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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A novelette thesis, A Year of Grade Two: an autoethnographic study on (re)inventing (my)self as teacher / Year of Grade Two : an autoethnographic study on (re)inventing (my)self as teacher

Mah, Taryn Louise 27 August 2012 (has links)
This M.A. thesis is an autoethnographic study of my personal experiences teaching Grade Two after ten years of teaching middle school. It takes place over a five year span from 2007 to 2012. It is presented as a series of fictional, performative, and narrative pieces, where the reader is invited along on my journey to discover who I am (becoming) as Teacher, and the (re)invention of myself as Teacher. The study takes a creative, arts- based approach, presented as a curriculum lab book that is formatted differently than a traditional thesis. On the right side of each page is a novelette comprised of narratives, stories, dialogue, and poems; on the left side of the page are literature links and implications, definitions, reflections, and recursive segments. Areas that are highlighted in this thesis include living in the hybridity of culture, dwelling in the spaces of planned and lived curriculum, and the pedagogy of reinvention. The focus of this research story is reflection and practice, ways to approach change in our pedagogy, and to demonstrate autoethnography as a methodology for the exploration of Teacher identity. / Graduate

A reinvenção da vida: protagonismo indígena nos Vales do Mucuri, Jequitinhonha e Rio Doce em Minas Gerais

Zélia Soares de Souza 12 June 2013 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta o resultado de uma pesquisa etnográfica, realizada junto aos povos Aranã, Krenak e Mucurim, nos Vales do Jequitinhonha, Doce e Mucuri, no Estado de Minas Gerais, tendo como problema a análise da resistência e da luta e, como uma das consequências, um processo de ressurgimento/reinvenção. Para isto, analisamos a ambivalência, vida-morte, ou sobrevivência e invisibilidade, presentes na história das comunidades locais, bem como avaliamos os efeitos do processo da colonização. Foram discutidas as possíveis influências e consequências ocasionadas pela intervenção na vida dessas pessoas, principalmente no que tange ao surgimento de uma memória estigmatizada, que não impediu, nos últimos anos, o ressurgimento de alguns povos, dentre eles, os Mucurim e Aranã. Analisamos a situação histórica e social, objetivando verificar a influência do cristianismo na constituição histórica destes povos, por entendermos que a Igreja, apoiando a colonização, exerceu papel duplo, que possibilitou a entrada e ocupação dos territórios, ao mesmo tempo em que forneceu novas bases culturais e religiosas aos habitantes dessa região. / This thesis presents the results of an ethnographic research project, carried out with the Aranã, Krenak and Mucurim peoples, in the Jequitinhonha, Doce and Mucuri Valleys, in the State of Minas Gerais, having as its problem the analysis of the resistance and struggle, and as one of its consequences, a process of resurgence/reinvention. For this we analyzed the ambivalence, life-death, or survival and invisibility, present in the history of the local communities, as well as the effects of the process of colonization. The possible influences and consequences caused by the intervention in the life of these people were discussed, especially those relating to the emergence of a stigmatized memory, which did not impede, in the last years, the resurgence of some of the peoples, among them, the Mucurim and Aranã. We analyzed the historical and social situation with the goal of verifying the influence of Christianity in the historical constitution of these peoples, since we understand that the Catholic Church, supporting colonization, exerted a dual role, which made possible the entrance into and occupation of the territories, while at the same time propitiating new cultural and religious foundations for the inhabitants of this region.

Faire face au changement et réinventer des îles / Facing with change and reinvent islands

