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Making Sense of the Challenges of Diversity Management : An Explorative Study from the Perspective of Change AgentsGlas, Hanna, Ulander, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
The importance of incorporating Diversity Management (DM) in organizations has become a viral debate in recent years in response to social pressures worldwide. While there is extensive research on the effects of DM, how the implementation process is managed is much less obvious. Furthermore, DM is a multidimensional concept that lacks a universally accepted definition in terms of organizational practices, which presents operations managers with various challenges. To identify these challenges and how they are managed, a qualitative case study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with Top and HR managers of a listed, Large Cap company in Sweden. The theories of Change Agents and Sensemaking were applied to analyze the implementation process of DM within The Company. The findings were categorized into; (1) the challenge of mobilization, (2) the challenge of creating a shared meaning, and (3) the challenge of the diversity paradox. Based on these findings, the conclusions indicated that unity, communication, awareness, and persistence are important factors to consider when managing these challenges.
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Amenities and the Location of High-Educated Workers: Effects on Knowledge creation, Wages, and Housing Rents and PricesPerez Silva, Rodrigo A. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Essays on Economics of Education and Health PolicyWANG, BO 20 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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"Malmö måste sluta vara generösare med försörjningsstöd" : En kritisk diskursanalys som synen på försörjningsstöd och bidragstagare i svenska tidningar / "Malmö needs to stop being more generous with financial aid" : A critical discourse analysis of the preception of financial aid and recipients in swedish newspapersAl-Salih, Sana, Lindbom, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna c-uppsats är att belysa den diskurs som finns kring ekonomiskt bistånd och individer som erhåller försörjningsstöd i Svenska tidningar. Vidare är det av intresse att undersöka vad diskursen kan få för konsekvenser för individerna i fråga. Metoden som användes för att besvara syftet är kritisk diskursanalys. Efter genomläsning av artiklarna kunde tre teman identifieras och analysen delades därmed upp enligt dessa teman; att Malmö är en generös stad som betalar ut höga bistånd, kopplingar till arbetslöshet och arbetsmarknadsprogram samt slutligen kopplingar till utrikesfödda. Temana analyserades enligt Faircloughs tredimensionella modell. Det som arbetet resulterade i är att bidragstagare stigmatiseras. Diskussionen kring vilka begränsningar och möjligheter bidragstagare har är bristande i svenska nyhetstidningar. Detta eftersom artiklarna använder statistik och rapporter för att snarare rikta kritik mot lokalpolitiken, biståndshandläggare eller individerna som erhåller försörjningsstöd. / The purpose of this paper is to examine the discourse in Swedish newspapers around financial aid and financial aid recipients. Furthermore it is of interest to examine what consequences this discourse could mean for the individuals in question. The method used to answer the purpose of this paper is critical discourse analysis. After reading the newspaper articles three themes were identified. The analysis was split up into three themes which were that Malmö is a generous city, referencing the amount they pay out in financial aid, that the discourse revolved around unemployment and unemployment programs and mentions of foreign-born individuals. Each theme was analyzed with Fairclough’s three dimensional model. The results show that financial aid recipients are stigmatized. There is limited discussion in Swedish newspapers about the limitations and opportunities that financial aid seekers face. This is because the articles in the newspaper are using statistics and official reports to criticize politicians, socialworkes as well as the financial aid recipients.
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Think of The Children in Africa - a minor field study in The Gambia on the views of food aid recipients on the responsibility of food aid donorsWallinder, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to contrast the academic discussion on whether the affluent countries have a responsibility or not to provide food aid for the LDCs, to the views of food aid recipients. In addition to the issue of responsibility I also discuss the responsibilities of individuals contra governments, and what type of aid (if any) that is best to ensure food security. In order to gather information on the recipients’ points of views I have conducted a minor field study in The Gambia and interviewed former food aid recipients. In the academic discussion Thomas Pogge, Peter Singer, Dale Jamieson and David Miller are represented. The results of the field study shows that most of the recipients argue that the affluent countries in the world have a moral responsibility to assist the LDCs since they have the ability to assist.In contrast to the academic discussion, it becomes clear that the interviewees base their arguments on a different moral foundation than some of the theorists, and that they have different perspective on how to eradicate poverty and ensure food security.
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The impact of South African social welfare policies on pensioners raising orphaned grandchildrenNel, Sumien 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Very little attention has been paid in South Africa to the situations where grandmothers
have become surrogate parents to their grandchildren and other vulnerable children who
have been left destitute due to the HIV/Aids epidemic. These women, who are in great
need of support are not directly factored into Aids-related policy and care strategies,
even though they play a vital role in assuming the roles of surrogate parents to their
grandchildren. Clearly elderly women are valuable resources and are both crucial and
valuable for the role they play in the care of both Aids sufferers and Aids orphans.
