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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"A la baïonnette en ! " : approche des imaginaires à l'épreuve de la guerre 1914-1918 / "Fix bayonets!" : an attempt to explain people’s understandings challenged by the realities of the Great War

Marty, Cédric 08 February 2014 (has links)
Par les sentiments qu’elle a suscités, les discours ou les images qu’elle a générés, la baïonnette offre à l’historien une entrée intéressante pour étudier les imaginaires à l’épreuve de la Première Guerre mondiale. Elle permet de s’interroger, par-delà la diversité des supports, sur les modèles dominants et leur remise en cause, avant et pendant la guerre. Pourquoi l’assaut et le combat « à la baïonnette », topoi de la représentation du combat avant 1914, tiennent une place prépondérante dans le discours de guerre qui se met en place dès les premières semaines ? Ancré dans des pratiques bien établies avant 1914, favorisé par le contexte spécifique des entrées en guerre, l’engouement pour la baïonnette se heurte cependant à la violence des affrontements qui ne lui laisse qu’une place très marginale. Les autorités militaires et les principaux producteurs de biens culturels se détournent au fil des mois des ressorts héroïques du début de la guerre pour amorcer, selon une chronologie propre à chaque acteur, un tournant discursif vers davantage de sobriété et de réalisme. La baïonnette témoigne donc de l’évolution du discours dominant. Cette arme invite également à travailler sur la réception par les contemporains de cet imaginaire, avant et pendant la guerre. Si la plupart des mobilisés étaient imprégnés de représentations conventionnelles du combat avant 1914, la réalité des assauts se révèle nettement plus éprouvante. Le positionnement des combattants face à cet imaginaire est complexe, oscillant entre colère, résignation et appropriation plus ou moins consciente, plus ou moins affichée, d’une représentation de la guerre erronée, certes, mais incontestablement puissante. / Through the feelings it aroused, the speeches or pictures it created, the fixed bayonet gives an opportunity for the historian to study the ideals underpinning the Great War. Media portrayals of the bayonet as a field weapon changed during the war. The effectiveness of the bayonet as a weapon of war challenged prevailing official attitudes both before and during it. In the early stages of the conflict, it was a cliché and yet true, that battles using fixed bayonets played a prominent role in war speeches. As a typical cliché of warfare before 1914, it was rooted as a well-established practice. However, the fixed bayonet model did not match the requirements of the more violent clashes of the new conflict. As time progressed, military officials and all branches of the media started turning their back on what was considered as heroism at the beginning of WWI. Over a period of time the different media started delivering information that was more sober and realistic. The way fixed bayonets were portrayed reflects the evolution in mainstream official speeches. A focus on the weapon also provides an opportunity to take into account how contemporaries dealt with the varying representations before and during the war. Whilst most soldiers were influenced by common preconceptions about fighting at the front pre-1914, the down-to-earth reality proved much more demanding. Soldiers’ reactions towards official war representations were complex, ranging from anger to resignation. With assumptions that were more or less conscious, more or less expressed, soldiers began to consider the realities of war and consequently saw the representations as being false and yet undeniably powerful.


