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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'obra narrativa de Josep Lozano: textos, contextos i referents etnopoètics

Francés Mira, Maria Jesús 29 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

kâ-yôskâtahk ôma nêhiyawêwin : the representation of intentionality in Plains Cree

Mühlbauer, Jeffrey Thomas 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis considers the reference system of Plains Cree, an Algonquian language spoken in Canada. I argue that the referential system of this language can be understood as coding distinctions in extentionality; it distinguishes between referents that possess perspectives (‘intentional’) and referents that do not (‘extentional’). With respect to perspectival possession, Plains Cree distinguishes four referential classes: (i) inherently extentional “Inanimate” referents, (ii) contextually extentional “Obviative” referents, (iii) contextually intentional “Proximate” referents, and (iv) unspecified “Animate” referents. I then show that the referential class “Obviative” is decompositional; it is constructed out of components that code referential dependency, which is the confluence of structural ordering and perspectival embedding. Finally, I consider the methodological issues raised by the study of referential types, showing how different data-collection methods interact with the semantics of perspectival possession.

kâ-yôskâtahk ôma nêhiyawêwin : the representation of intentionality in Plains Cree

Mühlbauer, Jeffrey Thomas 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis considers the reference system of Plains Cree, an Algonquian language spoken in Canada. I argue that the referential system of this language can be understood as coding distinctions in extentionality; it distinguishes between referents that possess perspectives (‘intentional’) and referents that do not (‘extentional’). With respect to perspectival possession, Plains Cree distinguishes four referential classes: (i) inherently extentional “Inanimate” referents, (ii) contextually extentional “Obviative” referents, (iii) contextually intentional “Proximate” referents, and (iv) unspecified “Animate” referents. I then show that the referential class “Obviative” is decompositional; it is constructed out of components that code referential dependency, which is the confluence of structural ordering and perspectival embedding. Finally, I consider the methodological issues raised by the study of referential types, showing how different data-collection methods interact with the semantics of perspectival possession.

kâ-yôskâtahk ôma nêhiyawêwin : the representation of intentionality in Plains Cree

Mühlbauer, Jeffrey Thomas 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis considers the reference system of Plains Cree, an Algonquian language spoken in Canada. I argue that the referential system of this language can be understood as coding distinctions in extentionality; it distinguishes between referents that possess perspectives (‘intentional’) and referents that do not (‘extentional’). With respect to perspectival possession, Plains Cree distinguishes four referential classes: (i) inherently extentional “Inanimate” referents, (ii) contextually extentional “Obviative” referents, (iii) contextually intentional “Proximate” referents, and (iv) unspecified “Animate” referents. I then show that the referential class “Obviative” is decompositional; it is constructed out of components that code referential dependency, which is the confluence of structural ordering and perspectival embedding. Finally, I consider the methodological issues raised by the study of referential types, showing how different data-collection methods interact with the semantics of perspectival possession. / Arts, Faculty of / Linguistics, Department of / Graduate

El tractament dels referents culturals a les traduccions de la novel·la Botxan: la interacció entre els elements textuals i extratextuals

