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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postoje odborné a laické veřejnosti k institutu alternativních trestů. / The attitude of the expert and the lay public towards institut of alternative punishments.

TURKOVÁ, Petra January 2007 (has links)
Globally, the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries has been a period of major reforms in criminal law which are connected with the effort to find new methods to deal with crime and to replace or at least complement some inflexible procedures in administration of criminal cases. More and more attention is being paid to alternative proceedings before the court and alternative punishments in criminal cases. The Czech Republic has not fallen behind in the developments. My work seeks to map the options of alternative punishments, with a focus on community service. My work also deals with the legal framework for punishments in form of community service in selected countries. I will also mention the institute of Probation and Mediation Service. The work also points to the prepared amendment to the Criminal Code in connection with community service punishments. The research in my work is divided into two parts. The first part is a quantitative survey of opinions of the general public and the other part is a qualitative survey of opinions of professionals, such as judges, policemen and officers of the Probation and Mediation Service. The main objective of the work is to learn about the general public attitudes to and awareness of application and implementation of alternative punishments. I tried to find out which punishments would be preferred by the general public. Another objective of this work has been to survey opinions of professionals in respect to application and implementation of alternative punishments. In the first survey three of my hypotheses have been confirmed and two have been disconfirmed. Based on results of the secod part of the survey I have devised three hypotheses. The results of my work have shown that although the general public has a certain level of awareness of the issue, the knowledge is very superficial. The general public has demonstrated a significant degree of tolerance and benevolence to persons with alternative punishments. Professionals mostly approve the existing legal framework for the alternative punishments. They find the definition of these punishments in the Criminal Code adequate and they believe that alternative punishments have been used sufficiently. The work will serve as a general overview of the issue.

Dohled jako alternativní forma trestu / Supervision as an Alternative Form of Punishment

CHVALOVÁ, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of my work is to describe supervision as one of the alternative form of punishment. In the first part is described development of supervision in the world and Czech Republic and for comparison how supervision works in other countries of Europe. Other part is dedicated to work of Probation and Mediation service in Czech Republic. Main part of work is about description of the most important institutes with supervision, mainly to work of probation officer with clients. This part is supplemented by graphs and casuistries. Last part contains description of differences in supervision of children and juveniles.

La place de la victime dans le procès pénal / The place of the victim in the criminal trial

Castellon, Léa 06 December 2017 (has links)
La place de la victime au sein du procès pénal est complexe et ambiguë. En droit positif, la victime bénéficie désormais de droits et de moyens d'action dans le procès pénal qui lui garantissent un véritable rôle. Par exemple, comme le ministère public, la victime peut déclencher l'action publique et demander la réparation du préjudice subi. La victime n'est plus la grande oubliée du procès pénal, elle est devenue une partie à part entière. Toutefois, en dépit d'un renforcement manifeste du rôle de la victime dans le procès pénal, un déséquilibre des droits et des moyens d'action persiste entre les parties dans chaque étape de la procédure pénale. Une amélioration de la procédure pénale est donc toujours nécessaire pour sauvegarder les droits de la victime et empêcher celle-ci d’être injustement mise à l’écart. / The place of the victim in the criminal trial is complicated and ambiguous. In current law, the victim enjoys rights and means of action in the criminal trial which guarantee her a real part. For example, as the prosecution, the victim can activate the public action and she can ask for the repair of her damage. The victim is not any more the forgotten of the criminal trial, she became a full part. However, in spite of an obvious strengthening of the part of the victim in the criminal trial, an imbalance of the rights and the means of action persists between the parts in every stage of the criminal procedure. The improvement of the procedural balance between the parts in the criminal trial has to continue not to put aside the victim.

