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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of outsourcing transactional processes : A multiple cases study of Swedish SMEs on risks found within the internal control

Larsson, Emelie, Groening, Johan January 2018 (has links)
BackgroundToday’s competitive market forces companies to focus on their core processes. As a result, the number of outsourcing arrangements has grown and especially transactional processes outsourcing, which is clearly evident in Sweden. The lack of expertise and resources that characterizes SMEs makes outsourcing of transactional processes many times a necessity. However, little attention has been given the possible internal control risks associated with outsourcing (Christ et al. 2015). Moreover, frameworks such as the COSO-framework has also neglected to provide guidelines as to how companies should handle outsourcing arrangements. Although the COSO-framework argues that it can be applied to all companies, no matter the size, organizational structure or the choices management makes (COSO 2013). AimThe aim of this study is to identify and analyze internal control risks within Swedish SMEs when outsourcing transactional processes. Moreover, the study will try to provide recommendations to the COSO-framework about how outsourcing arrangements should be handled in order to maintain an effective internal control. MethodThe study uses a qualitative method where a multiple cases study is conducted. The study consists of three case companies where a total of four participants were interviewed through semi-structured interviews, where all participants has a managerial position at their respective company. ConclusionThe findings within the study indicates that outsourcing transactional processes has made the case companies more effective. Moreover, the performance and relational risks identified within the case companies align with previous research where multiple risks were identified. The authors also highlights the possibility of a new risk when outsourcing transactional processes. Furthermore, the authors suggest that the COSO-framework should be modified such that the outsourcing company is a part of the control environment within companies.

Shedding (sun)light on risks : Perceived risks and access to finance on the off-grid solar market in Kenya

Svenaeus, Agaton, Rosvall, Max January 2018 (has links)
The market for off-grid solar solutions in Kenya has developed rapidly the recent years. The growth has required capital and access to finance, which has been mainly provided by foreign investors. This thesis examines the perceived risks on the market for off-grid solar solutions in Kenya through a series of interviews with actors engaged in the market. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the access to capital and highlight the perceived risks that might constrain a continued positive development of the market in Kenya. The findings of this thesis categorize the perceived risks on the market as political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental (see full report table 2 in section 8 for sub categories). The companies engaged in the market for off-grid solar solutions should be differentiated based on their business model. This since their different value chains entails specific in risks. This study uses two modified value chains to highlight the differences in retail and distribution between the two defined market segments: product and utility. The product segment includes small-scale solar products often referred to as PICO-products and Solar-Home-Systems (SHS), which by being sold on installment now provides basic electricity to a growing number of people in Kenya. The utility segment includes minigrids with solar energy as power supply. This segment is subject to specific regulations regarding installations and operations, which is one of the main contributing factors to the difference in risks compared to the product segment. The other main factor is the way the respective segment distributes and retails their products/electricity. The distribution for the product segment is done by regular land transportation and customer interaction through sales agents, providing basic access to electricity. While the minigrids uses a local distribution grid to provide access to electricity. This leads to specific risks within the categorizes social, technological and legal risk. This study shows that the lack of understanding of the different market segments and their context specific risks, pose a risk to the market reputation and the local actors access to finance. The absence of knowledge about the difference in risks causes generalizations to be done, both from financiers who might place their funding elsewhere, and the customers who might choose other solutions than solar to fulfill their energy needs. The uncertainty of the future development and the position of the national regulations on the market together with the two segments creates barriers for future access to finance. Access that is required to build and boost the market even further.