Mangiron i Hevia, Carme 07 November 2006 (has links)
Aquesta tesi presenta un estudi descriptiu comparatiu sincrònic i diacrònic del tractament dels referents culturals a set traduccions (quatre a l'anglès, dues al castellà i una al català) de la novel·la japonesa Botxan de Natsume Soseki, publicada l'any 1906. Se centra principalment en l'anàlisi comparativa de les tècniques de traducció emprades pels diferents traductors, parant una atenció especial a la tècnica d'amplificació d'informació. També s'estudia la relació entre els paràmetres textuals i extratextuals, fent èmfasi en el mecenatge, les normes de traducció i la intervenció del traductor al text. La tesi s'estructura en cinc capítols, com es detalla a continuació:Al capítol 1, Marc teòric, presentem la fonamentació teòrica, que hem dividit en un marc general, on es presenten les principals teories de la traducció en les quals es basa aquest treball, i un marc específic, en el qual fem una revisió de diferents autors que han tractat el tema dels referents culturals i les tècniques de traducció més emprades per traduir-los. També hem inclòs una breu secció sobre l'amplificació d'informació, atès que ens interessa especialment observar com funciona aquesta tècnica.Al capítol 2, Corpus i metodologia, presentem els textos amb els quals hem treballat, el model d'anàlisi que hem utilitzat, la classificació que hem seguit per agrupar els exemples del corpus en categories culturals, la terminologia que hem emprat per denominar les tècniques de traducció i el mètode emprat per presentar els referents culturals del textos meta i per extreure les conclusions.Al capítol 3, Anàlisi dels factors extratextuals del corpus, presentem la informació relacionada amb els paràmetres macrotextuals que envolten l'obra original i els set textos meta.Al capítol 4, Anàlisi de les referències culturals del corpus, presentem i analitzem els referents culturals del corpus, agrupant-los en taules on recollim la referència original, les set traduccions i la tècnica o tècniques emprades per traduir-les, seguit d'un breu comentari on es destaquen els aspectes més importants sobre com els diferents traductors han traduït el mateix referent cultural.Al capítol 5, Anàlisi de les dades extretes del corpus, sistematitzem les dades extretes del corpus i fem una valoració global de les tècniques de traducció emprades per traduir els referents culturals, així com una anàlisi detallada per traductors. Entre altres coses, recollim quines tècniques de traducció han estat més utilitzades per cada traductor i per a cada categoria cultural. A continuació valorem aquestes dades i resumim les tendències principals detectades al nostre corpus pel que fa als referents culturals, la intervenció dels traductors i el tipus de traducció que han fet. Incloem, a més una secció sobre l'amplificació d'informació, una altra sobre l'omissió, una sobre l'estil de les traduccions i, per últim, un apartat sobre les normes de traducció.A la Conclusió recollim les dades més rellevants obtingudes del nostre treball i avaluem si hem aconseguit o no els objectius marcats i si els resultats confirmen les hipòtesis de partida. També explorem futures vies de recerca.A l'Annex 1 incloem els qüestionaris resposts pels diferents traductors, a l'Annex 2 una còpia de les portades de les diferents traduccions del corpus i les il·lustracions que apareixen a dues de les traduccions, que hem considerat un tipus d'amplificació icònica fora del text i a l'Annex 3, els quadres detallats amb la informació sobre les tècniques de traducció emprades pels diferents traductors. / This is a descriptive study of the treatment of cultural references in seven translations (four into English, two into Spanish and one into Catalan) of Natsume Soseki's Botchan (1906). It focuses on the comparative analysis of the translation techniques used by the different translators, with an emphasis on the technique of amplification of information. In addition, the relationship between the textual and extratextual parameters surrounding the translation is also analysed, paying special attention to patronage, translation norms and translators' intervention in the text.The thesis consists of five chapters:Chapter 1, Marc teòric (Theoretical Framework), presents the theoretical framework. It is divided in two subchapters. The first one reviews the main translation theories in which this dissertation is based, while the second one is a literature review about the translation of cultural references and the techniques more often used to translate them. There is also a section about the amplification of information. Chapter 2, Corpus i metodologia (Corpus and Methodology), introduces the source and target texts used in this study. It also describes the terminology used in this study, the model of analysis applied, and the classification used to categorise the cultural references found in the corpus.Chapter 3, Anàlisi dels factors extratextuals del corpus (Analysis of the Extratextual Factors Surrounding the Corpus), is an analysis of the macrotextual parameters that surround the original and the target texts.Chapter 4, Anàlisi de les referències culturals del corpus (Analysis of the Cultural References Found in the Corpus), includes all the cultural references found in the corpus. Each reference is presented in a table that contains the following information: the original cultural reference, the seven translations and the technique or techniques used by the translators to translate it. Each table is accompanied by a brief comment about the more interesting aspects of the translation of that particular cultural reference.Chapter 5, Anàlisi de les dades extretes del corpus (Analysis of the Data Extracted from the Corpus), categorises the data extracted from the corpus. There is a global analysis of the translation techniques most widely used to translate the cultural references across the seven translations, as well as a detailed analysis by translator. This is followed by a summary of the main trends detected in the corpus in relation to the translation of cultural references and the translators' intervention in the text. In addition, the techniques of amplification and omission of information, the style of the translations, and the translation norms detected in the text are examined in detail.The Conclusion presents the main findings of this thesis and explores future lines of research.Appendix 1 consists of the questionnaires completed by the different translators. Appendix 2 is a compilation of all the images and illustrations found in the translations. Finally, Appendix 3 consists of various tables that include information about the translation techniques used by all the translators.