A justiça restaurativa, um desafio para a educação / A Justiça Restaurativa, um desafio para a educação

Petronella Maria Boonen 05 April 2011 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta o campo emergente e dinâmico da Justiça Restaurativa, que se caracteriza por lidar de forma transversal com práticas e saberes de diferentes áreas, e suas possibilidades na educação. Dialogando com os temas do justo e da política, indaga sobre quais os valores que possibilitam a educação para a política, a cidadania e a ação em comum. Sugere que a Justiça Restaurativa potencializa o controle dos sujeitos, o dos outros e sobre si mesmo e, no caso brasileiro, também a instauração dos direitos humanos. Apresenta os contornos do debate sobre a Justiça Restaurativa passando pela origem, desenvolvimento, diversificação, protagonistas, apresentação de algumas práticas no mundo e no Brasil, sua ligação com a psicanálise e, no nível macro, sua aplicação enquanto política de reconciliação. Expõe a reflexão teórica por meio do debate dos conceitos de justiça justa, reconhecimento, perdão, verdade, reconciliação e cidadania, recorrendo a autores da sociologia, filosofia e antropologia. Delineia a formação para a Justiça Restaurativa do Centro de Direitos Humanos e Educação Popular, na cidade de São Paulo, no intuito de perceber como os educadores que trabalham com jovens em conflito com a lei, a partir de sua prática para formar sujeitos de direito, avaliam os conceitos aprofundados. Conclui que a reflexão sobre a Justiça Restaurativa é uma tentativa de favorecer a educação para a cidadania, para formar sujeitos de direito, capazes de assumir responsabilidade no mundo a partir de sua prática para formar sujeitos de direito, capazes de assumir responsabilidade no mundo político, dando maior consistência ao propósito de restaurar o justo e instaurar o direito. / This thesis presents the emerging and dynamic field of Restorative Justice which is characterized by its dealing in a transversal manner with practices and knowledge in different areas and its possibilities in education. Dialoguing with the themes of the just, fair process and active participation in public life, the thesis investigates which values make possible an education for political participation, citizenship and action in common. It suggests that Restorative Justice or brings about an increased control of the subjects involved, others and oneself, and in the case of Brazil, also the instauration of human rights. This thesis presents configurations of the debate about Restorative Justice examining its origin, development, diversification and protagonists, as well as a presentation of some practices in the world and in Brazil, its connection with psychoanalysis, and on the macro level, its application as a public policy of reconciliation. It exposes a theoretical reflection by means of a debate about the concepts of a just justice, acknowledgement, forgiveness, reconciliation and citizenship, reviewing the recourses of authors of sociology, philosophy and anthropology. The thesis sketches out the formation program for Restorative Justice at the Center for Human Rights and Popular Education (Centro de Direitos Humanos e Educação Popular) in the city of São Paulo, with the intention of perceiving how the educators who work with adolescent offenders, from the viewpoint of their practices, evaluate these well-developed concepts. The thesis concludes that the reflection on Restorative Justice is an effort to favor an education for citizenship, to form participants active in their rights, capable of assuming responsibilities in the political world, giving greater consistency to the proposition of restoring the just and installing rights.

A justiça restaurativa como possibilidade cidadã de resolução de conflitos socioambientais

Santos, Rachel Ivanir Marques dos 11 March 2016 (has links)
O resultado da pesquisa, ora apresentada, tem como tema a Justiça Restaurativa como possibilidade de participação social e como um mecanismo de efetivação da cidadania ativa e ampliada. Para tanto, apresenta uma análise que trata às concepções de Justiça Restaurativa, participação e cidadania, meio ambiente, cidade e urbanismo e conflitos socioambientais, visando a buscar reflexos das práticas restaurativas e seus impactos para o aprimoramento da cidadania. A abordagem conta com interações de diferentes disciplinas e áreas de conhecimento, dialogando com as produções teóricas das Ciências sociais aplicadas (envolvendo entre outros, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Direito, Economia, Planejamento Urbano e Regional e Serviço Social), das Ciências humanas (tais como Filosofia, Sociologia e Educação), das Ciências exatas e da Terra (envolvendo, entre outros, Ecologia, Engenharia Sanitária) perquirindo entrelaçar vários saberes possibilitadores da qualificada análise dos dados obtidos pela presente investigação. Ainda, procura desvelar uma Justiça Restaurativa capaz de intervir, também, junto aos conflitos socioambientais, sendo um mecanismo eficaz para concretizar não somente o acesso à justiça, mas, o senso e valores comunitários, onde a participação como aspecto da conquista e efetivação da cidadania é seu pilar. / This research, now shown, presents an analysis that deals with the conceptions of Restorative Justice, citizenship and participation, environment, city and urbanism and environmental conflicts, seeking reflexes of the restorative practices and its impacts for citizenship enhancement.This approach counts with interactions of different disciplines and knowledge areas, dialoguing with the applied Social Sciences‘ theoretical productions (involving, among others, Urbanism and Architecture, Law, Economy, Regional Urban Planning and Social Services) of the human sciences (such as Philosophy, Sociology and Education), of the exact Sciences and Earth (involving among others, Ecology, Sanitary Engineering) inquiring an interweave of knowledge that allows possible the qualified data analysis obtained by this study. It searches for unveiling a Restorative Justice capable of intervening, also, combined to the environmental conflicts, being an effective mechanism to accomplish not only the access of Justice, but the communitarian values and senses, where the participation as an aspect of effectuation and citizenship-conquering is a pillar.

