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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förskollärares yrkeskunnande : Förskollärares erfarenheter av praktiskt handlande i pedagogisk verksamhet

Larsdotter Bodin, Ulrika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was to interpret and analyze how preschool teachers described their professional skills and to deepen understanding about this. Two questions were used to achieve this aim. The first question concerned what preschool teachers talked about regarding their experiences work in praxis. The second question concerned the manner in which preschool teachers' individual and collective reflection could contribute to new insights regarding their professional skills. Based on the three different forms of knowledge that Aristotle inspired: episteme, techne and fronesis skills can be said to consist of both theory and to a high degree, of practice in which the various forms both interact as complementary. Thus it is not enough merely to have scientific knowledge (episteme), or to know how something should be done only by general rules and principles (techne) to possess a skill. Rather professionalism is largely characterized by fronesis, a concept that can be translated as practical wisdom, and it cannot always be put into words. Dewey has highlighted the importance of reflection over every day conduct as an important tool to both broaden and alter the quality of practice work in praxis. In order to fulfill answer the aim of the dialogueseminar method was seen as a viable approach to collect empirical data. The emphasis of the method was to continuously reflect, both individually and in interaction with others and then share stories about their experience of practical work in praxis. The results showed that preschool teachers' professional skills emanated from their own life-world experience. Through this it was possible to focus and link practical action to two prominent themes. The themes were: expectations and approach and they describing the basis for the practical conduct preschool teachers related to and put into various concrete settings from the context they were operating in. Based on the study's second question, reflection was highlighted as both important and central to raising awareness of- and making new insights visible. According to preschool teachers, it had been enriching and energizing to be given opportunity to do this and the reafter to share their thoughts about their profession in dialogue. The results showed that preschool teachers' professional skills, with a focus on practical work, could both be widened and developed. Partly through individual reflection, but above all through collective reflection and conversations.

Comparing importance of knowledge and professional skill areas for engineering programming utilizing a two group Delphi survey

Hutton, John F 09 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
All engineering careers require some level of programming proficiency. However, beginning programming classes are challenging for many students. Difficulties have been well-documented and contribute to high drop-out rates which prevent students from pursuing engineering. While many approaches have been tried to improve the performance of students and reduce the dropout rate, continued work is needed. This research seeks to re-examine what items are critical for programming education and how those might inform what is taught in introductory programming classes (CS1). Following trends coming from accreditation and academic boards on the importance of professional skills, we desire to rank knowledge and professional skill areas in one list. While programming curricula focus almost exclusively on knowledge areas, integrating critical professional skill areas could provide students with a better high-level understanding of what engineering encompasses. Enhancing the current knowledge centric syllabi with critical professional skills should allow students to have better visibility into what an engineering job might be like at the earliest classes in the engineering degree. To define our list of important professional skills, we use a two-group, three-round Delphi survey to build consensus ranked lists of knowledge and professional skill areas from industry and academic experts. Performing a gap analysis between the expert groups shows that industry experts focus more on professional skills then their academic counterparts. We use this resulting list to recommend ways to further integrate professional skills into engineering programming curriculum.

Avaliação de desempenho no instituto federal de educação, ciência e tecnologia da Paraíba (IFPB): implicações para a aprendizagem organizacional.

