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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influencia de la ingeniería geotécnica en la intervención y resultados por niveles de servicio en la carretera Huancavelica – Lircay – Huallapampa – La Mejorada – Acobamba – Puente Allccomachay

Calizaya Vivanco, Juan Alejandro, Lluncor Gallo, Rodrigo Alonso January 2015 (has links)
El objetivo de la tesis es poner en conocimiento la efectividad que tiene la ingeniería Geotécnica para la aprobación de los niveles de servicios en contratos de conservación vial y así poder conllevar un pavimento básico trabajando de forma satisfactoria. En esta investigación se empleo datos proporcionados por la empresa encargada de la carretera “CORREDOR HUANCAVELICA – LIRCAY –EMP-3S (HUALLAPAMPA) Y EMP. PE 3S (LAMEJORADA)-ACOBAMBA –EMP PE-3S (PUENTE ALCOMACHAY)” y de los resultados de los ensayos realizados en la misma carretera. La tesis tiene un Diseño de Investigación Experimental, Longitudinal y Retrospectivo; así mismo, en el Tipo de Investigación es Cuantitativo, Explicativo y Descriptivo. Para comprobar tal situación se analizan los resultados de la evaluación por niveles de servicio del mantenimiento de la carretera y se comparan con los ensayos geotécnicos de la calidad de los materiales usados, proporcionados por la empresa encargada del mantenimiento del corredor vial, para así llegar a la conclusión que mantener una eficiente ingeniería geotécnica conlleva a tener un pavimento básico trabajando adecuadamente. The aim of the thesis is to inform the effectiveness Geotechnical Engineering has to approve the Service Level in Road Maintenance Contracts and so to lead UN Working basic pavement so yes satisfactoria.En esta Employment Research Data provided by Responsible company's "RB Huancavelica. - Lircay -EMP-3S (Huallapampa) and EMP PE 3S (LAMEJORADA) -ACOBAMBA -EMP PE-3S (BRIDGE ALCOMACHAY)" road and the results of tests carried out on the same road. The thesis has a design of Experimental, longitudinal and retrospective research; Even so, in the kind of research it is quantitative explanatory and descriptive. V To check this situation the evaluation results are analyzed by levels of service and road maintenance compared with geotechnical quality testing of used materials provided by the Company that the maintenance of the corridor, Asi para Arrive concluded that maintaining efficient Geotechnical Engineering involves a pavement Having a basic working properly.

Evaluation of probabilistic forecasts in Uppsala and its potential use in winter road maintenance / Utvärdering av probabilistiska väderprognoser i Uppsala och den potentiella användningen inom vinterväghållning

