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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compósito cimento-lodo de ETE de indústria de papel para aplicação na construção civil / Composite cement-sludge from pulp and paper industry mills effluent treatment for use in building materials

Samantha Nazaré de Paiva 26 April 2007 (has links)
O grande volume de resíduos sólidos industriais gerado pelo setor de celulose e papel e o alto custo do seu manejo estimulam pesquisas em busca de soluções mais adequadas para o seu gerenciamento. Uma alternativa que se destaca neste contexto é o aproveitamento destes resíduos em materiais de construção. Este trabalho visa o aproveitamento do lodo de ETE de indústria de papel na produção de compósitos cimentícios para uso na construção civil. Foi estudada a influência de diferentes teores da adição do lodo de ETE (5%,10%,20% e 30% em massa) em argamassa de cimento e areia, com relação água-cimento de 0,65. Determinou-se para o resíduo: teor de umidade; massa unitária; massa específica; pH; sazonalidade de geração e teor de sólidos fixos e para o compósito: massa específica aparente; absorção de água por imersão; absorção de água por capilaridade; retratibilidade; isolamento acústico; resistência à compressão e análise da microestrutura. O resíduo foi classificado como Classe II – A, não inerte e não perigoso, o que indica alto potencial para aproveitamento em materiais de construção. Sua incorporação na argamassa aumentou a absorção de água por capilaridade em 12,76 % e por imersão em 18,93% no traço com 30% de resíduo para a empresa "A". Houve também a diminuição da resistência à compressão com a incorporação do resíduo, entretanto definiu-se o ponto-ótimo de incorporação em 12% para as duas empresas avaliadas, garantindo assim a resistência mínima à compressão de 2,5 MPa, exigência para blocos sem função estrutural. A incorporação de resíduo também apresentou decréscimo na massa específica do compósito de 14% na empresa "A" e de 34% para a empresa "B" para os traços de 30% de resíduo. Os resultados permitem concluir que este compósito é adequado para uso em materiais de construção sem função estrutural. / The large volume of industrial solids residues generated by the pulp and paper sectors and its high management cost stimulate research aiming at finding adequate solutions to its management. An alternative that shows high potential in this context is using these residues in building materials. This work aims at studying the use of paper's mills effluent treatment solid waste in the production of cement composites to be used in construction. The influence of adding different sludge proportions (5%,10%,20% and 30% in mass) in cement and sand mortar, with a water-cement relation of 0,65 was studied. The humidity ratio, unit mass, specific mass, pH, generation season and fixed solid concentration for the residue; and specific apparent mass, water absorption by immersion, water absorption by capillarity, acoustic isolation, compression resistance and microstructure analysis for the composite. The residue was classifies as Class II – A, not inert and not dangerous, which indicated high potential for use as building materials. Its use in the mortar increased the water absorption by capillarity in 12.76% and in immersion by 18.93% in the trace of 30% residue from company "A". There was also a decrease in compression strength when the residue was incorporated, however the optimal incorporation point was defined in 12% for both evaluated firms, guaranteeing the minimum compression resistance of 2.5 MPa, required for block without structural function. The residue incorporation also presented a decrease in the composite specific mass of 34% for company "B" and 1% for company "A" for the traces of 30% residue. The results allow us to conclude that this composite is adequate for use as building materials with no structural function.