Rodrigues, Ana Paula de Lima 09 July 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master s dissertation is to identify the social representations constructed around the institution SINE in Santa Maria, having as the main source reports from social actors who frequent this place in search for jobs. It basically intends to understand how the social imaginary takes this institution as one of the main interlocutors with labor world in Santa Maria and as an agency that manages and performs actions of market insertion. Then, this study aims to learn how actors experience this relationship and the meaning they attribute to their actions, having as reference political and institutional practices mirrored by SINE. It intends to rescue the several meanings that people excluded from formal market place have about labor world and the relation with their biographies and their different insertions in the social contexts they are. From this universe of meanings it infers that people establish action plans in their daily routine in relation to labor world and their insertions in it. It highlights that this first view of people about labor world and the place and role of SINE in this context is important because it is a diagnosis not only of the restrict labor world but also of the political world as well as of the status and classes structures in which they are inserted. The contents are linked: basic reasons, such as economic survival with visions about the functioning of the political world. SINE itself constitutes an entity which conserves in its nature and routine these two dimensions to be an organism of (economical) labor managing while it maintains deep connections to the world of politics. The conclusions of the study come from qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews applied in November, 2009. / A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como finalidade identificar as representações sociais construídas acerca da instituição SINE em Santa Maria utilizando como principal fonte interpretativa os relatos dos atores sociais que circulam neste local à procura de trabalho. Aspira-se, fundamentalmente, entender como o imaginário social apropria-se desta instituição enquanto um dos principais interlocutores com o mundo do trabalho em Santa Maria e enquanto agência que administra e executa ações de inserção no mercado. Com isso, o estudo procura aprender a forma como os atores vivem essa relação e o sentido que atribuem as suas ações tendo como referência as políticas e práticas institucionais espelhadas pelo SINE. Pretende-se recuperar os universos de significados dos indivíduos excluídos do mercado de trabalho formal sobre o mundo do trabalho e da relação que se verifica com suas biografias e suas inserções mais diversas nos contextos sociais em que estão inseridos. Deste universo de significados capturado depreende-se que os indivíduos estabelecem planos de ação no cotidiano relativamente ao mundo do trabalho e de suas inserções nele. Enfatiza-se que esta primeira leitura dos indivíduos sobre o mundo do trabalho e do lugar e função do SINE nessa conjuntura é importante porque se trata de um diagnóstico não somente do mundo estrito do trabalho, como do mundo da política e da estrutura de status e de classes em que estão inseridos. Os conteúdos interligam-se: motivos básicos, como os da sobrevivência econômica, com visões sobre o funcionamento do mundo político. A própria instituição SINE constitui-se em uma entidade que conserva na sua natureza e rotinas estas duas dimensões, a de ser um organismo de gestão de mão de obra (econômico), ao tempo em que mantém profunda conexão com o mundo da política. As conclusões do estudo emanam da análise qualitativa das entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas no mês de novembro de 2009.


Cielo, Andreia Vedoin 14 September 2006 (has links)
This research had as a main purpose to cooperate with the formation of teachers on environmental education, having as a reference for the study and research the dialog with Monteiro Lobato s literary work. The Social Representations Theory was taken, in this research, as an alternative to approach Monteiro Lobato s text, the participant teachers and its environmental Representation. Monteiro Lobato is a classic and that is why his books have become unforgettable. He reaffirms the pleasure of finding out a text which tells us about the human. His readers, children and adults, travel in his books, fell as an integrant part of his fantasy and imaginary kingdom. I, then, try to take the reading not as a mere tool , as a mere resource, but as a place of knowledge, of information necessary for teaching and for educational practice. This way, Literature, in general, and juvenile literature, in particular, emerges as a possible alternative to get in touch with the human subjectivity, with the social excluded, with the different. So, we are able to understand literature as a representation of the world, which depends on the values and experiences of the author and the reader. The studies on representations allow us an approximation with the educators imaginary constructions. That is why becomes important, in teachers formation, to look inside, searching for our own representations. The reflection on our representations also permits to modify actions and attitudes in the world. This transformation of actions and attitudes becomes important once we think about Environmental Education, because it challenges us to elaborate alternatives to deal with the environmental questions more widely, reflecting, for example, on solidarity, respect, cooperation, tolerance. The work with environmental issues on daily basis at school, more than a formal necessity, composes a demand of the contemporary world. A world where, more and more, we are being challenged, all the time, to reflect on our representations about the others. From the discussions with the teachers involved in the research, I was able to conclude that, even though the environmental Representations are extremely related to physical and biological aspects, there is a search for a change, to put into question these representations so consolidated in society. Aspects such as the social, the cultural begin to gain place in the speech and in the imaginary of those teachers. In their talking, I realized that they understand that all of us are unfinished beings and that we learn in the course of our whole life, no matter our age and profession time we have. And that is an excellent start to improve the pedagogical practice. They are teachers aware of their role in society and in the edification of people who think about the political, economical and social facts which happen in their city and in the world. / Esta pesquisa teve como principal finalidade contribuir com a formação de professores em educação ambiental, tendo como referência de estudo e pesquisa o diálogo com a obra literária de Monteiro Lobato. A Teoria das Representações Sociais foi tomada, nesta pesquisa, como alternativa de aproximação entre o texto lobatiano, as professoras envolvidas e sua Representação de meio ambiente. Monteiro Lobato é um clássico e por isso seus livros tornaram-se inesquecíveis. Ele reafirma o prazer do encontro com um texto que fala-nos do humano. Seus leitores, crianças e adultos, viajam em seus livros, sentem-se parte integrante da fantasia e de seu reino imaginário. Procuro então tomar a leitura não como uma mera ferramenta , como um mero recurso, mas como um lugar de produção conhecimentos e de saberes necessários à docência e à prática educativa. Nesse sentido, a Literatura, de uma maneira geral, e a literatura infantil, em particular, surgem como uma alternativa possível para entrarmos em contato com a subjetividade humana, com os excluídos sociais, com o diferente. Podemos, então, entender a literatura como uma representação de mundo, dependente dos valores, das vivências do autor e do leitor. Os estudos sobre representações nos possibilitam uma aproximação com as construções imaginárias dos educadores. Por isso, torna-se importante, na formação de professores, olhar para dentro de si, buscando reconhecer nossas próprias representações. A reflexão e a problematização sobre nossas representações permitem também modificar ações e atitudes no mundo. Essa transformação de ações a atitudes torna-se importante quando pensamos em Educação Ambiental, pois ela nos desafia a elaborar alternativas para trabalhar as questões ambientais de uma forma mais ampla, refletindo, por exemplo, sobre a questão da solidariedade, do respeito, da cooperação, da tolerância. O trabalho com as questões ambientais no cotidiano escolar, mais do que uma necessidade formal, se constitui em uma exigência do mundo contemporâneo. Um mundo onde cada vez mais somos desafiados, o tempo todo, a refletir sobre nossas representações sobre o outro. A partir das discussões com as professoras participantes da pesquisa, pude concluir que, apesar das representações de Meio Ambiente estarem muito relacionadas com os aspectos físicos e biológicos, percebe-se uma busca de mudança, de problematização dessas representações cristalizadas na sociedade. Aspectos como o social, o cultural começam a ocupar espaço na fala e no imaginário das professoras. Em suas falas percebi que elas entendem que todos nós somos seres inconclusos e que aprendemos durante toda nossa vida, não importando a idade e o tempo de profissão que temos. E isso é um excelente começo para buscar a melhoria da prática pedagógica. Elas são professoras cientes de seu papel na sociedade e na edificação de pessoas que reflitam sobre os fatos políticos, econômicos e sociais que acontecem em sua cidade e no mundo.


