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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det var en gång... : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare arbetar med högläsning i årskurserna F–3 för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse. / Once upon a time – a qualitative study of teacher´s work with reading aloud in grades F–3 to develop pupils’ reading comprehension. : A  qualitative study of teacher´s work with reading aloud in grades F–3 to develop pupils’ reading comprehension.

Carlsson, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskap om hur lärare arbetar med högläsning inom ämnet svenska för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse i årskurserna F–3. Fem forskningsfrågor ställdes utifrån syftet: Vilket arbetssätt använder lärare för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse i samband med högläsning? Vilka läsförståelsemodeller använder lärare för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse i samband med högläsning? Vilka likheter finns mellan lärares sätt att arbeta med högläsning? Vilka skillnader finns mellan lärares sätt att arbeta med högläsning? Vad har lärare för attityd till högläsning? Studien har sin utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. En kvalitativ metod har använts genom observationer och enkäter. Informanterna bestod av fyra lärare i årskurserna F–3. Det insamlade materialet analyserades genom ett observationsschema för att kunna besvara studiens forskningsfrågor. Resultatet visar att lärarna använder varierade arbetssätt, lässtrategier och olika läsförståelsemodeller vid högläsning för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse. / The aim of the study is to contribute to the knowledge of how teachers work with reading aloud to develop pupils reading comprehension in grades F–3.  Five research questions were formulated according to the aim: How do teachers work to develop the pupils reading comprehension in connection with reading aloud? What reading comprehension strategy are the teachers using to develop the pupils’ comprehension when reading aloud? What similarities exist between the teachers’ ways of working with reading aloud? What differences exist between the teachers’ ways of working with reading aloud? What attitude do the teachers have to reading aloud? The study is based on a socio-cultural perspective. A qualitative method is used through observations and surveys. The informants comprised four teachers in grade F–3. The collected material was analyzed by an observation scheme to be able to answer the study´s research questions. The result shows that teachers use varying working methods, reading strategies and different comprehension models in reading aloud to develop pupils reading comprehension.

Leitura em voz alta e apropriação da linguagem escrita pela criança / Reading aloud and the writing appropriation by the child 2010.

Pastorello, Lucila Maria 04 March 2010 (has links)
Partindo do entrecruzamento entre a linguística, a psicanálise e a clínica fonoaudiológica, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de discutir o papel da leitura em voz alta no processo de apropriação da linguagem pela criança, sustentando a hipótese de que a leitura em voz alta, em função de suas especificidades, interfere positivamente nesse processo. Tomamos a leitura em voz alta em sua dimensão discursiva e subjetivante, que coloca em cena a língua, o corpo e o desejo de quem lê e de quem escuta. Admitimos os processos de apropriação da linguagem sob uma perspectiva não desenvolvimentista, mas que considera tais processos como relativos a diferentes posições subjetivas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica ilustrada por vinhetas da clínica fonoaudiológica e da literatura literária. A partir de nossas reflexões e da discussão teórica, argumentamos que as características da leitura em voz alta a presencialidade atualizada pela voz e pelo olhar, a convocação do corpo sonoro e seu potencial para transmitir cultura são significantes e podem interferir positivamente no processo de apropriação da escrita. / Based on the intersection among linguistics, psychoanalysis and clinical practice in speechtherapy treatments, this thesis aims to discuss the role of reading aloud in the process of language appropriation by the child, supporting the hypothesis that reading aloud, due to its specificities, positively interferes in this process. We take reading aloud in its subjectivating and discursive dimension, which calls into play the language, the body and the desire of the one who reads (the reader) and the one who listens (the listener). We assume the processes of language appropriation from a non developmental perspective, but which considers such processes as relative to different subjective positions. This is a theoretical research illustrated with transcripts/vignettes from speechtherapy clinical treatments and excerpts from the literary literature. From our reflections and from the theoretical discussion, we argue that the characteristics of reading aloud the presentiality updated by the voice and by the look, the summons by the sounding body and its potential to transmit culture - are significant and may positively interfere in the process of writing appropriation.

Högläsning - Att sitta still och lyssna, eller att lära och utvecklas? : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem lärare i årskurs 3 arbetar med högläsning i sin undervisning.

Kücükgöl, Merve January 2019 (has links)
This is qualitative study that deals with the subject “reading aloud” and how teachers apply it in the school environment. Reading aloud is, in this study, seen as a moment in which a teacher reads out loud to their students. It’s an activity with the aim of developing kids’ reading comprehension and ability to socialize, as well as a shared experience for all. The aim of the study was to examine how five teachers work with “reading aloud” in their classes, what the purpose behind their usage is and if they use activities in connection to it. The study is based on the theory; a sociocultural perspective and the pedagogical method “learning by doing”. I’ve used qualitative interviews as my data collection method. The sample was made up of five teachers in total, and all of them were from different elementary schools. The results show that the teachers that participated in the study had several purposes behind their usage of “reading aloud” in the classroom. The results also show that activities connected to “reading aloud” are used in different ways. The conclusion is that the aims of “reading aloud” varies and that all of the participants of the study use activities in connection to “reading aloud”.

