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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nonperturbative studies of quantum field theories on noncommutative spaces

Volkholz, Jan 17 December 2007 (has links)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Quantenfeldtheorien auf nicht-kommutativen Räumen. Solche Modelle treten im Zusammenhang mit der Stringtheorie und mit der Quantengravitation auf. Ihre nicht-störungstheoretische Behandlung ist üblicherweise schwierig. Hier untersuchen wir jedoch drei nicht-kommutative Quantenfeldtheorien nicht-perturbativ, indem wir die Wirkungsfunktionale in eine äquivalente Matrixformulierung übersetzen. In der Matrixdarstellung kann die jeweilige Theorie dann numerisch behandelt werden. Als erstes betrachten wir ein regularisiertes skalares Modell auf der nicht-kommutativen Ebene und untersuchen den Kontinuumslimes bei festgehaltener Nicht-Kommutativität. Dies wird auch als Doppelskalierungslimes bezeichnet. Insbesondere untersuchen wir das Verhalten der gestreiften Phase. Wir finden keinerlei Hinweise auf die Existenz dieser Phase im Doppelskalierungslimes. Im Anschluss daran betrachten wir eine vier-dimensionale U(1) Eichtheorie. Hierbei sind zwei der räumlichen Richtungen nicht-kommutativ. Wir untersuchen sowohl die Phasenstruktur als auch den Doppelskalierungslimes. Es stellt sich heraus, dass neben den Phasen starker und schwacher Kopplung eine weitere Phase existiert, die gebrochene Phase. Dann bestätigen wir die Existenz eines endlichen Doppelskalierungslimes, und damit die Renormierbarkeit der Theorie. Weiterhin untersuchen wir die Dispersionsrelation des Photons. In der Phase mit schwacher Kopplung stimmen unsere Ergebnisse mit störungstheoretischen Berechnungen überein, die eine Infrarot-Instabilität vorhersagen. Andererseits finden wir in der gebrochenen Phase die Dispersionsrelation, die einem masselosen Teilchen entspricht. Als dritte Theorie betrachten wir ein einfaches, in seiner Kontinuumsform supersymmetrisches Modell, welches auf der "Fuzzy Sphere" formuliert wird. Hier wechselwirken neutrale skalare Bosonen mit Majorana-Fermionen. Wir untersuchen die Phasenstruktur dieses Modells, wobei wir drei unterschiedliche Phasen finden. / This work deals with three quantum field theories on spaces with noncommuting position operators. Noncommutative models occur in the study of string theories and quantum gravity. They usually elude treatment beyond the perturbative level. Due to the technique of dimensional reduction, however, we are able to investigate these theories nonperturbatively. This entails translating the action functionals into a matrix language, which is suitable for numerical simulations. First we explore a scalar model on a noncommutative plane. We investigate the continuum limit at fixed noncommutativity, which is known as the double scaling limit. Here we focus especially on the fate of the striped phase, a phase peculiar to the noncommutative version of the regularized scalar model. We find no evidence for its existence in the double scaling limit. Next we examine the U(1) gauge theory on a four-dimensional spacetime, where two spatial directions are noncommutative. We examine the phase structure and find a new phase with a spontaneously broken translation symmetry. In addition we demonstrate the existence of a finite double scaling limit which confirms the renormalizability of the theory. Furthermore we investigate the dispersion relation of the photon. In the weak coupling phase our results are consistent with an infrared instability predicted by perturbation theory. If the translational symmetry is broken, however, we find a dispersion relation corresponding to a massless particle. Finally, we investigate a supersymmetric theory on the fuzzy sphere, which features scalar neutral bosons and Majorana fermions. The supersymmetry is exact in the limit of infinitely large matrices. We investigate the phase structure of the model and find three distinct phases. Summarizing, we study noncommutative field theories beyond perturbation theory. Moreover, we simulate a supersymmetric theory on the fuzzy sphere, which might provide an alternative to attempted lattice formulations.