Soulimant, Nina 29 September 2011 (has links)
Penser l’île de manière théorique, comme espace de la finitude, de l’isolement, mais aussi lieu comme espace primordial pour l’étude du changement, est nécessaire ; même si à première vue la théorie ne semble pas souvent être en phase avec la "réalité". Cette recherche proposera donc une traversée du XXe siècle, afin de mener une observation des changements majeurs ayant marqué les espaces insulaires (principalement les îles intégrées dans le giron de l’Union Européenne), et les progressives prises de conscience des déséquilibres créés. Deux archipels servent de supports à cette réflexion : les Açores (Portugal) et les Hébrides (Ecosse, Royaume-Uni). Une idée centrale teinte ce voyage : même face à un passé marqué par les dépendances (économique, politique, énergétique…), par la déprise et des problèmes environnementaux, subsiste toujours un potentiel permettant de réinventer ces îles, les faisant évoluer vers des logiques nouvelles. Ce potentiel surgit en s’appuyant sur l’image idéelle et rêvée de l’île que nous portons tous en nous ; nos représentations d’une île qui n’existe souvent plus (ou qui n’a jamais existé), mais qui vit dans les esprits et nous fait rêver. En ce début de XXIe siècle n’est-on pas en train d’assister à l’émergence d’une nouvelle insularité, où île réelle et île rêvée peuvent enfin coïncider ? / Theoretically considering the islands as ended and isolated spaces but also as important spaces for studies of changes is a necessity, even if theory does not seem to match reality at first sight. This work provides an understanding of the major changes that marked islands spaces, and the progressive awakening of consciousness about the imbalances caused by these changes all through the XXth century. It is based on the study of two archipelagos: the Azores (Portugal) and the Hebrides (Scotland, UK). One major idea units this work: despite a past marked by various dependences (economy, politics, energy, etc.), environmental problems and land abandoning, islands can still evolve by using completely new ways of thinking. This capacity to evolve easily rises from perceptions and dreams we all have concerning islands, sometimes based on ideas of islands that often exists no more (if they had ever existed) but persist in our mind and make us dream. Nowadays, at the beginning of the XXIst century, are we not witnessing the rise of a new way of thinking islands, where real island and dreamed island can be combined?

Haïti à l’épreuve de la démocratisation : faiblesse, reconstruction et réinvention de l’Etat, 1986-2004 / Haiti facing democratization : weakness, rebuilding and reinvention of the State

Nesi, Jacques 13 December 2014 (has links)
Qu’est ce qui explique la faiblesse d’un Etat qui s’est engagé depuis plus de vingt ans à rompre avec les pratiques de l’autoritarisme et du néo-patrimonialisme ? Pourquoi les promesses d’une démocratisation réussie, malgré le soutien massif des acteurs de la « société internationale » ont paradoxalement débouché sur la déstabilisation de l’Etat dans un contexte de crises récurrentes ? Ce sont les interrogations principales qui orientent cette recherche qui se donne pour ambition d’étudier les processus par lesquels les élites et les masses haïtiennes s’approprient la démocratie. De ce point de vue, la démocratisation s’analyse comme une ressource politique et institutionnelle revendiquée par ces dernières comme élément probant de leur adhésion à la grammaire démocratique. Dès lors, il s’agit de scruter les routes sinueuses et chaotiques empruntées par la démocratisation en Haïti, en interrogeant les diverses séquences marquantes de l’histoire politique haïtienne. L’accent est mis sur l’importation des technologies institutionnelles d’origine occidentale, notamment durant la période ouverte en 1994 avec la réinstallation de Jean-Bertrand Aristide dans ses fonctions de président et celle qui commence en 2004 avec son départ forcé du pouvoir. Ces deux séquences historiques, sous-tendues par des plans de reconstruction de l’Etat, sont marquées par la mobilisation de ressources diverses, en vue de jeter les bases d’une nouvelle gouvernance politique et économique. Elles circonscrivent également un champ de représentations conflictuelles, caractérisé par la compétition entre les Etats occidentaux et la lutte pour la répartition des enjeux de puissance entre les organisations internationales et les élites locales. L’analyse du processus de démocratisation conduit à des observations paradoxales : l’exacerbation de la violence, l’actualisation de l’autoritarisme, la multiplication des situations déviantes découlant des stratégies des acteurs locaux. Ces derniers tentent d’échapper aux contraintes imposées par des acteurs externes qui interviennent afin de sanctionner, d’arbitrer et d’imposer des décisions aux factions en luttes pour le pouvoir. Ainsi, la démocratisation passe par des crises d’adaptation, des phases contradictoires de recomposition, d’hybridation des institutions importées et parfois de contournement des normes et procédures. Entre les acteurs internes et externes s’établit et s’organise une dynamique interactive qui influence l’Etat dont la configuration finale est loin de correspondre aux objectifs affichés à travers les réformes engagées. Afin de mieux mettre en évidence les traits distinctifs de cet Etat forgé dans l’incertitude et l’imprécision, la thèse propose de restituer les dynamiques et l’historicité propres à la société haïtienne, en privilégiant l’hypothèse de la réinvention de l’Etat. Paradoxalement, l’État peut être le produit de processus de violence et la part chaotique que comporte la situation en Haïti peut recéler les prémices de sa construction. / What does explain the weakness of a State which has committed more than 20 years to break with the practices of authoritarianism and neo-patrimonialism? Why the promises of a successful democratization, despite the massive support of the actors of the “international society” paradoxically led to the destabilization of the State in the context of recurrent crises? These are the key questions guiding this research, whose ambition is to study the processes by which elites and the Haitian masses appropriate democracy. From this point of view, democratization is analyzed as a political and institutional resource claimed by them as convincing evidence of their adherence to democratic grammar. Therefore, it is scrutinizing the winding roads and chaotic way borrowed by democratization in Haiti, by querying various striking sequences of Haitian political history. Emphasis is placed on the importation of institutional technologies of Western origin, particularly during the period opened in 1994 with the resettlement of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in his duties as president and on the period which starts in 2004 with his forced departure from power. These two historical sequences, underpinned by plans for the reconstruction of the State, are marked by the mobilization of various resources, with a view to laying the foundations for new political and economic governance. They also define a field of conflicting representations, characterized by competition between Western States and the struggle for the distribution of power between the international organizations and local elites issues.The analysis of the process of democratization leads to paradoxical representations: the exacerbation of violence, the updating of authoritarianism, the multiplication of deviant situations arising from the strategies of local actors. The latter are trying to escape from the constraints imposed by external actors involved in order to punish, to arbitrate and to impose decisions on the factions struggling for power. Thus, democratization goes hand in hand with crises of adaptation, contradictory phases of re-composition, hybridization of the imported institutions and, sometimes with circumvention of the standards and procedures. Between internal and external actors are settled and organized interactive dynamics that influence the State of which the final configuration is far short of the objectives set out through the aimed reforms. In order to better highlight the distinguishing features of this State forged in uncertainty and vagueness, the thesis proposes to analyze the dynamics and historicity of Haitian society, privileging, the hypothesis of the reinvention of the State. Paradoxically, the State may be the product of process of violence and the chaotic part that includes the situation in Haiti can conceal the beginning of its construction.

