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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Key factors for successful leisure and tourism public transport provision

Gronau, Werner, Kagermeier, Andreas 13 November 2019 (has links)
In the second half of the 20th century, the main focus of transport policy and transport studies was on the reduction of the use of motorised, individual transport, in particular with regard to daily commuter traffic. The main concepts concentrated on creating an attractive public transport supply and, where possible, improving the infrastructure for non-motorized traffic in order to open up alternative forms of travel. Although these concepts produced noticeable effects on everyday travel, they could not cope with steadily rising problems in the field of leisure traffic. Therefore, primarily supply oriented, autocratic desktop transport policies cannot be seen as a promising approach within the leisure context. Consequently, the article focuses on the necessary key factors for successful leisure and tourism public transport provision. It stresses the need for rethinking transport policy by choosing a demand oriented approach and realising the importance of additional accompanying efforts in the areas of marketing, transparency and quality. Focusing on the demand side, with its individual attitudes and preferences, leads to a new understanding of traffic planning by adopting a bottom up, rather than a top down approach.

Covid-19-pandemins påverkan på kollektivtrafiken i Hallands län : En kvalitativ studie

Ramberg, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Covid-19-pandemin har påverkat alla och inte minst kollektivtrafiken i landet kraftigt. Detta har gjort att många regioner och kommuner har tvingats att tänka om vad gäller investeringar och trafikutbud till kollektivtrafiken. Den här studien behandlar Hallands län, och kollektivtrafiken i Halland eftersom Halland är ett län med en blandning av stad och landsbygd som kan göra länet mer representativt för Sverige jämfört med storstadslänen.Studiens syfte var att studera hur pandemin har påverkat kollektivtrafikresandet i Hallands län, samt att utreda hur kollektivtrafikens aktörer i Halland vill utveckla trafiken efter pandemin. Studien baserades på strategiska dokument från tre offentliga aktörer, Region Halland, Hallandstrafiken, som ansvarar för kollektivtrafiken i länet, och länets sex kommuner. Dessutom gjordes intervjuer med Hallandstrafiken och fyra av sex kommuner. Utöver dokument och intervjuer studerades tidigare forskning på området för att utreda hur pandemin har påverkat kollektivtrafiken i övriga Sverige samt hur man bäst ökar kollektivtrafikens marknadsandel. Detta för att jämföra likheter och skillnader mellan hur situationen är i Halland och i övriga Sverige.Resultatet visade att Covid-19-pandemin gjorde att kollektivtrafikresandet minskade i länet med ungefär 40% för år 2020 och 2021, om man jämför med år 2019. Marknadsandelen sjönk från 18% till som lägst ungefär 9%. Dock ses en relativt tydlig tillbakagång mot 2019 års nivåer under början av 2022. I framtiden tror Hallandstrafiken att resandet kommer förändras, dock är man inte helt säkra på hur, men man är tillsammans med forskare överens om att distansarbetet troligtvis kommer öka som en följd av pandemin. Troligt är även enligt flera intervjuer att resandet i framtiden i större utsträckning sker på andra tider än de traditionella rusningstiderna och att sträckan man pendlar till arbetet blir längre. Region Halland och Hallandstrafikens huvudsakliga mål i framtiden är att öka attraktiviteten för kollektivtrafiken och därmed höja marknadsandelen. Detta görs bland annat genom att koncentrera kollektivtrafiken i stråk, att öka medelhastighet på bussarna. För att få tillbaka resenärer efter pandemin har man infört en ny biljettyp, samt gjort satsningar på marknadsföring och kampanjer.Slutsatserna som dras är främst att pandemin påverkat kollektivtrafiken både i Halland och Sverige kraftigt, samt att framtidens resande troligtvis kommer förändras i form av att vi arbetar mer på distans. Däremot är det i nuläget mycket svårt att säga i vilken omfattning det kommer förändras. Metoderna som Hallandstrafiken använder för att utveckla trafiken är förankrade i forskningen och bör således leda till en ökad marknadsandel, men de kan också innebära att vissa grupper som exempelvis äldre och funktionsnedsatta får svårare att använda sig av kollektivtrafiken. / The Covid-19-pandemic has affected everyone, and not least the public transport sector. This has caused problems for counties and municipalities in Sweden who have been forced to rethink decisions on investments towards the public transport sector. This study discusses Halland county, Sweden, because it has a better balance between urban and rural areas and is more representative for Sweden compared to the more populated counties.The purpose of the study was to study how the pandemic affected the public transport sector in Halland county, and to investigate how public transport actors in Halland want to develop the public transport in the future. The study is based on documents from Halland county, Hallandstrafiken, which is the responsible public transport company in Halland, and the municipalities. Interviews were also made with these actors. Prior studies on the topic were studied to see how the pandemic affected other parts of Sweden, and how to best increase the market share of public transport.The results showed that the Covid-19 pandemic caused the number of public transport users in the county to drop by 40% for the years 2020 and 2021, compared to 2019. The market share for public transport dropped from 18% to 9%. There is however a relatively clear return towards the 2019 levels in the beginning of 2022. Hallandstrafiken believe that travelling will change in the future, but they are unsure of how it will change. Everyone involved in the study, as well as prior studies, think that the amount of teleworking in the future will increase because of the pandemic. The study also shows that it is likely that we to a bigger extent travel on other times than the morning and afternoon peaks, and that the commuting distance will increase. Halland county and Hallandstrafiken have a goal to reach a market share of 30% by 2030 and will work towards that by concentrating the public transport to a smaller number of routes and increase the average speed of the buses. To get users back to using public transport after the pandemic, a new ticket has been introduced, and there will be further campaigns and an increased focus on marketing.The conclusions that can be drawn from the study are foremost that the pandemic has affected the public transport sector both in Halland and Sweden a lot, and that how we travel in the future will most likely change due to an increase in teleworking. However, it is very difficult to tell what extent it will change. The methods used by Hallandstrafiken to increase the market share have been used many times before and will most likely work in Halland too, but they may cause problems for older people and those who are disabled.English