Os sentidos de justiça restaurativa para os facilitadores e suas consequências para uma prática transformadora / The meanings of restorative justice to facilitators and their effects on a transformative practice

Carolina Yuubi Yabase 16 June 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um esforço de investigação sobre uma modalidade de alternativa penal que tem ganhado força mundialmente: a Justiça Restaurativa (JR). O objetivo principal deste projeto foi aprofundar o conhecimento sobre os efeitos que a JR é capaz de provocar, a partir de uma investigação focada no Centro de Direitos Humanos e Educação Popular do Campo Limpo (CDHEP), na formação de facilitadores que o CDHEP promove, e nos facilitadores de práticas restaurativas que atuam junto a esta instituição. A pesquisa utilizou-se de dois métodos principais, a etnografia, utilizada para conhecer o campo de estudo e observar algumas das atividades realizadas no CDHEP, e a entrevista semiestruturada, utilizada para investigar as significações e reflexões que os facilitadores desenvolvem sobre a JR. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a formação de facilitadores do CDHEP tem como diferencial a sua inspiração na Escola de Perdão e Reconciliação e o seu foco na autorreflexão como fundamento para a prática do facilitador. Além disso, o CDHEP construiu, ao longo dos anos, um entendimento muito particular sobre a JR, o que confere ao trabalho lá realizado uma base sólida de atuação alicerçada em um entendimento compartilhado sobre o tema. As entrevistas com facilitadores demonstram que cada um deles construiu uma relação muito particular com a JR, bastante marcada pelas experiências pessoais desde a formação até a sua aplicação prática. O contato com a JR deflagra um processo de autoconhecimento que ressignifica a posição da pessoa no mundo, modificando a forma de encarar a si mesmo, o outro, as relações e a comunicação. Apesar disso, há diferenças na reflexão crítica sobre a própria atividade e sobre a JR como um campo do conhecimento. Todos os entrevistados afirmaram acreditar que a JR funciona, mas as hipóteses explicativas apresentadas diferiram. Os facilitadores entrevistados disseram acreditar que a JR provoca mudanças nas pessoas que passam pela formação ou pelo processo restaurativo, e dizem que foram pessoalmente muito impactados por ela; também acreditam que transformações na sociedade são possíveis, embora não saibam dizer exatamente como. Concluímos que a JR provoca mudanças profundas nos facilitadores que trabalham com o tema, que afetam a maneira como entendem a sua posição no mundo e suas possibilidades de ação sobre ele. Apesar disso, não consideramos que o curso de capacitação de facilitadores permita uma formação individual, no sentido utilizado por Adorno, pois embora desenvolva a autoconsciência, é preciso ainda desenvolver outros elementos de crítica social que não são totalmente contemplados pela estrutura atual. Por outro lado, a prática do CDHEP tem como foco o próprio processo da JR ao invés de outros resultados, como os acordos, o que permite um uso não-instrumental das técnicas e que podem ter efeitos libertadores. Ainda é preciso entender melhor outros aspectos da aplicação da JR por parte do CDHEP, como os efeitos produzidos na relação da população atendida com o Judiciário. Apesar disso, concluímos que a atuação do CDHEP tem provocado transformações importantes nas pessoas e nas relações, uma vez que os facilitadores ali formados apresentam mudanças pessoais significativas atribuídas a esse contato / This work presents an investigation on an alternative to criminal penalties that has been gathering force worldwide: Restorative Justice (RJ). The main objective of this project is to broaden the knowledge of the effects of RJ by investigating the Center for Human Rights and Popular Education of Campo Limpo (Centro de Direitos Humanos e Educação Popular do Campo Limpo CDHEP) and by looking into the facilitator formation course promoted by CDHEP and the facilitators of restorative practices that work in this institution. This research has made use of two methods. The approach to the field of study and the observation activities was done using the ethnographic method and the facilitators were interviewed about how they understand and think about RJ. The results indicate that the formation course examined differs from others because it is based on the School of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (Escola de Perdão e Reconciliação) and grounds the facilitating practice on self-reflection. Over the years, CDHEP has built a very particular understanding about RJ, giving their work solid foundations built upon a shared understanding on this subject. The interviews with the facilitators show that they have a very personal relation with RJ, marred by their own experiences with training and practice. RJ deflagrates a self-knowledge process that modify the way the facilitators understand their place in the world, changing the way they view themselves, other people, relations and communication. Nonetheless, there are differences on how each of the participants reflects upon their practice and RJ as a field of knowledge. All interviewees consider that RJ works, but each one presents a different explanation for this fact. They also believe that RJ changes those that go through the formation course or through a restorative process and that they were personally affected by their own experiences with RJ. Likewise, they believe RJ can transform society, but are not entirely sure how. We conclude that RJ deeply changes the facilitators that work with it. Nevertheless, it cannot be concluded that the formation course allows an individual formation as Adorno would understand it. Even though self-awareness is improved, the course itself does not fully develop the ability of social analysis necessary for erudition. On the other hand, the practices of CDHEP focus on the process itself instead of emphasizing final results like agreements. This allows for a non-instrumental use of the techniques which can have liberating effects. It is still necessary to better understand certain aspects of the way CDHEP practices RJ, for example, how it affects the way the people helped relate to the judicial system as a whole. Still, we conclude that CDHEP has been significantly changing people and relations, as the facilitators that studied there report that they have changed and attribute these changes to RJ