Boksamtal och genus : En studie om hur lärare använder boksamtal för att belysa genus i årskurs F–3 / Gender and booktalk : A study on how teachers use booktalk as a pedagogical method in their teaching

Rosén, Therése January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse how booktalk can be used at the school´s lower grades in order to make visible and challenge the notions of gender, and which opportunities and difficulties teachers can have with that. The empirical data consist of five qualitative interview. The teachers who participated in the interview are teachers in the lower grades at two different schools. The study is based on the sociocultural perspective and the theory of gender. The result of the study is that reading and booktalk are common in teaching. It is used in teaching to make visible and challenging the notions of gender among the younger students, but in varying degrees. The study shows that it is complex for younger students to talk about deeper subjects. The difficulty arises when the questions in the booktalk not are concrete. Another difficulties is the students who are silent, those who do not want or dare to speak. Furthermore, the study shows that teachers usually have book conversations in full class, but everyone feels that those students who not dare to express themselves come out when the conversations are conducted in smaller groups. / Syftet med denna studien är att undersöka om och hur boksamtalet kan användas i skolans lägre årskurser för att synliggöra och utmana föreställningar om genus, samt vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som kan finnas för lärare i det arbetet. Den metod som användes för att genomföra undersökningen var kvalitativ intervju och grundar sig på fem lärares erfarenheter. Lärarna arbetar på två olika skolor och alla är verksamma i lågstadiet. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i det sociokulturella perspektivet och genusteori. Resultatet av studien visar att högläsning och boksamtal är vanligt förekommande i undervisningen. Högläsning och boksamtal är ett redskap lärarna använder för att belysa genus men detta görs i olika omfattning. Det framkom att det är komplext för yngre elever att samtala om djupare ämnen. Svårigheten uppstår när det blir abstrakt, vilket det kan bli om frågorna i boksamtalet blir diffusa. En svårighet som alla informanter lyfter fram är de tysta eleverna, de elever som inte vill eller vågar delta i boksamtalet. Lärare har oftast har boksamtal i helklass men de upplever att de elever som inte vågar uttrycka sig kommer fram när samtalen förs i mindre grupper. Vidare resonerar lärarna olika om hur bokvalet kan göras för att belysa genus.

Högläsning som pedagogiskt redskap : En studie om pedagogers arbete med högläsning på lågstadiet / Reading aloud as an educational tool : An investigative study on how pedagogues at primary school work with reading aloud

Andreadis, Evelina January 2019 (has links)
Reading aloud is something that is considered important for children's linguistic development, although I have experienced that reading is something that has rarely taken place in the teaching context I´ve found myself in. I therefore chose to study how the attitude to reading aloud looks among selected teachers at the lower secondary school. The purpose of my thesis is to investigate how often pedagogues use reading aloud. I also want to investigate how the pedagogues proceed with the selection of text or book for their reading aloud and how the educator connects his or hers reading to the curriculum. My choice to gather information is based on a selected framing of questions through three semi-structured interviews in which three teachers from grade 1, 2 and 3 participates. All educators practice reading aloud but the scope and purpose varies slightly. All participants share the same view of reading aloud, they say that it’s important and meaningful. I’ve also used a survey to get a broader view of the topic. The result is clear; most of the pedagogues who participated in the survey uses reading aloud for their students, similar to the interviews the scope varied. My personal teaching experience thus differs from the results that the survey provides. / Högläsning är något som anses vara viktigt för barns språkliga utveckling. Trots detta har jag upplevt att högläsning är något som sällan ägt rum i de undervisningssammanhang jag befunnit mig i. Jag valde därför att studera hur inställningen till högläsning ser ut bland utvalda pedagoger på lågstadiet. Syftet med mitt examensarbete är således att undersöka hur ofta pedagogen arbetar med högläsning på lågstadiet. Jag vill även undersöka hur pedagogen går tillväga vid valet av text eller bok till sin högläsning och hur pedagogen kopplar sin högläsning till läroplanen. I min studie använder jag mig av tre semistrukturerade intervjuer där tre respondenter från årskurs 1, 2 samt 3 medverkar för att samla information om valda frågeställningar. Samtliga pedagoger använder sig av högläsning, men omfattningen och syftet varierar något. Respondenterna ser på högläsning som något viktigt och betydelsefullt. Jag använder mig även av en enkätstudie för att få en bredare syn på ämnet. Precis som vid resultatet för intervjuerna, är resultatet vid enkätundersökningen tydligt; de flesta av pedagogerna som medverkade i enkätundersökningen högläser för sina elever, och likt intervjuerna varierade omfattningen något. Min personliga pedagogiska erfarenhet skiljer sig således från resultaten som undersökningen ger.

