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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformer la culture administrative par les marges : l’introduction en Chine du Master in Public Administration (MPA) / Changing administrative culture from the margins : the creation of a Master in Public Administration (MPA) in China

Lefébure, Alessia 26 June 2016 (has links)
Au sortir de l'époque maoïste, le Parti communiste chinois a cherché à s’appuyer sur une bureaucratie plus compétente pour réussir le développement économique dans un contexte de stabilité politique. Les réformes ont concerné le recrutement, la gestion et l'organisation d’encadrement des fonctionnaires, mais aussi leur formation, dans l’objectif de renforcer leurs compétences. L'introduction en 1999 du Master in Public Administration (MPA) en milieu universitaire valorise la scientificité du savoir administratif, sans abandonner les dispositifs et les critères de sélection préexistants. À la lumière d’une mise en perspective historique, de l’analyse de la circulation transnationale de modèle éducatif et de l’étude de la modernisation de la bureaucratie, le MPA se révèle être l’instrument d’une double transformation, celle de l’enseignement supérieur et celle de l’administration chinoise contemporaine. Le MPA accompagne et rend possible la modernisation du pays, en permettant à l’enseignement supérieur d’introduire de nouvelles pratiques, à l'État-Parti de réformer l’administration sans rupture et aux agents du secteur public d’acquérir des ressources valorisables, quel que soit le scénario de transformation. / Changing nothing to change everything: innovation and continuity in the reforms of Chinese administrative training — At the end of the Maoist era, the Communist Party of China (CPC) attempted to create a more highly‑skilled bureaucracy to achieve economic development in a stable political context. Reforms concerned not just recruitment, management and civil service organization, but also the training of officials in order to improve their skills. The introduction of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) in 1999 enhanced the scientific character of administrative knowledge while pre‑existing selective mechanisms were retained. The MPA supports the country’s modernization by enabling the State‑Party to undertake continuous reform of public administration. It allows as well the emergence of a new ethos and a community of vision among the new generation of civil servants, whose competences are adjustable to several possible political scenarios.

How can CA(SA) university students be better prepared for the SAICA training programme: A focus on relational and decision-making skills

Kotze, Ruhan 15 March 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose: This study investigates the extent to which aspirant CA(SA)s perceive how the academic programme is, and should be, developing relational and decision-making (RDM) skills. There has been extensive criticism that these skills are insufficiently developed in accounting students, an unfortunate reality which, consequently, hinders their expected performance during the SAICA training programme. Research method: A questionnaire was distributed to 103 aspirant CA(SA)s (of which 44 responded) working at one of the largest audit firms globally and currently in their 1st to 3rd year of the SAICA training programme. The questionnaire consisted of three main questions focusing on the respondents' perception of the academic programme. Findings: The majority of the respondents perceive that almost all of the RDM skills are developed to an intermediate or advanced level during the academic programme. However, respondents also perceive that the academic programme should place greater focus on developing certain RDM skills, such as relationship-building; professional scepticism and teamwork, to an advanced level, to maximise performance during the training programme. Lastly, the case study method, a teaching method by academics, resulted in the highest response rate for assisting in developing RDM skills. Originality and value: The study is the first to research RDM skills development, as defined within the new SAICA Competency Framework, during the South African academic programme. Furthermore, the findings of this study could assist SAICA in identifying RDM skills development shortcomings and whether the academic or training programme providers should bear more responsibility for developing certain skills.

La profesión de la gestión cultural en España: análisis interdisciplinario sobre su evolución, formación y adaptación en la era digital postpandemia