Place et fonction des référents spatiaux et temporels dans les théâtres de Josep M. Benet i Jornet et de Sergi Belbel (1989-2006) / Presence and function of spatial and temporal referents in Josep M. Benet i Jornet’s and Sergi Belbel’s theatres (1989-2006)

Rollet, Aymeric 02 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis une quarantaine d’années, la nature et le degré de présence des référents spatiaux et temporels diffèrent considérablement dans le théâtre catalan, au moins selon les périodes, mais sans doute aussi selon les auteurs. À partir du milieu des années 1980, l’écriture dramatique tend en grande partie à refuser tout ancrage de l’action dramatique dans une géographie et un moment historique précis et, en particulier, à éluder les représentations de Barcelone et/ou de la Catalogne. Cette thèse se propose d’examiner le traitement des référents en question dans les pièces écrites par Josep M. Benet i Jornet et Sergi Belbel au cours d’une période où la dramaturgie catalane semble souvent se détourner du monde « réel » comme univers immédiat de référence. Depuis le niveau macrocosmique de l’univers jusqu’aux microcosmes domestiques et intimes, Benet et Belbel creusent le réel selon des modes et avec des moyens dramaturgiques variés, donnant ainsi lieu à des constructions spatiotemporelles assez diverses, et l’on peut alors observer différents effets de la présence et/ou de l’absence du réel : effacement des marqueurs identitaires, ou au contraire, omniprésence des références géographiques et historiques ; sentiment de dilution du monde ; effet paradoxal de la lisibilité de la réalité historique malgré son invisibilité manifeste ; etc. À partir d’un corpus de huit œuvres – Desig, El gos del tinent, Olors et Salamandra de Benet, Elsa Schneider, Tàlem, El temps de Planck et Forasters de Belbel –, l’analyse des référents spatiaux et temporels vise à saisir les « territoires dramaturgiques » privilégiés de deux figures majeures de la dramaturgie catalane contemporaine. / The nature and level of presence of the spatial and temporal referents have considerably differed in the Catalan theatre for the last forty years or so, at least from one period to another but certainly also from one author to another. Since the mid-1980s, playwriting has largely tended to refuse any dramatic action that would have been rooted in any geographic location or any exact point in history and, in particular, to avoid the representations of Barcelona and/or Catalonia. This thesis proposes a study of the treatment of the referents in question through some plays written by Josep M. Benet i Jornet and Sergi Belbel at a time when the Catalan dramaturgy often seems to turn away from the « real » world which has ceased to be a direct universe of reference. Benet and Belbel explore reality from the macrocosmic scale of the universe to the domestic and intimate microcosms, thanks to varied modes and dramatic principles, thereby giving rise to quite varied space-time structures. One may then observe different results of the presence and/or absence of reality: the erasing of identity markers or, on the contrary, the omnipresence of geographic and historical references, the feeling of the dilution of the world, the paradoxical effect of the legibility of historical reality despite its obvious invisibility, etc. Through a selection of eight plays – Desig, El gos del tinent, Olors and Salamandra by Benet, Elsa Schneider, Tàlem, El temps de Planck and Forasters by Belbel –, the analysis of spatial and temporal referents aims to grasp the « dramaturgic fields » emphasized by two major figures of contemporary Catalan drama.

La fabrication de l’architecture en Tunisie indépendante : une rhétorique par la référence / The making of architecture in independent Tunisia : a rhetoric through reference