Hur skapas en levande dialog om texten? : ‒ en studie om hur två lärare organiserar läsundervisning / How is a living dialogue about the text created? : – A study of how two teachers organize the teaching of reading

Schertell, Anna, Nilsson, Moa January 2017 (has links)
Abstract  The aim of the study is to gain an understanding of how two teachers in the lower level of compulsory school, through the way they organize the teaching of reading with a focus on reading aloud, give pupils a possibility to converse about texts in order to develop an understanding of the texts. The study builds on two observations that focus on the possibilities that teachers give the pupils for conversation and the activities that deepen their understanding of the text they have read. Supplementary material consists of interviews with the two teachers. The collected material has been analysed with two analytical tools, sequential reading elements and textual mobility. The theoretical premises for the study are the sociocultural perspective (Säljö, 2012), reception theory (Rosenblatt, 2002; Langer, 2005) and Christie’s (1998) view of the teaching process in terms of macro-genres. The teachers’ comments from the study show that both teachers have the intention to ask reflective questions which give the pupils a chance for conversation at both associative and interactive level, but the observations showed that most of the teachers’ questions gave the pupils a possibility to move within the text through text-based mobility.

Högläsningens positiva inverkan på yngre barns läs- och skrivinlärning / Positive effects of loud reading in favor of the reading and writing ability of younger children

Andersson, Magnus January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med mitt arbete är att undersöka högläsningens roll i barns sätt att lära sig läsa och förstå vad läsning innebär. Många föräldrar läser sagor för sina barn kanske utan att tänka på den positiva inverkan det har. Det är just dessa faktorer jag vill lyfta fram.</p><p>Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer framkommer det att högläsning har en märkbar påverkan på ett barns förmåga att lära sig läsa. Genom att iaktta läsarens samspel med t.ex. en bok eller tidning kan ett barn komma underfund med att dessa föremål innehåller något som väcker läsarens intresse. Barnet kan observera läsaren interaktion med boken och texten vilket ger barnet en läsmodell eller förebild att följa.</p><p>Högläsning tillsammans med ett eller flera barn ger också möjlighet för barnen att utöka sitt ordförråd samt att diskutera både texter och för dem okända ord. Just i detta syfte kan gruppens storlek ha olika påverkan.</p> / <p>The purpose with my essay is to explore the role of reading aloud in children’s way of coming to terms with what reading is. Many parents might read stories for their children without realizing its positive influence. These are the aspects I would like to address.</p><p>Through literature studies as well as interviews it shows that where is a noticeable deferens between children that have or have not been read to in their ability to learn how to read. Through observing the readers interaction with for example a book or a paper the child can realize that these objects contain something of interest to the reader. The child can note the reader’s interactions with the book or a text which provides the child with a foundation in its understanding of what reading is and the child also gets a role model.</p><p>When you read aloud to one or several children, it also gives them the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and furthermore to discuss both different texts and to them unknown words. For this particular reason the size of the group might have different affects.</p>

Högläsning : Tre pedagoger berättar om hur de arbetar / Reading aloud : Three educators tell how they work

Ståhlklo, Rebecka January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka om och i sådana fall hur tre pedagoger använde sig av högläsning i sina barngrupper. Jag ville även titta lite närmre på om högläsning kan hjälpa barnen att få bättre språkförståelse samt om miljön spelar in på något sätt för att läsro ska uppnås.</p><p>Mitt resultat visade att alla tre pedagogerna arbetar ganska mycket med högläsning i verksamheten men att de jobbar på olika sätt med det. Samtliga anser dock att högläsning är oerhört viktigt för barnens språkliga utveckling, eftersom man i samband med att man läser pratar om ord samt händelser i boken. En annan sak som framkom i undersökningen var att pedagogerna ansåg att det var viktigt att det skulle finnas en speciell plats i rummet som barnen kunde förknippa med berättande och läsning. Det här var tyvärr något som inte uppfylldes riktigt i allas dagliga verksamhet, men det visar ändå på hur betydelsefullt de ansåg att det var. Beträffande miljön så ansågs den spela en ganska stor roll men det som framförallt framhölls var vikten av att den som läser högt för barnen verkligen ger sig hän sitt uppdrag så att barnen blir intresserade av att lyssna på det som läses.</p><p><strong>Nyckelord:</strong> Högläsning, språkutveckling, läsmiljö</p> / <p>The purpose with this work was to investigate if and in that case how three pedagogs use reading aloud in their work with the children. I also wanted to look a little closer if reading aloud can help children to improve their language proficiency and I also wanted to see if the environment plays a role in any way to achieve reading peace.</p><p>My results showed that all three teachers are working quite a lot with reading aloud in their activities but they work in different ways with it. All of them, however, believe that reading aloud is extremely important for children's linguistic development, since when reading aloud they talk with the children about words and events in the book. Another thing that emerged from the survey was that the teachers felt it was important that there would be a special place in the room that the children could associate with storytelling and reading. This, unfortunately, was something that was not met really in everyone's daily activities, but nevertheless it shows how important they felt it was. Regarding the environment, so it was considered to play a fairly important role but what was especially emphasized was the importance of that when reading aloud to children you really need to devote yourself to the mission so that the children will be interested to listen to what is read.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Reading aloud, language, environment</p>