Guareschi, Taís 20 June 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This search started from the interest of thinking about how learning has been conceived at school. Otherwise, I treat about the learning of a specific group: students with Pervasive Developmental Disorders (authists and psychotics). Based on that, this study has as objective to identify the Social Representations of teachers of a school from Santa Maria/RS, about the learning of those students. The theoretical referents used here, were the psychanalist theory and the social representations theory. Throught the analisys of the mirror phase and social representation, it was stablished a relation between both theories. This way, the maping of social representation stablished the field in which the person of learning is antecipated by the teacher with a qualifying approach, were used as instruments for the search of collecting datas of interviews, examined through the analisys of content, and personal observations at school. The analisys of the data, showed that the socialization is seen for the biggest part of the teachers as the main objective of e learning of those students. Besides that, it revealed the influence of social representations about the learning capacity of those people on the teaching and learning processes. Therefore, been able to remean the social representations that point out to the direction of the incapacity of learning of those student, and the own social representation is essencial to your school-learning process. / Esta pesquisa nasceu do interesse em refletir sobre como a aprendizagem está sendo concebida na escola. Porém, trato de aprendizagem de um grupo específico: alunos com Transtornos Globais de Desenvolvimento (autistas e psicóticos). Com base nisso, este estudo teve por objetivo identificar as Representações Sociais de professores de uma escola de Santa Maria-RS acerca da aprendizagem desses alunos. O referencial teórico utilizado foi a teoria psicanalítica e a teoria das Representações Sociais. Através da articulação entre estágio do espelho e representações sociais estabeleceu-se o diálogo entre as teorias. Assim, o mapeamento das representações sociais estabeleceu o campo no qual o sujeito da aprendizagem é antecipado pelo professor. Em uma abordagem qualitativa, foram utilizados como instrumentos de coleta de dados entrevistas, examinadas através da análise de conteúdo, e observações participantes na escola. A análise dos dados mostrou que a socialização é vista pela maior parte dos professores como o objetivo principal da escolarização desses alunos. Além disso, revelou a influência das representações sociais acerca da capacidade de aprender desses sujeitos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Sendo assim, poder ressignificar as representações sociais que apontam para a direção da incapacidade de aprender desses alunos e a própria representação de socialização é essencial para seu processo de escolarização.