FLAVIA DELGADO DE CARVALHO 22 May 2019 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa analisa a questão do planejamento do transporte público no plano de mobilidade urbana em casos de municípios com população entre 100.001 e 500 mil hab. O estudo de caso desta pesquisa é o município de Petrópolis, com população de 295.917 habitantes, sendo 60.633 habitantes no centro. Investiga-se a criação do pré-metrô, desenvolvido na Bélgica, em parceria com a União Internacional de Transporte Público – UITP, em 1975, implantado e utilizado no projeto do Metrô Rio, em 1977, como sistema alternativo preliminar à implantação do sistema definitivo da Linha 2, mais tarde substituído pelos carros do Metrô Rio, ampliando o sistema de média para alta capacidade. São apresentados critérios para planejamento, projeto e implantação do pré-metrô, com base na metodologia de planejamento integrado de transportes (PIT), desenvolvida sob princípios de equilíbrio social, urbano e ambiental, econômico e técnico-operacional. Esse método sistêmico considera o usuário como parte integrante da solução e propõe o planejamento do transporte com horizonte de longo prazo. À luz dos critérios propostos, o estudo no município de Petrópolis avalia cenários possíveis e soluções ao crescimento da cidade. / [en] This paper discusses modal division strategies adopted by cities with low levels of environmental footprint that are based on sustainable principles. Modal division, characterizes the proportion of total trips captured by each available modal transport alternative and it should be integrated in a strategic systemic vision defined by the municipality such that people s mobility and accessibility is optimized. The lack of modals has to be considered from building sidewalks and bikelanes, concerned how mature the accessibility is, to high capacity infrastructures transportation such as rapid trains or airplanes. The CO2 emissions ought to be taken into consideration so that the city is framed in the World Ranking of cleanest cities with the smallest possible environmental footprint, contributing to the sustainability of the planet. The Light Rail Vehicle, can carry between 9 000 and 30 000 passengers / hour / direction and move as trolleybus in the city with the advantages of coupling 2 to 4 cars simultaneously. The Light Rail Vehicle, also called the VLT uses electric traction and is considered 100 percent clean. This feature brings VLT to a higher position than Bus Rapid Transit - BRT modal and all bus systems that use fossil fuels as an energy source, and does not need to occupy exclusive track for its circulation. The discussion arises in the context of an urban space classified as a compact city.