JOSE DANIEL HERNANDEZ VASQUEZ 13 August 2018 (has links)
[pt] A tese de doutorado tem por objetivo avaliar os impactos decorrentes da implementação de estratégias de eficientizacão energética na indústria de papel e celulose. A motivação pela escolha do tema resultou da necessidade de obter ganhos de energia considerando aspectos que, usualmente, não são considerando em programas de eficiência de energética (i.e.: aspectos sociais, técnicos, econômicos e ambientais). A metodologia utilizada –Método Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS– (i) permitiu selecionar as tecnologias de eficientização aplicáveis ao subsetor de papel e celulose e (ii) possibilitou avaliar a influência de cada critério e subcritério na hierarquização de alternativas de eficientização energética. Os resultados consolidados permitiram: (i) confirmar que mudanças tanto nos processos, quantos nas tecnologias transversais do subsetor de papel e celulose devem ser implementadas; (ii) identificar os principais critérios decorrentes da eficientização energética no âmbito social, técnico, econômico e ambiental. Como conclusão, a pesquisa avaliou a relevância de cada critério, sugerindo, inclui-los em programas brasileiros de eficiência energética. Assim, a pesquisa legitima a sua contribuição para o setor energético brasileiro, promovendo o desenvolvimento de novos estudos na área de eficiência energética. / [en] The goal of this work is to evaluate the impacts of the implementation of energy efficiency strategies in the pulp and paper industry. The motivation for choosing the theme resulted from the need to obtain energy gains considering aspects that, usually not considered in energy efficiency programs (i.e.: social, technical, economical and environmental aspects). The methodology used –Multicriteria Decision Making Method Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS – (i) allowed to select the efficiency technologies applicable to the pulp and paper sub-sector and (ii) made it possible to evaluate the influence of each criterion and sub-criterion in the hierarchy of alternatives of energy efficiency. The consolidated results allowed: (i) to confirm that changes in the processes and in the transversal technologies of the pulp and paper subsector must be implemented; (ii) identify the main criteria resulting from energy efficiency in social, technical, economic and environmental aspects. As a conclusion, this work evaluated the relevance of each criterion, suggesting that it be included in Brazilian energy efficiency programs. Thus, the research legitimizes its contribution to the Brazilian energy sector, promoting the development of new studies in the area of energy efficiency.

Conception de tags d'identification sans puce dans le domaineTHz / Study of chipless tag in the THz frequency domain

Hamdi, Maher 01 October 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé dans le cadre d'un contrat avec l'ANR (ANR-09-VERS-013 « THID ») et porte sur le développement d'une nouvelle génération de tags Chipless à bas coûts fonctionnant dans le domaine THz, pour des applications d'identification et/ou authentification unitaire des articles commerciaux, des papiers d'identités, des personnes pour le contrôle d'accès... Les structures proposées, constituées d'un empilement périodique de couches diélectriques d'indices de réfraction différents, utilisent les propriétés particulières des cristaux photoniques 1D de présenter une réponse électromagnétique entrecoupée de bandes interdites photoniques (BIP). Toute perturbation de la périodicité de la structure engendre des pics dans les bandes interdites qui sont utilisés pour coder une information binaire. Cette structuration particulière des matériaux permet donc de manipuler précisément une signature électromagnétique. Pour des raisons liées à l'industrialisation (facilité de fabrication en masse) et aussi de coût, nous avons retenu des matériaux de base déjà couramment utilisés dans l'industrie papetière : le papier et le polyéthylène. Le choix de ces matériaux, qui doivent allier contraste d'indice élevé et faible absorption, représente une étape cruciale dans ce travail. Ainsi, à partir des résultats expérimentaux obtenus par spectroscopie THz dans le domaine temporel (THz-TDS) sur un grand nombre de matériaux, nous avons pu concevoir deux familles de tags sur la base de ces différents matériaux. Par ailleurs, nous avons développé deux méthodes de codage d'une information binaire, toutes deux basées sur l'absence ou la présence de pics dans une BIP, pics dont la position et le nombre dépendent bien évidemment des défauts de périodicité introduits. Pour des applications liées à l'identification, des capacités de codage de près de 20 bits ont été démontrées. Nous avons aussi montré que la richesse d'information contenue dans la réponse électromagnétique de ces Tags THz peut être utilisée pour les applications liées à l'authentification unitaire, en utilisant comme critère de discrimination le coefficient d'autocorrélation. Nous avons ainsi pu évaluer les performances d'un test d'authentification basé sur ce critère dans différents domaines d'analyse : temporel, fréquentiel et temps-fréquence. Nous avons montré qu'une étude du spectrogramme (combinant temps et fréquence) est ainsi bien plus pertinente qu'une étude dans les seuls domaines temporel ou fréquentiel. / This thesis work deals with the development of a new generation of low-cost Chipless tags operating in the THz frequency domain, it has been supported by the french national agency for research (ANR-09-VERS-013 « THID » ). It covers a wide area of applications such as the identification and/or unitary authentication of commercial items, identity papers, access control…To manufacture these tags, we proposed to use a periodic stack of dielectric material layers with different refractive index and whose thickness is of the order of the wavelength, commonly known as a one dimensional photonic crystal. The electromagnetic signature of such a structure exhibits photonic bandgaps (PBG), i.e. frequency windows in which light propagation is prohibited. We suggested modifying the periodicity of the crystal to create defect levels (peaks) for example in the 1st PBG to encode binary information. This particular structure allows to precisely tuned an electromagnetic signature. To ensure a mass and cost effective industrialization, we retained basic materials which are widely used in the pulp and paper industry: paper and polyethylene. The choice of these materials, which must combine high index contrast and low absorption, represents the first and a crucial step in this work. We characterize a wide range of materials using classical THz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) and we propose two families of tags based on paper and polyethylene. Furthermore, we developed two methods to encode binary information, both based on the absence or presence of peaks in a PBG, peaks whose number and position depend on the introduced defects of periodicity. In a real identification test, a coding capacity of nearly 20-bit has been demonstrated. We also showed that the information contained in the electromagnetic response of these THz tags can be used for other applications related to the unitary authentication and by using the correlation coefficient as criterion for discrimination of the different signatures. Therefore, we evaluate the performance of an authentication test based on this criterion in various analysis domains: time, frequency and time-frequency. We showed that a study of the spectrogram (combining time and frequency representation) is much more relevant than a study in the only time or frequency domain.

