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Social Finance and the CommonsMeyer, Camille 21 April 2017 (has links)
The commons is a concept increasingly used by practitioners and social activists with the promise of creating new collective wealth (Bollier & Helfrich, 2014; De Angelis, 2003; Hardt & Negri, 2009; Klein, 2001). In recent years, a variety of scholarly research explained the different ways of organizing commons (Van Laerhoven & Ostrom, 2007). To that end, many streams of inquiry have emerged in various areas: organization theory (Ansari et al. 2013; Fournier, 2013; Tedmanson et al. 2015), institutional economics (Hess, C. & Ostrom, 2011; Ostrom, 1990, 2005, 2010), political philosophy and legal studies (Dardot & Laval, 2014; Holder and Flessas, 2008; Hardt & Negri, 2009), nonprofit studies (Aligica, 2016; Bushouse et al. 2016; Lohmann, 2014, 2016) and business ethics (Argandoña, 1998; Melé, 2009, 2012; O’Brien, 2009; Sison & Fontrodona, 2012; Solomon, 2004). However, these different theories are usually conceived and used separately. Empirical research on commons has mainly focused on natural resources at local and global levels (Ansari et al. 2013; Cody et al. 2015; Cox & Ross, 2011; Galaz et al. 2012; Ostrom, 1990, 2010; Poteete et al. 2010), and also on digital and scientific resources (Benkler, 2006; Boyle, 2008; Cook‐Deegan & Dedeurwaerdere, 2006; Coriat, 2015; Hess & Ostrom, 2011). Despite a long research tradition in local community organizations, there is little empirical scientific knowledge that uses the lens of the commons to study shared resources that are neither natural nor informational in nature. This dissertation aims to fill these gaps by analyzing social finance services and organizations from an interdisciplinary perspective. The aim is to understand whether communities can create financial commons. By analyzing the processes involved, the dissertation sheds light on the social and institutional components enabling the creation of human-made commons. We focus on community organizations linked to the solidarity economy movement in Brazil. Such movement aims to promote socio-economic alternative organizations, especially for poverty alleviation and inequality reduction.More specifically, the dissertation identifies the nature of two kinds of shared financial resources––microcredit services and complementary currencies––and looks at the functioning of community arrangements that provide them, the community components mobilized for creating commons organizations, and the institutional work strategies developed by intermediary organizations to adjust the scale of these social finance services.The dissertation is structured in four chapters, each of which addresses different research questions and uses different methods and units of analysis. The first chapter is conceptual and based on a literature review on complementary currencies in order to identify the commons dimensions of seven complementary currency systems. The second chapter is an in-depth single case study of Banco Palmas, a Brazilian community bank. This chapter analyzes the transformative power of governance on private goods when managed by self-governed grassroots organizations. Chapter three is a comparative case study of five community banks that focuses on the community components involved in creating commons as a grassroots response to contested market and state institutions. The final chapter focuses on the diffusion and institutionalization of social finance in Brazil and the role played by five intermediary organizations in this process.Starting from the observation that there is no definition of financial commons, Chapter 1 – Money and the Commons: Lessons from Complementary Currencies – proposes to assess the commons dimensions of monetary systems created and managed by local organizations. Specifically, we investigate the organizational features of seven complementary currency systems by making use of two main theoretical frameworks that are usually separate: the new commons in organization studies and the common good in business ethics. The findings show that these alternative monetary systems and organizations promote the common interest through the creation of new communities and can therefore be considered as commons according to the common good framework. Nevertheless, only systems relying on collective action and self-management fulfill the new commons framework. This allows us to suggest two new categories of commons: “social commons”, which fulfills both the new commons and the common good frameworks, and the “commercial commons”, which that fulfill the common good but not the new commons framework. Building on this, we define an ethos of the commons as a principle that consists in organizing commons practices through both collective organization and ethical concern for human flourishing.Chapter 2 - A Case Study of Microfinance and Community Development Banks (CDBs) in Brazil: Private or Common Goods? - looks at how governance mechanisms of self-managed community organizations affect the characteristics of microcredit services. Based on field research in Brazil, this chapter uses Elinor Ostrom’s design principles of successful self-governing common-pool resource organizations