Johansson, Elisabet January 2023 (has links)
Efficient winter road maintenance is crucial for safety and societal function during the winter months in Sweden. This report aims to evaluate the MetCoOp ensemble system CMEPS and investigate its potential use as a basis for formulating criteria for snow removal that accounts for forecasted weather. Today the criteria for activating snow removal in Sweden are static, meaning they start after a set amount of snow and should end within a set time span. The verification metrics rank-histogram, continuously rankprobability score, reliability diagram, and Brier score were used to evaluate temperature and solid precipitation. Observations used as verification were taken at the measuring station Geocentrum in Uppsala during the winters of 2020/2021, 2021/2022, and November-December 2022. The analysis shows the temperature forecast to be under-dispersive and with a cold bias. The ensemble system is shown to be less reliable for predicting temperatures below 0 °C the first 24 hours after the forecast is issued. Still, the forecast generally performs better for short lead times. The forecast overestimates solid and liquid precipitation. The wet bias is greatest for short lead times and long accumulation times. Short lead times are most reliable regarding solid precipitation over 1mm and 3mm. The first 24-30 hours are most important for an application in winter road maintenance, and based on how the forecast system performs for these lead times in this study, it would need calibration. For larger amounts of snow, new criteria could help adjust the starting time and time limits. Before implementing such criteria, practical questions as if dynamic criteria would lead to an improvement and how high the probability threshold should be must be answered. The sample size is also found to be too small, and further analysis is required, especially with data allowing for evaluation of higher thresholds. / En ensembleprognos består av flera prognoser som genom att baseras på något olika information beskriver ett antal möjliga framtida väderutfall. Idag används sannolikhetsprognoser i många delar av samhället då det ger möjligheten att se vilken sannolikhet en viss väderhändelse har. I det här arbetet har ensembleprognosen bestående av 30 medlemmar från MetCoOp utvärderats för temperatur och snö. I rapporten diskuteras även om det finns potential för att sannolikheter om det framtida vädret kan användas i kriterier för att bestämma när åtgärder för snö och is ska påbörjas och avslutas. Effektiv snöröjning och halkbekämpning är samhällsviktiga uppdrag som är kostsamma och kräver mycket planering. Sannolikhetsprognoser används redan som en hjälp för de som jobbar med vinterväghållning, främst för halkbekämpning, men kriterierna är idag fasta och snöröjning påbörjas när en viss mängd snö är uppmätt. Observationer av temperatur, nederbörd och nederbördstyp från mätstationen Geocentrum i Uppsala för vintrarna 2020/2021, 2021/2022 samt november-december 2022 har använts som verifikation. Prognosen har utvärderats med hjälp av rank-histogram, CRPS, reliability diagram och Brier score. Det framgick att temperaturprognosen hade liten och otillräcklig spridning, speciellt för korta ledtider. Ensemblesystemet visade samtidigt ofta för låga temperaturer. Analysen indikerade att mängden fast nederbörd överskattades av prognosen speciellt för 24-timmar ackumulation. Prognosen visade sig vara mest pålitlig för att prognosticera snö över 1mm och 3mm för korta ledtider. Studien visade även på att modellen överskattade regn vilket innebär att ensemblen har svårt att uppskatta nederbörd i allmänhet och inte snö i synnerhet. Prognosen visade sig inte vara pålitlig för att förutsäga om temperaturen 12 och 24 timmar efter observerat snöfall var konsekvent under 0 °C. Analysen är mindre pålitlig på grund av få snöfall under perioden i Uppsala. För att dra säkra slutsatser behöver ytterligare data analyseras med fler snöfall. Det finns dock potential att använda ensemblen från MetCoOp för att formulera kriterier för snöröjning, speciellt om den kalibreras. Med dynamiska kriterier skulle start- och sluttider kunna justeras så att de var anpassade till större snömängder. Det krävs ytterligare undersökning om hur inställningen bland yrkesverksamma ser ut och hur kriterierna skulle se ut i praktiken.

Investigation on road infrastructure, traffic and safety within the Port of Durban

Kunene, Oscar M. January 2013 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment for the degree of Magister Technologiae: Engineering: Civil, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2013. / An increase in road traffic, poor road conditions and high numbers of road accidents are major challenges at the Port of Durban. Roads are considered as the most important transport mode at the Port of Durban. Road transport has taken almost 80% of the import and export cargo while railway transport is left with approximately 20%. It is estimated that 75 million lives in the world will be lost and 750 million people injured in road accidents in the first half of the 21th century. The Port of Durban is an important vehicle for facilitating economic growth of local, regional and national industries. For the Port to maintain global competitiveness with the current trend of globalization, it has to ensure that roads are well maintained, safe and have a smooth traffic flow with no delays. This study provides an overview of the road infrastructure within the Port of Durban in relation to road condition, safety, law enforcement and traffic. Existing and ongoing studies conducted in South Africa and abroad form part of the literature review. This study identifies factors that are affecting the condition of road infrastructure such as growth of container cargo, an increase in the dimension and weight of trucks, transport deregulation, port layout and handling equipments. Deregulation of road transport over the past years has resulted in an 80:20 split between road and rail transport putting more pressure on roads. Cost and time are the major deciding factors in the freight industry. Most customers prefer to use road transport due to the lower cost and reduced time compared to rail transport. There are eight major roads within the Port that connect the South, West and North of eThekwini Municipality namely Bayhead, Quayside, Maydon, Rick Turner, Wisely, South Coast, Bluff and Iran Roads. Asset verification and assessment of the condition of the existing eight major roads found that Quayside Road is in a better condition compared to the other roads. Maydon and South Coast Roads are low rated roads which are in a poor condition. Identification and assessment of the condition of 210 000m² of asphalt paved areas which included minor roads within the Port of Durban was also conducted. Most paved areas and roads fall under D (fair) category which is reasonable but maintenance work may be required within six months. Comparison between the condition of the eight major roads within the Port and outside the Port was investigated. The findings indicate that sections of roads outside the Port are in a better condition than sections within the Port. Traffic counts were conducted in order to determine the utilization of the existing eight major roads. Bayhead and South Coast Road are highly utilized roads. Road accident reports and death reports were analyzed on these roads. Most of the road accidents take place on South Coast Road. A questionnaire survey was conducted, targeting road users who travel on these roads within the Port. Feedback was obtained on the status of road conditions, safety and traffic within the Port of Durban. Findings of this survey revealed that most of the respondents don’t know where to report road defect/s within the Port. Approximately 37.5% of the road users felt not safe to drive on roads within the Port especially on South Coast Road. A high percentage of people (93%) witnessed accidents on these roads. Traffic signals within the Port are maintained by eThekwini Municipality and are very often non-functional. When road signs need to be repaired or replaced, it takes longer than expected. Also, there are limited parking areas around the Port resulting in trucks parking closer to the premises while waiting to collect or deliver cargo. This causes major traffic congestion, for example, on Maydon Road where most trucks park on the side of the road. Recommendations include assessment guidelines that could improve road condition, safety and traffic flow. Areas to be improved with regard to road infrastructure are also highlighted. / M

