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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svärdets år

Gharib, Noor January 2009 (has links)
Detta arbete riktas framför allt till omvärlden, men också till assyrierna/syrianerna, främst till andra generationen assyrier/syrianer som lever idag i exil. De som lever i trygghet och säkerhet, skall uppmärksammas om vad som händer där ute i det verkliga livet. Arbetet skall förhoppningsvis bidra till högre kunskaper om minoritetsfolken i krigshärjade och diktatoriska länder som Irak, Iran, Syrien och Turkiet. Dessa är bara några få länder av de vars befolkning lider av tortyr, förtryck och förföljelse. Faktum är att en del etniska minoriteter har övergivits och lämnats åt sitt öde. Arbetet är ett rop på hjälp för alla de som behöver hjälp av alla slag. Några sådana är folkgruppen assyrier/syrianer vars situation jag behandlar närmare i texten.

Den glömda gudinnan : om Asherahs roll i den forntida israelitiska religionen i förhållande till Jahve

Bååth Bergstedt, Elin January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka Asherahs roll i den forntida israelitiska religionen i förhållande till Jahve.

Var katarerna heretiker eller urkristna? : en studie av forskarnas bilder av katarernas ursprung

Kedidi, Monia January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om katarerna ska räknas som heretiker, vilket har varit fallet från medeltiden och framåt eller om de egentligen borde räknas som urkristna vilket de själva ansåg och varför forskningen är motstridig i denna fråga.

Häxprocesser i Gävle och Ockelbo på 1600-talet

Jönsson, Karin January 1999 (has links)
In this C-thesis, I investigate the sudden outbreak of the Swedish witch-hunts during the 17th century, mainly focusing on Gävle and Ockelbo in Gästrikland. To show the extension of the Swedish witch-hunts, I have included an introductory part of the thesis, where this is described. Another important part of the thesis is the one about views upon women and the functions of their bodies, which had to do with female sexuality. Women were indeed considered a threat, by men in powerful positions, and very often it was sheriffs, judges, commanders and governors who most strongly claimed this. People believed that the witches went to Blåkulla, which could be practically anywhere. It could be a mountain, an open area, a rock or a heath. It seems, however, to have been situated far north. My investigation mainly concerns the witch-hunts in Ockelbo and Gävle. During this time, Ockelbo was a small, distant village to which a lot of Finnish immigrants arrived in the early 17th century. In 1674 the vicar of Ockelbo, a man by the name of Tybelius, made known that rumours about witches were going around, and eventually these rumours were all over the area. Tybelius himself questioned the women who were involved. A large number of women lost their lives in Gästrikland. Ockelbo was struck hard by the witch-hunts. No less than 69 people were accused of being involved with the Devil and according to the record 14 of these were in fact executed. This is considered quite a large number, since Ockelbo was such a small village. Gävle came to be known mainly because of the accusations against Katarina Bure, the wife of the vicar, Peder Fontelius. The vicar had, at an early stage, dissociated himself from all sorts of witchcraft, and he was indeed very sceptical of the journeys to Blåkulla. The mayor of Gävle, a man by the name Falck, disliked Fontelius' opinions, which eventually led to the mayor accusing Fontelius' wife, Katarina, of having brought away children to Blåkulla. This was the first known case in Gävle, and it was to be followed by other cases. Children generally played an important role in the witch-hunts, and this was also the case in Gävle. It was not unusual that children testified against their own mothers. One of these children was Johan Johansson Griis, who accused his own mother and sent her to death. He was sent to live with some relatives in Stockholm, where he had soon pointed out a group of innocent women, many of which lost their lives. The witch-hunts lasted for 200 years. In Sweden, approximately 300 people were executed. / Uppsatsförfattaren har senare bytt efternamn till "Jäderström".

Det är skillnad på muslimer och muslimer : hur tar lärare upp konflikterna i Afghanistan och Irak i religionsundervisningen?

