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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supporting re-sourcing decisions : the case of maintenance in Uganda's downstream oil industry

Nabuuma, Betty January 2010 (has links)
A re-sourcing decision is a sourcing decision subsequent to an outsourcing arrangement. Effective management of re-sourcing decisions is vital in ensuring the stability and continuity of organisational operations supported by outsourced critical activities. However, despite the importance of this stage in the outsourcing cycle, most outsourcing research has focused on outsourcing determinants and outsourcing process control stages. The study reported in this thesis set out to explore maintenance re-sourcing decisions in an asset-intensive service organisation operating in a capital constrained economy. The objectives of the study were to determine the factors that influence the management of maintenance re-sourcing decisions in asset intensive service organisations and to propose a management model for guiding maintenance re-sourcing decision making processes in such organisations. In order to achieve these objectives, a qualitative style oriented in-depth case study was adopted. Results from a thematic data analysis revealed that the management of re-sourcing decisions is impacted by factors that fall into three categories: the purchasing organisation s structural elements, external structural elements and boundary spanning elements. However, of the three categories, boundary spanning elements were found to have a greater bearing on the effectiveness of the most critical stages, incumbent supplier performance evaluation and incumbent to alternative supplier comparison. In addition to the recognised role that outsourcing models play in guiding sourcing decisions, this study has revealed the importance of three more key enablers. These include: recruiting qualified and experienced individuals into boundary spanning roles, developing and maintaining enabling environments for boundary spanners to engage in behaviour that supports the purchaser s goals and values, and, developing information management systems targeted at enhancing regular capturing of incumbent and alternative supplier capability and capacity before re-sourcing decision time. The results from this study will primarily benefit sourcing managers in asset-intensive service organisations operating in capital constrained economies that have outsourced or intend to outsource maintenance.

Hud & Hälsocenter- Redesign av grafiskt material / Hud & Hälsocenter- Redesig of graphic identity

Larsson, Petra, Karlsson, Julia January 2014 (has links)
I den här rapporten har vi undersökt hur man genomför en re-design av logotyp och hur man kan förmedla kärnvärden genom grafiskt material. Vi fick i uppdrag ifrån Hollies Reklambyrå att re-designa Hud & Hälsocenters ursprungliga logotyp samt grafiskt material. Det är inte ovanligt att företag inte förstår hur viktigt det är att ens grafiska profil är uppdaterad och förmedlar det man står för. Eftersom det kan kosta en del att byta ut den befintliga grafiska profilen så är många företag tveksamma inför det. Dock kan man tjäna igen de pengarna genom en re-design då man på ett bättre sätt lyckas förmedla sitt budskap och nå nya kunder. Syftet med arbetet är att förstärka Hud och Hälsocenters identitet som fokuserar på välmående både i det yttre och det inre. Målgruppen ska känna sig trygg samtidigt som de ska uppleva ett varmt omfamnande. Vi bröt ned syftet i följande frågeställningar: Hur kan man genomföra en re-design av en logotyp? Hur kan man förmedla Hud och Hälsocenters kärnvärden i ett nytt grafiskt material? De metoder vi använde oss av för att besvara frågeställningarna var att genomföra intervjuer med Hollies Reklambyrå och Hud & Hälsocenter. Sedan genomförde vi en litteraturstudie, konkurrensanalys och designprocess. Resultatet från designprocessen fick vi feedback på från tre referenspersoner. I genomförandet av våra metoder och med en gedigen teoretisk bakgrund kan vi i resultatet förmedla Hud & Hälsocenters kärnvärden i ett nytt grafiskt material. Vi har tagit fram en ny logotyp, visitkort, brevpapper samt design på hemsida. De slutsatser vi har kommit fram till är att det inte finns något specifikt tillvägagångssätt i en re-design av logotyp då det kan skilja sig mellan olika uppdrag och designers. Huvudsaken är att de förändringar som görs inte talar emot det budskap man vill förmedla utan istället förstärker kärnvärdena. Det krävs flera delar i det grafiska materialet för att förmedla kärnvärdena till målgruppen. Endast en komponent kan inte spegla alla på egen hand. / In this report, we have examined how to make a re-design of a logotype and how to express the words of value of the graphic material. We got an assignment from Hollies Reklambyrå to re-design Hud & Hälsocenter’s original logotype and graphic material. It is not unusual that companies do not understand how important it is that one's visual identity is updated and expresses what you stand for. Because it can cost a lot to replace the existing graphic identity many companies hesitate to do so. However, one can earn back the money through a re- design because then you express your message in a better way and can reach new customers. The purpose of this work is to enhance Hud & Hälsocenter’s identity that focuses on well-being in both on the inside and outside. The target group should feel safe and experience a warm embrace. We broke down the purpose of the following questions: How to conduct a re-design of a logo? How to express Hud & Hälsocenter’s words of value in a new graphic material? The methods we used to answer the questions were interviews with the Hollies Reklambyrå and Hud & Hälsocenter. Then we conducted a literature review, analysis of competitors and a design process. During the design process, we received feedback from three referees. The implementation of our methods and with a solid theoretical background, we could express Hud & Hälsocenter’s words of value in the Result, in a new graphic material. We have developed a new logotype, business card, letterhead and design of a website. The conclusions we have reached is that there is no specific procedure in a re- design of the logotype as it can differ between different assignments and designers. The main thing is that the changes made do not contradict the message you want to convey, but instead reinforces the Hud & Hälsocenter’s words of value. It requires several components in the graphical material to convey the words of value to the target group. Only one component may not reflect all on its own.