Riesgos financieros después de la crisis subprime / Financial risks after the subprime crisis

Leiva Büchi, Rodrigo 10 April 2018 (has links)
The subprime financial crisis revealed some of risks that were not considered as a priority. Among others, a liquidityrisk is now considered as one of the main risks to work with by all institutions. Apart from that, it became obviousthat traditional risk management focused only on what was known and expected, ignoring analysis and testing eventswith low probability but high impact. Lastly, the subprime crisis left a number of lessons in relation to the regulationfor financial markets that must be considered when creating a new regulatory system. / La crisis subprime dejó al descubierto una serie de riesgos financieros que, hasta antes de la crisis, no eran consideradoscomo prioritarios. Entre otros, el riesgo de liquidez se ve ahora como uno de los principales temas a abordar por partede todas las instituciones. Adicionalmente, quedó en evidencia que la administración de riesgos se enfocaba solamenteen lo conocido y esperado, dejando de lado el análisis y evaluación de eventos de baja probabilidad de ocurrencia, peroalto impacto. Por último, la crisis subprime deja ciertas lecciones en torno a la regulación de los mercados financierosque se deben tener en cuenta al momento de redactar nuevos marcos regulatorios.

Perceptions of risks and barriers to participation in tourism for the disabled

Fraser, David M. A. January 2017 (has links)
There has been much research on the physical barriers that those with disabilities experience. This research investigates the level of participation of disabled people in tourism and explores the perceptions of risks and barriers to participation in tourism for people with a disability. The barriers that were explored included information, economic, social, physical barriers and the perceptions of risks these barriers cause, within the concept of the 'Social Model‘ of disability (Shaw and Coles, 2004). Data was gathered from a sample group of 149 disabled people through an online survey and through face-to-face survey using paper questionnaires. Analysis of the questionnaire results showed that although the participation of disabled people in tourism has increased slightly, the estimated gap in participation in tourism between non-disabled tourists and the general population has actually increased in the previous eight years. Furthermore, the main barrier to participation in tourism was the lack of availability of sufficiently detailed information. This study found that other barriers to participation includes low level of income, increased price differentials and negative attitudes to disability in some cultures. This study discovered that a significant number of disabled people would prefer that existing tourist opportunities were made more accessible rather than specialised tours for tourists with a similar disability to theirs. All these barriers contribute to perceptions of risks. However, despite the feeling of not having a lot of control of risk, most respondents will sometimes overlook the risk involved in travel. This study has implications for travel agents and tour operators, who need to cater more for the heterogeneous needs of disabled customers and provide more information that is specific, personalised, easily accessible and readily available. To counteract social barriers, further training is required within the tourist industry focusing on the impact of 'cognitive dissonance‘ (discomfort in relating to the disabled results in avoiding getting into the position of the discomfort) on disabled tourists.

Organisation du travail et souffrance psychique dans les activités de service : le cas des centres d'appel en Argentine / Work organization and psychic suffering in service activities : The case of Argentine call centres

Nusshold, Patricio 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche est le résultat de deux travaux d’analyse de l’activité dans deux centres d’appels téléphoniques en Argentine. Un travail de terrain, ainsi qu'une appréciation de plusieurs autres centres d’appels téléphoniques dans différents pays, auront servi de point de départ pour étudier deux grands axes: d’une part, l’étude des conséquences du travail dans les call centers sur la santé mentale et d’autre part, l'analyse des différentes approches de cette problématique en vue de sa transformation. La psychodynamique du travail et l’ergonomie de l’activité proposent différents regards, aujourd’hui confrontés aux questionnaires d’évaluation des risques psychosociaux. Cette thèse vise à mieux appréhender le lien entre l’organisation du travail, le contenu des tâches et les conséquences pour les travailleurs argentins, et compare ces résultats avec ceux d' autres pays où des investigations similaires ont été menées. / This research is the result of a thorough analysis of the work of two call centers in Argentina. This fieldwork, building on call center visits undertaken in other countries, is the starting point for the study of two main issues. Firstly, the study of the consequences of call center work for mental health. Secondly, the study of different approaches that support the development of ways to improve it such work. Work psychodynamics and activity ergonomics are two disciplines that propose different points of view on these issues. Nowadays, they both find themselves confronted by quantitative scales that seek to measure psychosocial risks. The aim of this thesis is to increase knowledge on the relationship between work organization and tasks content and highlight the consequences for workers in Argentina. The thesis shall also compare results of the study with those found in other countries.