Rodriguez Trigo, Sandra 08 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis se centra en un análisis interdisciplinario de la gestión cultural en España, abordando su evolución histórica, el proceso de profesionalización y su adaptación a la era digital postpandemia. La investigación se divide en dos partes esenciales: la primera implica una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva para establecer una base sólida, explorando tendencias, avances y lagunas en el campo. Dentro de este marco teórico, se destaca la persistente falta de conocimiento en el ámbito laboral y social sobre los gestores culturales, atribuida a la juventud del campo y a la carencia de un referente claro. La diversidad de perfiles profesionales y la amplitud del ámbito cultural también contribuyen a la confusión conceptual. A pesar de los esfuerzos de asociaciones y teóricos para esclarecer la profesión, la profesionalización de la gestión cultural sigue siendo un proceso desafiante e inacabado. La segunda parte de la investigación se enfoca en un análisis práctico que incorpora métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos a lo largo de tres fases distintas. Durante estas etapas, se desarrollaron instrumentos para la recopilación de datos, se seleccionó una muestra representativa y se analizaron los resultados para respaldar las hipótesis de investigación. La primera fase examina la oferta de programas universitarios, la segunda, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, profundiza en los desafíos de la gestión cultural. Finalmente, en la fase cuantitativa, se utiliza un cuestionario para obtener una visión completa y cuantificada del perfil del gestor cultural contemporáneo. Las conclusiones subrayan la necesidad de fortalecer la formación, elevar el reconocimiento y establecer una definición precisa de la figura del profesional de la gestión cultural. Estas acciones son fundamentales para impulsar su profesionalización en un entorno cultural que experimenta una evolución constante. / [CA] Aquesta tesi se centra en una anàlisi interdisciplinària de la gestió cultural a Espanya, abordant la seua evolució històrica, el procés de professionalització i la seua adaptació a l'era digital postpandèmia. La investigació es divideix en dues parts essencials: la primera implica una revisió bibliogràfica exhaustiva per a establir una base sòlida, explorant tendències, avanços i llacunes en el camp. Dins d'aquest marc teòric, es destaca la persistent falta de coneixement en l'àmbit laboral i social sobre els gestors culturals, atribuïda a la joventut del camp i a la manca d'un referent clar. La diversitat de perfils professionals i l'amplitud de l'àmbit cultural també contribueixen a la confusió conceptual. Malgrat els esforços d'associacions i teòrics per a esclarir la professió, la professionalització de la gestió cultural continua sent un procés desafiador i inacabat. La segona part de la investigació s'enfoca en una anàlisi pràctica que incorpora mètodes quantitatius i qualitatius al llarg de tres fases diferents. Durant aquestes etapes, es van desenvolupar instruments per a la recopilació de dades, es va seleccionar una mostra representativa i es van analitzar els resultats per a recolzar les hipòtesis d'investigació. La primera fase examina l'oferta de programes universitaris, la segona, a través d'entrevistes semiestructuradas, aprofundeix en els desafiaments de la gestió cultural. Finalment, en la fase quantitativa, s'utilitza un qüestionari per a obtindre una visió completa i quantificada del perfil del gestor cultural contemporani. Les conclusions subratllen la necessitat d'enfortir la formació, elevar el reconeixement i establir una definició precisa de la figura del gestor cultural. Aquestes accions són fonamentals per a impulsar la seua professionalització en un entorn cultural que experimenta una evolució constant. / [EN] This thesis focuses on an interdisciplinary analysis of cultural management in Spain, addressing its historical evolution, the process of professionalization and its adaptation to the post-pandemic digital era. The research is divided into two essential parts: the first involves a comprehensive literature review to establish a solid foundation, exploring trends, advances and gaps in the field. Within this theoretical framework, it highlights the persistent lack of knowledge in the labor and social sphere about cultural managers, attributed to the youth of the field and the lack of a clear referent. The diversity of professional profiles and the breadth of the cultural field also contribute to conceptual confusion. Despite the efforts of associations and theoreticians to clarify the profession, the professionalization of cultural management remains a challenging and unfinished process. The second part of the research focuses on a practical analysis incorporating quantitative and qualitative methods through three distinct phases. During these phases, data collection instruments were developed, a representative sample was selected, and the results were analyzed to support the research hypotheses. The first phase examines the supply of university programs, the second, through semi-structured interviews, delves into the challenges of cultural management. Finally, in the quantitative phase, a questionnaire is used to obtain a complete and quantified view of the profile of the contemporary cultural manager. The conclusions underline the need to strengthen training, increase recognition and establish a precise definition of the figure of the cultural manager. These actions are essential to promote their professionalization in a cultural environment that is constantly evolving. / Rodriguez Trigo, S. (2024). La profesión de la gestión cultural en España: análisis interdisciplinario sobre su evolución, formación y adaptación en la era digital postpandemia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206073