to analyze community banks’ microcredit systems. Our results suggest that private goods could be altered when governed by community self-managed enterprises. They become hybrid goods because they mix the characteristics of private and common goods. This change is facilitated by specific organizational arrangements, such as self-governance, that emerge from grassroots dynamics and the creation of collective-choice arenas. These arrangements help strengthen the inclusion properties of nonprofit microcredit services.In order to identify what components enable commons creation, we conduct a comparative case study of five Brazilian community banks in Chapter 3 – Building Commons in Community Enterprise: The Case of Self-Managed Microfinance Organizations. We analyze how community enterprises create commons whereas market and state institutions reproduce exclusion and inequalities. Our results suggest that four components are required to establish a new organization of commons: collective decision-making, community social control, servant leadership, and desire for social change. Building on this, we develop a model of commons organization and explain why these organizations are substitutes for existing marginalizing institutions. This study contributes to the literature by examining new elements for commons creation and shedding light on the emergence of new institutional arrangements for social change. Finally, after looking at commons institutional arrangements at local level in communities, we examine how commons organizations diffuse, institutionalize and organize in networks for consolidating their activities. Chapter 4 - Institutional Change and Diffusion in Institutional Plurality: The Case of Brazil’s Solidarity Finance Sector – explains how intermediary organizations help in this process. More precisely, we analyze the institutional work strategies deployed by five intermediary organizations in the Brazilian plural institutional context, where autonomous local state agencies and banks influence community banks' activities. We show how intermediary organizations support the institutionalization of community development banks (CDBs) through diffusing these organizations in different communities, performing external institutional work with governments and public banks at national and local levels, and accomplishing internal institutional work through structuring CDBs and CDB networks. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Studying user experience of health behavior change support systems:a qualitative approach to individuals’ perceptions of web-based interventionsKarppinen, P. (Pasi) 22 November 2016 (has links)
Behavior change support systems (BCSSs) help people to achieve personal goals that they cannot necessarily achieve on their own. Typical BCSSs include health-related systems and applications. Significant policy and research attention has been aimed at information technologies that enable behavior change in regard to individuals’ health and wellbeing activities.
The aim of this dissertation is to build a comprehensive view of health BCSSs, ranging from technology adoption to engagement, persuasion, and habit formation. As its main research question, the present thesis asks: What can user experiences of health BCSS reveal about behavior change? In addition, it proposes a framework for different approaches, which can help developers solve ethical issues in their BCSS design.
This dissertation comprises four qualitative studies and one conceptual study. Hermeneutics has been the most influential research method in conducting these studies. Ontologically, hermeneutics leans toward socially constructed reality. The primary conceptual lenses for interpreting the data are the BCSS framework and Persuasive Systems Design model.
This thesis extends prior research on eHealth, including non-adoption, flow esperience, use adherence, habit formation, and ethics. The results emphasize that persuasive systems design can affect user experience in different stages of system adoption and learning a new, healthier lifestyle. The presented work addresses health behavior change as a complex issue. Many individuals regard system usefulness in terms of perceived value for themselves rather than in terms of the system’s instrumental value. People are less likely to use the systems if they do not fit into their daily routines. Flow experience appears not to play as fundamental part in the BCSS use experience as is expected. The results suggest that self-monitoring, reminders and tunneling can help users to achieve better outcomes. These persuasive features can help increasing subject’s compliance and commitment, which in turn can help individuals to achieve better habits. Additionally this thesis presents a framework where different ethical approaches are divided to three distinct categories. / Tiivistelmä
Käyttäytymismuutosta tukevat tietojärjestelmät auttavat ihmisiä saavuttamaan henkilökohtaiset tavoitteensa, joita he eivät välttämättä yksin saavuttaisi. Tyypillisesti tällaiset järjestelmät ja applikaatiot liittyvät terveyteen. Sekä tutkimuksessa että julkishallinnossa on kiinnitetty huomiota, kuinka yksilöiden terveyttä ja hyvinvointia voidaan edistää informaatioteknologian avulla.
Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena on rakentaa kokonaisvaltainen näkemys terveyttä edistävistä käyttäytymismuutosta tukevista tietojärjestelmistä lähtien järjestelmän käytöstä ja osallistavuudesta, suostuttelevuuteen ja tapojen muodostumiseen.
Väitöskirjan keskeisin tutkimuskysymys on: mitä käyttäjien kokemukset terveyttä edistävistä käyttäytymismuutosta tukevista tietojärjestelmistä paljastavat mitattavasta käyttäytymismuutoksesta? Lisäksi tämä väitöskirja tarjoaa viitekehyksen, joka voi auttaa suunnittelijoita ratkaisemaan eettisiä ongelmakohtia, kun he suunnittelevat käyttäytymismuutosta tukevia tietojärjestelmiä.
Väitöskirja pitää sisällään neljä kvalitatiivista osajulkaisua ja yhden konseptuaalisen osajulkaisun. Hermeneutiikka on osajulkaisujen kannalta keskeisin tutkimusmenetelmä. Ontologisesti hermeneutiikka nojaa sosiaalisesti konstruoituun todellisuuteen. Aineiston tulkitsemisen kannalta keskeisimmät konseptuaaliset viitekehykset ovat olleet BCSS framework ja Persuasive Systems Design model.
Väitöskirja laajentaa aiempaa tutkimuksellista näkökulmaa eHealth-teemasta pitäen sisällään näkökulmat järjestelmän hylkäämisestä, flow-kokemuksesta, järjestelmän käyttöön sitoutumisesta, elintapojen muodostumisesta ja eettisyydestä. Väitöskirjan tulokset korostavat, että suostuttelevien järjestelmien suunnittelumenetelmät voivat vaikuttaa käyttäjäkokemukseen eri vaiheissa järjestelmän käyttöönotosta uuden terveellisemmän elintavan omaksumiseen. Väitöskirjassa esitellyt osajulkaisut osoittavat, että terveyttä edistävä käyttäytymismuutos on monimutkainen kokonaisuus. Moni haastatelluista koki järjestelmän hyödyllisyyden liittyvän enemmän itsensä kehittämiseen kuin välineelliseen hyötyyyn. Ihmiset olivat vastentahtoisia käyttämään järjestelmää, jos se ei sopinut heidän arkielämäänsä. Väitöskirjan tulokset antavat ymmärtää, että itsemonitorointi, muistutukset ja tunnelointi auttavat käyttäytymismuutosta tukevien tietojärjestelmien käyttäjiä saavuttamaan parempia lopputuloksia. Nämä suostuttelevat elementit voivat helpottaa käyttäjiä noudattamaan ohjeita ja sitoutumaan muutosprosessiin kohti terveellisempiä elämäntapoja. Väitöskirja tarjoaa lisäksi viitekehyksen, jossa erilaiset eettiset lähestymistavat on jaotelty kolmeen eriteltävään kategoriaan.