Bohli Nouri, Olfa 07 September 2015 (has links)
Le paysage urbain contemporain de la ville de Tunis, caractérisé par une forte hétérogénéité référentielle, interroge quant aux facteurs de son émergence. L'histoire récente du pays, marquée par l'indépendance en 1956, suggère l'existence d'un rapport étroit entre ce moment de prise d'autonomie politique, économique, mais surtout culturelle, et la portée qu'il a eu sur la détermination du langage des architectures à édifier.Cette recherche soulève donc la problématique de l'évolution des références de la production architecturale savante en Tunisie indépendante entre 1956 et 2011. Il s'agit d'explorer comment, dans le cadre de la construction de l'État indépendant, une architecture est fabriquée, et dans quelles mesures elle traduit sa stratégie culturelle pour en devenir l'image même.En partant de l'hypothèse que l'interaction entre la commande officielle et la conception architecturale a induit la pluralité référentielle du paysage urbain actuel, Tunis est ainsi exploré dans une perspective historique interrogeant l'architecture édifiée dans le processus commande-conception-communication. L'hétérogénéité des architectures de la ville découlerait surtout de la disparité des postures officielles, mais aussi savantes, dans la définition d'une tunisianité contemporaine culturelle, et donc architecturale, cloisonnée dans le clivage modernité-tradition.un détour par les différents supports de communication de l'architecture entre 1956 et 2011, a été nécessaire pour mener à bien cette recherche. Un corpus diversifié a ainsi été sélectionné et analysé.La lecture croisée de ce corpus fait ressortir trois types de discours véhiculés: un discours par, de et sur l'architecture. Le premier est perceptible aussi bien dans la revue de presse officielle que dans les représentations architecturales sur les billets de banque, les timbres et quelques cartes postales depuis l'indépendance. Son exploration a permis de dégager les images que l'État fabrique d'une architecture "emblématique" comme réalisation officielle. Le discours de l'architecture reflète, quant à lui, la représentation que le concepteur propose pour définir l'architecture tunisienne. La recherche dans les fonds d'archives des documents graphiques rend compte de l'évolution du langage architectural proposé. L'analyse des profils des architectes relève l'importance de leur culture architecturale dans le modelage du paysage urbain actuel. Enfin, le discours sur l'architecture, matérialisé par l'examen des articles des périodiques d'architecture et de la revue de presse indépendante, dépeint la réception des œuvres. Il permet de voir la production architecturale au delà du discours officiel du maître d'ouvrage et de celui du maître d'oeuvre. Les représentations caricaturales d'un paysage urbain hétéroclite, ainsi que d'une architecture "moderniste" rhabillée par une enveloppe ornementale "historiciste" caractérisent essentiellement ce dernier discours.La référence architecturale des édifices paraît évoluer à l'image de la fondation de l'État et de la définition de ce qui est désormais "tunisien". L'analyse des discours relevés dans l'étude du corpus nous a permis de dégager trois imaginaires différents. Un imaginaire de développement caractérise les premières décennies de l'État indépendant. Il opère par une esthétique allusive qui s'aligne sur les tendances architecturales des grandes métropoles occidentales. Un imaginaire historique émerge par la suite. Il se construit, entre autres, à travers un héritage dont on cultive l'image et qu'on promeut au rang de patrimoine. Ainsi, la vénération du modèle "médinal" et plus récemment la revendication de l'héritage "protectorial", procurent à certains édifices un statut référentiel quant aux conceptions à venir. Enfin, un imaginaire syncrétique, oscille entre la modernisation du traditionnel et la traditionalisation du moderne en vue d'un idéal de fusion d'influences qui définirait l'architecture tunisienne contemporaine. / The high heterogeneity of the Tunisian cityscape raises important questions about the context of its emergence. A historical analysis of the country's last decades seems to be necessary towards understanding its origins. Since the State independence in 1956, several political, economical, and especially cultural evolutions have occurred. These have seemingly a great impact on the language of the contemporary architectural production.The present research focuses on the evolution of the references behind the Tunisian architecture from the independence until 2011. It mainly explores how an architecture was produced during the independent State establishment, and to what extent this architecture reflects the State's cultural policy.The main explored hypothesis concerns the impact of the interaction between the constructions initiated by the State and the architectural design on the current country's cityscape. Most of the project initiated by the independent State were built in the capital. Thus, Tunis is studied from a historical standpoint and buildings are analyzed in the triple process of architectural order, design, and communication, in order to understand the emergence circumstances of the current referential heterogeneity. A cross-reading of architecture publications highlights the different speeches that shape several imaginaries so to define contemporary Tunisian specificities, between modernity and tradition.Answering such a question implies a deep knowledge of the main State's projects during this period, but also the profiles of the different architects behind these projects design. A diverse corpus including graphical representations of the considered projects, general and specialized press publications, bank notes, stamps, and postcards, were selected for analysis. Besides its historical dimension, such a corpus enables observing the Architecture as a mean of communication from a cultural perspective.The cross-reading of this corpus brings out three types of speeches: a speech by, of, and on Architecture. The former, is observable on the official press, on the architectural representations of bank notes, on stamps and some postcards. Its analysis helped to determine the image that the State gives about its architectural realizations. The second type of speeches reflects the perception of the architect, as a designer of the Tunisian architecture. Research on graphical representations in public archives show the evolution of the architectural language. Moreover, the analysis of the diverse background of the architects, practicing during the period under study, shows the great impact of their architectural culture on the Tunisian cityscape. Finally, the last type of speech observed in specialized architectural magazines and private press, enables to extract receptions about the realized projects.References behind architectural realizations in Tunis seems to evolve together with the State evolution and the different definition of what is «Tunisian» at each moment. The study of the identified speeches led to three different imaginaries. The first is a progress imaginary, which characterizes the first decades of the independent State. It operates through an esthetic allusion following architectural inclination of great occidental metropolis. The second is a historical imaginary that emerges later and which mainly refers to a legacy architecture transformed into a protected heritage. Hence, the worship of the « medinal » architecture and recently the french protectorat legacy provide to some artefacts a status of reference for upcoming constructions. Finally, the third imaginary is syncretic and fluctuates between modernizing tradition and traditionalizing modernity towards a perfect fusion that eventually defines contemporary Tunisian architecture.