Os riscos sobre investimentos do mercado financeiro brasileiro

Anhaia, Artur Vitoriano Gaieski de January 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho envolve teoria e prática relacionadas aos riscos a que estão sujeitos os investimentos em títulos do mercado financeiro, em especial ao mercado financeiro brasileiro. Para melhor identificar os riscos relativos às aplicações no mercado financeiro, necessário se faz o conhecimento conceitual dos mesmos assim como, o importante, é a mensuração daqueles riscos, através de formas matemáticas e estatísticas, levando-se em conta ainda os cenários econômicos previstos. Com a utilização de formas matemáticas e estatísticas podem ser apurados o retorno esperado assim como a dispersão em torno da média, através do desvio padrão, por exemplo. Neste contexto, o gestor financeiro pode contar com o auxílio do controller, profissional que cada vez mais se faz presente nos ambientes corporativos, no assessoramento dos executivos quanto à escolha de ativos para formação de portfólio mediante o uso de princípios técnicos e escolha racional dos investimentos. Com os conhecimentos sobre riscos podem-se estabelecer, e por em prática, determinadas estratégias de investimentos como a não concentração de aplicações em determinados títulos, a não concentração em ações de empresas de determinados setores, a formação de carteiras com ativos inversamente correlacionados e/ou a diversificação de portfólio, que é a estratégia das mais utilizadas pelos gestores de capitais ou seja, com a adoção de tais procedimentos as decisões sobre investimentos podem ser planejadas e com isto, os riscos minimizados. / The present work involves theory and practice related to the risks which the investments in bonds of the financial market are subjected, especially to the brazillian financial market. In order to better identify the risks related to the investments of the financial market, becomes necessary the conceptual knowledge of them and, more importantly, the mensuration of those risks, through mathematical and statistical forms, taking in account the foreseen economic scenes as well. With the use of mathematical and statistical forms, the expected return can be obtained as well as the dispersion around the mean, trough the standard deviation, for example. In this context, the financial manager may count on the aid of the controller, a professional that has been more present in the corporative environments, advising the executives on choosing the assets for the formation of the porfolio through the use of technical principles and the rational choice of the investments. With the knowledge about the risks one can establish, and execute, investments strategies as the non-concentration of resources in determined bonds, the non-concentration in companies stocks of determined sectors, the formation of portfolios with assets inversely correlated and/or diversified, which is one of the most used strategies of the capital managers, which means that with the adoption of such procedures the decisions about investments can be planned and then, minimize the risks.

Riscos e benefícios de investimentos de private equity, e o potencial do setor, face à situação da economia brasileira

Cordeiro, Carlos Roberto Credidio January 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o potencial da indústria de private equity no atual momento da economia brasileira. Os recursos utilizados para subsidiar essa análise foram a reconstituição histórica do mercado de private equity nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, a descrição dos dados mais recentes da indústria local e a revisão de alguns casos de sucesso ocorridos no Brasil. A contextualização do momento econômico foi centrada no desenvolvimento econômico, nos níveis de poupança, investimento e crédito do sistema financeiro. Foi levada em conta, também, uma análise comparativa da situação do segmento de private equity em economias emergentes como Rússia, Índia e África do Sul, que de alguma forma se assemelham ao Brasil. Finalmente, a ponderação entre os principais riscos e benefícios inerentes ao private equity , tanto do ponto de vista da economia, como dos empresários e investidores, forneceu os elementos definitivos que sustentam a conclusão do trabalho. / The purpose of this work is to analyze the private equity market potential in Brazil, given the current state of its economy. The presented analysis was based on a historic perspective of the private equity market both in Brazil and in United States as well as on a description of current local private equity market data and of a few successful transactions in Brazil. The context used to define the current economic situation in Brazil was based on the economic development, internal savings, investments and capital markets' credit levels. A comparative analyses between the private equity market in emerging market countries such as Russia, India and South Africa was also used on the following work since, in a few ways, those economies resemble that of Brazil. Lastly, the weighting of risks and benefits of private equity instruments, both from an investor, borrower and economy perspective, provided the definite elements to substantiate the conclusion of this work.