Análise de investimento de capital na indústria brasileira de papel e celulose por meio da teoria das opções reais: o caso da Fibria Celulose S.A.

Cardoso, Samuel de Oliveira 12 1900 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo final a verificação da aplicabilidade da Teoria das Opções Reais (TOR) em investimentos de papel e celulose, considerando o Movimento de Reversão à Média (MRM) nos fatores de risco, dado um modelo de gerenciamento de curto prazo, no âmbito de um estudo de caso da Fibria Celulose S.A. para o setor de papel e celulose no Brasil. Nesta dissertação, testa-se a aderência da série histórica de preços da celulose de fibra curta da Fibria, no período entre 2003 e 2013, a um modelo estocástico de reversão à média, sendo este modelo validado para o presente estudo. Uma vez o modelo validado, determinam-se os parâmetros para realização de cálculos e análises fundamentais para se chegar aos objetivos intermediários, etapa preliminar aos resultados do objetivo final. Dentre os cálculos e análises citados, ressaltam-se: determinação dos VPLs dinâmicos e os valores das Opções Reais europeias sequenciais para a Simulação de Monte Carlo com Processo Neutro ao Risco; construção e análise da Árvore Binomial com Processo Neutro ao Risco; construção e análise das Regiões de Gatilho para preços e lucros marginais em um Processo Real; comparação das Regiões de Gatilho com as determinadas pelas Árvores Binomiais. Assim, com tais análises, confirma-se, nesta dissertação, a aplicabilidade da Teoria das Opções Reais na Análise de Investimento no setor celulósico-papeleiro. / The present work has the ultimate purpose of verifying the applicability of the Real Options Theory in the pulp and paper investment, considering the Mean Reversion Movement in the risk factors, given a short-term management model, within a study of Fibria Celulose S.A. for the pulp and paper industry in Brazil. This dissertation tests the adherence of Fibria's short fiber pulp historical price series, between 2003 and 2013 to a stochastic mean reversion model, being this model validated in the present study. Once the model is validated, the parameters for calculations and fundamental analyzes are determined to reach intermediate goals, preliminary step to the results of the final goal. Among the cited calculations and analyzes, it is emphasized: determination of dynamic NPVs and values of the sequential European Real Options for the Monte Carlo Simulation with Risk Neutral Process; construction and analysis of the Binomial Tree with Risk Neutral Process; construction and analysis of the Trigger Regions for prices and marginal profits in a Real Case; Comparison between Trigger Regions and those determined by the Binomial Trees.So with such analyzes, it is confirmed, in this work, the applicability of the Real Option Theory on Investment Analysis in pulp and paper industry. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica. Departamento de Engenharia Industrial, Rio de Janeiro, 2014. / Bibliografia: p. [109]-113.