Obsolescence et réinvention du cinéma argentique à l’âge du numérique / Obsolescence and reinvention of analogue cinema in the digital age

Nicodemos, Monise 25 February 2019 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, face à l’expansion du numérique, le cinéma argentiqueest confronté aux enjeux économiques, politiques et poétiques de l’obsolescence.Notre étude vise à explorer les ambiguïtés, les ambivalences et les potentialitésde l’obsolescence qui ouvre des nouveaux champs de possibles à la réinventiondu cinéma argentique. Nous nous intéressons notamment à cette période de réinventiondu médium-film à partir de la fabrication de l’émulsion-maison, de la réactivationdu sténopé et de l’exposition de la machinerie du cinéma argentique.Conçu comme une articulation entre esthétique et technique, comprenant une viséehistorique, ce travail propose une systématisation théorique de la pratique du laboratoire,de la camera obscura, du sténopé et de la machine avec l’analyse d’un corpusd’oeuvres actuelles réalisées avec ces outils argentiques. Dans le parcours esquissé,qui s’appuie sur des entretiens avec les artistes, nous tentons d’élucider lestechniques impliquées dans les oeuvres et le processus créatif des artistes. Nousverrons enfin comment, à partir de ces liens entre théories et pratiques, des artistesréinventent aujourd’hui, grâce à l’obsolescence, le cinéma argentique à l’âge dunumérique et entretiennent une mémoire de toute sa technicité et machinerie. / Since the 1990s, in the face of digital expansion, analogue cinema has been confrontedwith economic, political, and poetic issues of obsolescence. Our study aimsto explore the ambiguity, ambivalence and potential of obsolescence, which opensup new fields of possibilities for the reinvention of analogue cinema. We are particularlyinterested in this period of reinvention of medium-film from the manufactureof the handmade emulsion technique, the reactivation of the pinhole, and theexhibition of analogue cinema machinery. Viewed through a historical lens andconceived as an articulation between aesthetics and technique, this work proposesa theoretical assessment of laboratory practices, the camera obscura, the pinholeand the machine, and an analysis of a body of current work realized using thesefilm tools. Through interviews with artists, we aim to illuminate their creative processesand reveal the techniques involved in the artworks. Finally, we will showhow thanks to obsolescence, artists today are reinventing analogue cinema in thedigital age and maintaining a memory of all its technicality and machinery.


