Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rättsekonomisk"" "subject:"företagsekonomi""
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Felbegreppets tillämpning på skogsplantor / Non-conformity with regards to forest plantsTörnros, Carl Johan January 2002 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar felbegreppets tillämpning på skogsplantor. Lagstiftningen inom området skog och skogsplantor är relativt omfattande men skogsplantor är biologiska produkter varför lagstiftning inte helt kan förhindra att skador eller sjukdomar ändå uppstår. Det är helt enkelt inte möjligt att framställa skogplantor utan att en viss andel av dem är behäftade med fel. Då det är en mängd sammanverkande faktorer som kan bidra till skador eller plantors död kan det vara svårt att fastställa om orsaken till skadan/plantdöden var att hänföra till plantorna eller faktorer i uppväxtmiljön. Svårigheter att fastställa orsaken kommer därför bidra till svårigheter för skogsägarna i samband med reklamation. Reklamation skall ske inom två år från det att risken gått över på köparen. Detta är en mycket kort tid med tanke på att en plantas förväntade livslängd kan uppgå till 120 år. Felen hos skogsplantor kommer inte sällan till synes först efter den tid, inom vilken reklamation medges, vilket innebär att betydande kostnader läggs på skogsägaren. Som lösning på problemet med att skador uppstår efter reklamtionstidens utgång och skogsägaren därmed inte har något köprättsligt skydd, presenteras i uppsatsen en möjlig lösning i form av försäkring. This thesis deals with the problem of non-conformity with regards to forest plants. The field forest and forest plants is extensively regulated but forest plants are biological products and legislation cannot entirely prevent the occurrence of damages or diseases on forest plants. The reason for that is that it is not possible to produce forest plants without a certain precentage of them are faulty and thus do not conform to the contract. It can be difficult to determine the exact cause for damages or the death of forest plants dueto the fact that there are a number factors that can contribute to the damages or the death of forest plants. The result of this will be that the owners of forest will face difficulties in proving that the actual cause to the damages was non-conforming plants. Claims regarding non-conformity must be made within two years from the date, at which, the risk was passed onto the buyer. This is a very limited time considering the fact that the life expectancy of a forest plant is 120 years or more. The problem for owners of forest is that it often takes more than two years before it can be discovered that the plants do not conform to the contract and therefore the forest owners will have to bear considerable amounts themselves. This thesis presents a possible solution to the problem in form of an insurance solution.
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Skadestånd vid otillbörlig inkassoåtgärd : en rättsdogmatisk respektive rättsekonomisk analys / Undue Collection Methods : Discussion and Analysis From a Legal and Economical Point of ViewAndersson, Henrik January 2004 (has links)
Towards the end of the 1960s, the credit financed purchase was well established in Sweden. The Swedish households were able to purchase goods, which had been considered unnecessary, or even luxurious, in the past. On the other hand, effective means to handle the increasing amount of debt and potential debtors were introduced; credit rating was registered, trade with insecure claims increased and if debtors could not fulfil their obligations, the creditors often used harsh or undue methods. By introducing Inkassolagen (1974:182), the legislator hoped to regulate the debt recovery process and ensure the fair treatment of debtors. The legislator also introduced liability for damages caused by a creditor in the collection process. Thus the debtor may claim damages when he or she has been exposed to an undue collection method, which has violated the debtor’s integrity or personal life. Compensation comprises economic and/or non-pecuniary loss that the debtor has suffered. From the beginning, it was noted that the liability rule was vague and imprecise, but the legislator was convinced that the rule would be clarified by the courts and regulations decided by datainspektionen, the supervising authority. Collection methods are methods used to force the debtor to fulfil his or her obligation. Normally, the creditor puts pressure on, or threats, the debtor. This procedure can be regarded as an exception to the state’s monopoly on use of force, and therefore it is not hard to see the necessity of the regulation. It should be noted that certain collection methods can be made subject to criminal prosecution, e.g. fraud, slander or libel. From an economical point of view, a well-functioning collection process is vital to an effective capital market. The obligation to repay a loan must not be forgotten; if debtors where not obliged to fulfil theirobligations, no one would be interested in making capital available for finance. But does this mean that creditors should be able to use any means available in the collection process? Based upon the prerequisites mentioned above, this thesis comprises a traditional legal and an economical analysis of the liability rule in inkassolagen. It has been the author’s intention to separate the two different views as far as possible.