Současná zdravotní rizika způsobená změnou globálních bioklimatických podmínek / The current health risks due to changing global bioclimatological conditions

STEIGEROVÁ, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on influences that arise from changes in global bioclimatic conditions and further affect human health and health. The most common in the literature bioclimatic factors affecting human health are the sun radiation, air temperature, precipitation, snow, wind and soil temperature. In most cases, one agent does not act alone but together with others. The work deals not only with health risks as a result of global changes at present, it also gives examples from the past and the forecast of the global climate of our planet in the near future.

Sistemática para avaliar as condições de segurança e saúde em laboratório de ensaios de materiais elétricos

Burmann, Laura Sanz January 2008 (has links)
As condições de trabalho em laboratórios de ensaios de materiais e equipamentos, utilizados em redes de energia elétrica, expõem os operadores a importantes riscos de acidente. No entanto, existem poucos estudos com abordagem ergonômica para analisar as condições de trabalho e os riscos em laboratórios deste tipo. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar uma sistemática para avaliar estas condições, visando reduzir os riscos de acidentes e doenças ocupacionais nestes laboratórios. A abordagem elaborada foi aplicada em quatro etapas: a primeira correspondeu à análise da demanda, com o levantamento de indicadores de segurança e saúde; a segunda etapa compreendeu a construção e aplicação de uma ferramenta de análise das condições gerais de segurança com base nas normas brasileiras existentes; na terceira etapa deu-se a construção e aplicação de uma ferramenta de identificação de riscos inerentes às atividades; a quarta e última etapa contemplou a aplicação do método Deparis para diagnosticar riscos nas atividades, a partir da percepção do trabalhador. Como resultado, a sistemática mostrou-se eficaz, evidenciando situações passíveis de causar danos à saúde e à integridade física dos trabalhadores do laboratório analisado. A abordagem se mostrou de entendimento e aplicação simples e permitiu a confrontação de visões distintas (analista e operadores), evidenciando com maior precisão os riscos analisados. / The conditions of work in laboratories of test of materials and equipment, used in nets of electric energy, expose the workers to serious risks of accident. However, there are few studies about this matter with ergonomic approach. Thus, the purpose of this study was to elaborate a systematics to evaluate these conditions, being aimed to reduce the risks of occupational accidents and illnesses in these laboratories. The approach of this work was applied in four stages: the first one corresponded to the analysis of the demand, with the survey of security and health indexes; the second stage was based on the construction and application of a tool of analysis of the general conditions of security the existing Brazilian norms; the third stage was given by the construction and application of a tool to identificate the risks of the activities; the fourth and last stage used the application of the Deparis Method to diagnosis risks in the activities, from the perception of the worker. As result, the systematics revealed efficient, evidencing situations that must cause damages to the health and the physical integrity of the workers of the analyzed laboratory. The approach seemed to be simple to understand and to be applied and allowed the confrontation of distinct sides (analyst and operators), evidencing with most precision the analyzed risks.

Modelo para análise de risco ecológico associado a emissões atmosféricas em ambientes industriais