Yu, Jinhai 01 January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay, or Chapter 2, advances the literature by examining the conditional effects of lobbying on the relationship between policy learning and policy reinvention. Scholars have consistently shown that learning of successful policies in other states leads to higher likelihood of policy adoption. This essay extends this finding two ways. First, policy learning can also lead to more comprehensive adoption of successful policies. Second, the effect of policy learning on policy comprehensiveness is conditional on lobbying by interest groups, an alternative source of information about policy success. To test these hypotheses, I conduct a directed dyad-year analysis using a dataset on American state drunk driving regulations from 1983 to 2000. The results show that more comprehensive policy adoption by states is positively related to policy success in other states when lobbying by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is relatively low. Moreover, lobbying by MADD increases policy comprehensiveness when policy success is relatively low. The second essay, or Chapter 3, examines the effects of GASB 45 on local government borrowing costs. Government financial disclosure is a key instrument to improve fiscal transparency and accountability. In 2004, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued Statement No. 45 to require state and local governments to disclose information about other postemployment benefits (OPEB) for the first time. The theoretical framework incorporates both direct and indirect effects of disclosure on borrowing costs. The empirical tests use a panel of counties across states and the bonds they issued in the primary market between 1999 and 2012. To account for the impact of GASB 45 on county governments’ decisions to issue bonds, a Heckman selection model is estimated. GASB 45 increases borrowing costs of county governments, with the effects decreasing over time. GASB 45 has a larger effect on borrowing costs of county governments issuing bonds of lower credit quality and adopting the generally accepted accounting standards (GAAP). The third essay, or Chapter 4, examines the impact of information about funding of OPEB plans on borrowing costs of local governments. Local governments have disclosed information about other postemployment benefits (OPEB) plans under the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 45 issued in 2004. Funding status is measured by percentage of annual required contribution (ARC) contributed and funded ratios. Two panels of counties and cities with comprehensive annual financial reports available from the Government Financial Officers Association are matched with the bonds they issued between 2008 and 2014. The results show that higher percentage of ARC contributed of OPEB plans are associated with lower borrowing costs for counties; and higher OPEB funded ratios are correlated with lower borrowing costs for cities. Higher percentage of ARC contributed and funded ratios of pension plans are associated with lower borrowing costs for both counties and cities. This essay demonstrates that information about OPEB and pension plans is incorporated in municipal bond pricing.

Outras vias de acesso: projeto colaborativo junto aos catadores da Costeira do Pirajubaé