Hägg, Helena January 2004 (has links)
Många undersökningar har behandlat hur islamundervisning går till i gymnasieskolan, bland annat Kjell Härenstams bok Skolboksislam. Ingen jag har kommit i kontakt med hittills har tagit upp frågan om hur lärare i religion tar upp religions- och kulturmöten, då i synnerhet krigen i Afghanistan och Irak. Mina frågeställningar är således följande: Hur har lärare i religion på gymnasiet tagit upp krigen i Afghanistan och Irak? Var har de hämtat sin information och hur har de bedömt den källkritiskt?

Religionsundervisningen igår, idag och imorgon : en uppsats om hur religionsundervisningen såg ut, ser ut och kommer att se ut

Liljemark, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Jag hävdar att religionsundervisningen för ungefär tre decennier sedan var mindre öppen för flera religioner, till skillnad från dagens religionsundervisning på grundskolan. Därför är mitt syfte att undersöka om religionsundervisningen förr var lika öppen för andra religioner som dagens undervisning är och dessutom försöka få några åsikter om framtidens undervisning. För att besvara mitt syfte använder jag följande frågeställningar: Hur såg religionsundervisningen ut för tre decennier sedan? Hur ser religionsundervisningen ut i dag? Vad låg/ligger fokus på i undervisningen? Hur såg/ser lärarna på läroplanerna? Hur kan religionsundervisningen komma att se ut i framtiden?

Islamisk fundamentalism : två fallstudier

Laurén, Pär January 2002 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att finna de huvudsakliga orsakerna bakom uppkomsten och framväxten av den moderna islamiska fundamentalismen i länderna Iran och Afghanistan. Jag kommer att arbeta utifrån tesen att denna extrema form av religiositet främst är ett politiskt och socialt fenomen snarare än ett religiöst.

Islamists Concerned at ”Americanisation of Education” in Kuwait : Background, Argument and Possible Reasons

Letsa, Adelaide January 2004 (has links)
Why was there a strong reaction from Islamist MPs about the Americanisation of education in Kuwaiti schools? Which parts of the textbooks were being questioned and which arguments were used? Could there be any reasons to delete particular phrases in textbooks, which may seem to offend people of certain religious denominations? Kuwait as a state has been in earlier conflicts with Iraq, which has led to some Islamists not being in favour of Kuwait, getting support from the USA. The Islamists in these Arab states imply that the war between Kuwait and Iraq was a direct punishment from Allah as Kuwaitis were in close contacts with USA. That USA supported the Kuwaitis in the battle against Iraq is still an irritation subject for some Arab states. At this juncture, I would like the reader to put into consideration that the books in question are written in Arabic hence, the difficulty in translation without an Arabic translator, has made it impossible to use them for this study. Both the verses and the books that are in question were difficult to get hold of. It is therefore difficult to give a vivid description of what it contained for this thesis. My try to get hold of them has been to no results. However, I will continue trying and hopefully get hold of a translated version of them. To summarise the whole issue in a nutshell one can say that the ministry of education said that USA were not pressuring them to make any changes in textbooks which could for that reason be a so-called Americanisation of Education.

Religionsundervisning i kommunal skola respektive friskola

Arnautovic, Sead January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine how the religious education is implemented in junior and grammar school. As a base for my examination I used two private schools and two municipal schools. My main goal was to get a better view of the content of the education, the treatment of the students and the conditions for the students to get a greater understanding and respect for others’ religious beliefs and opinions through education. To reach this goal I did interviews and field studies which means that the paper has a qualitative approach. The examination showed clearly that the private schools spend a lot more education time on their respective religions while the municipal schools have a more comprehensive education. Regarding the treatment of the students I could not find any differences since all of the schools gave the students space to express their opinions and thoughts. However there are clear differences when it comes to understand others’ opinions and respect other people’s religious views, since the students in the private schools only meet students with the same religion and views; they do not meet other students who do not share their thoughts.

Kunskap är som ballonger - den måste förankras om den inte ska försvinna bort : en studie av vad som påverkar en lärares val av undervisning

Osuna, Jessica January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to identify a couple of different factors that matter when a teacher chooses method and raw material for teaching his students. The person interviewed is a man, whose lesson I also observed. The result shows that there are several factors of great importance for his choice. My conclusion of this is that this teacher’s choice depends on the school as institution with all the people that operate there, the composition of the students and the school’s curriculum, but this teacher’s pedagogical basic view also has a great importance for his teaching.

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