Modelagem matemática do processo de evaporação do licor negro proveniente do sistema de lavagem da polpa celulósica / Mathematical modeling of evaporation plant of black kraft liquor

Diel, Cristiano Luiz 22 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:08:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiano Luiz Diel.pdf: 3361169 bytes, checksum: 272490d70ac95c5008fc77d50f4431d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-22 / Klabin Fabricadora de Papel e Celulose S/A / The pulp and paper industries are major consumers of energy. The plant of black liquor evaporation consumes significant portion of this energy. Any effort to improve their energy efficiency is beneficial to the industry. The computer simulation is a powerful tool to aid the understanding of industrial processes and may help identify mechanisms involved in the prediction of responses to changes in operating conditions and optimization of process control. The objective of this work is the development of a mathematical model phenomenological representing the evaporation plant of Klabin Papéis Monte Alegre (KPMA) and the use of it to study and improve operational conditions of the plant. To achieve this goal, firstly it was developed a simplified model based on the work of other authors. The model was built in Maple ® platform. The model was built from mass and energy balances and phase equilibrium equations. Correlations were used to estimate properties, e. g. boiling point raise, enthalpies of the liquor, steam and condensate. The model reproduced well the results of the authors, with the largest percentual error equal to 5.5% and most of the parameters with percentual errors less than 1%. The model was adapted to represent the first effect of evaporation plant of KPMA. Historical operating data were used to compare the model results. Good results were found for temperature and solid content of the liquor. Good results were found for mass flows in some effects, but the model could not effectively predict the mass flow of all effects and the variables related to the flash tanks. The differences are attributed mainly to considerations of steady state and saturated vapor with no entrainment of particles in the liquor and the use of literature correlations to predict the properties of the liquor that do not correspond to the liquor used. / As indústrias de papel e celulose são grandes consumidoras de energia. A planta de evaporação de licor negro consome parte significativa dessa energia. Qualquer esforço no sentido de melhorar sua eficiência energética é benéfico para a indústria. A simulação computacional é uma ferramenta poderosa no auxílio da compreensão de processos industriais, podendo auxiliar na identificação de mecanismos envolvidos no processo, na predição de respostas a mudanças de condições de operação e na otimização do controle de processos. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático fenomenológico representando a planta de evaporação da Klabin Papéis Monte Alegre (KPMA) e a utilização do mesmo para estudo e melhoria das condições operacionais da planta. Para atingir a este objetivo, primeiramente foi desenvolvido um modelo simplificado baseado no trabalho de outros autores. O modelo foi construído em plataforma Maple®. O modelo foi construído a partir de balanços de massa e energia e equações de equilíbrio de fases. Foram utilizadas correlações para estimar propriedades, e.g. elevação do ponto de ebulição, entalpias do licor, vapor e condensado. O modelo reproduziu bem os resultados dos autores, sendo o maior desvio percentual igual a 5,5% e a grande maioria dos parâmetros com desvio percentuais inferiores a 1%. O modelo foi adaptado para representar o primeiro efeito da planta de evaporação da KPMA. Dados históricos de operação foram utilizados para comparação dos resultados do modelo. Foram encontrados bons resultados para os teores de sólidos e temperaturas do licor, bem como para as vazões para alguns dos evaporadores. O modelo não pôde predizer com eficácia as vazões de todos os evaporadores e das variáveis referentes aos tanques de expansão de licor. As diferenças encontradas são atribuídas principalmente às considerações de regime estacionário e de vapor saturado com ausência de arraste de partículas no licor, bem como da utilização de correlações da literatura para predizer as propriedades do licor que não correspondem ao licor utilizado na evaporação.