La régulation de l'activité en situation tutorale : le cas des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes / Activity regulation in a mentoring context : the case of physiotherapists

Sartier, Florence 11 September 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la régulation de l’activité des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, en situation tutorale.Nous nous proposons d’analyser les feedback de régulation privilégiés par les tuteurs à partir d’entretiens de régulation filmés post situation professionnelle. Nous étudions en parallèle la présence de marqueurs de régulation de la conception de l’activité dans le discours du stagiaire. Les thématiques abordées lors des interactions ainsi que les dilemmes/problématiques (Clot, 2014, 2000) exprimés par chacun des acteurs sont explorés, par l’usage de la méthodologie des entretiens d’autoconfrontation et de l’analyse de contenu (Bardin, 2007), dans une approche compréhensive du processus de régulation. Le cadre théorique prend appui sur l’apprentissage professionnel accompagné (Jorro et al, 2016) et la régulation des apprentissages (Allal, 2007), empruntés au champ de la formation des adultes. Les résultats obtenus, relatifs à l’analyse de l’activité de huit dyades associant tuteur et stagiaire, sont l’identification des feedback privilégiés par les tuteurs et des différentes modalités de régulation tutorale favorisant l’expression de la régulation de la conception l’activité par le stagiaire, ainsi que la mise au jour de marqueurs de régulation dans le discours de celui-ci et des éléments de contexte influençant le processus de régulation. Nous proposons une typologie des régulations de l’activité, celles réalisées par le régulateur (le tuteur) et celles exprimées par le régulé (le stagiaire ou le tutoré). / This research focuses on the regulation of the activity of physiotherapists in a mentoring context. To carry out our survey, we implemented video regulation interviews with eight dyads in the context of mentor regulation and exchanges between tutor and tutee, following a clinical learning situation. We opted for a discursive approach to analyse the types of regulation feedback favoured by mentors. We also examined regulation signs which correspond to regulation intents in tutee’s discourses. The content analysis methodology (Bardin, 2007) allowed us to highlight the topics most often discussed during the interactions which sustain the regulation interviews, in relation to professional representations. The self-confrontation interviews method enabled us to understand the regulation process: it allows to probe into the tutor and tutee dilemma inherent to regulation interviews, along with Clot (2014, 2000). The theoretical references come mainly from the field of adult training, for instance “accompanied professional learning” (Jorro et al, 2016) and the regulation of learning (Allal, 2007). Our results are manyfold: informative feedback is more used by the tutor than reflexive feedback or evaluation feedback. The tutees express their intentions to change their practices for improvement in varying proportions during both the regulation and the self-confrontation interviews. We could identify the mentoring feedback which best favours the student’s mental process of regulation practice. We also singled out the words used by the tutee, which are evidence of the regulation process at stake during the activity conception. We finally suggest a classification of the various activity regulations.

L’engagement professionnel chez les nouveaux enseignants et la satisfaction des gestionnaires d’école à l’égard du travail effectué par les enseignants novices