Precise determination of universal finite volume observables in the Gross-Neveu model

Korzec, Tomasz 13 July 2007 (has links)
Bei dem Gross-Neveu Modell handelt es sich um eine in zwei Raumzeit-Dimensionen formulierte Quantenfeldtheorie, die einige Gemeinsamkeiten mit der Quantenchromodynamik aufweist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zunächst ein Überblick über das Kontinuumsmodell sowie über diskretisierte Versionen gegeben. Ein Renormierungsschema wird eingeführt und getestet. Berechnungen im Grenzwert unendlich vieler Fermionfamilien und in Störungstheorie werden durchgeführt. In ausgiebigen Monte-Carlo Simulationen der Modelle mit einer und vier Fermionfamilien wird eine Reihe universeller Größen mit hoher Genauigkeit ermittelt. Simuliert wird eine Gitterversion des Modells mit Wilson-Fermionen. Für das Modell mit nur einer Fermionfamilie, welches zum masselosen Thirring-Modell äquivalent ist, werden die kontinuumsextrapolierten Ergebnisse mit einer exakten Lösung dieses Modells konfrontiert. / The Gross-Neveu model is a quantum field theory in two space time dimensions that shares many features with quantum chromo dynamics. In this thesis the continuum model and its discretized versions are reviewed and a finite volume renormalization scheme is introduced and tested. Calculations in the limit of infinitely many fermion flavors as well as perturbative computations are carried out. In extensive Monte-Carlo simulations of the one flavor and the four flavor lattice models with Wilson fermions a set of universal finite volume observables is calculated to a high precision. In the one flavor model which is equivalent to the massless Thirring model the continuum extrapolated Monte-Carlo results are confronted with an exact solution of the model.

Graphs in perturbation theory

Borinsky, Michael 30 May 2018 (has links)
Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist eine Erweiterung der Hopfalgebrastruktur der Feynmangraphen und Renormierung von Connes und Kreimer. Zusätzlich wird eine Struktur auf faktoriell wachsenden Potenzreihen eingeführt, die deren asymptotisches Wachstum beschreibt und die kompatibel mit der Hopfalgebrastruktur ist. Die Hopfalgebrastruktur auf Graphen erlaubt die explizite Enumeration von Graphen mit Einschränkungen in Bezug auf die erlaubten Untergraphen. Im Fall der Feynmangraphen wird zusätzlich eine algebraische Verbandstruktur eingeführt, die weitere eindeutige Eigenschaften von physikalischen Quantenfeldtheorien aufdeckt. Der Differenzialring der faktoriell divergenten Potenzreihen erlaubt es asymptotische Resultate von implizit definierten Potenzreihen mit verschwindendem Konvergenzradius zu extrahieren. In Kombination ergeben beide Strukturen eine algebraische Formulierung großer Graphen mit Einschränkungen für die erlaubten Untergraphen. Diese Strukturen sind motiviert von null-dimensionaler Quantenfeldtheorie and werden zur Analyse ebendieser benutzt. Als reine Anwendung der Hopfalgebrastruktur wird eine hopfalgebraische Formulierung der Legendretransformation in Quantenfeldtheorien formuliert. Der Differenzialring der faktoriell divergenten Potenzreihen wird dazu benutzt zwei asymptotische Enumerationsprobleme zu lösen: Die asymptotische Anzahl der verbundenen Chorddiagramme und die asymptotische Anzahl der simplen Permutationen. Für beide asymptotischen Lösungen werden vollständige asymptotische Entwicklungen in Form von geschlossenen Erzeugendenfunktionen berechnet. Kombiniert werden beide Strukturen zur Anwendung an null-dimensionaler Quantenfeldtheorie. Zahlreiche Größen werden in den null-dimensionalen Varianten von phi^3, phi^4, QED, quenched QED and Yukawatheorie mit ihren kompletten asymptotischen Entwicklungen berechnet. / This thesis provides an extension of the work of Dirk Kreimer and Alain Connes on the Hopf algebra structure of Feynman graphs and renormalization to general graphs. Additionally, an algebraic structure of the asymptotics of formal power series with factorial growth, which is compatible with the Hopf algebraic structure, will be introduced. The Hopf algebraic structure on graphs permits the explicit enumeration of graphs with constraints for the allowed subgraphs. In the case of Feynman diagrams a lattice structure, which will be introduced, exposes additional unique properties for physical quantum field theories. The differential ring of factorially divergent power series allows the extraction of asymptotic results of implicitly defined power series with vanishing radius of convergence. Together both structures provide an algebraic formulation of large graphs with constraints on the allowed subgraphs. These structures are motivated by and used to analyze renormalized zero-dimensional quantum field theory at high orders in perturbation theory. As a pure application of the Hopf algebra structure, an Hopf algebraic interpretation of the Legendre transformation in quantum field theory is given. The differential ring of factorially divergent power series will be used to solve two asymptotic counting problems in combinatorics: The asymptotic number of connected chord diagrams and the number of simple permutations. For both asymptotic solutions, all order asymptotic expansions are provided as generating functions in closed form. Both structures are combined in an application to zero-dimensional quantum field theory. Various quantities are explicitly given asymptotically in the zero-dimensional version of phi^3, phi^4, QED, quenched QED and Yukawa theory with their all order asymptotic expansions.