Andrade , Rossana Figueirêdo Nunes de 29 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fernando Souza (fernando@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2017-10-04T12:24:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4305290 bytes, checksum: d6eb506a6715e3db086393c6303d8f3f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-04T12:24:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4305290 bytes, checksum: d6eb506a6715e3db086393c6303d8f3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-29 / In the current context of organizations, people need to reflect on their actions by identifying the aspects that need to be developed in order to boost their competencies and improve their performance. In this sense, a professional performance evaluation policy, integrated with other people management systems, can contribute to the reflection-action-reflection process, providing people with a rethinking of their professional practices, in addition to identify their skills gaps, as well as their potentialities. In this way, learning processes can be stimulated to the development of new competencies, which, consequently, promote professional and organizational development. Thus, the present research aimed to identify the implications of the process of performance evaluation of Administrative Technicians in Education for organizational learning at the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Paraíba. To this purpose, the study was based on theoretical references that dealt with the phenomena of performance evaluation and organizational learning, reflecting on the practices, critically, identifying the implications and the negative aspects involved, in order to have a contextual and systemic understanding of the multiple intervening factors in both processes. In terms of methodology, the research is characterized as a field, delimited by the qualitative approach and, based on the objectives, adopted procedures supported by the descriptive, exploratory and documentary typology, using as a data collection instrument the semistructured interview backed by a Guiding questions. For the analysis of the data collected, we used the Content Analysis method according to Bardin (2011), Richardson (1999), Laville and Dionne (1999). The results of the research evidenced that the process of Performance Evaluation (AD), as it is currently being carried out in the IFPB, has a more negative view, in terms of limitations, than positive view, in terms of potential, based on the perception of the managers interviewed. However, AD can be a very important tool for learning, change and development of the public employee, the work team and the entire organization, provided that it is performed correctly, conscientiously and responsibly. In order for AD to exert its full potential to stimulate learning with a focus on change and development, it is necessary that the process be carried out in the correct way, with seriousness and veracity in the information, always seeking the construction of an interactive space, dialogue, feedback and sharing among those involved, in order to enhance their effects in terms of individual and organizational learning. / No contexto atual das organizações, as pessoas necessitam refletir sobre suas ações identificando os aspectos que precisam ser desenvolvidos, de modo a potencializar suas competências e melhorar seu desempenho. Neste sentido, uma política de avaliação de desempenho profissional, integrada aos demais sistemas de gestão de pessoas, pode contribuir para o processo de reflexão-ação-reflexão, proporcionando nas pessoas um repensar sobre suas práticas profissionais, além de identificar suas lacunas de competências, bem como suas potencialidades. Desse modo, os processos de aprendizagens podem ser estimulados para o desenvolvimento de novas competências, que, consequentemente, promovem o desenvolvimento profissional e organizacional. Assim, a presente pesquisa objetivou identificar as implicações do processo de avaliação de desempenho dos Técnicos Administrativos em Educação para a aprendizagem organizacional no Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba. Para tanto, o estudo ancorou-se em referenciais teóricos que trataram dos fenômenos da avaliação de desempenho e da aprendizagem organizacional, refletindo sobre suas práticas, de modo crítico, identificando suas implicações e os aspectos negativos envolvidos, de modo a ter uma compreensão contextual e sistêmica dos múltiplos fatores intervenientes em ambos os processos. Em termos metodológicos, a pesquisa caracteriza-se como de campo, delimitada pela abordagem qualitativa e que, a partir de seus objetivos, adotou procedimentos respaldados pela tipologia descritiva, exploratória e documental, utilizando como instrumento de coleta dos dados a entrevista semiestruturada respaldada por um roteiro de questões norteadoras. Para a análise dos dados coletados foi utilizado o método da Análise de Conteúdo segundo Bardin (2011), Richardson (1999), Laville e Dionne (1999). Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que o processo de AD, da forma como está sendo realizado atualmente no IFPB, tem uma visão mais negativa em termos de limitações do que positiva em termos de potenciais, baseada na percepção dos gestores entrevistados. No entanto, a AD pode se constituir como uma ferramenta muito importante para aprendizagem, mudança e desenvolvimento do servidor, da equipe de trabalho e de toda a organização, desde que seja realizada de maneira correta, consciente e com responsabilidade. Para que a AD possa exercer todo o seu potencial de estímulo ao aprendizado com foco na mudança e no desenvolvimento, faz-se necessário que o processo seja realizado da maneira correta, com seriedade e veracidade nas informações, buscando sempre a construção de um espaço interativo, dialogado, de feedback e de compartilhamento entre os envolvidos, de modo a potencializar seus efeitos em termos de aprendizagem individual e organizacional.

Travailleurs, gestionnaires d'établissements hôteliers et institutions publiques : les acteurs du turnover dans le secteur de l'hôtellerie et de la restauration en Andorre / Workers, hotels managers and public institutions : actors of turnover in Andorra's hospitality industry

