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Terror’s Motor : How Shame and Humiliation Turn the Spiral of ViolenceJakob, Jana Mariella January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of shame and humiliation as root causes of violence. The author focuses on violent far-right and Islamist extremism, but in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, even gang violence and criminality are investigated. Through an ethnographic approach with thick description, the thesis attempts to capture insights, experiences and knowledge in the form of personal narratives of a variety of people – police officers, youths, researchers, psychologists, ex-cons and social workers. The investigation explores shame and humiliation as pivotal factors for violent behaviour. The concept of retributive justice, prevalent in many prisons around the world and in popular understandings of morality, is shown to be counter-productive. This has far-reaching implications for both the penal system and approaches to preventing radicalisation. As an alternative, the author argues for an approach of fostering human dignity as the most effective strategy for the prevention of violence and radicalisation. Inspired by Immanuel Kant’s essay ”Perpetual Peace”, this is called the perpetual dignity approach.
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Apreciação critica dos fundamentos da culpabilidade a partir da criminologia: contribuições para um direito penal mais ético / A critical appraisal of the foundations of culpability from a criminological perspetive: contributions to a more ethical criminal law.Davi de Paiva Costa Tangerino 21 May 2009 (has links)
A idéia de culpa está impregnada no pensamento ocidental, permeando todos os âmbitos das ciências humanas. Em sede de Direito penal, surge como forma de restrição da responsabilidade pelo resultado delitivo. Com a consolidação da racionalidade penal moderna, todavia, associa-se fortemente com a pena aflitiva, servindo a um só tempo como requisito e medida da mesma, isto é, porque o Direito penal administra uma sanção particular, a pena aflitiva, mister que o delito contenha um requisito a mais que os demais ilícitos a culpabilidade -, cuja intensidade terá repercussão direta na fixação da reprimenda. A primeira noção acabada de culpabilidade no seio da teoria do delito, conseqüentemente, é da atribuição de uma pena a quem agiu livremente em contradição ao ordenamento jurídico, situação que torna do condenado um merecedor da mesma. Está calcada em uma imagem iluminista de ser humano: livre, igual e racional; em uma imagem consensualista de sociedade, cujos bens jurídicos essenciais, em grande parte herdados do Direito natural, seriam igualmente valorados por seus membros; e, finalmente, em uma percepção da pena como espelho do mau uso da razão representado no delito. Em que pese a evolução doutrinária da culpabilidade, tais premissas, aqui denominadas ilustrativamente de pilares, mantém-se inalterados. A Criminologia, porém, demonstra que tal imagem de sujeito não se sustenta; que a sociedade é heterogênea; que os bens jurídicos são escolhas políticas e que a pena aflitiva tem efeitos deletérios tão ou mais graves quanto os do crime. Tem-se, assim, uma contradição entre o discurso e a prática do Direito penal, com um superávit punitivo, anverso de seu déficit ético. Possível correção de rota estaria na desvinculação entre delito e pena aflitiva, redefinindo-se o Direito penal, a culpabilidade e o processo penal com vistas à recomposição dos danos de relacionamento, com explícito desprezo à pena aflitiva. Dentro do marco da racionalidade penal moderna, todavia, é possível vislumbrar o fortalecimento da culpabilidade em vista das criticas criminológicas, sobretudo em sede de erro de proibição e de inexigibilidade de conduta diversa. Limitando o poder punitivo, a dogmática cumpriria a única missão viável no Estado Democrático de Direito, com resgate ético do Direito penal. / The idea of guilt is deeply rooted in western thinking, permeating all areas of humanities. In criminal law, it appears as a restriction of liability by the offense result. With the consolidation of modern criminal rationality, however, it is strongly associated to a painful penalty, serving at the same time as its requirement and extent, that is, because Criminal Law manages a particular penalty, the painful penalty, it is necessary that the offense contains an additional requirement to other illegal acts - guilt - whose intensity will have direct impact on the setting of the reprimand. The first built notion of guilt within the theory of Criminal Law, therefore, is the award of a penalty to those who freely acted in contradiction to the legal system, which makes the criminal someone who deserves such punishment. This is based on the Enlightment Age image of a human being: free, equal and rational; on a consensual society image, whose legal essential goods, largely inherited from Natural Law, would also be valued by its members; and finally, on the perception of the penalty as the mirror image of the misuse of reason, represented by the crime. Despite the doctrinal evolution of guilt, such assumptions, here called pillars, remain unchanged. Criminology, however, demonstrates that such image does not hold; that society is heterogeneous; that legal assets are political choices and that the painful penalty has side effects possibly far more serious than the crime itself. Thus there is a contradiction between the discourse and practice of Criminal Law, with a punitive surplus, opposite to its ethical deficit. A possible track correction would be the untying of crime and punishment, redefining Criminal Law, guilt and criminal prosecution with the purpose of rebuilding the relationship damages with explicit contempt with respect to the painful penalty. Within the framework of modern criminal rationality, however, it is possible to see the strengthening of guilt in the presence of criminological criticism, especially in the presence of the error as to prohibition and exculpation. Limiting punitive power, the dogmatic would meetthe only viable mission in a Democratic State of Law, with the rescue of an ethical criminal law.