Road Design for Future Maintenance : Life-cycle Cost Analyses for Road Barriers

Karim, Hawzheen January 2011 (has links)
The cost of a road construction over its service life is a function of design, quality of construction as well as maintenance strategies and operations. An optimal life-cycle cost for a road requires evaluations of the above mentioned components. Unfortunately, road designers often neglect a very important aspect, namely, the possibility to perform future maintenance activities. Focus is mainly directed towards other aspects such as investment costs, traffic safety, aesthetic appearance, regional development and environmental effects. This doctoral thesis presents the results of a research project aimed to increase consideration of road maintenance aspects in the planning and design process. The following subgoals were established: Identify the obstacles that prevent adequate consideration of future maintenance during the road planning and design process; and Examine optimisation of life-cycle costs as an approach towards increased efficiency during the road planning and design process. The research project started with a literature review aimed at evaluating the extent to which maintenance aspects are considered during road planning and design as an improvement potential for maintenance efficiency. Efforts made by road authorities to increase efficiency, especially maintenance efficiency, were evaluated. The results indicated that all the evaluated efforts had one thing in common, namely ignorance of the interrelationship between geometrical road design and maintenance as an effective tool to increase maintenance efficiency. Focus has mainly been on improving operating practises and maintenance procedures. This fact might also explain why some efforts to increase maintenance efficiency have been less successful. An investigation was conducted to identify the problems and difficulties, which obstruct due consideration of maintainability during the road planning and design process. A method called “Change Analysis” was used to analyse data collected during interviews with experts in road design and maintenance. The study indicated a complex combination of problems which result in inadequate consideration of maintenance aspects when planning and designing roads. The identified problems were classified into six categories: insufficient consulting, insufficient knowledge, regulations and specifications without consideration of maintenance aspects, insufficient planning and design activities, inadequate organisation and demands from other authorities. Several urgent needs for changes to eliminate these problems were identified. One of the problems identified in the above mentioned study as an obstacle for due consideration of maintenance aspects during road design was the absence of a model for calculating life-cycle costs for roads. Because of this lack of knowledge, the research project focused on implementing a new approach for calculating and analysing life-cycle costs for roads with emphasis on the relationship between road design and road maintainability. Road barriers were chosen as an example. The ambition is to develop this approach to cover other road components at a later stage. A study was conducted to quantify repair rates for barriers and associated repair costs as one of the major maintenance costs for road barriers. A method called “Case Study Research Method” was used to analyse the effect of several factors on barrier repairs costs, such as barrier type, road type, posted speed and seasonal effect. The analyses were based on documented data associated with 1625 repairs conducted in four different geographical regions in Sweden during 2006. A model for calculation of average repair costs per vehicle kilometres was created. Significant differences in the barrier repair costs were found between the studied barrier types. In another study, the injuries associated with road barrier collisions and the corresponding influencing factors were analysed. The analyses in this study were based on documented data from actual barrier collisions between 2005 and 2008 in Sweden. The result was used to calculate the cost for injuries associated with barrier collisions as a part of the socio-economic cost for road barriers. The results showed significant differences in the number of injuries associated with collisions with different barrier types. To calculate and analyse life-cycle costs for road barriers a new approach was developed based on a method called “Activity-based Life-cycle Costing”. By modelling uncertainties, the presented approach gives a possibility to identify and analyse factors crucial for optimising life-cycle costs. The study showed a great potential to increase road maintenance efficiency through road design. It also showed that road components with low investment costs might not be the best choice when including maintenance and socio-economic aspects. The difficulties and problems faced during the collection of data for calculating life-cycle costs for road barriers indicated a great need for improving current data collecting and archiving procedures. The research focused on Swedish road planning and design. However, the conclusions can be applied to other Nordic countries, where weather conditions and road design practices are similar. The general methodological approaches used in this research project may be applied also to other studies.