Oliveira da Silva, Diana 25 March 2016 (has links)
L’objet de notre thèse est le turnover, indicateur communément mobilisé par les entreprises pour estimer le taux de roulement de leur personnel. Nous explorons les dynamiques sociales de ce phénomène dans l’hôtellerie et de la restauration, secteur traditionnellement impacté par de forts taux de turnover. Notre terrain d’application est l’Andorre, Etat souverain, dont la politique de gestion de l’immigration est pensée au travers des variabilités du marché de l’emploi.En combinant différentes méthodes sociologiques, cette thèse appréhende les acteurs et les actions qui concernent le turnover de personnel. Nous avons effectué six mois d’observation participante dans des établissements hôteliers andorrans et interrogé via un questionnaire les travailleurs tant sur leurs mobilités sectorielles et géographiques que sur leurs motivations conduisant à ces déplacements. Nous avons également interrogé les gestionnaires des ressources humaines et lobbyistes du secteur sur leurs manières de composer avec le turnover de leur personnel. Au carrefour d’une sociologie des organisations, des professions et d’une sociologie politique de gestion des flux migratoires, cette thèse défend tout d’abord le turnover comme la résultante d’arrangements effectués par les travailleurs et les employeurs vis-à-vis de la variabilité de l’activité touristique. Elle aborde ensuite de l’incertitude (horaires de travail et salaires) comme raison de départ des travailleurs des établissements hôteliers andorrans. Cette thèse éclaire par la suite, les représentations sociales des acteurs et la perspective d’une déprofessionnalisation des métiers de l’hôtellerie et de la restauration. Celle-ci conduit à l’ouverture « du champ des possibles » perçu par les travailleurs en matière d’emploi. Enfin, la thèse expose les conséquences, pour le secteur et pour les travailleurs, de la création d’instruments politiques de recrutement et de gestions des travailleurs-étrangers pour le marché de l’emploi andorran.Cette thèse met en œuvre une approche nouvelle et plus large du turnover en sociologie en associant les dynamiques organisationnelles à l’analyse des politiques publiques et des migrations. / The labor turnover is a common indicator used by companies for evaluating the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new ones. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the social dynamics relative to this indicator in the field of hotel and catering, an industry well-known for its high turnover rates, and in the country of Andorra, a sovereign state surrounded by France and Spain, where immigration policy is based on the fluctuations of its internal job market.To gain insights of the turnover phenomena, referring to actors and their actions, a combination of various sociological methods has been used: a six month participant observation in Andorran hotels; a survey on employees’ mobility and its motivations, be it geographic or sectorial; and finally, interviews with hotel’s human resources managers and lobbyists regarding their adaptive strategies to staff turnover.Standing at the crossroads between sociology of organizations, sociology of work, and sociology of politics on migration flow control, this thesis defines the turnover as a result of arrangements taken by employees and employers to cope with the significant variability of tourism trade activity. It also exposes the uncertainty of work conditions in Andorran hotels – time schedule and wages – as a reason for employees to leave their job. Then, by studying the social representations in the hospitality industry and the perspectives of a de-professionalization of its jobs, the perceptive “range of possibilities” consequently opened to workers on the job hunt is being explored. Finally, this thesis evaluates the impact of political recruiting tools and foreign workers’ management tools, created for the Andorran job market, on the hotel and catering sector and its employees.This thesis introduces a wider definition of the notion of turnover in sociology, by combining organizational dynamics with the study of migration policies.

Les déterminants des performances scolaires des écoles rurales : l’exemple des élèves de CM2 des classes à plusieurs cours dans les Alpes de Haute-Provence / The determinants of academic performance of rural schools : the example of the CM2 pupils in the multigrade classrooms situated in the Alpes de Haute-Provence