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Avaliação da tomada de decisão através do jogo do ultimato no transtorno do humor bipolarGoi, Pedro Domingues January 2011 (has links)
Contexto: O Transtorno Bipolar (TB) freqüentemente está associado a um curso crônico e altamente incapacitante, com comprometimento das funções cognitivas e sociais. O prejuízo funcional no TB pode estar associado a um prejuízo nos processos de tomada de decisão. Ainda que o déficit cognitivo esteja bem documentado no TB, a avaliação de funções cognitivas específicas como a tomada de decisão econômica e a punição altruística ainda não foram bem estudadas. Nesse contexto, o Jogo do Ultimato (JU) é um teste único na avaliação da cognição social por compreender a avaliação da punição altruística, a qual é um importante mecanismo de adaptação social, funcional e do comportamento econômico. Objetivos: Avaliar o padrão de respostas ao JU e o comportamento de punição altruística em uma amostra de pacientes com TB e em controles sadios, além dos fatores clínicos e sociodemográficos associados aos diferentes padrões de resposta ao jogo. Métodos: Vinte e oito pacientes com diagnóstico de TB, eutímicos, e vinte e oito controles saudáveis foram avaliados utilizando o JU em um estudo comparativo. Todos os participantes do estudo fizeram o papel de respondedores no JU, recebendo ofertas injustas previamente estabelecidas. Os sintomas depressivos e maníacos foram avaliados através da Escala de Avaliação da Depressão de Hamilton de 17 itens (HAMD) e da Escala de Avaliação de Mania de Young (YMRS), respectivamente, devendo ser igual ou menor que 8 pontos. A história de traumas na infância foi avaliada pelo Questionário de Traumas na Infância (CTQ), e a impulsividade foi avaliada pela Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt (BIS). Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa na idade e no gênero entre os grupos. A taxa de rejeição das ofertas injustas do JU foi diferente entre pacientes e controles (53% nos pacientes e 28% nos controles). A história de traumas na infância estava relacionada à maior aceitação de ofertas injustas em pacientes (p=0,038), mas não em controles (p=0,691). Com o objetivo de avaliar a interação entre os dois grupos, o padrão de resposta no JU e a história de traumas na infância, uma análise log-linear foi realizada, mostrando uma interação estatisticamente significativa entre as três variáveis (p=0,038). Conclusão: As maiores taxas de rejeição ao JU indicam maior uso do mecanismo de punição altruística no TB, quando comparado aos controles. Por outro lado, a coexistência de TB com trauma na infância está associado a um menor uso do comportamento de punição altruística em comparação ao TB sem trauma na infância. , A flexibilidade de uso da punição altruística parece ser um importante mecanismo adaptativo segundo estudos prévios em população saudável. Dessa forma, os resultados sugerem que tanto o maior uso da punição altruística (maior taxa de rejeição no JU) no TB quanto a inibição de seu uso, que parece associado ao trauma, podem explicar em parte a dificuldade de adaptação social destes pacientes e seu comportamento econômico. / Introduction: Bipolar Disorder is frequently associated to cronic and disabling course, with impairment of social and cognitive functions. Functional impairment can be related to decision-making process impairment. Although cognitive deficits in Bipolar Disorder are well documented, assessment of specific cognitive functions such as economic decision making and altruistic punishment have not been well studied. In this context, the Ultimatum Game is a unique test in the study of social cognition by the assessment of altruistic punishment, which is an important mechanism of social adaptation, functioning and economic behavior. Objective: To compare Ultimatum Game responses and the altruistic punishment behavior between individuals with Bipolar Disorder and healthy controls and assess its associated factors. Methods: Twenty-eight euthymic Bipolar Disorder patients and an equal number of healthy controls were evaluated using the Ultimatum Game paradigm in a comparative design study. The entire sample acted as responders in the Ultimatum Game, receiving previously fixed unfair offers. Depressive and manic symptoms were determined by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale - 17 items and the Young Mania Rating Scale, respectively, and they must be 8 points or lesser. A childhood trauma history was recorded using Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and impulsivity was evaluated by the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. Results: There were no significant differences in age and gender between groups. The rate of rejection of unfair offers in Ultimatum Game was significantly different between groups (53% in Bipolar Disorder patients and 28% in healthy controls). History of childhood trauma was correlated with unfair offer acceptance in Bipolar Disorder (p=0.038), but not in controls (p=0.691). In order to explore the interaction between the two groups, the pattern of response in Ultimatum Game and the history of childhood trauma, a log linear analysis was carried out and showed a statistically significant interaction (p=0.038). Conclusion: The highest rates of Ultimatum Game rejections indicate greater use of altruistic punishment mechanism in Bipolar Disorder compared to controls. Besides, childhood trauma in Bipolar Disorder is associated with greater acceptance of the Ultimatum Game offers, indicating less use of altruistic punishment in comparison with Bipolar Disorder patients without childhood trauma. The appropriate use of altruistic punishment seems to be an important social adaptive mechanism, as previously reported by non-clinical population studies. Thus, results suggest that both the greater use of altruistic punishment (higher rate of Ultimatum Game rejections) in Bipolar Disorder and the inhibition of its use, which seems related to trauma, may explain in part difficulties in social adaptation and economic behavior of these patients.