Ett stycke på väg : Naturaväghållning med lotter i Västmanlands län ca 1750–1850

Högberg, Tomas January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse how the road allotment system functioned as an institution to mobilise resources and organise the provision of roads. Through this institution every peasant was made responsible for certain parts of a road. The analysis focuses on road repair and maintenance in the Swedish region of Västmanlands län c. 1750–1850. Previous research has described the allotment system as unfair, unprofessional and ineffective in providing a functioning road system and has contrasted it against modern road management based on cash taxes or fees, a central administrative body and professional engineers and workers. The results indicate that the allotment system under certain circumstances helped minimise administrative expenses for mobilising resources and organising work. Through the allotment system local resources throughout the area could be exploited and there was no need to convert tax revenue into output. When roads had been divided into parts it was not necessary to continually plan and manage work efforts, and through the quality inspections punishment could easily be enforced and road standards guaranteed. The allotment model also enabled peasants to perform road work at a convenient time and to make long-term improvements in their road parts. This was only possible when there were no ambiguities concerning limits and occupants of every road section, and a high degree of societal continuity, which was enabled by tying the obligation to homesteads through a constant taxation index. Without these preconditions there was a risk that a section of the road was not maintained at all, making it necessary to redistribute road parts, which was a complicated, time-consuming, and costly process. This was due to difficulties in making small adjustments without influencing all road parts within a large area. Furthermore, an equal distribution of road sections was hard to accomplish since traffic and natural conditions varied, and every part was at a different distance from the gravel pit and from the peasants’ farms. The possibility to mobilise resources within the allotment system was also restricted in time and by the availability of maintenance materials. / Det svenska vägnätets uppbyggnad 1750-1944

Winter Road Maintenance Planning-Decision Support Modelling

Mbiyana, Keegan January 2018 (has links)
Winter in Northern Sweden comes with very harsh and unpredictable condition associated with large amounts of snowfall covering roadways thereby affecting transportation by roads. When the road conditions i.e. the snow depth, road unevenness and friction of the road surface are accessed and found to exceed the threshold, a maintenance action must be carried out to retain the road to the required condition for the user. The aim of maintenance, in this case, is to make the road comfortable, safe and economical for the road user. Decision support system, therefore, comes in handy to facilitate on deciding what maintenance action to carry out and when the action should be carried out, where the action should be carried out and how to go about the action based on the various data and resources available. This thesis project concentrates on how to carry out a winter road maintenance after receiving an alert of an action to carry out, when to carry it out and the road network that needs to be maintained. The thesis work focusses only on two of the winter road maintenance actions namely snow ploughing of bus stops in Luleå and application of abrasives commonly referred to as sanding of bus stops. Carrying out winter road maintenance comes at a huge cost from both direct and indirect costs with the Swedish government spending about SEK 1.75 billion every year as indicated by Jana Sochor and Cecilia Yu (Sochor & Yu, 2004). This means that reduction in the maintenance cost of even 5% through optimisation of the maintenance cost would translate into a saving of about 87.5 million SEK per year and in 10 years could amount to close to 1 billion SEK. Optimization also leads to efficiency and effectiveness that could result in improved movement on the road and reduced environmental and social-economic impacts. Maintenance planning thus becomes essential for the effective and efficient execution of work and utilisation of the available scarce resource. This thesis project focusses on the use of Operations research methods to minimise the cost of carrying out a winter road maintenance action by finding the near optimal or if possible optimal solution and still deliver the required service level. The thesis delivers two main things: It first delivers a framework to support winter road maintenance decision making after an alert of an action is received and secondly an algorithm for the route that minimises the cost of maintenance by providing the route that minimises the travel distance of the ploughing/sanding vehicle from its source depot and back to the depot after completing a maintenance action assuming that the vehicle and material (fuel and sand) are in the same depot. The routes with minimum travel distance will, therefore, be that route that will reduce the labour time and in turn the labour cost, reduce the fuel consumption and the maintenance of the equipment due to reduced usage. The project uses a vehicle routing problem which is a generalised travelling Salesman as the optimisation technique to determine the optimal solution for the allocation of resources for carrying out a maintenance action to facilitate efficient utilisation of the available resources. This is with the help of a commercial optimisation software and support tools namely ArcGIS. To come up with the algorithm, the first step was a digital representation of the vehicle road network in Luleå for network analysis after which the bus stops were imported from google earth into the network. A two-stage optimisation was then carried out: first was a model for route optimisation based on the road network in ArcGIS with the objective function to minimise the travel distance and constraints based on the available resources. The results of ii the model were then exported into excel for the second optimisation for the optimal cost of maintenance done through a developed excel algorithm. The total cost of maintenance comprised direct and indirect cost. The direct cost consisted of the cost of fuel, the cost of personnel and the cost of hiring vehicles while the indirect cost results from the penalty fee charged for sanding and ploughing a bus stop after the threshold time given to a maintenance contractor by the municipality. Any bus stop that is ploughed after the threshold attracts a penalty per hour of the exceeded time. Six penalty threshold times were considered i.e. 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes and a single parameter deterministic sensitivity analysis was carried out for each cost parameters to determine the sensitivity of the total maintenance cost. The more relaxed penalty thresholds were found to be less sensitive to the direct cost and the total maintenance cost compared to the more sensitive ones. When the penalty threshold is relaxed, the optimal maintenance cost reduces, and the required number of vehicles reduces. The cost of vehicle hire was found to be more sensitive than the other costs. The results of this project can help the maintenance contractor in developing a work schedule for the maintenance personnel and improve vehicle fleet management. By modelling the worst scenario, a contractor can plan for the maximum number of vehicles required and consequently the personnel required. With the optimal travel route for each vehicle and the total maintenance cost determined, maintenance contractors can determine the sustainability and profitability of their business and be able to negotiate for a better and more sustainable agreement (Contract) or for the relaxation of the penalty threshold time if it does not affect the service level required i.e. the quality and safety requirements. The approach used in this project can also be used for other winter road maintenance problems.