Santos, Tatiana Rosa dos 22 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:19:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tatianarosa.pdf: 30163 bytes, checksum: 0f5ecd258901e59c5ed277fe13f3fb68 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The investigative poetical work Outras Vias de Acesso Projeto Colaborativo junto aos catadores da Costeira do Pirajubaé , presents the possibility to reflect a collective place in order to promote its new appropriations and reinvention of daily life. Its point of departure is the memory of the South Bay partial grounding for the construction of the expressway south in 1996 in the city of Florianópolis. While the urban planning and guidelines were aimed, over all, at the traffic flow of the city, new developments provide this site, nowadays, with an informal use. During he visits, observations and records, that landscape was perceived as an interstitial one: the nomadism as way of survival and circulation of the collectors of recycled materials, facing, on their own way, the planned rigidity of the city ways. Thus, the research proposes action by developing a collaborative public art project, creating new spaces of interaction and sociability among the collectors of recyclable materials from Costeira do Pirajubaé. Public art is understood here as a form of displacement, because it creates a discontinuity in everyday life, providing empowerment, because it leads the people involved to the awareness of their change capacity. As a spell it can come to soften the distinctions between the subjective feelings and the objective reality. The artist, in this context, becomes a desires articulator, while the public plays an integral and essential part in the process / O trabalho poético-investigativo Outras Vias de Acesso Projeto Colaborativo junto aos catadores da Costeira do Pirajubaé , compartilha a possibilidade de refletir um lugar coletivo afim de promover-lhe novas apropriações e reinvenção do cotidiano. Tem como ponto de partida a memória do aterramento da Baía Sul para a construção da Via Expressa Sul no ano de 1996 na cidade de Florianópolis. Enquanto o planejamento urbano e suas diretrizes foram voltadas, sobretudo, ao fluxo automotivo da cidade, novos acontecimentos dotaram este local, nos dias atuais, de um uso informal. Ao longo das visitas, observações e registros, percebeu-se um interstício naquela paisagem: o nomadismo como forma de sobrevivência e de circulação dos catadores de materiais reciclados, que enfrentam, a seu modo, a rigidez planificadora das vias da cidade. Assim, a pesquisa tem como proposta de atuação, através do desenvolvimento de projeto de arte público colaborativo, criar novos espaços de convívio e sociabilidade junto aos catadores de material reciclável da Costeira do Pirajubaé. A arte publica, portanto, é aqui compreendida como forma de deslocamento, pois cria uma descontinuidade no cotidiano, proporcionando empoderamento, pois leva as pessoas envolvidas à consciência de sua capacidade de mudança. Como encantamento pode vir a amenizar as distinções entre os sentimentos subjetivos e a realidade objetiva. O artista, neste contexto, transforma-se num articulador de desejos, ao passo que o público é parte integrante e indispensável no processo

Le phénomène acheuléen en Europe Occidentale : approche chronologique, technologie lithique et implications culturelles / THE ACHEULIAN PHENOMENON IN WESTERN EUROPE : Chronological approach, lithic technology and cultural implications / IL FENOMENO ACHEULEANO IN EUROPA OCCIDENTALE : Approccio cronologico, tecnologia litica e implicazioni culturali / EL FENÓMENO ACHEULEANO EN EUROPA OCCIDENTAL : Enfoque cronológico, tecnológia litica e implicaciones culturales / DAS PHÄNOMEN DES ACHEULÉENS IM ABENDLÄNDISCHEN EUROPA : Chronologischer Ansatz, lithologische Technologie und kulturelle Auswirkungen

Nicoud, Elisa 10 May 2011 (has links)
La diversité historique et substantielle de l’Acheuléen d’Europe occidentale est perceptible d’un point de vue phénoménologique. Chacune des 36 séries lithiques de France, d’Angleterre, d’Italie et d’Espagne étudiées dans ce travail présente une production originale. Le phénomène bifacial peut être dissocié des autres manifestations de l’Acheuléen : les pièces bifaciales sensu stricto apparaissent massivement dans le nord de l’Europe autour de l’OIS 11 puis sur le pourtourméditerranéen vers l’OIS 9 mais sous une forme différente, engendrant des modifi cations majeures de toute la production. L’analyse critique des contextes lithostratigraphiques et la prise en compte des diversités technique, technologique ou chronologique des industries permettent de reconsidérer le paradigme de la diffusion « Out of Africa ». Tout conduit à proposer l’hypothèse d’une invention locale de la pièce bifaciale et de son évolution sur place. Le terme a trop longtemps masqué la véritable diversité du Paléolithique inférieur tout entier. C’est vers l’analyse de la pluralité des comportements humains et des sociétés qu’il faut se diriger maintenant. / The historic and substantial diversity of the Western European Acheulian can be perceived from a phenomenological standpoint. All of the 36 lithic assemblages studied in France, England, Italy and Spain provide an original production. The bifacial phenomenon can be separated from other expressions of the Acheulian. Indeed, bifacial pieces, in the strict sense, appear in great numbers in northern Europe around the OIS 11 and in the Mediterranean region around the OIS 9. However, the latter are found under different forms, which imply major modifi cations of all the production. The critical analysis of lithostratigraphic contexts and the consideration of technical, technological and chronological diversities, allow reconsidering the paradigm of the « Out of Africa » diffusion. The hypothesis of a local invention and evolution of bifacial pieces can be put forward. The use of this term has limited our perception of the Lower Paleolithic as a whole. One should now focus on analyzing the diversity of human behaviors and societies.

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