The generalized chord diagram expansion

Hihn, Markus 13 September 2016 (has links)
Dyson-Schwinger-Gleichungen sind Fixpunktgleichungen, die in der Quantenfeldtheorie auftauchen. Obwohl es bekannt ist, wie die Kombinatorik vor der Anwendung von Feynman-Regeln aussieht, war die Kombinatorik der resultierenden analytischen Dyson-Schwinger-Gleichungen bisher unbekannt. Wir verallgemeinern die Arbeiten von Yeats et.al. auf diesem Gebiet zu einer Klasse von unendlich vielen Dyson-Schwinger-Gleichungen mit Hilfe von Sehnen-Diagrammen. / In quantum field theory, Dyson-Schwinger equations are fixed-point equations that come from self insertion properties of Feynman graphs. While the combinatorics of these are well understood, the combinatorics are still mysterious after applying the Feynman rules. We generalize the work of Yeats et.al. in this field to an infinite number of Dyson-Schwinger equations with the help of chord diagrams.

Haag's theorem in renormalisable quantum field theories

Klaczynski, Lutz 04 March 2016 (has links)
Wir betrachten eine Reihe von Trivialitäts- resultaten und No-Go-Theoremen aus der Axiomatischen Quantenfeldtheorie. Von besonderem Interesse ist Haags Theorem. Im Wesentlichen sagt es aus, dass der unitäre Intertwiner des Wechselwirkungsbildes nicht existiert oder trivial ist. Als wichtigste Voraussetzung von Haags Theorem arbeiten wir die unitäre Äquivalenz heraus und unterziehen die kanonische Störungstheorie skalarer Felder einer Kritik um zu argumentieren, dass die kanonisch renormierte Quantenfeldtheorie Haags Theorem umgeht, da sie genau diese Bedingung nicht erfüllt. Der Hopfalgebraische Zugang zur perturbativen Quantenfeldtheorie bietet die Möglichkeit, Dyson-Schwinger-und Renormierungsgruppengleichungen mathematisch sauber herzuleiten, wenn auch mit rein kombinatorischem Ausgangspunkt. Wir präsentieren eine Beschreibung dieser Methode und diskutieren eine gewöhnliche Differentialgleichung für die anomale Dimension des Photons. Eine Spielzeugmodellversion dieser Gleichung lässt sich exakt lösen; ihre Lösung weist eine interessante nichtstörunsgtheoretische Eigenschaft auf, deren Auswirkungen auf die laufende Kopplung und die Selbstenergie des Photons wir untersuchen. Solche nichtperturbativen Beiträge mögen die Existenz eines Landau-Pols ausschliessen, ein Sachverhalt, den wir ebenfalls diskutieren. Unter der Arbeitshypothese, dass die anomale Dimension eines Quantenfeldes in die Klasse der resurgenten Funktionen fällt, studieren wir, welche Bedingungen die Dyson-Schwinger-und Renormierungsgruppengleichungen an ihre Transreihe stellen. Wir stellen fest, dass diese unter bestimmten Bedingungen kodieren, wie der perturbative Sektor den nichtperturbativen vollständig determiniert. / We review a package of triviality results and no-go theorems in axiomatic quantum field theory. Of particular interest is Haag''s theorem. It essentially says that the unitary intertwiner of the interaction picture does not exist unless it is trivial. We single out unitary equivalence as the most salient provision of Haag''s theorem and critique canonical perturbation theory for scalar fields to argue that canonically renormalised quantum field theory bypasses Haag''s theorem by violating this very assumption. The Hopf-algebraic approach to perturbative quantum field theory allows us to derive Dyson-Schwinger equations and the Callan-Symanzik equation in a mathematically sound way, albeit starting with a purely combinatorial setting. We present a pedagogical account of this method and discuss an ordinary differential equation for the anomalous dimension of the photon. A toy model version of this equation can be solved exactly; its solution exhibits an interesting nonperturbative feature whose effect on the running coupling and the self-energy of the photon we investigate. Such nonperturbative contributions may exclude the existence of a Landau pole, an issue that we also discuss. On the working hypothesis that the anomalous dimension of a quantum field falls into the class of resurgent functions, we study what conditions Dyson-Schwinger and renormalisation group equations impose on its resurgent transseries. We find that under certain conditions, they encode how the perturbative sector determines the nonperturbative one completely.