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Exploring the sensory compatibility of ten children with autism and their mothersPillay, Sarosha January 2008 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Occupational Therapy) - MSc(OT) / Children with autism typically present with sensory processing difficulties that affect their ability to relate to people. This qualitative study focused on exploring the sensory processing of children with autism and their mothers, using a frame of reference of sensory integration theory. The purpose of the study was to help mothers gain knowledge and understanding into their own sensory processing so that they could develop a better understanding of their child's sensory processing in order to facilitate better mother-child relationships. An evaluation tool, the Sensory Profiles by Dunn (1999) and the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile by Brown & Dunn (2002) was used as the instrument for gathering information on sensory processing. The population consisted of ten sets of mothers and their children with autism who attend Vera School for Learners with Autism. The Sensory Profiles was completed to investigate the phenomenological issues regarding the sensory modulation aspects of the parent-child relationship. Each mother received individual feedback on their own and their child's sensory processing. Two focus groups were then conducted with the mothers to determine the value of the information gained from the profiles. Data consisted of two audio taped feedback from the focus group. Data was analysed for emerging themes. The three major themes that emerged were, (a) You realize how similar you are to your child, (b) I also have needs (c) They walk away and leave you with this wreck of a child. The findings of the study suggest that an understanding of sensory processing can influence the mother-child relationship positively. / South Africa
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Analýza trhu IT služeb pro hotelové provozy / Market analysis for hotel IT servicesZoubková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The author applies marketing research methods, in order to work out a recommendation for sales growth on the background of an IT services company looking for expansion in the hotel sector in the Czech Republic. Through the application of qualitative and quantitative research methods it is established that the anonymized company needs to focus on the segment of three to five star hotels in Prague that do not have their HQ outside of the Czech Republic. Furthermore, a clear product focus on cost saving utilisation of product like virtualization and office automatization is advised, whilst expanding the portfolio on basic hotel needs like camera and entertainment systems. Finally, the analysis recommends to establish professional behaviour and appearance guidelines for in the field service technicians.
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Investigating the Impact of Patient-Provider Communication on HIV Treatment AdherenceBarnes, Shelly Marie 05 1900 (has links)
Today over 1.1 million people are living with HIV/AIDS in the United States; over the last 4 decades mortality rates have decreased largely made in part because of advancement in awareness and treatment options. Treatment adherence has long been considered a vital component in decreasing HIV/AIDS related mortality and has proven to reduce the risk of transmission. However not all patients take their medicine as prescribed. This research study, sponsored by The North Central Texas HIV Planning Council explored how Patient and Provider communication impacted treatment adherence. By utilizing a mixed-methods approach survey data and semi-structured interviews were used to collect insights from both Patients and Providers. Data gleaned through the interview process provided a perspective that could not be captured by using quantitative methods alone. The results from this research yielded multiple themes related to patient and provider communication with recommendations as to how The North Central Texas HIV Planning Council could address treatment adherence, such as Providers focus on Patients perceived severity based on their understanding of disease and illness; that side-effects remain a concern for patients and should not be dismissed; and finally that the word AIDS is perceived to be more stigmatized and as such organizations providing HIV/AIDS related services should explore alternative names where the word AIDS in not included.
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Réponses des Etats à la Droite Radicale en France et en Allemagne : acteurs publics, cadres de référence et prise de décision / State Responses to the Radical Right in France and Germany : Public Actors, Policy Frames, and Decision-MakingLaumond, Bénédicte 24 November 2017 (has links)
À partir de campagnes d’entretiens réalisés auprès d’acteurs publics répondant à la droite radicale en Allemagne et en France, je propose d’expliquer comment les acteurs publics de ces deux Etats participent à la régulation de l’expression du radicalisme de droite. J’ai choisi pour ce faire d’explorer deux pays voisins ayant cadré différemment la place de la lutte contre le radicalisme de droite : les acteurs politiques et administratifs allemands ont construit une politique publique luttant contre le radicalisme politique, ce qui n’est pas le cas de la France où le traitement de la droite radicale se fait avant tout au sein de l’arène politique. L’approche comparée souligne que la gouvernance de la droite radicale par les services de l’Etat fait l’objet d’une construction constante reposant sur une diversité d’acteurs ayant leurs propres cadres de références basés sur des jugements normatifs, des intérêts et expériences institutionnelles. Ce sont les constellations d’acteurs avec différents cadres de référence et la nature de leurs interactions qui permettent d’expliquer les conditions de l’utilisation des instruments de politique publique répondant au radicalisme de droite. Les différences dans la gestion du radicalisme de droite en Allemagne et en France illustrent les rapports que ces sociétés libérales et démocratiques entretiennent avec la politique. / Based on research fieldwork conducted in France and Germany with semi-directed interviews split between different institutional actors responding to right-wing radicalism, this study seeks to explain how public actors have taken part in the regulation of the expression of right-wing radicalism. I thereby chose to compare neighbouring countries, which have framed the struggle against right-wing radicalism differently: German political and state actors have constructed a public policy responding to political radicalism, whereas it has hardly been the case in France where the radical right is primarily handled in the political arena. The comparative approach outlines that the governance of the radical right by state authorities is the object of a continuous political construction undertaken by a variety of actors with distinctive policy frames. These are based on normative judgements, personal interests, and institutional experiences. The constellations of actors with different policy frames and their interactions during the decision-making process enable to explain the modalities of the use of policy instruments that are used to respond to right-wing radicalism. Differences in the handling of right-wing radicalism in France and Germany illustrate the relationships that these liberal and democratic societies have had with politics.