Teacher Professionalism and New Public Management: a Study of Teachers Sense of Professionalism in Swedish Ethnic Segregated Schools

Tsehaye, Adiam January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the impact of new public management (NPM) reforms on teacher professionalism in Swedish ethnic segregated schools. As a result of the various NPM reforms implemented in the education sector, the work of teachers has changed considerably in the last twenty years. The introduction of the new form of control has intensified the work load of professional teachers and led to standardization of teaching. Some scholars argue that NPM has led to professional losing control of their work resulting in de-professionalization of teachers while others argue that professional might acquire new skills that enhance their professionalism leading to re-professionalization. The theoretical basis for the thesis is Evetts (2009) occupational and organizational professionalism which is used to investigate the links between NPM and professionalism in the contexts of the public services professionals. The empirical study consists of five semi structured interviews with teachers working in four ethnic segregated schools. The findings show that teachers working in ethnic segregated schools encounter a challenging teaching environment that affects their teaching quality and diminish their professional autonomy. The result indicates the expansion of organizational professionalism and the demise of occupational professionalism. The only aspect of occupational professional that is apparent in this study is collegial relations. Moreover the findings of this study indicate the tendency towards de-professionalization.

Aquifer storage and recovery in saline aquifers

Chen, Yiming 27 August 2014 (has links)
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is a particular scheme of artificial recharge of groundwater by injecting fresh water into aquifers and subsequently recovering the stored water during times of peak demand or extended drought. In the era of combating climate change, ASR, as an effective means for water reuse and sustainable management of water resources in concert with the natural environment, represents a huge opportunity for climate change adaptation to mitigate water availability stress.The success of an ASR scheme is quantified by the recovery efficiency (RE), defined as the volume of stored water that can be recovered for supply purposes divided by the total volume injected. It is not uncommon that RE may be significantly lower than 100% because of the water quality changes as a consequence of the mixing between the injected water and native groundwater and the interaction between injected water and soil. Thus, the key of a successful ASR scheme is (1) to select appropriate aquifers and (2) to design optimal operational processes to build up a bubble of injected water with minimized negative impact from such mixing and interaction. To achieve this, this thesis develops an integrated knowledge base with sound interdisciplinary science and understanding of the mixing processes under operational ASR management in aquifers with various hydrogeological conditions. Analytical and numerical modeling are conducted to improve the scientific understanding of mixing processes involved in ASR schemes and to provide specific technical guidance for improving ASR efficiency under complex hydrogeological conditions. (1) An efficient approach is developed to analytically evaluate solute transport in a horizontal radial flow field with a multistep pumping and examine the ASR performance in homogeneous, isotropic aquifer with advective and dispersive transport processes. (2) Numerical and analytical studies are conducted to investigate the efficiency of an ASR system in dual-domain aquifers with mass transfer limitations under various hydrogeological and operational conditions. Simple and effective relationships between transport parameters and ASR operational parameters are derived to quantify the effectiveness and ascertain the potential of ASR systems with mass transfer limitations.(3) Effects of hydrogeological and operational parameters on ASR efficiency are assessed in homogeneous/stratified, isotropic/anisotropic coastal aquifers. Effects of transverse dispersion are particularly investigated in such aquifers.(4) Finally, we test and study an innovative ASR scheme for improving the RE in brackish aquifers: injection through a fully-penetrated well and recovery through a partially-penetrated well.

