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Osteogeneze a kostní hojení u vrozeně krátkého femuru / Osteogenesis and bone healing in congenital short femurFrydrychová, Monika January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Congenital short femur, or proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD), is a rare complex deformity of the lower extremity with femoral dominance. The clinical findings cover wide range of variety, from femoral absence till inconspicuous shortening of the femur. Aim of the study: 1. Molecular analysis of pseudoarthrosis tissue in congenital short femur with focusing on osteogenic and angiogenic gene expression in comparison with physiological bone. The differences in gene expression were expected. 2. Retrospective analysis of femoral healing after prolongation calculating the severity of affection, age, distance of elongation and complication. The extended healing according to severity type and age was expected compared to control group. Material and methods: The RNA from piece of one was isolated and transcription profile of possible 113 genes of osteogenesis and angiogenesis was detected by biochip technology (SuperArray Bioscience Corporation). 10 samples analyses were performed (7 of PFFD, 3 controls). The data of 57 PFFD patients indicated for elongation of the femur with the types Pappas III, IV, VII, VIII and IX and 12 patients in control group were evaluated retrospectively and statistically by GLS method. Results: The expected differences in gene expression in PFFD tissue...
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An Explorative Study of English Learning in Second Language ClassroomsRegenhardt, Bessie, Wall, Lina January 2006 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur elever upplever lärandet av engelska som andraspråk jämfört med hur lärare upplever elevers lärande. Undersökningar visar att elever har olika inlärningsstilar och preferenser för dessa. Detta betyder i så fall att elever använder olika metoder för att lära. Studien fokuserar på hur elever upplever och reflekterar kring sin inlärning och sina inlärningsmiljöer samt att de ger förslag på förbättringar som de önskar göra. Lärare ger också sina synpunkter på vad de tror fungerar bäst för elevers inlärning och vad de tror att elever anser om sina inlärningsmiljöer. Studien är explorativ och genomfördes med hjälp av enkäter, de innehöll frågor som var "open-ended". Enkäterna delades till elever och lärare i tre klasser på en högstadieskola. Resultatet av studien visar att för att lärande skall infinna sig, måste det finnas en ömsesidig förståelse för inlärningsprocessen mellan lärare och elever. Slutligen visar studien att elever har oilka preferenser när det gäller inlärningsstilar och därför bör lärare vara medvetna om dessa för att kunna facilitera elevers inlärningsprocess. / This study looks at how pupils perceive and their learning of the English language, juxtaposed to what the teachers believe about the pupils’ learning. Sometimes, it is taken for granted that the methods and the way a teacher goes about teaching pupils is the best way to go about a lesson. However, research shows that pupils tend to have a learning style preference which means that a method that works for one pupil is not necessarily the one that works for other pupils. The focus in this study is on how pupils feel about their learning and their learning environments as they give suggestions on improvements they wish to make. The teachers also discuss means they believe work best for their pupils and what they think their pupils feel about their learning environments. The study is an explorative one and was carried out through the use of questionnaires with open-ended questions. The questionnaires were distributed to pupils and their teachers in three English classes at one upper secondary school. In conclusion, it is discussed that for any learning to take place, there has to be a mutual understanding of the learning process. This study brings to light that pupils have learning preferences, therefore teachers have to be aware of these in order to facilitate the learning process.