Leptogênese e mecanismo de See-Saw de tipo I na teoria quântica de campos fora do equilíbrio térmico / Leptogenesis and Type I See-Saw Mechanism in the Out-of-equilibrium Quantum Field Theory

Yuber Ferney Perez Gonzalez 04 April 2013 (has links)
Um dos problemas mais importantes que precisa ser resolvido, tanto pela física de partículas como pela cosmologia, é a existência de assimetria bariônica. Entre os cenários mais atrativos para a geração dinâmica da assimetria bariônica (Bariogênese) encontra- se a denominada Leptogênese. Nesse cenário, cria-se uma assimetria leptônica que será convertida em assimetria bariônica por processos não perturbativos mediados por sphalerons. Na realização mais simples da Leptogênese, que será estudada nesta dissertação, neutrinos pesados de mão direita, produzidos termicamente, decaem violando CP, gerando um assimetria leptônica nesses decaimentos. O principal atrativo deste cenário é que conecta duas escalas aparentemente diferentes: a escala da geração de assimetria leptônica e a escala das massas e oscilações dos neutrinos ativos mediante o mecanismo de See-Saw. O estudo usual da Leptogênese utiliza equações de Boltzmann para determinar a evolução temporal da assimetria. Porém, a equação de Boltzmann é uma equação semiclássica, dado que envolve, por um lado, uma função clássica no espaço de fases, a função de distribuição, mas, por outro, os termos de colisão envolvem quantidades obtidas na teoria quântica de campos à temperatura nula. Em particular, a formulação de Boltzmann não permite descrever fenômenos quânticos como oscilações coerentes e efeitos de decoêrencia e interferência. Uma descrição quântica completa da evolução da assimetria leptônica na leptogênese deve, de fato, ser obtida no contexto da teoria quântica de campos fora do equilíbrio térmico. O formalismo de Schwinger-Keldysh permite realizar isso. Nesta dissertação descreveremos a leptogênese no formalismo de Schwinger-Keldysh para o caso em que são adicionados ao espectro de partículas do Modelo Padrão três neutrinos de mão direita, sem fazer qualquer suposição sobre a hierarquia de massas. / One of the most important problems that is needed to solve by the Elementary Particle Physics as well as by the Cosmology is the existence of baryonic asymmetry. Among the most attractive scenarios of dynamic generation of baryonic asymmetry (Baryogenesis) is the so-called Leptogenesis. In that scenario, a leptonic asymmetry is treated in such a way that it will be converted in baryonic asymmetry by non-perturbative processes mediated by sphalerons. In the simplest realization of Leptogenesis, that will be studied in this disertation, heavy right-handed neutrinos, produzed thermally, decay violating CP generating a leptonic asymmetry in these decays. The principal attractive of this scenario is that it connects two apparently different scales, the scale of leptonic asymmetry generation and the scale of masses and oscillations of the active neutrinos through the See-Saw mechanism. The usual study of the leptogenesis uses Boltzmann equations in order to determine the temporal evolution of the asymmetry. However, the Boltzmann equation is a semiclassical equations, since, on one side, it is formulated for a classical function in phases space, the distribution function, but, on the other hand, the collision term involves quantities obtained in the Quantum Field Theory at zero temperature. In particular, Boltzmann formulation does not allow to describe quantum phenomena such coherent oscillations and effects of decoherence and interference. Indeed, a proper quantum description of the evolution of the leptonic asymmetry must be obtained in the context of the Non-Equilibrium Quantum Field Theory. The Schwinger-Keldysh formalism allows to perform this. In this dissertation, leptogenesis is described using the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism for the case in which there are three right-handed neutrinos without a definite mass hierarchy.