Efficient Shared Protection Network Design Algorithm that Iterates Path Relocation with New Resource Utilization Metrics

SATO, Ken-ichi, HASEGAWA, Hiroshi, SATO, Masakazu 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Re-design av Persgårdens förpackningsserie / Re-design of Persgårdens packaging design

Thorsén, Emelie, Sjöberg, Maja January 2014 (has links)
Förpackningen blir viktigare och viktigare och är ibland den enda kommunikationskanalen gentemot konsumenten, speciellt i små familjeföretag. Persgården är ett litet familjeföretag som är beläget ute på Visingsö och de säljer ekologisk müsli, dadlar i olika former samt frukt & nötmix. Problemet Persgården har idag är att alla deras förpackningar inte genomsyrar samma känsla och förmedlar deras kärnvärden. I och med det har vårt arbete gått ut på att göra en re-design av Persgårdens förpackningar. Vårt främsta syfte var att förändra Persgårdens befintliga förpackningar för att de skulle få ett mer enhetligt utseende mot kunden och för att konsumenterna lättare skulle känna igen alla förpackningar i serien. Syftet var även att Persgårdens förpackningar skulle sticka ut från andra liknande produkter på marknaden. Syftet var också att få en inblick i hur processen av framtagandet av en livsmedelsförpackning går till. Utifrån syftet togs följande frågeställningar fram: - Vilka kärnvärden vill Persgården kommunicera?- Vilka element och märkningar måste finnas med på Persgårdens förpackningar?- Hur kan vi förändra Persgårdens befintliga förpackningsserie så att den blir mer enhetlig, unik och kommunicerar deras kärnvärden? Metoderna som har använts för att besvara frågeställningarna är en litteraturstudie, intervjuer med ägarna av Persgården samt personer i branchen, konkurrentanalys, moodboard och besök på mässa. De nya förpackningarna har tagits fram utifrån en designprocess. Resultatet av arbetet visar vilka märkningar och element som måste finnas med på en livsmedelsförpackning. Kärnvärdena för Persgården har undersökts och konstaterats till att vara genuin, ekologisk och hälsa. Skisser och prototyper på den nya förpackningsserien har även tagits fram. Under framtagandet av de nya förpackningarna har hänsyn tagits till vad Persgården vill förmedla och vilka kärnvärden de har. Resultatet har tagits fram med hjälp av främst tankar och idéer från intervjuerna, litteraturstudien och konkurrentanalysen. Slutligen kan det konstaterats att det är viktigt att tänka på var förpackningen ska stå, vad den ska förmedla och att alla förpackningar genomsyrar samma känsla. / The packaging is becoming increasingly important and is sometimes the only communication channel to the consumer, especially in small family businesses. Persgården is a small Swedish family company located on Visingsö who sells organic muesli, various type of date, mixes of dried fruits and nuts. Persgårdens problem is that all of their packaging does not convey the same feel and communicate their core values. Our work has been to do a re-design of Persgårdens packaging. Our prime purpose was to change Persgårdens existing packaging so the packagings could get more uniformed to the customer and that consumers should easily recognize the packaging series. The purpose was also that Persgårdens packaging would stand out from other similar products on the market. The purpose was also to see how the process of production of food packaging works. Based on the purpose, the following questions have been developed: - Which core values ​​do Persgården want to communicate?- Which elements and markings must appear on Persgårdens packaging?- How can we change Persgårdens existing packaging series to make it more uniformed, unique and communicate their core values​​? The methods that have been used to answer our questions are a literature survey and interviews with the owners of Persgården and external experts. We have also done a competitor analysis, moodboard and we have visit a fair. The new packagings has been developed based on a design process. The results of this work show the markings and elements that must be included on a food packaging. The core values ​​of Persgården has been analyzed and chosen to be genuine, organic and health. Sketches and prototypes of the new packaging series have also been developed. During the development of the new packaging, consideration has been taken to what Persgården want to convey and their three core values​. The result has been developed using mainly thoughts and ideas from the interviews and the literature survey. We can finally establish that it is important to think about where the package should be placed, what it should convey and that all packaging conveys the same feeling.