Zanella, Andrisa Kemel 24 March 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work fits on the research line Professional Formation, Knowledge and Development and has as an objective to investigate some representations that college students of daytime Pedagogy Course had in relation to theater both before and after they experience the theatrical language in the subjects Theatrical Game I and Theatrical Game II. The choice for this thematic emerged from experiences lived throughout my formation of Bachelor of Drama Acting Course besides my interest in working with theater inserted in educational contexts. Such an interest get me to know and also teach a lesson in the subject Theatrical Game in Pedagogy Course, asking me to search how the living with theatrical language happens in a course that forms pedagogy professionals. Not only curiosity, but also the significations this experience proportioned to the teachers formation and also to the college students viewpoint in relation to theater were essential factors on the idealization and concretization of this study, which was created specifically to be developed in the subject Theatrical Game. To research about representations college students had in relation to theater was an opportunity to know which imaginary was instituted throughout their formation and which instituted possibilities have emerged from their experience in the subjects mentioned above. To do that, it was developed a methodological way that contemplates this problematic. Thus, the research, of qualitative features, was divided into six moments: group to be observed selection; participative observation; intervention in the subject Theatrical Game I and selection of four people to participate in the research; semi-structured interview; observation in the subject Theatrical Game II; structured written interview and finally data analysis. This diversity of instruments proportioned a reconstitution of the participants life history in relation to theater throughout their school period, besides accompanying the subjects Theatrical Game I and II, analyzing reflections and significations that college students attributed to theater during the living practice in the subject, knowing some significations about what, in their point of view, signify Theater for Education, as well as raising some possibilities of transformation occurred about the representations people had in relation to theater before and after the living practice. In involving myself into an investigation that tried to value the signification universe that permeates human relations, it was not my intention to establish truths or even do generalizations from an only context, but to have in mind that the reached results came from a lived process in a determined space limited by two important elements: time and space. Throughout this research, it was possible to perceive that the experience in the subject Theatrical Game I and Theatrical Game II operated in the previous representation that the future teachers had brought in relation to theater. This transformation was due to the meeting of what was known with the new perspectives, making possible, in this way, to interrupt the imaginary that was instituted to emerge an instituted imaginary that revealed another possibility to personal and professional developments as well as teachers formation. / Esse trabalho se inscreve na linha Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional e teve por objetivo investigar as representações que as acadêmicas do Curso de Pedagogia Diurno possuíam em relação ao teatro tanto antes como depois de vivenciarem a linguagem teatral nas disciplinas de Jogo Teatral I e Jogo Teatral II. A escolha por esta temática originou-se das experiências que vivenciei ao longo de minha formação no Curso de Artes Cênicas Bacharelado e do meu interesse em trabalhar com o teatro inserido no contexto educacional. Tal interesse me levou a conhecer e também ministrar uma aula na disciplina de Jogo Teatral no Curso de Pedagogia, instigando-me a pesquisar como se dava a vivência com a linguagem teatral num curso que forma pedagogos (as). Não só a curiosidade, mas também os significados que essa experimentação proporcionava à formação de professores (as) e a visão do (a) acadêmico (a) em relação ao teatro foram fatores fundamentais na idealização e concretização desse estudo, o qual foi criado especificamente para ser desenvolvido na disciplina de Jogo Teatral. Pesquisar as representações que as acadêmicas possuíam em relação ao teatro foi uma oportunidade de conhecer que imaginário foi instituído no decorrer de sua formação e quais as possibilidades instituintes que surgiram a partir da experiência na disciplina. Para isto, delineou-se um caminho metodológico que contemplasse essa problemática. Assim, a pesquisa, que possui cunho qualitativo, foi dividida em seis momentos: seleção da turma que iria ser observada; observação participante; intervenção na disciplina de Jogo Teatral I e seleção de quatro sujeitos para participar da pesquisa; entrevista semi-estruturada; observação na disciplina de Jogo Teatral II; entrevista escrita estruturada e análise dos dados. Essa diversidade de instrumentos proporcionou reconstruir a história de vida dos sujeitos em relação ao teatro durante o período escolar, acompanhar a disciplina de Jogo Teatral I e II, analisar as reflexões e significações que as acadêmicas atribuíram ao teatro durante a vivência prática na disciplina, conhecer algumas significações sobre o que para elas significa Teatro para a Educação, bem como realizar um levantamento sobre as possibilidades de transformação ocorrida em torno das representações que os sujeitos apresentavam sobre o teatro antes e depois da vivência prática. Ao lançar-me numa investigação em que se buscou valorizar o universo de significados que permeiam as relações humanas, não se teve a pretensão de estabelecer verdades ou mesmo fazer generalizações a partir de um único contexto, mas ter ciência que o resultado encontrado é fruto de um processo experienciado num determinado espaço delimitado por dois elementos importantes: o tempo e o espaço. Ao longo de toda a pesquisa, foi possível perceber que a experimentação na disciplina de Jogo Teatral I e Jogo Teatral II operou na representação prévia que as futuras professoras traziam em relação ao teatro. Essa transformação foi decorrente do encontro do que era conhecido com o novo, possibilitando, assim, romper o imaginário que estava instituído para emergir o imaginário instituinte, que revelou outra possibilidade aos sujeitos de trabalhar o teatro na escola, contribuindo não apenas para seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional como também para a formação de professores.