Acesso à justiça e justiça restaurativa: a eficiência por meio da mediação penal / Access to justice and restorative justice: efficiency through mediation

Lopes, Maria Paula Daltro 18 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-05-12T18:42:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Paula Daltro Lopes.pdf: 687796 bytes, checksum: 9056d4534b5dca7f73164ded810536a0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-12T18:42:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Paula Daltro Lopes.pdf: 687796 bytes, checksum: 9056d4534b5dca7f73164ded810536a0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-18 / The introduction in the context of the Brazilian legal alternative methods of conflict resolution added aspects relating to access to justice and efficiency , since adopted these methods made it possible for all citizens to have access to justice without the necessity of the litigation process, with the consequent efficiency in obtaining a resolution to the conflict caused. This research is aimed , therefore, to examine the possibility of adopting mediation in controversies involving criminal law. In the criminal context, restorative justice, mediation adopts, aplicadando crimes in minor offenses, and capitalizing for themselves in order to reduce the demands of criminal procedure due to low lesividades the legal interest protected by the state, applying minimal intervention of law criminal, based on restorative principles, namely, understanding the conflict originated, restoring ties that were broken as a form of humanization of social relations. / A introdução no contexto jurídico brasileiro dos métodos alternativos de resolução de conflitos agregaram os aspectos relativos ao acesso à justiça e a eficiência, uma vez que adotados estes métodos possibilitaram que todos os cidadãos tivessem o acesso à justiça sem a necessidade de proceder à litigação do processo, com a consequente eficiência na obtenção de uma resolução ao conflito originado. Esta pesquisa tem por intuito, portanto, analisar a possibilidade de adoção de mediação dentro das controvérsias que envolvem o direito penal. No âmbito penal, a Justiça Restaurativa, adota a mediação, aplicadando nos crimes de menor potencial ofensivo, e capitalizando para si o intuito de reduzir as demandas processuais penais em razão das baixas lesividades ao bem jurídico protegido pelo Estado, aplicando a intervenção mínima do direito penal, baseada nos preceitos restaurativos, quais sejam, entender o conflito originado, restaurando os laços que foram rompidos, como forma de humanização das relações sociais.