Propuesta de gestión para mantener la rugosidad dentro de los niveles de servicio del contrato de concesión

Lluncor Gallo, Robert Alexander, Salcedo Barrios, Richard Gerardo January 2015 (has links)
La presente investigación lleva como título “Propuesta de Gestión para mantener la Rugosidad dentro de los Niveles de Servicio del contrato de concesión”. La investigación se enfoca en dar una alternativa de gestión que asegure mantener los niveles de servicio en lo referente a la calidad del pavimento cuando la carretera se encuentra en estado de conservación reduciendo el costo que se va a invertir en años futuros teniendo como base datos obtenidos desde el año 2010 al 2015. El deterioro prematuro del pavimento se ve afectado cuando no se tiene un plan de conservación adecuado que conlleve a programar y ejecutar actividades de mantenimiento rutinario y periódico con la finalidad de mantener los niveles de servicio en carreteras concesionadas. Esto conlleva que la condiciones de las redes viales se encuentren por debajo de lo que resulta deseable y conveniente, presentando un ciclo vicioso de la vía (Construcción – Abandono – Destrucción – Reconstrucción). La investigación es de tipo cuantitativo no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional y explicativo. Su diseño es longitudinal ya que tiene como referencia datos obtenidos desde el año 2010 al 2015. Se analizaron dos propuestas de gestión de conservación vial teniendo como base los datos procesados de los años 2010 al 2015 para obtener una alternativa que logre cumplir con el objetivo principal de ésta investigación. Finalmente se concluye que es posible formular una propuesta de gestión vial que permita optimizar el presupuesto de mantenimiento en los años proyectados conservando la calidad del pavimento. Analizando la posibilidad y conveniencia de postergar el mantenimiento periódico considerando que los valores de rugosidad, estén dentro de los niveles admisibles reemplazándolo por intervenciones de menor costo. This research is entitled "Management Proposal to maintain the roughness within Service Level concession contract." The research focuses on providing an alternative management to ensure maintain service levels in terms of the quality of the pavement when the road condition in reducing the cost to be reversed in future years on the basis of data from 2010 to 2015. Premature pavement deterioration is affected when there is no proper conservation plan that may lead to program and implement activities of routine and periodic maintenance in order to maintain service levels in toll roads. This means that the conditions of the road networks are below what is desirable and convenient, featuring a vicious cycle route (Construction - Abandonment - Destruction - Reconstruction). The research is not experimental, descriptive, correlational and quantitative explanatory. Its design is longitudinal and whose reference data from 2010 to 2015. Two proposals for road maintenance management on the basis of processed data for the years 2010 to 2015 for an alternative that would meet the main objective of this research is analyzed. Finally we conclude that it is possible to formulate a proposal for road management for optimizing the maintenance budget in projected years preserving the quality of the pavement. Analyzing the possibility and desirability of postponing regular maintenance considering that the roughness values, are within acceptable levels by replacing lower-cost interventions.