Kollektivtrafik i Dalarna : En undersökning om tillgänglighet i Falu kommun

Hörlin, Unn January 2024 (has links)
Public transport is of importance for mobility and creates accessibility forindividuals and in the long run also important to create welfare in a modernsociety. There are many pros with public transport, it transports many people, noneed for a car, a better option then most for the environment and made to transportalmost anybody. Still there are challenges facing public transport. The major one iseconomy, it is expensive for the region or municipality that has responsibility forit. With prices going up public transport now faces a reality where the costs have tobe minimized. This leads to fewer departures and this affects mobility in thesociety. Especially rural areas can be affeccted of the reduction of departures, it isoften here the cost per traveler is the highest and there are also fewer travelers. In this paper the reduction of busdepartures in the municipality of Falun isexamined and connected to accessibility. It investigates wich areas are affected, ifthere is a difference in urban and rural areas and if any age groupe is negativlyaffected. This is done by using quantative data from the municipality of Falun andDalatrafik (the public transport authority).


Konstantinos Flaris (16552848) 18 July 2024 (has links)
<p>Minimizing the impact of the transportation sector and across all vehicle classes and sizes on the climate consists one of the main goals globally. As heavy-duty vehicles are responsible for a high share of the total emissions emitted from the transportation sector, multiple initiatives are targeting this vehicle class, with transit buses being no exception. Although battery electric buses (BEBs) have the potential to save energy and decrease emissions, their adoption has been progressing at a slow pace. Despite the advantages of quieter operations, improved acceleration, and absence of diesel or gas odors, there has been limited attention given to the perspective of the users. This study aims to explore the preferences of bus riders towards BEBs and the general public’s behavioral intentions to ride public transit. To achieve these objectives, two separate surveys were designed and disseminated in Salt Lake City, Utah to solicit riders’ and general public’s typical travel behaviors and patterns and their their preferences and opinions regarding the emissions and noise performance of BEBs. The surveys also gauged participants’ attitudes, social norms, and environmental awareness. Statistical analysis revealed that various factors play a role in shaping riders' perceptions regarding the electrification of transit buses. These factors encompass the purpose of the trip, attitudes towards environmental concerns and the environmental effects of battery electric buses (BEBs), as well as non-instrumental ride factors like comfort during the journey and the social image associated with the mode of transportation. Turning to the behavioral intentions toward public transit usage, a structural equation model was estimated that revealed the positive and direct influence of perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and improved transit ride comfort attributes that BEBs offer. The support for transit bus electrification and green self-identity were found to indirectly influence behavioral intentions. This thesis provides valuable insights into BEBs preferences from the perspectives of riders and general public. Gaining a deeper understanding of the significance of electrification for transit riders, and also, to the general public can enable transit service providers to modify their marketing strategies, promotion strategies, and adapt their overall operations at the system level to accommodate the preferences towards BEBs, and ultimately, attract more transit riders.</p>

Faktorer som upplevs som hinder för nyttjandet av kollektivtrafiken : Mellan Falun och Borlänge / Factors perceived as obstacles to the use of public transport : Between Falun and Borlänge

Andersson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
This study takes its point of departure in the 1950s when the car became more accessible to the public and its impact on the use of public transport. There are many positive aspects to using public transport which in turn lead to better sustainability, reduced carbon dioxide emissions and other societal factors. Despite these advantages, this study addresses several obstacles such as distance, travel times and safety aspects as reasons for travelers to opt out of means of transport such as public transport. The purpose of the study is to investigate and understand the obstacles that affect commuters' choice of means of transport between Falun and Borlänge, with a focus on the reasons that lead to some commuters opting out of public transport as a means of transport. The study has used qualitative interviews to bring out themes such as limitations and time aspects, which are some of the aspects that influence the choice of means of transport. The study focuses on finding out the obstacles that influences commuters to opt out of public transport to travel betweenFalun and Borlänge. The discussion part of the study also addresses how individual behaviors and preferences affect the choice of means of transport. / Denna studie tar utgångspunkt i 1950-talet när bilen blev mer tillgänglig för allmänheten och dess påverkan på kollektivtrafikens användning. Det finns många positiva aspekter med att använda kollektivtrafiken som i sin tur leder till bättre hållbarhet, minskade koldioxidutsläpp och andra samhällsfaktorer. Trots dessa fördelar tar denna studie upp flera hinder som till exempel avstånd, restider och säkerhetsaspekter som orsaker till att resenärer väljer bort transportmedel som kollektivtrafik. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och förstå de hinder som påverkar pendlares val av transportmedel mellan Falun och Borlänge, med fokus på de orsaker som leder till att vissa pendlare väljer bort kollektivtrafiken som transportmedel. Studien har använt sig av kvalitativa intervjuer för att ta fram teman som bland annat är begränsningar och tidsaspekter som är några av de aspekter som påverkar valet av transportmedel. Studien har fokus på att ta reda på de hinder sompåverkar pendlare till att välja bort kollektivtrafiken för att transportera sig mellanFalun och Borlänge. I studiens diskussions del tas även upp hur individuella beteenden och preferenser påverkar valet av transportmedel.