Estados Exóticos do Charmonium / Charmonium Exotic States

Albuquerque, Raphael Moreira de 14 December 2012 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado é utilizado o método das Regras de Soma da QCD para estudar a natureza dos novos estados ressonantes do charmonium: Y(3930), Y(4140), X(4350), Y(4260), Y(4360) e Y(4660). Há fortes evidências de que estes estados possuam estruturas hadrônicas não convencionais (ou exóticas) uma vez que as suas respectivas massas e canais de decaimento observados experimentalmente são inconsistentes com o que é esperado para o estado ressonante convencional do charmonium, J/psi. O mesmo fenômeno ocorre no setor do bottomonium, onde os novos estados Yb(10890) e Yb(11020) observados recentemente poderiam indicar a existência de novos estados exóticos do bottomonium. Neste sentido, verifica-se que o estado Y(4140) poderia ser descrito ou por uma estrutura molecular Ds*Ds* (0++) ou mesmo uma mistura entre estados moleculares Ds*Ds* (0++) e D*D* (0++). Já os estados Y(3930) e o X(4350) não podem ser descritos por correntes moleculares D*D* (0++) e Ds*Ds* (1-+), respectivamente. Verifica-se também que a estrutura molecular Psi(2S) f_0(980) (1--) descreve muito bem a massa do estado Y(4660). Uma extensão ao setor do bottomonium indica que o estado molecular Y(2S) f_0(980) é um bom candidato para descrever a estrutura do estado Yb(10890). É feita também uma estimativa para os possíveis estados moleculares formados por mésons D(*) e B(*), que poderão ser observados em futuros experimentos realizados pelo LHC. Um amplo estudo, utilizando o formalismo das Regras de Soma e também da Dupla Razão das Regras de Soma, é feito para calcular as massas dos bárions pesados na QCD. As estimativas para as massas dos bárions com um (Qqq) e com dois (QQq) quarks pesados são um excelente teste para a capacidade do método das regras de soma em prever a massa dos bárions que ainda não foram observados. / In this thesis, the QCD sum rules approach was used to study the nature of the new charmonium resonances: Y(3930), Y(4140), X(4350), Y(4260), Y(4360) and Y(4660). There is a strong evidence that these states have non-conventional (or exotic) hadronic structures since their respective masses and decay channels observed experimentally are inconsistent with what expected for a conventional charmonium state, J/psi. The same phenomenon occurs on the bottomonium sector, where new states like Yb(10890) and Yb(11020) observed recently could indicate the existence of new bottomonium exotic states. In this way, one verifies that the state Y(4140) could be described as a Ds*Ds* (0++) molecular state or even as a mixture of Ds*Ds* (0++) and D*D* (0++) molecular states. For the Y(3930) and X(4350) states, both cannot be described as a D*D* (0++) and Ds*Ds* (1-+), respectively. From a sum rule point of view, the Y(4660) state could be described as a Psi(2s) f_0(980) (1--) molecular state. The extension to the bottomonium sector is done in a straightforward way to demonstrate that the Y(2S) f_0(980) molecular state is a good candidate for describing the structure of the Yb(10890) state. In the following, one estimates the mass of the exotic Bc-like molecular states using QCD Sum Rules - these exotic states would correspond to bound states of D(*) and B(*) mesons. All of these mass predictions could (or not) be checked in a near future experiments at LHC. A large study using the Double Ratio of Sum Rules approach has been evaluated for the study of the heavy baryon masses in QCD. The obtained results for the unobserved heavy baryons, with one (Qqq) and two (QQq) heavy quarks will be an excellent test for the capability of the sum rule approach in predicting their masses.