Lallaï, Daniel 05 December 2016 (has links)
Dans les années 1960/1970, toutes les études ont montré que les élèves issus de milieux défavorisés ont de moins bons résultats que ceux issus de milieux favorisés (Coleman, 1966 ; Bourdieu & Passeron, 1964 et 1970 ; Baudelot & Establet, 1971). Les recherches menées durant les années 1990/2000 ont démontré que les élèves des écoles rurales obtiennent de bonnes performances scolaires (Oeuvrard, 1993 ; Lebossé, 1998, les travaux de l’Observatoire de l’École Rurale, 2001 et 2005). Or, les territoires ruraux sont majoritairement composés de familles issues de milieux défavorisés. Quelles sont alors les raisons de ces bons résultats ? La présente étude a pour objectif de vérifier les hypothèses selon lesquelles un effet-établissement, un effet-classe et un effet-maître, spécifiques aux écoles rurales expliquent ces performances. Afin de valider ces hypothèses, une enquête est menée concernant les résultats aux évaluations nationales de 2011, des 1 810 élèves de CM2 des écoles du département des Alpes de Haute-Provence. Elle est exploitée au moyen de calculs statistiques et d’une analyse de contenu des rapports d’inspection des enseignants de ces élèves. Les conclusions de cette recherche révèlent que ce sont des effets structurels, liés à la spécificité des écoles rurales qui sont les déterminants de ces résultats scolaires. Ce sont en effet, les écoles primaires, celles de moins de cinq classes, les classes à plusieurs cours, le peu d’élèves scolarisés dans une classe ainsi que les gestes professionnels spécifiques et les qualités professionnelles des enseignants qui expliquent ces performances. / In the 1960s/1970s, all the studies have reported that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds perform less well in school than those from advantaged backgrounds (Coleman, 1966 ; Bourdieu & Passeron, 1964 et 1970 ; Baudelot & Establet, 1971).Research during the 1990s/2000s has shown that pupils from rural schools get good performance (Oeuvrard, 1993 ; Lebossé, 1998, the works of the Rural School Observatory, 2001 et 2005).Yet rural territories are mostly composed of families who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. So, what are the reasons for these good results ?The objective of this study is to test the hypotheses that the effect of the establishment, the effect of the class and the effect of the teacher, which are specific to rural school, explain this good performance.To validate these hypotheses, a survey was conducted concerning the results of national assessments in 2011, for the 1810 pupils in CM2 of the schools situated in the department of Alpes de Haute-Provence. The data is used by means of statistical calculations and a content analysis of the inspection reports of these pupils' teachers.The findings of this research reveal that it is structural effects which are linked to the specificity of rural schools that are the determinants of these educational outcomes. These are in fact primary schools, those less than five classes, multigrade classrooms, only a few pupils enrolled in a class as well as teachers' specific professional acts and professional skills that explain this good performance.

Inner Engineering: A Multiphase Mixed Methods Study Evaluating the Utility of Mindfulness Training to Cultivate Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Skills among First-year Engineering Students

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Background – Among influential education reports, there is clear consensus that an expansive range of intrapersonal (e.g. self-regulation) and interpersonal competencies (e.g. empathy) highly influence educational and career success. Research on teaching and learning these competencies is limited in engineering education. Purpose/Hypothesis – This dissertation study explores the impacts of a mindfulness training program on first-year engineering students and aims to understand potential impacts on the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies. Design/Method – A four-session mindfulness-based training program was designed, developed, and facilitated to cultivate intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies. This study employed a multiphase mixed method design in which quantitative and qualitative data was collected from a total of 35 different students through a post survey (n=31), 3-month follow-up survey (n=29), and interviews (n=18). t-tests were used to evaluate the statistical significance of the program and a rigorous thematic analysis process was utilized to help explain the quantitative data. Results – The results suggest that the majority of students became more mindful, which led to improved intrapersonal competencies (i.e. self-management, critical-thinking, focus, resilience, and well-being) and interpersonal competencies (i.e. empathy, communication, teamwork, and leadership). Discussion / Conclusions – The study provides compelling evidence that mindfulness training can support the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills among engineering students, which can support their overall academic experience, as well as personal and professional development. Future design and development work will be needed to evaluate the integration and scalability potential of mindfulness training within engineering programs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Engineering Education Systems and Design 2019

The Role of Professional Socialization in Specialty Choice Among Higher Education Students

Faidley, Evan Wayde 08 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Farledsrestriktioner nu och då : Sjöfartsinspektionens övergång till Transportstyrelsen och dess effekter på arbetsprocessen bakom farledsrestriktioner