Overall Accessibility of Public Transport for Older Adults

Sundling, Catherine January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is based on four studies that explore accessibility for older adults during whole trips by public transport. The overall goal was to gain knowledge of the interrelationships among key variables and to develop a conceptual model of the overall accessibility of public transport. More specifically, the research goals were: (a) to explore links among the key variables postulated to be involved in overall accessibility and to explore the links between these variables and railway accessibility; (b) to gain a deeper understanding of links between critical incidents in traveling and travel behavior decisions; and (c) to develop a conceptual model of overall accessibility. The key variables contributing to overall accessibility are functional ability (depending partly on the person’s functional limitation or disease), travel behavior, and barriers encountered during whole-trip traveling involving train. Respondents with more than one functional limitation or disease reported lower functional ability than did those with only one such limitation and respondents with low functional ability were less frequent travelers than were those with high functional ability. Frequent travelers reported railway accessibility to be better than did those who traveled less frequently. The main barriers were ticket cost and poor punctuality, but respondents with the lowest functional ability attributed the barriers encountered to their own health. The critical incidents most frequently reported were found in the categories “physical environment onboard vehicles” and “physical environment at stations or stops”, as well as in the “pricing and planning during ticketing” phase of the trip. Five themes of reactions to critical incidents were identified that had resulted in behavior change: firm restrictions, unpredictability, unfair treatment, complicated trips, and earlier adverse experiences. A conceptual model of overall accessibility was developed, grounded in the empirical research results. This model is summarized in the following propositions: Overall accessibility is a reciprocal relationship among the barriers/facilitators encountered, functional ability, and travel behavior. Accessibility emerges in the person–environment interaction. To understand accessibility, past experiences and future expectations should both be considered, because both will guide travel decisions. / Measurements enable future train travelling for everybody

Současný systém pražské dopravy a zhodnocení plánů jeho rozvoje / The current system of Prague's traffic and evaluation of its development plans

Rybníček, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problem of current system Prague's traffic and is focused on a public transport and individual automobilism. The main goal of the thesis is to describe and analyse the traffic system in Prague and to define related key problems. It should help to find suitable solutions of described problems. The following target is to evaluate described plans of public transport development. The theoretical part focuses on the general background of road transport, logistics in passenger traffic, dual cycling and also on potential to combine these transport forms. The practical part is then focused on specifics of Prague's traffic system and on plans of its development.

Behovsanalys i landsbygd : samordning av effektiva och hållbara transporter / Needs analysis in rural area : coordination of efficient and sustainable transports