Beräkningsmodell för ekonomiska och miljömässiga effekter vid grusvägsunderhåll / Calculation model for the economic and environmental effects during gravel road maintenance

Svensson, Nea January 2020 (has links)
En beräkningsmodell utvecklas för att skatta miljöpåverkan och ekonomiska effekter vid vägunderhållet grusning. Beräkningsmodellen används för att kunna jämföra alternativa metoder för grusning. Beräkningsmodellen testas genom ett testscenario med tre alternativa metoder för grusning. I alternativ ett används nytt grus och i alternativ två och tre används återvunnet grus. Studiens resultat visar att beräkningsmodellen kan användas för att skatta kostnad och miljöbelastning. Testscenariot visar att det är ekonomiskt och miljömässigt fördelaktigt att använda återvunnet grus vid grusning. Ur ett samhällsperspektiv är det viktigt att belysa fördelarna med att använda återvunnet grus, då detta kan motivera att fler faktiskt väljer detta alternativ och då brytning av naturgrus är en energikrävande process som påverkar miljön negativt. Studiens syfte är att skapa förståelse för miljömässiga och ekonomiska effekter vid återvinning av grus vid grusvägsunderhåll. För att uppnå syftet genomförs en fallstudie som besvarar frågeställningen hur miljömässiga och ekonomiska effekter kan skattas på grusvägsunderhåll. / A calculation model is developed to estimate the environmental impact and economic effects of gravel road maintenance. The purpose of the calculation model is to be able to compare alternative methods for graveling. The calculation model is tested through a test scenario with three alternative methods for graveling. In alternative one, new gravel is used and in alternatives two and three recycled gravel is used. The study's results show that the model calculation can be used to estimate cost and environmental impact. The test scenario shows that it is economically and environmentally advantageous to use recycled gravel in graveling. From a societal perspective, it is important to highlight the benefits of using recycled gravel, as this may motivate more people to actually choose this alternative. Because mining of natural gravel is an energy-intensive process that has a negative impact on the environment. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of the environmental and economic effects of recycling of gravel during gravel road maintenance. To achieve this, a case study is conducted that answers the question how environmental and economic impacts can be estimated on gravel road maintenance.

Anläggningsförrättningar av kommunalt förvaltade enskilda vägar : Väghållningens påverkan vid övergång från kommunal till enskild förvaltning

