (German) International Insolvency Law: / Basic Issues of Cross-Border Insolvencies, taking into account the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency

Boehmer, Ilka Annette von 13 December 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Įmonių bankroto proceso ypatumai Lietuvoje ir užsienio valstybėse / The process of bankruptcy in Lithuania and in foreign countries

Badaras, Mindaugas 10 March 2006 (has links)
Bankroto procesas - atskira civilinio proceso rūšis, pasižyminti dalyko, proceso dalyvių, bylos nagrinėjimo stadijų specifika bei išskirtiniais tikslais. Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktais reglamentuojamo bankroto proceso pagrindinis tikslas yra likvidacinis, t.y. nukreiptumas į įmonės teisinę pabaigą. Darbe analizuojami bankroto procesą Lietuvos Respublikoje reglamentuojantys teisės aktai bei jų taikymo (t.y. teisminė) praktika, keliant ir nagrinėjant bankroto bylas, tuo pačiu, darbe atliekama Lietuvos Respublikos ir užsienio valstybių bankroto procesą reguliuojančių teisės aktų lyginamoji analizė aktualiais klausimais, siekiant nustatyti bankroto proceso Lietuvos Respublikoje tikslus, teisinio reglamentavo spragas, teismų praktikos klaidas bei pasiūlyti galimus minėtų probleminių klausimų sprendimus. / The process of bankruptcy is the separate part of the civil process, and is distinguished by an object’, the process participants’, the case hearing stages’ particularity and by the exceptional purposes. In the Republic of Lithuania, the main purpose of the process of bankruptcy is liquidation, i.e., direction to the legal end of the enterprise. In the scientific work, there is presented analysis of the laws, which are regulating the process of bankruptcy in the Republic of Lithuania, and their application in the judicial practice, when bankruptcy cases are heard, also, is fulfilled the comparative analysis on the urgent questions of the laws, which regulate the process of bankruptcy in the Republic of Lithuania and in the foreign countries, having an aim to define the purposes of the process of bankruptcy in Lithuania, the gaps of legal regulation, the mistakes of judicial practice, and to offer possible solutions of the above-mentioned problem matters.

Įtariamojo, kaltinamojo su psichikos sutrikimais teisių ir teisėtų interesų užtikrinimas / Provision of the rights and lawful interests of a suspect/defendant with mental disorders

Ivanovas, Anatolijus 26 December 2006 (has links)
Terminas psichikos sutrikimai baudžiamojo proceso moksle turi specialią procesinę teisinę reikšmę ir vartojamas kalbant apie tokius sutrikimus dėl kurių įtariamasis, kaltinamasis negali savarankiškai įgyvendinti teisės į gynybą. Magistro baigiamasis darbas aktualus tuo, jog remiantis susiformavusia teisine praktika, atskleistas įtariamųjų, kaltinamųjų, turinčių psichikos sutrikimų, teisių ir teisėtų interesų užtikrinimo veiksmingumas. Pateikiama naudinga informacija ikiteisminio tyrimo pareigūnams ar prokurorams apie įtariamųjų psichikos sutrikimų tipinius požymius, kurie gali padėti laiku atskleisti įtariamojo psichikos sutrikimus bei tokių žinių gavimo šaltinius. Analizuojamas psichikos sutrikimų nustatymas taikant specialių žinių panaudojimo formas baudžiamajame procese – ekspertizę ir objektų tyrimą. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros apibendrinimu bei archyvinių baudžiamųjų bylų analize pateikiami specialių žinių panaudojimo, psichikos sutrikimams nustatyti, probleminiai aspektai. Be to, analizuojama gynybos instituto svarba baudžiamajame procese. Aptariama viena iš pagrindinių įtariamojo, kaltinamojo, turinčio psichikos sutrikimų teisių ir teisėtų interesų užtikrinimo garantijų - teisė į gynybą bei atstovų pagal įstatymą dalyvavimo procese tikslingumas, atskleidžiami kai kurie diskutuotini aspektai. / The term psychical disorders has a specific juridical meaning in the science of criminal process and it shall be used talking about such disorders, due to which the suspect, indictee cannot independently implement his right to defence. Master’s paper is urgent by the fact that basing upon the already shaped legal practice, efficiency of providing rights and legal interests of the suspects/defendants with mental disorders is disclosed. Useful information for pre-trial investigation officers or prosecutors is provided covering the types of mental disorders of the suspects, which could assist in timely disclosing the suspect’s mental disorders as well as the ways to obtain such knowledge. Disclosure of mental disorders is analysed by applying the special knowledge forms in the criminal proceedings: expertise and subject analysis. Basing upon the scientific literature summary and analysis of archive criminal cases, problem aspects of special knowledge use for disclosure of mental disorders are presented. Besides that, importance of defence institution on the criminal proceedings is analysed. One of the main guarantees of a suspect/defendant with mental disorders to have his/her rights and legal interests assured – his/her right to defence and purposefulness of representatives’ participation in the process according to the law is described, some disputable aspects are disclosed. Taking into consideration the research performed during the final work and the conclusion that rights... [to full text]

The Participation of the Third Parties in the Arbitration Proceedings

Kazbekova, Assel 29 November 2013 (has links)
The arbitration legislation of Kazakhstan has no direct answer to the problem of possible participation of the third parties therein. The analysis of the Kazakhstani legislation and practice, as well as the comparison of the Kazakhstani approach with international approaches regarding the problem of the third parties have revealed the necessity in the legislative reforms to be taken in Kazakhstan. These reforms are required for stabilization and equilibration of the position of third parties with all rest parties of the arbitration proceedings. Thus, the main aim of this thesis is to elaborate a series of suggestions on the potential development of the arbitration procedural legislative system and to address some of the gaps in the existing arbitration legislation.

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