Abordagens para o problema de dimensionamento e sequenciamento da produção em indústrias integradas de papel e celulose / Approaches for the lot sizing and scheduling problem in integrated pulp and paper mills

Marcos Mansano Furlan 10 December 2015 (has links)
O setor industrial produtor de papel e celulose tem aumentado sua relevância comercial nas últimas décadas devido à demanda constantemente crescente. O aumento na competitividade do setor gerado pela economia globalizada e a dificuldade de desenvolvimento de bons planos de produção em ambientes produtivos cada vez mais complexos têm motivado a pesquisa por novas e efetivas ferramentas de auxílio à tomada de decisão. Considerando estas dificuldades, abordamos neste trabalho o problema de dimensionamento e sequenciamento de lotes com foco em empresas com processo integrado de produção de celulose e de papel. Trata-se de um problema de planejamento de médio a curto prazo, geralmente com maior enfoque no curto prazo por considerar o planejamento detalhado da produção em horizontes de planejamento que não superam 30 dias. No processo integrado de celulose e papel, foram consideradas as decisões de produção do digestor, evaporador, caldeira de recuperação e de múltiplas máquinas produtoras de papel, além do controle de estoque de produtos intermediários e finais. Modelos matemáticos da literatura foram modificados e estendidos para incorporar características adicionais do problema como, por exemplo, processos com múltiplas máquinas de papel. Além disso, foram desenvolvidas heurísticas construtivas, heurísticas de melhoria, abordagens de solução híbridas baseadas em algoritmos genéticos combinadas com ferramentas comerciais de solução exata, além de combinações entre os métodos. As abordagens desenvolvidas foram testadas computacionalmente e as melhores combinações de métodos foram definidas. De forma geral, os resultados dessas abordagens foram superiores aos obtidos por ferramentas de solução comerciais puras. Ademais, a variação proposta da heurística de melhoria fixe-e-otimize com mudanças na função objetivo se destacou com relação aos demais métodos, obtendo os melhores resultados, independentemente da qualidade da solução inicial utilizada. As principais contribuições desta tese são a apresentação de modelos matemáticos para representar apropriadamente o problema estudado, e o desenvolvimento de métodos de solução efetivos para resolver o problema. / The pulp and paper industry has been increasing the commercial importance in recent decades due to the constant growing demand. The increasing competitiveness of this sector generated by the globalized economy and the difficulty to develop good production plans in complex production environments have motivated the search for new and effective decision support systems. Given these difficulties, in this thesis we address the lot sizing and scheduling problem focused on integrated pulp and paper mills. This is a problem of medium to short term planning, generally more focused on the short term as it covers detailed production schedules in planning horizons which do not exceed 30 days. In these integrated pulp and paper process the production decisions of digester, evaporator, recovery boiler and multiple paper machines are considered, apart from the inventory control of intermediate and final products. Mathematical models known in the literature were modified and extended to incorporate additional features of the problem, such as processes with multiple paper machines. In addition, constructive and improvement heuristics, and hybrid methods based on genetic algorithms combined with a commercial solver were developed, as well as combinations of these solution approaches. The methods developed were computationally tested and the best combinations of methods were defined. Overall, the results of these methods were superior to the solutions obtained by pure commercial solvers. Moreover, the alternative variation proposed of the improvement heuristic fix-and-optimize with exchanges in the objective function surpassed the other methods, obtaining the best results, regardless of the quality of the initial solution used. The main contribution of this thesis are the presentation of mathematical models that appropriately represents the problem under study, and the development of effective solution methods to deal with the problem.

Användarinvolveringens betydelse föranvändartillfredsställelsen : Hur påverkar användarinvolvering under förvaltningsfasenanvändarnas tillfredsställelse med informationssystem inommassa- och pappersindustrin?

