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O pior dos dois mundos? A construção legítima da punição de adolescentes no Superior Tribunal de Justiça / Are youth offenders getting the worst of both worlds? The legitimate construction of juvenile justice by the Superior Court of JusticeEduardo Gutierrez Cornelius 08 August 2017 (has links)
O pior dos dois mundos traduz a hipótese de que atualmente adolescentes seriam tratados com a informalidade histórica associada à justiça juvenil, isto é, com poucas garantias processuais, ao mesmo tempo em que receberiam sanções mais duras, como é a atual tendência na justiça criminal adulta. Este trabalho investiga o que o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) decide em 53 casos paradigmáticos acerca dessas duas questões: proteção processual e controle penal de adolescentes. Verifica-se também como o tribunal decide em relação à gravidade dos casos, à possibilidade de privação de liberdade e à solução que o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) confere a cada caso. Igualmente, pesquisa-se como o tribunal justifica suas decisões. A partir de elementos da sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu, constrói-se a decisão judicial punitiva como ato de Estado, que detém o monopólio da violência física e simbólica legítima. Essa construção sublinha a importância de se observar que a decisão judicial não acarreta apenas a imposição física de um castigo, mas também contribui para a instituição das formas legítimas de se pensar sobre o fenômeno. Igualmente, utiliza-se a noção de vocabulários de motivos de Wright Mills, que permite pensar as justificativas dos magistrados não como explicações de por que agiram de determinada forma, nem como mera justificação para encobrir suas reais intenções, mas como construções linguísticas cujo uso se estabiliza em certas ações socialmente situadas, tornando-se, portanto, os vocabulários socialmente aceitos nessas situações. Assim, padrão decisório e padrão de justificação são estudados em conjunto, dada sua contribuição para a legitimação de práticas e de discursos sobre a punição no campo jurídico e no restante do espaço social. Para apreender o padrão decisório do tribunal, utiliza-se a qualitative comparative analysis, que permite a verificação da associação entre os atributos das decisões e seu resultado. Infere-se que o tribunal institui como legítimos dois modelos distintos de justiça juvenil. Nos casos graves, amplia o controle penal e a possibilidade de aplicação de internação e restringe a proteção processual (mesmo em contrariedade ao ECA). Nos leves, restringe o controle penal e a possibilidade de internação e amplia a proteção processual (mesmo em contrariedade ao ECA). Há ainda os casos que são indiferentes à gravidade, pois se aplicam tanto a situações graves como leves. Nestes o STJ impõe o controle penal previsto no ECA (não costuma contrariá-lo para ampliar ou restringir o controle) e restringe a proteção processual (mesmo em contrariedade ao ECA). A ampliação do controle penal é sustentada pela afirmação do caráter punitivo da sanção e pela importância de se tomarem decisões de acordo com a gravidade da situação e com o caso concreto. Já a informalidade do procedimento é sustentada a partir de uma aproximação à justiça penal adulta, e não pela afirmação da finalidade reabilitadora da intervenção, como ocorreu historicamente na justiça de jovens. A restrição do controle penal é sustentada pela afirmação de que o ato sob julgamento não é grave. Já a ampliação de proteção processual é justificada pela ideia de que o procedimento da justiça juvenil deve respeitar a Constituição. Outros vocabulários não foram associados de modo unívoco a um resultado, mas revelam que o STJ realiza uma justaposição de modelos ideais de justiça, cuja relação é aditiva: é legítimo punir e educar; afastar a lei adulta e aproximá-la, focalizar a gravidade do ato e as características pessoais do adolescente, proteger o jovem e a sociedade. Se por um lado esses vocabulários não são construídos como contraditórios, tampouco há um esforço em mostrar sua ligação. / According to the worst of both worlds hypothesis, youth offenders are being treated with the informality (and consequent lack of procedural protection) that has historically guided juvenile justice, while simultaneously being punished in a harsher fashion (especially with incarceration), as is the tendency in adult justice. This dissertation investigates how the Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) rules in 53 landmark cases regarding penal control and procedural protection in juvenile justice, and how the court motivates its rulings. Three other elements of the courts attitudes toward cases are considered: seriousness of offenses, use of incarceration and the literal solution the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent provides to each case. Employing elements of Pierre Bourdieus theory, punitive judicial decisions are construed as acts of state, which carry the monopoly of physical and symbolic violence. According to this perspective, criminal courts rulings not only impose suffering, but also communicate the legitimate ways of conceiving crime and its appropriate reactions to