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Oxford Rig Simulation for Analysis of the Effect of Posterior Tibial Slope Changes and Variable Ligament Stiffness on Knee BiomechanicsGeers, Katherine 27 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Применение динамического оценивания при изучении лексики на уроках английского языка : магистерская диссертация / Implementing Dynamic Assessment in vocabulary learning in English lessonsЛенкова, О. Г., Lenkova, O. G. January 2021 (has links)
Работа посвящена теоретическому обоснованию, разработке и экспериментальной проверке методики формирования англоязычной лексической компетенции средствами динамического оценивания. В первой части работы рассматриваются теоретические вопросы методики обучения английской лексике, исследуются современные методы оценивания уровня лексической компетенции учащихся. Особое внимание уделяется методике, базирующейся на применении динамического оценивания при обучении иностранному языку в целом, и лексике в частности. Во второй части работы описывается эксперимент, целью которого является исследование влияния динамического оценивания на усвоение новых слов при обучении лексике английского языка. Для проверки эффективности разработанной методики в работе проводится сравнение результатов применения двух разных методик: традиционной (в контрольной группе) и разработанной (в экспериментальной группе). Для проведения обучения в экспериментальной группе была разработана и применена специальная процедура динамического оценивания, включающая пять шагов, применяемых в строго определенной последовательности, чтобы соответствовать концепции «зоны ближайшего развития» Выготского. В качестве инструмента для отбора и проверки качества усвоения новой лексики в работе используется тест, базирующийся на применении шкалы Vocabulary knowledge scale (VKS) (5-ти уровневая шкала,
позволяющая измерить степень знания слова). Для обработки полученных результатов применяются статистические методы. Полученные в ходе эксперимента результаты показали, что применение динамического оценивания действительно оказывает положительное влияние на усвоение новых слов при обучении лексике английского языка и способствует развитию способностей к наиболее эффективному усвоению материала обучающимися. Результаты проведенного исследования могут помочь в разработке эффективных методик преподавания английской языка, в частности, применения мнемотехники для запоминания активной английской лексики. / The paper considers theoretical foundation, development and experimental application of the methodology of English lexical competence formation by means of dynamic assessment. The first part of the paper deals with theoretical issues of English vocabulary teaching and investigates modern methods of assessing lexical competence of students. Emphasis is placed on the methodology based on the use of dynamic assessment in teaching a foreign language in general, and vocabulary in particular. The second part of the work describes the experiment aimed at studying the effect of dynamic assessment on the assimilation of new words while learning English vocabulary. To test the effectiveness of the developed methodology, the work compares the results of the application of two different methods: traditional (in the control group) and dynamic (in the experimental group). To conduct training in the experimental group, a special dynamic assessment procedure was developed and applied, which includes five steps, applied in a strictly defined sequence in order to correspond to the concept of Vygotsky's "Zone of proximal development". The Vocabulary knowledge scale (VKS) (5-level scale, allowing to measure the degree of knowledge of the word) test is used as a tool for selecting and testing the quality of mastering the new vocabulary. Statistical methods are used to process the results. The results of the experiment demonstrated positive effect of application of dynamic assessment on the assimilation of new words when teaching English vocabulary. Dynamic assessment contributes to the development of the ability to most effectively assimilate the material by students. The results of the study can help to develop effective methods of teaching English, for example, the use of mnemonic techniques to memorize active English vocabulary.
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Numerical splitting methods for nonsmooth convex optimization problemsBitterlich, Sandy 11 December 2023 (has links)
In this thesis, we develop and investigate numerical methods for solving nonsmooth convex optimization problems in real Hilbert spaces. We construct algorithms, such that they handle the terms in the objective function and constraints of the minimization problems separately, which makes these methods simpler to compute. In the first part of the thesis, we extend the well known AMA method from Tseng to the Proximal AMA algorithm by introducing variable metrics in the subproblems of the primal-dual algorithm. For a special choice of metrics, the subproblems become proximal steps. Thus, for objectives in a lot of important applications, such as signal and image processing, machine learning or statistics, the iteration process consists of expressions in closed form that are easy to calculate. In the further course of the thesis, we intensify the investigation on this algorithm by considering and studying a dynamical system. Through explicit time discretization of this system, we obtain Proximal AMA. We show the existence and uniqueness of strong global solutions of the dynamical system and prove that its trajectories converge to the primal-dual solution of the considered optimization problem. In the last part of this thesis, we minimize a sum of finitely many nonsmooth convex functions (each can be composed by a linear operator) over a nonempty, closed and convex set by smoothing these functions. We consider a stochastic algorithm in which we take gradient steps of the smoothed functions (which are proximal steps if we smooth by Moreau envelope), and use a mirror map to 'mirror'' the iterates onto the feasible set. In applications, we compare them to similar methods and discuss the advantages and practical usability of these new algorithms.
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“Jag kallar arbetet med dessa estetiska uttrycksformer kommunikationskultur.” : En kvalitativ studie om dans och drama i förskolans verksamhetRosgrim, Ana Ester, Lima, Renata January 2023 (has links)
Dans och drama är viktiga delar i vad estetiska ämnen erbjuder men trots detta uteblir de från många förskolor, används sporadiskt eller bara som hjälpmedel för att undervisa andra ämnen. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur förskollärarna och kulturpedagogerna beskriver användningen av estetiska uttrycksformer som dans och drama i undervisningen och varför dessa estetiska uttrycksformer ofta uteblir. Den sociokulturella teorin med tillhörande begrepp som närmaste utvecklingszon, appropriering samt mediering och artefakter står för studiens teoretiska ramverk. Studien grundar sig på intervjuer med förskollärare och kulturpedagoger. Intervjuerna har jämförts och skillnader samt likheter har kategoriserats för att nyansera olika sätt att använda dans och drama i undervisningen samt för att finna orsakerna till varför dessa inte används lika frekvent som andra estetiska uttrycksformer. Det insamlade materialet transkriberades och analyserades utifrån en tematisk analys och delades in i tre olika tematiseringar. Resultatet visade att beroende på tidigare erfarenheter och kunskap påverkas sättet samt i vilken utsträckning dans och drama används i undervisningen. Vidare har den politiska styrningen lett till att kulturella erfarenheter liknande de som kulturpedagogerna utövar blir allt mer sällsynta.