Grandmothers who assume such care-giving roles are not receiving specific and
targeted support from government structures. Instead they only benefit peripherally from
the legislation within the jurisdiction of Department of Social Development and the
programs that are established by them. This study determined where government social
and welfare polices can improve the quality of life of black female pensioners who are
taking care of their orphaned grandchildren and other vulnerable children.
Policy makers need to recognise that grandmothers are increasingly obliged to assume
care-giving responsibilities for dying adult children and later for orphans, when their own
physical and cognitive abilities may be declining. Instead of using their state pensions to
enjoy their old age and spend their money on looking after their health, proper housing
etc., black female pensioners are forced to assume additional responsibilities in looking
after orphaned grandchildren and other vulnerable children who require food, clothing,
proper housing, education etc. Such expenses imply that their pensions are not put to
their intended uses. Due to their advanced age they find it increasingly difficult to earn
income to support young children. Until now the South African government has done
little to support older women who find themselves in such precarious circumstances and
to recognise their invaluable contributions. Various recommendations are made in the
report to improve this situation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie min aandag is tot dusver nog in Suid-Afrika geskenk aan die omstandighede waar
grootmoeders hulself bevind in die posisie van surrogaat ouer vir hul kleinkinders en
ander kwesbare kinders wat haweloos gelaat is as gevolg van die HIVNigs epidemie.
Hierdie vroue wat ondersteuning dringend nodig het, is nie regstreeks in berekening
gebring by die verskeie Vigs beleide en ander versorginstrategiee en maatreels nie, al
speel hulle 'n beslissende rol as surrogaat ouers vir hulle kleinkinders. Dit is duidelik dat
bejaarde vroue 'n waardevolle hulpbron is en 'n onskatbare en onmisbare rol speel by
die versorging van sowel Vigs Iyers as kinders wat weens Vigs ouerloos is.
Grootmoeders wat hierdie versorgingsrolle aanvaar, ontvang geen spesifieke en
doelgerigte ondersteuning van regeringstrukture nie. Instede daarvan trek hulle net
voordeel uit wetgewing binne die jurisdiksie van Department van Openbare Welsyn en
die programme wat daaruit mag voortvloei. Hierdie studie het vas gestel hoe die
bestaande open bare en welsynsbeleide aangepas kan word om die lewenskwalitiet van
swart vroulike pensioenarise wat vir hul ouerlose kleinkinders en ander kwesbare kinders
sorg, te verbeter.
Beleidmakers moet besef dat grootmoeders toenemend verplig word om om te sien na
die versorging van hul eie sterwende volwasse kinders en mettertyd die versoging van
dieselfde gestorwenes se kinders wat wees agtergelaat word. Hierdie toedrag van sake
ontvou in 'n stadium wanneer hierdie vroue se eie fisiese krag en kognitiewe
vaardighede waarskynlik reeds aan die afneem is. Instede daarvan dat hierdie vroue die
staatspensioen gebruik om hul oudag te geniet en om te sien na hulle eie gesondheid,
behoorlike behuising edm., is swart vroulike pensioenarisse verplig om hierdie beperkte
fondse aan te wend vir die versorging, voeding, behuising en onderrig van hul ouerlose
kleinkinders en ander kwesbare kinders. Sulke onkostes impliseer dat hul pensioen nie
aangewend word vir die doel waarvoor dit ingestel is nie. Weens hul hoe ouderdom is dit
vir hierdie vroue al hoe moeiliker om 'n inkomste te genereer om vir jong kinders te sorgo
Tot nog toe het die Suid-Afrikaanse regering weinig gedoen om ouer vroue wat hulself in
hierdie benarde omstandighede bevind, te ondersteun of om hul onskatbare bydrae te
erken. Verskeie voorstelle word in hierdie verslag gemaak om die situasie te verbeter.