Medling vid ungdomsbrott. En analys av komplexiteten i att mötas. / Mediation in juvenile delinquency. An analysis of the complexity of meeting.

Hellqvist, Helena January 2020 (has links)
Victim offender mediation is practiced to less extent in Sweden despite the method being a statutory municipal obligation. Recommendations from the existing research is to investigate the identified problems of mediation. In the first part of this qualitative study an integrative literature study has been applied to existing research on the experiences of professional mediators. The second part of the study is conducted through interviews with politicians with emphasis on the fact that a statutory municipal method is used to less extent while the nation is calling for crime prevention. The results are subsequently analyzed from organizational theory and new public management theory. The results show that there are uncertainties about the mediator's position in the legal system, indicating a discrepancy between the legislature´s intention and the social regulation and the practical activities, thus indicating existing exclusion processes within the mediation system. The results of the study also show that the legislation needs to be modified as to meet the need of social work with youth offenders. The increased debate regarding juvenile delinquency and the demand of punitive policies has created a polarization in society where the attitudes and knowledge of victim offender mediation as a method are disparate thus creating the paradox of calling out for new methods contrary using existing ones that are evaluated, implemented and legislated, such as victim offender mediation.

A study of the participation of Vhembe District Community Corrections Forum (CCF) members in the re-integration of ex-offenders into the community

Magadze, Tshimangadzo Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Criminology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / Community involvement in ex-offenders’ re-integration is an important issue in efforts to reduce recidivism and to control overcrowding in our correctional facilities. Crime is a social problem which requires society to come together to fight against. The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) introduced Community Corrections Forums (CCFs) with the aim of controlling re-offending by ex-offenders. CCFs were established in each region to bring the community, business and stakeholders together to facilitate rehabilitation and re-integration. This study was conducted in the Limpopo Province, in Vhembe District Municipality within four local municipalities, namely Musina, Makhado, Mutale and Thulamela. A total number of 30 participants were interviewed and all were members of Community Corrections Forums. This was necessitated by the fact that Musina is a very small area which compelled the Department of Correctional Services to combine the two (Musina and Makhado) into one social re-integration entity. This is a qualitative research study where participants were selected through the use of purposive sampling. Participants were selected based on the value they would add to this study in order to achieve objectives. The data collection method of this study was the focus group which comprised by 3 groups of 10 participants each. Thulamela and Mutale local municipalities formed a group with (10) participants each whereas Musina (2) and Makhado (8) formed another. Results indicate that the current situation is not conducive for re-integration to be successful. CCF members raised many factors that need serious redress, namely offenders’ discrimination, lack of forgiveness by members of the community which is fuelled by lack of community awareness due to lack of education of communities by the Department of Correctional Services on reduce space of ex-offenders’ re-integration. The relationship between CCF and DCS raises many questions based on the results. Without a good working relationship between these two offices, the study observed that there would be no successful re-integration policy. Theoretical implications of the investigation based on labelling theory are discussed, together with practical applications for ex-offenders. The latter face daunting barriers to successful re-integration. Successful re-entry requires strong community support networks and comprehensive services by DCS, both of which are lacking in Vhembe District.


Gibbs, Jahmon Londre 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative ethnographic study was to addresses how the existence of counterspaces influences the psychological well-being of offender-labeled youth transitioning back into society. A counterspace has been defined as a social setting where two or more individuals come together to challenge deficit notions. No longer is recidivism solely being placed on offender-labeled youth that reside within juvenile correctional facilities, therefore the need for innovative programs that help develop resistance narratives and promote reengagement with the educational system are needed. In this 12-week qualitative ethnographic study the two concepts of restorative practices and narrative identity work are blended together and reconceptualized to create something new Restorative Identity Work. From an ontological perspective, the educational experiences within the counterspace (Room 21) was shared utilizing a musical playlist. The playlist is used to provide a thick description of the 12-session leadership group that was designed to be a resource for offender-labeled youth to become eligible for the high school Student Council within the correctional facility. Through the use of journals, theme songs, restorative practices, and narrative identity work, offender-labeled youth gradually gained a deeper understanding of their role in social narratives. The leadership group resulted in six out of nine offender-labeled youth becoming members of the Student Council and fostered the development of resistance narratives for all nine students.

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