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Abnormalities in the Growth and Development of the Proximal Femur: Comparing Ancient to Modern Populations and Their Incidences of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis and Cam DeformityMoats, Allison R. 16 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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An Investigation into the Neural Basis of Convergence Eye MovementsOwusu, Emmanuel 26 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Barns språkutveckling i en värld av övergångar / Children's Language Development in a World of TransitionsBörresen Deaner, Louise, Wollter, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker åtta lärares beskrivningar av literacyutvecklande arbetssätt i relation till övergångsprocessen. Syftet med vår studie är att få en djupare inblick i förskoleklasslärares och lärares arbete med tillvaratagandet av barns literacyerfarenheter i svenskundervisningen inför och efter övergången från förskoleklass till årskurs 1. Arbetet utgår från Hirshs (2021), Rubins (2021) och Säljös (2022) tolkningar av Lev Vygotskijs beskrivning av det sociokulturella perspektivet på språkutveckling. Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med öppna frågor. Intervjuerna utfördes på fyra förskoleklasslärare och fyra lärare i årskurs 1-3. För att identifiera, analysera samt beskriva studiens teman analyserades det empiriska materialet utifrån Braun och Clarkes (2006) tematiska analysmetod. Analysen av resultatet resulterade i tre huvudkategorier: möta barnen i deras literacyutveckling, arbetet med språkliga aktiviteter och språklig progression genom kontinuitet i övergångar. Resultatet visar att arbetet med tillvaratagandet av barnens literacyerfarenheter ser olika ut beroende på skola och informant. En av våra slutsatser är därför att förskoleklasslärares och lärares olika tolkningar av den didaktiska frågan hur många gånger ligger till grund för hur det språkutvecklande arbetet i svenskundervisningen ser ut.
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Etude des composés phénoliques impliqués dans la réponse des feuilles de vigne au mildiou / Study of phenolic compounds involved in the response of grapevine leaves to downy mildewBellow, Sébastien 06 June 2012 (has links)
Maîtriser l’impact des maladies sur les cultures est un défi majeur de l’agriculture moderne. Cette préoccupation est un aspect important de l’optimisation de la productivité, notamment en viticulture. En France, le mildiou de la vigne causé par Plasmopara viticola est une des maladies cryptogamiques responsable des épidémies les plus dévastatrices et les plus redoutées. Les traitements reposent sur l’utilisation préventive, systématique et onéreuse de composés chimiques antifongiques dont l’utilisation massive constitue un risque à la fois pour l’homme et l’environnement. La réduction de l’utilisation de fongicide implique le développement d’outils de diagnostic au champ, qui requiert la compréhension des interactions entre la plante et les agents pathogènes. Les travaux de cette thèse pluridisciplinaire ont porté sur le pathosystème Plasmopara viticola - Vitis vinifera, notamment pour répondre à l’intérêt croissant pour un outil de diagnostic en temps réel de la maladie utilisable au vignoble. Les stilbènes sont des phytoalexines impliqués dans la défense de certaines plantes supérieures vis-à-vis de stress biotiques et abiotiques. L’autofluorescence de ces composés phénoliques, dont la biosynthèse est induite dans les feuilles de vigne par P. viticola, en fait un potentiel marqueur naturel de l’infection. En effet, la faible autofluorescence bleu-verte des feuilles de vigne saines est considérablement renforcée par l’autofluorescence violet-bleue des stilbènes à la surface de feuilles de vigne infectée par P. viticola. Cette étude a montré que quelque soit le niveau de résistance du génotype, l’autofluorescence violet-bleue des stilbènes induit par l’infection est présente au niveau des parois des cellules de l’épiderme. En dehors de la concentration, la viscosité s’est révélé être la principale variable physico-chimique influençant l’intensité de l’autofluorescence des stilbènes dans les différents compartiments cellulaires des feuilles de vigne. Ceci explique la fluorescence intense des parois, particulièrement rigides, des cellules de garde (stomates) des feuilles infectées. Le suivi cinétique journalier a révélé la nature transitoire de l’autofluorescence des stilbènes lors de l’infection. La robustesse et l’intérêt de ce signal a également été validée par la mesure à différentes échelles (de la cellule à la feuille entière) et avec différentes méthodes fluorimétriques. Les résultats de ce travail ont permis des avancées sur la connaissance du rôle de composés phénoliques induits et constitutifs dans la défense contre P. viticola. En plus de la localisation