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Ökad mobilitet, delaktighet och frihet ― IKT-stöd som fyller verkliga behov inom äldreomsorg : Behovskartläggning för kommunikation och information mellan omsorgstagare, närstående och utförare som grund till en gemensam kontaktyta / Increased mobility, participation and freedom ― fulfilling real needs in geriatric care through ICT : An investigation of needs regarding communication and information exchange between care recipients, relatives and care giversBergqvist, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Allt fler blir allt äldre i Sverige och äldreomsorgen står inför en stor utmaning när resurser i form av ekonomiska medel och rätt personal blir allt svårare att konkurrera om. I eHälsans tidsålder utvecklas det på många håll smarta tekniska lösningar för att effektivisera och kvalitetshöja omsorgsinsatser, något som allt fler aktörer får upp ögonen för. Denna uppsats utreder behovsbilden för att kunna skapa en ny kontaktyta mellan omsorgstagare, närstående och utförare inom äldreomsorg. Uppsatsens resultat är en del av det Vinnova-finansierade projektet BoNUS VO som undersöker förutsättningarna för en sådan kontaktyta. IKT-stödet ska underlätta delaktighet i den egna omsorgen såväl som stödja yrkesutövare i arbetsuppgifter. Data samlades in genom en observationsstudie av hemtjänstarbete, deltagande i gruppsamtal med närstående till omsorgstagare samt kvalitativa intervjuer med 13 informanter som hade erfarenhet av äldreomsorg. Resultatet av dataanalysen visar på att det i dagsläget finns problem som skulle kunna undvikas genom att underlätta kommunikation och informationsdelning mellan användargrupperna. Resultaten visar också på att det finns många diskussionspunkter vad gäller nytta, motsättningar i behov och avvägningen mellan ett översiktligt eller komplext system. Studien konstaterar att det finns utrymme för vidare forskning inom området. / Sweden’s population is steadily growing older and while the demand for care of senior citizens is increasing, care givers are forced to cope with diminishing resources in terms of money and qualified staff. Many put hope in new eHealth technology, as a means of raising efficiency and quality in the every day working situation. This thesis aims to study needs regarding communication, information and interaction between care takers, dependants and caregivers in geriatric care, in order to create a foundation upon which an ICT system may be built to fulfill those needs. The results presented are part of a research project focusing on future ICT systems in healthcare. Data was collected through an observational study, group discussions with informants related to care takers, and qualitative interviews with 13 informants who have extensive experience of geriatric care. The results imply there are existing problems that may be avoided by facilitating information sharing between the aforementioned groups. The study also presents some important points of discussion regarding usefulness, clashing needs of different users, and the balance between simplicity of use and system size.
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Analyse de la qualité de vie dans une cohorte de patients transplantés rénaux / Quality of life analysis in a cohort of Kidney Transplant Recipients 'KTR)Mouelhi, Yosra 18 October 2018 (has links)
Quand elle est possible, la greffe de rein est le meilleur traitement de l’insuffisance rénale chronique terminale. La qualité de vie des patients joue un rôle essentiel dans la réussite de la transplantation. Dans ce contexte, notre objectif était d’analyser la qualité de vie dans une cohorte de patients transplantés rénaux en France. Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysé la qualité de vie des patients au moment de leur inclusion dans l’étude dans le but de déterminer les facteurs associés à la qualité de vie. Nous avons retrouvé des caractéristiques socio-démographiques et cliniques connues dans la littérature et de nouvelles variables psycho-sociales ont été identifiées. Ce travail nous a ensuite amené à analyser le profil des patients qui utilisent l’Internet et les réseaux sociaux : près de 80% de patients utilisent Internet et la plupart d’entre eux ont besoin de soutien informatif. Nous avons pu montrer, dans un deuxième temps, une faible concordance de l’évolution de l’état de santé du patient du point de vue du patient et du médecin. Enfin, pour interpréter les scores de qualité de vie dans cette cohorte, nous avons calculé la différence minimale cliniquement significative par la méthode des courbes ROC, en utilisant le changement d’état de santé du point de vue du patient comme critère de changement (anchor). Cette analyse a montré que l’évolution de la qualité de vie de ces patients n’est pas liée au changement d’état de santé des patients. Cette thèse fournit une analyse approfondie sur la qualité de vie des patients transplantés rénaux francophones. / Kidney transplant is the best treatment for chronic end-stage renal failure. The quality of life of the patient plays a vital role in the success of the transplantation. In this context, our objective was to analyze the quality of life in a cohort of kidney transplanted patients in France. As a first step, we analyzed the quality of life of patients at the time of their inclusion in the study in order to determine the factors associated with the quality of life. Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics known in literature were found and new psycho-social variables were identified. This work then led us to analyze the profile of patients using the Internet and social networks: nearly 80% of the patients use Internet and the majority need an informative support. We were able to show, in a second time, a weak concordance of the evolution of the state of health of the patient from the patient and the doctor point of view. Finally, to interpret the quality of life scores in this cohort, we calculated the minimal clinically significant difference, by the ROC curve method and using the change in health status from the patient's point of view as a criteria for change. This analysis showed that the quality of life of these patients is not related to the patient's state of health, and no clinical changes could be detected for the quality of life scores of the two questionnaires. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the quality of life of French kidney transplanted patients.