A matriz S em teoria quântica de campos em espaços curvos / The S-Matrix for Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-times

Villaverde-Custódio, Felipe Augusto 13 April 2012 (has links)
O objeto de estudo desta dissertação é o efeito de criação de partículas pela curvatura sob o escopo de uma teoria de espalhamento, discutindo quando que a interpretação a partir de uma matriz S é tangível e obtendo sua expressão nesses casos. O capítulo de introdução aborda superficialmente conceitos de relatividade geral e de teoria quântica de campos em espaços planos e curvos, necessários para a construção da matriz S. O conteúdo deste capítulo segue as apresentações feitas por Wald, Parker e Birrell em geral, tendo como guia as obras de Bar, Wald e Hawking no que se trata especificamente de relatividade geral, e de Penrose e Rindler no que se trata da estrutura espinorial. A construção da matriz S se dá no capítulo 2, tendo como guia o trabalho de Wald. O capítulo 3 apresenta exemplos que permitem a contextualização da criação de partículas em casos específicos de espaços-tempos em expansão. Este estudo nos permite verificar que as condições que precisam ser satisfeitas em um espaço-tempo globalmente hiperbólico e assintoticamente estacionário para que a formulação da matriz S possa ser feita são que as teorias no passado e futuro distantes devem ser unitariamente equivalentes, que a relação entre as regiões se dá através de transformações de Bogolyubov dadas por operadores limitados definidos em toda a parte e que tais operadores satisfaçam a condição de Hilbert-Schmidt. Nestes casos obtemos uma expressão para a matriz $S$ que descreve a criação de partículas pela curvatura do espaço-tempo para o campo de Klein-Gordon e de Dirac, além de outras relações úteis, como número médio de partículas criadas e probabilidade de se encontrar partículas em determinado modo, o que permite uma analogia com a radiação de corpo negro, passo fundamental para se entender fenômenos de grande interesse na física, como a radiação de Hawking e a criação de partículas no período inflacionário. / This master\'s thesis deals with the effect of particle creation by the curvature of space-time according to the point of view of scattering theory, discussing when such interpretation is possible by means of an S-matrix and obtaining its expression in those cases. The first chapter treats, superficially, some concepts of general relativity and quantum field theory in plane and curved space-times that are imperative to understand the construction of the S-matrix. The subject of this chapter is covered in the work of Wald, Parker, and Birrell, and follows closely the work of Bar, Wald and Hawking, when treats concepts specifically from general relativity, and from Penrose and Rindler, when talking about the spinor structure of space-time. The construction of the S-matrix is made in the second chapter, along the lines of the work of Wald. The third chapter presents some examples that bring some light on the creation of particles in specific cases of expanding space-times. This study let us verify that an S-matrix formulation is tenable, on globally hyperbolic asymptotic stationary curved space-times, if both quantum theories in the distant past and distant future are unitary equivalent, the relation of both regions is made by Bogolyubov transformations by means of everywhere defined bounded operators and that those operators satisfy the Hilbert-Schmidt condition. In those cases we derive the expression of the S-matrix for the Klein-Gordon and Dirac fields. Also we obtain the number of particles created and the probability of find particles in a particular mode, with let one make an analogy with the black body radiation, which is a fundamental step in the direction of understanding interesting phenomena in quantum field theory in curved space-times, like the Hawking radiation and particle creation in the early universe.

Os teoremas de singularidade valem se considerarmos efeitos quânticos? / Do Singularity Theorems hold if we consider quantum effects?