it. Also, this dissertation relies on Wright Mills concept of vocabularies of motive to construe judicial motivation theoretically. This concept avoids framing motives as real explanations for why courts decide and as mere rationalizations that covers courts real intentions. Instead, courts motivations are interpreted as linguistic constructions whose use become stable in certain social situations, hence becoming the legitimate motives accepted in such situations. An adaptation of qualitative comparative analysis is used to account for the SCJ decision-making pattern. In sum, the SCJ institutes two legitimate juvenile justice models. In serious cases, the SCJ expands penal control and the use of incarceration, and restricts procedural protection (even against statutory provisions). In non-serious cases, the SCJ restricts penal control and the use of incarceration, and expands procedural protection (even against statutory provisions). Some cases apply to all youths, regardless of the crime committed. In these cases, the SCJ shows an intermediary stance regarding penal control (it simply follows statutory positions), and restricts procedural protection (even against statutory provisions). As to its reasoning, the SCJ expands penal control on the following grounds: i. state response has a punitive character; ii. seriousness of the offense is an important criterion to make decisions in youth justice, iii. as is the need to make individualized decisions. Procedural protection restriction, on the other hand, is justified by an embracement of criminal justice principles, which contrasts with the historical tendency of the juvenile justice system that had rejected these same principles. Penal control restriction is justified by the idea that some acts are not serious. Procedural protection expansion is justified by the idea that juvenile justice procedures should follow Constitutional principles. Other vocabularies employed by the SCJ have not been clearly associated with specific outcomes. However, they reveal that the court promotes a juxtaposition of different ideal models of justice. According to the SCJ, it is legitimate both to punish and to rehabilitate, to accept adult criminal law rules and to reject them, to focus on cases seriousness and on offenders characteristics, to protect offenders and society. Though these pairs are not presented as contradictory, their connection is not made explicit.
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Ilusões temporais: um estudo sobre percepção de tempo em função de contingências de reforçamento e punição, a partir do relato verbal / Temporal illusions: A study about time perception as a function of contingencies of reinforcement and punishment, stated through verbal reportFlavio Karpinscki Gerab 03 February 2014 (has links)
As alteracoes na percepcao da passagem do tempo dos seres humanos tem sido investigadas em relacao as caracteristicas de diversos estimulos, condicoes corporais ou determinados tipos de tarefa. Porem, pouco se sabe sobre essas alteracoes como funcao das contingencias reforcadoras ou punitivas que controlam o comportamento. Este estudo visou investigar essa questao experimentalmente atraves do uso de um jogo virtual em computador simulando percursos de um avatar em um labirinto com 36 situacoes de escolha entre esquerda e direita. Pontos poderiam ser ganhos ou perdidos, sendo a pontuacao final convertida em titulos de nobreza hipoteticos dentro de um ranking previamente estabelecido. Tres contingencias foram manipuladas: sob Punicao (P) escolhas erradas entre direita e esquerda produziam perda de pontos; sob Reforcamento (R) escolhas certas produziam ganho de pontos; na condicao Controle (C) nao havia alteracao nos pontos. No Experimento 1 (n=60), tres grupos foram manipulados, cada um exposto a uma dessas contingencias; no Experimento 1A (n=40) novos participantes passaram pelas condicoes P e R, porem com uma alteracao na instrucao explicitando o nao perigo de morte do avatar; no Experimento 2 (n=6), cada participante foi exposto as tres condicoes experimentais, sendo manipulada a ordem de exposicao: C-P-R e C-R-P. Cada participante foi solicitado a estimar o tempo que permaneceu jogando: nos dois primeiros estudos essa solicitacao foi feita apenas apos o termino do jogo (estimativa retrospectiva); no ultimo os participantes foram informados ao inicio da primeira sessao experimental que essa solicitacao lhes seria feita ao final de cada sessao (estimativa prospectiva). Da mesma forma, ao final da sessao no Experimentos 1 e 1A, e ao final de cada sessao no Experimento 2, foi solicitada aos participantes uma avaliacao do jogo, com pontuacoes crescentes proporcionais ao grau de diversao em joga-lo. Os resultados mostraram que no Experimento 1 a condicao P produziu tempo de sessao maior que na condicao C e a condicao R produziu tempo de sessao menor do que na condicao C, sendo que no Experimento 1A as diferencas se reduziram; no Experimento 2 esse tempo foi sendo reduzido na sucessao das contingencias, independente da ordem utilizada. Nos experimentos 1 e 1A os participantes superestimaram a duracao da sessao de jogo na condicao R, e as condicoes C e P produziram estimativas proximas a duracao real. No Experimento 