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Factors affecting retention in a community college's welfare-to-work programs: a heuristic study of participants' perceptionsUnknown Date (has links)
This study examined the perceptions held by former and current welfare-to-work participants of factors that contributed to the retention, persistence, attrition and/or completion of welfare-to-work training programs at a community college. Using the lived experiences and voices of former or current welfare-to-work participants and a qualitative research design, the researcher examined the following research questions: (a) What factors during the training impacted the movement of participants from welfare-to-work? (b) How did these factors enhance or serve as barriers to the movement of participants from welfare-to-work? This study was presented as a heuristic study of 12 former welfare participants who have transitioned or are currently transitioning from welfare to work. Using purposeful sampling, the researcher selected the participants for this study through self-identification or through nomination by program leaders and other program participants. Each of the 12 former welfare participants was interviewed about the situational, institutional, and dispositional aspects of their training. Demographic data were collected on each of the 12 participants for the purpose of a comparative analysis. Interviews of family members or friends of each of the participants validated the stories provided by the participant. Interviews with two administrators with direct responsibilities for some of the training programs for participants transitioning from welfare-to-work were also done to substantiate the stories of the participants. The findings of this study indicated three conclusions about the participants' perceptions of factors affecting their retention in welfare-to-work programs in a community college. / First, the participants' desires to break the cycles of generational welfare were evident in every aspect of the training from having a better life for their children to dealing with the embarrassment of receiving government assistance.Second, welfare-to-work training experiences were influenced by institutional factors such as instructional and institutional support or lack of support for education and career development, including mentoring. Third, personal factors such as family motivation and role models, religion, drive and determination, and the desire to make a difference shaped the participants' career training experiences and contributed to persistence and completion. / by Veronica Woodward Pino. / Vita. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2008. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2008. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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An Inquiry into the Compatibility of the Demo-Conditionality with State Sovereignty in International law : With Special Focus on The European Union and the African, the Caribbean and the Pacific Countries RelationsJuma Nyabinda, Richard January 2010 (has links)
This study examines the issue of compatibility of demo-conditionality with state sovereignty in international law. From a practical perspective, it examines the state of the science with respect to the enforcement of demo-conditionality, in the context of the unique relationship between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The practicality of any argument declaring certain norms to be compatible with state sovereignty rests on an assumption that it is possible to distinguish which norms are compatible from those which are not. The validity of such an assumption depends on whether a universal workable test with which to draw this distinction, and its accompanying requirements, has been or can be developed. Therefore, the starting point of this study is to investigate whether such a universal test exists, and if so, what its requirements are. The author reaches a legally appropriate conclusion as to which norms are compatible with the principle of state sovereignty and which not in the international legal system. Thereafter, an investigation is undertaken with regard to the legal premises invoked to justify the compatibility of the demo-conditionality with state sovereignty. To this end, two levels of analysis (also referred to here as two paths) are followed. The first level of investigation concerns the proposition for demo-conditionality’s being premised upon adherence to new treaty obligations governing the parties’ observance of democratic norms. In this context, the examination focuses on Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 as the relevant provision. Other single-issue human rights instruments are also examined to establish whether they compliment Article 25. The second level of investigation explores the possibility for demo-conditionality's compatibility being premised upon obligations of State parties, which arise from the various development co-operation instruments adopted over the years. Here, emphasis is placed upon the question of whether or not these instruments advocate the inclusion of demo-conditionality in development co-operation between donors and recipients of aid. This study ultimately reaches a legally appropriate conclusion, at both levels of analysis, concerning demo-conditionality's compatibility with the principle of state sovereignty. At this juncture, a recommendation is made as to which of the two paths is the legally safer one for the pursuit of the demo-conditionality in development co-operation. On the question of what constitutes a more successful international approach to the establishment of democratic governments in the South, this study has undertaken a comparative analysis, making suggestions with respect to two models: the "Enforcement Model", based upon coercive enforcement measures, and the "Managerial Model", based upon an approach of co-operative dialogue. Finally, the study examines the state of the science with respect to enforcement of demo-conditionality, with a focus on the special relationships between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. This is designed to provide a degree of insight into the practical aspects associated with the enforcement of demo-conditionality.
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