Där skollagen slutar tar förståelsen vid : En undersökning av referenter i skollagen och hur de förstås av tolkande lärare i gymnasiet / Where the law ends understanding begins : An analysis of referents in the Swedish educational act and how they are understood by interpreting high-school teachers

Björk, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
This essay consists of a heuristic analysis of referents in the Swedish educational act, leaning on the methodological guidelines of discourse analysis. The overall aim of the essay has been to analyse in what way language in the educational act works as guidelines and law in relation to teachers’ work. To correspond to this aim an openly structured questionnaire has been used, providing an empirical view of how teachers understand certain words, or referents, in the educational act. This empirical data has then been shaped to a spectrum view of the definitions of the referents showing a number of deductable facts, including the significance of the apparent use of institutional and professional language, which then have been viewed from two theoretical perspectives. The theories are a structuralist one represented by Ferdinand de Saussure and Claude Lévi-Strauss, and a sociolinguistic one represented by Michel Foucault and Norman Fairclough. The theoretical analysis is based on three stages of the constitution of meaning in the communication between the educational act and the interpreting teachers. Four questions has guided the analyses and reads as follows: Which referents are used in the educational act to describe the purpose and forming of the education for the students?; How are said referents interpreted by active teachers?; Which are the gains of the understandings provided by the theoretical perspectives of the analysis of referents in relation to the empirical enquiry?; How are the referents to be understood functioning as imperative law regarding the teacher and its practice? The main conclusion of the essay is that depending on our theoretical understanding of language, the function of the Swedish educational act as imperative law with a clear relationship between vision and reality is questionable. Therefor it is important to acknowledge the need for guidelines in teachers’ interpretation of the law, better ensuring consensus in how central values of the school corresponds in practice.

As bases teóricas expressas nas teses dos programas de pós-graduação em ciência da informação no Brasil: uma análise cientométrica / Theoretical bases expressed in the theses of the graduate programs in information science in Brazil: a cientometric analysis

