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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of overcrowding on registered nurses in the paediatric emergency department at a tertiary hospital

Meissenheimer, Corina 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and describe the extent to which registered nurses’ practice was affected by emergency department overcrowding. Participants were recruited from a tertiary hospital by using the purpose sampling method. Data collection was done using a semi-structured interview guide. Individual interviews were conducted with eight registered nurses working in the paediatric emergency department. Data analysis was conducted using thematic content analysis and Yin’s (2003:178) five-phase cycle. The study findings revealed that the lack of professional nurse leadership and the difficult existing relationship with the physicians were obstacles that had to be obviated if the paediatric ED were to function optimally and best practice were to be achieved. It was revealed that a problematic issue in the setting was that the most critical decisions on allocating where patients should be treated were made by physicians who have more authority than nurses. It was recommended that the ED need to be clearly defined in the policies as an outpatient, emergency care or as an episodic patient care area as “Admission” can mean admission to the ED or admission as an inpatient/boarded patient. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Registered nurses' perception of the annual performance appraisal in a tertiary hospital in Riyadh

Gysman, Laura Clara 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative, explorative descriptive study was to describe how registered nurses at a specific tertiary hospital perceive the annual performance appraisal. A sample of 20 registered surgical nurses working in the ten Surgical Care Divisions was purposively selected to meet the inclusion criteria. Data was collected through two focus group interviews with 10 participants each. The transcribed interviews were manually analysed according to Collaizzi‟s (1978) method. Findings were described according to six main themes, of which the last theme described the nurses‟ suggestions for improving the annual performance appraisal. The 15 sub-themes addressed, among other things, the process of conducting annual performance appraisals, scoring the performances, incentives, loyalty to the hospital, communication, and competency certification of registered nurses. Recommendations were made for developing guidelines to ensure a standardised process of annual performance appraisal and to involve all stakeholders in the review of the competency assessment certification process. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Äldres upplevelse av emotionellt stöd från omvårdnadspersonal och sjuksköterskor - en litteraturöversikt / Older peoples´ experiences of emotional support given by caregivers and registered nurses – a Literature review

Hjertaker, Agnes January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Världen har en åldrande befolkning och den beräknas öka. Stigande ålder ökar risken att drabbas av sjukdomar vilket kan leda till ett ökat hjälpbehov. Äldre människor är sårbara relaterat till förluster. Denna sårbarhet ökar ytterligare vid flytt till en vård- och omsorgsboende. Emotionellt stöd beskrivs som ett abstrakt begrepp då det inbegriper det existentiella mötet och innehåller olika dimensioner. Emotionellt stöd beskrivs även som medmänsklighet och har visat sig leda till bättre hälsa samt att det förebygger depression. Syfte: Att beskriva betydelsen av- och vilka erfarenheter äldre personer som bor på vård- och omsorgsboenden har av emotionellt stöd som ges av sjuksköterskor och omvårdnadspersonal. Metod: Litteraturöversiktens artiklar sökes i databaserna PubMed och Chinal, 15 artiklar inkluderades med både kvantitativ, kvalitativ och mixad ansats. De inkluderade artiklarnas resultatdelar analyserades genom att söka efter skillnader och likheter som sedan sammanställdes i kategorier. Resultat: Äldre människorna upplevde att det emotionella stödet brister. Då det emotionella stödet inte gavs upplevde de äldre att de inte blev bekräftade som personer, kände ensamhet och otrygghet. Slutsats: För att de äldre ska uppleva emotionellt stöd är det viktigt att sjuksköterskan och omvårdnadspersonalen arbetar med ett personcentrerat förhållningsätt genom att möta de äldre, lyssna på dem och samtala med dem. / Introduction: The world has an aging population and it is expected to increase. When you get older, there is a high risk of diseases and due to that an increasing need of care. Older people are vulnerable due to losses. This vulnerability increases further when moving to a nursing home. Emotional support is described as an abstract concept, an existential meeting, with many dimensions. Emotional support is also described as humanity and emotional support has been shown to improve health and prevent depression. Aim: To describe, from the perspective of older people living in nursing homes, the meaning of and the experiences of emotional support given by registered nurses and nurse assistants. Methods: The articles of the literature review were searched in the databases PubMed and Cinahl, 15 articles of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches were includes. The articles were analyzed by searching for differences and similarities. The differences and similarities were then grouped together in categories. Result: The result showed that older people experienced shortcomings concerning emotional support. Older people felt that they were not confirmed as persons, felt loneliness and insecurity when emotional support was not given. Conclusion: In order for older people to experience emotional support, it is important that registered nurses and nurse assistant’s uses a person-centered approach by meeting the older people, listening to them and have good conversation with them.