2 a condicao R tambem esteve associada a superestimativas na maioria dos participantes, porem sua relacao com os resultados obtidos em C e P varia entre os participantes. A magnitude da consequencia se mostrou uma variavel relevante no efeito da punicao, que foi menos acentuado no Experimento 1A. A apreciacao do jogo pelos sujeitos foi, no geral, mais positiva para a condicao P. Esses resultados apontam a interacao das contingencias operantes na percepcao temporal, sendo discutida tambem a aparente independencia entre o efeito operante da punicao e o relato verbal sobre a diversao inerente a atividade consequenciada / Alterations in the perception of the passage of time in humans have been investigated in relation to the characteristics of several stimuli, bodily conditions and certain types of task. However, little is known about these alterations as a function of reinforcing or punishing contingencies that control behavior. This study aimed to investigate this question experimentally by using a virtual computer game simulating a maze in which an avatar was faced with 36 choice situations between left and right. Points could be won or lost, the final score being converted into hypothetical titles of nobility within a predetermined ranking. Three contingencies were manipulated: under Punishment (P) \"wrong \" choices between right and left produced loss of points; under Reinforcement (R) \"right\" choices produced gain points; under control condition (C) there was no change in points at all. In Experiment 1 (n=60), three groups were manipulated, each exposed to one of these contingencies, in Experiment 1A (n=40) new participants were exposed to the conditions P and R, but with a statement explaining that there was no chance of avatar\'s death during the game, in Experiment 2 (n=6), each participant was exposed to three experimental conditions, having the sequence of exposure being manipulated: C-P-R for half the participants and C-R-P for the other half. Each participant was asked to estimate the duration spent playing: in the first two studies this request was made just after the end of the game (retrospective estimation), at the last study participants were informed at the beginning of the first experimental session that this request would be made to them end of each session (prospective estimate). Similarly, at the end of the session in Experiments 1 and 1A, and at the end of each session in Experiment 2, participants were requested a review of the game, with scores increasing with the degree of fun playing it. The results showed that in Experiment 1 the condition P produced greater session length than the condition C, and condition R produced lesser session length than condition C, whereas in Experiment 1A differences are reduced; in Experiment 2 session length was being reduced along the succession of contingencies, regardless of the sequence used. In Experiments 1 and 1A participants overestimated the duration of the game session under the condition R, and C and P conditions produced close to the actual duration estimates. In Experiment 2 the R condition was also associated with overestimation in the majority of participants, however its relationship to the results obtained in C and P varies between participants. The magnitude of the result proved to be a relevant variable in the effect of punishment, which was less pronounced in Experiment 1A. The enjoyment of the game by the subjects was generally more positive for condition P. These results indicate the interaction of operant contingencies on time perception, and also discussed the apparent independence between the operant effect of punishment and verbal report about the fun inherent in activity that was punished
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Ungdomstjänst : I ungdomens eller samhällets tjänst?Johansson, Andreas, Santi, Lina January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this essay has been to describe and understand why youth community service became a penalty in Sweden. The political discourse in which youth community service was established has been analyzed with Laclau & Mouffe´s discourse theory. A social constructivist onset and a discourse analysis were the methodological tools of the essay. The result is two folded. Youth community service was created to strengthen the constitutional state, combined with high beliefs of the social services competence. Furthermore the images of the youth offenders had an impact on the argumentation, as well as an ambition to keep the youths outside of the correctional treatment system. The evaluation ten years later showed good results from the new penalty, and wanted to increase the legal security for the youth offenders by making youth community service prescribed by law. The content as well as the intended group the penalty was designed for, has been changed a lot since 1997 when the idea was born.</p>