Pratiques discursives et représentations du bi-plurilinguisme dans trois établissements franco-allemands [Buc, Fribourg, Sarrebruck] / Discursive practices and representations of bi-plurilingualism in three French-German institutional settings [Buc, Freibourg, Saarbrücken].

Stratilaki, Sofia 26 November 2009 (has links)
Notre étude s’inscrit dans la ligne des questionnements en linguistique et en didactique des langues et porte sur les conditions dans lesquelles s’opère la construction d’une compétence dans plusieurs langues chez des apprenants placés, du fait de leur biographie langagière ou de leur mode de scolarisation, dans des établissements institutionnellement valorisants et réputés, tels que les lycées franco-allemands de Buc (Versailles), de Fribourg (Brisgau) et de Sarrebruck (Sarre). La recherche s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux apports réciproques des représentations sociales du bi--plurilinguisme et des contextes d’acquisition et interroge les conditions dans lesquelles les corpus recueillis permettent de constater ou d’inférer des transformations en cours dans les représentations des apprenants, que ces représentations soient relatives aux langues et à leur apprentissage ou qu’elles relèvent de la construction des connaissances. Dans un premier temps, elle se propose, en s’appuyant sur une analyse qualitative et quantitative d’un corpus composé de questionnaires et d’entretiens semi-dirigés de groupe, de contribuer à définir ce qu’est une compétence plurilingue, d’une part, au niveau macrolinguistique, c’est-à-dire dans une perspective d’organisation curriculaire et de parcours d’apprentissage individuels, et, d’autre part, au niveau microlinguistique, c’est-à-dire dans sa réalité discursive et interactionniste dans les pratiques langagières plurilingues des apprenants. À cette fin, l’étude interroge tout d’abord les contenus et les processus discursifs d’élaboration des représentations sous l’angle dynamique de leurs propriétés structurelles et argumentatives puis analyse, à l’aide des outils de l’analyse du discours, les pratiques discursives en tant qu’activités langagières conjointement construites dans l’interaction par lesquelles s’élaborent et se [co-]construisent des représentations du plurilinguisme. Dans un second temps, l’étude met les outils de l’analyse du discours et de celle du contenu au service de la didactique, en essayant de tirer au clair la façon dont se dessine, à la rencontre des profils typologiques et des traits constitutifs des représentations identitaires du plurilinguisme, le répertoire langagier pluriel des apprenants franco-allemands. Enfin, suite à l’analyse du corpus et dans une perspective de recherche-action, des réflexions et des propositions pour une didactique du plurilinguisme sont envisagées. / Our research is in the field of linguistics and the didactic practices of languages. It concerns the conditions of building competence in multiple languages in learners who, due to their language biography or the educational system, are studying in prestigious institutional school environments, such as the French-German schools of Buc (Versailles), Freiburg (Breisgau) and Saarbrücken (Saarland). In particular, the research examines the reciprocal interaction between social representations of bi--plurilingualism and contexts of acquisition. We review the conditions in which the data collected lead us to conclude or to infer changes in learners’ representations related to the languages and their language-learning or to their accumulation of knowledge. Firstly, based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of data elicited in the form of questionnaires and semi-directive interviews, we aim to define the concept of plurilingual competence. This competence exists on two levels: first, on the macrolinguistic level, from the perspective of the organisation of curriculum and of individual trajectories of learning, and secondly, on the microlinguistic level, in its discursive and interactional reality in the learners’ plurilingual language practices. With this aim, the study begins by investigating the content and the discursive processes of the development of representations by considering the dynamics of their structural and argumentative components. The next stage is to analyse [using speech analysis tools] discursive practices such as language activities, which are situated in the interaction and contribute to the development and mutual construction of representations of plurilingualism. The study continues by using the tools of content and discourse analysis for didactic purposes. We try to reveal how the plurilingual language repertoire of French-German learners takes shape, through typological profiles and examining the constituent components of representations of identity and plurilingualism. Finally, in an active research mode, we suggest possibilities for future research on the didactics of plurilingualism.