Lopez, Nelly, Rickardsson, Elin, Selin, Robin January 2018 (has links)
Transportsektorn står idag för cirka en tredjedel av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser och tillsammans med den Europeiska Unionens (EU) politik finns målsättningen att genom en gemensam lagstiftning minska klimatpåverkan utifrån 2 gradersmålet. Utifrån FN:s ramkonvention, Europeiska unionen och övergripande mål för Sveriges miljöpolitik har Västra Götaland sammanställt energi- och klimatmål som framför att år 2030 ska ett oberoende av fossil energi för den västsvenska ekonomin mynna ut i ett hållbart näringsliv. Orust kommun planerar att förhålla sig till målen genom att öka andelen fossilfria bränslen, öka antalet kollektivresor men även minska totala antalet transporter. I många fall kan dessa mål uppnås genom en effektivisering av befintliga resurser och det är ur detta som examensarbetet får sin aktualitet. Genom att se hur och varför busstrafiken kan samordnas för att likväl transportera paket och mindre gods som individer lyfts fram som målsättning.   För att undersöka möjligheten med implementering av busskonsolidering har en omfattande litteraturstudie utförts, som grundas i att se hur olika distributionsstrategier påverkar effektivitetsvariablerna kostnad, tid och fyllnadsgrad. Effektivitetsvariabler beaktas indirekt genom studien men uppfyller en viktig roll, då resultatet baseras på hur väl dessa uppfylls. För att vidare se möjligheten med införandet av busskonsolidering kompletteras studien med kvalitativa intervjuer som syftar till att undersöka intresset med konsolidering hos diverse företag och transportörer i landsbygden. För att ge ytterligare en dimension på konsolidering med busstrafik genomfördes också en enkätundersökning för att studera skolungdomars attityd och beteende till ämnet.   Skribenterna har med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket sammankopplat företagens och aktörernas påvisade positiva inställning till konsolidering med busstrafik, i form utav ett samdistributionsprojekt. Därigenom kan alla deltagande aktörer nyttja bussgods som ett effektivt sätt att frakta frekventa leveranser av inkommande och utgående gods. Utifrån det teoretiska ramverket formades tre olika distributionsstrategier som är möjliga att implementera på landsbygdsskommuner. Mjölkrunda med enterminalsystem presenterades som en möjlig lösning i dagsläget, då den är tidtabellstyrd och kan utföras medan bussar inte används till andra planerade rutter. Studien påvisar dock att ifall resurser kan tillsättas och fler företag visar intresse för busskonsolidering är ett mer lämpat transportupplägg, navdistribution med mjölkrunda. Ett mer skräddarsytt transportupplägg i form av ett hybrid navsystem med mjölkrunda presenteras som det optimala transportsystemet för att optimalt dra nytta av bussarnas utnyttjandegrad. Detta system kräver en en mer komplex informationsdelning mellan olika aktörer och är betydligt mer kostsam, men kan i framtiden bidra till att frakt av paket och mindre gods kan ske på ett hållbart och effektivt sätt. / The transport sector currently accounts for about one third of Sweden's total greenhouse gas emissions and together with the European Union's policy, the goal is to reduce the climate impact from a 2-degree target, through a common legislation. Västra Götaland has compiled energy and climate targets, starting in 2030, independence of fossil energy for the western Swedish economy will arise in a sustainable trade and industry. Orust municipality plans to monitor the targets by increasing the proportion of fossil free fuels, increasing the number of public transports, but also reducing the total amount of transport. In many cases, these goals can be achieved through an efficientization of existing resources, and this is what the bachelor thesis gets its actuality. By seeing how and why bus traffic can be coordinated to transport packages and smaller goods with individuals are the objectives of this thesis. In order to investigate the possibility of implementing bus consolidation, extensive literature studies have been carried out, which are based on how different distribution strategies affect the efficiency variables cost, time and load factor. The efficiency variables are considered indirectly through the study but fulfill an important role, as the result is based on how well they are met. In order to further see the possibility of introducing bus consolidation, the study is complemented with qualitative interviews which are aimed at investigating the interest with consolidation at various companies and transporters in the rural area. In order to provide a further dimension of consolidation with bus traffic, a survey was also conducted to study the pupils attitude and behavior towards the subject. Through the theoretical framework, the writers have stated the positive attitude of the companies and operators towards consolidation by bus traffic, in the form of a co-distribution project. By doing this, all participants can make use of bus consolidation as an effective way of shipping frequent deliveries of incoming and outgoing goods. Based on the theoretical framework, three different distribution strategies were formed that are possible to implement in rural areas. Milkrun with oneterminal, was presented as a possible solution in the current situation, since it is timebased and can be performed while buses are not used for other planned routes. However, the study shows that if resources can be added and more companies show interest in bus consolidation, a more suitable transport structure is hub &amp; spoke distribution with milk runs. A more tailor-made transport structure in the form of a hybrid hub &amp; spoke system with milk runs is presented as the most favorable transport system to optimally benefit from the utilization rate of buses. This system requires a more complex information sharing between different actors and is significantly more costly, but in the future it can contribute to the shipment of packages and smaller goods in a sustainable and efficient manner.

Investigating Robustness, Public Transport Optimization, and their Interface / Mathematical Models and Solution Algorithms

Pätzold, Julius 28 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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