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Spatially Assessing the perceptions and motivations of farmers implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the Western Lake Erie BasinAthreya, Brinda K. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Communicating Sensitive Topics in Polarized Settings: Gauging Environmental Attitudes and Actions among Conservative Community LeadersMandeville, Tristan 01 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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How Brazilians Used Media to Cope with the Issues Brought by the COVID-19 PandemicCampos, Vivian de Melo 21 April 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world faced lockdown and quarantine restrictions that encouraged or forced people to stay home. Along with the rest of the world, Brazil faced many difficulties during this period and it became one of the countries that lost more lives due to the Coronavirus infection worldwide. This study focuses on showing how people in Brazil coped with the challenges brought by the pandemic. It also focuses on showing if and how participants used media as a coping mechanism. The research was done through qualitative methods with semi-structured interviews with 25 adults who were living in Brazil during the pandemic and the lockdown restrictions. This study shows that participants did use media as a coping mechanism and even though they have encountered negative consequences, they have also faced and mentioned several positive effects during this period. Participants mentioned other coping mechanisms that made a difference for them during the darkest moments in the pandemic like, having interpersonal communication with family and friends, religion, gaming, and others.
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The Epistemic Qualities of Quantum TransformationSkalski, Jonathan Edward 15 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Growth and development are central constituents of the human experience. Although the American Psychological Association aims to understand change and behavior in ways that embrace all aspects of experience (APA, 2008), sudden, life-altering or quantum transformation has been disregarded throughout the history of psychology until recently (see Miller & C' de Baca, 1994, 2001). Quantum transformation is similar to self-surrender conversion (James, 1902), but different from peak experiences (Maslow, 1964) and near death experiences (Lorimer, 1990) because quantum transformation, by definition, involves lasting change. Quantum transformation contains epistemic qualities, which refer to the content and process of knowing (Miller & C' de Baca, 2001), but little is known about these qualities. The current study employed a qualitative method to better understand the epistemic qualities of quantum transformation. Fourteen participants were extensively interviewed about their experience. Analysis involved hermeneutic methods (Kvale, 1996) and phenomenological description (Giorgi & Giorgi, 2003). Quantum transformation is essentially a process of knowing that unfolded in the form of Disintegration, Insight, and Integration in the present study. First, Disintegration is presented by themes of Overwhelming stress, Relational struggle, Hopelessness, Holding-on, Control, Psychological turmoil, Self-discrepancy, and Guilt. Second, Insight is presented by the Content and Tacit knowing of the experience. Third, Integration is presented by Changes in values, Other-orientation, and A process of development. The results suggest that the disintegration and the suffering that characterizes the pre-transformation milieu inform how quantum transformation relates to lasting change. Therapists that automatically aim to alleviate moral-emotional sorrow or guilt should consider whether the emotional experience can bring about positive transformation. Overall, quantum transformation has potentially major implications for our understanding of personality change and moral development.
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