Faire face au changement et réinventer des îles / Facing with change and reinvent islands

Soulimant, Nina 29 September 2011 (has links)
Penser l’île de manière théorique, comme espace de la finitude, de l’isolement, mais aussi lieu comme espace primordial pour l’étude du changement, est nécessaire ; même si à première vue la théorie ne semble pas souvent être en phase avec la "réalité". Cette recherche proposera donc une traversée du XXe siècle, afin de mener une observation des changements majeurs ayant marqué les espaces insulaires (principalement les îles intégrées dans le giron de l’Union Européenne), et les progressives prises de conscience des déséquilibres créés. Deux archipels servent de supports à cette réflexion : les Açores (Portugal) et les Hébrides (Ecosse, Royaume-Uni). Une idée centrale teinte ce voyage : même face à un passé marqué par les dépendances (économique, politique, énergétique…), par la déprise et des problèmes environnementaux, subsiste toujours un potentiel permettant de réinventer ces îles, les faisant évoluer vers des logiques nouvelles. Ce potentiel surgit en s’appuyant sur l’image idéelle et rêvée de l’île que nous portons tous en nous ; nos représentations d’une île qui n’existe souvent plus (ou qui n’a jamais existé), mais qui vit dans les esprits et nous fait rêver. En ce début de XXIe siècle n’est-on pas en train d’assister à l’émergence d’une nouvelle insularité, où île réelle et île rêvée peuvent enfin coïncider ? / Theoretically considering the islands as ended and isolated spaces but also as important spaces for studies of changes is a necessity, even if theory does not seem to match reality at first sight. This work provides an understanding of the major changes that marked islands spaces, and the progressive awakening of consciousness about the imbalances caused by these changes all through the XXth century. It is based on the study of two archipelagos: the Azores (Portugal) and the Hebrides (Scotland, UK). One major idea units this work: despite a past marked by various dependences (economy, politics, energy, etc.), environmental problems and land abandoning, islands can still evolve by using completely new ways of thinking. This capacity to evolve easily rises from perceptions and dreams we all have concerning islands, sometimes based on ideas of islands that often exists no more (if they had ever existed) but persist in our mind and make us dream. Nowadays, at the beginning of the XXIst century, are we not witnessing the rise of a new way of thinking islands, where real island and dreamed island can be combined?

Les représentations sociales du médicament : une perspective iconographique / Social representations of medicine : an iconographic perspective