Experimental determination and thermodynamic modelisation of Mo-Ni-Re system

Yaqoob, Khurram 20 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The Mo-Ni-Re system is one of the important subsystems of the Ni based superalloys engineered for use in high temperature applications. Considering the contradictions among previously reported information, the present study was devoted to the complete experimental determination of the phase equilibria in the Mo-Ni-Re system, structural characterization of its intermetallic phases and thermodynamic modeling of the system with the help of the CALPHAD method. The experimental investigation of phase equilibria was carried out with the help of equilibrated alloys and phase diagrams of the Ni-Re and Mo-Ni-Re system (at 1200°C and 1600°C) were proposed. In comparison with previous investigations, the Ni-Re phase diagram determined during the present study showed significant difference in terms of homogeneity domains, freezing ranges and peritectic reaction temperature. The 1200°C isothermal section of the Mo-Ni-Re system proposed during the present study showed large extension of the Mo-Re σ phase and Mo-Ni δ phase in the ternary region. In addition, presence of two previously unknown ternary phases was also observed. The isothermal section of the Mo-Ni-Re system at 1600°C also showed large extension of σ phase in the ternary region whereas extension of the Mo-Re χ phase in both isothermal sections was restricted to narrow composition range. The presence of the ternary phases observed in the 1200°C isothermal was not evidenced in 1600°C isothermal section. On the other hand, partial investigations of phase boundaries in the Mo-Ni and Mo-Re binary systems and determination of liquidus projection of the Mo-Ni-Re system was also carried out. The liquidus projection of the Mo-Ni-Re system proposed during present study also showed largely extended primary crystallization fields of the Mo-Re σ phase and Re solid solution in the ternary region. Since isothermal sections of the Mo-Ni-Re system showed largely extended homogeneity domain of σ, structural characterization of the Mo-Ni-Re σ with particular emphasis on determination of site occupancy trends as a function of composition was carried out by combined Rietveld refinement of the X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The experimental results gathered during the present study along with the information available in the literature were used as input for thermodynamic modeling of the Mo-Ni-Re system. The thermodynamic description of the Mo-Re system was taken from literature whereas thermodynamic modeling of the Mo-Ni, Ni-Re and Mo-Ni-Re system was carried out during the present study with the help of the CALHAD method.Keywords: Mo-Ni; Mo-Re; Ni-Re; Mo-Ni-Re; phase diagram; isothermal section; structural characterization; thermodynamic modeling; CALPHAD method

Turkijos politinės sistemos pokyčių analizė pagal Kopenhagos mokyklą: "pro-islamistinės" demokratijos link? / The analysis of changes in turkish political system according to the copenhagen school: shift towards the "pro-islamic" democracy?

Naujokaitytė, Rusnė 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šiandieninėje Turkijoje vyksta ypatingai svarbūs demokratiniai politinės sistemos pokyčiai. Ši specifinė musulmoniška demokratija jau ilgą laiką siekia integracijos į Europos Sąjungą (ES), nors jau daugiau kaip penkiasdešimt metų priklauso Vakarų saugumo struktūroms. Šis siekis atsirado dar moderniosios Turkijos įkūrėjo Mustafa Kemalio laikais kaip „galutinio tikslo įgyvendinimas“ – visiška Turkijos vesternizacija bei tapimas pilnateise Europos klubo nare. Europa visais laikais buvo siejama su pažanga ir gerove, kuri priešpastatoma istorinei Vidurio Rytų Osmanų imperijai, saistomai konservatyvių tradicijų bei griežtų religinių normų. Po ilgų pastangų metų 1999-aisiais Helsinkyje Turkijai buvo pasiūlyta tapti šalimi kandidate į ES, jei ši sugebės įgyvendinti demokratinius procesus. ES iškėlė Turkijai sąlygą taip pakeisti savo politinę sistemą, kad ji atitiktų Kopenhagos kriterijus ir savo įstatymine baze, teisinėmis normomis bei vertybėmis galėtų lygiuotis su kitomis ES valstybėmis narėmis. Šis ES sąlygiškumas paskatino Turkiją suformuoti strateginį dokumentą „Nacionalinę Programą ES acquis įsisavinimui“ (NPAA), nubrėžusį gaires tolimesnėms reformoms. Dauguma pertvarkymų buvo įvykdyta saugumo sektoriuje, kuris dėl Turkijos specifinių politinės sistemos problemų buvo „perdėtai sugrėsmintas “ (angl. oversecuritized). Valstybė visada buvo iškeliama kaip absoliuti vertybė ir buvo svarbesnė net už žmogaus prigimtines teises ir laisves. Tai įgalino sugrėsminti visas valstybės ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master thesis under name „The Changes of Turkish Political System According Copenhagen School: Towards „Pro-islamistic“ Democracy? presents analysis of the security policy in Turkey and its change. It‘s been a log time that Turkey is a country which belongs to the Western security system, but its main aim – to join the European Union (EU) is still not completed. Trying hard to accomplish all the requirements which are called the Copenhagen Criteria, Turkey started a huge process of democratic reforms. This thesis states that EU was that factor which impacted Turkey’s security policy desecuritization process through its Europeanization. This process started Turkey’s democratization, which was quiet undemocratic earlier, because of strict security policy and harsh civil-military relations. The Europeanization affected desecuritization process, because there were many changes done to the Turkish laws, which allowed freeing the individual freedoms and civil rights. The proceeding democratization allowed to strengthen the organizations and parties with religious background, which were earlier restricted because of strict secularist policy, which saw religion (Islam) as a major threat to the Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s founding principles of Kemalism. These processes testify countries re-islamization, which is seen as very negative by half of the society, although another half is very happy about resurging religion. This means that in nowadays Turkey we see a deep fracture in the... [to full text]