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Barn och brott : - En studie om socialtjänstens yttranden i straffprocessen för unga lagöverträdare / Children and Crime : A Study on the local Social Services Statements in the Criminal Juvenile Justice ProcessTärnfalk, Michael January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to scrutinise the statements from the social authorities to the criminal courts in the juvenile justice process, and to analyse in what extent these statements influenced the criminal courts in their penalty sentencing for boys aged 15-17 years, suspected and convicted for assault and battery and grand assault and battery, in Stockholm County the years of 1998 and 2000.</p><p>In 1998 a child’s perspective and the concept of the best interest of the child was introduced in the Social services act. A legal reform in 1999 in the criminal code introduced the concept of just desert for juvenile offenders, to make the juvenile justice system more predictable and fair and to make the statements more clarifying to the courts. Laws, preparatory documents and legal doctrine are studied. Theoretically, discourse analysis and neoinstitutional organisational theories are points of departure. The empirical material consists of criminal statistics, 103 statement from the welfare agencies and 103 criminal court records. The social authorities statements are scrutinised to discern specific patterns of intervention and then analysed together with criminal court records. The result indicates that the juvenile justice system seems to be unpredictable and unfair due to several factors linked to each other. There is a striking uncertainty in the statements because of great variations. The concept of the best interest of the child is hardly expressed as an interest in the statements. Social interventions are proposed both on the behalf of the child’s needs and to punish the child in a criminal justice mode. The statements seem to influence the courts sentencing in a great extent but there are difficulties to discern the grounds for differences in criminal sentencing. The juvenile justice system and the social services laws seem to be incompatible by contradictions in terms.</p>
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Barn och brott : - En studie om socialtjänstens yttranden i straffprocessen för unga lagöverträdare / Children and Crime : A Study on the local Social Services Statements in the Criminal Juvenile Justice ProcessTärnfalk, Michael January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to scrutinise the statements from the social authorities to the criminal courts in the juvenile justice process, and to analyse in what extent these statements influenced the criminal courts in their penalty sentencing for boys aged 15-17 years, suspected and convicted for assault and battery and grand assault and battery, in Stockholm County the years of 1998 and 2000. In 1998 a child’s perspective and the concept of the best interest of the child was introduced in the Social services act. A legal reform in 1999 in the criminal code introduced the concept of just desert for juvenile offenders, to make the juvenile justice system more predictable and fair and to make the statements more clarifying to the courts. Laws, preparatory documents and legal doctrine are studied. Theoretically, discourse analysis and neoinstitutional organisational theories are points of departure. The empirical material consists of criminal statistics, 103 statement from the welfare agencies and 103 criminal court records. The social authorities statements are scrutinised to discern specific patterns of intervention and then analysed together with criminal court records. The result indicates that the juvenile justice system seems to be unpredictable and unfair due to several factors linked to each other. There is a striking uncertainty in the statements because of great variations. The concept of the best interest of the child is hardly expressed as an interest in the statements. Social interventions are proposed both on the behalf of the child’s needs and to punish the child in a criminal justice mode. The statements seem to influence the courts sentencing in a great extent but there are difficulties to discern the grounds for differences in criminal sentencing. The juvenile justice system and the social services laws seem to be incompatible by contradictions in terms.
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Ungdomstjänst : I ungdomens eller samhällets tjänst?Johansson, Andreas, Santi, Lina January 2010 (has links)
The purpose with this essay has been to describe and understand why youth community service became a penalty in Sweden. The political discourse in which youth community service was established has been analyzed with Laclau & Mouffe´s discourse theory. A social constructivist onset and a discourse analysis were the methodological tools of the essay. The result is two folded. Youth community service was created to strengthen the constitutional state, combined with high beliefs of the social services competence. Furthermore the images of the youth offenders had an impact on the argumentation, as well as an ambition to keep the youths outside of the correctional treatment system. The evaluation ten years later showed good results from the new penalty, and wanted to increase the legal security for the youth offenders by making youth community service prescribed by law. The content as well as the intended group the penalty was designed for, has been changed a lot since 1997 when the idea was born.