Antman, Robert, Eriksson-Asp, Ivan January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie utgör ett examensarbete på kandidatnivå vid Lantmätarprogrammet med ekonomisk/juridisk inriktning på Högskolan i Gävle.  Kommuner i Sverige förvaltar och bekostar väghållningen av enskilda vägar frivilligt, trots att det ansvaret egentligen ska vara ålagt fastighetsägarna. En av orsakerna till att det förekommer är de stora kommunsammanslagningarna som ägde rum på 60- och 70-talet, som gjorde att de kvarvarande kommunerna tog över förvaltningen av de enskilda vägarna. Över tid kan kommuner besluta att återlämna dessa frivilligt förvaltade enskilda vägar till fastighetsägarna. Återlämnandet sker genom anläggningsförrättningar för att säkerställa en långsiktigt fungerande förvaltning. Syftet med denna studie är att utreda anläggningsförrättningar som skett avseende övergångar från kommunal till enskild förvaltning av enskilda vägar. Målet är att få fram ett kunskapsunderlag, som svenska kommuner och lantmäterimyndigheter i förrättningsprocesser kan förhålla sig till, gällande enskilda vägar som tidigare haft kommunal förvaltning. För att uppnå syftet och målet har fem sakkunniga och fem samfällighetsföreningar intervjuats. Dessa intervjuer ger värdefull information från såväl experter i ämnet som från fastighetsägare intill vägen. Fem förrättningsakter har granskats för att ge en djupare förståelse för förrättningsprocessen och för att komplettera intervjuerna.  Det framgår av studien att väghållningen, i de granskade och intervjuade fallen, oftast blir bättre när en enskild väg övergår från kommunal till enskild förvaltning. Ibland kvarstår det dock irritationer hos fastighetsägarna efter förrättningsprocessens avslutande, men detta har inte visats kunna påverka väghållningen negativt. För att åstadkomma en smidig förrättningsprocess som möjliggör en ändamålsenlig förvaltning bör kommunerna bistå fastighetsägarna i ansökningsskedet. Som utgångspunkt bör den statliga lantmäterimyndigheten handlägga denna typ av ärenden, även om det finns en kommunal lantmäterimyndighet att tillgå, för att uppnå en bättre objektivitet och neutralitet. Slutligen är det viktigt att förrättningsprocessen präglas av kommunikation, dialog och tydlighet, för att på så sätt få fastighetsägarna införstådda i situationen. / This study is a bachelor thesis at the Study Programme in Land Management with financial/legal orientation at the University of Gävle.  Municipalities in Sweden are voluntarily responsible for road maintenance and financing of private roads, even though the actual responsibility is imposed on the property owners. One of the reasons behind these occurrences is the mergers of the municipalities that took place in the sixties and seventies, which made the remaining municipalities take over the management of the private roads. Over the decades, municipalities may decide to return these voluntarily managed private roads to the property owners. The returning of these private roads to the property owners is done through facility procedures to secure a long-lasting road maintenance.  The aim of this study is to investigate these types of facility procedures that have occurred in reference to transitions from municipal to private management of private roads. The objective is to create a base of knowledge that the Swedish municipalities and cadastral authorities can use when working with these kinds of phenomenon. To reach the aim and objective, interviews have been done with five experts in the field and with five joint property management associations. These interviews provide valuable information from both experts and property owners. Five cadastral dossiers have been analysed to give a deeper understanding of the cadastral process and to supplement the interviews.  The study shows that the road maintenance, in the analysed and the interviewed cases, often gets better when a private road’s management transfers from municipal to private. The property owners sometimes remain frustrated after the ending of the cadastral process, but this frustration has not been shown to affect the road maintenance in a negative way. In order to achieve a smooth cadastral process that leads to an appropriate management, the municipalities should assist the property owners with the application. As a starting point, the State cadastral authority should handle these types of cases to achieve better objectivity and neutrality, even though there is a municipal cadastral authority available. It is at last important that the cadastral process include communication, dialogue and clarity, and by doing so making the property owners aware of the situation.

Haul road defect identification and condition assessment using measured truck response

Hugo, Daniel 16 July 2008 (has links)
Mine haul road maintenance is traditionally done at scheduled intervals or after regular inspection. Both these methods can lead to unwarranted expenditure, either through over-maintaining the road, or failure to recognise significant deterioration, resulting in an increase in vehicle operating costs. Predictive maintenance management models for unpaved roads have been developed in recent years. These methods work well in a trivial environment where variables such as traffic volume can be predicted. However, many mining systems are too complex for such models to be effective. This work investigates the possibility of using haul truck response to aid haul road maintenance management. The approach adopted for the study was twofold: Firstly, can truck response data be used to recognise specific road defects, in terms of location, type and size? This is important since different defect types require different road maintenance strategies. Secondly, can road roughness be measured on a qualitative basis? With the emphasis on road defect reconstruction, a mathematical modelling approach was adopted. The truck was characterised in terms of its suspension and tyre properties. Dynamic truck response data was acquired during field measurements in which the vehicle was driven over defects of known dimensions. With these data sets available, mathematical modelling and simulation was possible. Quarter vehicle and seven degree of freedom vehicle models played a vital role in this work by laying a foundation in the use of haul truck response for the purpose of road defect reconstruction. A modelling methodology that is based on dynamic equilibrium of an independent front unsprung mass of the truck is proposed in which the vertical dynamic tyre force and eventually the road geometry is calculated. It is shown that defects can be reconstructed from measured truck response data with an accuracy sufficient to fulfil the requirements of defect recognition for road maintenance management purposes. Secondly, a preliminary investigation into the qualitative assessment of road condition via truck response measurements was conducted. The inherent response properties of the truck pertaining to road roughness measurement were studied and some correlation between measured suspension motion and road roughness measured with a high speed profilometer was found. / Dissertation (MEng (Mechanical))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted

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