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Direito penal e processo de individuação: um estudo junguiano sobre o impacto das leis penais na sociedade / Criminal law and the process of individuation: a junguian study about the impacto f criminal laws in societyBruno Amabile Bracco 03 July 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo central investigar o impacto das leis penais no processo de individuação, tal como concebido por Carl Gustav Jung. Para tanto, após esclarecidas questões relativas aos pressupostos teóricos da pesquisa junguiana, explorar-se-ão os passos principais do processo de individuação, procurando-se proporcionar uma introdução geral ao pensamento de Jung. Num segundo momento, procurar-se-á investigar o papel do Direito Penal na projeção da sombra humana e, por consequência, no processo de individuação. Sugerir-se-á, então, um caminho para que o Direito Penal possa verdadeiramente se inclinar ao fomento da integridade almejada pelo processo de individuação. Ao final, procurar-se-á argumentar que toda a busca, ainda que aparentemente assustadora, justifica-se em virtude daquilo que parece reservado a quem logra individuar-se. / This research intends to investigate the impact of criminal laws in the process of individuation, as conceived by Carl Gustav Jung. In order to do so, basic issues related to Junguian theoretical research will be explained, as well as the main steps of the process of individuation, seeking to provide a general introduction to Jungs thought. The role played by criminal laws in the projection of the human shadow, and, consequently, in the process of individuation itself will also be examined. Subsequently, this paper will suggest a path that Criminal Law could follow in order to truly promote human integrity, which is the main goal of the process of individuation. Finally, it will be argued that such a journey, although apparently frightening, is justified because of what seems to be reserved for those who manage to accomplish the process of individuation.
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O acordo de leniência e seus reflexos penais / The leniency agreement and its criminal effectsMaíra Beauchamp Salomi 08 May 2012 (has links)
Com as mudanças do mundo moderno surgiu uma justificada preocupação global com a crescente prática de delitos contra a ordem econômica e a dificuldade que as autoridades enfrentam para apurá-los. Para socorrê-las surge o acordo de leniência, instrumento de investigação altamente eficaz de ampla aplicação em nações estrangeiras. Mas não por isso, este instituto deve ser importado ao nosso ordenamento tal qual utilizado em terras alienígenas, ignorando-se os direitos do delator e em flagrante desrespeito aos princípios constitucionais. Diante dessa problemática, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma análise crítica acerca deste acordo e dos reflexos que provoca no âmbito penal, a fim de serem detectadas as falhas e incongruências de seu procedimento, bem como os seus aspectos inconstitucionais e, com isso, contribuir para a sua adequação ao ordenamento jurídico e seu desenvolvimento como meio de investigação para o combate aos crimes contra a ordem econômica, sobretudo, a formação de cartel. Em vista disso, será feito um estudo inicial sobre a relação entre Direito e Economia, Direito Concorrencial, seus interesses e a necessidade de tutela, inclusive pela via penal, da concorrência pelo Estado. Posteriormente, passar-se-á à análise das condutas anticoncorrenciais e dos crimes contra a ordem econômica, constatando-se os empecilhos para a investigação de tais delitos. A partir deste exame, far-se-á uma apresentação do acordo de leniência, suas origens, sua regulamentação em outros países para, então, a par das preocupações éticas que o circundam, realizar uma apreciação crítica dos efeitos que provoca na esfera penal. Ao final, em concordância com a necessidade de se manter o instituto, o presente trabalho buscará sanar as deficiências da atual legislação sobre o tema e, inclusive, da recémaprovada Lei nº 12.529/2011 , propondo alterações que visam minimizar a discricionariedade, o subjetivismo e a insegurança jurídica que permeiam o acordo, de modo a adequá-lo aos ditames constitucionais e torná-lo mais atraente aos candidatos. / The modern world has undergone changes that justify the global concern with the increasing occurrence of criminal offenses against the economic order and with the difficulty the authorities face to ascertain them by investigation. Precisely to aid the authorities, looms the leniency agreement, a highly effective investigation instrument of broad use in foreign countries. In spite of that, this institute shall not be imported to our legal system as regularly applied abroad ignoring the rights of the delator and of flagrant