Campos, Lissa de Souza 11 October 2018 (has links)
Há duas brechas quânticas nos Teoremas da Singularidade em Relatividade Geral: violações das condições clássicas de energia e flutuações quânticas da geometria do espaço-tempo. Nesta dissertação, estudamos a primeira brecha e abordamos os Teoremas da Singularidade através da condição de energia. Revisamos a abordagem algébrica de Teoria Quântica de Campos para o campo de Klein-Gordon e, neste formalismo, revisamos a derivação de uma desigualdade quântica de energia para os estados de Hadamard em espaços-tempos globalmente hiperbólicos. Apesar das desigualdades quânticas de energia não poderem ser aplicadas diretamente nos Teoremas de Singularidade, mostramos que generalizações dos Teoremas de Hawking e Penrose são provadas considerando condições de energia enfraquecidas inspiradas por elas. Assim sendo, os Teoremas de Singularidade continuam valendo se considerarmos efeitos quânticos sutis. A questão de se efeitos de interação ou efeitos de ``backreaction\'\' poderiam quebrá-los ainda está em aberto; há razões para se esperar ambas as respostas. / There are two quantum loopholes in the Singularity Theorems of General Relativity: violations of the classical energy conditions and quantum fluctuations of the spacetime geometry. In this dissertation, we study the first loophole and approach Singularity Theorems through the energy condition. We review the algebraic approach of Quantum Field Theory for the Klein-Gordon field and, within it, we review the derivation of a quantum energy inequality for Hadamard states on globally hyperbolic spacetimes. However quantum energy inequalities cannot be directly applied to Singularity Theorems, we show that generalized Hawking and Penrose Theorems are proven considering weakened energy conditions inspired by them. Hence, Singularity Theorems do hold under subtle quantum effects. The question of whether interaction or backreaction effects could break them is still open; there are reasons to expect both answers.

Setor eletrofraco fortemente acoplado na escala TeV: teoria e fenomenologia no LHC. / TeV scale strongly coupled electro weak sector: theory and phenomenology at the LHC.

Lascio, Eduardo Roberto De 23 September 2011 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta estudos sobre uma possível extensão do Modelo Padrão, suas características teóricas e fenomenológicas. São estudados aspectos do Modelo Padrão relevantes para a análise do setor eletrofraco. Motivado pela solução do problema da hierarquia, é introduzido um espaço de cinco dimensões, com a quinta dimensão curva e compactificada em orbifold. Neste espaço são analisados campos escalares, espinoriais e vetoriais, exibindo modos excitados, os chamados modos de Kaluza-Klein. É incluída uma quarta geração de férmions, sendo então possível obter um setor eletrofraco fortemente acoplado na escala TeV, com a condensação de quarks. Este mecanismo é consequência de acoplamentos não universais com o primeiro modo de Kaluza-Klein do glúon, acoplamentos mais intensos com a quarta geração de quarks. É feita a determinação dos parâmetros dos quarks no espaço de cinco dimensões, resultando no setor de quarks do Modelo Padrão como limite da teoria a baixas energias. A análise teórica termina com a determinação dos acoplamentos dos quarks com o primeiro modo de Kaluza-Klein do glúon. Valendo-se da propriedade de o primeiro modo excitado do glúon trocar sabor, mesmo sendo uma partícula neutra, um estudo fenomenológico é realizado, mostrando que é possível observar eventos no LHC que indicam haver o setor fortemente acoplado, mediante a aplicação dos cortes descritos neste trabalho. / This thesis presents studies concerning a possible extension of the Standard Model, its theoretical and phenomenological characteristics. Aspects of the Standard Model that are relevant for the analysis of the electroweak sector are studied. In order to solve the hierarchy problem, a space with ve dimensions is introduced, with the fth dimension curved and compactied in orbifold. Within this space scalar, spinorial and vectorial elds are analysed, showing excited modes, the so-called Kaluza-Klein modes. A fourth generation of fermions is included, which makes it possible to obtain a strongly coupled electroweak sector at the TeV scale, with quarks condensation. This mechanism is possible due to non-universal couplings with the rst Kaluza-Klein mode of the gluon, couplings which are stronger with the fourth generation quarks. The quarks parameters in the ve-dimensional space are determined, leading to the quark sector of the Standard Model as a low energy limit of the theory. The theoretical analysis is nished by the determination of the quarks couplings with the rst Kaluza-Klein mode of the gluon. Using the property of avor exchange by the gluon, even this being a neutral particle, a phenomenological study is carried out, showing that is possible to observe events at the LHC that indicate the existence of the strongly coupled sector, by means of the use of the cuts described in this work.

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