Barroso da Costa, Carla 05 1900 (has links)
Le monde actuel, marqué par une augmentation incessante des exigences professionnelles, requiert des enseignants une adaptation constante aux changements sociaux, culturels et économiques. Si, pour les enseignants expérimentés, l’accommodation à ces transformations est accompagnée de plusieurs défis, pour les nouveaux enseignants qui ne maîtrisent pas complètement tous les aspects de la profession, l’intégration au milieu scolaire peut être extrêmement difficile ou même insupportable, au point où certains quittent le métier. Néanmoins, à force de persévérance, un certain nombre des nouveaux enseignants franchissent les obstacles imposés par la profession. Dans leur cas, la satisfaction et l’engagement professionnel peuvent être des caractéristiques importantes qui les incitent à continuer à exercer leurs activités d’enseignement. Dans ce contexte, l’étude vise l’analyse des éléments liés à la construction de l’identité professionnelle des enseignants lors de leur insertion dans le métier, à partir des perceptions des nouveaux enseignants et de celles des gestionnaires des écoles primaires et secondaires. L’harmonie entre la perception de ces deux groupes d’acteurs scolaires peut constituer un important facteur du rendement des professionnels dans leur métier et de l’efficacité des institutions d’enseignement. Ainsi, du côté des nouveaux enseignants, l’étude examine les variables qui peuvent être liées à leur engagement professionnel et de celui des gestionnaires, elle vise à analyser les éléments qui peuvent être liés à leur satisfaction sur le travail effectué par les nouveaux enseignants. La présente étude, de type quantitatif, est constituée des analyses secondaires des données issues des enquêtes pancanadiennes auprès des directions et des enseignants d’écoles primaires et secondaires du Canada, menées en 2005 et 2006 par une équipe de professeurs de différentes universités canadiennes. Les analyses statistiques sont basées sur deux modèles théoriques : (1) l’engagement professionnel des nouveaux enseignants et (2) la satisfaction des gestionnaires sur le travail effectué par les nouveaux enseignants. Ces modèles sont examinés en suivant la théorie classique des tests (TCT) et celle des réponses aux items (TRI) afin de profiter des avantages de chacune des méthodes. Du côté de la TCT, des analyses de cheminement et des modélisations aux équations structurelles ont été effectuées pour examiner les modèles théoriques. Du côté de la TRI, des modélisations de Rasch ont été utilisées pour examiner les propriétés psychométriques des échelles utilisées par la recherche afin de vérifier si les données sont bien ajustées aux modèles et si les items se regroupent de façon logique pour expliquer les traits latents à l’étude. Les résultats mettent en évidence le rapport humain qui définit la profession enseignante. Autrement dit, pour les nouveaux enseignants, les émotions en classe, conséquence du processus d’interaction avec leurs élèves, sont le facteur majeur lié à l’engagement professionnel. Dans le même sens, la relation des nouveaux enseignants avec les divers membres de la communauté scolaire (parents des élèves, gestionnaires, personnel de l’école et autres enseignants) est un facteur-clé de la satisfaction des gestionnaires quant au travail des nouveaux enseignants. Les analyses indiquent également l’importance de la satisfaction au travail dans le modèle des nouveaux enseignants. Cette variable est un important déterminant de l’engagement professionnel et peut être associée à tous les autres éléments du modèle des nouveaux enseignants. Finalement, les résultats indiquent le besoin de construction des variables latentes avec un plus grand nombre d’items pour mieux positionner les personnes dans l’échelle de mesure. Ce résultat est plutôt important pour le modèle des gestionnaires qui indique de mauvais ajustements items-personnes. / Today’s world is marked by a steady increase in skill requirements, which demands teachers to adapt to continuously changing social, cultural and economic contexts. Adapting to these transformations, which can be challenging even for experienced teachers, makes school integration extremely difficult for new teachers, who have not yet fully mastered all aspects of teaching. These difficulties can drive new teachers to leave their profession. Nevertheless, a number of new teachers persevere through the obstacles imposed by their work, and their professional commitment and satisfaction may be important factors when deciding to continue pursuing their careers. The present study analyzes the elements related to the construction of the professional identity of teachers in the induction period, examining the perceptions of new teachers and principals of primary and secondary schools. The harmony between the perceptions of these two school actors can be an important factor in the performance of professionals and the effectiveness of educational institutions. Thus, the study examines the variables that may be related to the professional commitment of new teachers, and the factors that may be related to principals' satisfaction with the work done by the new teachers. This study uses a quantitative approach and consists of secondary analyses of data obtained in the Pan-Canadian surveys of principals and teachers in elementary and secondary schools, conducted in 2005 and 2006 by a team of professors from universities across Canada. The statistical analyses are based on two theoretical models: (1) professional commitment of new teachers and (2) principals' satisfaction with the work done by the new teachers. In the analysis of these models, two methods were used: the classical test theory (CTT) and the item response theory (IRT). For CTT, path analysis and structural equation modeling were performed to examine the theoretical models. For IRT, Rasch modeling examined the psychometric properties of the scales used in the current study to determine if the data are adjusted to the models, and if items are grouped logically to explain the latent traits. The results highlight the human relationship that defines the profession. In other words, for new teachers, the emotions in the classroom, a product of the relationship between teachers and students, are the major factor associated with professional commitment. Similarly, the relationship of new teachers with members of the school community, such as students’ parents, principals, school staff and other teachers, proved to be a key factor in the satisfaction of principals with the work of new teachers. The findings also indicate the importance of job satisfaction for new teachers’ model. This variable is an important determinant of the professional commitment; at the same time, job satisfaction is also associated with other elements of this model. Finally, the results indicate the need for the construction of latent variables with a large number of items to better position people in the measurement scale. This result is important for the principals’ model which indicates an important maladjustment between items-persons.