disrespect to constitutional principles. Before this issue, the current paper has the objective to promote a critical analysis concerning the leniency agreement and the reflexes it triggers in the criminal field, in order to evidence the flaws and incompatibility of its procedure, as well as its unconstitutional aspects, by that, be able to contribute with its suitability to the criminal systemand to its development as a mean of investigation to fight crimes against the economic order, overall, the formation of cartel. Due to that, an initial study is proposed about the relation between Law and Economics, Competition Law, their interests and the need of tutelage containing the criminal manner and the competition by the State. Later, an analysis of anti-competitive conducts and of crimes against the economic order containing the impediments to the investigation of such criminal offenses. Resulting from this examination, there will be a presentation of the leniency agreement, its origins, regulations in other countries, so that, in addition to the ethical concerns that surround the agreement, be possible the fulfillment of critical appraisal to the effects it causes in the criminal field. Finally, in accordance to the need to support the institute, the current paper seeks to heal the gaps of the current legislation related to the theme including, the newly approved Law number 12.529/2011 proposing changes that aim at minimizing the discretion, subjectivism and juridical insecurity that permeates the agreement, in a way to adequate it to the constitutional precepts and make it become more engaging to the candidates.
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Littérature in extremis. Poétique et éthique de la peine capitale dans les œuvres de Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire et Albert Camus / Literature in extremis. The Poetics and Ethics of Capital Punishment in the Works of Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire, and Albert CamusMorisi, Ève 02 May 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a trait à la représentation de la peine capitale pendant la période moderne et se situe au carrefour des domaines poétique, politique et éthique. Trois auteurs majeurs qui appréhendent l’imaginaire de l’exécution de manière contrastée sont pris en considération — Hugo, Baudelaire et Camus. L’examen des stratégies de représentation qu’ils élaborent afin de promouvoir ou de dénoncer le couperet révèle que, après 1789, la littérature opère comme le support privilégié d’un questionnement sur l’efficacité de la justice létale et sur sa négation de l’intégrité et de la communication humaines. Réciproquement, l’image moderne de la décapitation met le langage littéraire face à sa difficulté à représenter des événements qui outrepassent à la fois solidarité sociale et entendement humain. En identifiant et en analysant le dialogue noué entre trois écritures qui explorent cette dynamique réciproque, l’on démontre qu’elles mettent à mal deux présupposés; l’un pénal, et l’autre littéraire. D’une part, malgré leur désaccord quant à la recevabilité de la peine capitale et quant à la fonction de la littérature, chacun des auteurs concernés invalide, de manière explicite ou implicite, les prémisses progressistes qui légitimèrent la guillotine depuis la Révolution française jusqu’à l’abolition. D’autre part, cette invalidation des prétendues vertus de l’échafaud figure dans des textes qui compliquent l’opposition conventionnelle entre une littérature essentiellement soucieuse d’esthétique et une autre inquiète des questions politiques. Loin de conforter cet antagonisme, les œuvres étudiées ouvrent le paradigme restreint de la littérature dite engagée à des formes inattendues de discours éthiques. / This dissertation pertains to the representation of capital punishment in the modern period. It sets out to answer the question “How does post-Revolutionary literature act in the face of Western society’s most violent legal practice, the death penalty?” It focuses on three canonical authors who portray the imaginaire of execution in contrasting ways and investigates the intersection of poetics, politics, and ethics. The writings forged by Hugo, Baudelaire, and Camus to promote or denounce capital punishment show that literature served as a medium that questions the law’s negation of human values and communication after 1789. Conversely, the modern image of decapitation confronts language with the limits of its power to represent events that exceed social solidarity and human understanding. By placing the three writers in a transhistorical dialogue that explores this reciprocal dynamics, I demonstrate that they undo two preconceptions: one penal, and the other literary. First, despite their disagreement on the legitimacy of lethal justice and the function of literature, the authors invalidate, explicitly or implicitly, the premises that legitimated the guillotine from the French Revolution until the abolition of capital punishment in 1981: the supposed painlessness and immediacy of beheading, and the machine’s ability to maintain order in society. Second, this invalidation of the supposed virtues of head severance emerges from texts that complicate the apparent divide between strictly aesthetic literature and politically committed writing. On the contrary, these works open up the restrictive category of littérature engagée to new, unexpected forms of ethical discourses. [1697 carac.]