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Does the blockade of Gaza constitute genocide?Ashour, Iyas January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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臺北市立國民中學教師輔導與管教學生現況與問題之研究朱賡忠 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 各校訂定本辦法時,均能夠遵循國民教育法、行政命令等相關法規,依法定程序與精神辦理。
二、 學校學生常發生之偏差行為可分為四類,包括:學習態度不佳、生活常規不良、違規行為、違法行為等四大類型。
三、 學校在實施本辦法時所面臨的困擾,主要來自:辦法本身的不週延、學生人格特質、家庭因素或學區環境影響、家長的態度、學校行政的效能、以及教師的專業知能等。
四、 「零體罰」政策部分,教育主管單位、校長、訓導人員、輔導人員、教師、家長等,角色職責不同,其看法分歧,亟待整合。
五、 「解除髮禁」政策部分,教師期待學生自律與自愛,能自我澄清髮禁的意義與價值,不要為追求外表的特色而迷失了自我。
六、 受訪者提出多項看法,針對不同困擾的因素,提供各種改進的意見與建議,以提供各相關業務人員參考使用。 / This research focuses on the process in which junior high schools in Taipei develop individual “regulations of student guidance and discipline by teachers,” in an attempt to understand the current execution of those regulations, the predicament that the school administrators might encounter when dealing with students’ problems, and the impact of implementing “zero corporal punishment” and “lifting of the ban on hairstyle,” at the same time proposing strategies and suggestions for improvement, which may serve the educational administration, school administrators, and teachers for future reference.
This study adopts two approaches—the review of literature and an in-depth interview. In terms of literature review, we first examine current regulations of guidance and discipline, also exploring their inherent compensatory mechanisms. Then, in the light of our studies on some cases of guidance and discipline methods in such western countries as Britain and the US, we re-examined research on relevant issues done by scholars in Taiwan in the past. And for the in-depth interview, we choose among education authorities and junior schools of all sizes in Taipei, and base our study on a sample of totally 39 educators directly related to our research question. An analysis of the result of the interviews is made, and suggestions offered accordingly.
The main findings of this research are as follows:
1. In making the aforementioned regulations, the school administrations are able to abide by the Statute of Civil Education and related governmental codes, executing such regulations within the confines of legality and justice.
2. Common deviant behaviors among junior high students can be categorized into 4 major types—bad learning attitudes, awful daily routines, behavior against regulations, and behavior against the law.
3. The problems schools face when executing such regulations are mainly due to: the inadequacy of the regulation per se, the students’ personalities, the influence of family or learning environment, parents’ attitude, effectiveness of school administrations, and the teachers’ professional knowledge and abilities.
4. In terms of “zero corporal punishment,” there are separate roles to play for education administrators, principals, school discipline staff, school guidance staff, teachers, and parents, and their ideas about this policy differ greatly and need to be integrated.
5. As for he policies on lifting the ban on hairstyle, the teachers expect their students not only to exhibit self-discipline and self-respect, but also to appreciate the meanings and values of the ban on hairstyle instead of blindly seeking beautiful appearances while losing their selves.
6. The interviewees offer various viewpoints on how different kinds of problematic situations can be improved, thus providing related educational administrators with future references.