Reavaliação da formação do bibliotecário com base nos parâmetros de competência

Barbosa, Marilene Lobo Abreu 24 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Valdinei Souza (neisouza@hotmail.com) on 2015-10-09T18:18:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 F Tese Pârâmetros de competência à formação do bibliotecário FINALÍSSIMO.pdf: 1294908 bytes, checksum: d41cc3232b6f5821fb26d6d4119a5102 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Urania Araujo (urania@ufba.br) on 2016-04-28T14:29:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 F Tese Pârâmetros de competência à formação do bibliotecário FINALÍSSIMO.pdf: 1294908 bytes, checksum: d41cc3232b6f5821fb26d6d4119a5102 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:29:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 F Tese Pârâmetros de competência à formação do bibliotecário FINALÍSSIMO.pdf: 1294908 bytes, checksum: d41cc3232b6f5821fb26d6d4119a5102 (MD5) / O estudo retomou proposta de 2005, de avaliação da formação do bibliotecário, tomando como referencial a aplicação dos parâmetros de competência, institucionalizados pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) e aprovados pela Resolução 19/2002, do Conselho Nacional de Educação/Câmara de Ensino Superior do Ministério de Educação (CNE/CES/ MEC). O objetivo geral consistiu em averiguar as mudanças ocorridas no exercício profissional do bibliotecário, apontadas nos estudos e pesquisas da área, pós-promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, de 1986, voltados a identificar as competências profissionais demandadas pela sociedade e pelo mercado de trabalho, bem como o desempenho das instituições de ensino para a formação deste profissional; a pesquisa é de cunho documental, com abordagem qualitativa e o método aplicado consistiu no cotejamento de dados nas fontes documentais entre 2002 e 2013, a fim de extrair as competências sugeridas pelos autores para a formação do bibliotecário. Posteriormente, as competências elencadas a partir da pesquisa documental foram contrastadas com o ranking de competências propostas pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os cursos de Biblioteconomia. E, por fim, fez-se uma investigação, tipo survey, usando como fonte os resultados do Exame Nacional de Desempenho do Estudante (Enade) do curso de Biblioteconomia, com a expectativa de buscar indicadores sobre o desempenho dos cursos e das respectivas instituições de ensino e a interferência deste este status quo na formação do profissional. Conclui-se apontando o ranking de funções e habilidades necessárias ao bibliotecário para desempenhar, com proficiência e autonomia, sua função na sociedade e no mercado produtivo contemporâneos, enquanto que, do ponto de vista de formação do profissional, por questões conceituais e estruturais dos cursos e das instituições de ensino superiores que os ministram, há um desalinhamento entre o que propõe a literatura, ou seja, o discurso dos especialistas e a realidade. / ABSTRACT The study updates a 2005 proposal which deals with the evaluation of the librarian training, taking as reference the application of competence parameters, institutionalized by the National Curriculum Guidelines and approved by the Resolution 19/2002 of the National Education Council/Board of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education (CNE/CES/MEC). The overall goal was to investigate the changes in the librarian's professional practice identified in studies and researches, post-promulgation of the National Education Guidelines and Framework Act dated of 1986, that aimed to identify the professional skills demanded by society and the labor market, as well as the performance of the educational institutions responsible for the formation of this kind of professional. This research is based on documentary evidence with a qualitative approach and the methodology applied consisted of the data read-back on documentary sources between 2002 and 2013, in order to extract those competences suggested by the authors for the formation of the librarian. Subsequently, the listed skills from the research were contrasted with the ranking of competences proposed by the National Curriculum Guidelines for Library courses. And, finally, we have applied a survey type investigation, using as source the results of the test named National Examination of Student Performance (Enade), expecting to get indicators on the performance of the courses and their educational institutions. It concludes by pointing the ranking of functions and skills needed by librarian to perform, with proficiency and autonomy, its function in society and the contemporary productive market labor while the professional training point of view, for conceptual and structural issues of the course of and higher education institutions that offer them, there is a misalignment between what proposes the literature, that is, the discourse of experts and the reality.