Leveransservicens betydelse som konkurrensmedel i apoteksbranschen : En fallstudie om hur Apoteket AB arbetar med leveransservice

Yesilekin, Fatih, Rahmani, Tatiana January 2014 (has links)
During the last years, the pharmacy market undergone major changes. Re-regulation that has been done in 2009 meant that monopoly was unlocked for competition. In a market where firms offer equivalent products, increases the importance of delivery service as competitive tool to differentiate themselves among the crowd. This also applies to pharmacy market where the supplies of goods in large way consist of equivalent products regardless of the company. This case study observes the importance of delivery service in terms of competitive tool on pharmacy market by focusing on a company’s improvement in delivery service. This study is based on an abductive research method. The data is collected by qualitative method in form of semi structured interviews and quantitative method in form of survey research. In order to investigate and analyze relevant subject, the study applies following theories: Porter five forces, logistics as a competitive tool, delivery service and its elements, improvement cycle and logistical goal mix. The conclusion of this study is that delivery service has a significant importance for the company to differentiate itself from its competitors and create competitive advantages. Between the various elements if the delivery service, the lead time is considered to be the most essential one, which is followed by delivery reliability, level of service and supply reliability. The result from the quantitative survey shows that customers have high expectations for a smooth delivery service which harmonizes with Apoteket AB's strategy to improve the delivery service.

Problems experienced by women re-entering into the education profession / Melanie Beyers

Beyers, Melanie January 2001 (has links)
This study investigated problems experienced by women re-entering into the education profession by focusing on: • The nature and scope of re-entry by women into the education profession; • the features and problems experienced by women on re-entering the education profession; • the problems women educators experience on re-entering the education profession in the North West Province. To achieve these goals, both an empirical survey and a survey of literature was conducted. The study of literature was undertaken consulting primary and secondary sources. After the problems experienced by women re-entering into the education profession were established and discussed, a questionnaire was drafted. From the review of literature, it appeared that the problems experienced by women (i.e. re-entry women) were problems within themselves, in the career and society, as well as problems in the work situation and on management level. A systematic sample was used in which women educators of secondary schools in the North West Province were involved. The empirical investigation indicated that women educators have problems when they re-enter the education profession after a period of absence and that certain problems should be addressed. Problems of high priority are related to the category of problems within women. The categories of problems within the career and the society were indicated as problems of high priority. A problem of low priority for women educators appears to be the role of family caregiver for elderly, sick or disabled relatives who live either in the educator's home or nearby. Also, the age of re-entry women seems to be no problem for re-entry women educators. Certain recommendations are made on the basis of the empirical investigation. The most important recommendations are the provision of childcare facilities such as after-school care, holiday play-schemes, workplace nurseries and an increase in maternity benefits, and the introduction of paternity and childcare leave. The creation of promotion opportunities for women who aspire to educational management positions is also an important recommendation. All women, including re-entry women, should be treated fairly when applying for posts. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001

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