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Leder strängare straff till färre brott? : En utvärdering av hur 2010 års straffmätningsreform påverkat brottsfrekvensenForslund, Eva, Olsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Leder hårdare straff till färre brott? Det sambandet ämnar vi undersöka i denna uppsats. För att att göra det analyserar vi 2010 års straffmätningsreform som förlängde straffen för allvarliga våldsbrott. Reformen påverkade vissa brott men inte alla, vilket vi utnyttjar som ett naturligt experiment i en difference-indifferencesansats. De brottstyper som påverkades används som behandlingsgrupp, medan de som inte påverkades används som jämförelsegrupp. Därefter tolkas skillnaden i förändring hos de båda gruppernas brottsfrekvenser ut. När hela efterperioden analyseras finner vi ingen statistiskt signifikant effekt. Analyseras varje år i efterperioden för sig finner vi en negativ och statistiskt signifikant effekt på 14,9 % av reformen året efter den trädde i kraft (2011). / Do longer prison sentences lead to fewer committed crimes? This paper pursues to evaluate this causation through a difference-in-differences analysis. In 2010, there was a reform in Sweden that meant to make prison sentences longer for some crimes. The fact that the reform affected some crimes but not others is exploited as a natural experiment. We use the types of crime that were affected by the reform as a treatment group and the types of crime that were not affected as a control group. Then we assess the difference in frequency change of the two groups of crimes after the reform took effect. When the whole post reform period is analyzed, we find no statistically significant effects. When the effect is isolated one year after the reform was implemented (2011) we find a statistically significant effect of 14.9 %. There is no statistically significant result when the reform is isolated for 2012 and 2013.
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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Role as Mitigators for Youthful and Non-Youthful Offenders in Capital Sentencing CasesTrapassi, Jessica R. 30 June 2017 (has links)
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their role as mitigators in capital sentencing is an important, yet relatively unexplored, topic in criminological literature. Using data from the North Carolina Capital Sentencing Project, this study explores the role of ACEs as mitigating factors for youthful and non-youthful capital offenders: whether youthful offenders are less likely to be sentenced to death, whether or not ACEs are effective as mitigating factors, and whether ACE mitigators are more effective for youthful or non-youthful offenders. Results show that youthful capital offenders are less likely to be sentenced to death than adult capital offenders, and while ACE variables effectively mitigate against a death sentence, they do not mitigate more effectively for youthful offenders than non-youthful offenders. These findings, along with policy implications and directions for future research, are then discussed.
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Trest obecně prospěšných prací a jeho výkon / Community service and its performanceHanus, Adam January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to define one of the alternative punishments - community service from different points of view. Firstly from a historical and descriptive point of view, regarding procedural aspects and further specifics, namely cooperation with the Probation and Mediation Service. Further the thesis outlined the alternative end of the performance, specifically postponing the sentence, parole and waiving of sentence, which may happen to the offender in certain cases. Pros and cons of this kind of punishment were discussed in detail and also its position in the system of penalties, especially competition with the punishmnt house arrest. This thesis also contains a procedure for failure regarding the sentence of community service, thus transforming the prison sentence into inprisonment, the range of conditions, and other aspects. Part of the work includes a comparison with other countries, especially Slovak Republic, having this kind of punishment for a shorter time. The second half of the thesis deals with partially unfulfilled potential regarding sentence of community service, its and ability to empty the prisons and become a universal punishment used in case of most minor offenses. This thesis also included enumeration of the conditions that must be fulfilled to ensure that this...
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Vězeňství a jeho pojetí ve společnosti / Prison and his conception of socetyBašusová, Dagmar January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to explain both the past and present of punishment in society. Inspect and map views of the public, but also the police and prison services, and how their view on the death penalty and amnesty, which people have recently become more inflection. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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