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Examining individual differences as predictors of reinforcement and punishment behaviors within romantic couples dealing with substance use : an application of inconsistent nurturing as control theoryGlowacki, Elizabeth Marie 14 November 2013 (has links)
Managing a romantic partner’s substance misuse can be challenging, especially in cases where attempts to show support end up worsening the negative behavior. Understanding what may predict one’s actions towards a partner who smokes or drinks can help to alleviate some of the difficulty associated with these interactions. Therefore, this study was designed to examine how issues of undesirable substance use are managed within college students’ romantic relationships. More specifically, the study applied Inconsistent Nurturing as Control Theory (Le Poire, 1995) to assess the extent to which communication competence, relational uncertainty, perceived network helpfulness, and perceived network hindrance predict the reinforcement and/or punishment of a partner’s smoking or drinking. Results from cross-sectional survey data (N = 270) revealed that a significant, negative relationship existed between perceived network helpfulness and punishment and that there were significant, positive relationships between: perceived network hindrance and punishment, relational uncertainty and reinforcement, and relational uncertainty and punishment. However, there was no evidence indicating that communication competence was correlated with either reinforcement or punishment. Additional findings revealed that individuals reporting on their partners’ drinking, as opposed to their partners’ smoking, were more likely to reinforce the behavior. Men reported on using more reinforcement behaviors than women did and individuals who were in on-again/off-again relationships reported using more punishment than did those in relationships that have not renewed. In addition to examining the communicative behaviors used to address substance misuse, the current study also furthered the development of a scale created for the purposes of quantitatively measuring the constructs of reinforcement and punishment. Implications for studying predictors of reinforcement and punishment strategies are discussed, as is the importance of targeting young adult substance use. / text
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Vaiko apsaugos nuo fizinio smurto teisinis reguliavimas / Legal regulation of child protection from physical violenceIvanauskaitė-Vindašiuvienė, Indrė 28 January 2008 (has links)
Lietuvoje kasmet daugėja vaikų, nukentėjusių nuo nusikalstamų veikų. Apie 15 proc. užregistruotų atvejų sudaro tėvų ar artimų giminaičių smurtas prieš vaikus. Žiniasklaidoje vis dažniau pasirodo pranešimai apie tėvų sunkiai sužalotus ar net nužudytus vaikus, smurtą mokykloje. Susiklosčiusi situacija reikalauja skubaus ir efektyvaus sprendimo.
Darbe „Vaiko apsaugos nuo fizinio smurto teisinis reguliavimas“ koncentruotai ir susistemintai pateikiama bei analizuojama tiek sociologinė, psichologinė, tiek ir teisinė fizinio smurto prieš vaiką pusės. Analizuojama ne tik teorinė literatūra bei teisės aktai, bet ir pateikiama autorės atlikto tyrimo duomenų analizė.
Pirmojoje darbo dalyje autorė apžvelgia pagrindines sampratas: atskleidžiama vaiko bei vaikystės samprata; analizuojamos smurto bei fizinio smurto sąvokos, šių reiškinių priežastys bei pasekmės vaikui; aptariami vaiko teisinės apsaugos principai bei smurto prevencijos samprata.
Tarptautiniu lygmeniu vaiko teises garantuojančios ir ginančios normos įtvirtinamos deklaracijose ir konvencijose. Taip pat daug svarbių nuostatų yra pateikiama valstybėms rekomendacijų forma. Ratifikuotų tarptautinių dokumentų nuostatos turi būti perkeliamos į nacionalinius įstatymus. Antrojoje darbo dalyje autorė apžvelgia šiuos teisės aktus, analizuoja pagrindines jų nuostatas, susijusias su smurto prieš vaikus užkardymu. Taip pat pateikiama ir Lietuvoje egzistuojančios vaiko teises ginančių institucijų sistemos analizė.
Trečioji darbo dalis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every year in Lithuania there is a growing number of victimized children. Around 15% of registered cases are about parents’ or other close relatives’ physical violence against children. Mass media more and more often announces about children seriously injured or killed by their parents, about violence at school. The situation demands a quick and effective solution.
The thesis “Legal regulation of child protection from physical violence” contains a concentrated and systemized analysis of sociologic, psychological and legal sides of child’s physical abuse. Not only legal acts and theoretical literature is analyzed, but also the analysis of children’s, parents’ and teachers’ research data is presented.
In the first part of thesis author presents the main conceptions: the concept of child and childhood; analysis of violence, physical violence, the reasons of this phenomenon and consequences for a child; the principles of legal protection and prevention of violence.
In the international level the rights of the child are established in various declarations and conventions, many important provisions are put in the form of recommendations. The provisions of ratified international documents must be implemented into national law. In the second part of thesis author presents these main legal acts and analyzes the main provisions concerning prevention of violence against children. Also the analysis of existing institutional system is presented.
Third part of thesis is dedicated to... [to full text]
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