Rodrigues, Magali da Silva January 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e aplicar um modelo de Análise de Risco Ecológico (ARE) com vistas a classificar os riscos associados às emissões atmosféricas em áreas industriais a partir da utilização do bioindicador vegetal Lolium multiflorum e da aplicação dos princípios de análise de risco ecológico utilizado em ambientes aquáticos e solos contaminados. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no período de janeiro de 2005 a abril de 2008 no entorno da refinaria de petróleo, Alberto Pasqualini, através de duas estações amostrais situadas nos municípios de Canoas (29°55'07" S 51°10'54" O) e Esteio (29°49'16" S 51°08'09" O), Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil que possuem redes de monitoramento químico e biológico das emissões de SO2. O modelo utilizado associou as informações provenientes do efeito dos estressores, oriundos das emissões atmosféricas de compostos de enxofre, nos receptores, ou seja, o tecido do bioindicador vegetal que tende a acumular poluentes, como o enxofre, na sua parte aérea. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros nos bioindicadores vegetais: concentração de enxofre acumulado nas plantas, teor de clorofila α e ganho de biomassa, classificados neste estudo como variáveis respostas. Estas foram integradas aos dados de concentração de SO2 da atmosfera, que deram origem as variáveis explicativas, unidade de potencial tóxico (UPT), unidade tóxica de exposição (UTE) e taxa de sulfatação. A partir dos dados de qualidade ambiental "guidelines" e dos histogramas de freqüência foram definidas as seguintes classes de risco: baixo, médio ou alto. A integração dos resultados obtidos das variáveis explicativas e de resposta foi realizada através de análise estatística multivariada de correspondência que demonstrou indícios de risco à vegetação do entorno da refinaria, quando estas foram submetidas a UPT maiores do que a unidade. Dos 39 meses de monitoramento, verificou-se que a estação amostral de Esteio apresentou 13% destes com valores de UPT situados na classe 3, classificação de risco alto. Na estação amostral de Canoas, 26% das UPT foram classificadas como de indícios de risco alto. Nas duas estações amostrais estudadas, foi possível medir o efeito da UPT nas variáveis biológicas, tais como aumento do acúmulo de enxofre na parte aérea das plantas, redução do teor de clorofila α e redução de ganho de biomassa. A partir do desenvolvimento deste modelo torna-se possível interpretar a significância dos riscos ecológicos associados a emissões atmosféricas industriais para toda a biota do entorno da área industrial. Este modelo servirá de base para a avaliação dos efeitos danosos da poluição atmosférica sobre a vegetação de localidades industriais com características semelhantes. / The objective of this work was to develop and apply a model Ecological Risk Analysis (ERA) to classify the risks related to the atmospheric emissions in industrial areas using the vegetable bioindicator Lolium multiflorum and the application of ecological risks analysis principles in aquatic atmospheres and contaminated soils. This work was starting from January, 2005 to March, 2008 around of Petroleum Refinery area, the name Alberto Pasqualini, in two fixed samples stations localized in Canoas (29°55'07" S 51°10'54" 0) and Esteio (29°49'16" S 51°08'09") cities, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. These stations have chemical and biological SO2 emissions monitoring system. The proposed model for the ecologic risk evaluation associates the information from stressors' effects, which come from sulfur compounded gases emissions, at the receptors, that is, the vegetable bioindicator tissue accumulates pollutants (as sulfur) in the plants aerial parts. It was evaluated the following vegetable bioindicators parameters; sulfur concentration accumulated in the plants, chlorophyll a and biomass increased, classified in the study as "answers data". These "answers data" were linked to the SO2 atmosphere concentration, which generate the "consequence data"; Toxic Potential Unit (TPU), Exposure Toxic Unit (ETU) and total sulfation. Based on the environmental quality data "guidelines" and the histograms of frequency it was possible to define the following risks categories: low, medium or high. The integration between the "consequence data" and "answers data" was made using the statistics correspondence multiple variable analysis that demonstrate indications of risks for the vegetation localized around the refinery, when it was exposed an TPU higher than the unit. During the 39 months of monitoring, the Esteio sample station presented 13% of TPU values in the category 3 or high risk. In the Canoas sample station, 26% of the TPU were classified as the high risk. In these two fixed samples stations it was possible measure of TPU effects in the biological variable, as sulfur accumulation in the plants aerial parts, chlorophyll "a" reduction and biomass reduction. Based of this model analysis it will be possible to evaluate the ecological risks significance linked with industrial atmospheric emissions for all biota around the industrial area of study. This model will support others studies on dangerous effects over vegetable around industrial plants that are in similar conditions.

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