Estágio curricular supervisionado: possíveis contribuições para o desenvolvimento das competências do profissional enfermeiro / Supervised training: possible contributions to the skill development of nurses

Esteves, Larissa Sapucaia Ferreira 22 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:49:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LARISSA_Dissertacao_15_08_2011.pdf: 776066 bytes, checksum: 5f119dd7f54b2c72b4c213f0a47c4aeb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-22 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of the supervised training concerning the skills development of nurses drawn up by the national curricular guidelines. The study aimed to reflect on the development of skills in view of students and professors involved with the training process, through the actions developed in the everyday training. This is a qualitative research, featured as a case study. The supervised training was implemented in the nursing program in the second semester of 2010. The researchers are students of the last semester of graduation and professors of the first group of this supervised training. The data was collected through semi-structured questionnaires. The data collected through open-ended questions consists in statistical analysis and the closed-ended questions were analyzed and interpreted by the method of content analysis. To summarize, the development of skills goes beyond the repetitive actions. Its development requires a thorough knowledge of concepts, methods and objectives which we aim to achieve / A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o papel do Estágio Curricular Supervisionado (ECS) no desenvolvimento das competências do profissional enfermeiro conforme as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. O estudo buscou refletir acerca do desenvolvimento das competências na visão dos alunos e dos docentes envolvidos com o processo de estágio, por meio de ações desenvolvidas no dia a dia de estágio Trata-se de pesquisa quanti qualitativa, caracterizada como estudo de caso. O Estágio Curricular Supervisionado foi implantado no curso de enfermagem no segundo semestre de 2010. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa: alunos do último semestre da graduação e docentes desta primeira turma de ECS. A coleta de dados se deu por meio da aplicação de questionários semiestruturados. Os dados obtidos por meio de perguntas fechadas passaram por análise estatística e os obtidos por meio de perguntas abertas foram analisados e interpretados através do método de análise de conteúdos. Concluímos que o desenvolvimento das competências profissionais vai além da realização repetitiva de determinadas ações. Seu desenvolvimento requer um conhecimento aprofundado de concepções, métodos e objetivos que se almeja alcançar.

L' impact des programmes de formation continue sur les compétences professionnelles des enseignants dans le contexte éducatif syrien : (cas de l'enseignement de base de la première à la sixième classe) / The impact of continuous training programs on the professional skills of teachers in the educational context syrian : (the basic education from 1st class to 6th class)