Bengtsson, Peter, Tassinari Rogalin, Oliver January 2017 (has links)
En farledsrestriktion innebär att vissa krav eller begänsningar sätts på fartygs manöverförmåga, antal assisterande bogserbåtar, största djupgående och liknande egenskaper för att få färdas i en specifik farled. Innan 2009 låg uppgiften att ta fram dessa restriktioner på Sjöfartsverket och det tillhörande Sjöfartsinspektionen. År 2009 bildades Transportstyrelsen och övertog då vissa delar av processen. Detta arbete handlar om vad denna omorganisation har fått för effekter på arbetsprocessen och dess resultat utifrån vad de som idag jobbar med den upplever. En kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med ett antal individer som dagligen arbetar med denna process. Resultatet målar upp bilden av en arbetsprocess som genomgått mindre förändringar men som på många sätt fortfarande är sig lik. De tillfrågade beskriver små skillnader i det praktiska, dagliga arbetet och den kommunikation som detta arbete kräver, men beskriver också en situation där förändringsarbetet fortfarande upplevs pågå och där vanor kring arbetsrutiner på många sätt lever kvar. / When entering a fairway in Swedish waters, vessels are affected by various restrictions. These restrictions are related to the draught of the vessel, its maneuvering capabilities and other factors which affect its capability to be conducted in a safe manner when inside the fairway. Prior to 2009, these restrictions were implemented by Sjöfartsverket (the Swedish Maritime Agency). In 2009, Transportstyrelsen (the Swedish Transport Agency) was created and took on the responsibility for some parts of the process behind developing these restrictions. In this study the focus is on the effects of this reorganization on the process itself from the viewpoint of those who are working with it. A qualitative study using interviews was conducted with people who are in daily contact with this work. The result shows a process that has undergone minor changes but is also in many ways still similar. The participants in this study describe smaller differences in the practical, daily work and the communication that this work requires, but they also paint a picture of a situation where the change is still happening and where old routines and habits still influence their work.

Ecole catholique primaire en quête de navigation professionnelle : entre le pilotage des compétences et le renforcement stratégique de la qualité rénover le système de gestion et de mesure des performances / Primary catholic school in search of professional navigation : between the piloting of competences and the strategic reinforcement of quality renovate system of management and mesureament of performances

Youssef, Marlène 01 January 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse permet de porter l'attention à quelques caractéristiques fondamentales de l'école catholique et de chercher dans quelle mesure sa navigation professionnelle permettrait de tirer la garantie de sa capacité de rénover le système de gestion et de mesure des performances, entre son pilotage des compétences et son renforcement stratégique de la qualité. Dans l'histoire de l'école catholique, plusieurs chercheurs ont présenté l'importance des défis qui l'interpellent et qui l'invitent à trouver des réponses adaptées non seulement au niveau des contenus des méthodes didactiques (choix de la pédagogie adaptée aux besoins des élèves) mais aussi au niveau du travail administratif. Dans la recherche, nous avons donc pris en considération ces réalités qui incitent l'école catholique d'une part à faire une adaptation de ses structures et de son mode d'agir, pour continuer à être une présence efficace et incisive dans le secteur éducatif tout en vivant sa vocation, et d'autre part. à mesurer sa performance globale et piloter ses décisions de façon professionnelle. Dans ce sens, nous avons innové « MAR_BEL S.M.D » (un système de gestion et de mesure de la performance globale d'une école catholique) pour proposer des structures de modélisation d'une école apprenante, qualifiante et en quête de professionnalisation d'une part, et d'autre part pour améliorer ses décisions stratégiques. En effet, ce système de modélisation et de décisions a permis à travers une enquête de vérifier les liens entre des concepts théoriques et des réalités professionnelles vécues dans un contexte complexe sur le territoire libanais. / This thesis makes it possible to pay the attention to some fundamental characteristics of the Catholic school and up to what point to seek its professional navigation would allow drawing the guarantee from its capacity to renovate the system of management and measurement of the performances, between its piloting of competences and its strategic reinforcement of quality. In the history of the Catholic school, several researchers had the importance of the challenges which defy it and which invite it to find answers adapted not only to the level of the contents of the didactic methods (choice of the pedagogy adapted the needs of the pupils) but also to the level of administrative work. In research, we thus took into account these realities which encourage the Catholic school on the one hand to make an adaptation of its structures and its mode to act, to continue to be an effective presence and incisor in the educational sector while living its vocation, and on the other hand, to measure its total performance and to control its decisions in a professional way. ln this direction, we innovated "MAR_BEL S.M.D" (system of management and measurement of the total performance of a Catholic school) to propose structures for the modeling of a learning school, qualifying and in search of professionalisation on the one hand, and on the other hand to improve its strategic decisions. lndeed, this system of modeling and decisions made it possible through an investigation to check the bonds between theoretical concepts and the professional realities lived in a complex context into the Lebanese territory .

Formation continue des enseignants du secondaire au Burkina Faso : quel apport des TIC pour l’amélioration des compétences professionnelles ?

Togo, Saïdou 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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