Eriksson, Lisa, Kjellsson, Petter January 2020 (has links)
In the pulp- and paper industry the human dimension indesign of information systems has been underestimated andoverlooked. Research indicates that there is a gap concerninguser involvement in the maintenance phase. Therefore, thepurpose of the study is to investigate how user involvementin the maintenance phase affects the user satisfaction, withinthe pulp and paper industry. The study has a deductiveapproach with a qualitative method. A relations model wasdesigned based on the theoretic framework, the modelshows five important factors in user involvement that affectsuser satisfaction; the users opportunity to be involved, the usersinfluence, communication between user and developer, the usersattitude towards the system and organization and managementculture. We interviewed 8 users of the system PaperLine, intwo different work groups and factories. The analysisshowed that the central factor was communication betweenuser and IT-staff, since this was relevant for all the areas of thestudy. The organization and management culture need toactively encourage involvement in the system developmentwork to give the user the opportunity to get involved, this willthen increase the users influence which in turn will lead to theusers positive attitude towards the system. The findingsresulted in a new model called K-OLMII, which shows theeffect user involvement has on user satisfaction in themaintenance phase, through identified factors for the successof user involvement. / Inom massa- och pappersindustrin har den mänskligadimensionen vid design av informationssystem underskattasoch förbisetts. Forskningen indikerar även att det finns ettglapp gällande användarinvolvering i förvaltningsfasen.Därför är studiens syfte att undersöka huranvändarinvolvering i förvaltningsfasen av ett system påverkar användartillfredsställelsen inom massa- ochpappersindustrin. Studien har en deduktiv ansats medkvalitativ metod. Baserat på det teoretiska ramverketutformades en sambandsmodell som visar fem viktigafaktorer inom användarinvolvering, som påverkaranvändartillfredsställelsen; användarens möjlighet attinvolveras, användarens inflytande, kommunikation mellananvändare och utvecklare, användarens inställning till systemetoch organisations- och ledningskultur. Vi har intervjuat 8användare av systemet PaperLine, inom två olikayrkeskategorier och fabriker. Analysen visade att dencentrala faktorn var kommunikation med IT-personal, då dettavar relevant inom samtliga områden av studien.Organisations- och ledningskulturen måste aktivt uppmuntrainvolvering i systemutvecklingsarbetet för att användarenska få en möjlighet att involveras, detta ökar i sin turanvändarens inflytande vilket leder till att användaren får enpositiv inställning till systemet. Fynden resulterade i en nymodell kallad K-OLMII, som visar användarinvolveringenseffekt på användartillfredsställelsen i förvaltningsfasen, viaidentifierade framgångsfaktorer för användarinvolvering.

Systém řízení a chránění turbogenerátorů / System control and protection turbo generators

Veverka, Marek January 2008 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is description, analysis and proposal of turbo generator’s control and protection system. The power output of turbo generators is from 3 MVA up to 75 MVA for various industrial sectors. The final proposal is based on the results of this analysis and it consists of a modern control and protection turbo generators systems. This proposal is designed to respect universality, customer’s requirements. And this proposal should be used in many industry branches.

Biogent kol i träbaserade produkter från svensk skogsindustri och kolets inbindningstid : En analys av potentialen att öka inbindningstiden i det årliga tillskottet av produkter / Biogenic carbon in wood-based products from the Swedish forest industry and the storage time of carbon : An analysis of the potential to increase the storage time of biogenic carbon in the annual addition of products