Salman, Rana 18 March 2014 (has links)
Comme dans la quasi-totalité des pays, les autorités éducatives en Syrie ont des préoccupations quant à l’amélioration de la qualité de l’enseignement et quant aux réformes qu’elles cherchent à mettre en œuvre pour donner aux enseignants la possibilité d’acquérir les nouvelles connaissances et compétences avant et une fois qu’ils exercent leur métier, surtout dans le contexte du changement économique et social de grande ampleur que vit le monde aujourd’hui. La complexification du contexte éducatif a amené les autorités pédagogiques syriennes à accorder une attention particulière aux programmes de la formation initiale et continuée des enseignants. Pour juger de l’efficacité des programmes de formation continue qui existent actuellement en Syrie, la présente thèse s’est fixée comme objectif d’analyser les impacts de ces programmes sur l’amélioration des compétences professionnelles des enseignants. Il ressort des analyses que les programmes de formation continue suivis en Syrie sont positivement corrélés à l’ensemble des compétences professionnelles des enseignants de l’échantillon. Les programmes de formation continue génèrent, d’après les estimations des membres de l’échantillon, une grande différence dans le niveau général de leur travail professionnel. Les analyses ont abouti également à la conclusion que d’autres facteurs jouent dans l’amélioration des compétences des enseignants. L’indicateur de la formation continue est donc statistiquement plus significatif si cette dernière s’adhère aux autres facteurs. / As in nearly all countries, educational authorities in Syria have concerns about improving the quality of education and about there forms they seek to implement to give teachers the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills before and once they start teaching, especially in the context of economic and social change of the magnitude the world lives today. The complexity of the educational context has led the Syrian educational authorities to pay particular attention to programs for initial and continuous training of teachers.To assess the effectiveness of continuous training programs that currently exist in Syria, this thesis has set as its objective to analyze the impact of these programs on the improvement of professional skills of teachers. The statistical analysis shows that continuous training programs followed in Syria are positively correlated with all the professional skills of teachers in the sample. The continuous training programs generate, according to the estimates of the sample, a big difference in the overall level of their professional work. The analysis concludes that other factors play also a role in improving the skills of teachers. The indicator of continuous training programs is statistically significant if it adheres to other factors.

Estágio curricular supervisionado: possíveis contribuições para o desenvolvimento das competências do profissional enfermeiro / Supervised training: possible contributions to the skill development of nurses

Esteves, Larissa Sapucaia Ferreira 22 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:54:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LARISSA_Dissertacao_15_08_2011.pdf: 776066 bytes, checksum: 5f119dd7f54b2c72b4c213f0a47c4aeb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-22 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of the supervised training concerning the skills development of nurses drawn up by the national curricular guidelines. The study aimed to reflect on the development of skills in view of students and professors involved with the training process, through the actions developed in the everyday training. This is a qualitative research, featured as a case study. The supervised training was implemented in the nursing program in the second semester of 2010. The researchers are students of the last semester of graduation and professors of the first group of this supervised training. The data was collected through semi-structured questionnaires. The data collected through open-ended questions consists in statistical analysis and the closed-ended questions were analyzed and interpreted by the method of content analysis. To summarize, the development of skills goes beyond the repetitive actions. Its development requires a thorough knowledge of concepts, methods and objectives which we aim to achieve / A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o papel do Estágio Curricular Supervisionado (ECS) no desenvolvimento das competências do profissional enfermeiro conforme as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. O estudo buscou refletir acerca do desenvolvimento das competências na visão dos alunos e dos docentes envolvidos com o processo de estágio, por meio de ações desenvolvidas no dia a dia de estágio Trata-se de pesquisa quanti qualitativa, caracterizada como estudo de caso. O Estágio Curricular Supervisionado foi implantado no curso de enfermagem no segundo semestre de 2010. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa: alunos do último semestre da graduação e docentes desta primeira turma de ECS. A coleta de dados se deu por meio da aplicação de questionários semiestruturados. Os dados obtidos por meio de perguntas fechadas passaram por análise estatística e os obtidos por meio de perguntas abertas foram analisados e interpretados através do método de análise de conteúdos. Concluímos que o desenvolvimento das competências profissionais vai além da realização repetitiva de determinadas ações. Seu desenvolvimento requer um conhecimento aprofundado de concepções, métodos e objetivos que se almeja alcançar.

A Critical Assessment of Professional Skills and Knowledge in Supplier Diversity: A Delphi Study

Cole, Mia 06 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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