Adaptation and Validation of the Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique for Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists

Dishman, Deniz 01 January 2019 (has links)
Anesthesia is a health care specialty fraught with high workload demands, stressful work environments, increased production pressure, work areas with many distractions, an increasing use of advanced technology, and the constant need to prioritize work actions. Effective clinical judgment in this dynamic environment necessitates that the provider demonstrate the ability to project what may occur secondary to actual or potential condition changes. These key elements operationalize situation awareness (SA). High level SA is an important characteristic for the successful development of student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNAs). With Endsley’s “Theory of Situation Awareness” as the foundation, the goal of this study was to adapt and validate the “Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique” (SAGAT), to quantify SRNAs' SA during a specific simulated anesthesia event. With IRB approval, purposeful sampling identified a group of CRNA, nurse educator subjects and an exploratory sequential mixed methods design utilized. Delphi methods during qualitative data collection and validation used a seven-member sample. Content analysis resulted in items for the adapted SAGAT. Quantitative methods utilized data collected from a second 40-member sample yielding item content validity and scale content validity indices (S-CVI/Ave. 0.92). Additionally, exploratory factor analysis provided further reliability with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.937. Findings revealed that a SAGAT specific to the anesthesia domain and the SRNA subgroup was amenable to adaptation and validation, providing positive implications in SRNA education and training. Additionally, results support the further adaptation, validation, and use of this instrument in other anesthetic content areas, as well as other health care domains.

Kommunsjuksköterskans omvårdnadsdokumentation om bensår i hemsjukvård : En granskning av patientjournaler. / The Municipal registered nurses ́ care documentation about leg ulcer in home care practice : an audit of patient journals

Fahlgren & Pettersson, Stina & Marie January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka kommunsjuksköterskan omvårdnadsdokumentation om bensår i hemsjukvård. Som metod valdes journalgranskning. Resultatet visade att omvårdnadsdokumentationen brister på många sätt. / Background: In Sweden, approximately 50 000 people suffers from slow-healing leg ulcers. The number of municipal registered nurses ́ has decreased in recent years. The municipal registered nurses ́ often hold function as an advisory consultant for the nursing staff and without participating in nursing care. This documentation is based on second-hand information from the nursing staff. Purpose: The aim was to investigate how municipal registered nurse care documents about leg ulcers in patients in home care practice. Method: An audit of patient journals was chosen to investigate how municipal registered nurse ́ care documents about leg ulcers in patients in home care practice. Results: The results are presented in five themes: contact cause, health and medical history, skin functions alternatively skin / tissue, skin action alternatively action / prescription skin / tissue and Ulcer case record. Beneath these themes the assessment of documentation was into incomplete, partially complete and complete. The result shows that the municipal registered nurse often documents in chronological order and not applying to the nursing process. The results also showed that the old documentation was not completed in the journal, which meant that it was difficult to follow a course of treatment. Discussion: The result shows that documentation in home care failures in many ways. Municipal registered nurse works as a consultant and is not involved in daily care. The documentation is based on second-hand information from the nursing staff and resulting in the documentation of leg ulcers is poor. Patient journals documentation was divided into different keyword, which means that it was difficult to follow the nursing process.

På tröskeln till omvårdnadsvärlden / On the doorstep of the nursing world

Eriksson, Helén, Gunnarsson, Elly January 1997 (has links)
This is a panel study of 148 students between the ages of 16 and 19 who are enrolled in a three year practical nursing education programme. The aim of the study is to investigate the socialisation process into the nursing world by studying specific attitudes towards nursing, elderly people and general life values and beliefs. Another aim is to locate this groups position in the nursing education context. Part of the study is a description of differences between registered and practical nurses. Some of these are their professionalism, their attitudes to knowledge, their respective trade union actions and the development of a hospital culture. The development of a separated and a coordinated education route for registered and practical and nurses is also analysed. Data for the panel study were collected every year by questionnaires and groups discussions. The results show that the majority of the students are empathetic towards patients. The majority have also had difficult experiences during their student nursing practice associated with their encounter with death. Two out of five students spend a considerable amount of time with elderly. Most respondents experience a sense of security from the elderly and feel that what they have to say is important. Approximately 30 percent of the students give helping the elderly as the reason for entering the practical nursing programme. However, only about 11 percent want to work with the elderly in their future jobs as practical nurses. The majority of the students feel that life is meaningful and almost half of them regard their future prospects as bright. The only apparent connection between different attitudes is the one between religious belief and wanting to work with old people. A larger share of religious students are prepared to work in old age care. Summing up, most of the youths enjoy contact with elderly but few want to work with caring for them. / <p>Diss. av båda förf. Umeå : Univ., 1997</p> / digitalisering@umu