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Aktiebolagets vinstsyfte : en juridisk, rättsekonomisk och affärsetisk diskussion och analys av det privatägda aktiebolagets syfte att öka aktieägarnas förmögenheter / Shareholder Wealth Gratification in the Swedish Limited Liability Company : A Discussion and Analysis from a Legal, Economical and Ethical Point of View Regarding the Purpose of the Company to Increase the Wealth of its ShareholdersWesterlund, Joel January 2001 (has links)
Problems: How is the purpose of the swedish limited liability company to increase the wealth of its shareholders given in swedish corporate law? Based on which legal and economical grounds has this regulation been made? Which problems may occur when the purpose of the company is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders? Which strategies can be used to prevent the problems that may occur? Should the purpose of the company be to maximize the wealth of its shareholders? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether a limited liability company primarily shall aim at maximizing the wealth of its shareholders or not. Delimitations: This thesis only attend swedish limited liability companies. It also only treat swedish corporate law de lege lata. The thesis focus on larger commercial companies which shares are widely spread. It is assumed that the companies act on a market with satisfying competition. It is also assumed that individuals try to maximize their own good, that they can be rational and that they are able to react on stimulus. Finally this thesis focus mainly on the companies shareholders, its management and its employees. Method: The sources that have been used in this thesis are mainly the traditional sources for a swedish layer, namely words of legal acts,legal proposals and legal doctrine. Also economical and ethical doctrine have been of value for this thesis. Result: The purpose of a swedish limited liability company to maximize the wealth of its shareholders is, for a number of reasons, a reasonable starting point. However shareholder wealth maximization may lead to conciderable conflicts of interests when ownership and control are separated. Shareholder wealth maximization may also rise ethical problems. Therefore it is essential that the company takes other interests than those that are represented by the shareholders into account. By doing so a nuanced picture of the purpose of the company is provided.
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Battle of forms : vilken är den lämpligaste lösningen för avtalsparterna?Kristiansen, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
Kollisionen mellan två standardavtal benämns battle of forms och frågan blir om det finns ett avtal mellan parterna och vilka villkor som ska reglera parternas förpliktelser. De faktorer som anses vara av vikt är att lösningen bör vara förutsägbar, den ska innebära att parterna har en fortsatt avtalsrelation till varandra, den bör lösa tvisten snabbt och effektivt samt att den bör ta hänsyn till parternas egna krav och önskemål. Den svenska avtalslagens regler om oren accept innebär ett avtalslöst tillstånd mellan parterna och den svarar inte på vilka villkor som ska reglera avtalet. The last shot enligt art. 19 CISG innebär att det sist översända standardavtalet bli gällande på avtalet. Den amerikanska UCC 2-207 innebär en the first shot lösning, det första standardavtal som översänds till den andra parten ska reglera avtalet. Både the first och the last shot är möjliga lösningar, dock anses det inte lämpligt att battle of forms skulle lösas beroende på vem som råkar avge den första eller sista viljeförklaringen. Engelsk praxis stadgar att hänsyn ska tas till de individuella omständigheterna genom att beakta allt relevant material samt ta hänsyn till parternas beteende. Dock är lösningen baserad på spegelbildsprincipen enligt common law, varför lösningen inte anses vara lämplig. UniP och PECL erbjuder en s.k. knock-out lösning som innebär att ett nytt avtal bildas på grundval av de gemensamma villkoren i de båda standardavtalen samt eventuell utfyllnad. I en jämförelse av lösningarna framgår det att the knock-out rule kan vara den lösning som är mest lämpad och anpassad efter battle of forms och realiteterna i praktiken när parterna ingår avtal.
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En rättsekonomisk analys av insiderregleringen i MAR : Särskilt om definitionen av insiderinformation, förbudet mot insiderhandel och offentliggörandet av insiderinformation / An economic analysis of the insider regulation in MAR : Regarding the definition of inside information, the prohibition of insider dealing and the disclosure of inside informationEriksson, Anton January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Oproportionerligt betungande bedömning av insiderinformation för SME : Rättsekonomisk analys av informationsgivningsreglerna enligt art. 17.1 MAR motiverar en regelförenkling i syfte att förbättra marknadseffektivitetenFexe, Mikaela January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Oproportionerligt betungande bedömning av insiderinformation för SME : Rättsekonomisk analys av informationsgivningsreglerna enligt art. 17.1 MAR motiverar en regelförenkling i syfte att förbättra marknadseffektiviteten / Economic Analysis of Law – Reasons for simplifyingthe market abuse regulation for SMEs, regarding art. 17.1 MARFexe, Mikaela January 2023 (has links)
The market abuse regulation has the objective of investor protection and increasing market integrity. Regarding disclosure of inside information according to art.17.1 there is a challenge for issuers to unravel when there is inside informationand from when it has occurred, and that results in very high compliance costs,especially for SMEs. Given that SMEs is the backbone of the EU economy it isof importance to simplify the regulation and make the capital market more accessible to the SMEs. The Capital Market Union aims to get investments flowing within the EU, tocreate a strong economy, as integrated capital markets are essential for the competitiveness and independence of EU. To achieve the goals, changes must bemade. The capital market within the EU has fallen behind and is much smallerthan for example, US, and feedbacks from market participants shows that compliance costs are relevant when companies decides whether to go public or seekprivate funding. There is a decline in listing within the EU, especially for SMEs,and without reasonable access to finance through alternatives to expensive bankloans, SMEs and the EU economy are not given the best chance for growth. A well-functioning capital market is crucial for an efficient allocation of capitalbetween issuers and investors. SMEs could be a key driver that creates new innovations and jobs. As said, they are the backbone of the EU economy and forthat reason there should be a simplification of the regulation.