de l’autofluorescence des stilbènes en surface des feuilles, la microscopie confocale couplée à la microspectrofluorimetrie a révélé différentes localisations de ces phytoalexines dans la profondeur des tissus en corrélation avec le niveau de résistance des génotypes. L’utilisation de l’autofluorescence des stilbènes comme marqueur de l’infection a permis de mettre en évidence : 1) le fait que les flavonols constitutifs des feuilles de V. vinifera retardent le développement de l’infection par P. viticola; et 2) le fait que les acides hydroxycinnamiques constitutifs ne semble pas participer à la défense contre P. viticola. Enfin, une nouvelle méthode de diagnostic non-destructive du mildiou sur feuille basée sur l’autofluorescence des stilbènes a été développée. Elle a montré une détection pré-symptomatique du mildiou sur les feuilles de vigne entières dès le premier jour après l’infection sur la face abaxiale et le troisième jour sur la face adaxiale. Cette méthode de diagnostic du mildiou a été validée au laboratoire notamment grâce à un prototype de capteur proximal développé en collaboration avec la société Force-A. La validation de la méthode au vignoble dans le cadre d’infection naturelle est la prochaine étape pour une utilisation de ce capteur optique dans le cadre de l’agriculture durable et de la sélection variétale. / Controlling the impact of diseases on crops is a major challenge of modern agriculture. This concern is an important aspect of optimizing productivity, notably in viticulture. In France, downy mildew caused by Plasmopara viticola is a fungal disease responsible for the most devastating epidemics. The preventive and systematic treatments are expensive, while the massive use of antifungal chemicals is a risk to both humans and the environment. Reducing the use of fungicide involves the development of diagnostic tools in the field, which requires understanding the interactions between plants and pathogens. The work of this multidisciplinary thesis focused on the pathosystem Plasmopara viticola - Vitis vinifera, especially to meet the growing interest in a real-time diagnostic tool of disease applicable in the vineyard. Stilbenes are phytoalexins involved in the defense of certain higher plants against biotic and abiotic stresses. The autofluorescence of these phenolic compounds, whose biosynthesis is induced in grapevine leaves by P. viticola, makes it a potential marker of natural infection. Indeed, the low blue-green autofluorescence of grapevine leaves is greatly enhanced by the violet-blue autofluorescence of stilbenes on the surface of leaves infected by P. viticola. This study showed that whatever the level of resistance in various genotypes, violet-blue autofluorescence induced by stilbene is present in the walls of epidermal cells. In addition to their concentration, viscosity proved the main physico-chemical variable affecting the intensity of the autofluorescence of stilbenes in different compartments of vine leaves. This explains the intense fluorescence of the walls, particularly rigid, of guard cells (stomata) of infected leaves. Daily monitoring revealed a kinetic with a transient rise of the autofluorescence of stilbenes during infection. The robustness and value of this signal was also validated by measuring at different levels (cellular to whole leaf) and with various fluorimetric methods (imaging, spectroscopy, proximal sensing). These results advance our understanding of the role of constitutive and induced phenolic compounds in plant defence against P. viticola. In addition to a common location of the autofluorescence of stilbenes on the leaf surface, confocal microscopy coupled with microspectrofluorometry revealed distinctive localizations of these phytoalexins in the deep tissue correlated with the level of resistance in genotypes. This aspect no doubt needs broader testing. The use of autofluorescence of stilbene as a marker of infection allowed us to ascertain that: 1) constitutive flavonols of the leaves of V. vinifera retard the development of infection by P. viticola and 2) the constitutive hydroxycinnamic acids do not seem to participate in the defence against P. viticola. Finally, a new method for the non-destructive diagnosis of leaf infection based on the autofluorescence of stilbenes has been developed. We have demonstrated a pre-symptomatic detection of downy mildew on whole grape leaves from the first day after infection on the abaxial surface and from the third day on the adaxial surface. This method of diagnosis has been validated in the laboratory thanks to a proximal sensor prototype developed in collaboration with the company Force-A. The validation of the method in the vineyard in a context of natural infections is the next step for use of this optical sensor as a tool for sustainable agriculture and for genetic screening.
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