Cohen, Golda 10 December 2015 (has links)
Le médicament est un objet social qui est au coeur de diverses relations matérielles et symboliques. Pour connaitre les formes d’opinions et de savoirs qui lui sont associés au sein de la population française, nous avons mobilisé le cadre théorique des représentations sociales. En raison de la propagation massive des images dans les nouveaux médiums de communication, nous avons choisi d’aborder les différentes recherches qui constituent ce travail de thèse sous l’angle de la perspective iconographique. A ce titre, nos investigations s’articulent autour de deux axes : Le premier axe (N=946) s’intéresse à l’implication de l’imagerie mentale dans la formation de la représentation sociale du médicament. Les trois recherches réalisées en ce sens nous permettront de constater le caractère collectif de l’imagerie mentale, encourageant ainsi la recherche sur les images. Le second axe (N=615) se focalise quant à lui sur les processus mobilisés par les individus quand il s’agit de sélectionner, mémoriser et comprendre des images relatives à des associations prototypiques de la représentation sociale du médicament. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent le développement d’une méthodologie avec les images. Dans leur ensemble, les travaux invitent le lecteur d’une part, à considérer l’importance des représentations sociales dans l’exercice de décryptage des images visuelles, d’autre part, à approfondir l’iconographie dans la perspective méthodologique de la théorie des représentations sociales. / The medicine is a social object that is at the heart of many material and symbolic relationships. In order to know the opinions and knowledge associated with it within the French population, we mobilized the theoretical framework of social representations. Due to the massive spread of images in new mediums of communication, we chose to limit the research that constitutes this PhD in the iconographic perspective. As such, our investigations revolve around two axes: The first axis (N = 946) is concerned with the involvement of the mental imagery in the formation of social representation of the medicine. The three investigations carried out with this focus allowed us to observe the collective nature of mental imagery, encouraging research on the images. The second axis (N = 615) focuses in the processes mobilized by individuals when it comes to selecting, memorizing and understanding the images associated with the prototypical words of the social representation of the medicine. The results suggest the development of a methodology with the images. As a whole, the investigations invite the reader on one hand, to consider the importance of social representations in the deciphering of visual images, on the other hand to dig deeper in the iconography of the methodological perspective of the theory of social representations.

Dons, parentés et représentations sociales / Relatedness, gift-giving relationships and social representations

Doumergue, Marjolaine 29 November 2016 (has links)
Notre thèse s’attache à l’étude des systèmes représentationnels impliqués par la parenté par recours au don de spermatozoïdes. D’un point de vue théorique en psychologie sociale, l’objectif est de saisir la logique de ces systèmes (contenus et processus d’élaboration et de transformation) et leur efficacité au sein de la pratique sociale. La problématique porte sur les manières dont le sens commun traduit les enjeux anthropologiques relatifs à la parenté et au don dans le cas du don de spermatozoïdes. Nous nous inscrivons dans une approche sociogénétique des représentations sociales nous permettant de retracer les éléments et les jalons des processus d’appropriation symbolique en œuvre pour ceux qui ont pour tâche d’institutionnaliser ces pratiques et pour ceux qui en ont une expérience vécue. Nous avons développé un plan de recherche fonctionnant selon le principe de la triangulation des méthodes et organisant une étude multi-niveaux des phénomènes représentationnels. Grâce au partenariat scientifique avec la Fédération française des CECOS, nous avons rencontré des parents par recours au don de spermatozoïdes dans le cadre d’enquêtes quantitative et qualitative (entretiens individuels et focus groups). L’analyse des débats parlementaires de la révision de 2011 de la loi relative à la bioéthique complète ce design méthodologique. Les résultats ont permis de mettre au jour les systèmes représentationnels actualisés dans la sphère publique pour penser la parenté par recours au don, via la mise en évidence des tensions entre catégories de pensée fondamentales (thêmata) qui organisent le champ représentationnel des acteurs parlementaires. Le croisement des analyses dégage des similarités entre les logiques parentales et parlementaires (pro-anonymat) quant à cet anonymat du donneur, sans qu’il n’y ait de détermination, par ce régime anonyme, des pratiques parentales (majoritaires) de récits de sa conception à l’enfant. Les analyses des processus d’inscriptions psychosociales et culturelles du vécu de la parenté par recours au don témoignent toutefois d’un projet représentationnel partagé qui s’ancre dans des modes de parenté normalisés. Il s’actualise de manières paradoxales par un ensemble signifiant de pratiques (récits à l’enfant du recours au don ; dons d’ovocytes) qui se constituent en actions représentationnelles. La discussion souligne l’intérêt qu’il y a à considérer une pluralité de sociogenèses. Elles produisent des états représentationnels composites et la complexité de phénomènes en tensions, dont des actions représentationnelles transgressant et prolongeant l’ordre établi des attendus culturels et des rapports sociaux. / This thesis focuses on the representational systems involved in family building through sperm donation. Drawing on psychosocial theories, it investigates the logic behind these systems and their efficacy in social practices. Specifically, we explore how anthropological issues to do with kinship/relatedness and giving-receiving relationships are transformed into common sense knowledge in the case of sperm donation. This issue is considered using a sociogenetic approach, through the lens of social representations theory. Adopting this theoretical perspective allowed us to trace the elements and milestones of the processes of symbolic coping at play among those whose task is to institutionalise these practices, and among those who experience them.We developed a research programme organised according to principles of method triangulation, hence conducting multi-level studies of representational phenomena. Owing to our scientific partnership with the French federation of CECOS (certified clinics), we conducted quantitative and qualitative research (interviews and focus groups) with parents who conceived their children using sperm donation. A further aspect of our research was based upon an analysis of parliamentary debates regarding the 2011 revision to bioethics legislation in France.Our findings indicated the significance of representational systems for meaning making about parenthood through sperm donation. Specifically, the representational fields of parliamentary players were shown to be organised by tensions between fundamental categories of thought (themata). We found similarities between parental and parliamentary logics that both favoured anonymity, but no relationship between parents’ disclosure decisions and donor anonymity. We did however observe that parents make sense of sperm donation through a shared - yet negotiated - representational project anchored in a rather traditional family model. This project was found to be enacted paradoxically by a set of significant practices (disclosure strategies; egg donation) that constitute representational actions.Our discussion underlines the intense dynamic that underpins the investigated representational systems, studied in different areas of production and transformation. It leads to complex and tense representational phenomena, including actions that transgress and prolong the established cultural and social order.