Rosendal, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Nivåerna av växthusgaser i atmosfären har ökat drastiskt de senaste århundradet, till följd av mänsklig aktivitet. Det krävs en stor omställning för oss människor om klimatförändringarna ska motverkas och för att konsekvenserna för planeten inte ska bli allt för stora. Koldioxid är en av de viktigaste växthusgaserna och skogen är en viktig del i balansen av koldioxid i atmosfären genom att växter och träd binder in koldioxid och lagrar biogent kol i biomassan. Rundvirke kan användas för att producera en mängd olika produkter med olika användningsområden och varierande livslängd och det finns både globala och nationella mål som stödjer ett arbete för en minskad klimatpåverkan med skogens resurser som verktyg. Syftet med examensarbetet var att analysera inbindningen av biogent kol i det årliga tillskottet av träbaserade produkter från svensk skogsindustri, för att sedan undersöka potentialen att öka tiden för inbindning av det biogena kolet. FN:s klimatpanel (IPCC) har tagit fram en generell metod för att beräkna lagringen av kol i skördade träprodukter och beräkningarna bygger på tre produktkategorier, vilka är sågade trävaror, spånskivor och papper och kartong. Detta examensarbete har utvidgat FN:s klimatrapportering genom att studera totalt sexton produktkategorier. Flödet av biogent kol studerades genom en materialflödesanalys, som bygger på massbalans mellan ”inputs” och ”outputs” i ett system. Systemet studerades från det att råvara förbrukas till dess att produkterna går som avfall och förbränns. Statistik över råvaruförbrukning inom sågverksindustrin och massaindustrin, samt produktionsmängd av fibermassa och träbaserade produkter användes i analysen. En stor volym biomassa går dessutom direkt till förbränning och ger bioenergi. Resultatet visade att sågade trävaror från sågverksindustrin har längst medellivslängd och binder även in störst mängd biogent kol. Biobränslen har kortast medellivslängd, och koldioxid frigörs till atmosfären på mycket kortast tid. Enligt detta examensarbete innehåller träbaserade produkter från Sverige 29,0 miljoner ton koldioxid årligen. Tre strategier att förlänga inbindningstiden av biogent kol studerades, vilka är förlängd livslängd för produkter, kaskadanvändning och Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). Att förlänga livslängden för produkter innebär att återvinning av exempelvis cellulosabaserade textilier införs. Kaskadanvändning innebär att skogsindustrin primärt ska producera långlivade produkter och undvika att biomassa direkt går till förbränning. BECCS bygger på att träden binder in kol i sin biomassa och när en träbaserad produkt förbränns pressas frigjord koldioxid ned i marken och lagras. BECCS bedöms vara den strategi som är mest avancerad. / The levels of greenhouse gases have increased drastically over the past hundred years as a result of human activity. Major actions are needed to counter climate change, if the consequences are not to be too great. Carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases and the forest is an important part of the balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, by the fact that plants and trees bind carbon dioxide and store biogenic carbon in the biomass. Roundwood can be used to produce a variety of products with different applications and varying life spans and there are both global and national goals that support a work to reduce climate change with forest resources as tools. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the storage of biogenic carbon in the annual addition of wood-based products from the Swedish forest industry, and then to investigate the potential to increase the time of storage. The UN Climate Panel (IPCC) has developed a general method for calculating the storage of carbon in harvested wood products and the calculations is based on three product categories, which are sawn wood, wood-based panels and paper and paperboard. This thesis has expanded the UN climate reporting by studying a total of sixteen product categories. The flow of carbon was studied using a material flow analysis, which is based on the mass balance of inputs and outputs in a system. The system was studied from the raw material being consumed until the products are defined as waste and incinerated. The calculations were based on statistics on raw material consumption in the sawmill industry and the pulp and paper industry, as well as production volume of fibre pulp and wood-based products. A large volume of biomass also goes directly to incineration and provides bioenergy. The binding time of biogenic carbon was analysed to explore the potential of increasing the binding time, using different strategies. Sawn timber products from the sawmill industry have the longest average life span and also bind the highest amount of biogenic carbon. Biofuels have the shortest average life span, which means that carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere rapidly. A total of 29.0 million tonnes of carbon dioxide are stored in wood-based products annually, according to this study. Three strategies to extend the storage time of biogenic carbon were studied in this study, which were extended life span of the products, cascading wood use and so called BECCS. To extend product life means introducing recycling of, for example, cellulose-based textiles. Cascading wood use means that the forest industry primarily produce long-lived products and avoid biomass going directly to incineration. BECCS is based on the fact that trees bind carbon dioxide in their biomass and when wood-based product is incinerated, the carbon dioxide is stored in the ground. BECCS is considered to be the most advanced strategy, of the three.