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Licensavtalet och konkurrensrätten / Licensing in Competition LawGölstam, Carl Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the significance of economic thinking and arguments in the treatment of licence agreements in EC competition law. A central question is to what degree the concept of competition in EC law reflects an economically realistic approach to competition. The study also investigates to what degree the economic functioning of intellectual property is considered in competition regulation and how much the economic functioning of the licence agreement is considered. The investigation mainly consists of a comparative analysis of EC competition law and American antitrust law concerning the economic arguments and their importance. The treatment of territorial restrictions, field of use restrictions, quantity clauses, tie-outs, tie-ins, grant back, no-challenge clauses and price restrictions are of special interest here. </p><p>This study shows that an economically realistic view of competition has influenced current EC competition law, especially in the Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation (TTBER). Exceptions from this development in the EC law are mainly due to the goal of integration of the common market. Territorial restrictions are strictly regulated in the TTBER even when the parties’ market shares are below the market thresholds defined in the regulation.</p><p>The function of intellectual property rights are not much considered in EC competition law but there are general remarks about the economic functioning of patents in the Guidelines for the TTBER. However, it is difficult to find evidence for economic reasoning about patents in the formation of concrete rules. On the contrary, patents are weakened by the widened concept of exhaustion presented in the Guidelines.</p><p>The economic functioning of the licence agreement is considered in the rules of TTBER and the economic arguments for clauses which create incentives for making investments or give the possibility of control are acknowledged. However, the free riding argument has a weak position when applied to territorial restrictions, which are more formalistically regulated.</p><p>The EC competition law has become more similar to American antitrust law. The decisive difference consists in the judicial treatment of territorial restrictions, where the goal of integration is still of central importance in EC law.</p>
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Licensavtalet och konkurrensrätten / Licensing in Competition LawGölstam, Carl Martin January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the significance of economic thinking and arguments in the treatment of licence agreements in EC competition law. A central question is to what degree the concept of competition in EC law reflects an economically realistic approach to competition. The study also investigates to what degree the economic functioning of intellectual property is considered in competition regulation and how much the economic functioning of the licence agreement is considered. The investigation mainly consists of a comparative analysis of EC competition law and American antitrust law concerning the economic arguments and their importance. The treatment of territorial restrictions, field of use restrictions, quantity clauses, tie-outs, tie-ins, grant back, no-challenge clauses and price restrictions are of special interest here. This study shows that an economically realistic view of competition has influenced current EC competition law, especially in the Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation (TTBER). Exceptions from this development in the EC law are mainly due to the goal of integration of the common market. Territorial restrictions are strictly regulated in the TTBER even when the parties’ market shares are below the market thresholds defined in the regulation. The function of intellectual property rights are not much considered in EC competition law but there are general remarks about the economic functioning of patents in the Guidelines for the TTBER. However, it is difficult to find evidence for economic reasoning about patents in the formation of concrete rules. On the contrary, patents are weakened by the widened concept of exhaustion presented in the Guidelines. The economic functioning of the licence agreement is considered in the rules of TTBER and the economic arguments for clauses which create incentives for making investments or give the possibility of control are acknowledged. However, the free riding argument has a weak position when applied to territorial restrictions, which are more formalistically regulated. The EC competition law has become more similar to American antitrust law. The decisive difference consists in the judicial treatment of territorial restrictions, where the goal of integration is still of central importance in EC law.
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The Law BusinessmanTM : Five Essays on Legal Self-efficacy and Business RiskJörgensen, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
The thesis challenges the notion of effectiveness of law as being based on the formal institutions of courts, law enforcement and written law. It argues that the best way to measure the effectiveness of law is the legal self-efficacy of laymen who are the end users of law. It presents a new perspective on the effectiveness of law. It turns the traditional perspective of studying the effects of legal institutions around and instead studies the effect of how individuals perceive their own ability to use law. This self-reflexive ability - legal self-efficacy - is the answer to the question “How comfortable are with communicating with legal terminology?”. The thesis makes several comparisons using the traditional perspective and legal self-efficacy and finds that legal self-efficacy is a better measure of legal effectiveness. This thesis analyzes 246 businesspeople in Russia and their risk behavior with regards to economic transactions in relation to legal self-efficacy. The theory behind legal self-efficacy is a combination of Luhmann’s theory of law as communication and Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy. The first paper applies the traditional approach. It analyzes the effect of legal efficiency on leverage and debt maturity for listed and non-listed companies. The second paper is describes the conceptual foundation of the legal effectiveness based on the individual. The third paper compares the effect of private order (including legal self-efficacy) and public order institutions on the granting of trade credit. The fourth paper analyzes the impact of legal self-efficacy and formal legal institutions on sanctions against clients in a comparative perspective. The final paper seeks out possible sources of legal self-efficacy. Legal self-efficacy can be used to better understand the interaction of individuals and law including such fields of research as behavioral accounting, behavioral law and finance, legal sociology and legal studies.
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