Semantic foundations of intermediate program representations / Fondements sémantiques des représentations intermédiaires de programmes

Demange, Delphine 19 October 2012 (has links)
La vérification formelle de programme n'apporte pas de garantie complète si l'outil de vérification est incorrect. Et, si un programme est vérifié au niveau source, le compilateur pourrait introduire des bugs. Les compilateurs et vérifieurs actuels sont complexes. Pour simplifier l'analyse et la transformation de code, ils utilisent des représentations intermédiaires (IR) de programme, qui ont de fortes propriétés structurelles et sémantiques. Cette thèse étudie d'un point de vue sémantique et formel les IRs, afin de faciliter la preuve de ces outils. Nous étudions d'abord une IR basée registre du bytecode Java. Nous prouvons un théorème sur sa génération, explicitant ce que la transformation préserve (l'initialisation d'objet, les exceptions) et ce qu'elle modifie et comment (l'ordre d'allocation). Nous implantons l'IR dans Sawja, un outil de développement d'analyses statiques de Java. Nous étudions aussi la forme SSA, une IR au coeur des compilateurs et vérifieurs modernes. Nous implantons et prouvons en Coq un middle-end SSA pour le compilateur C CompCert. Pour la preuve des optimisations, nous prouvons un invariant sémantique de SSA clé pour le raisonnement équationnel. Enfin, nous étudions la sémantique des IRs de Java concurrent. La définition actuelle du Java Memory Model (JMM) autorise les optimisations aggressives des compilateurs et des architectures parallèles. Complexe, elle est formellement cassée. Ciblant les architectures x86, nous proposons un sous-ensemble du JMM intuitif et adapté à la preuve formelle. Nous le caractérisons par ses réordonnancements, et factorisons cette preuve sur les IRs d'un compilateur. / An end-to-end guarantee of software correctness by formal verification must consider two sources of bugs. First, the verification tool must be correct. Second, programs are often verified at the source level, before being compiled. Hence, compilers should also be trustworthy. Verifiers and compilers' complexity is increasing. To simplify code analysis and manipulation, these tools rely on intermediate representations (IR) of programs, that provide structural and semantic properties. This thesis gives a formal, semantic account on IRs, so that they can also be leveraged in the formal proof of such tools. We first study a register-based IR of Java bytecode used in compilers and verifiers. We specify the IR generation by a semantic theorem stating what the transformation preserves, e.g. object initialization or exceptions, but also what it modifies and how, e.g. object allocation. We implement this IR in Sawja, a Java static analysis toolbench. Then, we study the Static Single Assignment (SSA) form, an IR widely used in modern compilers and verifiers. We implement and prove in Coq an SSA middle-end for the CompCert C compiler. For the proof of SSA optimizations, we identify a key semantic property of SSA, allowing for equational reasoning. Finally, we study the semantics of concurrent Java IRs. Due to instruction reorderings performed by the compiler and the hardware, the current definition of the Java Memory Model (JMM) is complex, and unfortunately formally flawed. Targetting x86 architectures, we identify a subset of the JMM that is intuitive and tractable in formal proofs. We characterize the reorderings it allows, and factor out a proof common to the IRs of a compiler.

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