Anestesi- och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av överrapportering av postoperativa patienter / Certified registered nurse anaesthetist andcritical care nurses experiences of thepatient handover in a postoperative care unit

Arvidsson, Jennie, Selström, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Runt om i världen och på svenska sjukhus och , överrapporteras dagligen flertaletpostoperativa patienter mellan anestesi-och intensivvårdssjuksköterskor. Vad somkommunicerats har stor betydelse för patienternas fortsatta vård och sjuksköterskornasupplevelse av överrapportering. Bristande överrapportering kan få konsekvenser som sämrevårdkvalité och ökad risk för komplikationer för patienterna. Syfte: Att beskriva anestesi-ochintensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av överrapportering av postoperativa patienter. Metod:Intervjuer genomfördes i form av fokusgrupper, en med anestesisjuksköterskor och en medintensivvårdssjuksköterskor. Materialet analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat:Fem huvudkategorier: Behov av att dubbelkolla och dubbeldokumentera, att inte veta vilkeninformation som är relevant och sakna förståelse för varandra, att den postoperativaavdelningen är rörig och orsakar störningar i överrapportering, attoperationssjuksköterskornas överrapportering är viktig och behov av att överrapportera vidpatienterna och upprätthålla fullständig sekretess. Slutsats: Tydliga rutiner behövs gällande vadpostoperativ överrapportering ska innehålla, samt utveckling av samarbete mellan de som deltar iöverrapportering. Behov av att kunna genomföra överrapportering vid patienterna men ändåupprätthålla sekretess var ett komplext område. Operationssjuksköterskans deltagande iöverrapportering var ett av de största förbättringsområden som framkom denna studie.

Factors contributing to absenteeism amongst nurses: a management perspective

Nyathi, N'wamakhuvele Maria 28 February 2005 (has links)
Quantitative, descriptive research was conducted to determine which factors contribute to absenteeism among nurses. A structured self-administered questionnaire was administered to the entire population of nurses who worked at a district hospital in the Limpopo Province. Statistical data analysis, involving factor analysis, frequencies and Chi-squares was performed. The findings revealed that various factors related to the characteristics of the nurse, characteristics of the manager, characteristics of the work and characteristics of the organisation contribute to absenteeism. Professional nurses and sub-professional nurses, as well as nurses younger than 40 and nurses who are 40 years and older, appeared to disagree on the extent to which various factors contribute to absenteeism in the workplace. This study was aimed at assisting organisations and managers in reducing absenteeism in the workplace, and by doing so, improving the quality of care. / Health Studies / MA (HEALTH STUDIES)

Clinical teaching by registered nurses

Mochaki, Nare William January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative, descriptive study was to describe how registered nurses utilise teachable moments to enhance students' learning in the clinical setting. The research questions were: What are the problems faced by registered nurses when they teach students in the clinical setting? and How do registered nurses utilise teachable moments to teach students? A pilot study was conducted in the clinical setting involving the respondents who had similar characteristics than the population. The sample consisted of 45 registered nurses who provided direct patient care in the clinical setting. A self­ administered, structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistical tests. The findings brought to light strengths and weaknesses with regard to the utilisation of teachable moments by registered nurses, and problems faced by registered nurses with regard to clinical accompaniment in general. Recommendations to improve clinical accompaniment by registered nurses through effective utilisation of teachable moments were made. Further research was recommended to explore some problematic areas that emerged from this study. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Perception of nursing care received by in-patients at the Avenues Clinic (Harare in Zimbabwe) : a descriptive study

Sibotshiwe, Elizabeth 30 June 2003 (has links)
The study investigated how patients in the general wards of the Avenues Clinic perceive the nursing care they received. The study objectives were to identify how nurses in the general wards of the Avenues Clinic respond to patients' needs and if the nursing care received from the nurses matched patients' expectations. The study further sought to determine if patients would return to use Avenues Clinic nursing services and recommend services to family and friends. Data was drawn from 87 respondents by randomly distributing 100 questionnaires to three thirty-four bedded general wards of the Avenues Clinic. Findings of the study indicated that the majority of patients who received nursing care that was in line with their expectations would also return to use Avenues Clinic nursing services as well as recommend the services to family and friends. The theme "optimal care" was used to consolidate patient satisfiers while "suboptimal care" was used to describe patient dissatisfiers. / Health Studies / (M.A.(Health Studies ))

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