Custódio, Pollyana Ágata Gomes da Rocha [UNESP] 28 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Pollyana Ágata Gomes Pilan (pollyanaagata@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-18T12:53:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CUSTODIO_PollyanaAgataGomesDaRocha_Tese.pdf: 2980185 bytes, checksum: 8e22f2063eec35b17869ef6e132d5600 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Telma Jaqueline Dias Silveira null (telmasbl@marilia.unesp.br) on 2018-05-18T18:21:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 custodio_pagr_dr_mar.pdf: 2980185 bytes, checksum: 8e22f2063eec35b17869ef6e132d5600 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-18T18:21:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 custodio_pagr_dr_mar.pdf: 2980185 bytes, checksum: 8e22f2063eec35b17869ef6e132d5600 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender a dinâmica de pesquisa expressa por meio das teses nos programas de pós-graduação consolidados em Ciência da Informação no Brasil defendidas no período de 2007 a 2016. Como objetivos específicos constitui o corpus de citações por programa, categoriza as linhas de pesquisa por programas, analisa os referentes teóricos mais citados por instituição e no conjunto de instituições, identifica a frente de pesquisa desses programas e as tendências por núcleo de pesquisadores, temáticas, áreas interfaces, distribuição geográfica e analisa os referentes teóricos comuns nas teses dos programas de pós-graduação por meio do acoplamento bibliográfico. Adota como pressuposto que a Ciência da Informação, como área de conhecimento incipiente, tem como interesse investigar o conhecimento da sua própria área e refletir sobre seu campo. Identifica 23 programas de pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação no Brasil, dos quais analisa as cinco instituições representadas pelos programas de Ciência da Informação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP/Marília), Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT), com convênio à Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Analisa o conjunto de referências presentes nas cinco instituições, considerando como universo de pesquisa as teses. Adota procedimentos cientométricos e bibliométricos, especialmente os estudos de citações e a análise relacional de citações, por permitirem conhecer os pesquisadores mais influentes e mostrarem as inter-relações evidenciadas na área. A partir dos dados analisa as configurações da pesquisa científica socialmente construída e sua dinâmica na área. Desenvolve estudos que mapeiam o campo científico em associação com análises epistemológicas, críticas e históricas, a fim de compreender o universo estudado de forma mais plena e aprofundada. Considera que autocrítica da prática de citações contribui para aperfeiçoar a qualidade da pesquisa e do campo de conhecimento. / This research aims to understand the dynamics of research expressed through theses in the postgraduate programs consolidated in Information Science in Brazil defended in the period from 2007 to 2016. As specific objectives it constitutes the corpus of citations by program, categorizes the lines of research by programs, analyzes the theoretical referents most cited by institution and in the set of institutions, identifies the research front of these programs and the trends by nucleus of researchers, thematic, interfaces areas, geographical distribution and analyzes the common theoretical references in the theses to postgraduate programs through the bibliographic coupling. It adopts as a presupposition that the Information Science, as an area of incipient knowledge, has as interest to investigate the knowledge of its own area and reflect on its field. It identifies 23 postgraduate programs in Information Science in Brazil, which analyzes the five institutions represented by the Information Science programs of the University of São Paulo (USP), Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), University of Brasília (UnB), Paulista State University (UNESP/Marília), Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), agreement with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Fluminense Federal University (UFF). It analyzes the set of references present in the five institutions, considering as a research universe the doctoral theses. It adopts scientometrics and bibliometrics procedures, especially the citation studies and the relational analysis of citations, since they allow to know the most influential researchers and to show the interrelations evidenced in the area. From the data analyzes the configurations of socially constructed scientific research and its dynamics in the area. It develops studies that map the scientific field in association with epistemological, critical and historical analyzes, in order to understand the studied universe in a fuller and deeper way. It considers that self-criticism of the practice of citations helps to improve the quality of research and the field of knowledge.

Narrativa referenter i svenskt teckenspråk / Narrative referents in Swedish Sign Language

Willing, Josephine January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta projekt är att få förståelse för hur ett forskningsprojekt fungerar och hur det är upplagt. Under våren 2020 har jag studerat förekomster av narrativa referenter och semiotiska typer i satsliknande enheter i svenskt teckenspråk. Jag gör en kvantitativ analys av samtliga referenter och semiotiska typer i tre kategorier: NarrativReferent1, NarrativReferent2 och NarrativReferent3. Resultatet visar att NarrativReferent1 har 70%, NarrativReferent2 har 28% och NarrativReferent3 har 2%. Det innebär att NarrativReferent3 har betydligt mindre referenter än övriga kategorier, däremot har kategorin NarrativReferent1 flest referenter. Det kan bero på att man med NarrativReferent1 alltid börjar konstruera en referent i satsliknande enhet, och där etablerar man referenten. Om det skulle komma en annan referent under samma tidsintervall så lägger man till den i NarrativReferent2.  Resultatet visar att referenten ’pojke’ har en central roll och semiotiska typer visar att konstruerad handling har flesta antal i NarrativReferent1. Däremot att referenten ’hund’ har flest referenter och semiotiska typer, visar att osynligt surrogat och avbildande tecken har flest antal i NarrativReferent2. / The aim of this project is to gain an understanding of how a research project works and how it is organized. During the spring 2020 I investigate occurrences of narrative referents and semiotic types in clause-like units in Swedish Sign Language. I conduct a quantitative analysis of all referents and semiotics types of three categories: NarrativeReferent1, NarrativeReferent2 and NarrativeReferent3.  The results show that NarrativeReferent1 has 70%, NarrativeReferent3 has 28% and NarrativeReferent3 has 2%. This means that NarrativeReferent3 has considerably fewer referents than the other categories, whereas the category NarrativeReferent1 has the highest number of referents. This could be a result of NarrativeReferent1 being used first to construct a referent in a clause-like unit, but when the referent has already been established and another referent appears within the same time span, this will be added to NarrativeReferent2. The results show that the referent ‘boy’ clearly has a central role, and semiotic types show that constructed action has the highest number of cases in NarrativeReferent1. However, the referent ‘dog’ has the most referents and semiotics types show that invisible surrogate and depicting signs have the highest number of cases in NarrativeReferent2.

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