Högläsningens positiva inverkan på yngre barns läs- och skrivinlärning / Positive effects of loud reading in favor of the reading and writing ability of younger children

Andersson, Magnus January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med mitt arbete är att undersöka högläsningens roll i barns sätt att lära sig läsa och förstå vad läsning innebär. Många föräldrar läser sagor för sina barn kanske utan att tänka på den positiva inverkan det har. Det är just dessa faktorer jag vill lyfta fram. Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer framkommer det att högläsning har en märkbar påverkan på ett barns förmåga att lära sig läsa. Genom att iaktta läsarens samspel med t.ex. en bok eller tidning kan ett barn komma underfund med att dessa föremål innehåller något som väcker läsarens intresse. Barnet kan observera läsaren interaktion med boken och texten vilket ger barnet en läsmodell eller förebild att följa. Högläsning tillsammans med ett eller flera barn ger också möjlighet för barnen att utöka sitt ordförråd samt att diskutera både texter och för dem okända ord. Just i detta syfte kan gruppens storlek ha olika påverkan. / The purpose with my essay is to explore the role of reading aloud in children’s way of coming to terms with what reading is. Many parents might read stories for their children without realizing its positive influence. These are the aspects I would like to address. Through literature studies as well as interviews it shows that where is a noticeable deferens between children that have or have not been read to in their ability to learn how to read. Through observing the readers interaction with for example a book or a paper the child can realize that these objects contain something of interest to the reader. The child can note the reader’s interactions with the book or a text which provides the child with a foundation in its understanding of what reading is and the child also gets a role model. When you read aloud to one or several children, it also gives them the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and furthermore to discuss both different texts and to them unknown words. For this particular reason the size of the group might have different affects.

Högläsning och boksamtal : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg till språkutveckling / Reading aloud and book discussion : An Educational Tool For Language Development

S.Fard, Ghazal January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: Reading aloud to children and having a conversation about a book, which is read to them, has attracted much attention as important factors that influence children's language development. Language development for children is one of the most important tasks that the preschool- teachers have, and according to “Läroplanet”, all children must have the opportunity to develop their language. The aim of this study was to examine how reading aloud, and by letting them speak about a certain book, “boksamtal” impacts preschool-children`s ability to develop their language according to preschool- teachers. Method: I have used a qualitative method by interviewing four preschool- teachers. Moreover, I applied a literature review related to the topic. The information given in the interviews has been analyzed by the use of socio-cultural theories and previous researches. To get a better answer to the main question of the purpose, I have arranged four sub-queries. These are the following questions: How can reading aloud and book discussion influence language development according to preschool- teachers? How does the teachers describe how reading aloud and book discussion can match children`s interests? What prerequisites and obstacles were there when reading aloud and discussing books according to teachers? How the teachers describe the role of the environment, in which reading aloud and book discussion is taken place, for language development? Results: The study shows that reading aloud occurs as a daily activity in the general preschool. Those preschool teachers we spoke to have been reading aloud to children, but not all of them have actually discussed books with children at all. In order to stimulate children for reading books and let them have a conversation and expose them to books, texts and the literature environment, in which the reading takes place to adapt to their interests, age and level of language skills. Groups with many children are perceived by preschool teachers to have a negative impact on book discussion. Conclusion: My study shows that these preschool teachers are conscious about the positive impact, of reading aloud and letting them discuss their books, on children's language development,  but due to some negative factors , the time deficiency for instance,  they priority reading aloud in front of book discussion. The teachers consider that for development, they must stimulate children`s interest to reading and book discussion, which together with environment around the children must be adapted with children`s age, interest and language skill level.

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