Environmental Indicators : A Study of Eight Companies in Three Branches of Industry

Johansson, Stefan January 2004 (has links)
Swedish companies have invested a lot of time, effort and resources into becoming moreenvironmentally friendly. The primary focus of this on-going process has been to implementenvironmental management systems and to develop more environmentally friendlytechnologies. Measuring the effects of these actions has proven more difficult. Theintroduction of environmental indicators is emerging as a simple, yet effective way forcompanies to measure their environmental performance, increase the control of theirenvironmental activities and help the decision making process when developing new productsand processes. The aim of the project is to study to what extent eight Swedish companies in three differentbranches of industry use environmental indicators, if there are any similarities and differenceswithin and between branches and if any conclusions can be drawn. The companies chosen arethree companies within the pulp- and paper producing industry, three companies within theiron- and steel producing industry and two companies within the car manufacturing industry.The primary method of analysis is to study the environmental report from one factory of eachcompany, the environmental section of the financial report and/or the environmental report ofthe entire company or business group and environmental information on each company’s website. No interviews were conducted with any of the companies, since it was deemed that therewas not enough time if they were to be meaningful. Before the evaluation, the concept of environmental indicators needs further examination. Theindicators are comparative, comparing an environmental quantity to a financial one. Examplesof common indicators are energy use per quantity of produced product or emissions of CO2-equivalents per tonne of produced product. Since the denominator is the same, companieswith significantly different sizes of production can easily be compared to each other. Today itis hard if even possible to compare companies within the same branch to each other and evenharder to compare ones in different branches to each other or to branch indexes. The lack ofcommon guidelines for measuring, processing and presenting the results of environmentalperformance data is the biggest problem when using environmental indicators today. The environmental indicators can be used in a number of different roles. Today they are usedto measure and compare the environmental performance of a company as well as tools forcommunication to various stakeholders. If the companies continue to develop the indicators,they can be used pro-actively in the decision making process as well as to highlight problemareas and to track the progress towards goals set by the company. Some of the companies inthis report are already using indicators in one or more of the advanced roles. All the companies were evaluated in two different ways, qualitatively and quantitatively atthree levels of reporting. The three levels were the environmental report from a single factory,the environmental report for the entire company/business group and the environmentalinformation on the Internet from each company. The qualitative evaluation analysed how the companies used environmental indicators, if thecompanies used them explicitly, if they used them to track goals and if there were differencesbetween the different levels of reporting. The analysis showed that only a few companies usedenvironmental indicators at the single factory level, but that all companies used them in thebusiness group reports and on the Internet. There was also a much higher degree of coherencybetween the companies financial reporting than there was in their environmental one. Thequalitative evaluation also showed that the pulp- and paper companies used the mostenvironmental indicators, the iron- and steel companies used them most effectively and thatthe car companies used them to their fullest extent. The quantitative evaluation analysed each company by itself to examine how each individualcompany used the environmental indicators. The differences between the use of indicators atthe different levels of reporting also became more evident. The pulp- and paper companieswere the most consistent while the iron- and steel companies had the biggest differences withthe car companies somewhere in between. The analysis also showed that companies that werepart of bigger business groups had bigger differences, especially if they were not part of themother company. There are two major conclusions that can be drawn from the report. The first one is thatcompanies use environmental indicators to measure and present their environmentalperformance because they see them as effective tools. The second one is that commonguidelines are necessary to develop the indicators further. The first conclusion can be drawn from the fact that all the companies use environmentalindicators as a tool for reporting their environmental performance in their primary channels ofinformation, the business group reports and on the Internet The second conclusion can be drawn from the fact that even though the companies werechosen because they produced different products, they turned out to have very similar types ofemissions but very different environmental indicators. Since all the companies are verysincere in their efforts to limit their impact, on the environment and the fact that they have allchosen environmental indicators to measure their impact the need for coherency is great forfurther development. It is doubtful that the companies themselves can develop the indicatorson their own which means that the authorities and possibly the branch organisations have towork together to develop common guidelines. The biggest challenges are to decide on thecommon rules of reporting and to put financial values on the environment. If these problemscan be resolved, environmental indicators can be used to their fullest potential in the future. / www.ima,kth.se

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